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Quantitative Ability: Percentage

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Quantitative Ability 02

Number of Questions : 30 CEX–5614/20

1. If x is 20 % less than y, then by how many 7. If the numerator of a fraction is decreased by

percent is y more than x? 40% and the denominator is increased by
(a) 20 (b) 25 100% the new value is 1. What was the
original fraction?
(c) 16 (d) None of these
3 3 2
(a) (b)
10 3
2. If x % of y = y % of z = z % of x, then
5 10
which of the following must be true (c) (d)
2 3
(a) x + y + z = 3xyz
(b) x + y + z = xyz
(c) x = y = z 8. If 41% of a number is less than 76% of the
(d) None of these same number by 105, then what is the
3. 5% of x is same as 20% of 50. Then value of (a) 300 (b) 400
x is. (c) 500 (d) None of these
(a) 400 (b) 200
(c) 300 (d) None of these 9. In an election, there were three candidates
A, B and C. Out of total 600 votes casted, A
4. A number x is increased by 10% and then received 30%, B received 360 votes and C
reduced by 10 %. The resultant number is received the rest of the votes. Find out the
(a) 1% more than x percentage of votes which the winner got in
(b) 1% less than x comparison to his closest rival.
(c) equal to x (a) 50% (b) 100%
(d) None of these (c) 200% (d) 300%

5. If 20% of 50% of 200 is subtracted from 40% 10. A’s income is 60% of B’s income. If A’s
of 25 % of 250. The result is expenditure is <260 less than B’s and their
(a) 5 (b) 50 savings are 10% and 20% of their incomes,
(c) 25 (d) None of these find their incomes respectively.
(a) <600, <1,000
6. What will be 30 % of a number whose 250% (b) < 540, <900
is 75 (c) <1,200, <2,000
(a) 30 (b) 9 (d) None of these
(c) 27 (d) 90

QA – 02 Page 1
18. The length and breadth of a rectangle are
11. What is A as a percent of B, if B is of A? increased by 30% and 20% respectively,
calculate the percentage increase in it’s area?
(a) 33.3% (b) 75% (a) 50% (b) 60%
(c) 100% (d) 132.33% (c) 10% (d) 56%

12. What is the increase in the area of a rectangle 19. A student has to secure 40% marks to pass.
if its length is increased by 20%? He gets 178 marks and fails by 22 marks.
(a) No increase (b) 10% The maximum marks are
(c) 20% (d) Cannot be determined (a) 600 (b) 700
(c) 500 (d) 450
13. In an examination, Ram scored 25% of total
marks and failed by 100 marks whereas Kiran 20. After spending 35% of the money on
scored 45% of total marks and he got 40 machinery, 40% on raw material and 10% on
marks above pass marks. Find out the total staff, a person is left with <60,000 only. The
marks for the examination. total amount of money he spent on machinery
(a) 500 (b) 600 and raw material, is
(c) 700 (d) 800 (a) 3 lakh (b) 2.75 lakh
(c) 4 lakh (d) 2.10 lakh
14. Ramesh spent 12 % of his money. After 21. If the price of sugar is raised by 20%, by how
much percent a house holder must reduce
spending 75% of the balance he had <175
his consumption so as not to increase the
with him. Find the amount he had in the
total expenditure?
(a) <800 (b) <900 2
(a) 25% (b) 16 %
(c) <1,000 (d) <1,100 3
(c) 20% (d) 16%
15. If 50% of 30 is subtracted from 25% of 60,
then the resultant is 22. Raman spends 30% of his income on house
(a) 0 (b) 10
(c) 12 (d) 15 1
rent, of the remaining on transport and the
16. The population of a country becomes balance on food. If he spends <300 on house
rent, what is his expenditure on food?
times of itself in 2 years. Find the annual rate (a) <550 (b) <400
of increase in percentage? (c) <700 (d) <525
(a) 10% (b) 12.5%
(c) 14% (d) 15% 23. Two numbers are less than the 3rd number
by 30% and 37% respectively. How much
17. A man spends 70% of his income. When his percent is the second number less than the
income is increased by 25% he raised his first?
expenditure to 85% of his present income. (a) 7% (b) 9%
Calculate the percentage increase or decrease (c) 10% (d) None of these
in his savings?
(a) 37.5% (b) 21.66%
(c) 13.33% (d) 15%

Page 2 QA – 02
24. What will be 80 percent of a number whose 27. The population of a town is 8000. It increases
200 percent is 90? by 10% during the first year and 20% in the
(a) 36 (b) 45 2nd year. The population of the town after
(c) 40 (d) 42 2 years will be ____
(a) 12000 (b) 10560
25. The population of a town increases by 8% (c) 10600 (d) 11000
annually but is decreased by emigration
annually to the extent of 3%. What will be
28. 3.6% of 40 is equal to ____
the percentage increase in population in
2 years. (a) 2 (b) 1.2
(a) 5% (b) 6.25% (c) 2.4 (d) None of these
(c) 10.25% (d) 10%
26. The price of an article has been reduced by 29. By how much is 30% of 80 greater than th
25%. In order to restore the original price.
of 25?
The new price must be increased by ____
(a) 25% (b) 15%
(a) 25% (b) 40%
(c) 20% (d) 30%
(c) 33 % (d) 20%
3 30. (x% of y + y% of x) is equal to ____
(a) 1% of xy (b) 2% of (x + y)
(c) 1% of (x + y) (d) 2% of xy

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CEX–5614/20 Quantitative Ability – 02 BBA-HM
Answers and Explanations
1 b 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 d 8 a 9 c 10 a
11 b 12 c 13 c 14 a 15 a 16 b 17 a 18 d 19 c 20 a
21 b 22 d 23 c 24 a 25 c 26 c 27 b 28 b 29 c 30 d

1. b x = y – 10 % of y 6. b Let the required number = x

20 250
⇒ x=y− y ∴ × x = 75
100 100

4 ∴ x = 30
⇒x= y now
30% of 30 = 9
5 1
∴y = x=x+ x
4 4 x
7. d Let the original fraction = y
∴ y is 25 % more than x
0.6x x 2 20 10
∴ = 1⇒ = = = .
x y z 2y y 0.6 6 3
2. c × y= × z= ×x
100 100 100
⇒ xy = yz = zx 8. a (76 – 41)% = 35% of the number = 105;
∴x =y= z 105
∴ Number = × 100 = 300.

5 20
3. b ×x= × 50 9. c Total votes = 600; Votes cast for A = 30% = 180;
100 100
B = 360 and C = 600 – 360 – 180 = 60;
20 × 50 360
⇒ x= B in terms of A = × 100 = 200%.
5 180
∴x = 200
10. a
4. b The resultant number is A B
Incomes 0.6x x
 10  10 
x  1+  1−  Savings 0.06x 0.2x
 100  100 
Expenditures 0.54x 0.8x
11 9 99
=x× × = x Now it is given that 0.8x – 0.54x = 260
10 10 100
⇒ 0.26x = 260
The resultant number is 1% less than x
⇒ x = <1,000
⇒ 0.6x = <600.
20 50
5. a 20% of 50% of 200 = × × 200 = 25
100 100
4 3
40 25 11. b B= A ⇒   B = A;
40% of 25 % of 250 = × × 250 = 25 3 4
100 100
∴25 − 20 = 5 . ∴A = B × 100%
∴ 75% of B = A.

QA – 02 Page 1
12. c Area of rectangle = L × B; New length = 1.2L 19. c Let maximum marks = x
New area = 1.2L × B 40% of x = 178 + 22
Increase in area = 20%. 40% of x = 200
200 × 100
13. c 25% of x + 100 = 45% of x − 40 ⇒ x=
45 25 ⇒ x = 500
⇒ ×x– × x = 100 + 40 So, maximum marks = 500.
100 100
⇒ 0.2x = 140 ⇒ x = 700. 20. a Total money spend on machinery, raw material and
staff = (35 + 10 + 40)% = 85%
14. a Let x be the amount he had in the beginning, then Balance = (100 – 85)% = 15%
15% of x = 60,000
25 87.5
x× × = 175 ⇒ x = <800.
100 100 60000 × 100
15. a 50% of 30 subtracted from 25% of 60 ⇒ x = 4,00,000
25 50 Total money he had = <4,00,000
= × 60 − × 30 = 15 – 15 = 0. Money spend on machinery and raw material
100 100
= 40 + 35 = 75% of 4,00,000 = 3,00,000.

16. b Let the present population of the country = P 21. b Rise in the price of sugar = r = 20%
81 Then percentage decrease in the consumption
After 2 years it’s population = P
64 r
Applying formula = (100 + r ) × 100

n 2
 R  81  R  20 100 2
A = P 1 +  ; 64 P = P  1 + 100  = × 100 = = 16 %.
 100    120 6 3
Taking square root of both sides
9 R R 1 22. d Let his income = <x
= 1+ ⇒ = ; R = 12.5% per annum. Amount paid on house rent = 30% of x = 300
8 100 100 8
= × x = 300
17. a Let his monthly income = <100 100
Then expenditure = 70% of 100 = <70 x = 1000
Saving = 100 – 70 = <30 Remaining amount = 1000 – 300 = 700
If income = 100 + 25% of 100 = <125
85 He spend of it on transport, so money spent on
Then expenditure = 85% of 125 = × 125 4
⇒ 21.25 × 5 = <106.25 food = of 700
Now saving = 125 – 106.25 = <18.75 4
Fall in saving = 30 – 18.75 = <11.25 3
= × 700 = 3 × 175 = <525.
11.25 4
∴ Percentage decrease = × 100 = 37.5%
23. c Let Ist number = X
18. d Percentage increase in length = 30% IInd number = Y
Percentage increase in breadth = 20% IIIrd number = Z
Net increase in the area Ist number = Z – 30% of Z = 70% of Z
IInd number = 63% of Z
 a×b
a + b +
Difference between Ist & IInd = 7% of Z
 100  Difference % of IInd w.r.t. Ist

30 × 20 7% of Z
× 100 = 10%.
= 30 + 20 + = 56% =
100 70% of Z
Area of rectangle will increase by 56%.

Page 2 QA – 02
24. a Let that number = x
28. b 3.6% of 40
200% of x = 90
90 3.6 144
⇒ 200 × x = 90 ⇒ x = = 45 = × 40 =
100 2 100 100
Required number = 80% of 45
80 = = 1.2.
= × 45 = 36. 10

25. c Percentage increase per year = 8% 4 30

Percentage decrease due to emigration = 3% per year 30%of80 − × 25 × 80 − 20
29. c 5 × 100 = 100 × 100
Net increase percentage = 8 – 3 = 5% per year 4 20
Percentage increase in 2 years × 25
=5+5+ = 10.25.
100 24 − 20
= × 100
r 20
26. c Formula to be used = × 100
100 − r
The new price must be increased by = × 100 = 20%.
25 100 1
= × 100 = % = 33 %.
75 3 3 30. d (x% of y + y% of x)

x y xy xy 2xy
27. b Present population = 8000 = ×y+ ×x = + =
After one year increase in population 100 100 100 100 100
= 2% of xy.
8000 × 10 × 1
= = 800
Population after 1 year = 8000 + 800 = 8800
For 2nd year increase in population
8800 × 20 × 1
= = 1760
Population after 2 years = 8800 + 1760 = 10560.

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