El Kady1984 PDF
El Kady1984 PDF
El Kady1984 PDF
Abstract The problem of evaluating power cable resistivity and ambient temperature. However, the
loading performance subject to variations of the ther- thermal model of [5] was based on an approximate analy-
mal circuit parameters is formulated and solved by a sis [1] which suits only those applications in which
fast sensitivity technique based on the finite element detailed thermal circuit structure and boundary condi-
method. The technique provides useful sensitivity tions are not essential. Therefore, the study has been
information which can be accessed and manipulated by continued in Ontario Hydro and has resulted in the
the cable designer or operator to simulate, in a simple development of a sensitivity methodology based on the
and efficient manner, various soil, ambient, loading finite element model in which various cable environ-
and boundary variations. The sensitivity technique has mental parameters are modelled accurately including the
been applied to a variety of practical cable systems heat transfer mechanisms at boundaries, backf ills, duct
including direct-buried and pipe-type cables as well as banks and other media surrounding the cable. The study
cables in duct banks. The technique reduces signifi- included the consideration that many utility engineers
cantly the analysis and computations via identifying may not have the computer resources necessary to carry
the important parameters which most affect the ampacity out a complete finite element analysis each time a
and it simplifies the thermal model by eliminating the change in the thermal circuit is simulated. In addi-
low-sensitivity (non-important) parameters. Because tion, the technique applies both to the design phase
the sensitivity values depend on the particular cable and to the operational aspects of power cables buried
system and soil and boundary conditions and can vary in complex media of soils, heat sources and sinks and
significantly from one situation to another, the gener- variable boundary conditions. The sensitivity tech-
alization of the results is not possible. Therefore, nique stores, in a compact, factorized form, the finite
the paper describes the sensitivity technique and its element tableau of a given cable system at its nominal
direct implementation by illustrating its use for a status (where thermal parameters assume base-case
variety of cable systems. values). Using stored sensitivity coefficients, the
designer and/or the operator can obtain results for a
INTRODUCTION range of parameter variations without repeating the
thermal analysis of the cable. Because the simulation
Over the past 25 years, various numerical tech- procedure for various parameter variations does not
niques have been developed to calculate the permissible involve repeated finite element analyses, the results
loading of a power cable subject to a maximum cable can be obtained by a very fast and compact scheme and
temperature determined by the thermal characteristics displayed in an efficient, straightforward manner.
of its insulation. The maximum cable ampacity is a Since only one nominal finite element analysis is
function of all internal and external cable system required, larger finite element grids can be employed
components which comprise the thermal circuit of the allowing even more accurate modelling.
cable and its boundaries. To date, a variety of compu-
tational procedures are available which represent the This paper describes the analytical and computa-
thermal circuit with various levels of complexity tional aspects of the sensitivity methodology and
starting from the simple, fast but approximate heat presents illustrative results for a variety of cable
transfer models [1,2] to the rigorous, more accurate systems.
finite element models [3,4]. In conventional tech-
niques, the cable ampacity is based on assumed fixed FORMULATION
values of cable thermal circuit parameters including
soil resistivity and heat transfer coefficients at the In this section a brief summary of the analytical
boundaries. The parameters of the thermal circuit of background of the sensitivity evaluation in the finite
power cable are subject to geographical and seasonal element model is given. The derivations associated
changes which affect the allowable loading level of any with the finite element tableau formulation are summa-
particular cable. Therefore, sensitivities of the rized in the Appendix to provide a complete mathemati-
cable ampacity with respect to fluctuations in cable cal formulation and to facilitate direct implementation
circuit parameters are needed to assess the effects on of the technique.
the permissible cable loading caused by these fluctua-
tions without repeating the whole thermal analysis for Finite Element Model
each possible parameter change.
The thermal field in the cable medium is governed
The concept of cable ampacity sensitivity analysis was by the differential equation
described in a previous paper [5] where expressions
were derived for first-order sensitivities of the cable
ampacity with respect to variations in soil thermal div (k grad T) = -q + C T,
df af aT af
Fig. 1 A sample of a finite element mesh dp aTv ap
~~~~~~~~. . . . . . .
........................................... ...... ::::::::::::::|NAT|
*-..............Lr_xu ................................................-.-.-.-.-.-.-
,.-...-..................................... ,,
............................................ I~~~~~~~~S I
AT= Ep-V Ap . (8) 1.06 m .............................................
...................... .............................*
............................................. ...B.D.IN .
APPLICATIONS 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.40.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.60.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
The temperature sensitivities with respect to var- 0.2
iations in the cable thermal parameters, as calculated BACKFILL, Pf
in the previous section, represent the foundation of a 0.4
variety of subsequent applications concerning the cable 50°C-ISOTHERM FORI 50°C-ISOTHERM
performance indices of interest to cable designers and 0.68 Pf=0.650Cm1W FOR pf=0.8Cm/W
operators. This section presents some useful applica- E~ 0.8-
Ts = 64. 3 - 5. 2 = 59. 10 C. Figure 3 shows the effect Clear stone thermal 1.0 W/(OC m) -0.13
of reducing the thermal resistivity of the backf ill conductivity, kd
from 0.8 to 0.65°C m/W on the 50°C-isotherm.
Concrete wall thermal 2.0 W/(°C m) -1.10
Variations of Complex Boundaries and Soil Parameters conductivity, kc
The finite element sensitivity technique can be
applied to complex cable configurations and boundaries Native soil thermal 0.67 W/(°C m) -0.92
to assess the effects of variations of various soil and conductivity, ks
boundary parameters. Figure 4 shows two 115 kV/
633.4 mm2 single circuit pipe-type cables buried in a Convection heat 5.0 W/(°C m; ) -0.0077
coef f icient, a
(ISOTHERMAL Ground surface 20.0°C 0.68
3.0m 1.2m temperature, Ta
............. .. .-.--
... LMTOE..............
- .w.*.... ..
11m...-: :;:::-:: SCREENINGS -CONCRETE The sensitivity results of Table II show that varia-
RETAIN ING tions of the thermal conductivity of the backfill
WALL (limestone screenings) would affect the cable tempera-
IX *& r : ..
complex medium of soil and boundaries. A 150 mm dia- Calculation of Maximum Cable Ampacity
meter perforated sub-drain (average temperature of
10°C) in a clear stone bedding is located in the vicin- Unlike the traditional Neher-McGrath analysis [11
ity of one cable circuit. A concrete retaining wall is which calculates the maximum cable ampacity for a given
located on one side of a cable circuit and its outside maximum conductor temperature, the finite element
represents a convective boundary with heat convection analysis calculates the temperature for a given cable
loss coefficient of 5.0 W/(0C m2). The ground surface current. Therefore, the actual conductor temperature
represents an isothermal boundary of 20°C. Figure 5 associated with a given cable loading I cannot be known
until a finite element analysis is completed; the maxi-
mum ampacity Imax which produces a specified maximum
conductor temperature may conventionally be obtained by
a trial and error procedure which may require many
finite element analyses. Alternatively, the sensitiv-
ity technique can be employed for a much faster and
more efficient computation, which does not require any
a priori information except the temperature sensitivi-
ties already available.
From Table III, the sensitivity of the conductor
temperature Tc with respect to the cable loading is Ps = 1.3 OC m/W GROUND CABLE
aTC/aI 0.132°C/A evaluated at the nominal values CONCRETE
of I = 850 A and Tc = 80.7°C as obtained before.
Hence, the maximum ampacity Imax associated with Pc= 0.60C m/W
Tc(max) = 85°C is obtained approximately from the
first-order differential expression, 0.1m TRANSITE
c(max) -(I max -850)
-Tc al (9) DUCT #4
85 - 80.7 0.132 (I max - 850)
which yields I max = 883 A. Fig. 7 Two cable circuits in a duct bank
ducts, four of them are empty and two ducts contain TABLE V
ground cables. The thermal resistivity of the concrete
is 0.60C m/W (nominal value) and of the native soil is COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS FOR VARIOUS EXAMPLES
1.3°C m/W. The ground surface represents an isothermal
boundary of 20°C. The conductor temperature value
Tc = 7800 was calculated by the finite element analy- No of
sis for the cable in duct #4 for a nominal value of the Example grid CPU Memory
current I - 780 A. The equivalent thermal resistance nodes (s) (M bytes)
calculated by Equation 10 is Req 2.580C m/W.
Table IV shows the sensitivities of Req with respect 6 direct-buried cables 1040 11 0.058
to variations in some thermal circuit parameters. 2 pipe cables in complex medium 2170 24 0.143
2 pipe cables in backfill 1740 20 0.108
TABLE IV 2 circuits in a duct bank 2630 31 0.174
(Nominal Value: Req = 2.580C m/W) CONCLUSIONS
The work presented in this paper was intended to
Nominal Sensitivity provide the utility engineer with an easy and fast sen-
Parameter p Value aR lap sitivity methodology, based on the finite element
.eq. model, to assess the cable thermal performance subject
to variations in the cable thermal circuit parameters.
Native soil thermal 0.77 W/1(°C m) -00.57
The sensitivity methodology suits both power cable
conductivity, k
design and operation applications. The sensitivity
information is useful not only in evaluating the cable
Duct concrete thermal 1.67 W/(°C m) -0.39 ampacity subject to various parameter- changes but also
conductivity, k c
in determining the important and non-important param-
eter variations in terms of their relative effects on
Ground surface 200C 0.0
the cable temperature and ampacity. The applications
temperature, T
of the technique to a variety of cable systems have
a shown that the sensitivity values associated-with vari-
ous parameters depend on the particular cable system
and soil and boundary conditions and can vary from one
The sensitivity results of Table IV show that a situation to another. Nevertheless, the sensitivity,
change in the ambient temperature does not affect technique is general and can be applied to any cable
Req. Variations in the native soil thermal conducti- system configuration. As demonstrated in the paper,
vity k5 have bigger effects on Req than variations the technique reduces significantly the amount of
in the concrete thermal conductivity kc. The sensi- analysis and computations and it avoids numerous finite
tivity aReq/ak8 is -0.57 (°C m/W)2, therefore a de- element analyses required to simulate various parameter
crease in the native soil thermal conductivity k5 by changes.
0.21, from k5 0.77 to k5 = 0.56 W/(°C m), which
[4] M.A. El-Kady, "A purturbed finite element model In the case of a boundary heat flux Qe or a
for sensitivity calculations of thermal fields", convection loss at edge ij, the entries i and j of b
SIAM National Meeting (Denever, CO, June 1983). are increased by de( eTa + Qe)/2 where Ta
denotes the ambient temperature associated with the
[5] M.A. El-Kady, "Optimization of power cable and convection loss through the element edge ij.
thermal backfill configurations", IEEE Power
Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-101, 1982,
pp 4681-4688. Finite Element Sensitivities
[61 O.C. Zienkiewicz, The Finite Element Method. New When isothermal boundaries with specified tempera-
York: McGraw-Hill, 1977. tures at certain edge points are considered, Equation 4
must be processed further into the appropriate form
[7] A.R. Mitchell and R. Wait, The Finite Element
Method in Partial Differential Equations. New
(5), namely
York: Wiley, 1977.
H T = b H T
[8] K.J. Bathe and E.L. Wilson, Numerical Methods in -v -v -v
-s -s' (A4)
Finite Element Analysis. New Jersey: Prentice-
Hall, 1976. where T5 is the vector of specified node tempera-
tures, _Iv contains other variable (unknown) tempera-
tures, iv and Hs are general heat conductivity
matrices, adjusted to accommodate other boundary condi-
tions as described before.
The vectors and matrices of (A4) are, in general,
DERIVATION OF SENSITIVITY EXPRESSIONS functions of the cable circuit parameters. In the
following derivations a typical finite element model is
Finite Element Tableau considered to illustrate the sensitivity derivation.
Similar procedures can be followed for other, more
The heat conductivity matrix of Equation 4 is complicated models as well as for other cable circuit
formulated [3,51 by an ordered sum of small 3 x 3 parameter variations.
submatrices associated with various triangular elements
e in the finite element mesh of the form
(i) Sensitivities of cable loading:
ke t t
He 4Ae (aeae bee) (Al) The cable current I appears in those entries of
the right-hand-side vector bv which correspond to the
finite elements containing heat generation due to the
where t denotes transposition of vectors and Ae and cable current I (see Equation A3). The heat generation
ke are, respectively, the area and thermal conduc- rate is proportional to I4 with proportionality factor
tivity associated with element e of vertices i,j ,m. depending on the size of the element and its electrical
The values of a and b depend only on the x,y dimensions properties. Equation A4 can then be written in the
of the element and are given by form
which can be solved for the required temperature sensi-
tivities. Note that k can be associated with any part
-I2 r + c in the cable thermal circuit (for example, backfill,
Hv Ts - _ = (A5) protective layer, native soil, etc) by appropriate
[I.r Jb definition of the matrices RV, Cv, R& and C' of
where r is a proportionality vector (assumed to be
independent of temperature for simplicity of calcula- (iv) Sensitivities of boundary heat flux coefficient:
tions ) and c is constant vector, hence
When some boundary conditions of a specified heat
flux, Q are considered, the corresponding elements .of
aT2 I r the vector by constitute linear functions of Q. Let
H -v L (A6)
L -I
Q r + c
bh r
Using the already stored factorized form of Hv, the L -°o-
sensitivity- of the temperatures at any point with
respect to the cable loading can be calculated. hence, from (A4)
aT-v r]
(ii) Sensitivities of ambient temperature: H -
S r
then, from
R + -V
a -V
C , -s = C , -V
R + -s
a -S b = c
r +-
a- (A13)
aT (A14)
T + -r R T
(iii) Sensitivities of thermal conductivity: R-v-v -
Hv Da
H = R + -v
k -v H
C , -s = R +0
k -8 -s (A9)
H - = - -Rs- T
-V ak -V 8S