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Evaluation of The Thermal and Oxidative Stability of Lubricating Oils Used For Manual Transmissions and Final Drive Axles

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Designation: D 5704 – 00a An American National Standard

Standard Test Method for

Evaluation of the Thermal and Oxidative Stability of
Lubricating Oils Used for Manual Transmissions and Final
Drive Axles1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5704; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D 893 Test Method for Insolubles in Used Lubricating Oils5

1.1 This test method is commonly referred to as the L-60-1 E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)6
test.2 It covers the oil-thickening, insolubles-formation, and 2.2 ANSI Standard:
deposit-formation characteristics of automotive manual trans- ANSI/ISA-S7.3 Quality Standard for Instrument Air7
mission and final drive axle lubricating oils when subjected to 2.3 Military Specification:
high-temperature oxidizing conditions. MIL-L-2105D Lubricating Oil, Gear, Multipurpose8
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded 2.4 ASTM Adjuncts: 9
as the standard except for the catalyst weight loss and oil Engineering Drawings
weight measurements, for which the unit is gram; the oil 3. Terminology
volume, for which the unit is millilitre; the alternator output,
for which the unit is watt; and the air flow, for which the unit 3.1 Definitions:
is milligram per minute. The other SI values, which are in 3.1.1 carbon, n—in manual transmissions and final drive
parentheses, are for information only. axles, a hard, dry, generally black or gray deposit that can be
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the removed by solvents but not by wiping with a cloth.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.1.2 lubricant, n—in manual transmission and final drive
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- axles, lubricating oil.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 3.1.3 sludge, n—in manual transmissions and final drive
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard axles, a deposit principally composed of the lubricating oil and
information is given in Sections 7 and 8 and Annex A3. oxidation products that do not drain from parts but can be
removed by wiping with a cloth.
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.4 thermal and oxidative stability, n—in lubricating oils
2.1 ASTM Standards: used for manual transmissions and final drive axles, a lack of
B 224 Classification of Coppers3 deterioration of the lubricating oil under high-temperature
D 235 Specification for Mineral Spirits (Petroleum Spirits) conditions that is observed as viscosity increase of the lubri-
(Hydrocarbon Dry Cleaning Solvent)4 cating oil, insolubles formation in the lubricating oil, or deposit
D 445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent formation on the parts, or a combination thereof.
and Opaque Liquids (the Calculation of Dynamic Viscos- 3.1.5 varnish, n—in manual transmissions and final drive
ity)5 axles, a hard, dry, generally lustrous deposit that can be
D 664 Test Method for Acid Number of Petroleum Products removed by solvents but not by wiping with a cloth.
by Potentiometric Titration5
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 A sample of the lubricant to be tested is placed in a
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on heated gear case containing two spur gears, a test bearing, and
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee a copper catalyst. The lubricant is heated to a specified
D02.B0.03 on Gear Lubricants. temperature and the gears are operated for 50 h at predeter-
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 2000. Published December 2000. Originally
published as D 5704 – 98. Last previous edition D 5704 – 00. mined load and speed conditions. Air is bubbled through the
Until the next revision of this test method, the ASTM Test Monitoring Center
(TMC) will update changes in this test method by means of Information Letters.
Information Letters may be obtained from the ASTM Test Monitoring Center, 6555 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01.
Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206-4489. Attention: Administrator. This edition Joint standard of ANSI/ISA. Available from Instrument Society of America, 67
incorporates revisions in all Information Letters through 00–1. The TMC is also the Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12277, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
source of reference oils. Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4, Section D,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.01. 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
4 9
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.04. Detailed drawings necessary for rig construction are available from ASTM
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01. Headquarters. Request PCN ADJD5704.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 5704
lubricant at a specified rate and the bulk oil temperature of the 6.1.3 Heater Elements—Since this test method is extremely
lubricant is controlled throughout the test. Parameters used for sensitive to temperature, the following specified heater ele-
evaluating oil degradation after testing are viscosity increase, ments (two total) are mandatory:
insolubles in the used oil, and gear cleanliness. Primary Heater Element, one only allowed.13,14 Alternator Load Heater, one only allowed.15,14
5. Significance and Use 6.1.4 Temperature Controller, proportional-integral-
5.1 This test method measures the tendency of automotive derivative (PID) type; percent output adjustable.
manual transmission and final drive lubricants to deteriorate 6.1.5 Thermocouples—For determination, recording, and
under high-temperature conditions, resulting in thick oil, control of the test oil temperature, a 1⁄8-in. (3.2-mm) Type J
sludge, carbon and varnish deposits, and the formation of open-tip thermocouple is specified. Thermocouples for other
corrosive products. This deterioration can lead to serious data measurements may be used as suitable to the user but in
equipment performance problems, including, in particular, seal all cases shall be placed behind the baffle plate in the gear box
failures due to deposit formation at the shaft-seal interface. assembly and shall not interfere with normal oil flow patterns
This test method is used to screen lubricants for problematic during the test.
additives and base oils with regard to these tendencies. 6.1.6 Temperature Recorder, any suitable recording device
5.2 This test method is used or referred to in the following capable of generating a temperature record using the specified
documents: thermocouples and temperature control devices. Temperature
5.2.1 American Petroleum Institute (API) Publication 1560- traces for tests shall be submitted with the test report.
Lubricant Service Designations for Automotive Manual Trans- 6.1.7 Alternator—The alternator for loading is speci-
missions, Manual Transaxles, and Axles,10 fied.16,14 No substitutions are allowed. Wiring for the alternator
5.2.2 STP-512A–Laboratory Performance Tests for Auto- shall be modified as shown in the engineering drawings.
motive Gear Lubricants Intended for API GL-5 Service,11 Modify the alternator load circuit as shown in Annex A7.
5.2.3 SAE J308-Information Report on Axle and Manual 6.1.8 Heater Blower—The heater blower system shall sup-
Transmission Lubricants,12 and ply to the insulated oven assembly 55 6 5 ft3/min (1557 6 142
5.2.4 U.S. Military Specification MIL-L-2105D. L/min) of air (at free flow conditions) through the 21⁄8-in.
(54-mm) diameter blower opening as shown in the engineering
6. Apparatus drawings. The heater blower may be a cage type blower wheel
6.1 A description of essential apparatus features is given as powered by an electric motor or powered by way of a toothed
follows, including mandatory equipment type and performance belt from the main drive shaft. In all cases, the specified air
specification where established. See Annex A1 and Annex A2 flow shall be met while maintaining other test parameters at
for schematics and additional information of a general nature. their specified value.
Those wishing to build this test apparatus shall base construc- 6.1.9 Air Flow Controller—The air flow controller17,14 shall
tion on full engineering drawings (see 6.2). A list of suppliers be capable of controlling the air supply at a flow rate of 22.08
is available from ASTM Headquarters.9 6 2.01 mg/min (see Note 1).
6.1.1 Gear Case Assembly, used in conjunction with a new
NOTE 1—It has been suggested that 20 to 30 ft of supply line between
test bearing, new lip seals, new O-rings, a pair of new test the air regulator and the mass air flow meter may help to reduce flow
gears, copper catalyst, and the lubricant to be tested. The gear meter readout fluctuations.
case assembly has been redesigned to incorporate improve-
ments over designs in use prior to this test method. The gear 6.1.10 Test Gears, one machine tool change gear (34 teeth,
case and associated parts shall be constructed in accordance ⁄ -in. (9.5-mm) wide and one machine tool change gear (50

with the engineering drawings. The gear case and associated teeth, 3⁄8-in. (9.5-mm) wide).18,14
parts shall comply in dimension, material, surface finish where 6.1.11 Test Bearing, ball bearing.19,14
prescribed, and overall design. O-rings and lip seals have been
incorporated into this design and are mandatory replacements
for the original cork gaskets and shaft slingers used in earlier Chromalox No. 118-553661-505; 1500 W. Available from Anderson Bolos,
Inc., 24050 Commerce Park Rd., Cleveland, OH 44122-5838.
designs. 14
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
6.1.2 Insulated Oven, surrounds the gear case assembly and is noted in the adjoining footnote. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please
provides insulation sufficient to allow the lubricant temperature provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will be given
to be elevated to and maintained at test temperature conditions. careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which
you may attend.
This oven also houses the heaters and heater blower. The oven 15
Ogden FD 1Z0895; 150 W. Available from Ogden, 719 W. Algonquin Rd.,
dimensions, heater, blower, and oven temperature sensor loca- Arlington Hts., OH.
tions are specified in the engineering drawings (see Annex A1 Delco-Remy GM Part No. 1105360, Model No. 10-SI Series Type 100, 63 A;
12 V negative ground. Available from S. E. Chevrolet Co., 2810 Bishop Rd;
for approximate locations). Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 or any other GM dealer.
Air Flow Controller Model 840-L-1. Available from Sierra Instruments, Inc.,
5 Harris Court, Bldg. L, Monterey, CA 93940.
10 18
Available from the American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L St. NW, Washington, GA-34 and GA-50 gears are available from Boston Gear Works, 14 Hayward
DC 20005. St., Quincy, MA 02171.
11 19
Available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR: D02-1353. R-14 10 ball bearing, No. 2-153 (seal plate O-ring), No. 2-264 (cover plate
Available from Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Dr., O-ring), and CR-6383 seals are available from Motion Industries, 4620 Hinckley
Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. Parkway, Cleveland, OH 44109.

D 5704
6.1.12 O-ring Seals, O-ring for the seal plate and O-ring for couple and indicating controller shall be calibrated. This can be
the cover plate.19,14 accomplished by immersing the tip of the probe into an
6.1.13 Lip Seals, two shaft seals.19,14 auxiliary temperature-controlled oil bath equipped with a
6.2 All new equipment shall be constructed in accordance stirrer. The bath temperature shall be set accurately at 325°F
with the engineering drawings available as an adjunct from (162.8°C) and the test measuring equipment shall be confirmed
ASTM Headquarters9 in order to meet calibration require- to be accurate prior to testing.
ments. Builders unable to obtain specified parts and wishing to 8.3 Gear Case—Clean the gear case, vent tube, vent tube
use substitutes shall request approval from ASTM Subcommit- baffle, retainer bushings, seal sleeves, case cover plate, seal
tee D02.B0.03. plate, nuts, studs, flat washers, baffle plate, spacer bushings,
bearing bushings and clamp, keys, shaft ends, shaft nuts, and
7. Reagents and Materials catalysts (Warning—see 7.3). Nylon bristle brushes and long
7.1 Air, compressed, instrument quality, meeting ANSI/ pipe cleaners can be used to aid cleaning. (Warning—Since
ISA-S7.3, that limits dew point, maximum particle size, and the proper operation of the apparatus depends upon the
maximum oil content of the air at the instrument. maintenance of numerous accurately machined surfaces, do not
7.2 Copper Catalyst, cold-rolled, electrolytic tough pitch use steel brushes or abrasive cloth materials except as noted in
copper, conforming to UNS (Unified Numbering System) 8.4.) Following the cleaning procedure with an organic clean-
C11000.15 The two strips shall be sheared to approximately 9⁄16 ing agent, wash parts thoroughly with Stoddard solvent
by 113⁄16 in. from 1⁄16-in. thick stock (approximately 14 by 46 (Warning—see 7.3), and finally with a volatile hydrocarbon
mm from 1.6-mm thick stock). solvent (Warning—see 7.3), to facilitate air drying. Allow
parts to air dry.
NOTE 2—For more information on the classification of coppers and the
Unified Numbering System (UNS), consult Classification B 224 and 8.4 Test Gears—Polish the sides of the test gears with 180-
Practice E 527, respectively. grit silicon carbide paper, and wash with Stoddard solvent.
7.3 Organic Cleaning Agent. (Warning—Combustible, va- Carefully examine the gear teeth for nicks and burrs. Do not
por harmful (see Annex A3).)20,21,14 use gears with major imperfections. Minor imperfections
7.4 Silicon Carbide Paper, 180 grit. should be redressed with a fine stone. After final examination,
7.5 Stoddard Solvent, commercial grade, conforming to the wash gears once more with Stoddard Solvent and finally with
requirements of Specification D 235 (Warning—see 7.3). a volatile hydrocarbon solvent, to facilitate air drying. Allow
7.6 Toluene, commercial grade (Warning—see 7.3). An gears to air dry.
example of a satisfactory volatile hydrocarbon solvent. 8.5 Test Bearing—Prior to installation, wash the test bearing
7.7 Heptane, commercial grade (Warning—see 7.3). An first with Stoddard Solvent, and finally with a volatile hydro-
example of a satisfactory volatile hydrocarbon solvent. carbon solvent, to facilitate drying. Allow the bearing to air
8. Preparation of Apparatus 8.6 Copper Catalyst:
8.1 Air Box Temperature Limiting Device—After initial rig 8.6.1 Notch one strip for purpose of identification. The
installation, preset the oven air temperature limit to 400°F notch shall be triangular in shape centered on the long side of
(204°C). This can be achieved by placing the insulated oven the strip. Sides of the triangular notch shall be equal and
cover in position on the rig and installing the air temperature approximately 0.2 in. (approximately 5 mm) in length.
sensor at a penetration depth of 3 in. (75 mm) below the top 8.6.2 Polish both catalyst strips on all six sides with a 180-
inner surface of the cover. Switch on the heaters and circulating grit silicon carbide paper.
fan. Adjust the temperature control device to deactivate the 8.6.3 Wipe both catalyst strips with absorbent cotton pads
heaters when the air temperature reaches 400°F. This oven moistened with Stoddard solvent, and wash with a volatile
temperature limit may later be reduced as outlined in 10.3 to hydrocarbon solvent, to facilitate drying. Allow catalyst strips
meet rig heat-up requirements. to air dry.
8.2 Temperature Recording and Controlling 8.6.4 Record the weight of the catalyst with the notched
Instrumentation—Since this test procedure is extremely sensi- strip to the nearest 0.0001 g prior to installation. Cleaned
tive to temperature, it is necessary to maintain a periodic check catalyst strips shall be handled with tweezers or ashless filter
upon the accuracy of all items related to temperature measure- paper in order to avoid contamination of the catalyst surface by
ment and control. Therefore, immediately after the installation way of skin contact.
of a new test rig, and before every set of reference tests, the 8.7 Gear Case Assembly—Assemble the gear case compo-
instrumentation used to measure and record the air and oil nents (see Annex A2 for exploded view).
temperatures shall be calibrated against known standards 8.7.1 Inspect all parts prior to assembly of the gear case.
traceable to NIST.22 For instance, the oil temperature thermo- Replace any parts that would affect proper rig operation (for
example, overly worn parts). Parts replacement is left to the
discretion of the rig builder. A modified seal plate, detailed on
Available from Oakite Products, Inc., 13177 Huron River Dr., Romulus, MI gear case drawing number C-3963-1277-29 may be used to
48174. facilitate removal of the lip seals.
Available from Pentone Corp., 74 Hudson Ave., Tenafly, NJ 07670.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of 8.7.2 Use new elastomer components (O-rings and lip seals)
Standards), Gaithersburg, MD 20899. for each test.

D 5704
8.7.3 Install the retainer bushings and seal sleeves. Replace mm) below the top inner surface of the cover (see 7.5). Install
the seal sleeves if they are grooved. the cover on the rig.
8.7.4 Install the lip seals and O-ring seal in the seal plate. 8.10 Air Flow Controller Calibration—Prior to the start of
The application of gasket sealant23,14 to the lip seals to prevent a calibration cycle on a stand, calibrate the air flow controller
oil leaks is an approved option. to a traceable standard. Calibrate the traceable standard a
8.7.5 Install the seal plate in the gear case, using the flat minimum of once every year to the sole flow rate specification
washers to protect the seal plate surface from damage. Torque of 22.086 2.01 mg/min at the outlet and 30 psig (206 kPa) inlet
the seal plate retaining studs to approximately 25 lbf·in. pressure. Connect the calibrated traceable standard, Sierra Top
(approximately 2.8 N·m). Trak Model 820, to the inlet of the Sierra Side Trak Model 840.
8.7.6 Install the external retaining rings on the upper and Connect the outlet line of the Sierra Side Trak Model 840 to the
lower shafts. gear box. Install an air pressure measurement device to monitor
8.7.7 Install the upper and lower spacer bushings on the and regulate the inlet pressure to 30 psig (206 kPa). Charge the
upper and lower shafts. gear box with a commercial 80W-90 grade oil and bring to test
8.7.8 Install the baffle plate and catalyst holder and torque to conditions [32561°F (162.860.5°C) at 1750650 r/min]. Re-
approximately 25 lbf·in. (approximately 2.8 N·m), using the move the Top Trak after completing the calibration.
flat washers to protect the baffle plate and catalyst holder
surfaces. 9. Calibration and Standardization
8.7.9 Insert the bearing into the test bearing clamp with the 9.1 Reference oils for stand calibration are available from
bearing clamp shoulder on the opposite side of the bearing the TMC.2 Laboratories wishing to calibrate test stands using
manufacturer’s number. Use the bearing clamp cap screw to these reference oils shall participate in the referencing and
bolt the bearing clamp closed and torque to approximately 25 stand calibration program administered for this test by the
lbf·in. (approximately 2.8 N·m). Install the locking nut to TMC (see Note 3 and Annex A4).
ensure that the bolt does not move during the test. NOTE 3—TMC Acceptance Criteria—Reference oil performance and
8.7.10 Insert the test bearing bushing into the test bearing test operations for this test method are currently monitored by the TMC.
with the bearing bushing shoulder on the same side of the Statistics for reference test starts are published periodically by the TMC
bearing as the manufacturer’s number. Install this entire and provide acceptance ranges for the various reference oils. Users of the
assembly on the lower shaft so that the bearing manufacturer’s test method should contact the TMC for the most current values for
number faces the front of the gear case. If the bearing assembly evaluation of referencing status.
has been assembled properly, the bearing clamp arm will be on 9.2 To ensure that uniform results are being obtained in the
the opposite side of the gear case as the catalyst holder. test, calibration of test stands shall be completed by testing
8.7.11 Install the large gear (GA-50) on the lower shaft and reference oil samples supplied by the TMC at the time
the small gear (GA-34) on the upper shaft along with the shaft calibration or recalibration is required.
keys. Install the test gears so that the manufacturer’s name 9.2.1 New Test Stand Calibration—For a new test stand,
faces the front of the case. Install the retaining nuts and torque reference tests as prescribed by the TMC shall be completed,
to approximately 90 lbf·in. (approximately 10 N·m). giving results within the established limits for the reference
(Warning-The gear retaining nuts are different since the lower oils. Inspection of the new test stand for compliance with this
shaft is right-hand thread and the upper shaft is left-hand test method by the TMC is also required.
thread.) 9.2.2 In-Service Stand Calibration—For a previously refer-
8.7.12 Insert the test oil thermocouple so that the tip enced test stand, reference tests giving results within the
protrudes perpendicular to the slanted lower right side of the established limits for those oils shall be conducted at the
gear case assembly and protrudes 0.50 6 0.04 in. (13 6 1 mm) frequency specified by the TMC (currently every ten tests or
into the gear case. three months, whichever occurs first). Test oils for this purpose
8.7.13 Insert catalysts in the grooves on the catalyst holder. are distributed as blind coded samples by the TMC when
Catalysts shall be sized for a tight fit in the catalyst holder to request for calibration is received. All test starts and test data
avoid movement of the catalysts during the test. Placement of using reference oils shall be reported to the TMC. Calibration
the notched strip toward the rear of the gear case with the notch frequency is subject to change as required. Current calibration
facing rearward is recommended for ease of catalyst removal information is available from the TMC.
after test with minimal disturbance of deposits. 9.3 Every test start on any test stand shall receive a
8.7.14 Install the O-ring seal on the gear case cover. sequential test run number designated before testing begins. All
8.7.15 Install the gear case cover and torque the cap screws tests, including aborted starts and operationally invalid tests,
to approximately 25 lbf·in. (approximately 2.8 N·m). shall retain their test number.
8.8 Air Supply Line—Ensure that the air supply line is free
from obstructions and then connect the air supply line to the 10. Procedure for Conducting the Test
bottom of the gear case. 10.1 Pour 120 6 5 mL of the lubricant to be tested into a
8.9 Insulated Oven Cover—Ensure that the oven tempera- clean container. Weigh the container of oil. Charge the gear
ture sensor is at a penetration depth of 3.0 6 0.2 in. (76 6 5 case with the test lubricant. Reweigh the container and deter-
mine the oil charged by subtraction. Record the weight of the
Perfect Seal Gasket Maker No. 4, Part No. 1050026. Available from P.O.B. test oil charge to the nearest 0.01 g.
Manufacturing Inc., 1100 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242. 10.2 Preset air flow rate to 22.08 6 2.01 mg/min.

D 5704
10.3 Record the time, turn on the main drive motor, and 11. Procedure for Determination of the Gear Cleanliness
adjust the temperature control system to maintain the bulk test Ratings24
lubricant temperature at 325 6 1°F (162.8 6 0.6°C). The bulk 11.1 Evaluation of the test gears is performed after remov-
oil test temperature shall be heated from ambient to 324°F ing the catalyst strips, test gears, test bearing, and internal gear
(162.2°C) in a minimum of 45 min. This heat-up time shall not case components.
exceed 60 min. Tests with heat-up times less than 45 min or 11.2 After gear case disassembly, as specified in 10.9,
greater than 60 min are not representative of an operationally immediately place test parts side-by-side in a draining position
valid test and, therefore, cannot be properly interpreted for (A draining position is a position within 15° of vertical.) at
non-reference oil evaluation. The end-of-heat-up/test start time room temperature for a minimum of 1 h before rating. Rate the
shall be the first occurrence of 324°F (162.2°C). test parts within 64 h of test completion.
10.3.1 Record all operational data at a minimum of once 11.3 Gear Sludge Rating:
every 15 min. A reading out of specification using once- 11.3.1 Wipe an approximately 3⁄4-in. (20-mm) wide area
every-15 min data recording is considered to be out for the full across the diameter along the key way on each face of both
large and small test gears. Rate each gear face for sludge
15 min unless otherwise documented..
10.4 If the rig heat-up time is less than 45 min, the oven 11.3.2 The total ratable area for sludge on each gear face
temperature limit should be reduced until the heat-up time is excludes the wiped area, gear teeth, and spacer bushing contact
equal to or greater than 45 min but less than 60 min. A possible area.
cause of heat-up times greater than 60 min is improper fit 11.3.3 Subdivide the total ratable area into percentage areas
between the insulated oven and insulated oven cover or other of different sludge depths and ratings using CRC Manual No.
areas of excessive oven thermal leakage, or both. Under no 12 (utilizing the sludge scale and sludge gage, which are
circumstances shall the oven temperature limit be set higher included in the manual) as a guide. Calculate and record the
than 400°F (204°C). The rig heat-up time should be checked sludge volume factor for each subdivided area. The total
prior to every set of reference tests to ensure consistent rig volume factor for a gear face is determined by adding the
performance. individual area volume factors for that gear face.
10.5 Adjust the field supply of the alternator for a net output 11.3.4 Convert the total volume factor for each gear face to
of 128 6 5 W. a merit rating using CRC Manual No. 12.24 Report this rating
to two decimal places.
10.6 The large gear shall maintain a speed of 1750 6 50
11.3.5 The sludge rating is defined as the average of the four
r/min throughout the heat-up and test time. merit ratings of the four gear faces.
10.7 Run the test at the conditions specified and without 11.4 Gear Carbon/Varnish Rating:
interruption for 50.0 6 0.1 h. Terminate the test if it is 11.4.1 Determine the carbon/varnish rating using the large
interrupted for more than 5 min total during the test period. gear only, although the small gear may be rated for additional
Record any downtime on the form shown in Fig. A5.5. information. Rate the front and back faces of both gears
10.7.1 Record all operational data at a mimimum of once individually. The wiped area on each gear face, excluding the
every hour. A reading out of specification using once-every- gear teeth and spacer bushing contact area, is the ratable area.
hour data recording is considered to be out for the full hour 11.4.2 Using the current CRC Manual No. 14 as a guide,
unless otherwise documented. subdivide the ratable area on each gear face into percentage
areas of different carbon depths and varnish intensities.24 Use
10.8 At the completion of the test, shut down the equipment,
the CRC Rust/Varnish/Lacquer Rating Scale for Non-Rubbing
and drain the test lubricant into a clean weighed container.
Parts in CRC Manual No. 14 to determine varnish rating
Weigh the container of drain oil and determine the drain oil factors for each subdivision containing varnish deposits.
weight by subtraction. Calculate the oil loss in weight percent 11.4.3 Rate carbon from 0.00 (heavy carbon) to 0.99 (trace
using Eq 1. Tests exceeding 20 % weight oil loss are not carbon) using an expanded rating scale. Determine carbon
representative of an operationally valid test and, therefore, rating factors from Table 1 by determining the carbon depth
cannot be properly interpreted for non-reference oil evaluation. and description for each subdivided area. Calculate the carbon
initial weight 2 final weight
oil loss in weight % 5 initial weight 3 100 (1)

where: 24
Training for those rating gear sets for cleanliness parameters may be obtained
initial weight = initial oil charge weight, and from Coordinating Research Council (CRC), 219 Perimeter Ctr. Pkwy., Atlanta, GA
final weight = drain oil weight. 30346.

10.9 Allow the test stand to cool for 30 6 5 min. Remove

TABLE 1 Carbon Depth Rating Guidelines
the gear case cover and test gears without disturbing the
Visually Estimated Visually Estimated Carbon Carbon Rating
deposits on the various test gears. Carbon Depth, in. Carbon Depth, mm Description Factor Range
>0.00 up to 0.02 >0.0 up to 0.5 Light 0.99–0.81
>0.02 up to 0.08 >0.5 up to 2.0 Medium 0.80–0.11
>0.08 >2.0 Heavy 0.10–0.00

D 5704
merit rating by multiplying the rating factor by the percentage where:
area. Report this rating to two decimal places. KV = kinematic viscosity.
11.4.4 Determine the carbon/varnish merit rating for a gear 14.2 Calculate the catalyst percent weight loss using Eq 3:
face by adding the individual area merit ratings for the wiped catalyst loss in weight %
area of that face. catalyst initial weight 2 catalyst final weight
11.4.5 The carbon/varnish rating is defined as the average of 5 catalyst initial weight 3 100 (3)
the front and back face merit ratings for the large gear. The
small gear should be rated similarly, but separately, for where:
additional information. catalyst initial weight = initial catalyst weight as deter-
11.5 Use the rating form in Fig. A5.6 for calculating and mined in 8.6.4, and
reporting carbon/varnish and sludge rating measurements. catalyst final weight = final catalyst weight as deter-
mined in 12.1.7.
11.6 For the test rating to be valid, the gears shall be rated
14.3 Use the following equations to transform reference and
by an individual who has participated in a CRC sponsored,
non-reference oil results:
high-volume, gear-rater calibration workshop within the pre-
Parameter Transformations
vious twelve months.24 EOT viscosity increase (%) LN(VI)
EOT pentane insolubles (% volume) LN(Pentane)
12. Procedure for Determination of Catalyst Weight Loss EOT toluene insolubles (% volume) LN(Toluene)
Average carbon/varnish (merits) LN(CV/(10-CV))
12.1 Determine the Catalyst Weight Loss: Average sludge (merits) −LN(10-Sludge)
12.1.1 Carefully remove all the deposits from the notched 14.4 Correct non-reference oil results for industry severity
copper catalyst strip by soaking for 30 min in Oakite 811, using the equations detailed in Annex A6. Correct non-
Penmul L460, or equivalent. reference oil results for stand severity using the equations
12.1.2 Wash in Stoddard solvent. detailed in Annex A8.
12.1.3 Remove deposit residue from the surface by rubbing 14.5 Calculate percent out for each parameter in Table 2
lightly with a clean cloth. using the following equation and record results in Fig. A5.7.

12.1.4 Wash in Stoddard solvent. n
Mi Ti
12.1.5 Wipe with absorbent cotton pads moistened with a percent out5 ( 0.5R 3 D 3100 (4)
volatile hydrocarbon solvent.
12.1.6 Wash in a volatile hydrocarbon solvent. Allow cata- where:
lyst strip to air dry. Mi = magnitude of test - parameter out from specification
12.1.7 The cleaned catalyst strip shall be handled with limit at occurrence i,
tweezers or ashless filter paper in order to avoid inaccurate R = test parameter specification range,
weight loss information. Record the weight of the cleaned Ti = length of time the test parameter was outside of
catalyst with the notched strip to the nearest 0.0001 g to specification range at occurrence i, (Ti is assumed to
determine the copper activity of the test lubricant. The weight be no less than the recorded data-acquisition fre-
loss is reported as a percent loss based upon the original weight quency unless supplemental readings are docu-
of the notched strip. mented.), and
D = test or test phase duration in same units as Ti.
13. Procedure for Evaluation of Drain Oil 14.5.1 Invalidate any test that exceeds the percent out limits
in Table 2 for either warm up or on test conditions.
13.1 Determine the following test lubricant parameters (pay
particular attention to the sample handling instructions in the 15. Report
relevant standard):
15.1 Report all information shown in the report package,
13.1.1 Kinematic viscosity of the untested oil and of the
Annex A5, in accordance with the data dictionary contained in
drain oil in centistokes at 212°F (100°C) using Test Method
Annex A9.
D 445. Do not filter the sample. Run the post-test viscosity
15.2 Attach the temperature recording trace, including
determination within 48 h of the end of the test.
heat-up time.
13.1.2 Total acid number of the drain oil using Test Method
D 664.
13.1.3 n-Pentane and toluene insolubles using Test Method TABLE 2 Test Validity Parameters
D 893, Procedure A without coagulant. Evaluate the pentane/ Parameter
toluene insolubles within 48 h of the end of the test. Oil Temperature Air Flow Alternator Load Large Gear
Specification 325°F 22.08 mg/min 128 W 1750 r/min
14. Calculation Range 2°F 4.02 mg/min 10 W 100 r/min
14.1 Calculate the percent viscosity increase by Eq 2, using % Out of
Specification N/A 10 % 10 % 5%
the initial oil kinematic viscosity and the drain oil kinematic (warm up)
viscosity. % Out of
Specification 5% 5% 5% 2%
final KV 2 initial KV (test)
% viscosity increase 5 initial KV 3 100 (2)

D 5704
15.3 For non-reference tests with a value of zero for TABLE 3 Reference Oil Test Precision Data - Transformed Units
viscosity increase, pentane insolubles, or toluene insolubles, NOTE 1—These statistics are based on results obtained on Test Moni-
report a value of zero as the test result and report NA for the toring Center Reference Oils 131–3, 131–4, 143, and 148.
transformed results. For tests with viscosity results that are too
viscous to measure, report a value of NA as the test result and Legend:
Si.p. = intermediate precision standard deviation,
the transformed result. For test results where viscosity is too i.p. = intermediate precision,
viscous to measure or have a value of zero for viscosity SR = reproducibility standard deviation, and
increase, pentane insolubles, or toluene insolubles, do not R = reproducibility.
apply any severity adjustment. Variable Si.p. i.p. SR R
15.4 When reporting reference oil test results to the TMC, Viscosity increase, 1n (% 0.148 0.414 0.150 0.420
transmit by facsimile, the complete report form package Increase)
(Annex A5) and any other supporting information to the ASTM Pentane insolubles, 1n (% of 0.396 1.109 0.419 1.173
TMC within five days of test completion. A copy of the final Toluene insolubles, ln (% wt) 0.512 1.434 0.516 1.445
test report shall be mailed within 30 days of test completion to Average sludge, -ln (10- 0.255 0.714 0.270 0.756
the ASTM Test Monitoring Center, 6555 Penn Avenue, Pitts- merit)
Average carbon varnish, ln 0.360 1.008 0.384 1.075
burgh, PA 15206-4489. Electronic transfer of test results (see (merit/(10-merit)
15.7) to the ASTM TMC is also permitted for approved
15.5 All test report forms shall be completed in accordance 16.1.1 Intermediate Precision (i.p.) (formerly called
with the formats shown in Annex A9 (Data Dictionary). The Repeatability)—The difference between two results obtained
final test report will include a completed report form package. by the same operator or laboratory with the same gear batch, on
15.6 Deviations from Test Operational Limits—Report all the same oil, using the same test method, would, in the long
deviations from specified test operational limits of Form 4 (see run, in the normal and correct conduct of the test method,
Fig. A5.5) under Other Comments. exceed the values shown in Table 3 in only one case in twenty.
15.7 Electronic Transmission of Test Results—Electronic 16.1.2 Reproducibility (R)—The difference between two
transfer of reference and non-reference oil test report data can single and independent results obtained by different operators
be done utilizing the ASTM Data Communications Committee working in different laboratories on the same oil, would, in the
Test Report Transmission Model (see Section 2 - Flat File long run, in the normal and correct conduct of the test method,
Transmission Format) available from the ASTM TMC. exceed the values shown in Table 3 in only one case in twenty.
15.8 Attach the operational recording traces for all param- 16.2 Bias is determined by applying an accepted statistical
eters in Table 1 as part of the test report. technique to reference oil results, and when a significant bias is
determined, a severity adjustment is permitted for non-
16. Precision and Bias reference oil test results (see 14.4 and Annex A6 and Annex
16.1 Test precision is established on the basis of reference A8).
oil test results (for operationally valid tests) monitored by the
ASTM TMC. The data are reviewed semi-annually by the 17. Keywords
L-60-1 Surveillance Panel. Contact the ASTM TMC for 17.1 carbon and varnish deposits; final drive axle; gear
current industry data. Table 3 summarizes reference oil preci- cleanliness; gears; insoluble; L-60; lubricants; manual trans-
sion of the test as of June 30, 1997. mission; oil thickening; seal failure; sludge; thermal oxidation


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Fig. A1.1 presents a diagram of the test apparatus.

D 5704

FIG. A1.1 Diagram of Test Apparatus


A2.1 Gear Case Assembly Parts List (see Fig. A2.1):

D 5704
(1) Lower Shaft (Right-Hand Thread) (14) Stainless Steel Stud (27) Bearing Bushing
(2) Upper Shaft (Left-Hand Thread) (15) Stainless Steel External Retainer (28) Shaft Key, 1⁄8 in. by 3⁄8 in.
(3) Gear Case Support (16) Baffle Plate (29) GA-50 Test Gear
(4) Retainer Bushing (17) Catalyst Holder (30) GA-34 Test Gear
(5) Seal Sleeve, CR-99026 (18) Stainless Steel Flat Washer, 5⁄16 in. (31) Gear Retaining Nut (Right-Hand Thread)
(6) Spacer Washer (19) Stainless Steel Hex Nut, 5⁄16 in.—18 (32) Gear Retaining Nut (Left-Hand Thread)
(7) Gear Case (20) Catalyst (33) O-ring No. 2-264
(8) Cap Screw, 5⁄16 in.–24 by 3⁄4in. (21) Upper Spacer Bushing (34) Gear Case Cover Plate
(9) Vent Tube (22) Lower Spacer Bushing (35) Lock Washer, #10
(10) O-ring No. 2-153 (23) Bearing Clamp (36) Cap Screw, 10–32 by 3⁄4 in.
(11) Lip Seal, CR-6383 (24) Stainless Steel Cap Screw, 10–32 by 3⁄4 in. (37) Vent Tube Baffle
(12) Seal Plate (25) Stainless Steel Hex Nut, 10–32
(13) Stainless Steel Flat Washer, 5⁄16 in. (26) R-14 Test Bearing

FIG. A2.1 Exploded View of Gear Case Assembly


A3.1 Oakite 811, Penmul L460 (volatile hydrocarbon A3.1.6 Eliminate all sources of ignition, especially non-
solvent, examples are toluene and heptane), Stoddard Solvent: explosion-proof electrical devices and heaters.
A3.1.7 Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist.
A3.1.1 Vapors may cause flash fire.
A3.1.2 Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. A3.2 Physical Hazards:
A3.1.3 Keep container closed. A3.2.1 High-speed rotating equipment.
A3.1.4 Use with adequate ventilation. A3.2.2 Electrical shock.
A3.1.5 Avoid buildup of vapors. A3.2.3 High-temperature surfaces.

D 5704


A4.1 The ASTM TMC is a nonprofit organization located at case of an Information Letter that does not affect test results,
6555 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206-4489. It is staffed to such as notification of a part number change, the TMC is
administer engineering studies; conduct laboratory visits; per- authorized to issue an Information Letter. A survey or study
form statistical analysis of test; to blend, store, and ship conducted by the Surveillance Panel resulting in a recommen-
reference oils; and to provide associated administrative func- dation for a change in hardware or procedure may result in the
tions connected with the referencing and calibration of various issuance of an Information Letter. If urgent changes to hard-
lubricant tests. The TMC maintains a close connection with test ware or procedure are obviously necessary, the test sponsor and
sponsors, test developers, the surveillance panels, and the the TMC may issue an Information Letter and present it for
testing laboratories. The management of these functions is approval, with the background and data, for approval by the
vested in the Test Monitoring Board, whose members are Surveillance Panel prior to the next semiannual D-2 meeting.
elected by Subcommittee D02.B. The TMC operates under the A4.2.3 Authority for the issue of Information Letters was
ASTM Charter and its associated bylaws and regulations, the given by the Committee on Technical Committee Operations
bylaws of Committee D-2 and Subcommittee D02.B, and the (COTCO) in 1984, as follows:
Rules and Regulations of the Test Monitoring Board. The “COTCO recognizes that D-2 has a unique and complex
operating income of the TMC is obtained from fees levied on situation. The use of Information Letters is approved provided
the reference oils supplied and on the conduct of the calibration that each letter (at its initial issue) contains a disclaimer to the
tests. These fees are set by Subcommittee D02.B, and are effect that it has not obtained ASTM consensus. These Infor-
regularly reviewed. mation Letters should be moved to such consensus as rapidly
as possible.”
A4.2 Information Letters:
A4.3 Test Monitoring Center Memoranda—In addition to
A4.2.1 It occasionally becomes necessary to change a test
the Information Letter system, the TMC will provide informa-
procedure and to notify test laboratories of the change before
tion to the Surveillance Panel and to participating laboratories
the change can be considered by Subcommittee D02.B on
in the form of ASTM TMC memoranda. These are used to
Automotive Lubricants or Committee D-2 on Petroleum Prod-
convey such information as batch approvals for test parts or
ucts and Lubricants. In such a case, the TMC will issue an
materials, to clarify misunderstandings concerning the test
Information Letter. Subsequently, prior to each semiannual
procedure, to provide notes and suggestions for the collection
Committee D-2 meeting, the accumulated Information Letters
and analysis of special data that the TMC may call for, or for
are balloted in Subcommittee D02.B. This ballot is reviewed at
any other matters having no direct effect on the test perfor-
the Subcommittee D02.B meeting, and the actions taken are
mance, results, or precision and bias.
then considered by Committee D-2. In this way, the ASTM due
process procedures are applied to the Information Letters. A4.4 Precision Data—Test precision is established on the
A4.2.2 The review of an Information Letter prior to its basis of reference oil (calibration) test results monitored by the
original issue will differ in accordance with its nature. In the ASTM TMC. Current data may be obtained from the TMC.


A5.1 The report forms are presented in Figs. A5.1-



A6.1 Viscosity Increase—Adjust end of test (EOT) viscos- results for industry severity. Transform EOT pentane insolubles
ity increase results for industry severity. Transform EOT by taking the natural log of the pentane insolubles result.
viscosity increase by taking the natural log of the viscosity Record the transformed pentane insolubles result on the
increase result. Record the transformed viscosity increase Non-reference Oil Ratings Summary (Fig. A5.3).
result on the Non-reference Oil Ratings Summary (Fig. A5.3). Add − 0.4445 to the transformed results and record this value
Add − 0.1178 to the transformed results and record this value on the Non-reference Oil Ratings Summary page in the
on the Non-reference Oil Ratings Summary page in the Corrected Transformed Results space. Convert the corrected
Corrected Transformed Results space. Convert the corrected pentane insolubles result to original units. Record this value in
viscosity increase result to original units. Record this value in the Final Original Unit Result space.
the Final Original Unit Result space.
A6.3 Toluene Insolubles—Adjust EOT toluene insolubles
A6.2 Pentane Insolubles—Adjust EOT pentane insolubles results for industry severity. Transform EOT toluene insolubles

D 5704

FIG. A5.1 Test Report Cover

D 5704

FIG. A5.2 Reference Test Result Summary Sheet

D 5704

FIG. A5.3 Non-reference Test Result Summary Sheet

D 5704

FIG. A5.4 Operational Summary

D 5704

FIG. A5.5 Downtime and Comments

D 5704

FIG. A5.6 Gear Rating

D 5704

FIG. A5.7 Operational Validity Summary

by taking the natural log of the toluene insolubles result. record this value on the Non-reference Oil Ratings Summary
Record the transformed toluene insolubles result on the Non- page in the Corrected Transformed Results space. Convert the
reference Oil Ratings Summary (Fig. A5.3). Add 0.0000 to the corrected average carbon/varnish result to original units.
transformed results and record this value on the Non-reference Record this value in the Final Original Unit Result space.
Oil Ratings Summary page in the Corrected Transformed
Results space. Convert the corrected toluene insolubles result A6.5 Average Sludge—Adjust EOT average sludge results
to original units. Record this value in the Final Original Unit for industry severity. Transform EOT average sludge by taking
Result space. minus the natural log of ten minus the average sludge result.
A6.4 Average Carbon/Varnish—Adjust EOT average Record the transformed average sludge result on the Non-
carbon/varnish results for industry severity. Transform EOT reference Oil Ratings Summary (Fig. A5.3). Add 0.0000 to the
average carbon/varnish by taking the natural log of the quantity transformed results and record this value on the Non-reference
of the average carbon/varnish result divided by ten minus the Oil Ratings Summary page in the Corrected Transformed
average carbon/varnish result. Record the transformed average Results space. Convert the corrected average sludge result to
carbon/varnish result on the Non-reference Oil Ratings Sum- original units. Record this value in the Final Original Unit
mary (Fig. A5.3). Add 0.0000 to the transformed results and Result space.


A7.1 Fig. A7.1 is a diagram of the modified 10.SI alternator

load circuit.

D 5704

FIG. A7.1 Diagram of the Modified 10-SI Alternator Load Circuit


A8.1 Viscosity Increase SA—Apply an exponentially after the decimal, exceeds 0.653, then apply an SA to subse-
weighted moving average (EWMA) technique to standardized quent non-reference oil results.
calibration test Viscosity Increase results. Convert results to A8.1.2 The following example illustrates the application of
transformed units by using the formula ln(Viscosity Increase). Eq A8.1 for determining the application of Viscosity Increase
Standardize transformed values using delta/s ((result − target)/ SA.
standard deviation). The targets and standard deviations for Zi 5 0.694 and Y2 5 1.247 (A8.2)
current reference oils are published by the ASTM TMC. EWMA 5 0.2~1.247! 1 0.8~0.694! 5 0.805
A8.1.1 Include all operationally valid reference tests in a A8.1.2.1 Since ?0.805? > 0.653, apply an SA to subsequent
stand control chart. Chart tests in order of completion date and non-reference oil tests. Multiply 0.805 by 0.150. This value
time. A minimum of two tests is required to initialize a control (0.150) represents the pooled Viscosity Increase standard
chart. Calculate EWMA values using Eq A8.1. deviation of oils 131-3 and 143. Multiply this result by −1 and
Zi 5 0.2~Yi! 1 0.8~Z i21! (A8.1) round to four places after the decimal. Record this value on the
Test Results Summary of the test report in the space for
where: Viscosity Increase SA. Add this value to the transformed,
Z 0 = 0 and Yi = standardized test result, and corrected, non-reference oil Viscosity Increase result and
Zi = EWMA of the standardized test result at test order i. record this value in the Final Transformed result space on the
Test Results Summary. Find the antilog and round to two
If the absolute value of the EWMA, rounded to three places places after the decimal. Enter this number on the Test Results

D 5704
Summary of the test report in the space for the Final Original Multiply this result by −1 and round to four places after the
Unit Viscosity Increase result. An SA will remain in effect until decimal. Record this value on the Test Results Summary of the
the next reference test. At that time, calculate a new EWMA. test report in the space for Toluene Insolubles SA. Add this
value to the transformed, corrected, non-reference oil result
A8.2 Pentane Insolubles SA—Apply an EWMA technique and enter this value in Final Transformed result space. Find the
to standardized calibration test Pentane Insolubles results. antilog and round to two places after the decimal. Enter this
Convert results to transformed units by using the formula number on the Test Results Summary of the test report in the
ln(Pentane Insolubles). Standardize transformed values using space for the Final Original Unit result. An SA will remain in
delta/s ((result − target)/standard deviation). The targets and effect until the next reference test. At that time, calculate a new
standard deviations for current reference oils are published by EWMA.
A8.2.1 Include all operationally valid reference tests in a A8.4 Average Carbon Varnish SA—Apply an EWMA
stand control chart. Chart tests in order of completion date and technique to standardized calibration test Carbon/Varnish re-
time. A minimum of two tests is required to initialize a control sults. Convert results to transformed units by using the formula
chart. Calculate EWMA values using Eq A8.1. If the absolute ln(Carbon/Varnish/(10-Carbon/Varnish)). Standardize trans-
value of the EWMA (rounded to three places after the decimal) formed values using delta/s ((result − target)/standard devia-
exceeds 0.653, then apply an SA to subsequent non-reference tion). The targets and standard deviations for current reference
oil results. oils are published by the ASTM TMC.
A8.2.2 The following example illustrates the use of Eq A8.1 A8.4.1 Include all operationally valid reference tests in a
for determining the application of a Pentane Insolubles SA. stand control chart. Chart tests in order of completion date and
Z1 5 0.570 and Y2 5 1.195 (A8.3) time. A minimum of two tests is required to initialize a control
chart. Calculate EWMA values using Eq A8.1. If the absolute
EWMA 5 0.2~1.195! 1 0.8~0.570! 5 0.695
value of the EWMA (rounded to three places after the decimal)
A8.2.2.1 Since ?0.695? > 0.653, apply an SA to subsequent exceeds 0.653, then apply an SA to subsequent non-reference
non-reference oil tests. Multiply 0.695 by 0.730. This value oil results.
(0.730) is the standard deviation of oil 131-3. Multiply this A8.4.2 The following example illustrates the use of Eq A8.1
result by −1 and round to four places after the decimal. Record for determining the application of a Carbon/Varnish SA.
this value on the Test Results Summary page of the test report Z1 5 0.667 and Y2 5 21.062 (A8.5)
in the space for Pentane Insolubles SA. Add this value to the
EWMA 5 0.2~1.062! 1 0.8~0.667! 5 0.746
corrected, transformed, non-reference oil Pentane Insolubles
result and enter this value in the space for the Final Trans- A8.4.2.1 Since ?0.746? > 0.653, apply an SA to subsequent
formed result. Find the antilog and round to two places after non-reference oil tests. Multiply 0.746 by 0.450. This value
the decimal. Enter this number on the Test Results Summary of (0.450) represents the pooled Carbon/Varnish standard devia-
the test report in the space for the Final Original Unit Pentane tion of oils 143 and 148. Multiply this result by −1 and round
Insolubles result. An SA will remain in effect until the next to four places after the decimal. Record this value on the Test
reference test. At that time, calculate a new EWMA. Results Summary of the test report in the space for Carbon/
Varnish SA. Add this value to the transformed, corrected,
A8.3 Toluene Insolubles SA—Apply an EWMA technique non-reference oil result and record this value in the Final
to standardized calibration test Toluene Insolubles results. Transformed result space. Convert to merit units by using the
Convert results to transformed units by using the formula ln formula 10 3 (exp(Carbon/Varnish)/1 + exp(Carbon/Varnish))
(Toluene Insolubles). Standardize transformed values using and round to two places after the decimal. Enter this number on
delta/s ((result − target)/standard deviation). The targets and the Test Results Summary of the test report in the space for the
standard deviations for current reference oils are published by Final Original Unit result. An SA will remain in effect until the
the ASTM TMC. next reference test. At that time, calculate a new EWMA.
A8.3.1 Include all operationally valid reference tests in a
A8.5 Average Sludge SA—Apply an EWMA technique to
stand control chart. Chart tests in order of completion date and
standardized calibration test Average Sludge results. Convert
time. A minimum of two tests is required to initialize a control
results to transformed units by using the formula −1 3 ln(10-
chart. Calculate EWMA values using Eq A8.1. If the absolute
Average Sludge). Standardize transformed values using delta/s
value of the EWMA (rounded to three places after the decimal)
((result − target)/standard deviation). The targets and standard
exceeds 0.653, then apply an SA to subsequent non-reference
deviations for current reference oils are published by the
oil results.
A8.3.2 The following example illustrates the use of Eq A8.1
for determining the application of a Toluene Insolubles SA. A8.5.1 Include all operationally valid reference tests in a
stand control chart. Chart tests in order of completion date and
Z1 5 20.572 and Y2 5 21.469 (A8.4)
time. A minimum of two tests is required to initialize a control
EWMA 5 0.2~21.469! 1 0.8~20.572! 5 20.751 chart. Calculate EWMA values using Eq A8.1. If the absolute
A8.3.2.1 Since ? 2 0.751? > 0.653, apply an SA to value of the EWMA (rounded to three places after the decimal)
subsequent non-reference oil tests. Multiply − 0.751 by 0.750. exceeds 0.653, then apply an SA to subsequent non-reference
This value (0.750) is the standard deviation of oil 131-3. oil results.

D 5704
A8.5.2 The following example illustrates the use of Eq A8.1 Results Summary of the test report in the space for Average
for determining the application of an Average Sludge SA. Sludge SA. Add this value to the transformed, corrected,
Z1 5 20.541 and Y2 5 21.197 (A8.6) non-reference oil result and record this value in the Final
EWMA 5 0.2~21.197! 1 0.8~20.541! 5 20.672
Transformed result space. Convert to merit units using the
formula 10-(exp(−Average Sludge)) and round to two places
A8.5.2.1 Since ?0.672? > 0.653, apply an SA to subsequent after the decimal. Enter this number on the Test Results
non-reference oil tests. Multiply − 0.672 by 0.160. This value
Summary of the test report in the space for the Final Original
(0.160) represents the pooled Average Sludge standard devia-
Unit result. An SA will remain in effect until the next reference
tion of oils 143 and 148. Multiply this result by −1 and round
test. At that time, calculate a new EWMA.
to four places after the decimal. Record this value on the Test


A9.1 See Fig. A9.1 for the Data Dictionary and Fig. A9.2
for the Repeating Field Specifications.

D 5704

FIG. A9.1 Data Dictionary

D 5704

FIG. A9.1 Data Dictionary (continued)

D 5704

FIG. A9.1 Data Dictionary (continued)

D 5704

FIG. A9.1 Data Dictionary (continued)

D 5704

FIG. A9.1 Data Dictionary (continued)

D 5704

FIG. A9.1 Data Dictionary (continued)

D 5704

FIG. A9.2 Repeating Field Specifications

D 5704

FIG. A9.2 Repeating Field Specifications (continued)

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).


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