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Evolvingepidemiology Anddefinitionsofthe Acuterespiratorydistress Syndromeandearlyacute Lunginjury

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Ev olving Epidemio log y

and Definitions of the

A c u t e Re s p i r a t o r y D i s t res s
S y n d ro m e an d E a r l y A c u t e
L u ng In jur y
Andrew J. Sweatt, MD, Joseph E. Levitt, MD, MS*

 Acute respiratory distress syndrome  ARDS  Acute lung injury  ALI  Epidemiology  Prevention
 Definition  Criteria

 Precise understanding of the epidemiology of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is
limited by evolving clinical criteria and lack of an ideal reference standard.
 The recent Berlin Definition of ARDS addressed some limitations of prior definitions and empirically
validated current criteria.
 As per the Berlin Definition, acute lung injury (ALI) is no longer a classification and ARDS severity is
stratified as mild, moderate, and severe based on the PaO2/FiO2 ratio, and predicts mortality better
than past definitions.
 The Lung Injury Prediction (LIPS) score and the Early Acute Lung Injury (EALI) score are novel
criteria for identifying high-risk patients before progression to ARDS.

INTRODUCTION therapies may have significant implications for the

epidemiology of the syndrome across countries
Precise understanding of the epidemiology of the and time periods because of differences in clinical
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has practice patterns. This review discusses the
been limited by evolution of the disease criteria evolving epidemiology and definition of ARDS,
over time and lack of an ideal reference standard. and recent efforts to improve recognition of pa-
Defining ARDS by clinical and physiologic param- tients at high risk of developing ARDS and
eters provides feasibility in clinical practice, and enhance the prevention and early treatment of
has the advantage of conceptualizing the syn- acute lung injury.
drome as a common final pathway of lung injury
in response to a variety of inciting causes. How- THE EVOLUTION OF ACUTE RESPIRATORY
ever, eschewing pathologic correlation or other DISTRESS SYNDROME AND LIMITATIONS OF
reference standards contributes to inclusion of CONSENSUS CRITERIA
heterogeneous patient populations with differing
pathology and potentially very different progno- ARDS was first described in a series of 12 patients
ses. Also, defining a syndrome by criteria that in 1967 by Ashbaugh and colleagues,1 who recog-

are, in part, dependent on the institution of specific nized a common pattern of severe respiratory

Disclosures: The authors have no funding sources of conflicts of interest to disclose.

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Stanford University, 300 Pasteur Drive, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jlevitt@stanford.edu

Clin Chest Med 35 (2014) 609–624

0272-5231/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
610 Sweatt & Levitt

distress, refractory cyanosis, loss of lung compli- In 2011, the ARDS Definition Task Force of the
ance, and diffuse alveolar infiltrates in a variety of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
clinical contexts including sepsis, pneumonia, convened in Berlin to address limitations of the
aspiration, and major trauma. Similar syndromes prior AECC definition and provide an empirical
of acute respiratory failure had been previously review of current and novel ancillary criteria.10,11
recognized, but only as distinct conditions named Factors limiting practicality and validity of the defi-
for their specific inciting etiology (eg, Da Nang nition were identified as: lack of clear delineation of
lung, shock lung, posttraumatic lung, respirator “acute”; confusion over inclusion of ARDS within
lung). A better understanding of risk factors for the definition of ALI; failure to account for positive
ARDS emerged in the early 1980s, but proposed end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in assessment
definitions of the syndrome lacked uniformity.2,3 of the PaO2/FiO2 ratio12–16; poor interobserver reli-
In 1994, the American and European Consensus ability in interpretation of bilateral infiltrates on
Conference (AECC) established specific clinical chest radiograph17,18; inadequate sensitivity of
criteria for ARDS and acute lung injury (ALI), a high left atrial pressure for excluding cases of
novel classification defined by similar criteria but ARDS19,20; and absence of requirement of a
requiring less severe oxygenation impairment.4 known risk factor for ARDS. These issues may
The AECC criteria defined ALI and ARDS as acute contribute to misidentification of ARDS, subopti-
respiratory failure with bilateral pulmonary infil- mal stratification of severity of lung injury, and
trates on chest radiograph; a partial pressure of enrollment of a more heterogeneous population
arterial oxygen (PaO2)/fraction of inspired oxygen into clinical trials.
(FiO2) ratio less than 300 for ALI and less than As proposed solutions, the Berlin Definition
200 for ARDS; and absence of clinical evidence (Table 1) specifies that “acute” respiratory failure
of left atrial hypertension or a pulmonary artery oc- must occur within 1 week of predisposing illness,
clusion pressure less than 18 mm Hg. The AECC as supported by observational data revealing
criteria were subsequently widely adopted, that nearly all patients develop ARDS within
providing uniformity for epidemiologic studies, 7 days of an inciting insult.21 The prior ALI classifi-
multicenter clinical trials, and clinical practice cation was eliminated, and instead ARDS is cate-
guidelines. gorized by severity: mild (200 < PaO2/FiO2 300),
Despite offering feasibility and standardization, moderate (100 < PaO2/FiO2 200), and severe
several limitations of the AECC criteria still exist. (PaO2/FiO2 100). This further stratification of
First, the meaning of respiratory failure was not severity below a PaO2/FiO2 ratio of 200 derives
clearly defined. Most multicenter clinical trials from prior evidence that mortality is highest in
have limited enrollment to patients receiving me- the lowest PaO2/FiO2 quartile independent of venti-
chanical ventilation via an endotracheal tube. lator strategy,22,23 and prior trials indicating differ-
However, in the most rigorous epidemiologic ential success of therapies according to the PaO2/
study to date, respiratory failure was interpreted FiO2 ratio.24–26 The Berlin Definition also requires a
to include mechanical ventilation via a noninvasive minimum PEEP of 5 cm H2O for all severity cate-
face mask or endotracheal tube.5 Other investi- gories in recognition of the influence of PEEP on
gators have since expanded interpretation of the the PaO2/FiO2 ratio. The panel also clarified radio-
consensus criteria to include nonmechanically graphic criteria with supporting teaching exam-
ventilated patients and those outside of the inten- ples, and recognized the potential for ARDS and
sive care unit.6–9 Whether respiratory failure is hydrostatic edema to coexist in the new definition.
interpreted as requiring intubation and/or some Because volume overload is common in patients
level of positive pressure ventilation or purely by with ARDS,20 criteria now exclude clinical evi-
PaO2/FiO2 ratio and radiographic criteria has major dence of isolated left atrial hypertension but with-
implications for anticipated incidence and out- out reference to a specific pulmonary artery
comes. A pediatric study of patients in the emer- occlusion pressure. Finally, the Berlin Definition
gency department with acute hypoxic respiratory specifies that use of noninvasive PEEP is allowed
failure, defined as a PaO2/FiO2 less than 300 (using but limited to the mild ARDS category. This inclu-
a PaO2 derived from recorded saturations and sion is in line with increasing use of noninvasive
charted FiO2), found that only 5% of patients sub- ventilation worldwide27 and will likely facilitate
sequently required intubation.8 Another study of further study of noninvasive ventilation for mild
adults admitted to respiratory isolation rooms ARDS, which continues to be a debated area of
outside the intensive care unit demonstrated that research.28–30
patients with ALI (defined by bilateral infiltrates Importantly the Berlin criteria were empirically
and hypoxemia) had similar mortality to those derived and validated based on a pooled cohort
without one or both ALI criteria (12% vs 10%).9 of patients that comprised separate clinical5,16,31,32
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 611

Table 1
The Berlin Definition of the acute respiratory distress syndrome

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Timing Within 1 wk of a known clinical insult or new or worsening respiratory symptoms
Chest imaginga Bilateral opacities not fully explained by effusions, lobar/lung collapse, or nodules
Origin of edema Respiratory failure not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload
Need objective assessment (eg, echocardiography) to exclude hydrostatic edema if
no risk factor present
Mild 200 < PaO2/FiO2 300 with PEEP or CPAP 5 cm H2Ob
Moderate 100 < PaO2/FiO2 200 with PEEP or CPAP 5 cm H2O
Severe PaO2/FiO2 100 with PEEP or CPAP 5 cm H2O

Abbreviations: CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; PaO2, partial pressure of
arterial oxygen; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.
Chest radiograph or computed tomography.
May be delivered noninvasively for mild acute respiratory distress.
Adapted from Force AD, Ranieri VM, Rubenfeld GD, et al. Acute respiratory distress syndrome: the Berlin Definition.
JAMA 2012;307(23):2530. Copyright Ó (2012) American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

and physiologic33–35 databases. Of note, 4 pro- The most rigorous population-based study to date
posed ancillary variables (radiographic severity, from Kings County, Washington identified ALI and
respiratory system compliance, level of PEEP, ARDS in patients receiving mechanical ventilation
and exhaled minute ventilation) were dropped via an endotracheal tube or noninvasive face
from the empirical definition because they did not mask, similarly to the Berlin Definition.5 The inci-
enhance the predictive value of the severe ARDS dence of ALI and ARDS was estimated at 78.9
classification. The distribution of ARDS severity in and 58.7 cases per 100,000 patient-years, res-
the cohort according to the Berlin Definition was pectively, with an age-adjusted extrapolated inci-
22% mild, 50% moderate, and 28% severe, with dence of 190,600 cases per year in the United
associated mortality rates of 27%, 32%, and States. Incidence increased with age to a peak of
45%, respectively (Fig. 1). The Berlin Definition 306 cases per 100,000 patient-years among
was more predictive of mortality (area under the 75- to 84-year-olds. Pneumonia (46%) and nonpul-
curve [AUC] 0.58) than the ALI and ARDS classifi- monary sepsis (33%) were the most common risk
cations by AECC criteria. ARDS severity also corre- factors. Overall hospital mortality was 38.5%. The
lated with lung weight and shunt fraction in the incidence of ARDS and ALI in the Kings County
separate physiologic database. study is significantly higher than that reported by
Whether the Berlin Definition gains the same other less rigorous epidemiologic studies using
widespread adoption as the AECC criteria remains AECC criteria before the era of low tidal volume
to be seen. However, the definition is both prag- ventilation (Table 2). Differences may be explained
matic and empirically derived, addresses many by underrecognition of the syndrome owing to
limitations of the prior definition, and will likely inadequate screening mechanisms or retrospec-
improve standardization for clinical care and tive study design, extrapolation from less than
research. For the purposes of this review, unless 1 year of data, and failure to identify all patients at
otherwise specified, further use of ARDS refers risk within the catchment area in the less rigorous
to the Berlin Definition while use of ALI refers to studies. The incidence also appears to be lower in
the AECC criteria inclusive or ARDS, with acute international studies, which may reflect differing
lung injury (as opposed to ALI) more generally demographics and prevalence of risk factors for
referring to the pathophysiology leading to ARDS. ARDS in addition to differences regarding availabil-
ity or use of mechanical ventilation and noninvasive
ventilation, particularly in the elderly.
Multiple investigators have also reported the
incidence of ALI and ARDS since widespread
adoption of lung-protective mechanical ventilation
The current incidence of ARDS, particularly as and other improvements in supportive care have
defined by the Berlin criteria, is not well established. occurred (Table 3). In the most rigorous of these
612 Sweatt & Levitt

Fig. 1. In the cohort used for Berlin Definition validation and empirical derivation, the distribution of acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) severity and mortality is shown for: (A) the Berlin criteria and (B) the
American and European Consensus Conference (AECC) Consensus criteria. ALI, acute lung injury. (Data from Force
AD, Ranieri VM, Rubenfeld GD, et al. Acute respiratory distress syndrome: the Berlin definition. JAMA

analyses, Li and colleagues36 demonstrated a are not representative of the United States, and
temporal decline in ARDS incidence from 2001 to the Mayo Clinic (in Olmstead County) has been a
2008 in a population-based study in Olmstead leader in efforts to standardize health care delivery
County, Minnesota. Cases were identified using and limit exposure to potential “second hits” along
a well-validated electronic screening tool followed the pathway to ARDS (see the section Toward Pre-
by investigator confirmation. Despite increasing vention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury).
severity of illness and higher rates of risk factors Therefore, these results may not reliably extra-
for ARDS at presentation, the incidence of ARDS polate to the country as a whole. Moreover, the
decreased from 82.4 to 38.9 cases per 100,000 investigators restricted the definition of ARDS to
person-years. Of importance, the incidence of patients receiving mechanical ventilation via an
patients presenting with ARDS (ie, community- endotracheal tube. Although this decision is rea-
acquired ARDS) did not change and the decline sonable, some of the observed decline in ARDS
in ARDS was due entirely to what the investi- incidence may have been attributed to an
gators deemed hospital-acquired ARDS (Fig. 2). increasing number of patients treated with non-
However, the demographics of Olmstead County invasive ventilation that would otherwise have
Table 2
Incidence of ALI and ARDS before the era of lung-protective ventilation

Authors,Ref. Year Location Study Period Study Design ICU Admissions ALIa Incidence ARDSa Incidence
Rubenfeld et al, 2005 Seattle, USA 1999–2000 Prospective, multicenter Unknown 78.9 58.7
Bersten et al,31 2002 Australia 1999 (8 wk) Prospective, multicenter 1977 34 28
Luhr et al,88 1999 Sweden, Denmark 1997 (8 wk) Prospective, multicenter 13,346 17.9 13.5
Valta et al,89 1999 Finland 1993–1995 Retrospective, single center Unknown N/A 4.9
Goss et al,90 2003 USA (ARDSNet) 1996–1999 Prospective, multicenter 25,392/y 22.4–64.2 N/A

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Arroliga et al,91 2002 Ohio, USA 1996–1999 Retrospective, single HMO Unknown N/A 15.3
Hudson & Steinberg,92 1999 Seattle, USA 1997 Retrospective, multicenter Unknown 18.9 12.6

Abbreviations: ALI, acute lung injury; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; HMO, health maintenance organization; ICU, intensive care unit; N/A, not applicable.
Incidence per 100,000 patient-years.

Sweatt & Levitt
Table 3
Incidence of ALI and ARDS in era of lung protective ventilation

Authors,Ref. Year Location Study Period Study Design ICU Admissions ALIa Incidence ARDSa Incidence
Linko et al,93 2009 Finland 2007 (8 wk) Prospective, multicenter 2670 10.6 5.0
Villar et al,43 2011 Spain 2008–2009 Prospective, multicenter 11,363 N/A 7.2
Sigurdsson et al,94 2013 Iceland 1988–2010 Retrospective, single center 1148/y N/A 3.63–9.63
Li et al,36 2011 Minnesota, USA 2001–2008 Retrospective, 2 centers w1000/y N/A 38.9–82.4
Hernu et al,39 2013 France 2012 (6 mo) Prospective, 10 ICUs 3504 N/A 32
Caser et al,40 2014 Brazil 2006–2007 (15 mo) Retrospective, 14 ICUs 7133 N/A 10.1
Incidence per 100,000 patient-years.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 615

Fig. 2. (A) Trends of community-acquired ARDS incidence from 2001 to 2008 in Olmsted County, Minnesota;
dotted lines represent 95% confidence intervals. (B) Trends of hospital-acquired acute respiratory distress syn-
drome incidence from 2001 to 2008 in Olmsted County, Minnesota; dotted lines represent 95% confidence inter-
vals. ALI, acute lung injury. (From Li G, Malinchoc M, Cartin-Ceba R, et al. Eight-year trend of acute respiratory
distress syndrome: a population-based study in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
2011;183(1):59–66. Reprinted with permission of the American Thoracic Society. Copyright Ó 2011 American
Thoracic Society. Official Journal of the American Thoracic Society.)

been intubated and met criteria for ARDS.27 patients 18%, 51%, and 31% were classified as
Similar dramatic reductions in the incidence of mild, moderate, and severe ARDS, respectively.
ARDS (from 50% to 90%) have also been demon- Extrapolated to the population of Lyon, the inci-
strated in smaller cohorts of trauma and non- dence was estimated at 32 per 100,000 patient-
trauma surgical patients.37,38 These patient years. However, this estimate does not appear to
populations are likely less susceptible to temporal be adjusted for age or gender, and the observation
changes in the use of noninvasive ventilation, sug- period from March to September may not have
gesting a real effect on improvements in support- captured potential seasonal variations in the inci-
ive care. However, these studies lack the rigor of dence of ARDS.
the study by Rubenfeld and colleagues,5 and a A retrospective review of a prospective cohort of
failure to identify all cases of ARDS may explain 14 adult medical and surgical intensive care units
some of the observed decline in incidence. collected over 15 months in Southeast Brazil from
Two recent international studies have estimated October 2006 to December 2007 identified 130
the incidence of ARDS since the introduction of the cases of ARDS by Berlin criteria among 7133 ad-
Berlin Definition. A 6-month prospective study missions (1.8%).40 The cumulative incidence (10.1
conducted within 10 adult intensive care units affil- cases per 100,000 patient-years) was substantially
iated with the Public University Hospital in Lyon, lower than in Lyon, although the methodology for
France screened 3504 critically ill patients and extrapolating incidence was not described. The
identified 278 who met criteria for ALI and ARDS distribution of ARDS severity was 38% mild, 52%
by AECC criteria.39 Of these 278 patients, 18 did moderate, and 10% severe, but the study only
not meet Berlin criteria because of lack of suffi- included patients receiving invasive mechanical
cient PEEP (a similar 12% of patients did not ventilation, which likely reduced the number of pa-
meet ARDS criteria in the original Berlin cohort tients who would have met criteria for mild ARDS.
because PEEP was <5 cm H2O or missing). An
additional 20 patients could not be classified by
Predisposing Conditions
the Berlin Definition because, despite a PaO2/FiO2
of less than 200, they did not meet criteria for mod- The primary etiology of ARDS has remained consis-
erate or severe ARDS because they were receiving tent across studies of established cases of ARDS,
only noninvasive ventilation. Of the remaining 240 with pneumonia (35%–45%) and nonpulmonary
616 Sweatt & Levitt

sepsis (30%–35%) being the most common modifiers. Consistent with other cohorts, sepsis
followed by aspiration, trauma, pancreatitis, and (33%), pneumonia (27%), and shock (19%) were
multiple transfusions.5,39–43 An in-depth review of the most common predisposing conditions on
risk factors for developing ARDS, including atten- presentation among patients who developed ALI.
tion to important subgroups, is discussed else- However, cardiac surgery (15%), traumatic brain
where.44 In contrast to evaluating cases of ARDS injury (12%), aspiration (9%), and acute abdominal
or populations of critically ill patients, the Lung surgery, lung contusion, and multiple fractures (7%
Injury Prevention Study (LIPS) prospectively evalu- each) were also common. Odds ratios (OR) cal-
ated more than 5000 patients presenting to the culated by multivariable regression for risk factors
emergency department with at least one estab- for developing ALI are shown in Table 4.
lished risk factor for ARDS.45 Risk factors were The presence of multiple comorbidities and
separated into predisposing conditions and risk chronic pulmonary disease are associated with a

Table 4
Multivariable regression of risk factors for the development of ARDS

Odds Ratio 95% CI P value

Predisposing Conditions
Shock 2.2 1.2–3.7 .008
Aspiration 2.2 1.1–4.3 .02
Sepsis 1.4 0.9–2.4 .14
Pneumonia 0.3 0.02–1.7 .3
High-risk surgery
Thoracic (noncardiac) 0.9 0.1–3.2 .9
Orthopedic spine 2.1 0.9–4.6 .07
Acute abdomen 2.5 1.1–5.6 .03
Cardiac 3.7 2.0–7.1 <.001
Aortic vascular 5.9 2.5–13.0 <.001
High-risk trauma
Traumatic brain injury 3.6 2.0–6.8 <.001
Smoke inhalation 2.5 0.8–4.1 .44
Near drowning 5.4 0.06–6.6 .50
Lung contusion 1.5 0.6–3.4 .36
Multiple fractures 1.9 0.8–4.1 .12
Risk Modifiers
Male gender 1.0 0.7–1.5 .91
Alcohol abuse 1.7 0.9–2.9 .08
Obesity (BMI >30) 1.8 1.2–2.5 .004
Chemotherapy 1.6 0.6–3.6 .32
Diabetes mellitus 0.6 0.2–1.2 .14
Smoking 1.1 0.7–1.5 .4
Emergency surgery 3.1 1.6–5.9 <.01
Tachypnea (RR >30/min) 2.0 1.1–3.5 .02
SpO2 <95% 1.4 1.0–2.1 .08
FiO2 >0.35 (>4 L/min) 2.8 1.9–4.1 <.001
Hypoalbuminemia 1.6 1.0–2.4 .03
Acidosis (pH <7.35) 1.7 1.1–2.7 .02
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (kg/m2); CI, confidence interval; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; RR, respiratory
rate; SpO2, arterial oxygen saturation.
Adapted from Gajic O, Dabbagh O, Park PK, et al. Early identification of patients at risk of acute lung injury: evaluation
of lung injury prediction score in a multicenter cohort study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011;183(4):466. Reprinted with
permission of the American Thoracic Society. Copyright Ó 2011 American Thoracic Society. Official Journal of the Amer-
ican Thoracic Society.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 617

higher incidence of acute lung injury.46 Chronic in crude mortality from 35% to 26% during the
alcohol abuse and active and passive tobacco study period.58 However, clinical trials represent
exposure also seem to be predisposing fac- a more highly selected patient population, and
tors.47,48 By contrast, diabetes mellitus may have results from studies of mortality outside of clinical
a protective effect, a relationship that is not well trials are not consistent. A systematic review of 72
explained but has been found in multiple co- studies and 11,425 patients from 1994 to 2006
horts.45,49,50 A recent analysis of the LIPS cohort found a higher overall mortality rate (44%; 95%
separately analyzed type 1 and type 2 diabetes CI 40%–46%) than in the ARDS Network trials,
and controlled for associated comorbidities such but a similar decline in mortality of 1.1% per year
as obesity, acute hyperglycemia, and diabetes- over the study period.59 By contrast, a subsequent
associated medications.51 Diabetes remained systematic review of the same time period found a
protective (adjusted OR 0.75, 95% confidence static mortality rate of 44.0% for observational
interval [CI] 0.59–0.94); moreover, the associa- studies and 36.2% for clinical trials since the intro-
tion was found for both types of diabetes and, in duction of the AECC criteria in 1994.60 The latter
contrast to prior cohorts, in both septic and non- review postulated that disparate findings may be
septic subgroups.51 explained by the inclusion of non-English studies,
Important gender and racial disparities exist in more accurate assignation of study year for high-
regard to prevalence of risk factors for ARDS, mortality studies that primarily enrolled patients
comorbidities, and severity of illness at presenta- before 1994 but were completed afterward, better
tion in populations of patients at risk. However, exclusion of studies with overlapping patient
race and gender are not clear independent risk populations, and inclusion of 27 additional post-
factors for developing ARDS. In an observational 1994 studies.
study of trauma patients, African Americans were The Berlin Definition did predict mortality better
more likely to present with shock and penetrating than AECC criteria in the Task Force’s validation
trauma and to receive massive transfusions, but cohort; however, prognostic performance was
there was no difference in risk-adjusted rates of limited when evaluated in recent external coho-
ALI among whites, African Americans, Hispanics, rts.39,40,61 Despite the improved empiricism of
and Asian/Pacific Islanders.52 Analysis of a large the Berlin Definition, it remains a purely descriptive
national database of patients with blunt trauma clinical phenotype. Significant sources of hetero-
suggested a protective effect of African American geneity within the syndrome remain, and these
race with respect to ARDS incidence.53 In the will continue to challenge accurate risk stratifi-
5000-patient LIPS cohort, African Americans cation. The prognostic implications of different
were more likely to present with pneumonia, inciting causes, pathophysiologic phases, mecha-
sepsis, shock, and increased severity of illness, nisms of lung injury, and responses to mechanical
but had lower rates of developing ALI either with ventilation are unlikely to be adequately accounted
or without adjustment for baseline characteristics for by any pragmatic clinical definition applied to
(adjusted OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.45–0.96).54 Further- heterogeneous populations.62
more, men had higher rates of developing ALI, For example, the predisposing etiology underly-
but not after controlling for baseline imbalances ing ARDS and patient comorbidities are important
between sexes. independent determinants of outcome. Among
ARDS Network study patients enrolled from 1996
through 2005, the rate of in-hospital mortality
was highest for sepsis (37%) and pneumonia
Accurate assessment of mortality attributable to (30%) while exceptionally low in trauma (11%),58
ARDS depends on reliable standard diagnostic although patients with severe trauma were likely
criteria. A systematic review of more than 3000 underrepresented in these trials. A multicenter
patients and 100 studies, between 1967 and clinical trial of activated protein C for treatment
1994 (before AECC criteria), reported a widely of ALI that excluded patients with severe sepsis
ranging but stable mortality rate throughout the and an APACHE II score of at least 25 reported
study period (55% overall mortality, 95% CI an overall mortality rate of only 13%,63 highlighting
33%–77%).55 Although established pharmaco- the importance of underlying conditions for pre-
logic treatments do not currently exist,56,57 studies dicting mortality. Mortality rates with ARDS also
of mortality after adoption of the AECC criteria increase linearly with age.5 Body mass index
suggest improved outcomes, likely attributable to below normal appears be an independent risk
improvements in supportive care. A review of factor for mortality, whereas obesity may portend
2451 patients enrolled in clinical trials within the a lower risk of death.64 Higher acute physiology
ARDS Network from 1995 to 2005 found a decline scores, the presence of shock at admission,
618 Sweatt & Levitt

immune incompetence, a longer hospital stay mechanically ventilated patients,75–77 and trans-
before ALI onset, and a shorter stay in the inten- fusion of blood products.78–81 With respect to
sive care unit preceding ALI onset are also associ- blood products, transfusion of plasma-rich prod-
ated with higher mortatilty.41,65,66 ucts such as platelets and fresh frozen plasma
In contrast to the risk of developing ARDS, race carries a higher risk than transfusing red blood
and ethnicity seem to affect the mortality associ- cells,79 and recent efforts to remove female do-
ated with ARDS. In a case series of greater than nors from the plasma donor pool have reduced
300,000 decedents with ARDS compiled by the the incidence of transfusion-related acute lung
National Center for Health Statistics from 1979 to injury.78,80,81 A recent population-based, nested
1996, annual age-adjusted ARDS mortality rates case-control study from the Mayo Clinic in
were consistently higher for men than for women, Rochester, Minnesota identified multiple potential
and for African Americans in comparison with other hospital exposures related to the development
backgrounds.67 Among patients enrolled in more of ARDS.82 In contrast to other studies, these
recent ARDS Network clinical trials, mortality was patients were carefully matched by baseline risk
greater among blacks and Hispanics.68 After factors for developing ARDS, including their LIPS
adjustment for demographics, clinical covariates, score. Ascertainment of exposures was blinded,
and severity of illness, mortality among blacks and the screening window for risk-factor exposure
was not significantly higher than in whites (adjusted was limited to the time from admission to 6 hours
OR 1.25, 95% CI 0.95–1.66) while the relative before developing ARDS for cases and an equiva-
mortality among Hispanics actually increased lent time period (assigned by unblinded statisti-
(adjusted OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.37–2.90). The reason cians) for controls. In this well-designed study,
for increased mortality among Hispanics is not inadequate empirical antimicrobials, hospital-
known, although it deserves further attention given acquired aspiration, transfusion of blood products,
that this finding occurred in patients enrolled in and higher tidal volumes were highly associated
clinical trials where care is presumably more stan- with developing ARDS. Over the 10-year study
dardized. Similarly, in the aforementioned national period, the investigators found a significant
database of patients with blunt trauma, Hispanics decline in rates of exposures to these risk factors
had higher odds of adjusted ARDS-associated that correlated with a decline in the rate of
mortality (OR 1.76, 95% CI 1.15–2.62).53 hospital-acquired ARDS. Changes implemented
Accurate risk stratification of patients with ARDS to improve standardization of care included:
will be important to the success of future clinical implementation of computerized order entry with
trials. Among ARDS Network study patients, the decision support for pneumonia, sepsis, and
addition of baseline plasma biomarkers (inter- transfusions (with decision support for appropriate
lukin-8, soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 1, antimicrobial delivery and to limit inappropriate
and surfactant protein D) to the APACHE III score transfusions); respiratory therapist driven lung-
more accurately predicted mortality.69 The predic- protective ventilation protocols for mechanically
tive validity and specificity of future ARDS criteria ventilated patients (including use of a validated
may be further improved through: identification of automated surveillance and notification system
novel genetic polymorphisms and biomarkers70; with documented reduced time of exposure to
more reproducible and practical methods for larger tidal volumes); and increased staffing of
measuring vascular permeability and extravas- the medical intensive care unit including the addi-
cular lung water71,72; incorporation of PaO2/FiO2 tion of a 24-hour on-site intensivist.36 The relative
responses to standard ventilator settings at importance of each of these interventions is un-
24 hours13,14; inclusion of non–plain-film imaging clear; however, there is now abundant evidence
such as fibroproliferation on computed tomogra- that in-hospital exposures to potentially modifiable
phy73 and right ventricular strain on risk factors contribute to the incidence of ARDS.
echocardiogram.74 Efforts to implement commonsense protocols to
limit exposures and improve standardization of
care are likely low-risk, high-reward strategies for
reducing the burden of ARDS.
Improved Supportive Care
Identification and Treatment of Early Acute
Multiple investigators have identified potentially
Lung Injury
modifiable risk factors that likely contribute to
the incidence of ARDS, including delayed early In the 20 years since publication of the AECC
goal-directed therapy and appropriate antibiotics criteria for ALI and ARDS, numerous pharmaco-
in patients with sepsis,49 larger tidal volumes in logic therapies have been tested and failed to
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 619

show benefit in large multicenter clinical trials, progressing to ALI and outperformed the LIPS
including several by the National Institutes of score in this cohort. An EALI score greater than
Health (NIH)-funded ARDS Network.83–87 This or equal to 2 identified patients who progressed
recognition has led to increased emphasis on to ALI with 89% sensitivity and 75% specificity.
earlier identification of high-risk patients, and the In this cohort (with a 25% prevalence of ALI), this
restructuring of the ARDS Network into the corresponded to positive and negative predictive
Network for the Prevention and Early Treatment values of 53% and 95%.
of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) forming in 2014. There are substantial differences in design and
However, established criteria or definitions for intent of the EALI and LIPS scores. For some pul-
early acute lung injury (EALI) to use as inclusion monary specific predisposing conditions and risk
criteria for future trials are lacking. factors included in the LIPS (ie, pneumonia, aspi-
In a large multicenter prospective study of the ration, SpO2 <95% or FiO2 >35%), the distinction
more than 5000 patients, the United States Critical between prevention and early identification may
Illness and Injury Trials (USCIIT) group developed be semantic. However, the distinction is real for
and validated the LIPS score for the early identifi- others (nonpulmonary sepsis, high-risk elective
cation of high-risk patients.45 The LIPS score surgery, comorbidities) and may affect not only
targeted patients presenting to the emergency the incidence but also the time of progression to
department with at least one established risk ALI. The EALI score was derived in patients with
factor for ARDS, and was derived from variables at least some evidence of early bilateral opacities
present within the first 6 hours of presentation. on chest radiography. This requirement increased
Risk factors were divided into predisposing condi- the baseline incidence of developing ALI to 25%
tions (shock, sepsis, aspiration, pneumonia, or compared with 8% in the LIPS cohort, but may
high-risk surgery or trauma) and risk modifiers also limit sensitivity of identifying patients who
(obesity, alcohol abuse, diabetes, hypoalbumine- progress rapidly without an interval qualifying
mia, acidosis, tachypnea, and oxygen supplemen- chest radiograph. Furthermore, the success of
tation). The overall incidence of ARDS in the cohort the EALI score likely derives from the longitudinal
was 7%. The LIPS score showed good discrimina- evaluation of physiologic variables for potentially
tion (AUC 0.80) and calibration, with rates of ARDS up to 6 hours before the onset of ALI. By contrast,
ranging from 1% for a LIPS score of 1 or less to the LIPS score targeted identifying high-risk pa-
36% for a LIPS score of 8 or more. A cutoff of a tients based on variables present within the first
LIPS score greater than 4 had the best overall 6 hours of admission. It is logical that a scoring
discrimination with sensitivity of 69% and speci- system identifying patients at presentation would
ficity of 78%; however, it still identified a relatively require consideration of multiple baseline risk fac-
low-risk population with a positive predictive value tors and risk modifiers, whereas criteria for identi-
of only 18%. fying early but existing lung injury would be more
In a prospective single-center study, the heavily influenced by the acute pulmonary phy-
authors’ research group empirically derived siology predicting impending respiratory failure.
criteria for EALI in patients presenting to the emer- Selection of criteria to identify appropriate target
gency department with bilateral opacities on chest populations will largely depend on the nature of the
radiograph in the absence of isolated left atrial intervention. For identifying patients to target for
hypertension. Clinical variables were collected strategies to prevent exposure to modifiable risk
longitudinally for up to 72 hours or 6 hours before factors, sensitive criteria generalizable to multiple
meeting criteria for ALI (defined by AECC criteria patient populations, such as the LIPS score, may
while receiving positive pressure ventilation via be ideal. However, clinical trials testing novel ther-
face mask or endotracheal tube). Study investi- apies may wish to target higher-risk patients with
gators performed bedside titration of supple- existing physiologic and radiographic surrogate
mental oxygen on a daily basis to record the end points of lung injury. For example, a theoretic
level required to maintain arterial oxygen satura- clinical trial of an intervention with a predicted 50%
tion (SpO2) greater than 90%. Sixty-two of 256 reduction in the rate of progression to ARDS would
patients (25%) developed ALI. Oxygen require- need 400 patients to be appropriately powered if
ment, respiratory rate, and baseline immune sup- the study population has a baseline 20% risk of
pression were the only independent predictors of developing ARDS (with a 2-tailed a of .05). How-
progression to ALI. A pragmatic 3-component ever, if the baseline risk is 40%, only 160 patients
EALI score (1 point for an oxygen requirement would be needed. As with studies of ARDS,
>2–6 L/min or 2 points for >6 L/min; and 1 point markers of lung injury severity to target as surro-
each for a respiratory rate >30 per minute and im- gate end points in clinical trials are not well estab-
mune suppression) accurately identified patients lished, which will challenge the design of early
620 Sweatt & Levitt

exploratory studies and highlights the need for Developing reliable and clinically available biolog-
multicenter coordination for appropriately pow- ical markers of lung injury may help identify more
ered clinical trials in this area. homogenous patient populations, and serve as
At present, the USCITT Group is conducting surrogate markers to facilitate future appropriately
2 multicenter clinical trials for the prevention of powered clinical investigations.
ARDS. The Lung Injury Prevention Study with The ongoing paradigm shift toward prevention
Aspirin (LIPS-A) is a large phase II clinical trial of and early treatment may provide further progress
aspirin versus placebo, targeting 400 patients toward reducing the significant burden of ARDS.
with a LIPS score of at least 4 and a primary Efforts to implement commonsense protocols to
end point of a reduction in the incidence of ALI limit exposures to modifiable risk factors and
while receiving invasive mechanical ventilation improve standardization of care across institutions
(NCT01504867). The Lung Injury Prevention Study are likely to be high-impact strategies to reduce
with Budesonide and Beta Agonists (LIPS-B) is a the incidence of ARDS. The LIPS and EALI scores
smaller phase II study of aerosolized budesonide are novel criteria for identifying high-risk patients
and formoterol versus placebo. This study aims who may particularly benefit from these strategies.
to enroll 40 patients with a LIPS score of at least However, it will be important to continue to refine
4 and a minimal baseline oxygen requirement, and standardize criteria to further understand the
with a primary end point of improvement in the epidemiology of these at-risk populations and to
SpO2/FiO2 ratio (NCT01783821). These trials repre- identify the appropriate target patients for future
sent exciting new strategies to reduce the burden clinical investigations.
of ARDS. This paradigm shift toward prevention
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