The cardiopulmonary system receives blood supply during the heart's diastolic phase from the coronary arteries. The left main coronary artery divides into the left anterior descending artery and circumflex artery. The right coronary artery supplies blood to the right atrium, right ventricle, and portions of the left ventricle. Cardiac muscle tissue is striated, contains intercalated discs, and lacks the ability to fully relax due to its refractory period. Cardiac output depends on heart rate, stroke volume, preload, contractility, and afterload according to Frank-Starling's law. Common cardiac conditions include atherosclerosis, ischemia, angina pectoris, and hypertension.
The cardiopulmonary system receives blood supply during the heart's diastolic phase from the coronary arteries. The left main coronary artery divides into the left anterior descending artery and circumflex artery. The right coronary artery supplies blood to the right atrium, right ventricle, and portions of the left ventricle. Cardiac muscle tissue is striated, contains intercalated discs, and lacks the ability to fully relax due to its refractory period. Cardiac output depends on heart rate, stroke volume, preload, contractility, and afterload according to Frank-Starling's law. Common cardiac conditions include atherosclerosis, ischemia, angina pectoris, and hypertension.
The cardiopulmonary system receives blood supply during the heart's diastolic phase from the coronary arteries. The left main coronary artery divides into the left anterior descending artery and circumflex artery. The right coronary artery supplies blood to the right atrium, right ventricle, and portions of the left ventricle. Cardiac muscle tissue is striated, contains intercalated discs, and lacks the ability to fully relax due to its refractory period. Cardiac output depends on heart rate, stroke volume, preload, contractility, and afterload according to Frank-Starling's law. Common cardiac conditions include atherosclerosis, ischemia, angina pectoris, and hypertension.
The cardiopulmonary system receives blood supply during the heart's diastolic phase from the coronary arteries. The left main coronary artery divides into the left anterior descending artery and circumflex artery. The right coronary artery supplies blood to the right atrium, right ventricle, and portions of the left ventricle. Cardiac muscle tissue is striated, contains intercalated discs, and lacks the ability to fully relax due to its refractory period. Cardiac output depends on heart rate, stroke volume, preload, contractility, and afterload according to Frank-Starling's law. Common cardiac conditions include atherosclerosis, ischemia, angina pectoris, and hypertension.
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o Receives blood supply during diastolic phase
o Left Main Coronary– divides into: Relevant Anatomy & Physiology: Heart Left Anterior Descending – anterior and apical surfaces of the LV, portions of the interventricular Situated in the mediastinum, a mass of tissue that serves a septum median partition of the (L) and (R) thoracic cavities Diagonal Organs within the mediastinum: heart, pericardium, aorta, Circumflex – lateral and inferior surfaces of the trachea, esophagus, thymus gland LV, portion of the LA Weighs ~300 grams, roughly the same size as one’s fist, apex Marginal points inferiorly and ~45° to the left o Right Coronary – RA, most of the RV, part of the inferior Heart is situated in the middle of the chest, apex points wall of the LV, portions of the interventricular septum, towards the left conduction system o Base - ~between 2nd and 3rd rib o Posterior Descending – commonly a branch of the RCA o Apex - ~level of the 5th rib, point of maximal impulse (right-dominant); posterior heart; left-dominant if it (PMI)/apical beat, auscultated at (L) 5th intercostal space, originates from the circumflex artery 9 cm from midsternal line/at the midclavicular line Cardiac Muscle o Tricuspid – (R) sternal border of xiphisternal junction at o Striated, bifurcated ends, with the nucleus in the middle, the 5th intercostal space contains gap junctions inside intercalated discs, o Right Atrium – 2nd intercostal space and angle of Louis incapable of recruitment o Aortic valve – (R) sternal border, 2nd intercostal space o Cell membranes have sodium, potassium, and calcium o Pulmonic valve – (L) sternal border, 2nd intercostal space channels Heart Tissue o Plateau phase prolongs action potential = prolonged o Pericardium – double-walled sac that surrounds the absolute refractory period (no response will be elicited), heart incapable of full tetanic contraction Fibrous – outermost covering of the heart, o Is not capable of developing significant O2 debt anchors heart to the surrounding tissues and the Cardiac Output central dome of the diaphragm o Amount of blood that leaves the ventricles/min (L/min), Serous – contains pericardial fluid between its reflects the heart’s performance as a pump two layers; 15 mL, cushions the heart, minimizes o Frank-Starling’s Law – when venous return ↑ = EDV ↑ = friction during heart pumping preload ↑ = SV ↑ = CO ↑ Parietal – connects with the fibrous o Normal = 5250 mL/min pericardium o CO = HR (75 bpm) x SV (70 mL/beat) Visceral – continuous with the wall of the o SV = EDV (120 mL) – ESV (50 mL) heart o Epicardium – outermost layer of the heart, continuous o Stroke Volume – vol of blood ejected c each myocardial with the visceral pericardium contraction o Myocardium – middle and thickest layer, facilitates Preload – amt of blood in ventricle at end of diastole from the venous return, load the pumping action of the heart ventricles must overcome before contraction o Endocardium – innermost layer, continuous with the (directly proportional) tissue of the valves and endothelium of the blood vessel Contractility – ability of the ventricle to contract Blood Supply (directly proportional) o Provided by the coronary arteries Afterload (80 mmHg) – force the LV must o Sinus of Valsalva – where coronary arteries arise, generate during systole to overcome aortic located at the origin of the aorta immediately above the pressure and open aortic valve/load against aortic valve which the LV contracts during left ventricular Atherosclerosis – affects ages 40-50 in men, ~10 yrs later in ejection (inversely proportional) women, plaques develop in coronary arteries that result in ↓ Cardiac Conditions blood flow and 02 distribution, body’s chronic compensation is In the early part of the 20th century, MI tx included 2 mos of development of collateral circulation bedrest Ischemia – inadequate blood supply of O2 to muscles, By 40’s-50’s, ambulation began 14 days p an acute episode, completely reversible if transient, but may lead to infarction if currently the inpatient phase of cardiac rehabilitation prolonged Primary Prevention – adoption of lifestyle changes to prevent Angina Pectoris onset of dse Reversible ischemic process, temporary inability to supply Secondary Prevention – use of techniques to restore, maintain, sufficient O2 to heart muscle and improve pt’s status p dx of dse Characterized by sudden onset of relatively diffused ant chest It is the leading cause of death, atherosclerosis is m/c cause of pain, usually squeezing or pressure sensation CHD; atherosclerosis, altered myocardial mm mechanics, o Stable/Chronic Exertion - Precipitated by exercise/stress, valvular dysfunction, arrhythmias, HTN substernal chest pain for 5-10 mins; cessation of activity; rest, lingual nitrates o Unstable/Crescendo/Pre-infarction – also effort-related, Stages of HTN but pain occur c ↑ frequency, intensity, duration, may Stage Systolic Diastoli indicate CAD and ↑ risk of MI; less responsive to c nitrates, require hospitalization and IV nitrates Prehyperten 120-130 80-89 o Variant/Prinzmetal/Rest – caused by coronary artery sion spasm, pain while at rest frequently early morning/upon Stage 1 130-140 90-100 rising, usually more intense and of longer duration than Stage 2 140-160 100-110 stable, frequently leads to MI, more common in women Stage 3 > 160 > 110 than men; unaffected by exertion, may be relieved by 2017 Guideline by AHA/ACC rest and nitrates Stages of Systoli Diastoli o Asymptomatic/Silent - ~70% may be silent, usually Hypertension c c Elevated 120- < 80 observed via 24-hr Holter monitor, ischemia at cellular 129 levels documented via ECG Stage 1 130- 80-89 Dx and Tx: 139 o History Stage 2 ≥ 140 ≥ 90 o ECG: ST segment elevation c variant, ST segment depression c unstable Coronary Artery Disease o Exercise Tolerance Test Atherosclerotic process, thickening of tunica intima caused by o 24-hr Holter Monitor accumulation of lipids, insidious onset and process o Beta blockers, nitrates, calcium channel blockers, lipid- Left Anterior Descending Artery is m/c affected lowering drugs Manifests as one or more of: Myocardial Infarction o Sudden cardiac death Necrosis of some portion of cardiac muscle in response to o Congestive Heart Failure sustained ischemia o Angina pectoris Vise-like retrosternal tightening that becomes progressively o Myocardial infarction intense and unbearable, radiates to jaw, neck, upper back, (L) Risk factors shoulder, and arm o Modifiable: smoking, blood lipid levels, obesity, inactivity Accompanied by dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, o Non-modifiable: age, sex, family hx generalized weakness, unrelieved by nitrates or rest Dx Results in ↓ blood flow to tissues and congestion in pulmonary oHx and symptoms and systemic circulation oSerum enzymes M/c etiology is ischemic heart disease 2° to CAD, associated c CK-MB – begins to rise in 2-4 hrs and return to HTN, valvular disease, CHD normal in 48-72 hrs Changes in myocardial contractility d/t ↓ coronary blood flow, LDH – LDH1 > LDH2 within 24 hrs, normal in 7-10 causing hypoxia days Ventricular remodeling – compensatory hypertrophy and SGOT - ↑ within 24 hrs, normal in 3-4 days dilation of myocardium Troponin – rise in 4-8 hrs, normal in 7 days Compensatory mechanisms o ECG changes o ↑ sympathetic nervous system stimulation - ↑ HR and T wave inversion – ischemia contractility ST segment elevation – injury o ↑ Na and H2O retention by kidneys Pathologic Q waves – infarction o Hypertrophy of cardiac muscle fibers – to accommodate o Cardiac Catheterization – for dx and interventional ↑ volume purposes, allows visualization of arterial system and Types of Heart Failure assessment of myocardium o Acute – acute exacerbation of chronic heart failure, rapid Direct intracoronary antithrombotic therapy failure happens before compensatory mechanisms can (streptokinase, urokinase, tPA) and percutaneous be effective, symptomatic fall in CO, rapid onset of transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) symptoms, dyspnea at rest, orthopnea, pulmonary Goal: rapid reperfusion of ischemic/infarcted area congestion, edema Complications o Chronic – gradually, associated c compensatory o Arrhythmias – abnormalities in impulse generation and mechanisms, pulmonary congestion/peripheral edema conduction usual reason to seek attention, leading cause of o Heart Failure – abnormality in effective mechanical admission of pts > 65 y/o performance of heart muscle; inability of heart to o Compensated – maintain adequate CO by compensatory maintain a CO sufficient to meet O2 demands of tissues mechanisms, at rest appears normal, symptoms appear o Thrombus formation – stasis embolism when demand ↑ o Heart structural damage o Uncompensated – when a severely damaged heart cannot regain normal CO though compensatory mechanisms are at work, fluid retention, gradual heart Management stretching, diuretics and cardiac glycosides (digitalis) o Cardiac rehabilitation program o Left-sided – more common than right-sided and o Vocational counselling frequently leads to right-sided, most frequently seen p o Education on risk factors MI, retrograde flow d/t ↑ volume builds, into interstitial o Lifestyle modifications spaces and into alveoli, producing edema, dyspneic, Sudden Cardiac Death lungs become stiff and less compliant and dyspnea Sudden cardiac arrest, from cardiac dysfunction, s prior worsens symptoms or < 6 hrs duration o Right-sided – m/c cause is left ventricular failure and Leading cause is ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation COPD, ↑ central venous pressure and neck vein No effective CO, prompt initiation of CPR distention, liver engorgement, ascites, peripheral Congestive Heart Failure – recurring phenomenon by repeated edema, fatigue, ↓ tolerance of activity, tx towards ↓ exacerbation ↑ in frequency and severity circulatory overload, myocardial workload, and O2 Inability to maintain CO that is adequate to meet demands d/t demand, ↑ myocardial contractility = diuretics, Na abnormality of function in heart muscle restrictions, cardiac glycosides, O2 therapy Pericarditis Mediastinal surface is concave, which accommodates the heart Inflammation of the pericardium, usually caused by bacteria o Cardiac impression is larger and deeper on (L) lung than Tendency to rub during pumping of the heart (R) Constant chest pain, friction rubbing upon auscultation o (L) lung is narrower and longer, (R) is larger, shorter, Can result to abnormal ↑ in production of pericardial fluid wider called pericardial effusion Pleural cavity – space between 2 layers of pleura, contains Heavily notched/pointed T waves in adults may indicate serous fluid that reduces friction during ventilation condition o Parietal pleura – outer Cardiac Tamponade o Visceral pleura – inner Pressure is directed towards the heart d/t fluid buildup, Fissures contraction of the heart is limited o (R) – horizontal/transverse and oblique fissures; 3 lobes, Complication of pericardial effusion, stab wounds, bleeding into 10 segments the pericardial space o (L) – oblique fissure; 2 lobes, 8 segments Cardiomyopathies Conducting Airways Alterations in the muscular wall of the heart o Upper – nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx o Dilated – ventricular dilation and altered cardiac muscle Nose – filter, humidify, and warm air before contractile function; CAD is the primary cause, delivery to pharynx myocarditis, alcohol abuse Pharynx – divided into nasopharynx (continues to o Hypertrophic – diastolic dysfunction with ↑ ventricular filter and humidify inspired air), oropharynx, and mass; chronic HTN and aortic stenosis laryngopharynx (conducts air from oral cavity o Restrictive – diastolic dysfunction d/t presence of into trachea) excessively rigid ventricular walls, resulting in ↓ in Epiglottis – leaf-shaped cartilage that covers and compliance; diabetes protects glottis during swallowing o Lower Relevant Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory System Begins with the trachea, considered the first- Bony Structures generation ventilatory passageway, originates Thorax – protects vital organs of the cardiopulmonary system from lower border of cricoid cartilage (C6) and and upper abdominal viscera, provides skeletal attachment for terminates at level of sternal angle of Louis (T4); muscles mucous membrane contains both goblet and Sternum ciliated epithelial cells Ribs Branches into (L) and (R) main stem bronchi Thoracic vertebrae which are the second generation of ventilatory Musculature passageway Inspiration: principal muscle is the diaphragm, Internal and Bronchi further branch into lobar (third external intercostals, scalenes, SCM generation), segmental (fourth generation), subsegmental (fifth generation) bronchi and Expiration: mainly passive, relaxation of inspiratory muscles continues for 23 generations until they terminate Lungs in the bronchioles Each lung has an apex, base, costal surface, and mediastinal Most distal conducting airways are respiratory surface. bronchioles Base is concave and rests on diaphragm Parts of the distal respiratory unit: respiratory o Dome of (R) hemidiaphragm is slightly higher than the bronchiole, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, alveoli (L) because of liver Lung Volumes and Capacities Costal surface is large and convex, conforms to inner contour of ribcage Tidal Volume – amount of air inspired and expired during o Irreversible enlargement of airspaces distal to terminal normal resting ventilation, ~500 mL bronchiole, destruction of their walls s obvious fibrosis Inspiratory Reserve Volume – additional air that can be further d/t ↓ alpha antitrypsin inhaled p a tidal breath, ~3000 mL o Clearly associated c smoking, women and African- Expiratory Reserve Volume – quantity of air that can be Americans more susceptible potentially exhaled beyond end of tidal exhalation, ~1000 mL o Classified according to anatomic distribution Residual Volume – volume of air that remains in the lungs p Centriacinar (Centrilobular) – central/proximal maximal exhalation of ERV, ~1500 mL parts of acini (respiratory bronchioles), distal Inspiratory Capacity – TV + IRV, 3500 mL; amount of air that alveoli spared; lesions more common and severe can be expired beginning from a tidal exhalation in upper lobes Functional Residual Capacity – combined ERV and RV, 2500 mL; Panacinar (Panlobular) – uniformly enlarged volume of air that remains in the lungs at the end of a tidal respiratory bronchioles to terminal alveoli; occur exhalation more commonly in lower zones Vital Capacity – three volumes under volitional control (TV + Distal Acinar (Paraseptal) – proximal part is IRV + ERV) normal, predominantly involves distal parts; Total Lung Capacity – TV + IRV + ERV + RV more commonly occurs in upper half of lungs Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second (FEV1) – ≥ 70% of total Airspace Enlargement c Fibrosis FVC; volume of air that can be forcefully exhaled during the (Paracitricial/Irregular) – acinus is irregularly first second of a forced vital capacity maneuver involved, associated c scarring; asymptomatic and clinically insignificant Pulmonary Conditions o Manifestations do not appear until at least 1/3 of Pts c COPD benefit from treadmill walking programs (Pierce et functioning parenchyma is damaged al., 1964), exercise training and education are major o First symptom: dyspnea, insidious but steadily components of rehab progressive Obstructive Lung Diseases ♦ o In some, coughing/wheezing is c/c, cough and o ↑ in resistance to airflow d/t partial/complete expectoration extremely variable obstruction at any level, from trachea and larger bronchi o Barrel-chested and dyspneic, prolonged expiration, sits to terminal and respiratory bronchioles forward hunched over, pursed-lip breathing o ↓ maximal airflow rates during forced expiration, usually o Dx: Expiratory airflow limitation measured through measured by FEV1 spirometry o Only ~10% of pts c COPD are non-smokers, but only a o May over-ventilate and remain well-oxygenated minority of smokers develop COPD o Occur in 2 general conditions: ♦ Chronic Bronchitis (Blue Bloaters) Chest Wall Disorders - neuromuscular diseases Persistent cough c sputum production for at least 3 mos in 2 such as poliomyelitis, severe obesity, consecutive yrs, common among habitual smokers and kyphoscoliosis inhabitants of smog-laden activities Chronic Interstitial and Infiltrative Diseases – Many pts affected also have emphysema, can lead to cor pneumoconioses and interstitial fibrosis of pulmonale unknown etiology Earliest feature: hypersecretion of mucus in large airways Restrictive Lung Diseases ♪ associated c hypertrophy of submucosal glands in trachea and o ↓ expansion of lung parenchyma and ↓ total lung bronchi capacity ↑ in goblet cells of small airways excessive mucus o ↓ total lung capacity, expiratory flow rate is (n) or ↓ production proportionately Cardinal symptoms: persistent, productive cough ♦ Emphysema (Pink Puffers) Dyspnea on exertion eventually develops, hypercapnia, Usually affects lower lobes and most severe in more distal hypoxemia, mild cyanosis bronchi and bronchioles Emphysema Bronchitis Severe, persistent cough; expectoration of foul-smelling, Age 50-75 40-45 sometimes bloody sputum, dyspnea and orthopnea in severe Dyspnea Severe, early Mild, late cases Cough Late, scanty Early, copious Symptoms often episodic precipitated by URTI or introduction Infections Occasional Common of new pathogenic agents Respiratory Terminal Repeated Paroxysms of cough when pt rises in the morning Insufficiency Clinical Term Site Pathologic Etiology Signs/Sympt Cor Pulmonale Rare, terminal Common Changes oms Airway (n), slightly ↑ ↑ Emphysema Acini Airspace Tobacco Dyspnea Resistance enlargement, smoke Elastic Recoil Low (n), high wall destruction Chest Hyperinflation, Prominent vessels, Chronic Bronchi Mucous gland Tobacco Cough, Radiograph small heart large heart Bronchitis hyperplasia, smoke sputum hypersecretion production Appearance Pink Puffer Blue Bloater Asthma Bronchi Smooth muscle Immunologic Episodic ♦ Asthma hyperplasia, al/Undefined wheezing, Causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest excess mucus, cough, tightness, cough inflammation dyspnea Bronchiectas Bronchi Airway dilation, Persistent or Cough, Widespread, variable bronchoconstriction, partially reversible is scarring severe purulent airflow limitation infections sputum, fever More discouraging and disabling than lethal ♦ Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis) Hallmarks: ↑ airway response to a variety of stimuli, Exocrine gland dysfunction that results in abnormally viscid inflammation of bronchial walls, ↑ mucus secretions secretions o Atopic – evidence of allergen sensitization; m/c type, Hereditary disease transmitted as an autosomal-recessive trait classic example of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity (mutation of CF gene [cystic fibrosis transmembrane reaction, usually beings in childhood triggered by conductance regulator] in the long arm of chromosome 7) environmental allergens, skin test c offending antigen Abnormally viscous mucus secreted by tracheobronchial tree results in immediate wheal-and-flare and hyperplasia of mucus-secreting glands airway o Non-atopic – no evidence of allergen sensitization, skin obstruction, recurrent infection, bronchiectasis, hyperinflation test is usually (-), commonly triggered by respiratory Dx: Sweat test, ↑ levels of NaCl (> 60mEq/L), genotyping for infections d/t viruses CFTR mutations for pts c borderline sweat chloride results Chest tightness, dyspnea, wheezing, cough c/s sputum ↓ FEV1, ↑ RV, hypoxemia, hypercapnia production, ↑ airflow obstruction, difficulty c exhalation, Pancreatic insufficiency, GI dysfunction meconium ileus at elevated eosinophils birth, malabsorption, reproductive problems Status asthmaticus - most severe form, severe acute paroxysm ♪ Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis persists for days/weeks, extreme airway obstruction may cause Cause unknown, begins insidiously c gradually increasing severe cyanosis/death dyspnea on exertion and dry cough ♦ Bronchiectasis Most pts 40-70 yrs old at presentation, mean survival of ≤3 yrs Permanent dilation of bronchi and bronchioles caused by Late: hypoxemia, cyanosis, clubbing destruction of muscle and elastic tissue resulting from or Progression is unpredictable c gradual deterioration despite associated c chronic necrotizing infections medical tx Develops in association c a variety of conditions (postinfectious conditions caused by M. Tuberculosis, S. Aureus, H. Influenzae, ♪ Pneumoconioses congenital conditions such as CF) Originally non-neoplastic lung reaction to inhalation of mineral Water enters spaces of alveoli dusts, now includes those induced by organic particulates, Unequal pressures at blood vessels pushes water out of chemical fumes, vapors capillaries Air pollution in urban areas, cigarette smoking predisposes to Associated c left-sided heart failure, MI, mitral valve stenosis accumulation of dust Dyspnea, non-productive cough o Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis (CWP) Pulmonary Embolism Benign disease, little decrement in lung function Lodging of particles in venous circulation, more on base of the Some evidence suggests exposure to coal dust ↑ lungs, fatal condition incidence of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, M/c cause: DVT, can be caused by venous stasis, clotting independent of smoking disorders, oral contraceptives, air o Silicosis Sudden acute pain, dyspnea Slowly progressing, nodular, fibrosing Pleuritis/Pleural Effusion pneumoconiosis ↑ amounts of pleural fluid, associated c CHF Inhalation of crystalline silicone dioxide (silica) Causes: CHF, cardiac failure, renal failure, liver cirrhosis Most prevalent chronic occupational disease in Cardinal sign: Dull/sharp pain the world Deep breathing and coughing, doorstop breathing, pleural Chest radiograph: fine nodularity in upper zones friction rubbing of the lung but pulmonary functions are either (n) Pneumothorax or moderately affected Air leaking into pleural space Late dyspnea, ↑ susceptibility to TB Forms: Traumatic, iatrogenic, spontaneous o Asbestosis Sudden sharp pain, deVere dyspnea, mediastinal shifting, ↓or Chronic deposition of inhaled fibers from absent breath sounds asbestos (crystalline hydrated silicates) Atelectasis inflammation and fibrosis Dyspnea usually first manifestation, provoked by Loss of lung volume expansion exertion/even at rest, accompanied by Forms: productive cough o Primary – d/t incomplete inspiration d/t weakness Appear 10 yrs p exposure, more common p 20 o Secondary – d/t obstruction yrs or more Cough and sputum production, fever ♪ Pneumonia Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Intra-alveolar infection of lung parenchyma Caused by coronavirus, transmission through direct contact c in M/c cause: Streptococcal the past 10 days Can be bacterial, viral, aspiration High-grade fever, hyperthermia, dry cough, myalgia, lethargy, Chills, fever, chest pain, cough sore throat ♪ Tuberculosis ♪ Bronchogenic Carcinoma Caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Tumor arising from bronchial mucosa Hallmark: Hemoptysis Types: Incubation period of 2-10 wks, maximally infectious during first o Small Cell 2 wks (isolation in (-) pressure room) o Oat Cell Long-term medication (6-12 mos) o Squamous Cell – m/c Fever, weight loss, cough, lymph nodes enlargement, hemoptysis Unexplained weight loss, hemoptysis, dyspnea, weakness and fatigue, hoarseness Pulmonary Edema Evaluation Initial contact often happens indirectly, chart review is first o Cheyne-Stokes Respiration – periodic breathing: gradual point of contact hyperpnea, hypopnea, and apnea; dying, coma, o Read hx and physical and admission note associated c poor prognosis; usually CNS involvement o Read last medical note o Kussmaul’s Respiration – hyperventilation (↑ rate and o Scan remainder of chart depth), underlying cause is metabolic acidosis o Read reports from medical specialists/consultants o Biot’s Respiration – “irregular irregular” breathing: o Review pertinent lab tests hyperpnea (or normopnea) and apnea; poor prognosis, o Review medications neuron damage, TBI o Review psychosocial information o Ataxic Breathing – sudden change in depth Anatomical landmarks: American Thoracic Society Dyspnea Scale o Anterior – midsternal and midclavicular lines Grad Degree Description o Lateral – Anterior, mid-, and posterior axillary lines e 0 None Not troubled c breathlessness except c o Posterior – Vertebral and mid-scapular lines strenuous exercise Visual Inspection 1 Slight Troubled c SOB when hurrying on level/walking o Nasal flaring – outward movement of the nares c up a slight hill inspiration 2 Moderate Walks slower than people of same age on level o Cyanosis d/t breathlessness/has to stop for breath when Central – insufficient gas exchange c/in the lungs, walking at own place on level O2 saturation < 80%; face, lips, tongue 3 Severe Stops for breath p walking about 100 yards/p a Peripheral – O2 extraction at the periphery is few minutes on level excessive, associated c low cardiac output 4 Very Too breathless to leave states; usually occurs in cooler body parts Severe house/dressing/undressing o Nail clubbing – loss of angle between nail bed and DIP Borg’s Scale - subjective (Schamroth’s sign) Grade Description Chest Wall Configuration 0 Nothing at all o AP to lateral diameter is 1:2 or 5:7, angle of ribs > 90° 0.5 Very, very slight o Barrel chest - ↑ AP diameter as ribs become more (just noticeable) 1 Very slight horizontal; most commonly observed in pt c COPD 2 Slight o Pectus excavatum – funnel chest; depressed lower 3 Moderate sternum, can result into restrictive lung disease o Pectus carinatum – pigeon chest; prominent upper 4 Somewhat severe sternum 5 Severe o Flail chest – chest wall moves inward c inspiration 7 Very severe 9 Very, very severe (almost Breathing Pattern – normally between 12-20 bpm; normal ratio maximal) of inspiratory to expiratory time is 1:2 10 Maximal o Eupnea – normal breathing cycle Auscultation – art of listening to the sounds produced by the o Apnea – temporary halt in breathing body o Tachypnea – rapid, shallow breathing pattern, > 20 bpm o Breath sounds o Bradypnea – slowed breathing, < 12 bpm Normal o Orthopnea – difficulty breathing when lying flat; Bronchial (tracheal) – high-pitched, pulmonary edema, CHF hollowed; heard in both inspiration and o Dyspnea – shortness of breath expiration, louder on expiration with pause between phases; over manubrium Bronchovesicular – high-pitched c equal Whispered pectoriloquy – whispered inspiratory and expiratory cycles but s sounds become distinct and clear, can be pause; superior to clavicles, present when bronchophony and suprascapular, parasternal, interscapular; egophony are absent; identifying smaller over main stem bronchi: 1st and 2nd ICS or patchy areas of lung consolidation anteriorly and between scapulae o Extrapulmonary sounds posteriorly Friction rub – rubbing or leathery sounds during Vesicular – soft, low-pitched; over both inspiration and expiration; rubbing of remaining peripheral lung fields; mainly parietal and visceral pleura such as inflammation inspiration c initial 1/3 of expiration or neoplasm, usually associated c pain audible s pause between phases o Heart sounds Abnormal Pt position: supine and sitting – all areas, side- Bronchial (tubular) – consolidation lying – apex using bell pneumonia, compression of lung tissue; S1 – “Lubb,” closing of AV valves, duration: 1.10 when peripheral lung tissue becomes s, loudest at apex, systolic phase: airless; louder expiration Isometric/isovolumic contraction – Decreased – hyperinflation d/t ventricles contract s movement, all 4 emphysema, depth of valves are closed respiration/thickness of chest wall Ejection – specific phase when S1 is Absent – loss of lung compliance d/t heard; closed AV valves, open semilunar fibrosis (can lead to decrease or absence) valves Adventitious – extraneous noises over S2 – “Dupp,” closing of semilunar valves and end bronchopulmonary tree of ventricular systole Crackles – discontinuous, low-pitched Isometric/isovolumic relaxation – specific primarily during inspiration; peripheral phase when S2 is heard; all 4 valves are airway process closed Rhonchi – low-pitched but continuous Ventricular filling – open AV valves, closed sounds in both inspiration and expiration; semilunar valves snoring quality; obstructive process in the S3 – faint, low-frequency sound, reflects early larger, more central airways ventricular filling p AV valves open; abnormal in Wheezes – continuous, high-pitched; pt > 40 y/o; ideal position is (L) side-lying; hissing or whistling primarily during ventricular failure, tachycardia, mitral expiration; bronchospasms. Movement of regurgitation air through secretions S4 – dull-sounding, rapid ventricular filling p atrial Voice sounds – low-pitched, muffled or mumbled contraction; may be heard c left ventricular Bronchophony - ↑ vocal transmission, hypertrophy; systemic HPN, cardiomyopathies, louder and clearer; ↑ lung density e.g. coarctation of the aorta consolidation Murmurs – vibrations from turbulent blood flow, Egophony - ↑ transmission of vocal swishing sound vibrations, “eee” is distorted as “aaa”, Systolic – AV valve insufficiency, coexists c bronchophony semilunar valve stenosis Whispered – low-pitched vibrations Diastolic – AV valve stenosis, semilunar muffled by normal lung parenchyma valve insufficiency Continuous – starts in S1 and lasts through portion or all of S2 Gra SA Node – upper part of the RA; heart’s primary de pacemaker, makes the atria contract; highest I Faint Requires concentrated effort to rate of rhythmicity, greatest frequency of hear firing/min = 60-100 impulses/min II Faint Audible immediately AV Node – lower part of the RA; fires 40-60 III Louder than II Intermediate intensity impulses/min IV Loud Intermediate intensity; Bundle of His – transmits impulses from AV node associated c palpable vibration to the ventricles (thrill) V Very loud Thrill present (L) & (R) Bundle Fibers VI Audible s Purkinje Fibers – located in the inner ventricular stethoscope walls in a space called the subendocardium, * Grade III+ usually associated c cardiac pathology makes the ventricles contract; fires 20-40 Mediate Percussion – assess density of underlying organs impulses/min o Resonant – loud/high amplitude, low-pitched, longer o Normal ECG duration, heard over air-filled organs e.g. lungs P wave – sinus node and atrial depolarization o Dull – low amplitude, med to high-pitched, short PR/PQ segment – AV node conduction duration, heard over solid organs e.g. liver QRS complex – atrial repolarization/ventricular o Flat – high-pitched, short duration, heard over muscle depolarization mass e.g. thigh ST segment – initiation of ventricular o Tympanic – high-pitched, medium duration, heard over repolarization hollow structures e.g. stomach T wave – completion of ventricular repolarization o Hyper-resonant – very low-pitched, prolonged duration, U wave – ventricular relaxation heard over tissue c ↓ density (↑ air: tissue ratio); abnormal in adults; lungs c emphysema o Diaphragmatic Excursion – 3-5 cm, difference between lowest level of diaphragm on max inspiration and lowest area of resonance p expiration; ↓ in pt c COPD Chest Wall Excursion (Chest Expansion Symmetry) – 3.25 in (8.5 cm) in young adults between 20-30 y/o Count-off Method – only applicable when rhythm is normal o Upper Lobe – suprasternal notch 1 small square – 0.04 secs (40 ms) o Middle Lobe – xiphoid process 1 large square – 0.2 secs (200 ms) o Lower lobe – back 5 large squares – 1 sec Tactile fremitus – transmitted vibrations from spoken R-R interval - Heart Rate Relationship words/vocalization (↑ = less air, ↓ = more air) R-R Interval Heart Rate Tracheal Deviation – index finger in medial aspect of (bpm) suprasternal notch 1 300 Contralateral – pneumothorax, pleural effusion, 2 150 tumor 3 100 Ipsilateral – atelectasis 4 75 ECG Interpretation – Dr. Willem Einthoven 5 60 o Main function is to monitor electrical activity of the heart o P wave o Pacemaker/Nodal cells – can generate their own action Conduction of electrical impulse through atria potential, found in the heart’s intrinsic conduction Precedes QRS complex system: 2-3 mm high 0.06-0.12 secs Depression – 0.5 mm below baseline; may Usually rounded and upright indicate myocardial ischemia & o QRS Complex unstable angina Follows PR interval o Leads 5-30 mm high, differs for each lead used Precordial leads – unipolar; back-front and right- 0.06-0.10 secs/half of PR interval left Beginning of Q wave to end of S wave/beginning V1 – RSB, 4th ICS of R wave if Q wave is absent V2 – LSB, 4th ICS Q wave – first negative deflection p the P wave V3 – between V2 and V4 R wave – first positive deflection p P or Q wave V4 – 5th ICS, (L) MCL S wave – first negative deflection p R wave V5 – between V4 and V6 Variety – qRs, rS, QS, Rs, rsR, qR, Qr V6 – 5th ICS, (L) MAL o T wave Limb leads – bipolar; up-down and right-left Ventricular recovery/repolarization, peak aVF – (L) foot represents relative refractory period of aVL – (L) arm ventricular repol aVR – (R) arm Follows S wave Leads II, III, and aVF signify activity of the inferior 0.5 mm in leads I, II, III, up to 10 mm in wall of the heart precordial leads o Abnormalities Usually round and smooth Usually upright in leads I, II, and V3-V6, inverted Dysrhythmia – abnormal rhythm in lead aVR, variable in others Arrhythmia – absence of a rhythm o PQ/PR Interval – 0.12 – 0.20 secs T wave inversion – abnormality in the ventricles (myocardium); may indicate myocardial Length of SA – AV conduction infarction Prolongation causes ↓ HR Bundle Branch Block (either left or right) - QRS M/c cause of prolongation is AV node block complex looks like a bishop’s miter/double Represents electrical events that take place in peak/bigeminal and prolonged (>0.12 ms) the atria AV Node Block – m/c cause of PR interval o QT Interval – electrical depolarization and repolarization prolongation of the ventricles; conduction from AV node to Purkinje 1st Degree – mildest form, delayed but all fibers impulses still reach Purkinje fibers Represents electrical events that take place in the ventricles 2nd Degree – partially damaged AV node, o ST Segment – found within the QT interval, flatline some impulses do not reach Purkinje; causes dropped wave, wherein QRS between S and T waves; latency period between occurs p 2 P waves ventricular depolarization and repolarization Prolongation means that ventricular 3rd Degree – complete heart block; QRS repolarization is delayed occurs p 3 P waves ST displacement – not all are significant, only Atrial Fibrillation those measuring ≥ 2 mm (1 small box = 1 mm) No distinguishable P wave, only QRS Elevation – above baseline, immediately complex after R wave; may indicate myocardial Caused by firing of individual myocardial infarction & variant angina cells Leads to stasis, which can lead to thrombus formation Flutter – more severe form of fibrillation o IN SUMMARY: 1. Determine the rhythm. P-P and R-R intervals 2. Determine the rate. Count-off method. 3. Evaluate the P wave. 4. Determine the duration of the PR interval. 5. Determine the duration of the QRS complex. 6. Evaluate the T waves. 7. Determine the duration of the QT interval. 8. Evaluate any other components. Arterial Blood Gas Analysis o PaO2 – >75 mmHg, partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood o M/c site of extraction is the radial artery o pH – 7.35-7.45, “per hydrogen” Signifies acidity/alkalinity of blood, expressed in negative logarithm of H+ ↑ means less hydrogen, alkalosis ↓ means more hydrogen, acidic o PaCO2 – 35-45 mmHg, partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood Neutralizes effects of excessive alkalinity o Bicarbonate (HCO3) – 22-26 mmol/L = mmol L-1 = mEq/L buffer, neutralizes effects of excess acid o Buffering Systems Respiratory – regulates PaCO2 Metabolic – regulates HCO3 o How is the pt? o Assess oxygenation o Determine pH o Determine respiratory component o Determine metabolic component
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Ebooks File WHO Classification of Female Genital Tumours WHO Classification of Tumours World Health Organization Classification of Tumours International Agency For Research On Cancer All Chapters