Lecture Notes 2 Rotations in Index Notation: J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J
Lecture Notes 2 Rotations in Index Notation: J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J
Lecture Notes 2 Rotations in Index Notation: J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J
Physics Department
A j = Aj êj ,
A (2.2)
where êjj is the result of rotating êj counterclockwise by an angle φ about the z-axis. The
vectors êjj can be expressed in terms of the basis vectors êj by drawing a diagram:
8.07 LECTURE NOTES 2, FALL 2012 p. 2
When Rij is written as a matrix, the first index (in this case i) labels the rows, and the
second index (j in this case) labels the columns. By substituting Eq. (2.4) into Eq. (2.2),
we find
A j = Aj êi Rij ,
or, by reordering the factors,
A j = (Rij Aj ) êi .
A (2.6)
A j are defined by
The components Aji of the vector A
A j = Aj êi ,
A (2.7)
where the rules for matrix multiplication are equivalent to the sum over j.
As an aside,* I mention that it is not difficult to generalize Eq. (2.5) to describe a
rotation about the direction of n̂, where n̂ is an arbitrary unit vector. Eq. (2.5) describes
rotations for n̂i = δi3 , so we can try to rewrite Eq. (2.5) in terms of n̂. If we start with
the matrix elements on the diagonal, we can get those right by writing
The off-diagonal elements are not so obvious. We want R21 = −R12 = sin φ, while the
other off-diagonal terms should vanish. With a little thought, we see that we can build
such an expression out of n̂ and the Levi-Civita symbol:
R(n̂, φ)ij = δij cos φ + n̂i n̂j (1 − cos φ) − εijk n̂k sin φ . (2.10)
By inspection, we can see that Eq. (2.10) agrees with Eq. (2.5) for the special case n̂ = êz .
But any other case is just a rotation of this case. If we knew just a little more about
rotational invariance than we are going to include in this course, we would be able to
conclude that both sides of Eq. (2.10) behave the same way under rotations; that is,
they behave as tensors. Thus, if the equation is valid for the coordinate system in which
the rotation axis is the z-axis, then it is also valid in any rotated system, where n̂ is an
arbitrary unit vector.
* An “aside” means that if you have trouble following this part, you can safely ignore
it. It will not be needed for the rest of the course, and will not appear on any exams.
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