GR No. 211273 18 April 2018
GR No. 211273 18 April 2018
GR No. 211273 18 April 2018
Petitioners Son and Anitola were Was the failure to When CHED Memorandum Order No. As early as in 1992,
Raymond Son hired in June 2005, while Pollarco was complete the required 40-08 came out, it merely carried over the the requirement of a
employed earlier or in June 2004. These master’s degree a valid requirement of a masteral degree for faculty Master's degree in the
Non- vs. petitioners were faculty members with ground for their members of undergraduate programs undergraduate program
possession of probationary status until all the dismissal? contained in the 1992 Revised Manual of professor's field of
a Master’s University of requirements provided under UST rules Regulations for Private Schools. It cannot instruction has been in
Degree Santo Tomas including the possession of a graduate therefore be said that the requirement of a place, through DECS
degree before the expiration of the master's degree was retroactively applied in Order 92 (series of
probationary period which is within 5 petitioners' case, because it was already the 1992, August 10, 1992)
semesters from the date of hiring. prevailing rule with the issuance of the 1992 or the Revised Manual
GR No. Revised Manual of Regulations for Private of Regulations for
211273 The requirement of having a Schools. Private Schools.
18 April 2018 graduate degree for an undergraduate The requirement of
teaching load has been imposed upon Thus, going by the requirements of a masteral degree for
faculty members since 1992 in the law, it is plain to see that petitioners are not tertiary education
manual for private schools under DECS qualified to teach in the undergraduate teachers was held to be
(Department of Education, Culture and programs of UST. And while they were not unreasonable but
Sports), and CHED’s 2008 given ample time and opportunity to satisfy rather in accord with
Memorandum Order 04-08. the requirements by obtaining their the public interest.
respective master's degrees, they failed in
The petitioners were hired by UST the endeavor. Petitioners knew this - that
without the said requirement in the they cannot continue to teach for failure to
condition that they will finish their secure their master's degrees - and needed
master’s degree, but petitioners failed so. no reminding of this fact; "those who are
Yet, they continued to teach beyond seeking to be educators are presumed to
their probationary period. know these mandated qualifications.”