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Contactless Controlled Low-Cost Robotic System: Srđan A. Milojević

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Telfor Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2018.


Contactless Controlled Low-cost Robotic

Srđan A. Milojević

Abstract—This paper presents and depicts a realization of a II. MATERIAL AND METHOD OF WORK
robotic arm with four degrees of freedom based on cheap A block diagram of the control system for converting
components and software for its control with hand gestures. A signals acquired from Leap Motion sensor to angular
position of the arm is determined by processing the acquired
data from the sensor. The application is developed using free
movement of joint actuators of the robotic arm is shown in
software packages. Results of this project could find use in Fig. 1. In subsection A. the author discusses the hardware
industrial robotics, therapeutic biofeedback, telemanipulation configuration and the specific reason for choosing the robot
systems, etc. arm’s design and all the other used parts.
Key words — acquisition, LeapMotion, Python,
rehabilitation, robot, control.


R ESEARCH of robotic systems was initially mainly

oriented towards the application in industry. However,
modern technology has led to the expansion of other fields
of research [1], too. As a result, household and therapeutic
robots [2] appeared along with the more advanced robots
useful in the care of elderly people with severe dementia [3]
or even subacute stroke [4] and finally telemanipulation
systems that assist coronary bypass surgeries [5] - [7] etc.
A very important factor in the development are Fig. 1. Block diagram of the robotic system.
contactless Human Machine Interfaces (abbr. HMI) which
simplify the control of robotic systems [8]. Leap Motion A. Hardware design
controller has proved itself as an efficient and reliable The constructed robotic system is depicted in Fig. 2.
device for implementation of HMI.
In this paper, the author describes the main topics of the
four degrees of freedom robotic arm constructed with low-
cost components and the software created for its operation
and real time control.
Chapter II is dedicated to the construction of the arm and
the components needed for its realization. Additionally, the
use and signal processing of Leap Motion sensor are
thoroughly explained. Finally, control algorithm and
inverse kinematics equations of two segment manipulator
are discussed.
In chapter III the graphical user interface of the control
software is shown, while chapter IV points out the vast
variety of possible applications and implementations of the
created robotics system.

Paper received April 24, 2018; revised June 22, 2018; accepted July
29, 2018. Date of publication December 25, 2018. The associate editor
coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for
publication was Prof. Nataša Nešković.

This paper is a revised and expanded version of the paper presented

at the 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017 [17].
Fig. 2. Main components: Arduino Uno controller with
circuit board (1), AC/DC modulator (2), buck down
Srđan A. Milojević, School of Electrical Engineering, Bulevar converter (3), base of the arm with the actuators (4),
kralja Aleksandra 73, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia (telephone: 381-63-
gripper (5).
7558982, e-mail: srdjanmilojevic195@gmail.com).
130 Telfor Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2018.

A robot represents a kinematic chain with four degrees of

freedom. The first three joints position the end effector in
reference (x, y, z) coordinate system while keeping the
gripper parallel to the floor and the fourth rotates the gripper
in a horizontal plane. All joints are revolute kinematic pairs
which means they have only one degree of freedom, and act
as a hinged joint.
The robotic arm is designed with reference to the model
of ABB IRB 460 (ABB, Zurich, Switzerland) industrial
robot [9], constructed for the purpose of palletizing. Five-
bar linkage mechanism of this robot enables that the TCP
(Tool Center Point) coordinate system stays level to the
surface during all movements. Another benefit of this
Fig. 4. CAD drawing of the needed parts.
mechanical design is that all the actuators are displaced
from rotational axis to the mutual base of the arm. This TABLE 1: LIST OF COMPONENTS AND PRICES
results in the minimization of static load which compensates Parts Price (€)
the low torque of MG996R [10] servo motors. Because of 1 x Arduino Uno (Arduino, Somerville, 20,00
this feature, such a configuration was used in the other SAD)
project too, such as [11]. 3 x MG996R servo motor (GREAT WALL
For the purpose of designing the robotic arm, the Electronics Co., Ltd., Kina) 15,66
software package AutoCAD (Autodesk, San Rafael,
2 x MG90S micro servo motor (HappyBuy
California, USA) was used. Afterwards, it was important to
Store, China) 6,51
simulate the mechanism and a reliable system for that was
12 x MF84ZZ ball bearings (Tecla&Chiara
the software package SolidWorks (Dassault Systèmes,
Store, Kina) 7,49
Vélizy-Villacoublay, France). The assembly of all the parts
1 x Power cord 3,20
in this project, later also used for 3D graphical visualization,
is shown in Fig. 3. 1 x McIgIcM 5A, 75W, DC-DC buck-
downconverter (Professional semiconductor
suppliers, Kina) 5,86
1 x LED power supply12V, 5A, 60W
(Tingtop Trading CO Ltd., Kina) 10,19
1 x Plexiglas (30x50cm) and laser cutting 18,00
Others (nuts, bolts, cables etc.) 15,00
Sum 101,91

Robot is powered from mains electricity (alternating-

current, 230V) which is then converted with an AC/DC
converter to the output of 12V and 5A. The next step is to
lower the voltage down to 5V using buck-down
McIgIcMconverter. External power supply with a high
value of direct-current was important in order to achieve
Fig. 3. Solidworks assembly of the robotic arm. smooth robotic movements with simultaneous activity of
actuators (MG996R operate with stall current of 2.5A, and
After minor structural and visual adjustments the final running current of 0.9A). The next subsection introduces
layout of the desired parts is presented in Fig. 4. The the reader to the Leap Motion (Leap Motion Inc., San
building material chosen for this project is 5mm thick Francisco, California, USA) sensor and the data acquired
Plexiglas because of its balance between price and from it.
durability. It was then laser cut into the corresponding
shapes. Other, more complex parts were 3D printed, while B. Sensor system
flange shaft bearings are placed in each joint in order to Leap Motion sensor is a small peripheral USB device
reduce friction. The end effector is a horizontal gripper, but which uses two monochromatic infra-red cameras and three
it can easily be changed due to clever design of the robotic infer-red LED to very accurately synthesize a 3D
arm. Consequently, the user can create its own end effectors representation of user’s hand by combining two 2D images.
that best suit their needs. Apart from its original application in the development of
The realized low-cost robotic system is constructed virtual reality and games, this sensor has come across large
mainly of cheap components with the total expenses popularity in other fields of research, such as biomedicine
summing up to around one hundred Euros (Table 1). This and systems control. This resulted from Leap Motion’s
leads to a conclusion that just by upgrading these low- simple and straightforward implementation [12]-[13].
quality actuators, controllers and sensors the end result The information of interest which the sensor provides are
would be greatly improved.
Milojević: Contactless Controlled Low-cost Robotic System 131

the position (x,y,z) and the angles of yaw φ, roll ψ and pitch instructions on how to install the Python package manager
θ of the normal vector which points perpendicularly out of better known as pip (Python Software Foundation,
the hand as shown in Fig. 5. Processing of these data enables Wilmington, Delaware, USA). Therefore, these
the contactless control of the robotic arm, i.e. translation of installations can be conducted in matter of minutes, given
user’s gestures to robot’s movements [14]. that the user has followed the instructions thoroughly.

Fig. 5. Leap Motion sensor and its referent coordinate


The way these signals are used and the communication

between the computer and the Arduino UNO controller is
thoroughly explained in the following subsections.
C. Control algorithm of the robotic arm
Leap Motion sensor sends the needed information about
user’s hand to the computer via a USB connection. A
program written in the software package Python 2.7.15.
processes the received signals of the position and rotation
and forms control signals (see subsection D. for inverse
kinematics) which are then transferred to Arduino
Unocontroller (Arduino, Somerville, USA).A diagram of
the application flow is illustrated in Fig. 6.
The communication between Arduino Uno controller and
the computer is being operated through a serial port which
transfers coded commands as char string variables. The
received commands are then decoded in the controller itself.
Fig. 6. Diagram of the application.
For example, with the program running on Arduino Uno, a
code “WS3:95” is translated into “set the angle of servo
number three to 95 degrees”. D. Inverse kinematics
A graphical user interface (GUI) of the application was Relation of the desired (z, y) position and the inner
developed with Python PyQt4 library (Riverbank coordinates θ1 and θ2 (Fig.7.) for the example of two-
Computing Limited, Dorchester, UK) and designed using segment begins with the following equations (1) and (2):
the software package Qt Designer (The Qt Company, Oslo, z  l1 cos  1  l 2 cos(  1   2 ) (1)
Norway). Apart from that, the program uses additional y  l1 sin  1  l 2 sin(  1   2 ) (2)
libraries such as NumPy (Open Source), Leap (Leap Motion
The final forms of the transformation equations for
Inc., San Francisco, California, USA), MatPlotLib (Open
position and angle are:
Source), PyGame (PyGame Community), PyOpenGL
(Source Forge), etc. However, using these many different l 2  y 2  z 2  l 22 y (3)
 1  arccos 1  arctan
libraries comes with a price. The issue with running this 2 l1l 2 z
program on other computers is the need for all these and l12  l 22  y 2  z 2 (4)
some other Python packages. Before using the created  2  180   arccos
2 l1l 2
system, the operator will have to follow detailed
where l1 and l2 are the lengths of arm’s segments, z and y
132 Telfor Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2018.

are position of the end effector. Additionally, x axis motion III. RESULTS
is implemented in such a way that it enables easy and Upon opening the application, the user distinguishes
intuitive control. It is dictated by the velocity of user’s palm three segments: a command part with buttons, indicators of
in x axis direction in Leap Motion’s reference system. The current angular positions of servo motors and real time
default angle state is either incremented or decremented graphical visualization of the position of robotic arm (Fig.
according to the amount of speed. 8). By choosing the button “Start Leap”, the connection
with Arduino Uno controller is initiated, followed by Leap
Motion’s turning on. To pause tracking, user places his or
her other arm in the sensor’s field of view and the control
resumes when only one arm is present. Finally, choosing the
option “Stop Leap” returns the robotic arm to its default
position and the program waits for a new connection.
Pressing the button “Quit” terminates the program.

Fig. 7. Two dimensional representation of the robot arm.

In the Table 2 we see available robot arm movements and

the corresponding user’s gestures.
Hand gesture Robot's motion
Opening of the fist Gripper opens
Closing of the fist Gripper closes
Upward movement End effector raises
Downward movement End effector lowers
Movement to the left End effector moves to left
Movement to the right End effector moves to right
Palm rotation End effector rolls

E. Software development
The robotic arm needs a convenient and easy to use
environment for the operator. Therefore, a combination of
software packages was needed for the development of GUI. Fig. 8. Graphical user interface with its segments: (A)
First of all, the previously explained control algorithm was controls, (B) indicators, (C) visualization, (D) current
written in Python 2.7 because of its versatility and ability to position of the arm.
communicate with other third party software packages. On the very bottom of the command part of GUI there is
Because SolidWorks files tend to describe parametric a checkbox whose checking opens up an additional
geometry, such as NURBs, and most game engines prefer window. The PyGame window (Fig. 9.) is a three
to work with raw polygons, the parts needed conversion. To dimensional real time representation of robot’s current
begin with, using Free CAD (Jürgen Riegel, Werner Mayer, pose.
Yorik van Havre) the author opened each SOLID file and
exported it as Mash format (OBJ). The output files consist
of vectors for vertexes and faces but there are no materials
for normals. Current OBJ files would also work but the
visualization would lack shadows and lightings so the next
step utilizes Blender 2.79 (Blender Foundation,
Amsterdam, Netherlands). After editing color and material,
the files are exported with a custom setting in OBJ file
format. Secondly, the author uses an open source code that
provides a function for loading a model from a wave
frontOBJ file into an OpenGL display list. It additionally
loads any referenced material and texture files. The code
can be found on PyGame (PyGame Community) Wiki page
[15]. With a PyGame engine the author was able to create
3D graphical visualization (see chapter III. Results). Fig. 9. Three dimensional model in real time.
Milojević: Contactless Controlled Low-cost Robotic System 133

In the upper left hand corner, a user sees indicators about important branch in technology and industry.
the angle of robot’s joints and in the bottom corner there is There are numerous ways to improve the created system.
a notification line next to the base of the robot. The user can First of all, simply by replacing these low-cost components
adjust the orientation of the perspective, zoom in and out, with high-end products the performance would be
and pan the robot across the screen. Adding features such significantly enhanced. To be precise, switching from servo
as recording of this 3D visualization will be helpful for to stepper motors with feedback, the control regulation
analyzing robot’s and user’s behavior. Also, this would would be upgraded. Motors with a stronger torque would
allow an implementation of algorithms for robot’s offline increase pay load of the robotic arm. Finally, replacing
programming. These possibilities, along with a few others, Arduino Uno controller with a more sophisticated one
will be discussed in the next chapter. (more processing power and memory) would help with the
control system.
The created system has a fast response rate and is The author expresses his gratitude to the laboratory for
efficient in real time operation. The software is written in a Biomedical Instrumentation and Technologies, Laboratory
modular and organized way and other developers can easily for electrical measures and ETF Robotics team at the
modify or continue the project. School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
Concept of the described system can find its use in for the support during the research. The author owes special
industrial robotics where it could replace traditional credit to dr Milica Janković for great dedication and
methods of path programming. The old and outdated teach mentorship.
pendants [16] are rather difficult to operate and too time
consuming. This contactless control is more intuitive, REFERENCES
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