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Nanmuthalvan Task Report (Batch 11)

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(An initiative of Naan Mudhalvan in
collaboration with L&T EduTech)

Submitted by

Name Reg.No

Vinothkanna R 712821139046

Vishnu K 712821139047

Vishnu T 712821139048
Yuvaraja P 712821139049

Department of Petrochemical’s

RVS College of Engineering and Technology

The report of the project work submitted by the above student as a part of Urban

Sustainable Waste Management Course for the Naan Mudhalvan programme in

collaboration with L&T EduTech is evaluated and confirmed to be the work done by

the student.

Submitted on ---------------------------------

Head of the Department Faculty in-charge

(Designation, Signature with seal) (Designation, Signature with seal)


1. Introduction
Urban sustainable waste management involves implementing strategies and practices to
S.No. Section Page No.
1 Waste characterization and quantification

2 Waste collection system

3 Waste transfer and transport
4 Waste processing and treatment
5 Solution for proper disposal of waste

minimize waste generation, maximize recycling and reuse, and reduce environmental impact within
urban areas. By employing innovative technologies and community engagement initiatives, cities
aim to achieve efficient waste collection, processing, and disposal while promoting environmental
stewardship and resource conservation. This holistic approach not only mitigates pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions but also fosters a healthier and more resilient urban environment for
present and future generations.
The sustainable waste management report for …….Kuniyamuthur,coimbatore…… has been
prepared for enhancing existing waste collection, processing, and disposal practices.
Waste characterization is also known as Waste Stream Assessment, and it is a part of
quantification. It means finding out how much paper, glass, food waste, etc. is discarded in the waste
stream. The goal of waste characterization is to understand the composition and characteristics of the
waste stream, which can be valuable for various purposes. Waste characterization information helps
in planning how to reduce waste, set up recycling programs, and conserve money and resources.
2. Characterization of Waste
Step 1: Preparation of general profile
Step 2: Survey Phase
Step 3: Waste Stream Characterization
2.1 Preparation of general profile Kuniyamuthur
1. Location:
a) Latitude and Longitude…… 12.0809, 78.2154 ………….
b) State…… Tamilnadu………………….
c) Distance from nearby airport … 9.4 km…..
d) Area of the locality…… 8.68.............sq.km
2. Accessibility through highways and railways
a) Distance from nearest highway… 3.8 km……
b) Distance from nearest railways… 6.6 km……

The proximity of the highways and railways to Kuniyamuthur is advantageous for waste transfer and
transport. Well- connected roads increase the efficiency of waste collection.

3. Population [Table 1, 2]
a) Number of wards: …1……..
b) Total population …… 1812………
c) Total households… 539………..
d) Population density… 1800..............persons/sq.km
e) Population projection for future years… 14256………. persons/sq.km by 2050. Table 1-
Population Ward wise
Number of wards Nature of No. of Male Female Total % of total
area household population
Ward No. 171 rural 500 1300 700 2000 1.8%
Coimbatore 2000
Table 2- Population density in surrounding regions
4. Physiography:
a) Coastal, mountainous, plains, or another physiographic zone:… Nil
b) Terrain characteristics (undulating, hills, valleys): ……. Nil……
c) General slope direction… Towards East [3 degree may be]……
d) 6. Geology:
a) Main geological formations… Clay, shale and sandstone......................4
a) Major soil type… 10 m Black with red.…………………….
b) Drainage…… Highly porous…

a) Percentage coverage of different land use types…Table 3……
b) Detailed classification of the area………

Sl. No. Description Area coverage (%) Land use

01 Primary Residential 40
02 Mixed Residential 30
03 Commercial 5
04 Institutional 8
05 Industrial 2
06 Special And Hazardous 0
07 Open Space & Recreational 5
08 Urbanisable 0
09 Non Urban 2
10 Water Body 8
11 Agricultural 0
12 Reserved Forest 0
Total 100

8. Climate: [Table 4]
a) Type of climate……… Tropical……………….
b) Seasonal variations …… Summer, monsoon……………..
c) Monsoon periods and rainfall distribution… Rain (Jan-aug), Dry (may-dec)…..........Table
4 Historical rainfall data for a specified period
Sl. No. Year Highest Rainfall
in cm/day
1 2015 14
2 2023 12
Normal rainfall 10 mm/day
2.2 Survey Phase
In …..Kuniyamuthur……, an integral aspect of urban sustainable waste management involves
gathering public opinions and suggestions. To achieve this, a structured questionnaire will be utilized
to solicit input from residents, local businesses, and community organizations. Additionally,
interviews were conducted with stakeholders such as waste management experts and municipal
officials to comprehensively assess the current state of solid waste management in
inclusive approach aims to incorporate diverse perspectives and insights, fostering collaborative
efforts towards implementing effective and sustainable waste management practices tailored to the
specific needs of the community. Following Survey sample has been conducted on waste segregation
practices from a resident of ….Coimbatore …...
Name of Surveyor...A.RAGHUL..........
1. Name of Authority…NSS…………………
2. Name of Neighborhood/locality...Coimbatore Town..................
3. Household family size:.......4........
4. Do you agree if the waste is not disposed properly, it can pollute the environment? Y/N; If yes,
identify the causes/ reasons for some of these problems
(a) As there is no dustbin nearby, wastes are disposed anywhere and this create a nuisance.
(b) Wastes are not collected regularly.
(c) Wastes are left around the dustbin.
(d) Wastes are left in the drain. (e) Wastes are left on the road.
5. Who disposes of your household waste?
(a) Servant
(b) Family member
(c) Any other person
6. Where is the household waste disposed?
(a) In the dustbin
(b) By the side of the road
(c) In an empty space near the house
(d) Waste collector from the municipality does the door-to-door waste collection
7. How much are you currently spending on waste disposal per month? ……Nil......................8.
Satisfaction level about the present municipal waste removal system:
(a)Very good (b) Good (c) Ok/medium (d) Not satisfactory 9.
How often do you dispose of your household waste?
(a) Every day (b)Once every two days (c) Once every three days
10. How do you dispose your household waste in:
(a) Polythene /plastic packet (b) Small bucket (c) Any other container 11.
Generally, when do you dispose of your waste?
(a) No definite time (b) Between 6am to 6pm (c) After 6pm
12. How often does the city municipality collect the waste?
(a) Everyday (b) Once in two days (c) Once in three days (d) Irregularly (e) Don't know
13. Which system do you prefer for removal of your household waste?
(a) A collector will collect the waste from the house.
(b) The collector will come to a certain place at a certain time, you will give him the waste.
(c) You yourself will dispose of the waste in the dustbin.
(d) You will keep your waste container at a certain time by the roadside and the collector will
collect it from there.
14. Rate from 1-4, with 1 being the least:
Facilities in
your locality Priority

Water supply 2
Sanitation 1
Solid waste
management 1

Drainage 2
15. What do you feel is the most common type of waste generated at your home? Food waste
16. Would you like to dispose of waste from your household daily? Yes
17. What types of wastes are you willing to store for a few days
(a) Wet waste
(b) Packaging material including milk covers and other food packaging (c) Batteries
(d) Household sanitary waste
(e) Electronic waste
18. Would you segregate your household waste because
(a) It's your responsibility
(b) It's mandatory
(c) It can generate some income
19. What types of waste are you segregating and selling? Batteries, Plastic Bottle
20. Do you know where the household waste is taken? Yes. Dumpyard
21. Are you willing to participate in the exercise to assess the volumes of waste produced for
different categories? Yes.
Coimbatore is known for its temple and local street shops. The following questionnaire has been
prepared for the floral shops located alongside the temples of Coimbatore
Questionnaire for establishments Type/Nature
of the establishment:
Shop / Office / Restaurant / Institution
1. Name of major products / process: …Flower…..
2. Type / nature of solid waste generated, if any? .…Flower petals…………….
3. Approximate quantity of waste generated per day……….
4. Existing disposal practices:
Open dumping / Combustion / land filling / Recycling/ composting/others (specify)
If open dumping, site of disposal…Corporation Garbage Bunk, MGR Nagar……
5. Are you satisfied with the Existing solid waste management practices of your municipality?
Yes / No
If no, why?..................
6. What method do you suggest for your municipality in the area of solid waste management?
….Composting box required…………
7. Which area of yours, you suggest, is ideal for setting up of a solid waste management
8. Will you support a waste management system incorporating
nearby Municipalities?..........No......................
9. Will you pay for the services, if a paid waste management system is introduced in your
locality: Yes / No
2.3 Waste Stream Assessment & Quantification in Kuniyamuthur at Selected
1. Identify Nearby region and Sources:
a) Name the nearby region ………Kuniyamuthur………
b) List the main sources of solid waste generation
a. Coimbatore: Domestic, markets and shops, temples
b. Kuniyamuthur: Domestic, Shops, Institutions, Offices
c. kalangal: Domestic, Hotels, Public areas, Shops
d. Ranganathapuram: Domestic, Shops, Institutions, Offices

2. Quantification:
• Total daily solid waste generation for the entire area was calculated by dividing
the area/locality into 10 sampling points. It was fixed by grouping apartment
waste or from each residential house.
• Sampling points were restricted to 10. It was fixed based on the extent of area.
a) Methodology of waste segregation
b) Break down the solid waste generation by segments -
Figure 4 Methodology of waste segregation
Table 5- Segregation results of solid waste samples per day

3. Refuse percentage:
a) Percentages of each refuse category [Table 6]
Table 6-Percentage of various components in solid waste samples
Sampling Organic Plastic Glass Stone Shell Metal
Stations waste (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
S1 75.40 11.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
S2 80.4 14.7 0.00 1.52 0.13 0.00
S3 25.8 12.8 0.00 55.66 0.00 0.00
S4 70.4 13.8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
S5 68.8 15.6 0.00 2.80 0.00 0.00
S6 72.4 18.9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
S7 70.3 18.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.10
4. Moisture Content:
a) Moisture percentage of organic substances

b) Identify areas with high organic content:

Gross weight
Sampling (grams) Organic Plastic Glass Stone Shell Metal
stations (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams)
S1 185.80 250.45 150 0 0 0 0

S2 125.15 528.4 112.66 0 20 0 0

S3 138000 50000 16000 0 1900 0 0

Sampling Total Wet waste Total dry waste Moisture content (%)
stations (gm) (gm)

S1 1743.33 796.0007 54.34022

S2 926.667 408.5446 55.91247
S3 1243.33 720.6727 42.03689
S4 826.667 371.1967 55.09719
S5 1296.67 810.9923 37.45577
S6 1033.33 679.9372 34.19941
S7 923.333 409.0993 55.6932
Table 7- Moisture content of the organic fraction of waste
The chapter includes analysis and design of waste collection system appropriate for the study
location. The term "collection" refers to not only the collecting of solid wastes from various sources,
but also the transporting of these wastes to a point where the collection trucks' contents are emptied
and the unloading of the vehicles.
3. Questionnaire on Waste Collection System
The questionnaire on waste collection system in the locality facilitates understanding the
existing practices in the locality. Door to Door Collection Individual Houses:
a. Name of the locality: Kuniyamuthur
b. Type of locality (urban/rural): rural Waste Collection Process:
i. Who is responsible for waste collection in your locality?
a. Sanitary laborers b. Private waste management company c. Other (Greater
Kuniyamuthur Corporation):
ii. How frequently is waste collected in your area?
a.Daily b. Weekly c. Bi-weekly d. Monthly iii. Any issues or challenges observed in the
waste collection process? (e.g., missed collections, irregular schedules) Briefly describe: Daily waste
collection was strictly implemented and monitored regularly Waste Segregation at Source:
i. Is waste segregated into dry and wet waste at the household level? a. Yes b. No ii.
If no, what are the reasons for not segregating waste at the source?
Waste Disposal:
i. Where is the collected waste taken?
a. Dumping yard
b. Nearest open place
c. Recycling facility d. Other (please specify): Corporation Garbage Bunk
(coimbatore,32.6 kms away from coimbatore) ii. How satisfied are you with the current
waste disposal practices in your area? a.Satisfied b. Neutral c. Dissatisfied Road Sweeping
Practices Road Sweeping Schedule:
i. Who is responsible for road sweeping in your locality? a. Sweepers b. Private cleaning
service c. Other (please specify): Greater Kuniyamuthur Corporation ii. How frequently
are internal streets swept in your locality? a. Once a week b. More than once a week c.
Other (please specify): iii. How often are main roads swept in your area? a. Once a
week b. Twice a week c. Other (please specify): Manual Sweepers – Every Day iv. What
is the time window for road sweeping on both internal streets and main roads? a. 6 am to 7
am b. other (please specify):
Waste Collection and Transport:
i. How is the collected waste transported to the nearest dust or open place? a. Tricycles
b. Other (please specify): Battery Operated Vehicles ii. Are there any observed issues or
challenges in the waste transportation process? Area is congested Briefly describe:
Satisfaction Level:
i. How satisfied are you with the current road sweeping practices in your area? a. Very
b. Satisfied c. Neutral d. Dissatisfied e. Very dissatisfied Commercial
a. Name of the commercial area: Luz corner
b. How long have you been associated with or visiting this area? 10 years Shopkeeper Attitude
towards Bins:
i. Do shopkeepers allow the placement of bins near their shops for waste disposal? a. Yes b. No ii.
If no, what reasons do shopkeepers typically give for not allowing bins near their shops? iii.
How do shopkeepers expect waste to be managed if bins are not allowed near their shops?
Waste will be collected in bins or bags and disposed in communal bins Waste Disposal
i. In the absence of bins near shops, where does the waste usually end up? a. Streets b.
Drains c. other (please specify):
ii. Is street sweeping the primary method used to clear waste from streets and drains? a.
b. No iii. How does the absence of bins near shops impact the overall cleanliness of the
area? Street littering, breeding of insects, bad odour, leaching iv. Is there any
ongoing communication or awareness program to educate shopkeepers about proper waste
Hotel Waste Collection Practices
i. How long have you been associated with or residing in this area? 10 Years Waste
Collection Process:
i. How is the waste generated from hotels collected? a. Tractor with sanitary workers b.
Private waste management service c. Other (please specify): ii. How many sanitary workers
are typically involved in the waste collection process? 1 or 2 iii. At what time is the waste
collection usually conducted in the morning? 6 am to 8 am Frequency of Waste Collection:
i. How often is waste collected from hotels in your area? a. Daily b. Weekly c. Bi-
Other (please specify): _ ii. How satisfied are you with the current frequency of waste
collection from
hotels? a. Very satisfied b. Satisfied c. Neutral d. Dissatisfied e. Very dissatisfied Waste
Disposal Destination:
i. Where is the collected waste from hotels taken? a. Dumping yard b. Recycling facility
c. other (please specify): Wet waste to biofuel, energy
Waste Collection Process: (Flower Shops - Local shops near temples)
i. How is the waste generated in the market collected? a. Tricycles b. Private waste
management service c. Other (please specify):
ii. How frequently is waste collected from the market area? a. Daily b. Weekly c. Bi-weekly
d. Other (please specify):

Transportation to Dump Yard:

i. How is the collected waste transported to the dump yard? a. Tractors b. Other (please
Satisfaction and Feedback:
i. How satisfied are you with the current waste collection frequency in the market area?
a. Very satisfied b. Satisfied c. Neutral d. Dissatisfied e. Very dissatisfied Waste
Disposal Destination:
i. Is the waste transported to a dump yard?
a. Yes b. No
If no, where is the waste disposed of? (Please specify): Composting centres Hospital
or healthcare facility:
How long have you been associated with or visited this hospital? 10 Years Waste
Collection Process:
I. How is non-biomedical waste collected in hospitals? a. Govt service b. Private waste
management service c. other (please specify):
ii. At what time is the waste collection usually conducted in the morning? 6 am Frequency of
Waste Collection:
i. How often is non-biomedical waste collected from hospitals? a. Daily b. Weekly c.
Biweekly d. Other (please specify): ii. How satisfied are you with the current frequency of waste
collection from hospitals? a.Very satisfied b. Satisfied c. Neutral d. Dissatisfied e. Very dissatisfied
iii. Are you aware of the guidelines and regulations related to biomedical waste management in India?
a. Yes b. No Waste Disposal Destination:
i. Where is the collected non-biomedical waste from hospitals taken? a. Dumping yard b.
Recycling facility c. other (please specify): Incineration / deep burying
Collection and Segregation
i. How is biomedical waste collected in your facility? a. In-house collection b. Outsourced to a
biomedical waste management service c. Combination of both ii. Is there a proper
segregation system in place for different types of biomedical waste? a. Yes b. No iii. How is
biomedical waste stored before disposal? a. In designated color-coded bins b. In sealed
containers c. Other (please specify) iv. How is biomedical waste transported from your
facility to the disposal site? a. In-house transportation b. Outsourced to a waste management
service c. Combination of both v. How frequently is biomedical waste disposal carried out?
Component Bins for segregation Door to Door collection Street Sweeping Secondary Collection

Segregation of waste at source Arrange for door to door Organize Street Is there any communal
by storing of waste in 3 collection of segregated sweeping bins located?
different bins wet, dry and solid waste from all covering all the
domestic hazardous households including residential
waste slums and informal and commercial areas
settlements, commercial, on
Institutional and other all the days of the year
non-residential premises. irrespective of Sundays
and public holidays.

Existing Only wet and dry waste is Organized street Yes

Practices collected. Domestic hazardous sweeping is carried out
waste is also collected alone
with dry waste Informal settlements are
missed in the collection
Proposed Separate Collection for Effective planning for Nil Nil
Solution hazardous waste slum waste management
must be done
5. Community Bin Layout

Figure 5 Community Bin Layout for coimbatore

6. Suitability Analysis of Collection system for Kuniyamuthur
In this project an optimal placement of a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) near the commercial
area of Kuniyamuthur was proposed. The task at hand involves determining the maximum distance
within which the MRF can be strategically located. Additionally, there's a need to assess whether the
cost of operation for the hauled container system matches that of the stationary container system. It's
assumed that a single collector-driver vehicle will be utilized for both the stationary and hauled
container systems, emphasizing the importance of efficiency and cost-effectiveness in waste
management operations throughout Kuniyamuthur. Data for HCS: a) Quantity of solid wastes = 250
b) Container size = 4 m3/trip
c) Container Utilization factor = 0.65
d) Container pickup time = 0.2h/trip
e) Haul time constants a = 0.26 h/trip and b = 0.78h/km
f) At-site time (s) = 0.55 h/trip
g) Overhead costs =32500 per week
h) Operational Costs = ₹ 1425 per/hour of operation Data for SCS:
a) Quantity of solid wastes = 185 m3/week
b) Container size / location
c) Container utilization factor 0.54
d) Collection vehicle capacity= 5.28trip
e) Collection vehicle compaction ratio 1
f) Container unloading time = 0.01 h/container
g) Haul time constants: trip and
h) At-site time
i) Overhead costs 32500 per week
j) Operational costs = 862per hour of operation Location Characteristics:
a) Average distance between container locations
b) Operational costs = 862 per hour of operation
c) Constants for estimating driving time between container locations for both haul and stationary
container systems are trip and
6.1 Hauled Container System [HCS]:
Step 1: Number of trips per week
Weekly quantity of waste collected


Step 2: Average pickup time for the HCS

HCS pc uc dbc
If ‘dbc’ is not given, use haul speed constants
HCS pc uc (a+bx)
Step 3: Time
HCS = 0.01+0.01+0.04+0.02(0.1)=0.062 trip
as a function of the round-trip haul distance

TW = d/wk

required per
Step 4: Weekly operational cost as a function of round-trip haul distance
Operational cost = (Operational cost per hour) * (Daily total hours of operation) * [Time required per

Operational cost =(₹827)(6)(1.74+(0.1)

week (Tw)]

Overhead cost = Rs. 28464 (given)
Operational cost

Total cost( /week) = Operational cost + overhead cost = 9642.40 + 650.41 + 17846
Total cost( /week) = 28,138.81 + 650.41
6.2 Stationary Container System [SCS]

( volume of collection vehicle) (compaction ratio)

Step 1: Number of containers emptied per trip
(container volume) (container utilization factor)

Step 2: Pickup time per container

PSCS = C1(uc) + (Np - 1) dbc
PSCS = 11 x 0.04 + (11-1) (0.05 + 0.02 x 0.11) = 1.02 h/trip
Step 3: No. of trips required per week
Weekly quantity of waste collected


Step 4: Time required per week, Tw as a function of the round-trip haul distance

Tw = 0.25 + 0.01 d/week

Step 5: Weekly operational cost as a function of round−trip haul distance

Operational cost Operational cost per hour x daily total hours of operation x Time required per week
Operational cost

= 8524.85 + 4885.21 x (₹/wk)

Step 6 : Comparison of Cost
As a study, the Overhead cost ( given ) weekly total cost for
HCS & SCS for
Total cost (₹/week) round trip haul

distances(s) 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 ,

35 m is worked out.
Total cost
Table 9 Comparison of cost
Hauled System Stationary Container System (₹/week),
Round Trip Container (₹/week) TOTAL COST=1001RS
Haul Distance 43,316.64 + 10.8(x)
(x), km
650 (x)
0 0.00 10.00

5 2.14 10.71

10 4.29 11.43

15 6.43 12.14

20 8.57 12.86

25 10.71 13.57

30 12.80 14.29

It can be inferred that, as the haul distance increases, haul cost also increases. Thus, the cost
of Hauled Container System is higher. In the case of SCS, though the initial cost is high when
compared to HCS, it does not increase drastically as distance increases.
In Mylapore, the task at hand involves pinpointing the maximum round trip haul distance at
which the costs of implementing a hauled container system match those of a stationary container

This is achieved by equating the total costs of both systems and solving for '', representing the
distance. This analysis is crucial for efficient waste management in Mylapore, ensuring that the
chosen system aligns with the municipality's budgetary considerations while effectively addressing

Thus, One-way distance to the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) = 11.4 kms
the area's waste disposal needs.
The most expensive element of any waste management system is generally collection and
transportation. This task provides a solution for effective and economical vehicle routing for
door- to-door waste collection in the ….coimbatore… locality. The collected waste will be
dumped at the nearest transfer station, from where it will be transported to a processing center,
MRF station, or dumping yard.

7. Vehicle Routing (7 Marks)

Urban waste collection routes are a crucial aspect of waste management. For a residential
colony in the ….Kuniyamuthur… locality the economical vehicle routing is determined through
manual or heuristic approaches, adhering to common guidelines such as no U-turns and collection
on each side of the street with right-hand drive vehicles. To arrive at the optimized waste
collection route for the residential colony in …MGR NAGAR…, following factors or data are
assumed or collected:
Residential colony layout with blocks containing 2, 6, 12 houses

Figure 6 Layout of Residential Colony

Occupancy rate: ….4…. occupants per house
Collection frequency: ….1 week…. with curb service collection
Collection crew size: ….One person….
Collection vehicle capacity: ….24.6 m³…..
Compacted waste density: ….320 kg/m³…..
Waste generated per person per day: …..1.6 kg…..
Calculation and Analysis:
No of Blocks = …..Block 1 to 15…..
No of Group = …..03…..
No of Block in each group:
a) Group A = …..10 Nos….
b) Group B = ….4 Nos….
c) Group C = ….1 Nos….
Step 1:
Find compacted volume of waste to be collected per week
Total number of residences in each group
a) Group A

Total number of residences Group A = …16 x 10… = …160


b) Group B

Numberof residences = ….. 12 + 6 + 12 + 6…. = …..36 Nos… Total

numberof residences Group B = …..36 x 4… = …144 Nos…

c) Group C
Number of residences = …2 + 12 + 2 + 12.. = ..28 Nos…
Total number of residences Group C = …28 x 1.. = ..28
Nos… Total number of residences in colony = … 332
Daily waste per household = Residents per Unit x Daily Waste Generation per Person
Daily waste per household = …4 x 1.6… = ….6.4 kg/day….
Total daily waste = Daily waste per household x Total number of residences
Total daily waste in all residences = …6.4 x 332… = …2125 kg/day…
Total weekly waste = Total daily waste × 7
Total weekly waste = ……2125 x 7…. = ….14875 kg/week…
Volume of compacted waste= Total weekly waste
Specific weight of compacted waste

Volume of compacted waste = …46.28 m3/week….

Step 2:
Find number of trips per week

No of trips/week = Volume
of compacted waste
Collection vehicle capacity

No of trips per week = …1.8 Nos….

Step 3:
Find average residences per trip calculation No of
resident covered/week = Total number
of residences
No of trips/week

No of resident covered per week = ….166 Resident/trip…

Step 4:
Preparation of Collection Route Layout (Manual Approach without over lap)
No of routes: …2 Nos…
No of block covered in each route: Route
1: ….6HFD blocks….
Route 2: …..5 blocks….
No of residence covered in each route:
Route 1: ….168 residences…. Route 2:
…..148 residences ….

Figure 7 Vehicle Routing for Residential Colony in coimbatore

8. Transfer Station (3 Marks)

A transfer station is a light industrial-type facility or site for the temporary deposition of waste.
It can be either…..Open-air stations or enclosed buildings…. The key activities carried out in
transfer station is unloading, pre-screening, removal of inappropriate items. The compacting of
waste and reloading onto larger vehicles for transport to disposal sites, MRFs, or dump sites is
also carried out at these facilities. The currently operating closest transfer station or disposal area
in the …coimbatore…. Locality for waste disposal has been identified with the help of Google
Maps. The closest transfer stations identified are listed below. Table 10 Nearest Transfer
Stations or Disposal area in ….coimbatore….
.... Entrance of Transfer Station…

The nearest transfer station or disposal area in ….coimbatore…. for efficient waste disposal
is identified as the ….Corporation Garbage Bunk in coimbatore, located 17.8 km away…...
9. Feasibility and economic analysis for a new transfer station (5 Marks)
In the ….Kuniyamuthur… community, authorities are exploring ways to optimize waste
management. Currently, municipal solid waste is directly hauled from households to distant
landfills. A feasibility study is underway to introduce new transfer stations strategically placed
across the city. Feasibility and economic analysis for a new transfer station in …. coimbatore …
locality is carried out through Break-Even Analysis. Data such as cost of transfer station, average
payload for direct haul, average payload for transfer haul station to landfill and average cost of
trucks for direct or transfer haul were collected for the analysis. From the collected data the
feasible round trip distance for the location of new transfer station arrived.
The collected data are as follows:

 Cost of transfer station = …Rs. 405/ton….

 Average Payload for direct haul = ….5.6 tons…
 Average Payload for transfer haul station to landfill = …36.7 tons…
 Average cost of trucks for direct or transfer haul = …Rs. 20/km…  Distance of haul
(Round-trip distance in km) - ?
Cost of direct haul and transfer haul is calculated by using the below mentioned formula:

𝐶𝑜 𝐷𝑖𝑜 𝐻𝑎 = Direct haul payload

𝐷𝑜𝑖 𝐷
𝐶𝑜 𝐻𝑜 𝐻𝑎 = 𝐻𝑜 𝑜 𝐶 + Transfer haul
payload Table 11 Costing Tabulation for
Distance Cost of Direct Cost of
in km Haul Transfer Haul
0 0.00 10.00
5 2.14 10.71
10 4.29 11.43
15 6.43 12.14
20 8.57 12.86
25 10.71 13.57
30 12.86 14.29
35 15.00 15.00
40 17.14 15.71
45 19.29 16.43

Figure 13 Graph Plotting for Analysis

From the analysis it is observed that transfer station is cost-effective when round-trip distance
exceeds 35 km; direct haul is more cost-effective for distances less than 35 km.

10. Beneficial analysis of waste compaction For the current sustainable waste
handling optimization study, a high-rise residential complex in the …coimbatore…
locality is chosen. The goal is to optimize waste handling practices in a high-rise
residential complex consisting of …200 units…. The objective is to assess the
economic and environmental impact of waste compaction on the total waste
generated by residents.
Currently, waste is collected daily from each unit and directly transported to the landfill
without compaction. The proposed waste management practice is to introduce a waste
compaction system before transporting waste to the landfill.
The key data for the study is as follows:
 Number of units: …500 houses…
 Average persons per house: …4…
 Waste generated per person per day: …1.60 kg…
 Specific weight of uncompacted waste: …150 kg/m³…
 Specific weight of compacted waste: …200 kg/m³…
 Volume of truck: …7 m3…
Calculation and Analysis:
Daily waste per household = Residents per Unit x Daily Waste Generation per Person
Daily waste per household = …3 x 1.35…. = ….4.05 kg per day….
Total daily waste for …200… units = …200…x Daily waste per household
Total daily waste for …200… units = …200 x 4.05… = …810 kg per day…
Total weekly waste = Total daily waste × 7
Total weekly waste = …810 x 7… = ..5670 kg per week..

a) Without Compaction:
Volume before compaction = Total weekly waste / Specific weight of uncompacted
waste Volume before compaction = ….5670 /100… = …56.7 m3… No of trips = Volume
before compaction/ Volume of truck
No of trips = …56.7/7.5…. = …5 Nos (8 Trips per week)…
b) With Compaction:
Volume after compaction = Total weekly waste / Specific weight of compacted waste
Volume after compaction = …3520/150… = …52.68 m3… No of trips = Volume
after compaction/ Volume of truck
No of trips = …7.2/1.2… = …3.02 Nos (3 Trips per week)…

The implementation of a waste compaction system results in a reduction of …8 trips per

week.., leading to significant savings in fuel costs. Additionally, the compactor's closed and
covered design helps prevent waste spillage, making compaction an optimal solution with
positive economic and environmental impacts.
11. Mass Balance Recovery of MRF
The Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in …….Kuniyamuthur , a bustling
neighborhood in …coimbatore……., operates around the clock, processing …1000 tons ...........
of mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) every day. As the sun rises over ……coimbatore , the
MRF springs to life, ready to tackle the day's waste management challenges. Trucks loaded with
MSW from residential, commercial, and industrial areas of the city begin to queue up at the
facility's entrance, each carrying the discarded materials. The MRF operates ….16 hours…… a
day, tirelessly processing …….1000 tons…… of mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) daily. Air
classifier in the MRF separates the waste components as shown:
• Initial Moisture content = …25%......
• Moisture loss = ….20 %. of initial value from light fraction Heavy fraction in light
fraction = ….6 %........
• Light fraction in heavy fraction = ……15 %..........
• Recovery percentage - Ferrous metals = …80 %...., Glass = …..80 %.........., and
Aluminium = ……70 %........
Table 12 Components Vs Weight of Processed waste in MRF [Data based on
visitation to MRF]
Component Percentage by weight
Food Waste 30
Paper 35
Cardboard 2
Plastics 2
Textile 1
Rubber 0.5
Leather 0.5
Garden Trimming 12
Wood 2
Glass 6
Tin Cans 4
Nonferrous metals 1
Ferrous metals 2

Initial light fraction = …79… % [Food to Wood]

Initial heavy fraction =…21… % [Glass to Brick] 1.
Mass Balance Quantities a. Moisture loss
Total weight of waste = …1000….......T/d
Initial Moisture content = …25….% = …0.25……
Weight lost due to initial Moisture loss = 1000 x 0.25…= 250…T/d
Moisture loss = …20… % of initial value from light
fraction Weight lost due to Total moisture loss = 0.2x250=
50…T/d b.Total Weight of light fraction Initial light
fraction = 79 % = …0.79……..
Initial total weight of light fraction = 1000x0.81.= 810T/day
Total weight of light fraction after moisture loss =…..650 -48…..=…602..T/day c.
Total weight of heavy fraction
Initial heavy fraction = 21. % = 0.21…
Total weight of heavy fraction = 1000x0.12….=...........120T/day
d.Total weight of light fraction including carry over Heavy fraction
in light fraction =….. 6. %....
Light fraction in heavy fraction = ……15 % …….
Weight of light fraction after removing heavy fraction present in light fraction =(1-0.15) 740..
= ………..629.............T/d
Weight of light fraction carried to heavy fraction [Carry over] = 0.06x120.. =…. 7.2T/d……..
Total weight of light fraction including carry over = ……..452….T/d e.Total
weight of heavy fraction including carry over
Weight of heavy fraction after removing light fraction present in heavy fraction = (1-0.04)x120
= ………115.2.. T/d
Weight of heavy fraction carried to light fraction [Carry over] =0.12x710.. =
85.2.T/d Total weight of heavy fraction including carry over = 256 T/d f. Weight of
ferrous metals (Ferrous + Tin can) recovered
Weight of ferrous metals in waste =0.02+0.01).x1000. = …10.02.T/d
Weight of ferrous metals recovered = 80.% of ferrous metals =0.7x80.. =....56.T/d g.
Weight of glass recovered
Weight of glass in waste =0.07x1000. = 70.T/d
Weight of glass recovered = 80% of glass =0.7x80.. = …56...........T/d
h. Weight of non-ferrous metal recovered Weight of non-ferrous in
waste =0.01x1000.. = 10.T/d
Weight of non-ferrous metal recovered = 70..% of non-ferrous metal =…0.7x10.. = 7.T/d
Amount of residue in heavy fraction =(241-56-56-7). = 122.T/d
Table 13 Loading rate for 16 h operation of MRF plant
Loading Rate, T/h
Total amount incoming or loaded,
MRF sequence = Loaded amount/Hours of
Shredder 45
100-5 (removed weight due to moisture
Classifier 50
loss) = 95
Magnetic Separator 205 18
Glass Separator 38-14(removed iron) =24 11
Aluminium Separator 24-14(removed glass)=10 05
Residue Storage 18-7(removed non ferrous)=11 08
12. MRFSequence []

Manual sorting Shredder Classifier Magnetic


Residue Optical sorting Eddy current Glass


13. Tanner’s Diagram

To evaluate the additional fuel requirement for the incineration of commingled wastes the
following data were collected. [Data based on the type of waste. Standards were used] Moisture
content, W=……0.24%......
Ash content, A=…4.93%.....
Combustible, C=….94.83%..........
Do the lines merge inside? …Yes
Figure 14 Tanner’s Diagram
Inference…As the 3 lines converge to form a polygon inside the shaded area, Plastic does not
need auxiliary fuel for burning after ignition while incinerating. It self-burns….

14. Comprehensive analysis of the current waste treatment practices

The gap analysis for the current existing waste treatment practices followed in …. coimbatore….
were studied and efficient waste treatment method was proposed in the table below.
Table 14 Comprehensive analysis of waste treatment practices

Current Gaps in the Proposed treatment

S.No Type of waste treatment treatment methods if any
80% is going to Can be used in producing
1 Food waste 20% composting the landfill Biogas
Recyclable waste-
Plastics, glass and 100% is getting
2 --- --------
metals recycled in MRF

3 70% of the e-waste has to

E-waste (batteries, 30% only is 70 % of the e
be segregated in the source
circuit boards, segregated and waste generated and given it to the PCB
electrical waste processed in the goes to landfill
certified vendors for proper
etc.) MRF) without treating.
100% is going to It must be properly
4 Sanitary waste the landfill Not treated incinerated.

15. Waste Disposal Plan for Kuniyamuthur

A sanitary landfill to serve the Kuniyamuthur, population has been worked out for the following
• Solid waste generation per day by per person (for the locality chosen) = 0.5 kg
Out of generated waste only 30% reaches the landfills.
• Compacted density of solid waste in landfill = 253 kg/m3
• Average depth of compacted solid waste = 4 m
• Population of Kuniyamuthur = 111409
Total solid waste generation per day in the community = 111409 x 0.5 kg = 55704.5 kg/day
Volume of waste reaching the landfill = 66842 x 0.2 = 13368.4 kg/day

Total volume after compaction = Total generated

= 44.5
Compacted Density

Required landfill area = Compacted volume = = 11.13 m2/day


Required area per year = Per day required landfill area x 365
= 11.10 x 365 = 4051.5 m2/year
16. Current Disposal Practices in Kuniyamuthur
Kuniyamuthur there is no landfill, and the reasons were analyzed. It was found that
for My coimbatore solid waste disposal itself there is an area requirement of
4062.45 m2/year as shown.
17. Waste Management Plan using WaPla
17.1 Input data
Annual Precipitation: 1080mm/yr
Average Temperature: 300C Waste
Generated = 10000 t/yr MRF:
Table 15 System Definitions
S.No System Definitions TC Range
1 Waste Generation
Waste collected 0.1 – 0.80
Recyclables from households 0 – 0.2
Waste not collected 0.04 – 0.7
2 Uncollected Waste
Waste to dumping 0.2 – 1.0
Leakage to waters 0 – 0.3
Waste to open burning 0 – 0.6
3 Waste Collection
Waste to materials recovery facility 0 – 1.0
Waste to composting* 0 -10
Waste to incineration* 0 – 1.0
Landfill / Formal Disposal 0 – 0.5
4 Open Burning
Burning residuals 0.5 – 0.4
Open burning emissions 0.5 – 0.2
5 Materials Recovery Facility
Refuse-derived fuel 0 – 0.5
Recyclable materials 0 – 0.1
Organic material 0.5-0.25
Residuals of materials recovery facility 0.2 – 0.5
6 Composting
Compost 05. – 0.5
Composting residuals 0.2 – 0.5
Gaseous and liquid composting losses 0.4 – 0.2
7 Incineration
Incineration residuals 0 – 0.5
Off-gas 0.5 – 1.8

8 Informal Dumping
Waste burned at dumpsites 0 – 0.6
Recyclables from dumpsites 0 – 0.4
Landfill / Formal Disposal (clean up of 0 – 1.2
Biodegradation rate and losses via 0.4 – 0.8
Waste to dump stock 0 – 0.8
9 Landfill / Formal Disposal
Waste burned at formal landfills 0 – 0.28

Recyclables from landfills 0 – 0.2

Biodegradation rate and losses via 0.1 – 0.2
Waste to landfill stock 0.12 – 0.5
Table 16 Unintentional Persistent Organic Pollutant (uPOP) Emissions
uPOP Emissions Range
1 Open Burning
Emission factor – Air [µg TEQ/t 30
waste burned]
Emission factor – Land [µg TEQ/t 0.5
waste burned]
2 Composting

Share of clean compost 45%

Share of gray compost 55%

3 Incineration Air pollution Air Residue

Air pollution control and type of No pollution: 4000 70
combustion Minimal: 250 65
Good: 25 25
Sophisticated: 0.8 2
Combustion of refuse-derived 1 µg TEQ/t
fuels in cement kiln
4 Informal Dumping To water To residue

Share of domestic waste dumped 1.1 45

[kg/kg dumped]
Share of mixed waste dumped 0.8 40
[kg/kg dumped]
Share of hazardous waste [kg/kg 4 35
5 Landfill / Formal Disposal To water To residue

Share of domestic waste landfilled 0.52 4

[kg/kg landfilled]
Share of mixed waste landfilled 0.8 40
[kg/kg landfilled]
Share of hazardous waste landfilled 4 300
[kg/kg landfilled]
6 Fires at Landfills / Dumpsites

Emission factor – Air [µg TEQ/t 200

waste burned]

Emission factor – Land [µg TEQ/t 20

waste burned]
Table 17 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
GHG Emissions Range
1 Waste Collection
Fuel (diesel) consumption [liter/year] Depends
2 Open Burning
Plastics content of waste burned [kg/kg] 0 to 25%
3 Composting Management
Quality of composting process Very well:
4 Recycling kg/kg EF: CO2
Share of paper & cardboard [kg/kg 0 to 0.5 -0.2
Share of glass [kg/kg recyclables] 0 to 0.5 -0.1
Share of plastics [kg/kg recyclables] 0 to 0.5 -1.2
Share of scrap metals [kg/kg recyclables] 0 to 0.2 -1.5
5 Incineration
Waste incineration with energy recovery Yes/No
AND Refuse-derived fuels are utilized in
(cement industry)
Plastics content of waste incinerated 0 to 25%
6 Informal Dumping
Quality of dumpsite management H>5 m, More GHG

Paper & cardboard content [kg/kg dumped] 0 to 2%

Biowaste content [kg/kg dumped] 0 to 75%

7 Landfill / Formal Disposal
Quality of landfill / formal disposal site
Paper & cardboard content [kg/kg 0 to 25%
Biowaste content [kg/kg landfilled] 0 to 75%
Share of landfill gas collected [%] No gas/ Well gas

8 Fires at Landfills / Dumpsites

Plastics content [kg/kg waste burned] 0 - 25%
Table 18 Costs of Waste Management
Costs of Waste Management Range
1 Waste Collection
Annual operating costs (Currency per year) 200000

Total investment costs (Currency) 0

Depreciation time for investments (Years) 0

Loan interest rate (Percentage) 0

2 Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)
Total investment costs (Currency) 0
Depreciation time for investments (Years) 0
Loan interest rate (Percentage) 0
3 Composting
Annual operating costs (Currency per year) 1200000

Specific revenues (Currency per tonne 5000

compost produced)
Total investment costs (Currency) 0
Depreciation time for investments (Years) 0
Loan interest rate (Percentage) 0
4 Recycling:
Specific revenues from recycling 2000
(Cardboard and paper) (Currency per
Specific revenues from recycling (Glass) 2750
(Currency per tonne)
Specific revenues from recycling (Plastics) 11500
(Currency per tonne)
Specific revenues from recycling (Scrap 13000
metal) (Currency per tonne)
5 Incineration
Annual operating costs (Currency per 500000

Revenues from selling energy (Currency 500000

per year)
Total investment costs (Currency) 5,25,50,000
Depreciation time for investments (Years) 23 yrs
Loan interest rate (Percentage) 20%
6 Informal Dumping
Annual operating costs (Currency per 0
7 Landfill / Formal Disposal:
Annual operating costs (Currency per 32.62,500
Total investment costs (Currency) 2,00,00,000
Depreciation time for investments (Years) 23 yrs
Loan interest rate (Percentage) 0
17.2 WaPla Tool Input
Figure 16 Uncollected waste definitions
Figure 17 Material Recovery Definition

Figure 18 uPOPS

Figure 19 GHG’s data

Figure 20 Collection & Transportation Costs
17.2 WaPla Tool Output

Figure 20 Flow chart of management Plan

Flow chart of management plan

Cost and revenue

Figure 24 Operation Costs

The waste management plan that is created for Kuniyamuthur town using the WaPla tool
provides insights into the total GHG emission, cost on investment, operational costs and
opportunities for improvement.
18. Conclusion
1. In conclusion, the comprehensive waste characterization and quantification efforts in My
Kuniyamuthur, Chennai, have yielded crucial technical insights vital for optimizing urban
sustainable waste management strategies.
2. By discerning the composition and volume of waste streams, particularly the
identification of high organic content areas, such as sampling points 4, 5, 7, and 10,
targeted interventions like composting initiatives can be efficiently deployed to minimize
waste generation and enhance resource utilization.
3. It can be inferred that for Kuniyamuthur, as the haul distance increases, haul cost also
increases. Thus, the cost of Hauled Container System is higher. In the case of SCS,
though the initial cost is high when compared to HCS, it does not increase drastically as
distance increases.
4. For collection, one-person crew is economical for Kuniyamuthur.
5. The nearest transfer station or disposal area in Kuniyamuthur for efficient waste disposal
is identified as the Corporation Garbage Bunk in MGR Nagar, located 4.3 km away.
6. No of block covered in each route:
a. Route 1: 8 blocks
b. Route 2: 7 blocks
7. No of residence covered in each route:
a. Route 1: 188 residences
b. Route 2: 144 residences
8. From the analysis it is observed that transfer station is cost-effective when round-trip
distance exceeds 35 km; direct haul is more cost-effective for distances less than 35 km.
9. The implementation of a waste compaction system results in a reduction of 5 trips per
week, leading to significant savings in fuel costs. Additionally, the compactor's closed
and covered design helps prevent waste spillage, making compaction an optimal solution
with positive economic and environmental impacts.
10. Waste taken to the MRF was processed in the following sequence:
a. Manual sorting
b. Shredder
c. Classifier
d. Magnetic separator
e. Glass Separator
f. Eddy current
g. Optical sorting
h. Residue
11. In Kuniyamuthur, there is no landfill, and the reasons were analyzed. It was found that
for Kuniyamuthur solid waste disposal itself there is an area requirement of 4062.45
12. WaPla tools was used to prepare the Waste Management Plan including the cost of entire
operation, uPOP's and GHG emissions of the operations are studied.

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