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Astm F1554-2007 PDF

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Designation: F1554 − 07a´1

Standard Specification for

Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105-ksi Yield Strength1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1554; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

ε1 NOTE—Table S1.2 was editorially corrected in October 2011.

1. Scope* A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing

1.1 This specification covers straight and bent, headed and of Steel Products
headless, carbon, carbon boron, alloy, or high-strength low- A563 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts
alloy steel anchor bolts (also known as anchor rods). The A673/A673M Specification for Sampling Procedure for Im-
anchor bolts are furnished in three strength grades, two thread pact Testing of Structural Steel
classes, and in the sizes specified in Section 4. A751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemi-
cal Analysis of Steel Products
1.2 The anchor bolts are intended for anchoring structural B695 Specification for Coatings of Zinc Mechanically De-
supports to concrete foundations. Such structural supports posited on Iron and Steel
include building columns, column supports for highway signs, D3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
street lighting and traffic signals, steel bearing plates, and F436 Specification for Hardened Steel Washers
similar applications. F606 Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Proper-
1.3 Supplementary requirements are included to provide for ties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners,
Grade 55 weldable steel, permanent manufacturers and grade Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets
identification, and impact properties for Grades 55 and 105. F2329 Specification for Zinc Coating, Hot-Dip, Require-
1.4 Zinc coating requirements are included in Section 7 for ments for Application to Carbon and Alloy Steel Bolts,
applications requiring corrosion protection. Screws, Washers, Nuts, and Special Threaded Fasteners
2.2 Research Council on Structural Connections Standard:3
1.5 The recommended grade and style of nut and washer are Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or
included in 6.6 and 6.7 for each grade. A490 Bolts
1.6 This specification does not cover the requirements for 2.3 ASME Standards:4
mechanical expansion anchors, powder-activated nails or B 1.1 Unified Screw Threads
studs, or anchor bolts fabricated from deformed bar. B 1.3 Screw Thread Gaging Systems for Dimensional Ac-
1.7 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded ceptability
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for B 18.2.2 Square and Hex Nuts
information only. B 18.18.2M Inspection and Quality Assurance for High
Volume Machine Assembly Fasteners
2. Referenced Documents 3. Terminology
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
A194/A194M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts 3.1.1 anchor bolt—steel rod or bar, one end of which is
for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, intended to be cast in concrete, while the opposite end is
or Both threaded and projects from the concrete, for anchoring other
material to the concrete. The end cast in concrete may be either
straight or provided with an anchor such as a bent hook, forged
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F16 on
Fasteners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F16.02 on Steel Bolts, head, or a tapped or welded attachment to resist forces imposed
Nuts, Rivets and Washers. on the anchor bolt, as required.
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2007. Published January 2008. Originally
approved in 1994. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as F1554 – 07. DOI:
10.1520/F1554-07A. Available from Research Council on Structural Connections, c/o Industrial
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or Fasteners Institute, 1717 East 9th Street, Cleveland, OH 44114.
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on International Headquarters, Three Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http://
the ASTM website. www.asme.org.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

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F1554 − 07a´1
3.1.2 manufacturer—manufacturer of the anchor bolt; the 5.1.11 Inspection at place of manufacture, if required (see
party that performs the cutting, bending, and threading opera- 15.1).
tions. 5.1.12 Color coding, if different from the standard in 19.1.
3.1.3 producer—manufacturer of the steel rods or bars. 5.1.13 Test reports, if required (see 17.1).
5.1.14 Supplementary requirements, if required.
3.1.4 purchaser—purchaser of the finished anchor bolt, or
5.1.15 Special requirements, if required.
his designated agent.
NOTE 1—An example of a typical order follows: 5000 pieces; steel
3.1.5 responsible party—see Section 18; this may be the
anchor bolts; ASTM designations including issue date; Grade 55; Class
manufacturer or supplier. 2A; Supplementary Requirement S 1; 1.0-8-in. thread size by 15-in. long,
3.1.6 supplier—agent who furnishes the finished anchor bolt 3.0-in. thread length, 4.0-in. hook; zinc coated by hot dipping 5.0 in. from
and nuts to the purchaser; this may be the manufacturer. exposed end; each with one zinc-coated nut and washer; test report

4. Classification 6. Materials and Manufacture

4.1 The anchor bolts are furnished in three grades denoting 6.1 Process—Steel for anchor bolts shall be made by the
minimum yield strength and two classes denoting thread class open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace process.
as follows:

6.2 Threading—Threads shall be rolled, cut, or ground at the

Tensile Strength, Yield Strength, Size Range, option of the manufacturer, unless otherwise specified.
ksi (MPa) min, ksi (MPa) in. (mm)
6.3 Heat Treatment:
36A 58–80 (400–558) 36 (248) ⁄ –4 (6.4–102)
14 6.3.1 When required, the anchor bolts may be heat treated to
55 75–95 (517–655) 55 (380) 1⁄4 –4 (6.4–102)
develop the specified properties. Heat treatment shall be at the
105 125–150 (862–1034) 105 (724) 1⁄4 –3 (6.4–76)

option of the manufacturer.
1A anchor bolts with Class 1A threads 6.3.2 Heat treatment may be performed prior to or after
2A anchor bolts with Class 2A threads bending or threading.
When Grade 36 is specified, a weldable Grade 55 may be furnished at the
supplier’s option. 6.3.3 When heat treatment is required, the anchor bolts shall
be heat treated by quenching in a liquid medium from above
4.2 Weldable steel for Grade 55 is provided for in Supple-
the transformation temperature and then tempering by reheat-
mentary Requirement SI.
ing to a temperature not less than 800°F (425°C) for Grade 55
and 1100°F (593°C) for Grade 105.
5. Ordering Information
6.4 Bending:
5.1 Orders for anchor bolts should include the following
6.4.1 When required, hooks, shall be made by cold bending
or hot bending. The bent portion shall be free from cracks when
5.1.1 Quantity (Number of Pieces)—If the purchaser intends
examined at 10× magnification after bending.
to perform destructive tests on finished anchor bolts, the
6.4.2 Hot bending performed on bar stock without heat
manufacturer should be advised so that an adequate number are
treatment shall not have the temperature exceed 1300°F
produced, especially for the sizes and types not readily
(705°C) at any location during hot bending and shall be
available from stock.
allowed to air cool after bending.
5.1.2 Name of product (steel anchor bolt).
6.4.3 Hot bending performed on heat-treated bar stock shall
5.1.3 ASTM designation and year of issue. not have the temperature come within 100°F (56°C) of the
5.1.4 Grade and class, that is, Grade 36, 55, or 105 and tempering (stress relieve) temperature of the heat-treat process
Class 1A or 2A. Weldable Grade 55 may be furnished when at any location during hot bending and shall be allowed to air
Grade 36 is ordered (see 4.1). cool after bending.
5.1.5 Copper, if copper bearing steel is required. 6.4.4 The bending shall not reduce the cross-sectional area
5.1.6 Size and Dimensions—Include the diameter and below that required in 10.3.
threads (based on nominal thread diameter), bolt length, thread
length, and length of hook if a hook is required, or provide a 6.5 Secondary Processing—If a subcontractor, or party
drawing showing the required information. other than the manufacturer or producer, performs heat
5.1.7 Zinc coatings in accordance with 7.1. When zinc treatment, coating, welding, machining, or other process af-
coatings in accordance with 7.1 are required, specify the zinc fecting the properties or performance of the anchor bolts, the
coating process to be used, that is, hot dip, mechanically anchor bolts shall be inspected and tested after such processing
deposited, or no preference (see 7.1). Also, specify the length by the party responsible for supplying the anchor bolts to the
to be coated as measured from the exposed end. purchaser.
5.1.8 Other Coatings—Specify other protective coatings, if 6.6 Recommended Nuts:
required (see 7.2). 6.6.1 Unless otherwise specified, all nuts used on these
5.1.9 Number of nuts, either the total number or number per anchor bolts shall conform to the requirements of Specifica-
bolt. tions A194/A194M or A563 and shall be of the grade, surface
5.1.10 Number of washers, either the total number or finish, and style for each grade and size of anchor bolt as
number per bolt, and dimensions if other than standard. follows:

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F1554 − 07a´1

Specification A563 Recommended Nut 7.2.2 The complete specification shall be included as part of
Anchor Bolt Grade and Size,
Hot-Dip or Mechanical the purchase order when other coatings are specified.
Plain Zinc Coated in
in. (mm)
accordance with 7.1
Grade Size, in. (mm) Grade Style Grade Style 8. Chemical Composition
36 ⁄ –11⁄2 (6.4–38)
14 A Hex A Hex
over 11⁄2 –4.0 A Heavy Hex A Hvy Hex 8.1 Anchor bolts shall have a chemical composition con-
(38–102) forming to the requirements listed in Table 1 for Grade 36 and
55 1⁄4 –11⁄2 (6.4–38) A Hex A Hvy Hex Table 2 for Grades 55 and 105.
over 11⁄2 –4.0 A Heavy Hex A Hvy Hex
(38–102) 8.2 Grade 55 ordered as weldable shall conform to the
105 1⁄4 –11⁄2 (6.4–38) D Hex DH Hvy Hex
over 11⁄2 –3.0 DH Heavy Hex DH Hvy Hex
requirements specified in Supplementary Requirement S1.
(38–76) 8.3 Anchor bolts made from low-carbon martensitic steel
6.6.2 The requirements for the recommended grade and shall not be permitted.
style of nut may be fulfilled by furnishing a nut of one of the 8.4 The application of heats of steel to which bismuth,
grades or styles listed in Specifications A194/A194M or A563 selenium, tellurium, or lead has been added intentionally shall
having a proof load stress equal to or higher than the minimum not be permitted.
tensile strength specified for the anchor bolt.
8.5 Product analyses may be made by the purchaser from
6.7 Recommended Washers: finished anchor bolts representing each heat. The chemical
6.7.1 The washer material and dimensions shall be specified composition thus determined shall conform to the requirements
in the inquiry and the order (see Note 2). specified in 8.1 through 8.4.
6.7.2 Unless the requirement of 6.7.1 is met, washers
conforming to the requirements of Specification F436, Type 1 9. Mechanical Properties
shall be furnished. 9.1 Bars—The bars or rods from which the anchor bolts are
6.7.3 When anchor bolts are specified to be zinc coated, the made shall conform to the tensile properties listed in Table 3,
washers shall be zinc coated as specified in 7.1, except that the except when heat treated after bending or threading.
coating process for the washers need not be the same as that for
9.2 Anchor Bolts—The finished anchor bolts shall conform
the anchor bolts and nuts.
to the tensile properties listed in Table 3 for tests on machined
NOTE 2—Washers used on anchor bolts, installed in holes with specimens and Table 4 for axial tests on full-size threaded
dimensions greater than oversize or short slot as defined by the Research anchor bolts.
Council on Structural Connections, require design consideration. (For
guidance refer to Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or
A490 Bolts.)
10. Anchor Bolt Dimensions
10.1 Nominal Size—The nominal anchor bolt diameter shall
7. Protective Coatings be the same as the nominal thread diameter.
7.1 Zinc, Hot Dip or Mechanically Deposited— 10.2 Body Diameter:
Specification F2329, and mechanically deposited, Specifica- 10.2.1 When threads are rolled, the body diameter shall not
tion B695, Class 55. be less than the minimum pitch diameter for the thread class,
7.1.1 When zinc-coated anchor bolts with the coating speci- 1A or 2A, designated by the purchaser and specified in
fied in 7.1 are required, the purchaser shall specify the zinc
coating process, for example, hot dip, mechanically deposited,
or no preference. TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements for Grade 36
7.1.2 When hot-dip is specified, the fasteners shall be zinc Diameter, in. (mm)
coated by the hot-dip process in accordance with the require- Over 11⁄2 to
Element To 3⁄4 (20), Over 3⁄4 to 11⁄2
ments of Specification F2329 . incl (20 to 40), incl
4 (40 to
100), incl
7.1.3 When mechanically deposited is specified, the fasten-
Carbon, max, %
ers shall be zinc coated by the mechanical deposition process Heat 0.26 0.27 0.28
in accordance with the requirements of Class 55 of Specifica- Product 0.29 0.30 0.31
tion B695. Manganese, %
Heat 0.60–0.90 0.60–0.90
7.1.4 When no preference is specified, the supplier may Product A
0.54–0.98 0.54–0.98
furnish either a hot-dip zinc coating in accordance with Phosphorus, max, %
Specification F2329 , or a mechanically deposited zinc coating Heat 0.04 0.04 0.04
Product 0.05 0.05 0.05
in accordance with Specification B695, Class 55. Threaded Sulfur, max, %
components (bolts and nuts) shall be coated by the same Heat 0.05 0.05 0.05
zinc-coating process, and the supplier’s option is limited to one Product 0.06 0.06 0.06
Copper, min, % (when
process per item, with no mixed processes in a lot. specified)
Heat 0.20 0.20 0.20
7.2 Other Coatings: Product 0.18 0.18 0.18
7.2.1 Coatings other than the zinc coatings specified in 7.1 A
Optional with the manufacturer but shall be compatible with weldable steel.
shall be as specified by the purchaser on the purchase order.

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F1554 − 07a´1
TABLE 2 Chemical Requirements for Grades 55 and 105 10.7.2 When tolerances are not specified, they shall be in
Composition, % accordance with the manufacturer’s documented standard prac-
Heat Analysis Product Analysis tice.
Phosphorous, max 0.040 0.048
Sulfur, max 0.050 0.058 11. Thread Dimensions
Copper, min (when Cu is 0.20 0.18
specified) 11.1 Uncoated Anchor Bolts:
11.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, uncoated threads shall be
Unified Coarse Thread Series as specified in the latest issue of
TABLE 3 Tensile Properties for Bars and Machined Specimens ANSI/ASME B 1.1, and they shall have Class 1A or 2A
Grade tolerances, as specified by the purchaser. Class 2A shall be
36 55 105 furnished when the class is not specified.
Tensile strength, ksi 58–80 75–95 125–150
Tensile strength, MPa (400–552) (517–655) (862–1034)
11.1.2 When required, anchor bolts having a nominal diam-
Yield strength, min, ksi (0.2 % offset) 36 55 105 eter greater than 1.0 in. (25.5 mm) may be specified to have
Yield strength, min, MPa (0.2 % offset) 248 380 724 threads conforming to the 8-Thread Series (8 UN Series) in
Elongation in 8 in. (200 mm), min, %A 20 18 12
Elongation in 2 in. (50 mm), min, %A 23 21 15
ANSI/ASME B 1.1, and they shall have Class 2A tolerances.
Reduction of Area, min, % 11.2 Anchor Bolts Zinc Coated in Accordance With 7.1,
1⁄4 to 2 in. (6.4 to 50 mm), incl 40 30 45
over 2 to 21⁄2 in. (50 to 63 mm), incl 40 22 −45 Specification F2329, and Specification B695, Class 55:
over 21⁄2 to 3 in. (63 to 76), incl 40 20 45 11.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, anchor bolts hot dip or
over 3 to 4 in. (76 to 102 mm), incl 40 18 ... mechanically zinc coated in accordance with 7.1.1 through
Elongation in 8 in. (200 mm) applies to bars. Elongation in 2 in. (50 mm) applies 7.1.4 (requiring overtapped nuts, see Note 3) shall be the
to tests on machined specimens.
Unified Coarse Thread Series and shall have Class 1A or 2A
threads, as specified by the purchaser, before zinc coating.
After zinc coating, and due to the zinc buildup, the pitch and
major diameters for hot-dip zinc-coated anchor bolts shall not
ANSI/ASME B 1.1. Class 2A shall be furnished when the exceed the dimensions listed in Table 6.
thread class is not specified.
NOTE 3—Zinc-coated nuts of the grade and style recommended in 6.6.1,
10.2.2 The body diameter shall not be less than the mini- when overtapped the diametral allowance for the thread series listed in the
mum major diameter when threads are cut. table entitled “Thread Dimensions and Overtapping Allowances for Nuts”
10.2.3 The minimum body diameters are listed in Table 5 in Specification A563, will develop the bolt tensile strength required in
based on the requirements specified in 10.2.1 and 10.2.2. Table 4 of this specification.

10.3 Bend Section—The bend section of bent anchor bolts 11.2.2 Thread conformance shall be verified during manu-
shall have a cross-sectional area not less than 90 % of the area facture. In case of dispute, a calibrated thread ring gage of the
of straight portions. The area in the bend shall be calculated by same size as the oversize limit specified in 11.2.1 (Class X
the following formula: Ab = 0.25πD·d tolerance, gage tolerance plus) shall be used to verify compli-
where ance. Assembly of the gage shall be possible with hand effort,
following the application of light machine oil to prevent galling
Ab = cross-sectional area in the bend, and damage to the gage.
d = minor (or minimum) diameter at any point, generally in
11.3 Thread Length—The thread length shall not vary from
the plane of the bend, and
that specified more than +1.0 in. (25.5 mm), −0.00 in. (0.00
D = major diameter, at the same cross section as, and at 90
degrees to, the minor diameter.
11.4 Thread Gaging System—Thread acceptability shall be
10.4 Length:
in accordance with System 21 or ANSI/ASME B 1.3, unless
10.4.1 The overall length of straight anchor bolts, or length
otherwise specified. --``,`,`,,,`,``````,```,,``,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
to the inside of the hook, shall be the specified length 61⁄2 in.
(13 mm) for lengths 24 in. (600 mm) or less, and 61 in. (25 12. Workmanship
mm) for longer bolts (see Fig. 1).
10.4.2 The length of hooks shall be the specified length, 12.1 Anchor bolts shall be commercially smooth and free of
610 % of the specified hook length, or 61⁄2 in. (13 mm), burrs, laps, seams, cracks, and other injurious manufacturing
whichever is greater. defects that would make them unsuitable for the intended
10.5 Bend Angle—The bend angle of hooks shall not vary
from that specified by more than 65°. 13. Number of Tests and Retests
10.6 Coated Length—When only the exposed end of the 13.1 Testing Responsibility:
anchor bolt is required to be zinc coated, the length of zinc 13.1.1 The anchor bolt manufacturer or supplier, whichever
coating shall not be less than that specified on the order. is the responsible party as defined in Section 18, shall be
10.7 Other Dimensions: responsible for conducting or ensuring that the required tests
10.7.1 Tolerances for dimensions other than those given in have been conducted to determine compliance with all of the
10.1 through 10.6 shall be as specified by the purchaser. requirements of this specification and the purchaser order.

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F1554 − 07a´1
TABLE 4 Axial Tensile Properties for Full-Size Anchor Bolts
Anchor Bolt Grade
36 55 105
Nominal Size, in. Stress Area,A in.2
in. Yield Yield
Tensile Tensile Tensile Yield Strength,BC
Strength,B klbf Strength,BC Strength,BC
Strength,B klbf Strength,B klbf min, klbf
min, klbf min, klbf
Unified Coarse Thread Series (UNC)

14 20 UNC 0.0318 1.89–2.54 1.15 2.4–3.0 1.75 3.98–4.27 3.34
3⁄8 16 UNC 0.0775 4.5–6.2 2.8 5.8–7.36 4.26 9.7–11.6 8.14
1⁄2 13 UNC 0.1419 8.2–11.4 5.1 10.6–13.5 7.8 17.7–21.3 14.9
5⁄8 11 UNC 0.226 13.1–18.1 8.1 17.0–21.5 12.4 28.2–33.9 23.7
3⁄4 10 UNC 0.334 19.4–26.7 12.0 25.0–31.7 18.4 41.8–50.1 35.1
7⁄8 9 UNC 0.462 26.8–37.0 16.6 34.6–43.9 25.4 57.8–69.3 48.5
1 8 UNC 0.606 35.2–48.5 21.8 45.4–57.6 33.3 75.8–90.9 63.6
1 1⁄ 8 7 UNC 0.763 44.3–61.0 27.5 57.2–72.5 42.0 95.4–114.4 80.1
1 1⁄ 4 7 UNC 0.969 56.2–77.5 34.9 72.7–92.1 53.3 121–145 102
1 1⁄ 2 6 UNC 1.405 81.5–112.4 50.6 105.0–133.0 77.3 176–216 148
1 3⁄ 4 5 UNC 1.90 110–152 68.4 142–180 104.5 238–285 200
2 4 ⁄2 UNC
1 2.50 145–200 90.0 188–238 138 312–375 262
2 1⁄ 4 4 ⁄2 UNC
1 3.25 188–260 117 244–309 179 406–488 341
2 1⁄ 2 4 UNC 4.0 232–320 144 300–380 220 500–600 420
2 3⁄ 4 4 UNC 4.93 286–394 177 370–468 271 616–740 518
3 4 UNC 5.97 346–478 215 448–567 328 746–896 627
3 1⁄ 4 4 UNC 7.10 412–568 256 532–674 390 ... ...
3 1⁄ 2 4 UNC 8.33 483–666 300 625–791 458 ... ...
3 3⁄ 4 4 UNC 9.66 560–773 348 724–918 531 ... ...
4 4 UNC 11.08 643–886 399 831–1053 609 ... ...
8 Thread Series (8 UN)

1 1⁄ 8 8 UN 0.790 45.8–63.2 28.4 59.2–75.0 43.4 98.8–118.5 83.0

1 1⁄ 4 8 UN 1.000 58.0–80.0 36.0 75.0–95.0 55.0 125–150 105
1 1⁄ 2 8 UN 1.492 86.5–119.4 53.7 112–142 82.1 186–224 157
1 3⁄ 4 8 UN 2.08 121–166 74.9 156–198 114 260–312 218
2 8 UN 2.77 161–222 99.7 208–263 152 346–416 291
2 1⁄ 4 8 UN 3.56 206–285 128 267–338 196 445–534 374
2 1⁄ 2 8 UN 4.44 258–355 160 333–422 244 555–666 466
2 3⁄ 4 8 UN 5.43 315–434 195 407–516 299 679–815 570
3 8 UN 6.51 378–521 234 488–618 358 814–976 684
3 1⁄ 4 8 UN 7.69 446–615 277 577–731 423 ... ...
3 1⁄ 2 8 UN 8.96 520–717 323 672–851 493 ... ...
3 3⁄ 4 8 UN 10.34 600–827 372 776–982 569 ... ...
4 8 UN 11.81 685–945 425 886–1122 650 ... ...
Stress areas extracted from ANSI/ASME B 1.1.
Tensile properties calculated from the tensile requirements given in Table 3.
Yield strength measured at 0.2 % offset.
Anchor bolts to 13⁄4 in. (44.5 mm) and larger with 8 UN threads and the nuts overtapped to the limits stated in 11.2.1 will not develop the tensile strength in Table 4 when
the bolt and nut dimensions approach the minimum material limits of ANSI/ASME B 1.1 and B 18.2.2. See 11.2.1 for thread series that have been qualified for strength
when the nuts are overtapped to the limits stated in 11.2.1.

13.1.2 Reports of tension tests, conducted by the steel 13.3 Test Frequency:
producer on bar stock used to manufacture the anchor bolts 13.3.1 The number of tests shall be as follows and in Table
without additional heat treatment, may be used to qualify the 7 and Table 8:
finished anchor bolt tensile properties. Test Number of Tests
13.1.3 The purchaser shall be permitted to perform any of

Composition one per heat, minimum

Tensile tests
the tests and inspections listed in this specification or the Bar stock one per lot, min, as defined in 13.2.1
purchaser order. Anchor bolts in accordance with Table 7 and Table 8 on each lot
defined in 13.2.2
13.2 Lot Definition: Coating weight and
13.2.1 Bar Stock Tensile Tests—For tensile tests conducted thickness
by the steel producer on bars to be used for the manufacture of Dimensions
Thread conformance in accordance with Table 7 and Table 8 on each lot
anchor bolts, a lot shall consist of bars from the same heat, defined in 13.2.2
having the same diameter, and, if heat treated, heat treated in Workmanship
the same furnace lot. Overall compliance

13.2.2 All Other Tests—A lot is a quantity of product of one 13.3.2 When the identity to a specific heat number (and
part number made by the same production process and subse- furnace lot number for heat-treated bars) has not been
quently submitted for final inspection at one time. The maxi- maintained, the number of tests for all requirements, including
mum lot size traceable to final inspection shall not be larger tensile, shall be based on the quantity of anchor bolts of a given
than 250 000 pieces. description as shown in Table 8.

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F1554 − 07a´1
TABLE 5 Minimum Body Diameter
Body Diameter, min, in.
Nominal Size, Threads/ Cut ThreadsB
Rolled ThreadsA
in. in. Classes 1A and
Class 1A Class 2A 2A
Unified Coarse Thread Series (UNC)

14 20 UNC 0.2108 0.2127 0.2367

38 16 UNC 0.3266 0.3287 0.3595
1⁄ 2 13 UNC 0.4411 0.4435 0.4822
5⁄ 8 11 UNC 0.5561 0.5589 0.6052
3⁄ 4 10 UNC 0.6744 0.6773 0.7288
7⁄ 8 9 UNC 0.7914 0.7946 0.8523
1 8 UNC 0.9067 0.9100 0.9755
1 1⁄ 8 7 UNC 1.0191 1.0228 1.0982
1 1⁄ 4 7 UNC 1.1439 1.1476 1.2232
1 1⁄ 2 6 UNC 1.3772 1.3812 1.4703
1 3⁄ 4 5 UNC 1.6040 1.6085 1.7165
2 41⁄2 UNC 1.8385 1.8433 1.9641
2 1⁄ 4 41⁄2 UNC 2.0882 2.0931 2.2141
2 1⁄ 2 4 UNC 2.3190 2.3241 2.4612
2 3⁄ 4 4 UNC 2.5686 2.5739 2.7111
3 4 UNC 2.8183 2.8237 2.9611
3 1⁄ 4 4 UNC 3.0680 3.0734 3.2110
3 1⁄ 2 4 UNC 3.3177 3.3233 3.4610
3 3⁄ 4 4 UNC 3.5674 3.5730 3.7109
4 4 UNC 3.8172 3.8229 3.9609
8 Thread Series (8UN)
1 1⁄ 8 8 UN ... 1.0348 1.1004
1 1⁄ 4 8 UN ... 1.1597 1.2254
1 1⁄ 2 8 UN ... 1.4093 1.4753
1 3⁄ 4 8 UN ... 1.6590 1.7252
2 8 UN ... 1.9087 1.9752 FIG. 1 Anchor Bolt Dimensions
2 1⁄ 4 8 UN ... 2.1584 2.2251
2 1⁄ 2 8 UN ... 2.4082 2.4751
TABLE 6 Zinc Buildup on Coated Threads and Corresponding
2 3⁄ 4 8 UN ... 2.6580 2.7250
3 8 UN ... 2.9077 2.9749
Thread Dimensions; Hot-Dip Zinc Coated in Accordance With
3 1⁄ 4 8 UN ... 3.1575 3.2249 Specification F2329
3 1⁄ 2 8 UN ... 3.4074 3.4749 Nominal Size, Diametral Zinc Anchor Bolt Diameter, max, in.
3 3⁄ 4 8 UN ... 3.6571 3.7248 Threads/in.
in. Buildup, in.A Major Pitch
4 8 UN ... 3.9070 3.9748

14 20 0.016 0.2649 0.2324
Minimum body diameter is the same as minimum pitch diameter. Extracted from 3⁄ 8 16 0.017 0.3907 0.3501
ANSI/ASME B 1.1. 1⁄ 2 13 0.018 0.5165 0.4685
Minimum body diameter is the same as minimum major diameter. Extracted from 5⁄ 8 11 0.020 0.6434 0.5844
ANSI/ASME B 1.1 for Class 1A and Footnote 5 for Class 2A. 3⁄ 4 10 0.020 0.7682 0.7032
7⁄ 8 9 0.022 0.8951 0.8229
1 8 0.024 1.0220 0.9408

1 1⁄ 8 8 0.024 1.1469 1.0657
1 1⁄ 8 7 0.024 1.1468 1.0540
1 1⁄ 4 8 0.024 1.2719 1.1667
13.3.3 Tensile tests on finished anchor bolts apply only 1 1⁄ 4 7 0.024 1.2718 1.5740
1 1⁄ 2 8 0.027 1.5248 1.4436
when bar stock tests are not available or applicable or heat 1 1⁄ 2 6 0.027 1.5246 1.4163
treatment is performed after threading or bending. 1 3⁄ 4 5 0.050 1.7973 1.6674
2 4.5 0.050 2.0471 1.9028
13.4 Retests—If a single nonconforming characteristic is 2 1⁄ 4 4.5 0.050 2.2971 2.1528
found in final inspection, the lot may be resampled for this 2 1⁄ 2 4 0.050 2.5469 2.3845
2 3⁄ 4 4 0.050 2.7968 2.6344
characteristic with a sample four times the size of the original 3 4 0.050 3.0468 2.8844
final acceptance sample. The acceptance criterion shall then be 3 1⁄ 4 4 0.050 3.2967 3.1343
zero discrepancies in this larger sample. 3 1⁄ 2 4 0.050 3.5467 3.3843
3 3⁄ 4 4 0.050 3.7966 3.6342
13.5 Purchaser’s Inspection: 4 4 0.050 4.0466 3.8842
13.5.1 If, on receipt of anchor bolts, the purchaser discovers A
These values are the same as the overtap requirements for zinc-coated nuts
a single nonconforming part, he may sample the lot for such given in Specification A563.

nonconforming characteristic(s) in accordance with 13.3 using

an acceptance number of zero.
13.5.2 If the nonconforming characteristic in 13.5.1 is
thread dimension and the anchor bolt manufacturer or supplier 14. Test Methods
contests the findings, the final determination of thread accept-
ability shall be as follows: a full-size axial tension test shall be 14.1 Chemical Composition—Chemical analysis shall be
made on the threaded anchor bolt and nut assembly at the conducted in accordance with Test Methods, Practices, and
manufacturer’s or supplier’s expense. The assembly shall Terminology A751.
develop the tensile load specified in Table 4. 14.2 Tensile Tests:

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F1554 − 07a´1
TABLE 7 Inspection Level for Final InspectionA 15. Inspection
Type of Test Nondestructive Tests Destructive Tests
15.1 If the inspection described in 15.2 is required by the
Body diameter C ...
Length B ... purchaser, it shall be specified in the inquiry and contract or
Head C ... order.
Thread acceptance B ...
Visual inspectionB A ... 15.2 The inspector representing the purchaser shall have
Tensile properties ... B free entry to all parts of the manufacturer’s works or supplier’s
Coating weight/ B ...
place of business that concern the manufacture or supply of the
material ordered. The manufacturer or supplier shall afford the
Extracted from ANSI/ASME B 18.18.2M.
Visual inspection for type identification, presence of finish, duds, surface inspector all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the
discontinuities, and general workmanship. material is being furnished in accordance with this specifica-
tion. All tests and inspections required by the specifications
that are requested by the purchaser’s representative shall be
TABLE 8 Number of Tests for Final InspectionA made before shipment and shall be conducted so as not to
Sample Size interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works.
Level of
Lot Size Nondestructive Destructive
Tests Tests
16. Rejection and Rehearing
999 and less A 25 4
B 8 2 16.1 Material that fails to conform to the requirements of
C 2 1 this specification may be rejected. Rejection should be reported
1 000 to 5 000 A 50 6
B 16 3
to the manufacturer or supplier promptly and in writing. In case
C 4 1 of dissatisfaction with the results of the test, the manufacturer
5 001 to 250 000 A 100 8 or supplier may make claim for a rehearing.
B 32 4
C 8 1
17. Certification
Extracted from ANSI/ASME B 18.18.2M.
17.1 When specified in the purchase order, the manufacturer
or supplier, whomever is the responsible party as specified in
Section 18, shall furnish the purchaser a test report that
includes the following:
14.2.1 Tensile tests on bars shall be conducted in accor- 17.1.1 Steel producer’s heat analysis and heat number. The
dance with Test Methods and Definitions A370. carbon equivalent shall be included for bars and anchor bolts
14.2.2 Tensile tests on finished anchor bolts shall be con- ordered in accordance with Supplementary Requirement S 1.
ducted in accordance with the Axial Tension Test Method in 17.1.2 Results of tensile tests.
Methods F606. 17.1.3 Zinc coating, measured coating weight, and thick-
14.2.3 Yield strength shall be determined by the 0.2 % offset ness.
method. 17.1.4 Statement of compliance with dimensional and
14.2.4 Tension tests shall be conducted on the bar stock or thread fit requirements.
finished anchor bolt at the manufacturer’s or supplier’s option 17.1.5 Certification that the anchor bolts were manufactured
but shall be conducted after the final heat treatment. and tested in accordance with this specification.
14.2.5 Grades 36 and 55 in sizes 11⁄2 in. (38 mm) and less, 17.1.6 Lot number and purchase order number.
and Grade 105 in sizes 11⁄4 in. (32 mm) and less, shall be tested 17.1.7 ASTM designation (including year), grade, and class.
using the full-bar section as rolled or the full-size finished 17.1.8 Size, description, or purchaser’s drawing number.

anchor bolt. 17.1.9 Complete mailing address or responsible party.
14.2.6 Bars and finished anchor bolts larger than those 17.1.10 Title and signature of individual assigned certifica-
specified in 14.2.5 shall preferably be tested full size, and when tion responsibility by the company officers.
so tested the results shall be compared to the tensile properties 18. Responsibility
given in Table 3 for bars and Table 4 for finished anchor bolts.
When equipment for full-size testing of these larger sizes is not 18.1 The party responsible for the fastener shall be the
available, or when the length of the anchor bolt makes full-size organization that supplies the fastener to the purchaser.
testing impractical, standard 0.500-in. (12.7-mm) diameter
19. Product Marking
machined test specimens shall be tested in accordance with
Test Methods F606 and the results compared to the tensile 19.1 Unless otherwise specified (see Note 4), the end of
properties given in Table 3. each anchor bolt intended to project from the concrete shall be
14.2.7 In the event that anchor bolts are tested by both color coded to identify the grade as follows:
full-size and machined test specimen methods, the full-size test Grade Color
shall govern if a discrepancy between the two methods exists. 36 Blue
55 Yellow
14.3 Zinc Coating—Zinc coating weight and thickness shall 105 Red
be determined in accordance with the methods specified in the NOTE 4—This color coding is intended to facilitate locating the proper
applicable zinc coating specifications referenced in 7.1. grade of anchor bolt at its designed location. The color code also identifies

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F1554 − 07a´1
the grade at delivery and at final field inspection. When other color coding 20.1.3 When special packaging requirements are required,
is required to define diameter, configuration, dimensions, etc., see 19.2. they shall be defined at the time of the inquiry and order.
19.2 When color coding other than specified in 19.1 is 20.2 Package Marking:
required, it shall be specified on the inquiry and purchase order.
20.2.1 Each shipping unit shall include or be marked plainly
19.3 When permanent manufacturers identification, or per- with the following information:
manent grade identification, or both are required, Supplemen- ASTM designation, Grade, and Class;
tary Requirement S2 or S3, or both, as needed, shall be Size;
specified on the inquiry and purchase order. Name and brand or trademark of the manufacturer;
20. Packaging and Package Marking Number of pieces; Lot number;
20.1 Packaging: Purchase order number; and
20.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, packaging shall be in
accordance with Practice D3951. Country of origin.
20.1.2 When zinc-coated nuts are included on the same
order as zinc-coated anchor bolts, the anchor bolts and nuts 21. Keywords
shall be shipped in the same container. 21.1 anchor bolts; steel


The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified in the purchase order or

S1. Grade 55 Bars and Anchor Bolts S1.5.2.1 For alloy or low-alloy steel, the carbon equivalent
S1.1 The material described in this section is intended for shall not exceed 0.45 % when calculated as follows:
welding. This supplemental section, by chemical composition % Mn % Cu % Ni
CE 5 % C1 1 1
restrictions and by a carbon equivalent formula, provides 6 40 20
assurance of weldability. % Cr % Mo % V
1 2 2
S1.2 Welding technique is of fundamental importance when 10 50 10
bolts produced to this supplementary section are welded. It is
assumed that suitable welding procedures for the steel being S1.5.2.2 For carbon steel, the carbon equivalent shall not
welded and the intended service will be selected. exceed 0.40 % when calculated as follows:
S1.3 The requirements of this supplementary requirement % Mn
supersede conflicting provisions of the general specification. CE 5 % C1
S1.4 Because of the embrittling effects of welding tempera-
tures on cold-forged steel, this supplemental section is limited S1.6 Marking—Each anchor bolt conforming to this supple-
to hot-forged bolts, or, if not forged, to the thread bars, studs, mentary requirement S1 shall be designated by a white paint
or bolts produced from hot-rolled bars without forging. Cold- mark on the side of the bar near the end to be encased in
forged bolts or cold-drawn threaded bars are suitable if they are concrete.
given a thermal treatment by heating to a temperature of not
less than 1500°F (815°C) and air-cooled. S2. Permanent Manufacturer’s Identification
S1.5 Chemical Composition:
S2.1 The end of the anchor bolt intended to project from the
S1.5.1 Steel shall conform to the following limitations:
concrete shall be steel die stamped with the manufacturer’s
Heat Product
Analysis Analysis
identification. Marking small sizes (customarily less than 0.375
Carbon, max, % 0.30 0.33 in. (9.525 mm)) may not be practical. Consult the anchor bolt
Manganese, max, % 1.35 1.41 manufacturer for the minimum size that can be marked.
Phosphorus, max, % 0.040 0.048
Sulfur, max, % 0.050 0.058 S2.2 When required, grade and manufacturer’s or private
Silicon, max, % 0.50 0.55 label distribution’s identifications shall be separate and dis-
S1.5.2 Carbon Equivalent—In addition to the requirements tinct. The two identifications shall preferably be in different
specified in S1.5.1, the analysis shall be such as to provide a locations and shall be separated by at least two spaces when on
carbon equivalent (CE) meeting the following requirements: the same level.


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F1554 − 07a´1
S3. Permanent Grade Identification TABLE S1.2 Energy and Test Temperature Requirements
Charpy V-Notch Energy Requirements Test Temperature, °F
S3.1 Instead of color coding as specified in 19.1, the end of (°C)
Average for 3 Specimens, min, Minimum for 1
the anchor bolt intended to project from the concrete shall be ft·lbf (J) Specimen, ft·lbf (J)
steel die stamped with the grade identification as follows: 15 (20) 12 (16) −20 (−29)†

Grade Identification Editorially corrected October 2011.
36 AB36
55 AB55
105 AB105
S4.2 Tests shall be conducted in accordance with Test
S3.2 The requirements given in S2.1 for marking small Methods and Definitions A370.
sizes, and, in S2.2 that grade and manufacturer’s identifications S4.3 Notch toughness tests shall be performed at the Test
be separate and distinct, shall also apply to this supplementary Frequency P (Piece Testing) of Specification A673/A673M on
requirement. finished anchor bolts when the results of notch toughness tests
are not available on bar stock.
S4. Grades 55 and 105 Charpy Impact Requirements at
S4.4 Notch toughness tests shall be performed at the Test
+40°F (+5°C)
Frequency H (Heat Lot Testing) of Specification A673/A673M
S4.1 Grades 55 and 105 shall have a Charpy V-Notch on bar stock, except when heat treatment is performed after
impact strength conforming to the requirements listed in Table threading or bending, in which case the tests shall be those
S1.1. required in S4.3.
S5. Grade 105 Charpy Impact Requirements at −20°F
TABLE S1.1 Energy and Test Temperature Requirements (−29°C)
Charpy V-Notch Energy Requirements Test Temperature,
°F (°C) S5.1 Grade 105 shall have Charpy V Notch impact strength
Average for 3 Specimens, min, ft·lbf (J) Minimum for 1
Specimen, ft·lbf (J) conforming to the requirements listed in Table S1.2.
15 (20) 12 (16) +40 (5) S5.2 Test methods and frequency of testing shall be as
specified in S4.2 through S4.4.


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F1554 − 07a´1


Committee F16 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (F1554–07)
that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Dec. 1, 2007.)

(1) Sections 7.1, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, and 11.2 were revised.

Committee F16 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue, F1554 – 04
ε1, that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Aug. 1, 2007)

(1) Changed the reference hot dip zinc coating Specification

from Specification A153/A153MGr. C, to Specification F2329.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (www.astm.org/

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