Makalah Kel 10
Makalah Kel 10
Makalah Kel 10
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IN 2020
The gratitude that we convey to God Almighty, because of the blessing of His grace we can
finish this paper as expected. In this paper we discuss "Waste Final Processing".
This paper was made in order to deepen understanding of understanding issues, how to
determine the location of the final processing site, waste disposal methods, reactions in landfills
and decomposition in landfills and fulfill one of the tasks of the Waste Processing course. The
preparation of this paper can run smoothly because of the help and guidance from various
parties. For that, the authors would like to thank:
3. Colleagues from various parties who have helped the completion of this paper
We realize that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, we strongly expect constructive
criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this report. Hopefully this paper can be useful for
ourselves and others.
FOREWORD…………………………………………………………………………… i
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………...…………...… ii
A. Background…………………………………………………………………………. 1
B. Purpose……………………………………………………………………………… 1
C. Benefits……………………………………………………………………………… 1
A. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………… 14
B. Recommendation…………………………………………………..………………… 14
REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………….… 15
A. Background
The Final Processing Site is an important component in the waste management system.
One of the national programs in each area related to solid waste facilities and
infrastructure is the provision of final processing sites as a concept of sustainability of
waste management. The final processing site is provided by the government as a form of
responsibility for services to the community. The cleanliness of the environment and safe
place of processing will benefit the overall health of the community and the environment.
The procurement of final processing sites is intended to reduce the negative impacts
caused by landfill. The final waste processing site is the place where the waste reaches
the final stage in the disposal process. A poorly managed final treatment site can cause
various pollution and disturbance to public health around the area.
B. Problem Formulation
1. What is a Final Processing Site?
2. What are the criteria for selecting the Final Processing Site?
3. What are the garbage disposal methods?
4. What is the reaction that occurs in landfills?
5. What is the decomposition in the landfill?
C. Purpose
1. To find out the meaning of the Final Processing Place
2. To find out the criteria for selecting the Final Processing Site
3. To find out the method of waste disposal
4. To find out various reactions that occur in landfills
5. To find out the decomposition in the landfill
a) Must not have a ground water level of less than 3 meters.
b) Land graduation must not be greater than 10-6 cm / sec.
c) Distance to drinking water sources must be greater than 100 meters
downstream of the flow.
d) In the event that there are no zones fulfilling the above criteria, a technology
input must be held.
3) Zone slope must be less than 20%.
4) Distance from the airfield must be greater than 3,000 meters for turbojet flights
and must be greater than 1,500 meters for other types
5) Must not be in protected areas / nature reserves and flood areas with a return
period of 25 years
b. Opt-out Criteria
Elimination criteria are criteria used to choose the best location among several
feasible sites for Final Processing obtained in the previous stage. At this stage the
elimination criteria are used. Based on SNI 03-3141-1994 the elimination criteria
consist of regional criteria plus the following criteria:
1) Climate
a) Rain the intensity of the rain is smaller the better it is assessed
b) Wind: the direction of the dominant wind that does not go to the settlement is
considered better
2) Utility: more complete is available rated better
3) Biological environment:
a) Habitat: less variety is considered better
b) Carrying capacity: not supporting the life of flora and fauna, it is considered
4) Soil conditions
a) Soil productivity: unproductive rated higher
b) Capacity and age: can hold more land and last longer is considered better
c) Cover land availability: having sufficient overburden is considered better
d) Land status: the more varied is considered not good
5) Demographics: lower population density is considered better
6) Administrative limits: administrative boundaries are considered to be getting
7) Noise: the more buffer zones are rated the better
8) Odor: the more the buffer zone is rated the better
9) Aesthetics: the more invisible from the outside the better
10) Economy: the smaller the unit cost of waste management (per m3 / ton) is
considered the better.
c. Establishment Criteria
Establishment criteria are criteria used by the authorized agency to approve and
determine the chosen location in accordance with the policies of the local authorized
agency and the applicable provisions. General requirements for the location of the
Final Processing Place
1. It is included in the regional spatial plan
2. Type of waterproof soil
3. Areas that are not productive for agriculture
4. Can be used for 5-10 years
5. Does not endanger and pollute water sources
6. Distance from the service center area ± 10 km
7. Flood-free area
This method manages waste by coating rust resistant geotextiles on the surface of the
land before it is piled up with garbage. The function of geotextiles is to drain leachate
into reservoirs so that it does not pollute ground water. Leachate water is then
processed into liquid organic fertilizer (POC). After the waste is piled up, it is then
coated again with geotextiles at the top and covered with soil. This method is better
than just open dumping. However, it requires extensive land, expensive maintenance
costs and a large risk of leakage of toxic substances or gases.
3. Methods of rooftiling, floortiling, walling
This method converts waste into materials for roofs (tiles), floors (tiles / tiles), and or
materials for walls. With this reuse and recycle system, the problem is in large
investment costs and output that is still too expensive and lacks quality compared to
regular products from non-solid waste materials in general.
4. The incinerator method
This method is carried out by inserting waste (sorted or unsorted) into the combustion
unit at a temperature of 800 ° C-1,200 ° C. This method can reduce waste 80% -
100%. The heat generated can be used for electricity generation. The land required
for this system is relatively smaller than the sanitary landfill method but is expensive.
This method will no longer be permitted because of its enormous contribution to the
greenhouse gas effect.
5. Methane gas method
This method uses anaerobic fermentation technique on organic waste. Technically,
the waste is sorted into organic and inorganic waste. Organic waste is mixed with
water and digester (put in an airtight container) for about two weeks and will produce
methane gas (CH4) which can be used as electrical energy. This method is beneficial
because it can produce renewable energy.
6. Autoclave method
This method is relatively new although technically it is actually very simple. The
system is to unload directly from a dump truck into the mesinautoclave. Inside the
autoclave, garbage is injected with steam at 160 ° C for 2 hours. Waste is then
automatically channeled through the conveyor belt to the sorting machine. The
process in this system is environmentally friendly and has the opportunity to get
carbon credits.
7. Composting method
This method uses a basic system of controlled degradation of organic materials into
fertilizers by utilizing the activity of microorganisms. Microorganism activity can be
optimized for growth by conditioning the waste in wet conditions (nitrogen),
temperature and humidity of the air (not too wet and or dry), and good aeration
(oxygen content). In general, this method is good because it produces organic
fertilizer which is ecological (land enhancer) and does not damage the environment.
And it is very possible to directly involve the community as a manager (communal
basis) with a decentralized (se-decentralized) centralized management pattern or Core
(Government / Private) -Plasma (business group in the community) method. This will
also have a definite impact on tackling unemployment. This method needs to get
serious / full attention by the regional government (district / city).
Landfill gas is produced from the process of decomposition of waste which is buried
in the landfill by the activity of microorganisms. The decomposition process takes
place anaerobically through several stages, namely:
a. Hydrolysis is the breakdown of long carbon chains into simpler carbon chains in
the process of waste degradation by microorganisms.
b. Acidogenesis, from compounds with shorter carbon chains, is converted to
organic acids due to the activity of microorganism acidogens.
c. Methanogenesis, is a stage of degradation that produces methane gas and other
gases due to the microoganism activity of methane forming.
Anerobic waste decomposition process as mentioned above will form gas. The
composition of the gas produced is strongly influenced by microorganisms that
decompose the waste and in general the gas produced is very closely related to the
phases of anerobic breakdown of waste.
In the initial phase, it is called the aerobic phase, which occurs when the initial
landfill in the landfill and oxygen is still present in the garbage heap. The second and
third phases are called the acid transition phase which is closely related to the process
of acidogenesis and CO gas begins to form. Gas begins to form at the metagonesis
stage, the 4th phase which produces CH4 and CO2. The fifth phase is the maturation
phase where the waste has become a more stable product.
The characteristics of the gas produced from the waste decomposition process are
determined by the characteristics of the landfill. The largest composition of the gases
produced are methane gas (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). These gases can be used
as a potential energy source and if not managed properly will also cause pollution.
Methane gas and CO2 are one of the gases that have a contribution to the
Greenhouse Gas (GHG). Based on research data that has been done a lot of methane
gas has a strength 21 times stronger in storing heat compared to CO2 gas. This
condition that causes waste management in landfills is one of the contributors in the
cause of global warming. Based on 2007 SLHI data, it is known that waste
management in landfills that do not manage gas properly accounts for 3% of the
effects of global warming in Indonesia. Figure 8 shows methane gas data generated
from landfill locations in various cities in Indonesia. Related to this, the National
Action Plan (RAN) on Climate Change on a national scale includes efforts to manage
gas in landfills as one of the mitigation efforts to reduce global warming. The
methane gas produced must be managed properly and can be used as an energy
a. The elements of waste formation such as carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen and
oxygen obtained from the analysis of the characteristics of the waste is the
ultimate analysis.
b. Depending on the speed of waste degradation, it is divided into those that are
quickly decomposed and slow to decompose. The time for decomposition of
readily decomposed organic matter is 5 years, while the decomposition time of
decomposed organic matter is 15 years.
When gas begins to be produced, the pressure in the landfill will increase so as to
allow the movement of gas in the landfill. Gas movement can occur vertically and
horizontally, if the outside pressure (barometric) is smaller than the pressure inside
then the gas will tend to move vertically and outward, whereas if the outside pressure
is greater then the gas tends to hold inside the landfill, until it reaches the pressure
balance . The movement of gas is very difficult to predict from several studies known
that the movement of methane gas in the horizontal direction can reach distances of
more than 1500 feet.
Gas produced during the decomposition process should not be released into the air
because methane gas produced if contact with air> 5% will cause an explosion, so it
is necessary to monitor and monitor Landfill gas. Gas control in general can be done
by burning gas or utilizing it as an energy source. Especially for methane gas can be
used as a potential energy source. In general, gas control systems can be actively and
passively differentiated.
2. Formation of Leachate
Waste discharged into landfills undergoes several physical, chemical and biological
changes simultaneously which include producing a liquid called leachate. Leachate
can be defined as a liquid that has passed through waste that has extracted dissolved /
suspended material from the waste (Tchobanoglous, 1993). Leachate is produced
when the liquid comes into contact with waste originating mainly from domestic
waste, which cannot be avoided on landfills. Leachate is produced from infiltration of
rainwater into a pile of garbage in the landfill and from the liquid contained in the
waste itself. If not controlled, landfills filled with leachate water can contaminate
underground and surface water.
In general, leachate consists of liquid which is the result of decomposition of waste
and liquid entering the landfill from outside, for example surface water, ground water,
rain water, etc. The entry of this liquid can increase the volume of leachate which is
then stored in the cavity between the waste components and will flow if possible. So
based on the material balance of leachate, the main source of leachate comes from
external sources, such as surface drainage, rainwater, groundwater, and water from
underground, while internal sources are liquids produced from decomposition of
In general, the characteristics of leachate are: brown liquid, has high organic content
(BOD, COD), heavy metal content is usually also high and smells of septic. The
chemical composition of leachate varies depending on several things including:
• Characteristics and composition of waste
Naturally, the organic fraction of waste is influenced by waste degradation in
landfills and also the quality of the leachate produced. The presence of toxic
substances for bacteria will slow down the degradation process.
• Landfill cover type
Porosity of land cover landfill will affect the amount of rain water entering it
which will also affect the amount of leachate produced. For this reason, special
requirements are required for daily cover land and final cover land.
• Season
Season changes will have a different impact on the amount of leachate production
and also its concentration. In the rainy season the amount of leachate produced
will generally be greater but has a lower concentration than during the dry season
because the rain water that enters the landfill will act as a thinner.
• pH and humidity
The pH value will affect the chemical process that is the basis of mass transfer in
the waste leachate system.
• Dump Age (Landfill Age)
The age of landfills can be reflected by variations in the composition of leachate
and the amount of pollutants contained. The age of the landfill influences the
determination of the characteristics of the leachate to be regulated by the type of
stabilization process.
With high organic matter and chemical contents in leachate, if it is not treated
properly, it will become a source of pollutants for receiving water bodies, ground
water and soil topsoil as a place for plants to get nutrients (Pfeffer, 1992). The
existence of leachate without proper processing will eventually become a source
of disease for the surrounding population. High heavy metal content will also be
very dangerous, which can cause defects and even death. For example, in addition
to polluting groundwater, community wells can also pollute ponds, where the
leachate is toxic to the fish they are cultivating. So the leachate management
needs to be done.
Based on the characteristics of leachate, treatment is needed before leachate is
discharged into water bodies. Processing mainly aims to reduce the content of
organic matter in leachate, reduce the nutrient content such as NH4 and the
content of heavy metals which are thought to be dissolved in leachate. Leachate
processing is usually a good combination of physical, chemical and biological
processing. Leachate processing is one of the leachate effluent treatments that can
be done. Other alternatives that can be done include:
• Utilizing hydraulic properties by regulating groundwater so that leachate
flow does not lead to groundwater
• Isolate landfill so that external water does not enter and the leachate does not
come out
• Look for land that has a subgrade with good ability to neutralize pollution
• Return (recirculation) leachate to the landfill
• Stream leachate to domestic wastewater treatment
• Processing leachate with its own processing unit.
The choice of leachate processing is very much determined by various factors, the
most important are; quality standard (standard) effluent leachate, land availability,
human resource capacity and economic capability. Leachate processing is a
combination of physical-chemical and biological processing. Physical treatment
aims to reduce solids both suspended and dissolved in leachate. This treatment is
usually combined with chemical and biological processing. Chemical treatment
aims to reduce the content of ions in the leachate and the process of coagulation
and flocculation to reduce the content of suspended solids in the leachate. The
biological treatment process is primarily a combination of anerobic and aerobic
treatment aimed at reducing the content of organic matter in leachate. Alternative
treatment systems that can be used to process leachate are as follows (Hermana,
b. Combination of Anaerobic - Aerobic Processing Processes, for locations
with more limited land availability, namely a combination of Anaerobic
Baffled Reactors (ABR) and Aerated Lagoon (alternative 3)
2. Processing with Physical-Chemical Process
This treatment is appropriate if better quality leachate effluent is desired so
that it can be used for watering or cleaning equipment in landfill sites or
discharged into Class II water bodies (PP No. 82 of 2001). The combination of
processing systems used is as follows:
• Coagulation Process - Flocculation, Sedimentation, Anaerobic Ponds or
ABR (alternative 4)
• Coagulation Process - Flocculation, Sedimentation I, Aerated Lagoon,
Sedimentation II (alternative 5)
Within the landfill area adequate drainage systems must be planned. This
drainage system prevents rainwater falling over the nonlandfill landfill area
from entering the lanfill. This is important because rain water that flows as
surface water, if it flows into the landfill area will increase the volume of
leachate produced in the landfill. Areas that must be served by the drainage
system include landfill facilities, offices, courtyards, parks and other
supporting facilities.
When the oxygen component is consumed, the landfill is considered to have
anaerobic conditions. The duration depends on the temperature and oxygen available.
Fist (1967) reported the concentration of explosions in his research that another gas
produced anaerobically was hydrogen sulfide which smelled foul and was explosive.
A. Conclusion
The final processing site is the place where the waste reaches the final stage of its
management since it began to arise at the source, collection, transfer / transportation,
processing and disposal. The choice of final processing location is divided into three
criteria, namely regional criteria, allowance criteria, and determination criteria. Garbage
disposal has several methods including, open dumping method, sanitary landfill method,
rooftiling method, floortiling, walling, incinerator method, methane gas method,
autoclave method, composting method. Various reactions that occur in landfills are gas
formation and leachate formation. Decomposition in landfills includes aerobic and
anaerobic decomposition.
B. Suggestions
Based on the results of the discussion of the paper it is expected that in the preparation of
papers relating to the final processing of waste to be discussed more deeply so that the
reader is more in-depth so that the reader gets more knowledge.