Hand Out Antibiotics
Hand Out Antibiotics
Hand Out Antibiotics
Amikacin (Amikin) Clindamycin (Cleocin)
Gentamycin (Garamycin) Lincomycin (Lincocin)
Kanamycin (Kantrex)
Neomycin (Mycifradin) Nursing Responsibility:
Tobramycin (Tobrex) 1. monitor for pseudomonas colitis, Bone
Marrow Depression, pain, Central
Nursing Responsibility: Nervous System effects
1. Monitor for ototoxicity, renal toxicity,
GI disturbances, BMD, super-infections MONOBACTAM ANTIBIOTICS
1. Aztreonam
FLUOROQUINOLONES “oxacin” the only
relatively new class of antibiotics with a monobactam antibiotic
broad spectrum of activity currently available
all made synthetically but with effective against
relatively mild adverse reactions gram – enterobacteria
no effect on
EXAMPLES: gram+ or anaerobic
Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) disrupts cell wall
Levofloxacin (Levaquin) synthesis which promotes
Ofloxacin (Floxin) leakage of cellular contents
Sparfloxacin (Zagam) Urinary Tract
Moxifloxacin (Avelox) Infections, Systemic Infections,
intra-abdominal infections
Nursing Responsibility:
1. Monitor for headache, dizziness, GI Nursing Responsibility:
upsets & BMD
1. monitor for GI problems, liver toxicity,
pain at the injection site
1. Penicillins G benzathine 1. Cotrimoxazole (Septra, Bactrim)
Systemic Infections, Erysipeloid a combination drug that
infections contains sulfamethoxazole and
2. Penicillin G potassium trimethoprim
Severe infections effective in OM, UTI, bronchitis,
3. Penicillin G procain pneumonitis
Moderately severe infections 2. Sulfadiazine - with broad use in
4. Penicillin V infections
Prophylaxis for bacterial endocarditis, 3. Sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin) - includes
Lyme disease, Urinary Tract Infections various STDs
used as bronchodilators because of Decreased swelling associated with
their effect on the vagus nerve, which is inflammation.
to block or antagonize the action of the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine at vagal- VIA NOSE
mediated receptor site. Beclomethasone dipropionate
Ipratropium is the only anticholinergic Budesonide
recommended fro brochodilation. Flunisonide
Onset of action: 15 minutes Fluticasone propionate
Peak effect: 1 to 2 hours Triamcinolone acetonide
Duration effect: 3-4 hours
Adverse reactions Prednisolone
Nervousness Prednisone
Nausea and vomiting VIA VEIN
-methyprednisolone sodium succinate
IMPLEMENTATION - Hydrocortisone sodium succinate
ensure adequate hydration and provide
environmental controls, such as use of a ADVERSE REACTION
humidifier. Mouth irritation
Ensure the patient to void before each Oral candidiasis
dose of medication. URTI
Provide safety measures
Provide health teachings IMPLEMENTATION
1. Do not administer the drug to treat an
Monitor the medication regimen. acute asthma attack.
Total inhalation should not exceed 2. Have the patient use decongestant
in 12-24 hours and total nasay drops before using the inhaled steroid
sprays shouldn’t exceed 8 in each 3. Have the patient rinse the mouth after
nostrils in 24 hours. using the inhaler.
If more than one inhalation is 4. Monitor the patient for any sign of
ordered, 2 minutes should elapse respiratory infection.
between inhalations. If more than 5. Health teachings
one type of inhalant is ordered,
always gve bronchodilator first and LEUKOTRIENE RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST
wait 5 minutes before 1. Zafirlukast (Accolate)
administering the other. 2. Montelukast (Singulair)
3. Zileuton (Zyflo)
Used to decrease the inflammatory
response in the airway.
work to breakdown mucus in order to
aid the high risk respiratory patient in
coughing up thick, tenacious secretions.
Maybe administered by nebulization or
DRUGS ACTING ON THE UPPER by direct instillation into the trachea via
an endotracheal tube or tracheostomy.
RESPIRATORY TRACT 1. Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)
2. Dornase alfa (Pulmozyme)
ANTITUSSIVES- which blocks the cough reflex.
DECONGESTANTS- which decrease the blood
Instruct the patient to avoid combining
flow to the upper respiratory tract and decrease
with other drugs in the nebulizer to
the overproduction of secretions.
avoid formation of drug can be
administered via nebulizers with the
ANTIHISTAMINES- which block the release or
drug diluted with sterile water.
action of histamine, a chemical release during
Remind the patient that the drug may
inflammation that increases secretions and
irritate the respiratory mucosa
narrows airways.
EXPECTORANTS- which increase productive
Act on the cough control center in the
cough to clear the airways
medulla to suppress the cough reflex.
Used for cough that is non productive
MUCOLYTICS- which increase or liquefy
and irritating
respiratory secretions to aid the clearing of the
1. Benzonatate= narcotic anti-tussive
2. Butamirate citrate= non-narcotic
3. Codeine= narcotic
4. Dextromethorphan= non-narcotic
liquefy the lower respiratory tract
5. Hydrocodone= narcotic
secretions, reducing the viscosity of
these secretions and making it easier
Contraindications and Indications for use of
for the patient to cough them up.
antitussives These agents are NOT given to
Guaifenesin (Anti-tuss, Glycotuss,
patients who have undergone thoracic and
Humibid, Robitussin)
abdominal surgeries because they need to
cough to maintain airway patency.
Precautions are instituted when giving to
1. Instruct the client to take medication
patients with asthma, emphysema or COPD
with a full glass of water to loosen
because an accumulation of secretions may
2. Maintain an adequate fluid intake
3. Encourage the client to cough and deep
Emphasize that the drug should be
4. Caution the client not to use these
taken only on a specified time frame as
drugs for longer 1 week and seek
medical attention if cough still persists.
Provide other measures to relieve
cough like provide humidified oxygen,
cool temperatures, fluids and use of
Caution that alcohol, narcotics, 3. Provide safety measures if drowsiness
sedatives-hypnotics can cause CNS may occur. Side rails up, assist in
depression when used with ambulation, and advise not to drive or
antitussives. operate dangerous machineries or
delicate tasks.
EXAMPLES Provide dietary counseling with
emphasis on bland foods
APOMORPHINE Provide oral hygiene
- Emesis occurs 5-15 mins after sub q Inhibit gastric acid secretion.
administrations Act at the H2 receptors of the stomach
- Do not give to patient who is allegic to parietal cells to limit the gastric
morphine or other opiates secretion (H2 ANTAGONIST)
Inhibit hydrogen/ potassium ATPase
ADVERSE EFFECTS enzyme system to block acid production
DEPRESSION (proton pump inhibitors)
EUPHORIA Available in oral and parenteral (IM, IV)
Respiratory depression preparations
Orthostatic hypotension
IPECAC SYRUP CNS disturbances
- 30 cc or less cause no systemic, adverse Blood dyscrasias
effects Skin rash
- Emesis occurs after 20- 30 mins
- 200-300 ml of water may facilitate the NURSING CARE
emetic action. 1. Do not administer at the same time as
DO NOT give to patients who: antacids; allow 1 to 2 hour between
Have altered LOC drugs
Have seizures 2. Administer oral preparation with meals.
Ingested corrosives 3. Assess for potentiation of oral
Ingested petroleum distillates anticoagulant effect.
4. Instruct client to follow prescription
Inhibit smooth muscle contraction in 5. Administration should not exceed 8
the GI tract weeks without medical supervision.
Alleviate pain associated with peptic
Available in oral and parenteral Promote the formation of formed stools
Alleviate diarrhea.
MAJOR SIDE EFFECTS Available in oral and parenteral
1. All related to decreased (IM)preparations
parasympathetic stimulation.
Intestinal lubricants: use peripad to
protect clothing.
MAJOR SIDE EFFECCTS Bulk forming laxatives: mix thoroughly
1. Fluid absorbents: GI disturbances, CNS in 8 oz of fluid and follow with another
disturbance. 8 oz of fluid to prevent obstruction
2. Enteric bacteria replacements: Administer at bedtime to promote
excessive flatulence; abdominal cramps defecation in the morning.
3. Motility suppressants: urinary
retention. Tachycardia, dry mouth
sedation, respiratory depression.
Monitor bowel movement for color,
characteristics and frequency. PANCREATIC ENZYMES
Assess for fluid and electrolytes Replace natural endogenous pancreatic
imbalance enzyme; promote the digestion of
Assess and eliminate cause of protiens, fats and carbohydrates
diarrhhea. Available in oral preparations
Motility suppressants
- Warn client of interfere with the ability to MAJOR SIDE EFFECTS and Nursing CARE
perform hazardous activities and risk of physical Nausea and diarrhea
dependence with long term use. Administer with meals
- Offer sugar free chewing gum and hard candy Avoid crushing preparations that are
to promote salivation. enteric coated.
Provide a balances diet to prevent
Alleviate or prevent constipation and
promote evacuation of stool. ANTI SPASMODICS
Available in oral and rectal preparations Relax smooth muscle of the GI.
Laxative dependence with long term Side effects:
use 1. Constipation
GI disturbances 2. Rash
Intestinal Lubricants: inhibit absorption of fat 3. Euphoria
soluble vitamins A, D, E,K can cause anal leaking 4. Dizziness
of oil
Saline Cathartics: dehydration, hypernatremia - HNBB - Buscopan
NURSING CARE Treat pruritus associated with biliary
Instruct the client regarding: overuse of disease
cathartics and intestinal lubricants; Act by absorbing and combining with
increasing intake of fluids and dietary intestinal bile salts.
fibers; increasing activity level; Take with flavoured products or juice to
compliance with vowel- retaining mask bad taste.
Monitor bowel movements for SIDE EFFECTS
consistency and frequency of stool. Constipation
Decreased vitamin absorptio
LACTULOSE (Duphalac)
- Reduces ammonia level.
- Improves protein tolerance in client
with advanced hepatic cirrhosis
- Lowers colonic pH from 7 to 5:
acidification pulls ammonia into the
bowel to be excreted in the feces, thus
lowering the ammonia level.
NEOMYCIN (Mycifradin)
-reduces the number of colonic bacteria that
normally convert urea and amino acids into