DOI 10.1007/s00244-008-9176-8
Received: 3 October 2007 / Accepted: 7 April 2008 / Published online: 6 May 2008
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008
210 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 56:209–220
Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 56:209–220 211
induction measurement (CYP1A): 2 ml of pyloric ceca was Table 1 List of PAH compounds studied with the internal standards
blotted, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at used for GC/MS analysis
-80°C until analysis. On days 58 and 221, another 10 Compound Abreviation Internal
starfish were brought to the laboratory, where they were standard
kept for 24 h in aquaria supplied with clean running sea-
Naphthalene Nd8
water prior to immune response measurements. On day 58
Acenaphthylene Nd8
and 2 years after the oil spill, 10 starfish from each site
Acenaphthene Nd8
were dissected for PAH analysis; two pools of pyloric ceca
Fluorene Pd10
and two pools of body wall were made (10 starfish per
Phenanthrene Phe Pd10
pool) and stored at -20°C.
Anthracene Pd10
Fluoranthene Fluod10
Cytochrome P450-Immunopositive Protein Induction
Benzo(a)anthracene Chrys d12
Measurement (CYP)
Pyrene Pyr Pyrd10
The P450-immunopositive protein (CYP1A-IPP) contained Triphene + chrysene Chrys Chrys d12
in the postmitochondrial fraction of the pyloric ceca was Benzo(b + j + k) fluoranthene BePd12
quantified using a competitive ELISA method as described Benzo(e)pyrene BeP BePd12
by Danis et al. (2004a). The final results were expressed as Benzo(a)pyrene BaP BaPd12
inhibition factors, i.e., the ratio of CYP1A-IPP levels Perylene BaPd12
between experimental and control groups. Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BPd12
Dibenz(a)anthracene + dac BPd12
Immune Response Measurement Benzo(ghi)perylenep BPd12
Sum of unsubstituted PAHs Uns-PAHs
The two essential parameters of the starfish immune system Sum methylnaphthalene Nd8
considered in this study were coelomic amoebocyte con- Sum methylphenanthrenes and MPhe Pd10
centration (CAC) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) dimethyl-phenanthrene
production by resting (unstimulated) or stimulated Methylchrysene MChrys Chrysd12
amoebocytes. Amoebocyte ROS production was measured Sum of methylated PAHs M-PAHs
by the peroxidase luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence Dibenzothiophene DBT DBTd8
(PLCL), method developed by Coteur et al. (2002, 2004, Methyldibenzothiophene MDBT DBTd8
2005). Measurements were normalized using the actual 2,1-Benzonaphtothiophene Chrysd12
amoebocyte concentration in each sample, and expressed Sum of all analyzed PAHs Sum PAHs
as the sum of all 10-min interval measurements (in Relative
Light Units [RLU], an internal scale of the instrument) for
106 cells ml-1 (total chemiluminescence) of resting or except for the oven temperature, which was programmed
stimulated amoebocytes. to increase by 2°C/min from 70°C to 300°C in the present
study. Different perdeuterated PAHs were used as internal
PAH Measurements standards for each class of aromaticity (Baumard and
Budzinski 1997). The response factor of a given PAH
For quantification of the PAHs listed in Table 1, tissue relative to the perdeuterated one was determined for each
samples were freeze-dried and ground prior to analysis. GC/MS sequence by injecting 1 lL of a standard solution
Among the alkylated PAHs, only certain compounds of containing a mixture of PAHs (SRM 2260, National
high molecular weight, known to be representative of the Institute of Science and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD,
crude oil from the Erika, and highly abundant, were USA) and the solution of perdeuterated PAHs used for
chosen for measurement. PAHs were extracted from 1 to sample spiking. The precision of this type of quantifica-
3 g of dry tissues using the microwave-assisted extraction tion has been evaluated to be between 88% and 98%,
method described by Budzinski et al. (1999). Filtration of depending on the compound, with reproducibility between
the extracts, reduction of their volume, and purification 2% and 5%. The entire analytical procedure was per-
were performed as described by Baumard and Budzinski formed several times with certified mussel tissue, SRM
(1997). Experimental blanks were also passed to assess 2974 (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA). The recoveries on
the risk of potential contamination. Extracts were ana- this SRM were between 70% and 110% for five repli-
lyzed by HP GC/MSD according to the procedure used by cates, with reproducibility ranging from 7% to 17%
Geffard et al. (2004) in the Erika monitoring program, depending on the compound.
212 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 56:209–220
Our laboratory investigations complemented the field study The parameters studied were size structure, gonad and
by aiming to assess to what extent starfish somatic growth, pyloric cecum indexes, PAH concentrations, righting
reproduction, and development of gametes and larvae were activity coefficient (RAC), ovocyte diameter, fertilization
affected by oil exposure via food. Experiments were per- success, embryo development, and adambulacral spine
formed on starfish at different stages of development and regeneration. The parameters assessed depended on the
reproductive cycle. Uptake and loss of PAHs over time particular experiments.
were also analyzed. Before the experiments were started, starfish size dis-
tribution was carefully checked for likeness between the
groups used for the different treatments. Pyloric and gonad
Experimental Procedure indexes were calculated as follows: organ index = organ
dry weight/body wall dry weight. Gonads and pyloric ceca
Mussels were exposed for 3 days to ‘Erika oil’ samples, were dissected, and the body wall was carefully cleaned.
supplied by the CEDRE (Centre of Documentation, Body compartments were dried separately at 60°C for 48 h
Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollu- and weighed.
tion, Brest, France). A preliminary study had first been RAC is indicative of the level of motion activity (Watts
carried out to establish a protocol to produce a PAH con- and Lawrence 1990). Here, the righting time corresponded to
centration in mussels that would be close to the maximum the time required by a starfish to turn back over once it had
PAH content observed in the mussels in the Bay of Vilaine been placed on its aboral face. RACs were calculated as
after the oil spill (sum PAH = 2,536 lg kg-1 dw in Feb- follows: RAC = 1,000/righting time(s). Among individuals,
ruary 2000 [Tronczynski et al. 2004]). A PAH concentration those showing no sign of righting response initiation within
of 3,420 lg kg-1 (268.5 lg g-1 lipids) ± 900 lg kg-1 10 min were assigned an RAC value of 1,000/(2 9 600).
(mean PAH concentration in three replicates of 30 g ww of Histological observations were made to detect any effect
mussel soft tissue) was obtained after 3 days of contamina- that oil pollution had on ovocyte diameter. Ovary samples
tion using the following method: 1,500g of mussels was were embedded in paraffin, sectioned into 5-lm-thick sli-
placed in an aquarium containing 2 liters seawater and 50 g ces, and colored using Trichrome staining. For each
Erika oil (25 g L-1 oil). The aquarium was covered and the female, digital pictures of 100 ovocytes exhibiting a
soluble phase homogenized by high-air bubbling. After nucleolus and a nucleus within the same section were taken
contamination, the mussels were carefully brushed and with a CCD camera (Iris Sony) and measured with Visilog
cleaned to eliminate any traces of oil. The PAH concentra- 4.0 software; diameters were then obtained by conversion.
tion in the control mussels was 14 lg g-1 lipids. Conta- Fertilization assays were made to assess the capacity of
minated and uncontaminated mussels of the same origin starfish ovocytes to be fertilized, as well as the quality of
were frozen following treatment and prior to use as food. One subsequent larval development. Starfish were sexed by
should note that after 24 h in running seawater, the frozen puncture of gonadic material through the integument.
mussels showed no significant decrease in PAH content Spawning and fertilization were performed as described by
(222 ± 134.3 lg g-1). Starfish were fed at the rate of one Coteur et al. (2003b). Individual female clutches were
mussel per individual per day. fertilized by a pool of sperm (three males). Fertilization
Two treatments were used in the laboratory experi- success was assessed after 1 h by counting the number of
ments—’contaminated treatment’ and ‘control treatment’— eggs with a fertilization membrane in three subsamples of
depending on whether or not the mussels supplied as food 100 eggs each and the embryo development quality was
to starfish were contaminated (details of the separate determined after 72 h. For each fertilization, the different
experiments are given below, under Descriptions of types of larvae (viable larvae, abnormal larvae, and dead
Experiments). For each experiment, the aquaria were filled eggs) were counted in each well of a six-well plate.
with clean running seawater from the nearby Bay of Brest; Adambulacral spine regeneration was induced and
salinity ranged from 33 to 35 PSU. Once a week, the studied according to the methods developed by Dubois and
photoperiod was adjusted to match the natural one. The Jangoux (1990).
mussels fed to each starfish were chosen according to
the size of the starfish under test, according to the rela- Descriptions of Experiments
tion established by Sommer et al. (1999) (mussels of 2-
to 50-mm shell length for starfish of 5- to 65-mm ray Impact of PAH Uptake on Adults at the Gametogenic Stage:
length). A 3-Month Experiment Two laboratory experiments
Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 56:209–220 213
(called 1A and 2A, respectively) were carried out over Statistical Analysis
3 months in 2 successive years. These were conducted dur-
ing the period of gonadal growth from December to the end The measured immune responses (ROS production and
of February. In each treatment (contaminated and control), CAC) were compared between treatments using nonpara-
60 starfish of 35- to 45-mm ray length were used (10 per metric tests since the data that did not fit a normal
aquarium). distribution and CYP1A expression were tested with two-
way ANOVA. In the laboratory contamination trials, gonad
Monitoring PAH Uptake and Its Potential Physiological and pyloric indexes, PAH levels, and physiological
Effects: A Short, 15-Day Experiment This experiment parameters were intercompared and statistically tested
(called PAH uptake) was conducted in June during the using t-tests or ANOVAs, depending on the number of
agametogenic stage on starfish of 50- to 70-mm ray length. samples. In experiments requiring the use of several
PAH accumulation in pyloric ceca (pool of 10 starfish per aquaria for each treatment, differences in the variables
aquarium) and RAC values were measured on days 0, 1, 2, (measured on all individuals) were tested using a nested
5, 7, 10, and 15 of exposure to oil. The regenerating ad- ANOVA with ‘‘aquarium’’ as a nested factor within
ambulacral spines were sampled on five starfish in each ‘‘treatment.’’ The nested factor allows one to distinguish
treatment, 15 days after fracture, and the regeneration size any discrepancy between pseudo-replicates within each
(RAS) measured with a scanning electron microscope as experimental treatment (Zar 1996).
previously described by Dubois and Jangoux (1990). PAH uptake and loss were modeled by quadratic curve
For the sum of all measured PAHs, the sum of parental fitting with Systat 9 software. Residuals were plotted, and
PAHs and PAHs of particular interest in this study, PAH checked to ensure that there was no serial correlation.
uptake vs. time was tentatively modeled with the following Whenever several statistical comparisons were per-
quadratic equation: formed either on the same set of data or on subsets, we
used the Bonferroni criterion and divided by the number of
CPAH ¼ aT 2 þ bT þ c
where CPAH is the concentration of the PAH concerned, T
is the time, expressed as days of exposure to contamina-
tion, and a, b, and c are constants. The inflection point of Results
the curve, I, corresponded to I ¼ b=2a. The transfer
factor (TF) of a given PAH in this study corresponded to Field Survey
the ratio of its concentration in the pyloric ceca (i.e., the
mean of data at days 10 and 15) to that in the food (lg g-1 Fifty-eight days after the oil spill, the PAH levels in the
lipids). pyloric ceca and body wall of starfish from Piriac were higher
than those in starfish from Aber (Fig. 2). The amounts were
Decrease in PAHs in the Pyloric Ceca: A 24-Day Exper- particularly high in pyloric ceca compared with the body
iment Juvenile starfish of about 20-mm ray length were wall. The most abundant PAHs in the fuel transported by the
contaminated over 4 months (from May to September) Erika were analyzed in starfish samples; these were alkyl-
under the conditions previously described. In September substituted homologues of phenanthrene (Phe), dibenzo-
they had grown to 40-65 mm in ray length. Contaminated thiophene (DBT), and chrysene (Chrys) (Tronczynski et al.
and control starfish were then both fed with pollution-free 2004), and their unsubstituted PAHs. Chrysene and its
mussels for 23 days. Temperature was constant and veri- alkylated homologues were far more abundant in starfish
fied daily during the experiment (17.5 ± 0.15°C). Pyloric from Piriac than in controls for both organs studied
index (fresh weight) and RAC value were determined on (Table 2). Moreover, the pyloric ceca of Piriac starfish
four starfish per treatment on days 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 18, contained more Phe-alkylated homologues and fewer DBT
and 23 of the PAH loss experiment. For the sum of all and DBT-alkylated homologues than did the body walls.
measured PAHs, the sum of parental PAHs and PAHs of Figure 3 illustrates the changes occurring over time in
particular interest in this study, PAH loss by starfish was the responses of the biomarkers according to sampling site.
tentatively modeled using the following equation: At day 58, ROS production by both resting and stimulated
amoebocytes (Mann-Whitney p B 0.005; n = 19), CAC
CPAH ¼ d ekT þ g
and CYP1A levels were significantly higher in starfish from
where CPAH is the concentration of the concerned PAHs, T Piriac than in those from Aber. However, at day 221, only
is the number of days under PAH loss conditions, and d, k, CAC (p B 0.005; n = 37) and CYP1A levels were more
and g are constants. The biological half-lives of the dif- elevated (two-way ANOVA, factor: site p = 1 9 10-8;
ferent compounds were estimated as Tb = ln2/k. n = 16).
214 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 56:209–220
Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 56:209–220 215
Laboratory Studies
216 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 56:209–220
0.2. The evolution over time in the ratios of benzo(e)pyrene No differences were observed in RAC, pyloric indexes,
(BeP) to benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), and the ratios of some or size of regenerating adambulacral spines between the
parent PAHs: chrysene, phenanthrene, and dibenzothio- two groups of contaminated starfish (t-tests, p [ 0.05), and
phene to their more hydrophobic methyl-substituted mean RAC showed no temporal evolution whatever the
compounds, showed a preferential accumulation of the treatment (Pearson correlation coefficients r = -0.492,
more soluble PAHs over the first 3 days of the experiment, -0.573, and -0.502, respectively, for control starfish,
except for the chrysene family (Fig. 5). Such an evolution contaminated starfish in aquarium 1, and contaminated
is indicative of a biotransformation process. A slight rise in starfish in aquarium 2; p C 0.2, n = 7, for each). As the
chrysene was noted throughout the experiment. An accu- starfish consumed food during the experiment and accu-
mulation of DBT and Phe during the first days was mulated reserves throughout the agametogenic stage, their
followed by a large increase in methyl-substituted com- pyloric indexes under both contaminated and control con-
pounds from the fifth day. From the second day BeP ditions were higher compared to those measured at the
increased faster than BaP, indicating preferential metabo- beginning of the experiment (day 0) (ANOVA, p = 4.10-
lization of BaP compared with BeP. After the seventh day, ; n = 40), but no difference was detected between treat-
none of these ratios changed very much. Overall contam- ments (t-test, p [ 0.1). Similarly, neither RAC values nor
ination of starfish under controlled conditions showed no the sizes of regenerating adambulacral spines were found
evolution over time, though, with the sum of analyzed to differ between contaminated and control starfish (t-test,
PAHs remaining within the range 0.3 to 0.6 lg g-1 lipids. p = 0.68 and 0.344, n = 30 and 14, respectively).
Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 56:209–220 217
218 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 56:209–220
Table 5 Comparison of PAH load in starfish pyloric ceca in the field and under experimental conditions
Field: day In-lab experiments
58, Piriac
Short-term Long-term contamination End of the PAH
contaminationa b c loss experimentd
Adults Juveniles
Sum PAHs 0.97 23.16 (24) 49.27 (51) 86.15 (89) 3.50 (4)
Uns-PAHs 0.29 6.53 (23) 11.37 (40) 21.43 (75) 1.45 (5)
Pyr 0.062 0.79 (13) 1.19 (19) 2.73 (44) -0.032 (-1)
Phe 0.026 2.29 (87) 3.12 (119) 7.12 (272) 0.28 (11)
DBT 0.0024 0.46 (193) 0.54 (228) 1.92 (803) -0.0065 (-3)
Chrys 0.073 1.00 (14) 1.72 (23) 3.97 (54) 0.012 (0.2)
a b c
Note. Laboratory experiments: day 15 of PAH uptake experiment; end of the first experiment on adults (1A); day 0 of the PAH loss
experiment; d day 23 of the PAH loss experiment (fitted values in g). Sum PAH (sum of all analyzed PAHs), uns-PAHs (sum of analyzed
unsubstituted PAHs), Pyr (pyrene), Phe (phenanthrene), DBT (dibenzothiophene), Chrys (chrysene) are expressed as micrograms per gram of
lipids. Numbers in parentheses are PAH concentrations expressed as multiples of the field-measured concentrations
spill. But although the CYP1A signal is clear, ROS pro- therein; Ordzie and Garofalo 1981), feeding rate and adult
duction by starfish from the contaminated field site were growth (Crapp 1971; Georgiades et al. 2003; O’Clair and
within the range of the values found by Coteur et al. (2004) Rice 1985; Temara et al. 1999), and embryo development
in natural uncontaminated populations, and CAC values (Davis et al. 1981). However, in these studies, the starfish
were below those previously measured in heavily polluted were exposed either to the water-accommodated fraction
locations (Coteur et al. 2003a, b). The kinetics of PAH loss (WAF) of different types of oil or to a complex mixture of
previously described suggest that rapid decontamination hydrocarbons and dispersants. Volatile and soluble oil
could possibly be occurring and thus that there may be a fractions may have greater direct effects on echinoderms
reduction in ROS production during the 24 h that elapsed than compounds obtained via food. In the sea urchin,
between starfish collection and response measurement. Paracentrotus lividus, the righting response was enhanced
Such an explanation cannot account for the CAC result, by the most volatile compounds of crude oil, but not by
though, since immune cell turnover in marine invertebrates weathered crude oil (Axiak and Saliba 1981). The effects
exceeds 24 h (McIntosh and Robinson 1999). CAC is of WAF are more harmful on embryo development in sea
known to be quite a robust biomarker for stress (Coteur urchins (references in Kobayashi 1995): adult exposure to
et al. 2004), and the differences observed between the two polluted effluents can lead to egg abnormalities at the first
populations would indeed have resulted from the PAH cleavage stage (Vashchenko 1980) or affect egg fertiliza-
level in the field. However, as it is well known that envi- tion and sperm motility (Krause 1994). It is not easy to
ronmental factors such as temperature can influence determine whether the reported differences resulted from
immune response in starfish (Coteur et al. 2004), the exposure conditions, pollutant sensitivity of the organism
immune biomarker levels could have been modulated by under study, or levels of contamination, because none of
changes in water temperature, notably in the impacted field these authors qualified or quantified the level of parental
site between day 40 and day 58. contamination. Once again, without additional data about
the relative toxicity of PAHs, it does not seem relevant to
Effect of PAHs on Asterias rubens Growth, speculate on whether volatile and soluble oil fractions are
Reproduction, and Embryo Development more or less toxic or bioaccumulated than PAHs taken in
with food. Only Barron et al. (1999) have suggested that
As observed in the present study, irrespective of which PAHs are not necessarily the major determinant of WAF
experiment is considered, neither growth nor reproductive toxicity.
capability of starfish was affected by PAH exposure, In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that uptake of
despite an increase in PAH content in the pyloric ceca. PAHs via food is an important route for contamination of
PAH accumulation in the gonads had no effect on ovocyte the common starfish A. rubens. Short-term impacts of oil
morphometry, and fertilization rates were only very contamination were easily quantified using detoxification
slightly affected. To our knowledge, no previous study has biomarkers and immunological responses and by moni-
dealt with the impact of oil contamination through food. toring PAH uptake and loss in the storage organs.
Oil has previously been shown to induce damage to starfish Moreover, A. rubens and suitable biomarkers (e.g., CAC
locomotive function (O’Clair and Rice 1985 and references and CYP1A) can be judged to be suitable for use as early
Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2009) 56:209–220 219
warning signals for exposure to PAHs. However, behavior, enhanced chemiluminescence (PLCL) as an immunotoxicolog-
reproduction, and growth did not appear to be affected by ical tool. In: Mantraga V (ed) Progress in molecular and
subcellular biology subseries marine molecular biotechnology.
PAH exposure through food. Finally, the present data Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 71–83
showed no significant long-term effects of the Erika Crapp G (1971) Chronic oil pollution. In: Cowell EB (ed) The
oil spill on A. rubens dynamics. The predation power of ecological effect of oil pollution on littoral communities.
A. rubens thus appears to be unaffected in the mussel beds Institute of Petroleum, London, pp 187–203
Danis B, Goriely S, Dubois P, Fowler SW, Flamand V, Warnau M
of the intertidal rocky temperate communities structured by (2004a) Contrasting effects of coplanar versus non-coplanar
this starfish. PCB congeners on immunomodulation and CYP1A levels
(determined using an adapted ELISA method) in the common
Acknowledgments This study was supported by the French Min- sea star Asterias rubens L. Aquat Toxicol 69:371–383
istry of Ecology and Sustainable Development within the framework Danis B, Wantier P, Flammang R, Dutrieux S, Dubois P, Warnau M
of the ‘‘Erika Monitoring’’ program, a CGRI-FNRS-CNRS coopera- (2004b) Contaminant levels in sediments and asteroids (Asterias
tion agreement, and by a French Research Ministry grant for PhD rubens L. Echinodermata) from the Belgian coast and Scheldt
cosupervision. We are grateful to Ph. Pernet (ULB) and M. Le Meur estuary: polychlorinated biphenyls and heavy metals. Sci Total
(LPTC) for their help in the analytic and experimental work, to Environ 333:149–165
M. Briand for her help with the preparation of figures, and to Davis PH, Schultz TW, Spies RB (1981) Toxicity of Santa Barbara
Dr. H. McCombie for revision of the English. seep oil to starfish embryos: part 2. The growth bioassay. Mar
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