Dasenbrook higherPEEP 11 Printed
Dasenbrook higherPEEP 11 Printed
Dasenbrook higherPEEP 11 Printed
BACKGROUND: Studies of ventilation strategies that included higher PEEP in patients with acute
lung injury (ALI) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have yielded conflicting results.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether higher PEEP during volume-limited and pressure-limited
ventilation is associated with 28-day mortality or barotrauma rates in patients with ALI/ARDS.
METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, CENTRAL, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, and the
bibliographies of retrieved papers to identify randomized controlled trials that compared higher
and lower PEEP in adult patients with ALI/ARDS who were already receiving volume-limited or
pressure-limited ventilation. Two of us independently abstracted study-level data, including study
design, patient characteristics, study methods, intervention, and main results. We pooled the study-
level data with a random-effects model, unless heterogeneity was low (I2 < 50%), in which case we
used a fixed-effects model. The primary outcome was 28-day mortality. RESULTS: Four random-
ized trials (2,360 participants) were evaluated. Higher PEEP had a nonsignificant trend toward
lower 28-day mortality (pooled relative risk 0.90, 95% CI 0.79 –1.02). There was no difference in
barotrauma between the 2 groups (pooled relative risk 1.17, 95% CI 0.90 –1.52). Two studies
reported an adjusted hospital death rate, and the pooled results of sensitivity analysis with those
adjusted rates were identical to those of the unadjusted analysis. CONCLUSIONS: In 4 recent
studies that used volume-limited or pressure-limited ventilation in ALI/ARDS patients, higher
PEEP was not associated with significantly different short-term mortality or barotrauma. This
study does not support the routine use of higher PEEP in patients with ALI/ARDS. Key words: acute
respiratory distress syndrome; adult; acute lung injury; mechanical ventilation; meta-analysis; mortality;
randomized controlled trial; review. [Respir Care 2011;56(5):568 –575. © 2011 Daedalus Enterprises]
tion can also cause ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), PEEP in adults with ALI/ARDS receiving volume-limited
which can delay or prevent recovery from acute respira- or pressure-limited ventilation, via meta-analysis of rele-
tory failure.3,4 One cause of VILI is excessive tidal volume vant randomized controlled trials that evaluated short-term
and pressure, which can overdistend aerated lung tissue.3-5 unadjusted mortality and barotrauma.
In a study by the National Institutes of Health ARDS
Network, a mechanical ventilation strategy with lower tidal Methods
volume and pressure was associated with a 9% absolute
lower short-term mortality in ALI patients, compared to a This study was performed at Johns Hopkins University
more traditional strategy that used larger tidal volume.6 School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, and was con-
Another cause of VILI involves exhalation to a low lung ducted and is reported according to the Quality of Report-
volume and pressure,4,7 which injures small bronchioles ing of Meta-analyses (QUORUM) guidelines for meta-
and alveoli by repeated opening and closing during tidal analyses of randomized controlled trials.22
ventilation,7 and there may be excessive stress and strain
between aerated and atelectatic regions of lung paren- Data Sources and Search Strategy
chyma.8 The traditional approach to mechanical ventila-
tion involved modest PEEP (5–12 cm H2O) to prevent We electronically searched the MEDLINE, CENTRAL,
atelectasis and severe hypoxemia.9-11 However, some in- EMBASE, CINAHL, and Web of Science databases up to
vestigators recommend higher PEEP, to increase the pro- November 15, 2008, to identify potentially relevant pub-
portion of aerated lung at end-expiration (ie, maintain al- lications. Our search strategy included controlled vocabu-
veolar recruitment) and prevent VILI from exhalation to lary and related text words for: ALI/ARDS (study popu-
low volume and pressure.7,12 Moreover, higher PEEP may lation), use of PEEP (study intervention), and randomized
improve arterial oxygenation and allow a lower FIO2, which controlled trials (study design). The search strategy em-
could reduce pulmonary oxygen toxicity.13 However, these ployed standard filters for the identification of randomized
benefits of higher PEEP may be offset by additional lung clinical trials23,24 and included no language restrictions. In
injury due to overdistention or decreased cardiac output, addition, we hand-searched conference proceedings (2005
due to increased intrathoracic pressure and increased pul- through 2007) from the European Society of Intensive
monary vascular resistance.14 Care Medicine, American Thoracic Society, and the So-
The potential benefits of higher PEEP in patients with ciety of Critical Care Medicine, and the bibliographies of
ALI/ARDS already receiving volume-limited or pressure- all selected articles and relevant review articles to find
limited ventilation remain unclear, as existing randomized additional relevant abstracts and studies.
controlled trials may have been underpowered to find a
potentially small but clinically important reduction in short- Study Selection
term mortality.15-18 Two study-level meta-analyses have
been performed19,20: one concluded that higher PEEP was Eligible studies were randomized trials in which the
beneficial in unselected patients with ALI/ARDS.19 How- study groups received volume-limited or pressure-limited
ever, that study’s methods were suboptimal21 because those ventilation and either higher or lower PEEP in adult pa-
researchers pooled adjusted hospital mortality from one of tients (age ⱖ 18 y) with ALI or ARDS, as defined by, or
the studies15 but did not include the adjusted hospital mor- consistent with, the American-European Consensus Con-
tality data from another trial, in which there were also ference criteria.1 We excluded studies that only reported
imbalances in baseline characteristics.16 Our objective was physiologic and/or radiologic outcomes. Two reviewers
to evaluate the benefits and harms of higher versus lower (ECD and EF) independently screened titles, abstracts, and
studies for study eligibility, and disagreements were re-
solved via consensus. We assessed the reviewers’ agree-
Dr Dasenbrook presented a version of this paper at the International ment on study inclusion with the Cohen statistic.
Conference of the American Thoracic Society, held May 15-20, 2009, in
San Diego, California. Data Extraction
The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
Two reviewers (ECD and EF) independently abstracted
Correspondence: Elliott C Dasenbrook MD MHS, Division of Pulmo- data and methods from the included studies, using stan-
nary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Department of Medicine, Uni- dardized forms. Abstracted data included study design,
versity Hospitals Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University patient characteristics, study methods, intervention, and
School of Medicine, 11100 Euclid Avenue, Mail Stop WRN 5067, Cleve-
land OH 44106. E-mail: ecd28@case.edu. main results. Differences in data abstraction were resolved
via consensus. The methodological quality of studies was
DOI: 10.4187/respcare.01011 evaluated according to published guidelines including: de-
Statistical Analysis
Baseline Target
Age Baseline PaO2/FIO2 Day 1 Day 1
First Author Year N mean ⫾ SD mean ⫾ SD PEEP Pplat
Arm Score PEEP (mL/kg
(y) (mm Hg) (cm H2O) (cm H2O)
mean ⫾ SD* PBW)
* Higher Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score indicates greater severity of illness.
† APACHE III score.
‡ Table of fixed combinations of PEEP and FIO2.
§ Minimum PEEP guided by FIO2 and/or hemodynamics.
㛳 Table of fixed combinations of end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure and FIO2.
PBW ⫽ predicted body weight
Pplat ⫽ plateau pressure
ND ⫽ no data reported
Brower15 2004 Higher 276 90 64 (23) Any new pneumothorax, 30 (11) Hospital 28% vs 25%
Lower 273 61 (22) pneumomediastinum, 27 (10) mortality P ⫽ .48
emphysema, or
pneumatocele with a
diameter ⬎ 2 cm
Meade16 2008 Higher 475 75 135 (28) Pneumothorax, 53 (11) Hospital 36% vs 40%
Lower 508 164 (32) pneumomediastinum, 47 (9) mortality P ⫽ .19
emphysema on chest
radiograph; chest-tube
insertions for known
or suspected
Mercat17 2008 Higher 385 60 107 (28) Pneumothorax between 26 (7) 28-day 28% vs 31%
Lower 382 119 (31) day 1 and 28 22 (6) mortality P ⫽ .31
Talmor18 2008 Higher 30 180 5 (17) Not defined 0 (0) PaO2/FIO2 at 280 vs 191
Lower 31 12 (39) 0 (0) 72 h P ⫽ .002
Brower15 2004 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Unclear‡ Yes Yes Yes 3
Meade16 2008 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3
Mercat17 2008 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3
Talmor18 2008 Yes Unclear§ No Yes Yes Unclear㛳 Yes Yes Yes 3
* Qualitative assessment was with Cochrane bias assessment method,25 in which each methods item is categorized as yes, no, or unclear.
† The Jadad quality score range is 1–5, and ⱖ 3 is considered high quality.26
‡ Stopped early for futility, imbalance in baseline characteristics between groups. Protocol modified after 171 enrollees.
§ Allocation concealment not described in primary manuscript.
㛳 Stopped early because of oxygenation benefit in intervention group.
Fig. 2. Association of higher PEEP and 28-day mortality. The size of the data marker indicates the weight of the study.
compared to the unadjusted results, increased the RR of volume-limited or pressure-limited ventilation, higher
in-hospital mortality in the higher-PEEP group, compared PEEP was not associated with lower short-term mortality
to the lower-PEEP group (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.84 –1.12, or an increased risk of barotrauma.
P ⫽ .74).16 When we used the adjusted hospital mortality Our study differs from prior meta-analyses19,20,33 in sev-
from these studies in the analysis, the pooled results were eral ways. First, our study includes the most recently pub-
identical to the unadjusted analysis (pooled RR 0.94, lished randomized controlled trial.18 Second, for the pri-
95% CI 0.84 –1.05, P ⫽ .25, I2 ⫽ 0%).15-17 mary analysis we pooled unadjusted data. Third, we
performed a sensitivity analysis with adjusted data from
Barotrauma the 2 studies in which those data were available.15,16 In
contrast, 2 prior meta-analyses19,20 pooled adjusted hospi-
Barotrauma was reported in all of the studies, but was
tal mortality from one study15 (where adjusted mortality
excluded from the analysis in one study as there were no
favored higher PEEP), but did not include adjusted data
events in either group.18 Higher PEEP was associated with
from another trial that had imbalances in baseline charac-
a nonsignificant increase in barotrauma (pooled RR 1.17,
95% CI 0.90 –1.52, P ⫽ .25, I2 ⫽ 0%) (Fig. 3). These 4 teristics16 (adjusted data less favorable to higher PEEP).
studies included 109 (9%) barotraumas among 1,166 pa- These 2 meta-analyses consequently reported an effect of
tients in the higher-PEEP group and 96 (8%) barotraumas higher PEEP on hospital mortality as a pooled odds ratio
among 1,194 patients in the lower-PEEP group. of 0.86 (95% CI 0.72–1.02)20 and a pooled RR of 0.90
(95% CI 0.81–1.01).19 Despite a nonsignificant trend to-
Discussion ward benefit of higher PEEP, one of the 2 meta-analyses
concluded that the “current evidence supports the use of
In this meta-analysis of randomized trials of mechanical high PEEP in unselected groups of patients with ALI/
ventilation strategies in patients with ALI/ARDS receiving ARDS.”19 Our primary analysis, which pooled unadjusted
Fig. 3. Association of higher PEEP and barotrauma. The size of the data marker indicates the weight of the study.
hospital mortality and reported an RR of 0.94 (95% CI 0.84 – patients with predominantly recruitable lung may benefit
1.05), resolves the conflicting conclusions from those 2 from a higher PEEP strategy, whereas those with predom-
prior meta-analyses, as our trend in unadjusted hospital inantly non-recruitable lung may not benefit and may be at
mortality cannot support the conclusion that unselected greater risk of VILI from overdistention.43 While none of
patients with ALI/ARDS may benefit from higher PEEP. the trials included in our study screened for recruitability
A recent meta-analysis that used patient-level data eval- at enrollment or during the treatment course, identification
uated the association between higher PEEP in adults with of PEEP responders may be useful for selecting a sub-
ALI and hospital mortality34 and reported an adjusted RR group of ALI/ARDS patients who might benefit from higher
of 0.94 (95% CI 0.86 –1.04) for hospital mortality with PEEP.39,44,45
higher PEEP.15-17 This result is very similar to our meta- Two studies reported important differences in patient
analysis result and reinforces the accuracy of our study- outcomes with higher PEEP: a significant increase in ven-
level meta-analysis, as compared to the other meta-analy- tilator-free and organ-failure-free days, and a nonsignifi-
ses that have used study-level data. Briel and colleagues cant mortality advantage,17 and a significant improvement
conclude that unselected patients with ALI/ARDS do not in 28-day mortality, after adjustment for baseline Acute
benefit from a higher-PEEP strategy, but the subgroup of Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score
patients with severe hypoxemia (ie, ARDS patients) may (RR 0.46, 95% CI 0.19 –1.00, P ⫽ .049).18 These 2 studies
derive the greatest benefit from a higher PEEP strategy were similar in that they both used physiologic variables to
(adjusted RR for hospital mortality 0.90, 95% CI 0.81– adjust PEEP. One study increased PEEP until the plateau
1.00), and should be evaluated in future studies to confirm pressure was between 28 and 30 cm H2O,17 whereas the
if a mortality benefit is present.34 other used transpulmonary pressure to adjust PEEP.18 These
Experimental models7,35 and observational studies in hu- strategies probably delivered greater PEEP to responders
mans with ALI/ARDS36,37 suggest that higher PEEP can and lower PEEP to non-responders.46 In support of this
ameliorate VILI, but in the present systematic review we hypothesis, approximately 10% of patients actually had
found no significant differences in mortality with higher their PEEP lowered from the baseline value when guided
PEEP in ALI/ARDS patients. A potential explanation for by esophageal pressure.18 Importantly, titrating PEEP to
these discrepant results is the heterogeneous patient pop- oxygenation response (ie, with a table of fixed combina-
ulation captured by the current definition of ALI/ARDS.1 tions of PEEP and FIO2)15,16 may not lead to alveolar re-
Recent data suggest that there may be distinct subgroups cruitment, but to overdistention and an increase in VILI in
of ALI/ARDS patients with markedly different responses some patients.44 Despite 40 years of research, the optimal
to higher PEEP.38-42 Whole-body computed tomography level of and best approach for setting PEEP in ALI/ARDS
has demonstrated that higher PEEP in patients with a low patients remain elusive.46,47
percentage of recruitable lung (non-responders) provides Our study also suggests that there may be an increased
little benefit and may be harmful.39 In another study, non- risk of barotrauma with higher PEEP in ALI/ARDS pa-
responders (⬍ 150 mL alveolar recruitment) who received tients receiving volume-limited or pressure-limited venti-
a higher PEEP protocol similar to that used in one of the lation. Higher PEEP can increase plateau pressure, which,
studies in our systematic review15 experienced no change when greater than 35 cm H2O, is associated with a greater
in arterial oxygenation, but did experience significant in- risk of barotrauma.48 The fact that most patients in the 4
creases in static lung elastance.40 Therefore, ALI/ARDS included studies did not have plateau pressure higher than
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