The Design of An Advanced Primary Deployment Mechanism For A Spacecraft Solar Array
The Design of An Advanced Primary Deployment Mechanism For A Spacecraft Solar Array
The Design of An Advanced Primary Deployment Mechanism For A Spacecraft Solar Array
SUMMARY An advanced primay deployment mechanism (PDM) has been designed for a
major earth observation satellite called Envisat which is due w be launched in 1998. The
Envisar PDM perfonns the first stage of deployment of the solar array and supports it for 4
years of operation in low earth orbit. The PDM is the largest ever designed in Europe and
contains advanced mechanism and snuctural technology in order to meet v e y demanding
requirements. A highly iterative design process was necessay to produce the required peform-
ance with correlation between test and analysis playing a crucial role in the final stages of the
design process. This paper presents the overall design methodology used for the EnvLat PDM
and describes some of the key design and analysis activities at each stage of the design process.
1. Introduction
(1) Primary (i.e. first stage) deployment of the solar array immediately after launch
of the spacecraft.
(2) Suuctural support of the deployed solar array during 4 years of operation in low
earth orbit.
Envisat, which has a total mission cost of over El billion, was first developed in the
kamework of the international Columbus Space Programme and is due to be launched
in 1998 by an Ariane 5 transportation rocket [l].With a mass of over 9 tomes, Envisat
will be Europe's largest ever operational spacecraft when it is launched into low earth
orbit. The spacecraft has a single 7.5 kW solar array which provides power to operate
11 scientific insuuments [2].
The configuration of the Envisat PDM flight design during launch is shown in Fig.
1. During launch, the solar array is folded into a panel stack and clamped against the
spacecraft sidewall with releasable hold-down mechanisms. The PDM has to span a
distance of 3.8 m to reach the solar array interface point and its configuration has to be
S. C. Burgess, formerly Envisat PDM Design Manager, British Aemspace Space Systems Ltd, Filton,
Bristol BS12 7QW, UK. Now Senior Research Associate, Engineering Design Centre, Engineering
Department, Cambridge University, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 lPZ, UK.
0954-l828/95/040291-17 91995 Journals Oxford Ltd
292 S. C.Burgess
envelope . . ..
FIG.1. Schematic of the Envisat PDM in stowed configuration during launch.
compatible with the spacecraft sidewall and the rocket shroud envelope. The PDM has
a leaf spring assembly near to the middle hinge which absorbs vibration-induced
enforced displacements of up to 5 mm in the x-axis between the panel stack and the
root deployment hinge. The PDM also has six hold-down suuts which enable it to
withstand loads during the launch vibration. There are two rigid hold-down suuts at
the root end of the PDM, two semi-flexible hold-down struts at a mid-span position
and two semi-flexible hold-down struts at the top end of the PDM. The mid-span and
top hold-down struts have partial flexibility in order to withstand the large enforced
displacements in the x-axis.
After launch and immediately after orbital injection of the Envisat spacecraft, the
solar array panel stack is undamped from the spacecraft and deployed by the PDM.
The Envisat PDM flight design has three deployable hinges which are deployed
sequentially as shown in Fig. 2. Firstly, the root deployment hinge deploys the panel
stack away from the spacecraft sidewall, translating and rotating it in the u-w plane by
about 7 m and 130" respectively. Secondly, the middle deployment hinge turns the
panel stack through a further 180' in the u-w plane. Thirdly, the top deployment hinge
turns it through 90' in the u-v plane. Shortly after primary deployment, the solar array
panels are unfolded and deployed by a secondary deployment mechanism. After
secondary deployment, the solar array is ready to generate electricity from the sun's
The Envisat solar array has a fully deployed size of 14 m X 5 m, a mass of about
400 kg and a power output of over 7.5 kW, and it will be the largest solar array ever
produced in Europe. The very large size of the array results in very demanding technical
requirements for the PDM which is itself the largest ever designed in Europe. At the
start of the project, there was no existing European PDM design from which an
adaptive or variant design could be generated and, therefore, the Envisat PDM had to
Design of PDM 293
Panel stack
aner rmt hinge ,'.
Panrd stack
aner mlddle hinge
Panel stack
snsr top hinge
in and out of the earth's shadow. In addition, the PDM has to withstand the hostile
effects of a near-vacuum environment, atomic oxygen, micro-meteorites and radiation.
The critical nature of the Envisat PDM design is highlighted by recent major
failures and problems in the deployment of large spacecraft appendages [3]. For
exampl'e, in 1987, a major European communication satellite called TVSAT 1 was
severely disabled when the solar arrays failed to deploy due to jamming of some of the
hold-down mechanisms. The European earth observation satellite ERS-1, which was
launched in 1991, also experienced serious deployment problems with one of its large
instrument antennae during final ground checks just before launch, and this required
last minute delays and design changes [4]. The NASA interplanetary spacecraft
Galileo, which was launched in 1989 and is still travelling to its destination Jupiter, has
also had problems in deploying its 4.8 m diameter high gain antenna due to the
jamming of some of the hold-down locking pins, and this has caused serious operational
problems [5].
This paper presents the overall design methodology used for the Envisat PDM and
describes some of the key design and analysis activities at each stage of the design
Problem Phase A
Embodiment Deslgn
Feedback Phase B
Delall Design of DM - -
Phase C D
FIG.3. Block diagram representation of the design methodology used for the Envisat
during the detailed design phase between the altitude and orbital control subsystem and
the solar array, and it was necessary to change the deployed stifiess requirement on the
PDM by a factor of 4. This major change in the requirement resulted in the deletion
of a flexible joint at the root of the PDM-this change in the concept design is
described in Section 3.
296 S. C. Burgess
I. Design activities and formal reviews in each design phase
The total design campaign for the Envisat PDM had a duration of 4 years even
though the different areas of structural, mechanism, thermal and electrical design were
carried out largely concurrently. The long duration was partly due to the highly iterative
nature of the design process and the need to build a flight representative development
model. In addition, the changes in design requirements and the frequent design reviews
contributed significantly to the long duration.
the case of the Envisat PDM, the tight envelope also led to the deployment hinge being
a critical area of the design.
The reliability and envelope requirements were analyzed by studying other deploy-
ment hinges used on previous European spacecraft to see if these could be used directly
or adapted in design. The required deployment hinge had to have a drive mechanism,
a locking mechanism and a launch offload mechanism. In addition, these mechanical
functions had the following principal requirements:
It was found that there was no hinge available that could meet the envelope require-
ment and that the hinges had a marginal performance with regard to the reliability
requirement. This discovery led to a specific problem statement that a more efficient
deployment hinge design was required in terms of size and reliability.
The required size and reliability performance was achieved by the invention of an
original and special worm gearbox, called a double-action worm gearset [7]. T h e
double-action worm gearset is a single mechanism but is able to perform three different
mechanical functions of launch offload, deployment drive and deployment locking-see
Fig. 4. The worm gear is double-acting because it has two degrees of freedom-it can
translate longitudinally as well as rotate like a conventional worm gear. During launch,
the worm and wormwheel act like a rack (worm) and pinion (wormwheel) so that the
gearset does not attract dangerously high loads during vibration-induced enforced
displacements. When hinge deployment is commenced, the gearset is automatically
driven by a DC motor through an epicyclic gearhead and operates as a conventional
worm gearset thus deploying the hinge. When deployment is complete, the worm and
wormwheel act as a screw (worm) and nut (wormwheel) so that the worm screws
forwards against a coil spring and clamps the hinge with a soft preload that is not
sensitive to thermal gradients.
By being multi-functioning, the double-action worm gearset has fewer components
and this leads to a more compact design that is able to meet the reliability requiremenr
without incorporating redundancy. Having a simple non-redundant mechanism that
meets the reliability requirement is a recommended design practice [8, 91 and makes it
much easier to meet the envelope requiremenr. The mechanical reliability of the
deployment hinges with respect to the deployment function was assessed at the
conceptual stage using the following equation:
where R is the reliability defined as the probability of successful operation over a period
of time I in hours, N is the number of hinges and i, is the mechanical failure rate for
one hinge per hour. Table I1 shows the failure rates of the mechanical assemblies within
one deployment hinge and the total mechanical failure rate for one whole hinge
assembly. The failure rate of each individual mechanical component is assumed to be
10 X per hour as this is specified by the ESA for mechanical spacecraft compo-
nents [lo]. Using the hinge failure rate from Table I1 and assuming a deployment time
of 2 hours, equation (1) predicts a reliability of 0.9999968 which is adequately within
the total Envisat PDM requirement of 0.999987. Even though the total reliability has
to take into account mechanical and electrical failure rates, the mechanical performance
298 S. C. Burgess
of the hinges was considered, from experience, to leave just enough reliability allowance
for the electrical pans, and this assumption later proved to be correct.
At the conceptual design stage, functional modelling was restricted to simple
structural analysis using a finite-element model (FEM) of only 40 nodes. The model
was made very simple because detailed parts had not been identified and only overall
dimensions had been determined. The stiffness and mass of pans like the boom and
hinges were estimated from previous experience and specified as ideal elements with
matrices of properties. The model was used to show that the concept design had a
performance that showed the potential for meeting the requirements.
The concept design had three key differences with the final design which is shown
in Figs 1 and 2. Firstly, the initial concept had no top hold-down struts because the
other hold-downs were initially thought to provide adequate structural integrity. The
necessity for the top hold-downs was identified in the embodiment design phase (see
Design of PDM 299
11. Mechanical failure rates for one deployment hinge
Section 4). Secondly, the original concept had a flexible joint near the root deployment
hinge which provided enough additional compliance to the deployed PDM in order for
it to meet an original requirement for a deployed natural frequency of less than
0.02 Hz. This requirement was changed by the customer after the conceptual design
phase to be greater than 0.03 Hz and, therefore, there was no longer a need for the
flexible joint. Thirdly, the leaf spring assembly was originally a spring-balanced flexible
joint of similar stitfness. The spring-balanced flexible joint had to be replaced with the
leaf spring assembly when the required alignment accuracy was increased by a factor of
100 after the conceptual design phase.
The conceptual design phase finished with a concept review. In this review, the
customer formally agreed that the concept design could be developed in the embodi-
ment design phase.
FIG. 5. Design options for the boom: (a) option 1-standard design; (b) option
2-advanced design.
epoxy resin adhesive. The second design option was similar to the first except for two
advanced and more expensive structural technology features. Firstly, the CFRP used
M55J carbon fibres which have superior mechanical properties to G 5 0 fibres. Secondly,
a double overlap bonded joint is used which is difficult to manufacmre but gives much
higher strength. After assessing both boom design options, the second more advanced
design was chosen because it was the only one that showed clear evidence that it could
meet the requirements and, therefore, made analysis relatively straightforward.
Deciding between different technology levels is often a difficult task in spacecraft
engineering. On the one hand, it can sometimes be cost effective to try to extract the
maximum performance from a material or manufacturing process before moving up to
a higher technology level [ l 11. On the other hand, many spacecraft subsystems like the
Envisat P D M are one-off items and the design and analysis costs are often much greater
than the material and production costs. For example, the cost of many mechanical
systems on the Envisat spacecraft work out at approximately L 8 0 000 per kg in current
economics and a very high proportion of project costs is in design and analysis. Because
the P D M design costs were relatively very high, one of the design considerations
throughout the design process was the use of high performance materials that could
simplify design activities and, therefore, reduce overall project costs.
T h e embodiment design phase finished with a baseline design review. In this review,
the customer formally agreed that the design should progress to the detailed design
tional models with test measurements. Correlation of the theoretical models was carried
out to improve the accuracy of their predictions. Even though the theoretical models
were carefully constructed, there were a number of important assumptions in critical
engineering properties that could not be accurately known without testing. For exam-
ple, friction levels and structural damping levels are critical design parameters that can
be unpredictable without testing. Environmental testing of spacecraft mechanisms is
particularly important because there is not a good database of knowledge of how
mechanisms behave in the hostile environment of space. Improving the accuracy of
functional modelling by correlation with test measurements was of crucial importance
for two reasons. Firstly, some technical requirements could not be tested and had to be
verified by analysis. Secondly, even where tests had been successfully carried out on the
development model, this did not prove the performance of the flight model which could
be different due to variations in manufacturing tolerances.
After correlation of the functional models, the performance of the development
model was analyzed and the design was refined where necessary. Where the develop-
ment model design was updated, new parts were manufactured and tests repeated.
Figure 3 shows that there was a feedback loop between development model design and
correlation of the functional models. Design and test interaction often plays a crucial
role in spacecraft engineering [12].
T h e design activities in the detailed design phase were split into four main areas:
(1) separation dynamics;
(2) deployment mechanism design;
(3) structural design;
(4) thermal design.
Each of these four areas of the design was worked on concurrently by the design team.
A Maximum measured efficiency
B Minimum measured elficiency
C Maximum design efficiency
20 -
10 -
FIG. 7. FEM meshing of the root deployment hinge and the root hold-down struts.
of every sliding surface [15]. Secondly, the minimum and maximum torque trans-
mission efficiencies of the development model hinges were measured with tests in a cold
and hot vacuum environment respectively. Thirdly, these efficiency levels were plotted
(Fig. 6 ) in order to determine the corresponding maximum and minimum friction
levels present in the cold and hot tests-p~ and p~ respectively. Fourthly, the maximum
and minimum test friction levels were increased and decreased respectively by a factor
of 1.5 to determine maximum and minimum friction levels for design purposes-pr,
and pc respectively, i.e.
T h e margin of 1.5 on friction levels was approved by the ESA and takes into account
variations in manufacturing tolerances. Finally, the maximum and minimum design
friction levels were plotted (Fig. 6 ) and used to determine the minimum and maximum
design torque transmission efficiency levels.
mass distribution and component dimensions. Table 111 shows that the first five stowed
vibration modes were correlated closely. Errors indicated as positive in Table 111 mean
that the F E M is conservatively predicting the frequency to be lower than that measured
in testing. A frequency prediction that is too low is generally conservative because in
simple vibration analysis, for a given acceleration input, amplitude and stress generally
decrease as the frequency increases. Before correlation. the first five modes were in
error by up to 30% and, therefore, correlation had a very important role to play in
improving the accuracy of the FEM.
The accuracy of the predictions of the FEM for the flight model is important
because the FEM is used to predict internal PDM loads and interface loads with the
spacecraft and solar array. Internal loads are important because safety margins used in
111. Correlation of FEM with measurements of stowed frequencies
Test FEM
measurement prediction Error
Performance parameter (Hz) (Hz) ("4
structural analysis have to be as low as 1.1 on yield stress in order to achieve mass
requirements. Interface loads with the spacecraft and solar array are important because
other subsystems are stressed using the same low safety margins for stress. Even though
proof testing of the development model showed that the design could meet most load
cases, the test programme was not complete or worst case for two reasons. Firstly, the
flight model could perform differently due to variations in manufacturing tolerances.
Secondly, some load cases, like separation shocks and interface loads, are only tested
at spacecraft level up to 2 years after delivery of the flight model PDM when it would
be extremely difficult to implement design changes.
Correlation of the FEM revealed one significant error in the finite element mod-
elling. The spacecraft interface bracket on the root deployment hinge was modelled to
be too flexible due to neglecting the effect of several large internal comer radii. The
internal radii represented a small design detail but had an important effect on the
structural performance because they changed the effective lengths of critical dimensions
in the bracket. When the FEM was adjusted to reflect the true stifiess of the bracket,
it was found that there was an increase in the predicted spacecraft interface loads and
these were non-compliant with requirements. T o solve this non-compliance, the hard-
ware was redesigned to have a lower stiffness that was equal to that predicted by the
original FEM so that the original lower loads were achieved. Additional flexibility in the
bracket was achieved by adding a triple diaphragm.
6. Conclusions
This paper has given an overview of the design methodology used to design an
advanced PDM for the European Envisat spacecraft. A highly iterative design process
led to the attainment of a very high technical performance. Correlation of analysis with
test measurements played a crucial role in the final stages of the design process by
substantially increasing the accuracy of the predictions of the theoretical functional
models. T h e very refined analysis enabled the design to be highly optimized for low
mass and high reliability. The design process is typical of that used for the design of
new and advanced European spacecraft mechanical systems.
The Envisat PDM is an original design, although no unproven elements of technol-
ogy are used. A new deployment mechanism had to be invented and developed in order
to achieve the envelope and reliability requirement. The new deployment hinge meets
306 S. C. Burgess
The design and development activities for the Envisat PDM, apart from the develop-
ment of the deployment hinge concept, have been funded by the European Space
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Design of PDM 307