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Drilling: People & Companies

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Drilling Systems recently opened a Houston
Nabors announces promotions. Larry office: One of the company’s simulators is shown
P Heidt was recently promoted to President/ above. Inset shows a sample of its 3-d graphics.
COO of Nabors Drilling USA. He had previ-
ously served as the firm’s Executive Vice Drilling Systems UK opens Houston
President/COO. Joe Hudson, Vice President/ office. Drilling Systems UK recently
General Manager-Southwest Division, will opened a service, marketing and project-
also oversee Nabors’ Western Division. management office in Houston. Stefan
Jimmy Stroud is the new Vice President/ Heller has been named General Manager for
General Manager-Southern Division. Robert the office. Drilling Systems develops training
Wilder was appointed Vice President-Sales, simulators for a variety of oilfield applica-
Kaman’s heavy-lift helicopter K-MAX features 2 separate and Randy Clark was named Vice tions, including well control, drilling opera-
forward rotors, which eliminates the need for a tail rotor. President-Business Development. tions, pipe handling, coiled tubing, cement-
The ‘aerial truck’ showed its stuff at the ‘99 OTC, making ing, underbalanced drilling and more. To
flights around the Houston Astrodomain parking lot reach the new office, call 1/281-257-9588 or
e-mail sdh@drillingsystems.com.
while carrying as much as 5,500 lb of equipment.
R&B Falcon names officers. R&B
K-MAX: Giving drilling a ‘lift’. Falcon recently elected officers: Paul B
Helicopter manufacturer Kaman Aerospace Loyd Jr, Chairman/CEO; Andrew Bakonyi,
demonstrated its K-Max helicopter at the ‘99 President/COO; Tim W Nagle, Executive
Offshore Technology Conference. The chop- Vice President/CFO; Bernie Stewart, Senior
per is specially designed for heavy lifting, Vice President, Operations-Shallow Water
with a range of 150 nautical miles while car- Larry P Heidt Paul B Loyd Jr and Transition Zone Division; Ron Toufeeq,
rying a payload of more than 5,280 lb. The Senior Vice President, Operations-
T H Hill/Prentice form new venture.
unit has lifted equipment weighing up to 2.2 International and Deepwater Division;
T H Hill Associates Inc, and Prentice
tons to an altitude of 12,600 ft. K-MAX’s nar- Wayne K Hillin, Senior Vice
Training Co have formed a new company,
row profile gives the pilot an unobstructed President/General Counsel; Charles R
Prentice & Hill. The new firm will develop
view of the load from each side of the heli- Ofner, Senior Vice President-Business
new training materials and courses covering
copter. Development and Investor Relations.
the spectrum of drilling engineering, with a
practical focus on teaching how to drill
Rose is Global Marine Chairman.
deeper cheaper, and how to drill the most
Robert E Rose, President/CEO of Global
challenging wells safely and with minimal
Marine Inc, is succeeding C Russell Luigs
PRODUCTS failures.

FirstWave/Newpark work on rigs.

as Chairman of the Board.

Friede Goldman, Halter Marine merge.

Drill pipe hardbanding. ICO now offers a First Wave/Newpark Shipbuilding recent-
Friede Goldman International and Halter
new hardbanding product. SmoothAlloy was ly modified Global Marine’s Glomar Arctic I
Marine Group plan to merge. The combined
specifically formulated, says ICO, to reduce during drilling operations to increase riser
company, Friede Goldman Halter Inc, will be
casing wear by as much as 80%, compared storage deck capacity. FirstWave/Newpark
headquartered in Gulfport, Miss. J L
to tungsten carbide hardfacings, and extend also won a contract to fabricate, assemble
Holloway will serve as Chairman/CEO. The
the life of drillpipe tool joints. Art Lowry or and install new mat sections for Rio Grande
merger is expected to close in the fall of 1999.■
Lloyd Charpentier; 281-721-4200. Supply’s jackup Phoenix VI.

Rotary steerable system. Schlumber-

ger’s new PowerDrive steerable rotary
drilling system provides the capability to
Global Marine’s Jack Ryan passes away
continuously rotate the drillstring, while THE DRILLING INDUSTRY lost one of its finest leaders with the
steering, producing a faster, more control- death of John G “Jack” Ryan, formerly Director and President of
lable drilling system that results in a Global Marine Inc. Mr Ryan, who died after a courageous battle with
smoother, cleaner and longer wellbore, the cancer, had also served as Chairman/CEO of Global Marine Drilling
company says. Schlumberger, 225 Co. Mr Ryan was born 26 Aug, 1952 in Lowell, Mass, the oldest of 10
Schlumberger Drive, Sugar Land, Texas children of Pauline Tyrrell Ryan of Windham, N H, who survives
77478; 281-285-4270. him. After graduating from Groton School in Groton in 1971, he
received his BA Degree from Yale University in 1975. Mr Ryan
Training software. The Computer Rig received a JD degree in 1980 from Boston University, where he was
Floor Simulator (CRS) marketed by CS Inc an editor of the Law Review. Mr Ryan practiced law before joining
is a Wellware product for self-paced learning Jack Ryan Global Marine in 1982 as Assistant General Counsel. Mr Ryan was
in well control, drilling and workover and, named President of Global Marine in 1997. He was a chief architect of the strategies that
the company says, is also ideal for a training brought Global Marine through the severe offshore drilling downturn of the 1980s. He was
network via the Internet. W R Butler, 4208 also largely responsible for every major initiative undertaken by Global Marine as the
Balloon Park Rd, NE, Albuquerque, NM industry recovered, notably the company’s return to deepwater drilling. Jack is survived by
87109-5802; 505-344-3560; fax, 505-344-3590; his wife, Mary L Ryan, and their 3 children, Caroline, Megan and J Connor, as well as 9
csinc@swcp.com. ■ brothers and sisters and numerous nieces and nephews. ■

July/August 1999 D R I L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R 41


Seegmiller elected to Cabot Board. Ray R Seegmiller, currently President and Chief Executive officer of Cabot Oil &
Gas Corporation, was recently elected to the Board of Directors. Mr Seegmiller succeeds Charles P Siess, Jr, who will
remain a member of the Board of Directors.

Tsubaki approved for API license. The Roller Chain Division of US Tsubaki Inc is now licensed by the American
Petroleum Institute (API) to imprint the API monogram on roller chain products and packaging and to display it in
advertising. This widely recognized logo “identifies manufacturers of quality equipment.”

Bob Wagner joins Arthur Andersen. Robert D Wagner Jr brings his 25 years of oil and gas finance experience to the
Global Energy Corporate Finance Group of Arthur Andersen. Mr Wagner was most recently a Partner of M2Capital
Partners and Managing Director of Bankers Trust.

Deutag wins 14-rig BP Amoco contract. Aberdeen based Deutag has confirmed an award from BP Amoco for platform
drilling and maintenance services for all 14 of their platform-based rigs in the North Sea, tripling Deutag’s current plat-
form drilling business with BP Amoco. Current planning suggests that the contract will employ 3 crews on a continual
basis with the possibility of deploying a fourth crew currently being assessed.

Schlumberger integrates Camco into Anadrill. The management of the Drilling & Service Engineering, Manufacturing and
Operations of the Camco Drilling Group has been integrated into Anadrill, Schlumberger announced, to ensure special
focus on the new PowerDrive steerable rotary drilling system. This will provide clients with a comprehensive set of servic-
es, from simple directional control through to integration with formation evaluation for complex geosteering, according to
Saad Bargach, President of Anadrill.

Tech Power breaks ground. Tech Power Controls Co has broken ground for a new manufacturing facility adjacent to its
headquarters in Southwest Houston, doubling its total manufacturing assembly area. Completion is expected in August
’99. According to Jasbir Dhindsa, founder and President, the new building will “promote overall efficiency and productivity,
increase the service level to the maritime segment, and provide additional capacity to serve the forthcoming recovery of
the energy markets.”

Anderson added to RSTS mgmt team. Greg Anderson, formerly Senior Vice President, Operations, with Universal
Services, has signed on with Randy Smith Training Schools as Operations Manager. He will be responsible for the day-to-
day operations of RSTS around the world.

Global Marine & RSTS FOCUS on safety. Global Marine’s commitment to safety continues with a 3-day course specifically
developed with Randy Smith Training Schools to improve safety as a company-wide effort for all personnel in Global’s
worldwide fleet, including upper rig management. The Safety FOCUS (Field Observation Continuously Upgrading Safety)
Training course will be offered to the industry after completion by Global’s personnel.

FirstWave/Newpark at work on Glomar Arctic I & Phoenix VI. First Wave/Newpark Shipbuilding recently completed offsite
modifications to increase riser storage deck capacity on Global Marine Drilling Company’s Glomar Arctic I while drilling
operations progressed normally. FirstWave/Newpark was also awarded a contract for the fabrication, assembly and instal-
lation of new mat sections for Rio Grande Supply Company’s jackup Phoenix VI.

BP Amoco hires Putilov as Sidanko rep. Alexander Putilov, former President of Rosneft, Russia’s state oil company, was
hired by BP Amoco to represent their interests in Russian oil producer Sidanko. BP Amoco owns 10% of Sidanko, Russia’s
5th largest oil company, currently restructuring to release the company from bankruptcy proceedings.

Benton appointed Marine Drilling VP. Bobby E Benton, recently Vice President of International Operations of Diamond
Offshore Drilling, has joined Marine Drilling Companies Inc as Vice President of Marketing and Sales. Mr Benton will be
responsible for worldwide sales and marketing strategies.

Jagson achieves highest meterage. Jagson International’s Deepsea Matdrill, deployed in the Bombay High Field,
was rated best offshore rig working in Indian waters, in recognition of excellent performance for achieving highest meter-
age of the Year 1998-99 for exploratory drilling.

Friede Goldman & Halter Marine to merge. Friede Goldman International and Halter Marine Group have signed a “merger
of equals” agreement under which each Halter share will be exchanged for 0.4614 of a share of Friede Goldman. The com-
bined company, Friede Goldman Halter Inc, will be headquartered in Gulfport, Miss. Officers are J L Holloway, Chairman

42 D R I L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R July/August 1999


and Chief Executive Officer; John Dane III,
Vice Chairman, President and Chief
Operating officer; Rick S Rees, Executive
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer;
John F Alford, Executive Vice President.
The merger, expected to close in the fall of Balanced elliptical motion shaker. Swaco, in conjunction with Sweco, introduced their
1999, is subject to customary closing condi- Balanced Elliptical Motion Shaker (BEM-3) for separation of drilling fluids from drill cuttings.
tions. In an exclusive agreement, Swaco will provide Sweco’s proprietary shakers to the oilfield mar-
kets. The BEM-3 utilizes patented Sweco technology to produce balanced elliptical vibratory
motion, a gentler rolling motion, which Swaco literature says results in maximum recovery of
Fischer joins Tesco as COO. Mark valuable drilling fluids, cleaner drier cuttings and resulting minimization of drilling waste,
Fischer recently joined Tesco Corporation higher screen capacity, longer screen life, reduced downstream equipment wear and lower cap-
as Chief Operating Officer, bringing more ital expenditures. Larry Barker, Sr Vice President; 713/308-9426.
than 24 years of international experience in
Frac system for extreme-rate, ceramic proppants. Baker Oil Tools says its CK-250 Frac sys-
the oil and gas service industry. Mr Fischer,
tem is designed specifically to optimize pump rate and volume capabilities and debris toler-
reporting to President and Chief Executive
ance associated with ceramic proppant fracturing while minimizing risks of sticking and cas-
Officer Robert M Tessari, is responsible for
ing erosion. The system has been tested successfully in over 40 completion applications world-
management of all the company’s operating
wide, the company says, with pump rates up to 40 barrels per minute at 325,000 lbs of prop-
divisions and subsidiaries.
pant. Company literature points to several features which contribute to the ruggedness and
high performance of the CK-250 Frac system: shortened completion hook-up and a floating seal
system with fewer exposed seals minimize sticking during the evacuation/reversing phase of
frac-packing operations; the SMART Collet, the Flapper Anti-Swabbing Tool and a special blast
liner. 654 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, Suite 400, Houston, Texas 77060-5919; 713/625-6600; fax,

Magnum gate valve for extreme depths. Worldwide Oilfield Machine Inc (WOM) reports
that its Magnum 3 1/16 in. subsea gate valve with a unique sealing mechanism and subsea
actuator has successfully met and exceeded the rigid requirements of API 17D—Specification
for Subsea Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment. WOM says its patented Magnum gate
valve passed the full criteria and cycle testing at 8,203 ft (2,500 m), 10,000 ft, and 11,000 ft, and
then performed an additional 4,500 cycle test, witnessed and documented by DNV. The manu-
facturer believes that this is the only valve and actuator to be successfully tested at this
extreme depth. The valves are available in sizes 1 13/16 in. through 7 3/8 in. with working pres-
sures from 2,000 to 20,000 psi and operating temperatures in the –50º through 450º F range.
11809 Canemont, Houston, Texas 77035; 713/729-9200; fax, 713/729-7321; www.womusa.com.

Compact portable simulator. The UltraLight simulator, Model DPWS-22UL, weighs in at

about 40 lbs and travels in a standard flight carry-on bag for easy in-and-out of airports, for-
eign locations and rig site training. It also includes drilling and workover, surface and subsea
BOP, line up manifolds, Tree and BOP with interactive displays of rig equipment, says CS Inc.
W R Butler, 4208 Balloon Park Rd, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109-5802; 505-344-3560; fax, 505-
344-3590; csinc@swcp.com.

In-situ waste disposal. Oiltools (Europe) Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oiltools

July/August 1999 D R I L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R 43


International Ltd, designed, manufactured, are available for multiple purchases. PO Box
installed and operated Drilled Cuttings 10203, New Orleans, Louisiana 70181; 1-800-
Injection (DCI) systems in 1977 for a North 346-6943 USA; 504-733-6907; swebb@moxie-
Sea operator. Oiltools International offers a media.com.
case history report covering the successful
operation of the first DCI system after the New 2 7/8-in. OD MWD system. Aberdeen-
first 3-well, 5-section phase of a planned based Geolink (UK) Ltd now offers their
multi-well operation and highlights the oper- new Ultra-Lite 2 7/8-in. OD MWD system
ational costs and parameters of the injection designed, the company says, to provide effi-
process. The company reports zero equip- cient, cable free, steering and logging for
ment downtime for this phase, costs consis- both jointed pipe and coiled tubing applica-
tent with similar DCI projects, no unplanned tions; re-entry drilling from existing well
overboard discharge of drilling waste, and bores without the need for cutting and
says that DCI remains the only in-situ solu- pulling of 4 1/2-in. casings; and considerable
tion to drilled cuttings disposal for an off- savings in rig time and repairs. The new
shore platform. Tony Wilkinson, Oiltools system is compatible with existing Orienteer
Inc, 16630 Imperial Valley Drive, Suite 118, equipment and can be purchased as an
Houston, Texas 77060-3410; 1-281-260-0300; upgrade option or as a complete system.(44)
fax, 1-281-260-0311; sales@oiltools- 1224 7722222; fax, (44) 1224 7723333; e-mail,
amer.com. sales@geolink.co.uk; www.geolink.co.uk.

Ruffneck heater safety alert. Ruffneck Free subsurface safety valve brochure.
Heaters has launched a retrofit program Baker Oil Tools offers a free 12-page, 4-
involving approximately 11,000 XL4 haz- color brochure describing the function, oper-
ardous location electric air heaters manu- ation, features and benefits of their SelecT
factured prior to March 5, 1999 and sold Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled
throughout Canada, mainland US, Alaska, Subsurface Safety Valve. Features noted by
and overseas. The retrofit also includes Baker in the brochure are their through-the-
heaters manufactured under private label flapper, metal-to-metal self-equalizing sys-
for Modine Manufacturing Company (HEX4 tem and advanced wireline damage-resist-
series), Crouse-Hinds (EXH4 series), Stelpro ant flapper design. 654 N Sam Houston
Heating (XUH series), and Ouellet Electrical Pkwy E, Suite 400, Houston, Texas 77060-
Heating (OAX series). Since the XL4 5919; 713/625-6600.
heater’s introduction in 1993, three rupture
incidents have occurred. There were no
injuries and property damage was minimal.
It has been determined that XL4 heat-
exchangers can develop internal gas pres-
sure that may lead to an eventual rupture.
Ruffneck has developed a retrofit to address
this potential problem and is asking anyone
who uses an XL4 heater, or its private label
equivalent, to register with them immediate-
ly in order to receive details of the retrofit
program. This can be done by a visit to their
website at www.rhretrofit.com, or by phone
at 1-403-291-5488; 1-800-661-8561 toll free in
the US and Canada.

Galley safety training videos. Moxie

Media Inc announces a new set of training
videos for the maritime industry which the
company says is designed to educate galley
personnel in preventing injuries in the meal
preparation process and on maintaining a
contaminate-free environment to eliminate
the risk of food-borne illnesses. The videos
feature world-renowned Chef Paul
Prudhomme, an offshore cook early in his
career, and are shot onboard working ves-
sels. The 2-video set sells for $300 and
includes a written training manual with
illustrations and test questions. Discounts

44 D R I L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R July/August 1999

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