Elements of Drama Large Poster
Elements of Drama Large Poster
Elements of Drama Large Poster
Audience Engagement
The circumstances the characters
The actor-audience relationship.
are in.
The frame directing the attention of
Aural devices that enhance the
the audience & between performers.
performance by building tension.
It is also the concentration and
belief of the performer.
Language The shape of the stage/performance
Verbal & non-verbal space & use of the spatial design
communication on the stage. between performers & the audience.
The control & manipulation of
tempo in the main dramatic The framework the content is
moments. presented through.
Movement Symbol
Movement dictates situations, Meaning created through symbols
roles and relationships through via language, movement, gesture,
physical action. objects, design and staging.
Place The force that engages the
Where the action occurs. performers & the audience.
Rhythm Time
Manipulation of timing through The period in which the dramatic
pace and tempo. action occurs.
Dramatic Meaning