Peixes Aposvicuna
Peixes Aposvicuna
Peixes Aposvicuna
DOI 10.1007/s10661-008-0309-3
Received: 6 November 2007 / Accepted: 9 April 2008 / Published online: 14 May 2008
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2008
Abstract The Vicuña oil tanker exploded in Para- orops spixii, comparing a contaminated (at the spill
naguá Bay (South of Brazil), during methanol site) and a reference site inside the Bay. Data were
unloading operations in front of Paranaguá Harbour, compared to previous measurements, taken before the
on November 15th, 2004, releasing a large amount of accident, in the same species, from the same sites.
bunker oil and methanol. Two weeks after the The physiological biomarkers were the ones that best
accident, the acute effects of the Vicuña Oil Spill reflected acute effects of the spill: plasma osmolality,
(VOS) were evaluated in the demersal catfish Cath- chloride, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Mor-
phological (liver and gill histopathology) and genetic
(piscine micronucleus and DNA strand breaks) bio-
markers revealed that damage was already present in
A. Katsumiti : F. X. V. Domingos : M. A. F. Randi :
fishes from both reference and contaminated sites
C. A. O. Ribeiro inside the Bay. Thus, the reference site is not devoid
Departamento de Biologia Celular, of contamination, as water circulation tends to spread
Setor de Ciências Biológicas, the contaminants released into other areas of the Bay.
Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR),
CEP 81531-990 Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Acute field surveys of oil spill effects in harbour areas
with a long history of contamination should thus be
M. Azevedo : C. A. Freire (*) viewed with caution, and whenever possible previous
Departamento de Fisiologia, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, evaluations should be considered for proper appraisal
Centro Politécnico,
Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR),
of biomarker sensitivity, especially in mobile bio-
CEP 81531-990 Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil indicators such as fish.
Keywords Biomarkers . Cathorops . Estuary .
M. D. da Silva : H. C. S. de Assis
Departamento de Farmacologia, Setor de Ciências
Harbour . Hydrocarbons . Oil spill . Paranaguá Bay
Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR),
CEP 81531-990 Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
of methanol to the marine terminal of the Cattalini ermen that directly depend on the marine resources
company in Paranaguá Bay, southern Brazil (Figs. 1 for their survival, and who were obviously directly
and 2). The Vicuña tanker was loaded with approx- affected by the contamination of the Bay (ABDL/ISA
imately 1,265,000 l of bunker oil, 173,000 l of diesel 2005).
oil and around 4,079 tons of methanol before the Biomarkers have been previously used in sentinel
explosion (IAP 2005). The oil spill reached the species of fish after other oil spill accidents. Follow-
Paranaguá, Antonina and Guaraqueçaba Bays at a ing the Braer spill on the coast of Shetland (Scotland)
distance of more than 30 km from the explosion site, in 1993, hepatic ethoxiresorufin O-deethylase
in front of Paranaguá Harbour (Figs. 1 and 2). The (EROD) activities in livers of inshore demersal fish
largest Harbour in Southern Brazil, Paranaguá Har- species at various sites were found to be elevated ~7–
bour has the loading and unloading of grains and 9-fold, 3 months after the accident (George et al.
containers among its most important operations. 1995). Two weeks and 3 months after the Sea
Some major companies have private terminals, such Empress oil spill that affected South West Wales in
as that of Fospar (fertilizers), PETROBRÁS (flam- 1996, EROD activity in fish (Kirby et al. 1999), and
mables), Dibal (vegetable oil), Becker (acids), and DNA-adduct levels in mussels and fish (Lyons et al.
Cattalini (soy oil, methanol and petroleum deriva- 1997, Harvey et al. 1999) were able to discriminate
tives; Paranaguá and Antonina Harbour Administra- between areas directly polluted by the spill and
tion, retrieved from in unpolluted locations. Most data concerning the use
July 2007). Important conservation areas such as the of biomarkers to assess biological effects of oil spills
Superaguí National Park and the Ecological Station of have been obtained after the Exxon Valdez oil spill
Guaraqueçaba, located in the estuarine complex of (EVOS), which affected Northern Prince William
Cananéia-Iguape-Paranaguá, also received oil from Sound (Alaska) in March 1989. One year after the
the Vicuña spill around 5 days after the explosion accident, histopathological alterations as focuses of
(Fig. 2). Ten days after the accident, birds, turtles and hepatic lipid were found in Sebastes ruberrinus
dolphins, and many invertebrates were found dead, (Marty et al. 2003); increase in macrophage aggregate
covered with oil (IAP 2005). Therefore, we can scores were reported for Sebastes maliger (Khan and
consider that all aquatic organisms were indeed Nag 1993), hepatic necrosis in Clupea pallasi (Marty
exposed to VOS hydrocarbons (IAP 2005). This et al. 1999), and genetic damages were also registered
estuarine area shelters about 4,000 independent fish- in larvae of C. pallasi (Norcross et al. 1996; Hose et
al. 1996; Hose and Brown 1998) after the accident, all
associated with oiled sites.
No studies, to our knowledge, have so far proposed
an evaluation of the short-term effects of an oil spill
accident with a time reference for the same species
and sites. In addition, the current study poses the
question: Are those biomarkers (biochemical, physi-
ological, genetic, and morphological), when applied
to a demersal fish species, suitable for the evaluation
of the effects of an oil spill in a harbour area a few
weeks after the accident?
at a magnification of 400×. For each fish, 100 cells were was significantly higher compared to the same site
visually analyzed according to the method of Kobayashi before the Vicuña Oil Spill (VOS, 54.8±4.8 ηmol
et al. (1995). min−1 mg prot.−1; Fig. 3). No differences were noted
with respect to the oil spill in fish obtained from the
Morphological biomarkers contaminated (C) site. In addition, either before or
after the VOS, no differences were detected between
Light and scanning microscopy fish from C and R sites (Fig. 3).
Liver and gills from C. spixii were fixed in ALFAC Physiological biomarkers
fixative solution (ethanol 80% – 85 ml, formaldehyde
40% – 15 ml and glacial acetic acid – 5 ml) for 16 h, Plasma osmolality and ion concentrations
were dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, and
embedded in Paraplast Plus resin (Sigma). Five- Plasma osmolality in catfishes decreased after the
micron sections were stained with hematoxylin and VOS in fishes obtained from both sites (Fig. 4A).
eosin, and images were obtained and recorded Fishes from the R site, after the VOS, displayed the
through a Zeiss Axiophot Photomicroscope. Free lowest plasma osmolality values (344.73 ±
melanomacrophages and melanomacrophage centers 3.51 mOsm/kg H2O) when compared with the other
in liver were counted as described by Rabitto et al. groups (Fig. 4A). Plasma osmolality decreased in the
(2005) and other lesions in liver were quantified as C site after the VOS (375.3±5.2 mOsm/kg H2O),
described by Bernet et al. (1999). when compared to the respective value measured in
fish from the same site before the accident: 399.4±
Statistical analysis 7.7 mOsm/kg H2O. Plasma chloride values were
higher in fish from the C site after the VOS (185.6±
Piscine micronucleus and comet assay test results are 7.2 mM) than in fish from the same site before the
expressed as median±1 quartile, and differences were accident (159.0±5.2 mM), or fish from the R site after
localized using the Kruskal–Wallis test followed by the VOS (157.6±7.6 mM; Fig. 4B). Plasma potassi-
the Student–Newman–Keuls test. Results from bio- um concentration showed the lowest values in fishes
chemical and physiological procedures are displayed from the C site after the VOS (6.8±0.4 mM), a value
as mean±SEM. Data were tested for normality using markedly lower from values obtained for fishes from
the Shapiro–Wilk W-test. Cholinesterase activity and the R site before VOS (10.1±1.2 mM; Fig. 4C).
plasma concentrations were analyzed by One-Way Plasma calcium increased after the VOS, from 2.6±
ANOVAs followed by the post hoc test of Tukey. 0.1 mM in fishes from the R site before the VOS, to
Morphological evaluation of free melanomacroph- 3.5±0.1 mM in fish from the R site and 3.3±0.2 mM
ages, melanomacrophage centers and necrosis count-
ing was performed using a One-way ANOVA. For all 120
Cholinesterase activity
Other morphological parameters are displayed as 90 a,b
a (10)
percentages, and were treated only qualitatively. (10)
Biochemical biomarker
before after
Fig. 4 Physiological biomarkers. Plasma osmo-ionic concen- share a lower case letter are significantly different (P<0.05). A
trations of C. spixii from Paranaguá Bay before and after the Osmolality; B chloride; C potassium; D calcium; E sodium; F
Vicuña Oil Spill, for fish obtained from either the reference (R) magnesium plasma concentrations
or the contaminated (C) site. Bars Mean±SE. Bars that do not
in fish from the C site after the VOS (Fig. 4D). Genetic biomarkers
Plasma sodium showed increased values in fish from
the C site, but only before the VOS: 221.8±10.2 mM, Piscine micronucleus test and comet assay
against 181.8±6.5 mM in fish from the R site, also
before the accident (Fig. 4E). As with sodium, plasma The piscine micronucleus test showed a high occur-
magnesium increased sharply in fishes from the C rence of nuclear alterations in fishes from the C site,
site, but only before the VOS: from 3.1±0.4 mM in both before and after the VOS. When compared to its
fishes from the R site (before the VOS) to 8.0± respective R site, the difference was significant only
0.9 mM in the C site. However, after the VOS, values after the VOS (Fig. 5A). Similar results were found
of plasma magnesium remained high, in fishes from through the comet assay test, which revealed high
both sites (Fig. 4F). levels of DNA strand break scores, either before or
Environ Monit Assess (2009) 152:209–222 215
by the osmoregulatory epithelia (Singh et al. 2002), or anisms may be the cause of hypokalemia. Hypokale-
intracellular potassium regulation (or both) are prob- mia from exposure to insecticides has been reported
ably being disturbed. In addition, an indirect effect for the catfish Clarias batrachus and from exposure
from a disturbance of cell volume regulatory mech- to cadmium for the flounder Platichthys flesus (Singh
Environ Monit Assess (2009) 152:209–222 217
Table 1 Morphological alterations (% of occurrence) in gills of PAHs have been discussed as a cause for genotoxic
C. spixii from reference (R) and contaminated (C) sites before
effects in fish or fish cells detected with the comet
and after the Vicuña Oil Spill
assay (Kammann et al. 2001; Akcha et al. 2003). In
Before After addition, the process of PAH biotransformation is
R C R C often associated with an intracellular elevation of
reactive oxygen species (ROS) via redox cycling,
Lamellar fusion 70 50 50 40 some of which, mainly the hydroxyl radicals, are
Aneurisms 10 10 30 47 highly aggressive to DNA. These metabolites bind to
Branchial epithelium lifting 80 100 80 100
DNA via CYP transformation, particularly through
Lamellar disorganization 50 30 na na
the isoform 1A (Stegeman and Lech 1991; Goksøyr
Hyperplasia 0 30 60 60
Parasites na na 20 40 and Förlin 1992), to arene oxides, forming DNA
Lamellar bifurcation na na 0 7 adducts, that are more effective sites for the produc-
Lamellar hyperthrophy na na 0 0 tion of strand breaks. A high prevalence of unrepaired
DNA lesions may lead to incomplete transcription,
na Not assayed
cellular dysfunction, growth inhibition, aging, weak-
ened immunity and diseases in the organism itself
et al. 2002). These plasma alterations reflect pollu- (Woo et al. 2006), also potentially affecting food
tants responses, as estuarine fishes are excellent chains and ecosystems (Kurelec and Gupta 1993).
osmoregulators (Plaza-Yglesias et al. 1988; Cataldi The piscine micronucleus test has been previously
et al. 1995, Plaut 1998, Prodocimo and Freire 2001; demonstrated as an efficient tool, responsive to crude
Freire and Prodocimo 2007), even when exposed to a oil exposure, to different PAHs (Maria et al. 2002;
wide range of salinities; the salinity difference Gravato and Santos 2002, 2003; Teles et al. 2003), to
between both sites was negligible. Osmoregulatory petroleum derivatives (Pacheco and Santos 2001), or
blood parameters are indeed considered useful bio- other contaminants (Pacheco and Santos 1998; Ayllon
markers of pollution in estuarine environments, also and Garcia-Vazquez 2000, 2001; Gravato and Santos
when coupled to the analysis of impairment of the 2002). In accidents with oil spills, Frenzilli et al.
activity of key enzymes from the osmoregulatory (2004) showed a high level of DNA damage in
organs, such as the Na+, K+-ATPase or the carbonic Zoarces viviparus from a site impacted by an oil spill
anhydrase (reviewed in Monserrat et al. 2007). in the Göteborg harbour, 3 weeks after the accident.
Several studies report extracellular fluid ionic dis- Our data confirm the results obtained by this previous
turbances upon exposure of fish to metals (Wood et study, and the rapid fish genotoxic response from oil
al. 1999; Rogers et al. 2003) or insecticides (Singh et spills. The quantification of damage to genetic
al. 2002). It appears that the chronic pollution in material was indeed a good biomarker for the acute
Paranaguá Bay resulted in higher plasma sodium and effects of the oil spill, being enhanced in the site next
magnesium levels, while the acute effects of the oil to the accident (Fig. 5). However, the previous results
spill on the catfish osmoregulation were mostly obtained from those sites and that same species make
reflected on osmolality and chloride. It should be the picture a bit more complex. Nuclear abnormalities
pointed out that high plasma magnesium and calcium
levels were measured in fishes caught both at the R Table 2 Morphological alterations (% of occurrence) found in
and the C sites after the VOS (Fig. 4D,F). This liver of C. spixii from reference (R) and contaminated (C) sites
before and after the Vicuña Oil Spill
observation adds to the already discussed enhance-
ment of ChE activity in the reference site, after the Before After
VOS. It may well be that more labile and volatile R C R C
compounds had already reached the site considered as
reference (R) (Figs. 1 and 2). Still, these physiological Vacuolization 70 60 20 20
data thus are suggested to be useful (and easy) Leukocyte infiltration 90 90 100 93
parameters to be monitored immediately following Hemorrhages na na 0 53
Parasites na na 60 73
an oil spill, even in already contaminated areas such
as Harbour areas. na Not assayed
218 Environ Monit Assess (2009) 152:209–222
Table 3 Morphological alterations/mm2 (mean±SEM) found in liver of C. spixii from reference (R) and contaminated (C) sites before
and after the Vicuña Oil Spill
Before After
were equally affected by the chronic contamination of These lesions hamper gas exchange and osmoregula-
Paranaguá harbour, as well as by the oil spill (Fig. 5). tion, essential functions for fish survival. Hyperplasia
The high levels of genetic alterations displayed by indicate tissue disruption, observed after chronic expo-
fishes obtained from the reference site again may sure to PAHs, chloride pesticides, PCBs and others (Ali
indicate chronic effects of contamination also in the and Sreekrishnan 2001; Shailaja and D’Silva 2003).
reference site, or, alternatively, recent migration of Morphological signs of exposure to chemical stress,
fish from more contaminated sites to cleaner areas, resulting in hepatic melanomacrophage centers, free
where they may have been sampled. It is known that melanomacrophages and necrosis, were frequent in
breaks detected by comet assay can be transient both reference and contaminated sites, either before or
lesions, either indicating high damage or an ineffi- after the VOS (Table 3). Melanomacrophage centers in
cient repair process (Collins et al. 1997). Although the liver are related to a higher phagocytotic activity, as
genetic material was sensitive to the oil spill, and its part of the immune response to tissue lesions in
damage effective to distinguish the contaminated exposed organisms (Couillard et al. 1999, Oliveira
from the reference site after the spill, again the Ribeiro et al. 2005, Rabitto et al. 2005). Hemorrhage
chronic contamination of the Bay may have clouded foci have been found only in the contaminated site
the observations. after VOS (Table 2). These alterations probably reflect
Gill and liver lesions as found in the present study an acute exposure.
have been previously reported in fish from estuarine However, previous analyses (1998–2000) of water
environments (e.g., Lyons et al. 2004, Noreña- and sediment in areas close to the reference and
Barroso et al. 2004, Oliveira Ribeiro et al. 2005), contaminated sites surveyed here revealed the pres-
and some of the lesions found in branchial tissue in ence of copper in the water (~0.065 mg/l, IAP –
the present study are considered as acute effects Environmental Institute of Paraná, available online,
(Zodrow et al. 2004). However, the occurrence of, retrieved in August
lamellar fusion was detected in fishes from both sites 2007), slightly above the limits set by CONAMA
before and after the accident. Lamellar fusion was (National Environmental Council, Resolution number
also reported for fish from areas contaminated by 20, of June 18, 1986, class 7) for brackish waters
sources such as paper mill effluents (Pacheco and (0.05 mg/l). No significant levels of contamination
Santos 2002; Valdez Domingos 2001), heavy metals either in the water or in the sediment were reported
such as copper (Arellano et al. 1999) and urban for cadmium, lead, chrome, mercury or zinc (IAP –
effluents with secondary treatment (Coutinho and Environmental Institute of Paraná, available online,
Gokhale 2000; Valdez Domingos 2001). Branchial, retrieved in August
epithelium lifting was found in all fishes obtained in 2007). Thus, some of the indications of damage
front of the harbour, either before or after the VOS. reported before the VOS may at least partially be
This alteration had been previously described in ascribed to the presence of copper. In addition, high
Arellano et al. (1999) and Fanta et al. (2003) in concentrations of arsenic were recently detected in
fishes exposed respectively to copper and organo- Paranaguá Bay (22.5 μg/l), including in the proximity
phosphate pesticides. As gills are directly exposed to of our reference site (14.4 μg/l; Anjos 2006). These
the external environment, these branchial alterations values are normally related to impacted estuarine
can represent a relatively acute answer to the oil spill. environments (Seyler and Martin 1990), such as
Environ Monit Assess (2009) 152:209–222 219
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