Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence: 5.3 Organizational Roles, Responsibility and Authorities
Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence: 5.3 Organizational Roles, Responsibility and Authorities
Q# ISO 9001:2015 Clause Audit Question Audit Evidence: 5.3 Organizational Roles, Responsibility and Authorities
5.2.2q1 The quality policy shall: Where is the quality policy available as Quality Policy as document information
a) be available as documented information; documented information?
b) be communicated, understood and applied How is it communicated?
within the organization; Show me how it is understood and applied
c) be available to relevant interested parties, as within the organization.
appropriate. How have you made it available to relevant
interested parties?
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibility and authorities
5.3q1 Top management shall ensure that the How does top management ensure that
responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles responsibilities and authorities for relevant
are assigned, communicated and understood roles are assigned, communicated and
within the organization. understood within the organization?
5.3q2 Top management shall assign the responsibility How does top management assign the
and authority for: responsibility and authority for:
a) ensuring that the quality management system Ensuring that the QMS conforms to the
conforms to the requirements of this International International standard?
Standard; Ensuring processes are delivering their
b) ensuring that the processes are delivering their intended outputs?
intended outputs; How is the performance of the QMS,
c) reporting on the performance of the quality opportunities for improvement and the need
management system, on opportunities for for change or innovation reported to top
improvement and on the need for change or management?
innovation, and especially for reporting to top How is customer focus promoted within the
management; organization?
d) ensuring the promotion of customer focus How is the integrity of the QMS maintained
throughout the organization; when changes to the QMS are planned and
e) ensuring that the integrity of the quality implemented?
management system is maintained when changes
to the quality management system are planned and
6 Planning for the quality management system
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1q1 When planning for the quality management system, How are the internal and external issues
the organization shall consider the issues referred and interested parties considered when
to in 4.1 and the requirements referred to in 4.2 planning for the QMS?
and determine the risks and opportunities that How are risks and opportunities determined
need to be addressed to: and addressed so that the QMS can::
a) give assurance that the quality management a) achieve its intended results;
system can achieve its intended result(s); b) Prevent or reduce undesired effects;
b) prevent, or reduce, undesired effects; c) Achieve continual improvement?
c) achieve continual improvement.
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