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Basis of Our Affiliation With Prophet (Saw) : Significance of The Topic

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Significance of the Topic:

The hope to be recommended for salvation by Prophet (SAW) in hereafter is something
many of us do rely upon. There would be a few from whom Prophet (saw) will disassociate

“One, who gave up my Sunnah deliberately, is not affiliated to me.”

The existing state of our affiliation:
 Expressing verbally and in writing, deep devotion and love with him (saw)
 Holding Seerah Conferences every year in Rabi ul Awwal
 Celebrating the birth of the Prophet (saw) with huge processions every year

Basis of affiliation with Prophet (saw) vis-à-vis Qur’an:

“So those who believe in him (Muhammad [saw]), honor him, help him and
follow the light (Qur’an), which has been sent down with him, it is they who will
be successful.” (Al-A’araaf: 157)
According to this A’ayah there are four basis of our affiliation with Prophet (saw):
i. To believe in him ii. To honor him
iii. To help him iv To follow Qur’an


Believing in the Prophet (SAW) means to testify to the following facts:
 He (saw) is the last Prophet and Messenger of Allah (swt).
 He (saw) is the Messenger for all humanity destined to come before hereafter.
 The last expression of Allah, Al-Qur’an, descended on Him (saw) is preserved

Two grades of Belief:

i. Legal belief i.e. Verbal affirmation

ii. Real belief i.e. Heart felt testification

 To be a real believer in hereafter, verbal as well as heart felt attestation is necessary.

Do we have real belief?

“None of you can be a true believer, unless all his personal desires
are not complying to the guidance, I have brought.”(Mishkat)


 The real belief in the Prophet (saw) will lead to his honor and respect.
“O you who believe! do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet
(saw), and do not speak loud to him in talk as you speak loud to one another, lest
your deeds become null and you do not perceive.” (Al-Hujraat: 2)
Imagine! All good deeds can go waste by raising voices over the voice of Prophet (saw),
Realize! What would be the result of his (saw) disobedience?

 The ultimate result of honor for Prophet (saw) is ‘Ittebaa’, i.e., to act according to the
willingness of Prophet (saw)
Ittebaa = Obedience + Love

1st component of Ittebaa: Obedience of Prophet (saw)

 Allah’s obedience is subject to the obedience of Messenger (saw).
“Whoever obeys the Messenger (saw), he indeed obeys Allah.”
(An’Nisa: 80)
2nd component of ‘Ittebaa’: Love for Prophet (saw)
“None of you can be a real believer, unless I become dearest to him even more
than his parents, children and all the people.” (Bukhari & Muslim)
Importance of ‘Ittebaa’ in Qur’aan:
“O Prophet! Tell them ‘If you love Allah? Obey and love me’ Allah will
love you and forgive your sins.” (Aal-e-Imran: 31)
Our situation:
 Avoidance of the prescribed obligations
 Carelessness for ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’
 Huge processions
This situation was narrated by prophet (saw) in these words:
“Allah (swt) did not send any Prophet before me for an Ummah, but, he used to have
some apostles and companions they would exactly follow his ways and orders. Later on,
people who succeed them do not act upon what they say and only act upon something
what never is ordained. So whosoever will strive against them with his hands will be
counted as a true believer, whosoever will strive against them with his tongue will be
regarded as believer and whosoever will strive against them with his heart will be
regarded as believer. After that not an iota of Iman worth consideration.”


How to help the Prophet (saw)?
For helping Prophet (saw) we should know the mission of Prophet (saw). The mission of
prophet (saw) was:
1. To call towards way of Allah for saving mankind from the hellfire
“O Prophet! Tell them, this is my way, I call to Allah”
(Yousuf: 108)
2. To establish Allah’s Deen for saving mankind from unjust exploitive system
“He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad [saw]) with guidance and the Deen
of truth (Just system) to dominate it over all (other) systems.”
(At’Tauba: 33, Al-Fatha: 28, As’Saff: 9)

“I am commanded to establish a just order between you.”

(Ash’Shura: 15)
Arena of helping the Prophet (SAW):

1. Calling towards way of Allah: Mankind has the need of Divine Guidance. It is our
duty to convey Divine Guidance to the humanity, “You are the best of peoples ever
raised up for mankind, you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in
(Aal-e-Imran: 110)
2. Establishment of Allah (swt’s) Deen: Islam offers the just and fair code of life, which
is not in practice, therefore mankind is under constant oppression. It is our obligation to
stand up as the torchbearers of this just system.
“O you who belief! Standup firmly for justice.”
(An’Nisa: 135)
 The calling for and establishment of Deen is an agreed upon Sunnah of the Holy
Prophet (saw).
 The mission of the Holy Prophet (saw) i.e. calling towards way of Allah and
striving for establishment of His Deen, will be continued till the commencement of
Qayamah. The completion of the mission of Prophet (saw) is now incumbent upon
Muslim Ummah.


After the Holy Prophet his locum tenens is Qur’aan

 At Hujjat ul Wida he (saw) said: “I am leaving among you something (Qur’aan), as
long as you remain committed to it, you will not be ruined or go astray.” (Muslim)

Meaning of following the Qur’aan:

To follow Qur’aan means to fulfill its five obligations:
1. To believe that Qur’aan is an oration of Allah (swt)
2. To regularly recite Qur’aan (with slow thoughtful & correct pronunciation)
3. To understand the Qur’aan
4. To act upon the Guidance of Qur’aan
5. To convey the Message of Qur’aan

“O people of the Qur’an! Do not make the Qur’an a pillow (a resting

refuge and that you put it behind your back), recite it day and night in
the way it should be recited, propagate it, read it with pleasing harmonic
voice, ponder over its meaning so that you may prosper.” (Behaqi)

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