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Hydrodynamic Characterization and Optimization of The Chuquicamata Ripios Mina Sur Aglomerados Heap Leach Project - Part 1

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Hydrodynamic Characterization and Optimization of the Chuquicamata Ripios

Mina Sur Aglomerados Heap Leach Project – Part 1

Conference Paper · August 2000


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4 authors, including:

Amado Guzman
HydroGeoSense Inc


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Hydrodynamic Characterization and Optimization
of the Chuquicamata Ripios Mina Sur Aglomerados
Heap Leach Project – Part 1
J. Chahbandour1, A. Guzman1, C. Filippone1, and I. Carrera2
Water Management Consultants, Inc.
1875 Lawrence Street, Suite 500, Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 297-9005; Fax: (303) 297-9007
Codelco-Chile, Division Chuquicamata
Subgerencia Oxidos Mina Sur
Chuquicamata, Chile


Project description
Beginning in 1992, Codelco's Chuquicamata Division Subsequently, the project was returned to a basic
initiated a feasibility investigation to define the economic engineering level. A multi-disciplinary project team was
viability of benefaction of Mina Sur batch leach tailing formed to evaluate the cause of the failure and to define the
material. Between 1992 and 1995 Chuquicamata evaluated necessary construction and operational criteria for successful
four distinct alternatives for exploitation of this resource. performance of a new industrial scale test pad.
The results of this alternatives evaluation indicated that a 1:1 This is the first of two papers presenting the results of
agglomerated mixture of Ripios Antiguos de Mina Sur hydrodynamic characterization and optimization completed
(RAMS) and Ripios Frescos de Mina Sur (RFMS) leached in as part of the RMSA heap leach project. This paper focuses
heaps would be the most technically and economically on the characterization and definition of optimal operational
attractive option. Resource estimates indicate that there are conditions of the initial RMSA industrial test facility
approximately 85 million tons of RAMS material and 69 described above. The subsequent companion paper
million tons of RFMS tailings. Together the combined (Hydrodynamic optimization of Chuquicamata's Ripios Mina
resource is approximately 154 million tons at a grade of Sur Aglomerados Heap Leach Project – Part 2) summarizes
0.45% CuT. the hydrodynamic characterization, design and optimization
Based on the feasibility investigation the process, design of the new RMSA2 facility currently in operation.
and operational parameters were defined for an industrial
scale test facility. RAMS and RFMS materials were Objectives
agglomerated at a 1:1 ratio (referred to as Ripios Mina Sur As part of the multidisciplinary project team, Water
Aglomerados (RMSA)) in parallel drums and transported by Management Consultants was retained to perform a
conveyor to a RAHCO stacker. The RAHCO placed the hydrodynamic evaluation of the initial RMSA leach pad
material to a thickness of 18m in a prograding manner. with the following objectives:
Operation of the leach pad commenced on June 27, • Determine the hydrodynamic mechanisms
1998. Approximately 43 days after irrigation was initiated, responsible for the failure of the RMSA
the heap suffered a massive slope failure involving industrial heap.
approximately 100,000 tons of material.
• Identify the operational conditions that would
allow optimal economic leaching of the
industrial leach pad.


To achieve the objectives outlined above, a hydrodynamic The two-dimensional lines were oriented perpendicular
characterization program was designed to: and parallel to the direction of advance that the RAHCO
• Define the hydrodynamic parameters stacker followed as the ore was placed.
responsible for the observed behavior and that Figure 1 presents the two-dimensional resistivity
would control the performance under optimal profiles. Based on the resistivity structures illustrated in
conditions. these figures solution distribution patterns were established
that aided in development of the hydrodynamic conceptual
• Define the spatial variability of hydrodynamic model. Because the survey was completed approximately
properties of the agglomerated ore.
six months after irrigation was suspended, it was possible to
• Identify and compare the properties between identify important hydrodynamic controls on solution
the leached and unleached areas. distribution and movement. The results indicated that
significant lateral migration of solution occurred during
The characterization of the initial RMSA leach pad operation inhibiting vertical solution flow. In addition, there
consisted of geophysical surveys, drilling and sampling, and were distinct trends in vertical and horizontal solution
hydraulic testing. distribution that suggest that the heterogeneity in
hydrodynamic properties played an important role in
Geophysical survey solution movement and retention. Solution accumulation in
Under the direction of Water Management Consultants, the middle of the profile resulted from reductions in
Wellfield Services Ltda completed an electrical resistivity hydraulic conductivity and vertical contrasts in
tomographic survey on the industrial heap approximately six hydrodynamic properties.
months after irrigation was halted to define the solution
distribution within the profile. Both two- and three-
dimensional surveys were completed.

Figure 1
Two-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Profiles

Wellfield Services Ltda , Juan Glasinovic 480, Galpon 39, Antofagasta, Chile.


Drilling and sampling These master variables were subsequently utilized

Drilling and sampling were completed in order to define during the optimization runs to identify improved
the vertical and horizontal variability in key hydrodynamic operational conditions that would allow maximum copper
parameters. Information was collected from both irrigated recovery.
and non-irrigated areas to identify changes in hydrodynamic
characteristics that resulted from irrigation. Boreholes were Hydraulic testing
completed along each of the two-dimensional geophysical In-situ measurements of hydraulic parameters were
lines in order to correlate the geophysical data with completed in both irrigated and non-irrigated areas of the
variations in the hydrodynamic characteristics of the RMSA heap. The results indicate that the average saturated
agglomerated ore. hydraulic conductivity of the irrigated area was
The difference in physical properties between the approximately one order of magnitude lower than that of the
irrigated and non-irrigated areas was relatively small, non irrigated area. The average saturated hydraulic
suggesting that the initial conditions established when the conductivity in the non-irrigated area was approximately 1.1
material was placed determined, to a large extent, the x 10-4 cm/s versus 6 x 10-5 cm/s in the irrigated area.
magnitude and heterogeneity of key hydrodynamic Therefore, the relatively small but significant
parameters. Variations in hydrodynamic properties differences in key hydrodynamic parameters measured
correlated well with the geophysical data and showed between non-irrigated and irrigated areas had a strong
distinct horizontal and vertical trends. influence on saturated hydraulic conductivity. The behavior
of the industrial RMSA leach pad was particularly sensitive
Figure 2

Variations in Bulk Density and Degree of Saturation as a Function of Depth

Density vs Depth Degree of Saturation vs Depth

0 0

5 5
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

10 10

15 15

20 20
1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 10.00 30.00 50.00 70.00 90.00
Density (gr/cm 3) Degree of Saturation (%v/v))

Figure 2 illustrates typical variation in density and to these variations because the initial conditions were so
degree of saturation as a function of depth. Variations such close to critical limits. As a result only small changes in
as these were important in defining contrasts in material magnitude were required to severely limit the performance
properties that influenced solution distribution and leaching of the facility. This was a major contributing factor to the
efficiency. Master variables controlling the hydraulic and slope failure.
hydrometallurgical performance were defined as a result of
the analysis of the drilling and sampling data.


The hydrodynamic conceptualization was developed constant irrigation rate of 8 l/hr/m2 were incompatible with
based on an assessment of the performance of the test pad the hydrodynamic characteristics of the agglomerated
during operation and the hydrodynamic characterization material. The high retentive capacity of the RMSA required
results. The key points included in the conceptual model for a significant hydraulic head to initiate and maintain solution
each of these components are summarized below. discharge, which compromised the geotechnical stability of
the heap.
Operational performance
Approximately 92% (110,000 m3) of the solution Hydrodynamic characteristics
applied during the 43-day operational period was retained as Similarities between leached and unleached areas
indicate that the initial conditions were a critical factor in the
storage resulting in phreatic levels of 15 m within the RMSA
performance of the RMSA leach pad. Due to the methods of
heap. Even under these hydraulic head conditions, flow construction and quality of agglomeration, key
from the drainage pipes was minor due to the retentive hydrodynamic parameters were at critical limits prior to start
capacity of the material. Significant lateral migration up. The results of the physical characterization indicated
resulted from the physical heterogeneity and strong retentive that there were important horizontal and vertical trends in
capacity of the agglomerated material which ultimately lead key hydrodynamic parameters that controlled solution
to loss of control of solution collection. distribution and inventory. The results also indicate that
The hydrodynamic efficiency (a measure of changes in relatively small differences in magnitude were required to
inventory over time) of the RMSA pad is illustrated in create significant contrasts in hydraulic characteristics.
Figure 3 and shows an increase to approximately 7% during Three principal orientations to heterogeneity in
operation. The low hydrodynamic efficiency resulted from hydrodynamic characteristics resulted from the stacking
the significant amount of solution in storage early in the method. The two principal horizontal axes were related to
leach cycle. The elevated inventory resulted from the lateral the direction of advance of the RAHCO stacker. Parallel to
movement of solution and high operational moisture content. the direction of advance the variability is characterized by a

Figure 3

Measured Hydrodynamic Efficiency for the RMSA Industrial Pad

1 .0 0 0 0

0 .1 0 0 0
Hydrodynamic Efficiency

0 .0 1 0 0

0 .0 0 1 0

0 .0 0 0 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

T im e ( d a y s )

The copper recovery reached a maximum of approximately short correlation range ( 3 m) resulting from large changes
8%. The projected recovery was 60% based on the results of in material properties over relatively short distances.
metallurgical testing completed during the feasibility Perpendicular to the direction of advance material properties
evaluation. The significant amount of solution that are relatively uniform and show less variability over longer
remained in inventory would have prevented the projected distances ( 10 m). Variability in the vertical direction
recovery from being attained in the planned 180-day results from the influence of material segregation on
operational cycle. hydrodynamic properties and is characterized by a short
Based on the operational performance of the RMSA correlation range.
leach pad, it is clear that the conditions imposed by a

During operation the spatial heterogeneity in hydraulic
Figure 4 illustrates the results of the stochastically conductivity controlled the vertical and horizontal solution
simulated hydraulic conductivity field within the RMSA distribution within the leach pad. Local contrasts in material
leach pad. The hydraulic conductivity field was properties controlled flow segregation and a high degree of
characterized by the maximum values near the surface and a solution retention resulted from the significant fines content
clear reduction to the minimum values with depth. The and strong lateral movement of solution.
figure illustrates the rapid changes in hydraulic properties
along the axis parallel to the direction of advance.
Perpendicular to the direction of advance the lateral
variability in hydraulic conductivity was minimal as
indicated by the trends observed in the field.

Figure 4

Simulated Hydraulic Conductivity Field

Paralela a la
Parallel to thedireccion
direction de apilado
of advance


Z (m)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Y (m)

K (cm/s): 0.002 0.0035 0.005 0.0065 0.008 0.0095

Perpendicular toa the
la direccion deadvance
direction of apilado

Z (m)


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
X (m)

K (cm/s): 0.002 0.0035 0.005 0.0065 0.008 0.0095


Approach Results
The operational and physical components of the The results of selected optimization runs are presented
conceptual model were synthesized to construct a variably in Figure 6. The results presented in this figure illustrate the
saturated flow model. The model was calibrated against difference in predicted performance for distinct operational
observed phreatic levels in the leach pad and solution conditions. The initial optimization runs indicate that while
discharge rates. The results of the calibration are illustrated geotechnical criteria could be satisfied the selected
in Figure 5 and indicate that the model adequately operational conditions would result in excessive time to
reproduced the observed behavior. reach maximum discharge rates. In addition, the results
The hydrodynamic optimization of the RMSA leach pad showed that the requirements for stable flow through the
utilized the calibrated flow model and an optimization leach cycle could not be met.
routine that incorporated the site-specific criteria established
by Chuquicamata personnel. The criteria reflected
operational and geotechnical constraints required for
successful facility performance.
Figure 5

Model Calibration Results

Cumulative discharge (m )

12000 Observed Discharge

10000 Predicted Discharge

4000 Loss of solution capture as
2000 critical head developed in pad

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

The model successfully reproduced the solution

accumulation within the pad and the time of initial
discharge. The gradual deviation between observed and
predicted cumulative discharge is a result of imprecise
measurements of discharge. It is likely that the measured
values were underestimated as a result of partial solution


Figure 6
Hydrodynamic Optimization Results

In itia l o p tim iz a tio n m o d e l

60,000 600

50,000 500
D eDischarge
s c a rg a (m 3)
QQ (m(m3/dia)
Discharge (m 3)

40,000 3 / d ia ) 400

Q (m 3/day)
30,000 300

20,000 200

10,000 100

- 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
T i m e (D a y s)

F in a l o p tim iz a tio n m o d e l

60,000 600
D e s c a rg a(m3)
Discharge (m 3 )
50,000 Q (m3/dia) 500
Q (m 3 / d ia )
Discharge (m 3)

40,000 400

Q (m 3/day)
30,000 300

20,000 200

10,000 100

- 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
T i m e (d a y s)


While these operational scenarios are able to meet the Implementation of this schedule would result in the
geotechnical stability criteria, they fail to create optimal following:
hydrodynamic performance. Figure 6 illustrates the • Increase of 520% in volume recovered relative to
results for the final optimization model. The the actual performance.
hydrodynamic performance that results from these
operational conditions meets all of the operational and
• Use 84% of the solution actually applied.
geotechnical criteria established by Chuquicamata • Increase hydrodynamic efficiency by a factor of
personnel. 3.4.
The optimal irrigation schedule consisted of the Increased copper recovery by 390% and achieve 75%
following components: of the target recovery.
• Initial wet up period using a constant irrigation
rate based on the hydrodynamic characteristics
of the ore.
• Intermittent irrigation cycles that were able to
sustain the desired hydrodynamic and
geotechnical performance. The rates and
duration of the intermittent cycle were matched
to the hydrometallurgical and hydraulic
characteristics of the ore.


The initial feasibility investigation for the RMSA Heap Leach Dynamics Technology is based on well-
leach pad followed standard industry practices. However, established hydrologic tools that can be applied to
given the nature of the materials under investigation, the improve heap performance and reduce costs. Operations
lack of consideration for the hydrodynamic properties of with “difficult” material are excellent candidates to
the agglomerated ore during the design, construction, and benefit from optimization using Heap Leach Dynamics
operation of the RMSA resulted in significant technical Technology, although this technology has been applied to
and financial setbacks. Had the hydrodynamic less complicated leach operations resulting in significant
characteristics of the RMSA material been considered financial benefits to the operators.
during the initial feasibility investigation it is likely that
the facility would not have suffered the slope failure and
the projected operational targets would have been met.
The RMSA project clearly illustrates that design of heap
leach facilities can greatly benefit from Heap Leach
Dynamics TechnologyTM at a minimal cost relative to
normal feasibility expenditures.

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