Robert E. Thurman
Division of Medical Genetics
Department of Genome Sciences
University of Washington
February 5, 2007
R∞ ψ(t) is the wavelet
R ∞ function of choice, satisfying the basic properties
ψ(u), du = 0 and −∞
ψ (u), du = 1. Simple examples of ψ(t) include the
Haar wavelet and the so-called “Mexican hat” wavelet. The wavelet coefficient
W (a, s) captures information about the local behavior of x at scale a near time
(genomic position, in our case) s.
The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) can be thought of as a discretization
of the CWT across evenly-spaced values of t and dyadic scales aj = 2j δ, where
δ is the resolution of x(t). For fixed level J (scale 2J δ), the DWT allows for a
x= Dj + SJ , (1)
of x into a sum of the wavelet smooth SJ and wavelet details Dj , each of which
is a time series the same length as x. Each Dj represents the local variation in
x at scale 2j δ while Sj = x − j=1 Dj can be thought of as a smoothed version
of x, with the details at lower scales removed. The MODWT (maximal overlap
DWT) [1] is a modification of the DWT that also gives rise to the multiresolution
Figure 1: DNaseI sensitivity, ENCODE region ENm005 on chr21.
analysis (1) but which, among other things, allows input sequences x of arbitrary
length (the DWT requires length of x to be a power of two), at the cost of
requiring more, redundant, intermediary wavelet coefficients. HMMSeg uses
the Daubechies “least asymetric” LA(8) wavelet filter (discrete analog of the
wavelet function ψ), with reflection boundary conditions. The LA(8) wavelet is
considered a good general-purpose wavelet whose “width” (8) strikes a balance
between providing smooth approximations with few artifacts, and minimal edge
effects at the boundaries of the data [1].
As an example, Figure 1 contains a plot of DNaseI sensitivity measured as
part of the ENCODE project [3] in ENCODE region ENm005 on chromosome
21. The data have been interpolated to give equally-spaced values at every
50bp. Figure 2 shows the MRA decomposition of the same signal at the 6.4kb
scale (level J = 7), using the LA(8) wavelet. Figure 3 shows an enlargement
of the 6.4kb scale smooth. Only the smooth portion of the MRA is output by
[1] Donald B. Percival and Andrew T. Walden. Wavelet Methods for Time Series
Analysis. Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics. Cam-
bridge University Press, 2000.
[2] C. Torrence and G.P. Compo. A practical guide to wavelet analysis. Bulletin of
the American Meteorological Society, 79(1):61–78, 1998.
[3] ENCODE Consortium. The ENCODE pilot project: functional annotation of 1%
of the human genome. Submitted, 2006.
Figure 2: MRA for the DNaseI data. Top to bottom, details D1 . . . , D7 ; smooth
S7 .
Figure 3: DNaseI original signal, top; 6.4kb wavelet smooth, bottom