Rapid Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay For Detection of The Algal Toxin Domoic Acid
Rapid Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay For Detection of The Algal Toxin Domoic Acid
Rapid Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay For Detection of The Algal Toxin Domoic Acid
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ABSTRACT Domoic acid (DA) is a potent toxin produced by bloom-forming phytoplankton in the genus Pseudo-nitzschia,
which is responsible for causing amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) in humans. ASP symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and in
more severe cases confusion, loss of memory, disorientation, and even coma or death. This paper describes the development and
validation of a rapid, sensitive, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test kit for detecting DA using a monoclonal antibody. The
assay gives equivalent results to those obtained using standard high performance liquid chromatography, fluorenylmethox-
ycarbonyl high performance liquid chromatography, or liquid chromatography—mass spectrometry methods. It has a linear
range from 0.1–3 ppb and was used successfully to measure DA in razor clams, mussels, scallops, and phytoplankton. The assay
requires approximately 1.5 h to complete and has a standard 96-well format where each strip of eight wells is removable and can be
stored at 4C until needed. The first two wells of each strip serve as an internal control eliminating the need to run a standard curve.
This allows as few as 3 or as many as 36 duplicate samples to be run at a time enabling real-time sample processing and limiting
degradation of DA, which can occur during storage. There was minimal cross-reactivity in this assay with glutamine, glutamic
acid, kainic acid, epi- or iso-DA. This accurate, rapid, cost-effective, assay offers environmental managers and public health
officials an effective tool for monitoring DA concentrations in environment samples.
KEY WORDS: ASP, domoic acid poisoning, ELISA, mussels, scallops, razor clams, test kit
by centralized state facilities with results typically not available are causes for public health concern. The average cost of
for 3–14 days after the samples are collected. In more remote approximately $100 per sample limits the number of samples
communities, many of which depend heavily on subsistence that can be analyzed (Harold Rourk, WA State Department of
clam harvests, these long delays and the costs of sample analysis Health, pers. comm.). Resource managers in coastal communi-
ties have expressed their desire for a cost-effective method for
rapid and accurate determination of DA concentrations in
shellfish and phytoplankton samples. This paper describes the
development and optimization of a robust monoclonal anti-
body based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test
kit for DA that will meet management needs for rapid detection
of DA in environmental samples.
DA-HRP Conjugate
Domoic Acid Standards the concentration ratio of anti-DA antibody and DA–HRP
conjugates are standardized within reagent lots, the kinetics of
The DA standards used to calibrate the assay were pur-
the reaction were fixed between assay runs (assuming constant
chased from the Certified Reference Materials Program at the
temperature), such that the slope and ED50 values remain
National Research Council of Canada Institute for Marine
constant. This made it possible to calculate DA concentrations
Biosciences (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada).
using the four parameter model.
Assay Calibration DA concentration ¼ ED50 ½ðBo =BÞ 1slope
A series of dose response curves using varying amounts of Because the slope and ED50 are constants, all that was needed to
antibody and DA-HRP were performed to optimize the assay calculate the DA concentrations was an accurate Bo and the B
sensitivity. The optimal assay conditions were found to have an estimates from individual samples. In the assay, the mean value
effective linear range from approximately 0.1–3.0 ppb. These for Bo for each strip of wells was determined by adding sample
conditions were used in all the subsequent phases of assay dilution buffer lacking DA to the first two wells in that strip.
development. The antibody was also tested for cross-reactivity Duplicate aliquots from each of three extracted samples diluted
with varying concentrations of kainic acid, glutamine and with sample buffer were then added to the six remaining wells to
glutamic acid. These compounds are structurally similar to obtain the B values. Duplicates were run to ensure assay
various portions of DA molecule and have the potential to replicability. It should be noted that Bo (the maximal value
cross-react with anti-DA mAbs. Glutamine and glutamic acid, with no DA added) can have noticeable variation between
in particular, are common in animal tissues, including shellfish. assays depending on differences in temperature and develop-
ment time as shown in Figure 2A. However, when the B values
Calculation of the Parameters Needed to Construct an Internal Domoic for each strip are divided by Bo, the kinetics of the curve become
Acid Standard for Each Well Strip normalized (i.e., replicable between strips and between runs)
(see Fig. 2B). In this way the average Bo values serves as an
Using the optimized DA assay, multiple dose response
internal standard that can be used in place of a standard curve
curves were made using the NRC standards diluted to between
provided the variation in the Bo is not above or below certain
0 and 10 ppb (1–10 ng mL–1) in the assay reaction buffer. The
limits, which are specified in the calculation software described
average response derived from each of the individual response
curves was calculated and a dose response curve was generated
using a four parameter logit-log curve fitting analysis (Ritchie
Domoic Acid ELISA Test Kit Procedure
et al. 1981; Fig. 2). Four parameters were derived from this
analysis. This first was Bo, the maximal signal, which occurred The 96-well assay tray used in the assay contained 12 strips.
when no sample DA was present (Fig. 3A). The second was B, Each strip of 8 wells could be removed and stored until it was
the signal produced by a known amount of sample DA. The needed. The first two wells of each strip were used as a control
third was the slope of the logistic transformed data [propor- (no DA added). The remaining six wells were used to analyze
tional to the linear portion of the sigmoidal curve describing the three samples in duplicate. This format provided the flexibility
relationship between the ln sample DA concentration versus of running anywhere from 3–36 duplicate samples at a time. For
signal (B)]. And the fourth was ED50, the DA concentration at unknown sample analysis, extracts were diluted to a final
the mid point of the slope curve where half the available anti- concentration ranging from 0.3–3 to ppb using the sample
DA mAbs in the well are bound to DA-HRP (Fig. 3A). Because buffer (phosphate salt solution, pH 7.8, containing casein). For
Figure 2. (A) Representative dose response curves for domoic acid analyzed on different days. It should be noted that Bo (the average of the maximal 450
nm absorbance values from the first two wells of a strip to which no DA is added) can vary noticeably between assays depending on differences in ambient
temperature and development time. (B) The mean and SD in signal from eight normalized domoic acid dose response curves carried out over the course of
several weeks. These data were specifically normalized by dividing each of the resultant absorbance values by Bo. The result of this normalization process,
given that the concentrations of antidomoic acid antibody and HRP-domoic acid conjugate are fixed, is that the resultant curves are replicable between
rows and between assays done on different days. The black squares and error bars indicate the mean value at each given domoic acid concentration %1 SD.
Phytoplankton Extraction column. The columns were washed with 5 mL of 0.1 M NaCl
in 10% aqueous acetonitrile (10% acetonitrile: 90% deionized
Approximately 0.1–1.0 L of cultured cells or sea water
water). The columns were immediately moved to a new row in
samples were filtered onto a GF/F filter, which was immediately
the vacuum manifold and the DA eluted from the SPE cartridge
frozen at –80C until the filter could be processed. For process-
using 5 mL of 0.5 M NaCl in aqueous 10% acetonitrile (10:90,
ing, the filter was placed in a 5 mL conical BD Falcon Tube
acetonitrile:deionized water) and collected in 5 mL graduated
(Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) and 3 mL of 20%
centrifuge tubes. Flow was stopped when eluant reached 4.9 mL
methanol were added. The samples were then sonicated using a
in the graduated centrifuge tube. The graduated centrifuge tube
Thermo Fisher Scientific Model 100 Sonic Dismembrator with
was removed from the manifold and the actual volume
a 1/8 inch probe (model 15-338-80, Fisher Scientific, Waltham,
recorded. The graduated centrifuge tubes were capped and the
MA) until the filter was completely homogenized. Care was
eluant immediately mixed by shaking the tube vigorously 5–10
taken to prevent the probe from rupturing the tube. The
times. Tissues from the other invertebrate species examined
sonicator probe was cleaned very carefully with 20% methanol
(Table 1) were processed similarly, except that the extracts were
between samples to prevent cross-contamination. Next the
filtered through Nanospec MF GHP 0.45 mm centrifugal filters
homogenate was centrifuged at 3000 g for 10 min. The
(Pall, Ann Arbor, MI) instead of SPE columns before HPLC
supernatant was then passed through a disposable Whatman
analysis. Eluted samples were transferred to HPLC analysis
GD/X 0.2 mm syringe filter (Florham Park, NJ) into a 5 mL
vials. The HPLC conditions were as follows: Vydac TP210
tube. At this point the sample was split for analysis using both
column (Grace, Deerfield, IL), 2.1 by 250 mm, 40C, elution of
the ELISA and HPLC assays.
DA in 10% acetonitrile containing 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid
(TFA). Twenty ml of each sample were injected into the column
HPLC Validation of DA concentration from Razor Clam Tissues and eluted isocratically at 0.3 mL per min. The retention time
for the DA peak was about 6–8 min depending on the column.
HPLC is the accepted standard method for measuring DA
Canadian NRC DACS standards at concentration of 1 ppm in
and is the basis of the current official method for regulatory
10% acetonitrile solution were run simultaneously (Hardstaff
action in the U.S. (AOAC Official Method 991.26). The lower
et al. 1990).
detection level for the standard assay is ;0.5 ppm. This
technique was used to validate the DA concentration in the
HPLC Detection of Domoic Acid in Phytoplankton Using
razor clams in this study. Briefly, 10–15 mL of the clarified Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (FMOC) Derivatization
supernatant prepared as described above was transferred into a
25 mL disposable plastic syringe and filtered through 0.45 A more sensitive fluorescent fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl
micron HA Millipore filter (Bedford, MA) into a labeled chloride (FMOC) derivatization method (Pocklington et al.
scintillation vial. Salt clean-up was done with solid phase extrac- 1990) was used to determine particulate DA concentrations in
tion columns (Hatfield et al. 1994). Strong anion exchange phytoplankton samples, which typically contained less DA than
(SAX) solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges (Whatman, shellfish tissues. The samples were processed on a Hewlett-
Florham Park, NJ) were conditioned by washing successively Packard 1090 HPLC using a Vydac 201TP, 5 mm, 25 cm
with 6 mL of methanol, 6 mL of deionized water, and 6 mL column, HP 1046A fluorescence detector, and column heater
of 50% methanol. The SPE clean up also removes trypto- set to 40C with the following modification. In our analysis,
phan, which is a major source of false positives in HPLC-UV solvents A (HPLC Water with 0.1% v/v TFA) and B (acetoni-
detection of DA because it coelutes with DA. Each sample was trile with 0.1% v/v TFA) were pumped at 0.2 mL/min and the
then drawn through a conditioned SAX SPE cartridge at a rate linear gradient elution was changed allowing for increased
of 1 drop per second using a vacuum manifold. Flow was separation and resolution of the domoic acid peak. The initial
stopped when the meniscus was just above the top of the gradient went from 70% A and 30% B at time of injection to
Intertidal invertebrates sampled from several locations around Monterey Bay in November 2006. HPLC-UV analysis detected
significant levels of compounds comigrating with iso- and epi-domoic acid standards. These crude methanolic extracts were used to
challenge the NOAA and Biosense ELISAs. The goal was to establish the extent to which the ELISA assays are confounded by the
presence of coeluting compounds called as the domoic acid isomers epi- and iso-domoic acid by HPLC-UV assay. Nondetect samples
are represented as 0 values.
60% A and 40% B over 0–10 min, then held constant for 10 Data Analyses
min; adjusted to 0% A and 100% B from 20–30 min, held
Analytical results for DA concentrations determined from
isocratic for 2 min; adjusted from 0% A and 100% B to 70% A
razor clams, mussels, scallops and phytoplankton cells deter-
and 30% B over 2 min, and then held constant at these (initial)
mined by HPLC, FMOC-HPLC, LC-MS and the NOAA/MSI
conditions until the end of the run at 45 min. Dihydrokainic
ELISA were compared using linear regression analysis (Sokal &
acid was used as an internal standard, as described by
Rohlf 1995). The performance of the NOAA/MSI and Biosense
Pocklington et al. (1990).
ELISA kits was also compared using a subset of the phyto-
A subset of phytoplankton samples was validated to confirm
plankton samples. This comparison involved simultaneously
the presence of DA (by mass) using liquid chromatography-mass
analyzing phytoplankton extracts using the two kits and
spectrometry (LC-MS) on a ThermoFinnigan Quantum Dis-
comparing the results with those obtained using FMOC-HPLC.
covery Max TSQ ESI Mass Spectrometer coupled to a HP 1100
All samples were run within a 24 h period to prevent differential
series binary pump HPLC, following the general protocol of
degradation of DA, which may occur in some samples. Data
Quilliam et al. (1989a). Samples for LC-MS were prepared as for
were compared using linear regression analysis.
HPLC, but were then dried down under vacuum and redissolved
in 100% methanol prior to injection. The HPLC conditions for
the reverse phase were programmed for a linear gradient elution
of 10:90% acetonitrile:deionized water (both containing 0.1% The NOAA/MSI ELISA accurately measured NRC stan-
formic acid) up to 0:100% water:acetonitrile over 30 min. dard DA concentrations (Fig. 4) and gave equivalent results for
razor clam (Fig. 5), mussel (Fig. 6), scallop (Fig. 7), and
Testing Cross-Reactivity of the ELISA Against Glutamine, Kainic Acid phytoplankton extracts (Fig. 8) as obtained when using HPLC,
and Putative Isomers Epi-DA and Iso-DA
FMOC-HPLC, or LC-MS methods. When the variability in the
Domoic acid is structurally similar to glutamine, glutamic NOAA/MSI ELISA and FMOC-HPLC method were com-
acid and kainic acid, all of which can potentially co-occur with pared using replicate phytoplankton extracts they were found to
DA in sample extracts (Fig. 1). To test for potential cross- be comparable (Fig. 9). The primary advantage of the NOAA/
reactivity with these compounds, the NOAA/MSI ELISA kit MSI ELISA over HPLC methods, besides a significantly lower
was run using concentrations of glutamine, glutamic acid and cost per sample was much higher throughput. As many as 36
kainic acid ranging from 10 ppb to 5 ppm. The ED50 for each samples can be completed in <1.5 h after tissue extraction.
compound was calculated and then divided by ED50 for DA and The NOAA/MSI format was also flexible. An internal
multiplied by 100 to determine percent cross-reactivity (Table control was incorporated into each strip, which eliminated the
2). A majority of DA in razor clams and phytoplankton is in the necessity of running a standard curve each time the assay was
form shown at the top of Figure 1. However, samples sometimes performed. Any unused strips could be removed and stored in a
contain a larger quantity of compounds closely eluting with DA desiccator pouch at 4C for at least six months without
on standard HPLC runs that have been identified as the DA compromising assay performance. This allowed as few as 3
conformers epi- and iso-DA (Wright et al. 1990, Kotaki et al. samples to be run in real time thereby avoiding the degradation
2005). To determine if the mAb used in this assay could detect of DA that can occur during storage, particularly once the
these DA isomers, and the extent of interference by such samples have been extracted (Smith et al. 2006). For example,
coeluting compounds present in crude extracts of intertidal when phytoplankton samples were run within 24 h using the
barnacle, limpet, and snail samples, crude methanolic extracts Biosense ELISA kit, which has been validated by an interna-
of these tissues were assays using HPLC-UV and both the tional collaborative study, and is officially approved by the
NOAA/MSI and Biosense (Biosense Laboratories, Bergen, AOAC International for regulatory detection of DA in shellfish,
Norway) ELISA methods. These intertidal invertebrate extracts
exhibited high levels of the putative epi-DA and iso-DA isomers
as called by comigration on HPLC chromatograms. These
compounds are generally near detection limits in razor clams,
crabs, and to a lesser extent in mussels, and therefore these
extracts provided novel matrices for evaluating the accuracy of
Cross-reactivity of the NOAA/MSI ELISA with kainic acid.
glutamine, and glutamic acid.
Figure 5. Domoic acid concentrations in razor clam tissues determined from replicate tissue extracts analyzed using HPLC and NOAA/Mercury
Science (NOAA/MSI) ELISA. The inset shows an expanded version of the regression analysis for sample containing less than 2.5 ppm domoic acid.
and the NOAA/MSI ELISA kit, equivalent results were small numbers of samples are being collected, they may have to
obtained (Fig. 10, r2 ¼ 0.97). In contrast, when samples were be stored until a sufficient number of samples have been
run two weeks apart the correlation dropped to r2 ¼ 0.79, accumulated to maximize the number of samples per kit. This
indicating DA degradation. could lead to sample degradation and a critical delay in
The ability to efficiently run a small number of samples in reporting when samples surpass the regulatory limit of 20 ppm.
real time was not incorporated into other DA ELISA formats. Another advantage of the NOAA/MSI assay is that it could
For example, the Biosense DA ELISA kit includes reagents for be run in either a quantitative or screening mode when assaying
only two standard curves (product insert), therefore, only two shellfish tissues. For quantitative analysis, several dilutions were
batches of samples can be run per kit. This means that when assayed simultaneously to obtain an accurate DA concentration.
Figure 6. Domoic acid concentrations in mussel tissues determined using Figure 7. Concentration of domoic acid in scallop tissues extracted from
HPLC and the NOAA/Mercury Science (NOAA/MSI) ELISA. Aliquots the scallop (Pecten maximus) using the standard NOAA/Mercury Science
from each sample were run simultaneously. (NOAA/MSI) protocol.
ELISA methods provide DA values comparable to the HPLC to qualify the 96 well plate format for regulatory use by public
values currently used as a basis for regulatory decisions. health officials. We are also developing a field test kit that can be
Measuring low concentrations of DA in real time is partic- used to detect DA levels in shellfish tissues above or below 20
ularly important because the presence or absence of DA ppm within 10 min after extraction. The test will require no
contamination is frequently patchy and associated with variable laboratory equipment other than a homogenizer and can be
onshore transport of toxic phytoplankton blooms (e.g., Trainer used directly in the field by non-technical personnel, including
et al. 2002). Depending on prevailing winds and currents, one shellfish harvesters and members of citizen monitoring groups
harvest area can become highly contaminated over a short period and local volunteers.
whereas adjacent regions remain uncontaminated (Trainer et al. In summary, the NOAA/MSI ELISA test kit provides an
2000). These differentially affected regions frequently include accurate, flexible and cost effective method for measuring DA
areas where significant commercial and recreational clam har- in clam, mussel and scallop tissues, as well as in phytoplankton
vests occur. This variability complicates monitoring programs samples. The assay yields concentrations for DA that are
designed to protect human health. The current standard practice indistinguishable from those obtained by HPLC. With further
involves shipping shellfish samples to a centralized facility for validation, the NOAA/MSI ELISA kit is expected to be
HPLC analyses, introducing delays between 3–14 days from the approved as a regulatory method for making decisions con-
date of sample collection to reporting results. This turnaround cerning public health. The short assay (1.5-h) processing time,
time is too slow to adequately protect subsistence shellfish and relatively low cost, compared with HPLC analysis, mean
harvesters who rely on clams consumed within a day or two of that the ELISA can be used in more remote locations by
harvest. The cost of HPLC analysis is also relatively high per environmental managers and public health officials to provide
sample and requires a substantially higher capital investment near real-time monitoring capacities.
compared with the NOAA/MSI ELISA method. Having an
economical technique for better assessing the degree of contam- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ination locally, and in real time, is of great value for local
resource managers and public health officials. The authors thank Mitch Lesoing and Mel Moon of the
The ability to detect DA in phytoplankton using the NOAA/ Quileute Tribe whose initial request for development of a
MSI kits would further benefit environmental monitoring domoic test kit and constant encouragement were key to the
programs designed to detect the early onset of toxic Pseudo- success of the test kit. This work was supported by a competitive
nitzschia blooms. It is known that increases in the Pseudo-nitzschia grant awarded by the MERHAB program specifically for assay
capable of producing DA often precedes the contamination of development as well as a NOAA NCCOS Ecology and Ocean-
shellfish and other filter feeders by a week or two (Trainer & ography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) grant GAD#
Suddleson 2005). A combination of cell counts and direct R83-1705) and two Monitoring and Event Response for Harm-
toxicity measurements should provide timely predictions for ful Algal Blooms (MERHAB) grants: NA04NOS4780239-03
marine resource managers and public health officials. The kit is and NA05NOS4781228. J. Bastion and A. Odell’s participation
now commercially available with MSI authorized to market, was funded by a surcharge to the Washington State shellfish
manufacture and distribute the 96-well plate format test kits. license provided or ORHAB. Jonathan Deeds provided helpful
We anticipate completing the necessary validation procedures edits and suggestions.
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