Application of CFD in Building Performance Simulat PDF
Application of CFD in Building Performance Simulat PDF
Application of CFD in Building Performance Simulat PDF
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Jan Hensen
Eindhoven University of Technology
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the negative consequences for the pedestrian wind smaller than a user-defined filter are modelled. In
environment remain limited. Wind comfort studies the past, especially the deficiencies of using the
require knowledge of the mean wind velocity vector RANS approach with the standard k-ε model in
field at pedestrian height (z = 1.75 or 2 m). This modelling wind flow around buildings were
information can be obtained by wind tunnel addressed. These include the stagnation point
modelling or by CFD. Wind tunnel tests are generally anomaly with overprediction of turbulent kinetic
point measurements with Laser Doppler energy near the frontal corner, the underestimation of
Anemometry (LDA) or Hot Wire Anemometry separation and recirculation regions on the roof and
(HWA). In the past, also area techniques such as sand the side faces, and the overestimation of the size of
erosion and infrared thermography have been used. the recirculation region in the wake. Various revised
They are considered less suitable to obtain accurate k-ε models and also second-moment closure models
were developed and tested, and showed improved
quantitative information. Instead, they can be used as
performance for several parts of the flow field.
part of a two-step approach: first an area technique is
However, the main limitation of steady RANS
used to qualitatively indicate the most important
modelling remained, being its incapability to model
problem locations, followed by accurate point inherently transient features of the flow field such as
measurements at these most important locations separation and recirculation downstream of
(Blocken and Carmeliet, 2004a). windward edges and vortex shedding in the wake.
In spite of these deficiencies, steady RANS
modelling with the k-ε model and other turbulence
models has become quite popular for pedestrian-level
wind studies. Two main categories can be
distinguished: (1) fundamental studies, which are
typically conducted for simple, generic building
configurations to obtain insight in the flow
behaviour, for parametric studies and for CFD
validation; and (2) applied studies, which provide
knowledge of the wind environmental conditions in
specific and often much more complex case studies.
Fundamental studies were performed by many
authors, including Baskaran and Stathopoulos (1989),
Figure 1 Pedestrian-level wind nuisance around
Yoshie et al. (2007), Blocken et al. (2007a, 2008a),
high-rise buildings.
Tominaga et al. (2008a) and Mochida and Lun
(2008). Apart from these fundamental studies, also
One of the main advantages of CFD in pedestrian-
level wind comfort studies is avoiding this time- several CFD studies of pedestrian wind conditions in
consuming two-step approach by providing whole- complex urban environments have been performed
flow field data. The use of CFD for pedestrian-level (Murakami, 1990a; Takakura et al., 1993;
wind studies was initiated by the early, more general Stathopoulos and Baskaran, 1996; He and Song,
research efforts in which CFD was applied to study 1999; Richards et al., 2002; Westbury et al., 2002;
the wind-flow pattern around isolated buildings Blocken et al., 2004; Yoshie et al., 2007; Blocken
(Vasilic-Melling, 1977; Hanson et al., 1986; Paterson and Carmeliet, 2008; Blocken and Persoon, 2009)
and Apelt, 1986; 1989; Murakami et al., 1987; (Fig. 2 and 3). Almost all studies were conducted
Murakami and Mochida, 1988; Baskaran and with the steady RANS approach and a version of the
Stathopoulos, 1989; Murakami, 1990a; 1990b; 1993). k-ε model. An exception to this is the study by He
Together with later studies, they laid the foundations and Song (1999) who used LES.
for future best practice guidelines, by focusing on the The use of CFD in pedestrian-level wind comfort
importance of the boundary conditions on the studies in complex urban environments is receiving
numerical results (e.g., Stathopoulos and Baskaran, strong support from several international initiatives
1990; Baetke et al., 1990) and by comparing the that specifically focus on the establishment of
performance of various types of turbulence models in guidelines for such simulations (Franke et al., 2004;
steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Franke et al., 2007; Yoshie et al., 2007; Tominaga et
simulations (Murakami et al., 1992; Murakami, 1993; al., 2008b). In addition, more general CFD guidelines
Mochida et al., 2002), and of RANS versus Large are available (Casey and Wintergeste, 2000), as well
Eddy Simulation (LES) (Murakami et al., 1992; as more specific guidelines for modelling equilibrium
Tominaga et al., 2008a). Note that in steady RANS
atmospheric boundary layers in computational
simulations, only the mean flow is solved, while all
domains (Richards and Hoxey, 1993; Blocken et al.,
scales of turbulence are modelled. In LES on the
2007a; 2007b; Hargreaves and Wright, 2007; Franke
other hand, the large and generally most important
turbulent eddies are solved, while only the eddies et al., 2007; Gorlé et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2009).
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The increasing acceptance of CFD as a tool for WIND-DRIVEN RAIN ON BUILDINGS
pedestrian-level wind studies has recently been To the knowledge of the authors, the first CFD
confirmed by the publication of the new Dutch Wind simulations of wind-driven rain (WDR) on buildings
Nuisance Standard, NEN8100 (NEN, 2006; were made by Souster in 1979. For a full historical
Willemsen and Wisse, 2007) that specifically allows overview up to 2003, the reader is referred to
the user to choose between wind tunnel testing and (Blocken and Carmeliet, 2004b). Choi (1991; 1993;
CFD. The standard also demands quality assurance, 1994a; 1994b) developed and applied a steady-state
both for wind tunnel testing and for CFD. It should simulation technique for WDR. It allows determining
be noted that CFD verification and validation are the the spatial distribution of WDR on building facades
essential components of quality assurance. In case of for given (fixed) values of the wind speed, the wind
complex urban environments, when measurements direction and the horizontal rainfall intensity. Later,
are often not available, model validation should be Choi’s simulation technique was extended into the
performed for simpler configurations, the flow time domain by Blocken and Carmeliet (2002;
features of which show resemblance with those 2007a). Most of these CFD simulations were based
expected in the actual complex urban configuration on the RANS approach. Although validation is an
(Blocken et al., 2004; Franke et al., 2007; Yoshie et essential part of RANS CFD simulations, up to now,
al., 2007; Blocken and Carmeliet, 2008; Tominaga et only a few attempts have been made for CFD
al., 2008b). For these simpler cases, wind tunnel validation with full-scale WDR measurements (van
measurement data are generally available in the Mook, 2002; Blocken and Carmeliet, 2002; 2006,
literature. Note that steady RANS is the 2007b; Tang and Davidson, 2004; Abuku et al.,
commonly used method, while LES is still 2009; Briggen et al., 2009). While some authors
considered out of reach for pedestrian-level wind found significant discrepancies between simulations
studies in urban environments (Yoshie et al., 2007). and measurements, others indicated a fair to good
agreement. A probable reason for these discrepancies
is the role of turbulent dispersion of raindrops, which
can be very different depending on the building
geometry and the position on the building (Briggen et
al., 2009). In spite of quite some research efforts, the
application of CFD WDR studies in practice has
remained very limited. Tang and Davidson (2004)
used CFD WDR simulations to explain surface
soiling patterns on the Cathedral of Learning in
Pittsburg (Fig. 4). In this figure, the catch ratio is the
ratio of WDR intensity to the standard rainfall
intensity on the ground. Briggen et al. (2009)
employed CFD simulations of WDR to explain the
moisture-related damage on the monumental tower
building St. Hubertus in the Netherlands (Fig. 5).
Figure 2 Part of geometry and computational grid
Only a few authors provided guidelines for CFD
for CFD study of pedestrian-level wind conditions in
WDR simulation (Choi, 1994a; 1994b; Blocken and
the Shinjuku Sub-central area in Tokyo, Japan
Carmeliet, 2002; 2004b; 2006; Briggen et al., 2009).
(Yoshie et al., 2007).
Note however that the guidelines for pedestrian-level
wind studies, mentioned in the previous section, also
apply for CFD WDR studies.
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There are two main reasons for the limited practical wind convection coefficient correlations has been
use of CFD for WDR studies: (1) the excessively provided by Palyvos (2008). While a large number of
time-consuming character of Lagrangian particle valuable experimental investigations have been
tracking of raindrops, in which the entire building conducted, the number of CFD analyses for exterior
facade needs to be covered by a large number of CHTC and CMTC for buildings is very small. This
raindrops. Lagrangian tracking implies solving the might seem strange given the very large number of
equation of motion of individual raindrops within the such CFD studies that have been conducted in other
wind-flow field. Note that this wind-flow field is disciplines, such as mechanical and electronic
generally obtained with an Eulerian approach, i.e. not engineering. The main reason for this are the extreme
focusing on individual particles but on fixed requirements for these simulations for building
positions in space. Lagrangian tracking needs to be applications. As opposed to mechanical and
performed for a large number of combinations of electronic engineering applications, the Reynolds
reference wind speed, wind direction and raindrop numbers in civil and building engineering are several
diameter. (2) The fact that steady RANS does not orders of magnitude larger (105-107). The higher the
allow accurate modelling of the turbulent dispersion Reynolds number, the lower the thickness of the
of raindrops, which is important for calculating WDR viscous sublayer and buffer layer that determine the
intensities at the lower part of high-rise building convective surface resistance. For building
facades (Briggen et al., 2009). Accurate turbulent applications, the thickness of the viscous sublayer
dispersion modelling would require transient can go down to 10 mm – 100 μm (Blocken et al.
simulations with LES, which would require even 2009). Accurate CFD modelling of convective heat
more intensive Lagrangian particle tracking efforts. and mass transfer requires accurate and detailed
To alleviate these problems, it might be necessary to modelling of each part of the boundary layer.
abandon the traditional “Eulerian-Lagrangian” Unfortunately, previous simulations (Emmel et al.
framework in CFD WDR simulations, and to resort 2007) were conducted using wall functions, in which
to “Eulerian-Eulerian” modelling instead, in which the detailed influence of the boundary layer is
not only wind-flow pattern, but also the WDR strongly simplified. It has been shown that using wall
intensities are computed with an Eulerian approach. functions can easily yield overestimations of the
CHTC by up to 60% (Blocken et al., 2009). Accurate
modelling of convective heat and mass transfer
requires at least a few cells in the viscous sublayer.
As a result, very high-resolution grids are required,
with large differences between the largest (up to 1
km) and smallest (down to 10 μm) length scales.
Such high grid resolution gradients and very small
cells slow down convergence, can inhibit
convergence to be obtained with less-diffusive
turbulence models such as second-moment closure
models, and can even cause computer round-off
errors to become important. To the knowledge of the
authors, such simulations have up to now only been
performed by Defraeye et al. (2009) and Blocken et
al. (2009), but these authors did not go further than
Figure 5 Comparison of measured and simulated
considering a simple cubic building model (Fig. 6).
catch ratio on the south-west facade of the tower of
the monumental building St. Hubertus in the
Netherlands (Briggen et al., 2009).
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This type of high-resolution CFD simulations is not eddies in the flow, can strongly improve pollutant
practical for actual cases of building simulation, and concentration predictions. This seems to indicate that
will probably remain so until specially-adapted wall LES modelling is a requirement for pollutant
functions are developed that can accurately take into dispersion modelling, also in complex urban
account surface heat and mass transfer. However, environments. However, the computational demands
note that also in this case, still grids with a relatively associated with this are very large. Although the
high resolution will be needed. Therefore, accurate statement by Yoshie et al. (2007) that LES is still out
exterior building heat and mass transfer with CFD of reach for practical pedestrian-level wind studies
will remain very demanding and might remain out of may equally apply to pollutant dispersion modelling,
range for many practical building simulation efforts valuable attempts with LES modelling in complex
for a considerable time to come. urban environments have been performed, supported
by efficient grid generation techniques and parallel
AIR POLLUTANT CONCENTRATION computing facilities (Hanna et al., 2006; Patnaik et
DISTRIBUTIONS AROUND BUILDINGS al., 2007; Löhner et al., 2008).
In the past two decades, a large number of so-called
“microscale” CFD simulations to investigate air CONCLUSIONS
pollutant concentration distributions around buildings A brief, non-exhaustive overview of the status of
have been conducted. Micro-scale refers to application of CFD in building performance
simulations at horizontal length scales smaller than – simulation for the outdoor environment has been
typically – 5 km. Due to the complexity of provided for four topics. While CFD offers some
microscale pollutant dispersion around buildings, considerable advantages compared to wind tunnel
much of the research in wind tunnels and with CFD testing and simplified empirical or semi-empirical
has focused on two generic basic situations: the equations, its practical application in at least wind-
urban street canyon (e.g. Leitl et al., 1997; Kastner- driven rain, convective heat and mass transfer and
Klein and Plate, 1999) and the isolated building (e.g. pollutant dispersion studies is currently hampered by
Li and Meroney, 1983; Leitl et al., 1997; Selvam, several important limitations. Some main limitations
1997; Tominaga et al., 1997; Li and Stathopoulos, are the deficiencies of steady RANS modelling, the
1997; Meroney et al., 1999; Tominaga and time-consuming and significantly more complex
Stathopoulos, 2007a; 2007b; 2008; Blocken et al., character of LES, the need for high-resolution grids
2008b). These generic studies have proven to be very and the constant requirement of CFD validation and
suitable for validation, verification and sensitivity verification. Research efforts will continue to focus
analysis. The reason is that, even although both on alleviating these limitations, but at least equally
situations are strong simplifications of reality, the important is avoiding user errors by increased high-
flow and dispersion processes involved are very quality education in CFD and its application for
complex and contain most of the salient features that outdoor building performance simulation.
are also present in the complex urban environment.
Apart from these generic studies, several authors
have performed studies in complex urban The authors thank the anonymous reviewers of the
environments (e.g., Hanna et al., 2006; Patnaik et al., abstract who provided valuable suggestions for this
2007; Neofytou et al., 2008; Huang et al., 2008; paper.
Löhner et al., 2008), although extensive validation REFERENCES
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