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SM SAA6D170E-5.pdf-68-79 PDF

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SEN00197-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Intake and exhaust system 1

Air cleaner 1
ERB type
[Air cleaner of automatic exhaust gas discharge type (Radial seal type)]

a The shape is subject to machine models.

A: Air inlet
B: To turbocharger (Intake air)
C: To muffler (Dust)

1. Inner element 4. Tube

2. Outer element 5. Pre-cleaner
3. Check valve 6. Air cleaner body

Applicable Method of discharging Number of ele-

Engine Type
machine dust from pre-cleaner ments
Automatic discharge 1 inner element
SAA6D170E-5 PC1250-8 Komaclone, multi-cyclone (ERB type)
(Exhaust ejector) 1 outer element

4 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00197-01

FRG type
[Air cleaner of cyclone pack type with evacuator valve (Radial seal type)]

a The shape is subject to machine models.

1. Inlet 6. Evacuator valve

2. Outlet 7. Dust pan
3. Guide vane 8. Guide plate (Sleeve)
4. Primary element 9. Body
5. Safety element 10. Element

Number of
Engine Applicable machine Type Evacuator valve
HD465-7 1 inner cylinder,
SAA6D170E-5 FRG (Radial seal type) Automatic discharge
HD605-7 1 outer cylinder

Structure Operation
q The size of the body is reduced from the con- q Air containing dust is sucked in vertically
ventional type without changing the diameter through inlet (1) and the dust is separated by
of the element. the centrifugal effect of guide vane (3).
q Since the inlet is set in the tangential direction, q More than 99.9% of the dust is removed by pri-
air is given sufficient centrifugal force by the mary element (4) and clean air is sucked in the
simple spiral guide vane, not by the guide engine through safety element (5) and outlet
plate. (2).
q The dust and water separated by guide vane
(3) swirl along the inside wall of body (9) and
enter evacuator valve (6) and then are dis-
charged out automatically.

170E-5 Series 5
SEN00197-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Turbocharger 1
Model name: KTR130E (Water-cooled)

6 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00197-01

A: Intake air inlet Structure and operation of turbocharger

B: Intake air outlet q The turbocharger has turbine impeller (6)
C: Exhaust gas inlet which is rotated by the high-speed exhaust
D: Exhaust gas outlet gas. Blower impeller (11) on the same shaft
E: Oil inlet with the turbine impeller is also rotated to
F: Oil outlet supercharge the engine with air.
G: Coolant q The shaft connecting the turbine impeller and
blower impeller is usually made in one unit
1. Blower housing together with the turbine impeller. The blower
2. V-band impeller is fixed with a nut to the opposite shaft
3. Center housing end of the turbine impeller.
4. Shield q The shaft rotates at very high speed of 50,000
5. Turbine housing – 100,000 rpm and receives the thrust load
6. Turbine impeller generated by the intake air and exhaust gas
7. Seal ring and applied to the impellers.
8. Journal bearing q Accordingly, the shaft is supported on cylindri-
9. Thrust bearing cal floating journal bearing (8) and thrust bear-
10. Seal ring ing (9).
11. Blower impeller q Center housing (3) supports the bearings and
has oil passages to lubricate the bearings.
Specifications q The lubricated parts, exhaust side, and air
Model: KOMATSU KTR130E intake side are sealed by seal rings (7), (10).
(Water-cooled) q Turbine housing (5) houses turbine impeller (6)
Overall length: 343 mm and leads the exhaust gas from the exhaust
Overall width: 390 mm manifold to the turbine impeller. The exhaust
Overall height: 344 mm gas rotates the impeller at high speed and
Weight: 35.5 kg flows out of the engine.
q Blower housing (1) houses blower impeller and
leads the sucked air to the blower impeller.
The air compressed by the blower impeller is
fed forcibly to the engine.

Lubrication of turbocharger
q Engine oil supplied from above center housing
(3) lubricates each bearing and sliding part,
and then returns through the hole at the bottom
of the center housing to the engine oil pan.

170E-5 Series 7
SEN00197-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Model name: KTR130E

8 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00197-01

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard Repair limit
1 End play (Play in axial direction)
0.08 – 0.13 0.18
Replace core
2 Radial play (Play in radial direction) 0.36 – 0.55 0.77 assembly
Clearance between blower housing
3 Clearance limit (Min.): 0.18
and impeller

170E-5 Series 9
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00197-01

EGR system 1

No. Component part Function

• Controls the gas flow from the exhaust system to the air intake system.
EGR valve (driven hydrau-
1 • Since the exhaust pressure (PEX) is higher than the boost pressure (PIN), the
exhaust gas flows to the air intake valve.
• Opens the bypass valve when the boost pressure (PIN) is higher than the exhaust
pressure (PEX).
2 Bypass valve ( 1)
• Makes the intake air flow to the exhaust side to increase the exhaust pressure so
that the exhaust gas will be returned to the air intake side easily.
3 EGR cooler • Lowers the exhaust temperature and returns the exhaust gas to the air intake side.
4 Venturi system • Generates negative pressure with the venturi effect and takes in the exhaust gas.
• Controls the EGR according to the operating condition.
5 Each sensor
• Troubleshoots the system.
1: There may not be equipped according to the machine model.

q The exhaust gas is kept clean by sensing each
part of the EGR circuit and controlling the EGR
rate according to the operating condition.
q Since the EGR circuit is monitored and trouble-
shooted, a serious trouble is prevented.

170E-5 Series 11
SEN00197-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

a The above illustration shows the engine for HD465-7 and HD605-7.

12 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00197-01

1. EGR valve
2. Bypass valve
3. EGR cooler
4. Venturi system
5. EGR valve position sensor
6. Bypass valve position sensor ( 1)
7. Bypass piping ( 1)
8. EGR piping
9. EGR oil pump

q The engine controller outputs signals for open-
ing EGR valve (1) most properly according to
the load on the engine to attain both clean
exhaust gas and low fuel consumption.
q If EGR valve (1) opens, a part of the exhaust
gas (EGR gas) flows from the exhaust mani-
fold through EGR piping (8) to EGR cooler (3).
q The exhaust gas cooled by EGR cooler (3)
flows through EGR valve (1) and mixes with
the intake air in venturi system (4), and then
flows in the air intake manifold.
q In the operating range where the boost pres-
sure is higher than the exhaust pressure on the
high load side, the EGR gas does not flow to
the air intake side easily. At this time, the
engine controller opens bypass valve (2). ( 1)
q If bypass valve (2) opens, the intake air flows
through bypass piping (7). As a result, the
exhaust pressure rises and more EGR gas
mixes with the intake air. ( 1)

1: There may not be equipped according to the

machine model.

170E-5 Series 13
SEN00197-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

EGR valve and bypass valve

A: Oil inlet 1. Stick prevention device

B: Oil outlet 2. Oil pressure control valve
C: EGR gas passage (EGR valve) 3. Solenoid
D: Boost air passage (Bypass valve) ( 1) 4. Position sensor
5. Hydraulic piston
6. Spring
7. Valve

Function q Valve (7) is closed by spring (6) but pushed

q The EGR valve controls the EGR gas. open by hydraulic piston (5) to an opening ratio
q This valve is driven hydraulically and its open- in proportion to the control oil pressure.
ing ratio is controlled electronically. q The valve opening ratio is sensed with position
sensor (4) installed to hydraulic piston (5) and
Operation set to the specified opening ratio by controlling
q The oil pressure (engine oil) of 1.47 MPa {15 the solenoid current.
kg/cm2} supplied to oil inlet (A) is reduced by q The bypass valve assists the EGR gas by
oil pressure control valve (2). increasing the exhaust pressure. ( 1)
q Hydraulic piston (5) generates pressing force q The structure and operation of the EGR
from the reduced oil pressure. bypass valve are the same as those of the
q The control oil pressure can be changed with EGR valve.
the drive current of solenoid (3).
1: There may not be equipped according to the
machine model.

14 170E-5 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00197-01

EGR cooler

A: EGR gas inlet D: Coolant outlet

B: EGR gas outlet E: Air bleeder
C: Coolant inlet

1. Heat exchange tube (Corrugated tube)

q The EGR cooler cools the high-temperature
EGR gas taken out of the exhaust gas to
increase the gas density, or the EGR effi-

q The EGR cooler is a multi-tube heat
exchanger. When the high-temperature EGR
gas flows through heat exchange tube (1), it is
cooled by the coolant flowing outside of the
q Heat exchange tube (1) is made of corrosion-
resistant stainless steel and corrugated to
increase the cooling efficiency.

170E-5 Series 15
SEN00197-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Venturi system

A: Air inlet 1. Venturi nozzle

B: EGR gas inlet 2. Throat
3. Diffuser

q The EGR gas and intake air mix together in the
venturi system.
q The venturi system consists of throat (2), ven-
turi nozzle (1), and diffuser (3).

q The boost pressure increased by the turbo-
charger is set negative temporarily with the
venturi effect of the throat to take the EGR gas
into the intake air through venturi nozzle (1).
q When the mixture of the EGR gas and intake
air flows through diffuser (3), its pressure is
increased again to the normal level and then it
flows in the intake manifold.

16 170E-5 Series

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