Spectral Induced Polarization Porosimetry
Spectral Induced Polarization Porosimetry
Spectral Induced Polarization Porosimetry
Induced polarization is a geophysical method looking to image and interpret low-frequency
polarization mechanisms occurring in porous media. Below 10 kHz, the quadrature conductiv-
ity of metal-free sandy and clayey materials exhibits a distribution of relaxation times, which
can be related to the pore size distribution of these porous materials. When the polarization
spectra are fitted with a Cole–Cole model, we first observe that the main relaxation time is
controlled by the main pore size of the material and that the Cole–Cole exponent c is never
much above 0.5, a value corresponding to a Warburg function. The complex conductivity
is then obtained through a convolution product between the pore size distribution and such
Warburg function. We also provide a way to recover the pore size distribution by performing
a deconvolution of measured spectra using the Warburg function. A new dataset of mercury
porosimetry and induced polarization data of six siliciclastic materials supports the hypothesis
that the Cole–Cole relaxation time is strongly controlled by the pore size, and especially the
characteristic pore size corresponding to the peak of the pore size distribution from mercury
porosimetry. The distribution of the pore throat sizes of these materials seems fairly well
recovered using the Warburg decomposition of the spectral induced polarization spectra but
additional data will be needed to confirm this finding.
Key words: Electrical properties; Hydrogeophysics; Permeability and porosity.
C The Authors 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.
Influence of pore size on induced polarization 1017
2004, 2006a,b; Revil & Florsch 2010; Revil et al. 2012b; Bücker & (a)
Hördt 2013).
In this paper, we first use a simple Cole–Cole model to describe
the low-frequency complex conductivity of porous media. In this
case, we will also provide evidences that the Cole–Cole exponent
c is comprised between zero (for very broad pore size or parti-
cle size distributions) and 0.5 (in the case of very narrow pore
size or particle size distributions). This observation points out that
the correct transfer function that should be used to perform the de-
convolution of the spectra is not the Debye function (a Cole–Cole
model with a c-exponent of 1) but a Warburg function (a special case
of the Cole–Cole function with a c-exponent equal to 0.5). Then,
we will develop a method to perform the deconvolution of induced
polarization spectra using the Warburg function and to analyse the
2.1 Definitions Figure 1. Polarization of a single grain. (a) Electrical double layer (Stern
plus diffuse layers) at equilibrium. (b) Polarization mechanisms of the grain
In frequency-domain induced polarization, we record the magni-
under an electrical field E. Three mechanisms occur: (i) the Falkenhagen
tude of the electrical conductivity from the current and the mea- contribution is due to the deformation of the diffuse layer and is characterized
sured voltage (corrected by a geometrical factor depending on the by a very fast relaxation time. (ii) The Stern layer polarization is due to
position of the electrodes and boundary conditions) and a phase the migration of the counterions in the Stern layer. (iii) The membrane
between the current and the voltage in response to a periodic har- polarization is due to the increase of salinity in the direction of the electrical
monic current. We note ω = 2 π f the angular frequency in rad field and the decrease of salinity on the other side of the grain (actually this
s−1 , f is the frequency in Hz and i = (−1)1/2 the pure imaginary increase/decrease of the salinity depends on the value of the transference
number, AB the current electrodes and MN the voltage electrodes. numbers for the cations and anions).
The results can be expressed as a complex conductivity σ ∗ or
the isoelectric point of the mineral surface (zeta potential equals
a complex resistivity ρ ∗ = 1/σ ∗ . The relationships between the
zero) for which there is no electrical diffuse layer (e.g. Revil et al.
modulus of this conductivity |σ | and the phase ϕ and the real
and imaginary components of the conductivity, σ and σ , are
A very popular complex conductivity model is the Cole–Cole
given by σ = |σ | exp(iϕ) = σ + iσ , with |σ | = σ 2 + σ 2 and function (e.g. Tarasov & Titov 2013):
tan ϕ = σ /σ . In Section 2.2, we provide a simple general model
to describe the complex conductivity of clayey or clean sands and σ ∗ (ω) = σ∞ − , (1)
sandstones. 1 + (iωτ0 )c
where the normalized chargeability is traditionally defined by (e.g.
Kemna 2000),
2.2 Model description
Mn = σ∞ − σ0 ≥ 0, (2)
Fig. 1 depicts three polarization mechanisms associated with the
polarization of a mineral grain coated by an electrical double layer while the chargeability is defined by M = 1 − σ0 /σ∞ (Kemna
coating the surface of the grains (e.g. Wang & Revil 2010). They in- 2000), c denotes to the Cole–Cole exponent (0 ≤ c ≤ 1), τ0 de-
clude (1) the deformation of the diffuse layer, which occurs at very notes the characteristic relaxation time (or time constant) and σ0
high frequency (>10 kHz, see the so-called Debye–Falkenhagen and σ∞ denote the low-frequency and high-frequency asymptotic
effect, Falkenhagen 1934), (2) the polarization of the Stern layer limits of the electrical conductivity, respectively. This model was
(Schwarz 1962; Leroy et al. 2008) and (3) the diffusion or mem- derived from the paper of Cole & Cole (1941) in which the Cole–
brane polarization, which is related to the difference in the trans- Cole expression was derived to describe the complex permittivity
ference number for the cations and anions during their migration of polar fluids. Florsch et al. (2012) noted that the Cole–Cole model
in the porous material (Marshall & Madden 1959; Bücker & Hördt in complex conductivity is not equivalent to the Cole–Cole model
2013). It seems that the main polarization mechanism is associated used by Pelton et al. (1978) to describe the complex resistivity of
with the Stern layer since we still observe a strong polarization at porous rocks but some relationships can be drawn between the two
1018 A. Revil, N. Florsch and C. Camerlynck
models (see Florsch et al. 2012; Tarasov & Titov 2013, for further
details). In the following, we will call ‘Warburg model’, a special
case of the Cole–Cole model described above by eq. (1) with c fixed
to 0.5. We will call ‘Debye model’, a special case of the Cole–Cole
model described above with c fixed to 1.
In the frequency dependent conductivity model obtained through
a volume-averaging approach by Revil (2013a,b), the low- and high-
frequency conductivities entering eqs (1) and (2) are given by:
1 1
σ0 = σw + ρ S β(+) (1 − f )CEC, (3)
F Fφ
1 1
σ∞ = σw + ρ S β(+) (1 − f ) + β(+)
f CEC, (4)
F Fφ
the peak frequency and the high frequency dielectric behaviour. different pore size distributions. Very sharp particle size distribution
The data are pretty well fitted with a Cole–Cole model with a (PSD) corresponds to PSD distributed over less than one decade
c-exponent of c = 0.39, therefore much lower than the value c = 1 while very broad PSD corresponds to the PSDs spreading over
that would be associated with a Debye model and a bit smaller than three decades. For very well-sorted sands, c is equal to 0.40 ± 0.12
the one found for the glass beads (c = 0.48). We also observe the (11 samples with the very sharp grain size distributions, see Fig. 4).
high-frequency behaviour in ω in Fig. 3 characterizing dielectric This shows that the exponent c in the Cole–Cole model does not
behaviour. take the full range of values between 0 and 1 but is restricted to
From the previous figures, it is possible that the broadness of the the range 0 and 0.5. The upper bound, c = 0.5 is consistent with
polarization is associated with the broadness of the grain or pore a Warburg model and not with a Debye model for which c = 1.
size distributions. We test now this idea using a broader database When the distribution of pore sizes is very broad, the exponent
of experimental data. Fig. 4 shows the cementation exponent m c has a tendency to be close to zero (flat distribution) while m
entering Archie’s law F = φ −m between the formation factor F and increases to values around 2. In conclusion, for very narrow grain
the connected porosity φ (Archie 1942) and the Cole–Cole exponent size distribution (all the grains have essentially the same size),
c distribution for a variety of sands and sandstones characterized by we would expect c to be close to 1 according to the Debye model
1020 A. Revil, N. Florsch and C. Camerlynck
has been subsequently used in the literature to model a variety of the polarization shown in Fig. 1 can be seen as a leaky capacitance
polarization mechanisms. The complex conductivity of a Warburg characterized by a Warburg impedance model.
model can be written as (ii) If we adopt a Debye decomposition of spectra to obtain relax-
Mn ation times, the associated distribution of polarization length scale
σ ∗ = σ∞ − . (7) seems always much broader than the true distribution of polarization
1 + (iωτ0 )1/2
length scales (e.g. Leroy et al. 2008; Vaudelet et al. 2011a). This
Eq. (7) shows that the Warburg model is a special case of the observation is consistent with the other observation made above
Cole–Cole model with an exponent of c = 0.5. At low-frequencies, that the spectral induced polarisation data of glass beads and silica
the phase or the quadrature conductivities scales as (ω)−1/2 as shown sands fitted with a Cole–Cole model show a Cole–Cole exponent
in Fig. 2 for glass beads with a uniform grain size. When decom- always smaller or equal to 0.50. In both cases, the Debye model is
posed with a Debye model, the (normalized) distribution of relax- not the model describing the behaviour of a porous material with
ation times for the Cole–Cole model is (Cole & Cole 1941) all the grains being the same and the observations point out that the
1 sin [π (1 − c)] Warburg model is the correct model to be used in deconvolving the
g(τ ) =
. (8)
2π τ cosh c ln τ − − complex conductivity data.
associated impulse function of the system is a Warburg function. L-curve to a very similar problem but based on the Debye model).
Therefore the pore size distribution can be recovered by perform- We can also use a variant of the method proposed by Florsch et al.
ing a deconvolution of the induced polarization spectra using this (2012) solving the problem in the Fourier space. A third possibil-
impulse or Green’s function. We propose below a methodology to ity is to transform the result of the Debye decomposition into a
perform this task, which is based on a generalization of the approach Warburg decomposition distribution of relaxation times. This third
proposed recently by Florsch et al. (2012) who used the Debye func- idea is explored in Appendix B. In Appendix B, we derive a formula
tion to perform the deconvolution of complex conductivity spectra. (eq. B17) that can be used to transform the distribution of relax-
We start by using a complete expression of the effective complex ation time obtained from a Debye deconvolution to a distribution
conductivity derived above in eq. (11) and adding the dielectric of relaxation time obtained from a Warburg deconvolution and vice
polarization (electric displacement) to the complex conductivity: versa. This formula can be very useful to researchers using existing
∞ codes based on the Debye deconvolution of the complex conduc-
∗ h(τ )
σeff = σ∞ − Mn dτ + iωε∞ , (18) tivity spectra and who want to transform their results in terms of a
0 1 + (iωτ )1/2 distribution of relaxation times using a Warburg deconvolution.
In the following, the set {Mn , h(τ )} is replaced by a non- Once we have obtained the distribution of the relaxation times,
Table 1. Description of the core samples in terms of porosity φ, permeability k, formation factor F, pore
= (8k F)1/2 and Cole–Cole relaxation time τ0 from the measured SIP spectra. The measured grain
density is in the range 2596–2620 kg m−3 . All the samples are sandstones except Sample #439, which
is a mudstone. 1 mD–10−15 m2 . The pore sizes rc (50) and rc (peak) denote the median of the pore size
distribution and the value of the pore radius corresponding to the peak of the distribution, respectively.
Sample φ k F
τ0 rc (50) rc (peak) τ0
(−) (mD) (−) (µm) (1) (s) (2) (µm) (3) (µm) (4) (s) (5)
S499 0.265 1103 5.6 ± 0.4 7.0 2.6 ± 0.2 14.3 22 2.3
S498 0.206 35.9 9.0 ± 0.8 1.6 0.20 ± 0.01 1.98 4.5 0.10
S490 0.233 635 12.1 ± 0.4 7.8 3.2 ± 0.3 12.2 25 2.9
S493 0.232 115 18.3 ± 0.4 4.1 0.41 ± 0.04 4.4 6 0.17
S439 0.208 2.62 13.3 ± 0.7 0.53 0.023 ± 0.001 0.52 0.9 0.004
S436 0.306 1623 4.0 ± 0.3 7.2 25.5 ± 3.6 13.2 55 14.2
Notes: (1) Determined using
2 = 8Fk with k determined from the capillary entry pressure (see Fig. 15);
Table 2. Composition of the natu- bell shapes. At the relaxation peak, the phase is in the range –6
ral groundwater for the sandstones. (mudstone, #439) to –38 mrad (Sample #499). The peak of the
TDS, total dissolved solids. phase lag occurs in the range 2 mHz (Sample #436) to 20 Hz
Parameter Units Value (mudstone, #439). The electrical conductivities are in the range
0.02–0.12 S m−1 .
TDS mg l−1 318
Conductivity µS cm−1 479
pH – 8.1
Alkalinity mg l−1 109
4.3 Pore size distribution
Na+ mg l−1 30.6 Mercury porosimetry measurements were performed on the six
K+ mg l−1 3.9 samples (Figs 9a–14a). Thin sections of the core samples are also
Ca2+ mg l−1 65.0
shown in Figs 9(b)–14(b). The permeability reported in Table 1
Mg2+ mg l−1 3.1
was determined from the mercury intrusion experiments using a
Cl− mg l−1 6.0
HCO3 − mg l−1 123 modified Swanson (1981) approach derived by Revil et al. (2014)
SO4 2− mg l−1 132 based on the capillary entry pressure pe (in Pa),
2γ φ
pe = √ √ , (29)
226 k
where φ denotes the connected porosity, γ represents the surface
tension between water and air (71.99 ± 0.05) × 10−3 N m−1 and k
the permeability at saturation. We test the proportionality
√ between
the capillary entry pressure and the ratio φ/ k in Fig. 15 (the
proportionally coefficient is fixed by the theory). Eq. (20) is used to
predict the permeability from the porosity and the capillary entry
pressure to Mercury for the different samples. When using use the
following formula
2 = 8Fk to determine the pore scale
≈ (0.38γ )/ pe , which is used to determine
using the
capillary entry pressure.
#499 -
-35 - -
-30 #490 #436-Sandstone
Phase (in mrad)
-25 #499-Sandstone
-10 #493
0.10 #493
Conductivity (in S/m)
#498 Figure 9. Pore size distribution and quadrature conductivity. (a) Pore size
distribution of Sample #499 (clayey sandstone). (b) Thin section. (c) The
0.06 quadrature conductivity data (filled circles) was only fitted with a Cole–Cole
model (plain line) for the frequencies around the peak frequency (R2 = 0.99).
0.02 #499
0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 10,000
Frequency (in Hertz)
Figure 8. Phase and magnitude of the complex conductivity for the six
samples investigated in this study. (a) Phase lag angle in mrad. (b) Magnitude
of the conductivity in S m−1 . For the mudstone, the phase data at low and
high frequencies are not shown because they were characterized by a high
standard deviation. The lines are guides for the eyes.
see Johnson et al. 1986), the median of the pore size distribution
from mercury porosimetry and the value of the pore size corre-
sponding to the peak of the pore size probability distribution. We
see that the Cole–Cole relaxation time is best correlated (R2 = 0.94)
with the value of the peak of the pore size probability distribution.
The relaxation time predicted by eq. (19) in Table 1 predicts fairly
well the Cole–Cole relaxation time (R2 = 0.89 in a linear–linear
The results of the inversion of the spectra are reported in terms of
relaxation times and pore size distributions (Figs 17–19). In these
figures, we see both the results of the Debye and Warburg decompo-
sition directly in terms of pore size distribution using the transform
developed in Section 3.3. The Debye and Warburg decompositions
fit the data equally well (Figs 17–19). Figure 10. Pore size distribution and quadrature conductivity. (a) Pore size
The pore size distributions resulting from the Debye decomposi- distribution of Sample 490 (clayey sandstone). (b) Thin section. (c) The
tion (c = 1 in the equations of Section 3.3) are generally too broad quadrature conductivity data (filled circles) was only fitted with a Cole–Cole
with respect to the pore size distributions obtained from mercury model (plain line) for the frequencies around the peak frequency (R2 = 0.97).
Influence of pore size on induced polarization 1025
Figure 12. Pore size distribution and quadrature conductivity. (a) Pore size Figure 14. Pore size distribution and quadrature conductivity. (a) Pore size
distribution of Sample #498 (clayey sandstone). (b) Thin section. (c) The distribution of Sample #439 (mudstone). (b) Thin section. (c) The quadrature
quadrature conductivity data (filled circles) was only fitted with a Cole–Cole conductivity data (filled circles) was only fitted with a Cole–Cole model
model (plain line) for the frequencies around the peak frequency (R2 = 0.98). (plain line) for the frequencies around the peak frequency (R2 = 0.99).
1026 A. Revil, N. Florsch and C. Camerlynck
Figure 16. Relationship between the Cole–Cole relaxation time and two different pore sizes reported in Table 1. (a) Correlation between the Cole–Cole
relaxation time and the pore size
determined using
2 = 8Fk (R2 = 0.90) and k determined from the capillary entry pressure. (b) Correlation between the
Cole–Cole relaxation time and the peak of the pore size distribution determined from the mercury intrusion experiments (R2 = 0.94). The best correlation
coefficient is obtained with the pore size determined from the mercury porosimetry using the pore size corresponding to the peak of the distribution.
Influence of pore size on induced polarization 1027
Figure 17. Fit of the SIP data of sample 498. (a) Fit of the amplitude (Debye decomposition). (b) Fit of the phase (Debye decomposition). (c) Distribution of
pore throat sizes (Debye decomposition). (d) Fit of the amplitude (Warburg decomposition). (e) Fit of the phase with a Warburg decomposition. (f) Distribution
of pore throat sizes (Warburg decomposition). (g, h, i, j, k, l) Same for Sample 493. The pore size distributions determined from Hg-porosimetry are shown in
terms of the peak (with the vertical bar) and the width of the distribution at half the value of the peak (horizontal bar).
1028 A. Revil, N. Florsch and C. Camerlynck
Figure 18. Fit of the SIP data of sample 490. (a) Fit of the amplitude (Debye decomposition). (b) Fit of the phase (Debye decomposition). (c) Distribution of
pore throat sizes (Debye decomposition). (d) Fit of the amplitude (Warburg decomposition). (e) Fit of the phase (Warburg decomposition). (f) Distribution of
pore throat sizes (Warburg decomposition). (g, h, i, j, k, l) Same for Sample 439 (mudstone).
Influence of pore size on induced polarization 1029
Figure 19. Fit of the SIP data of sample 499. (a) Fit of the amplitude with a Debye decomposition. (b) Fit of the phase (Debye decomposition). (c) Distribution
of pore throat sizes with the Debye decomposition. (d) Fit of the amplitude with the Warburg decomposition. (e) Fit of the phase (Warburg decomposition).
(f) Distribution of pore throat sizes with the Warburg decomposition. (g, h, i, j, k, l) Same for Sample 436.
1030 A. Revil, N. Florsch and C. Camerlynck
the pore size distribution, especially for small pore sizes, seem AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
more difficult to obtain from this procedure. The Debye decompo-
We thank the National Science Foundation for the project ‘SIP to
sition seems unable to provide the correct variance regarding the
invert permeability’ (in collaboration with Lee Slater at Rutgers
pore size distribution for the six samples presented in this study.
University and Andrew Binley at Lancaster University, NSF award
At the opposite, the Warburg decomposition provides narrower dis-
NSF EAR-0711053) and the Office of Science (BER), US. Depart-
tributions of relaxation times, which translates to distributions of
ment of Energy (award DE-FG02–08ER646559). We thank Egon
pore throat sizes that are compatible with those observed through
Zimmermann for the construction of his impedance meter, Markus
Hilpert and two anonymous referees for their constructive com-
ments regarding a previous version of our paper, Andreas Hördt,
The present findings open the door to induced polarization and an anonymous referee for their constructive comments regard-
porosimetry as currently done with NMR. NMR and SIP seem ing this version of the paper.
to be a natural tools to invert pore size distributions not only in
the laboratory but also in the field through joint inversion based on
a petrophysical model. Indeed both techniques are sensitive to the
pore size and we have developed an approach to remove surface
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