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Delloite Operator Value Map

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Deloitte Wireless Industry Value Map

(Practical paths to increase shareholder value)

It’s easy to say shareholder value is important.

Not so easy to make it influence the decisions
Here are two simple ways to use it:
Shareholder Value
that are made every day: where to spend time > Start at the top. Working your way down,
and resources, how best to get things done, and, at each step ask yourself, How will we
ultimately, how to win in the competitive improve this? This will help ensure that your
marketplace. tactics support your objectives.
This Map is designed to accelerate the
connection between actions you can take and > Start at the bottom. Working your way up,

Operating Margin
shareholder value. It is not rocket science and it at each step ask yourself, Why are we doing
is not complete, but it can jump-start the this? This will help ensure that every tactic
process of focusing on the things that matter
most and then choosing practical ways to get
them done.
leads to shareholder value.
(after tax) Asset Efficiency Expectations

Revenue Growth Cost Efficiency

New Revenue Current Customer New Customer General & Property, Plant Receivables
Streams Volume Volume Pricing Selling Expenses Cost of Services Administrative Income Taxes Intangible Assets & Equipment Inventory & Payables Company Strengths External Factors

Improve Improve Improve Improve
Utilize Current Assets and Improve Customer Increase Scope of Customer Offer Innovative Products Acquire Analyze & Manage Subscriber Acquisition &
Enter New Markets Product Development Product & Services Delivery Service Provisioning Corporate & Shared Service Improve Improve Improve Improve Improve Improve
Relationships Stickiness Relationships & Services New Customers Pricing Retention Cost Efficiency Intangibles Management & Governance
Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Income Tax PP&E Inventory & Spares Receivables & Payables Execution Capabilities
Efficiency Utilization Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Effectiveness

Customer Accounts, Accounts, Strategy/ Business

Industry Marketing & Direct Commissions/ Acquisition & Product Handset & Fees to Service Termination/ Customer Order Network & Engineering & IT & Human Real Estate & Business Financial Income Tax Handset & Network Spare Notes & Notes & Program Operational Partnership & Relationship Agility &
Assets Collaborations Termination/ Specific Churn Barriers to Service Intangibles Cross-Sell / Voice Usage Data Usage Offerings Offerings Brand Access to Market Pricing Subsidies Service & Fulfillment & Support Procurement Spectum and Brand/ Real Estate & Passive Active Governance Business Performance
Utilization Roaming Rates Reduction Switching Effectiveness Offerings Up-Sell Development Awareness Awareness Customers Management Strategy Advertising Sales Indirect Sales Retention Development Device Costs Providers Roaming Rates Operations Backoffice Resources Infrastructure Management Management Management Goodwill Licenses Trademarks Technology Transmission Networks Device Parts Interest Interest Delivery Excellence Collaboration Strength Flexibility
Solutions Support Billing Systems Costs Infrastructure Networks Planning Management
Activities Receivable Payable

Exploit customer
Consolidate and / or Consolidate and / or service capabilities Exploit white space Increase emphasis on Increase emphasis
Leverage on related Analyze opportunities Refocus and / or Increase emphasis on Focus offers / Rationalize device Implement network Implement integrated Increase emphasis on and quality of service spectrum Develop business Develop business Develop business Develop business Rationalize and / or Rationalize and / or Strengthen corporate Establish a culture Increase focus on Establish agility and
Analyze roaming Make services easier Increase focus on Provide usage based Provide usage based Align products and Communicate new Increase focus on Increase emphasis Rationalize targeted Rationalize dealer Rationalize and / or Rationalize and / or Increase use of lower- Rationalize NOC Manage procurement Consolidate or align business align financial permanently lowering Refine credit / days- Refine days- Improve corporate enterprise-wide on continuous, Increase focus on
Analyze available companies to support other refine retention Bundle products and Implement loyalty / Develop new differentiated offering Rationalize targeted campaigns on Review subsidy policy base mix (i.e. trade Roaming procurement coverage sharing applications across Consolidate company as differentiators models with low real models with low models with low models with low refocus product refocus part stock- governance structures centered on partnership, merger flexibility as key
patterns and develop to use, simplify high-value / high- pricing incentives for pricing incentives for services to avoid product / service targeted customer on differentiated markets and customer segments and refocus product and refocus product Rationalize offerings cost delivery channels processes and on a national/group outsource recruitment planning, planning, the company's receivable strategy outstanding strategy and unit strategies program planning and proactive stakeholder
capacity on own lines (subsidiaries, sister industries value priorities and services affinity programs segments and pricing across customer segments targeted segments (i.e. financing) service fees for consolidation agreements with other organizational real estate / facilities estate requirements transmission passive networks active network portfolio keeping units (SKU) (composition, selection, operational and acquisition competences
offers accordingly access potential segments customers customers overlaps position segments products and services segments commissions service portfolios portfolio (self-service, partners, etc.) systems level basis functions management and management and effective tax rate collaborative program performance relationships
companies etc.) chains strategies customer segments and sub-segments subsidies) wireless carriers boundaries investment investment roles, etc.) excellence opportunities
reporting functions reporting functions delivery management
Leverage on
Analyze enterprise Refine and / or align Increase emphasis on Encourage switch to presence in Consider participating Improve communi- Improve coordination Establish
Analyze available Provide dealers Provide dealers Increase focus on Pursue innovative Increase use of Consolidate or Consolidate or Improve alignment of Consolidate and / or Integrate tax oppor- Exploit unlicensed Rationalize and / or Coordinate Coordinate Establish process Establish management of key Establish product,
Leverage on needs for cross- Improve Offer value added Increase focus on Increase focus on Improve focus on Rationalize and / or Rationalize and / or Rationalize and / or Identify customer Utilize subsidies to Increase emphasis on merchandising customer service lower-cost billing Manage equipment Consolidate or geographic markets Centralize site as seller and buyer Improve collaboration Improve collaboration refocus customer Increase emphasis on cation between the of operational, invest- Establish program / Increase focus on
utilization of customer Focus on one call Offer innovative / incentives for cross- incentives for cross- R&D, product partnerships that Deliver customized differential pricing Renegotiate service Use applications to Consolidate or Rationalize IT outsource learning outsource design and business unit align financial tunities and issues spectrum management of management of improvement and cross-company stakeholder service and process
capabilities of border communication competitiveness of services (enhanced most profitable most profitable price-insensitive refocus product and refocus product and refocus product and segments and sub- influence device base modular, extensible strategies prevention / Reduce channels contracts at a national outsource or locations (market planning and second-hand with vendors / with vendors / segments and use of common board, management, ment, financial, M&A, project delivery as a managerial, forward-
support and call resolutions unique products sell / up-sell sell / up-sell innovation, and increase product messages mechanisms and fees lower roaming usage outsource NOC application portfolio and development development strategies with accounting and into business planning credit / receivables payables across innovation as key collaboration as a key relationships as innovation as key
partners and develop offers quality of service facilities, discounts) products and services products and services customer segments service portfolios service portfolios service portfolios segments mix (i.e. drive usage) products (central vs. local need for customer (automated, self-service, level procurement functions power/influence) engineering transmission partners partners distribution channels components shareholders and the and tax strategies key competence looking information
center customers customers product leadership visibility promotions functions functions enterprise strategies analysis functions processes across business units business units competences competence organizational priority competences
accordingly merchandising, etc.) service etc.) equipment market public across business units

Communicate Increase focus on Increase focus on Consolidate or Improve alignment of Maximize tax benefits Increase focus on Strengthen and Improve alignment of Improve relationship Improve agility and
Proactively extend Proactively extend Acquire companies Convert free services Increase use of lower- Increase use of lower- Educate sales and Consolidate / Consolidate or Consolidate or Improve alignment of Communicate Reconfigure facilities / Consider strategy for Reduce number of Manage materials Improve management Increase emphasis on Improve effectiveness Increase proactive
Leverage on existing consistently and Establish customer most effective sales Offer value added Offer value added Launch targeted most effective sales Provide dealers with Increase focus on Rationalize and / or Rethink strategy for outsource order Standardize complaint Standardize Consolidate IT back- Rationalize / organization struc- associated with major Leverage alternative Develop business Rationalize vendors with communicate mission, customer, product, Improve effectiveness management flexibility of
contracts close to contracts close to aligned with product to fee-based services cost sales channels cost sales channels service staff on target outsource product Manage purchasing Leverage on bilateral outsource benefits outsource financial strategies ongoing training or increase utilization of multivendor/ single switch centers, sourcing on a of credit risk across continuous, proactive of organizational pursuit of
customer data clearly across communities and advertising services services campaigns and advertising competitive incentives product innovation refocus channel / lower-average-service fulfillment functions resolution and trouble maintenance office equipment and consolidate vendor tures and governance business decisions spectrum options models with low real merchandise order favorable payment vision, values and advertising, sales, of organizational strategies for key organizational
expiration expiration strategies (freemium services) (telesales, outlets, self- (telesales, outlets, self- segment composition development on a national basis negotiations administration improvement and with corporate recruiting programs facilities vendor monitoring and national/global basis business units management of structures and partnerships, mergers
channels channels channels media usage -costs segment (pick, pack and ship, shooting processes processes facilities portfolio models with business (M&A, consolidation, out- estate requirements quantities and timing terms ethics service, support, and structures stakeholder groups structures
service, social media) service) and strategies functions functions deployment strategies engineering locations investment portfolios governance models and acquisitions
provision, etc.) strategies sourcing, site selection, etc.) fulfillment strategies
Exploit contingency
plans for different Improve understand-
Build customer Implement pricing and Improve methods and Increase emphasis Coordinate pricing of Consolidate or Consolidate or Standardize product Consolidate or Improve alignment of Strengthen Reduce number of Increase
scenariosemphasis Increase emphasis on
Leverage existing Focus on speed and Complement your Make products and Make products and Target new segments, Expand reach of on supply chain Improve focus on Monitor sales Monitor sales Implement customer Increase use of lower- Increase emphasis on Consolidate or Standardize SLAs Consolidate or Increase use of switch centers, Centralize equipment Manage sourcing on a Increase focus on Rationalize / Build values and Improve effectiveness Increase focus on risk Increase emphasis on ing of stakeholder Improve agility and
satisfaction and Implement loyalty / affinity programs Pursue joint-ventures tools for managing complementary / outsource Improve terms with outsource design, catalogs outsource property capital budgets and enterprise-wide Accelerate or defer Leverage on access Divest non-strategic Increase utilization of Centralize inventory customer segments consolidate vendor ethics into corporate on risk-informed, cross-business-unit flexibility of
customer base for a responsiveness, offers with intangible services easier to services easier to verticals and advertising and sales management higher-value customer performance and performance and differentiation cost product service efficiency and outsource billing and implement outsource payroll income / expenses flexible facilities monitoring and management and national basis of program / project management and operational integration interests (customers,
retention into staff affinity programs based on tenure and and partnerships sales and marketing bundled products and merchandising vendors development and (equipment, promotional management program plans with financial reporting to capital markets licences siites tracking, visibility with low credit needs portfolio culture scenario-based and cross-company governance models
new purpose exceed SLAs offerings access and use access and use applications channels (production, distribution and segments track effectiveness track effectiveness program development sources self-service operations nationwide functions engineering locations tracking governance models regulatory compliance with partners shareholders, regulators,
incentives profitability performance sales pipelines) services functions deployment services materials, etc.) functions business priorities standards planning collaboration employees, suppliers,
partners, alumni, etc.)
Acquire companies Improve processes Improve focus on Consolidate or Leverage credit rating
Determine best Increase focus on Focus sales efforts on Focus sales efforts on Increase use of Improve collaboration Standardize complaint Increase use of lower- Increase use of Increase use of lower- Align M&A strategies Rationalize portfolio of Centralize equipment Focus on products Increase focus on Strengthen and Improve integration of Increase focus on Increase emphasis on Improve ability to Improve identification
Target valuable Evaluate Remove barriers to Apply brand to new with relationships in Push exclusivity Develop customer and tools for higher-value customer Refine vendor / Improve visibility of outsource operations Migrate income to Improve state of Increase use of Divest obsolete to lengthen payment Increase focus on key Improve flexibility
Address revenue Offer innovative / device and offer Provide self-service Provide self-service Acquire competitors higher-value products higher-margin higher-margin cheaper service with vendors / resolution and trouble cost channels employee self- cost real estate and with business financial services management and Increase use of Defer / change timing that generate both creditworthy customer communicate short- and long-term project quality and quality management identify and assess of opportunities to
customers that are competitiveness of switching for non- and unbranded targeted customer contracts with smaller micro-segments campaign design and segments and supplier strategies real-time data and maintenance low-tax jurisdictions relationships with Rationalize wireless leased real estate materials cycles and reduce performance metrics of business
leakage unique products bundle for each for prepaid customers for prepaid customers or complementors and services products and services products and services channels partners shooting processes service channels facilities objectives providers tracking flexible sites of capital investments voice and data usage segments governance policies business planning risk management and benchmarking partnering increase value to
likely to churn price point / value customers products segments or dealers based on elasticities management products services
(self-service, etc.)
governments or spectrum licenses interest rates processes
segment and procedures opportunities stakeholders
geographies regulators
Sponsorship of local Utilize tax-effective
Improve Analyze uptake rate Improve collaboration Educate direct and Improve Improve focus on Rationalize and / or Increase use of Implement integrated Improve focus on Rationalize next Increase focus on corporate structures Leverage breadth of Improve / implement Improve alignment of Increase focus on Improve ability to Improve
Leverage company Solicit and act upon Improve product Improve product events that reach Minimize cost for Minimize cost for Rationalize / Consolidate or Consolidate or Improve terms Consider participating internal control Increase focus on Increase emphasis on
cost efficiencies when understanding of Establish customer of features and with design, indirect sales groups Broaden and optimize Develop / revise understanding of higher-value Develop retention realign product vendor-managed / applications across Expand use of next Improve visibility of employee retention Relocate business generation technology business insight and for ownership / licens- on property and Defer / change timing Divest low-demand / Employ more efficient vendor relationships HR and technology business continuity structure and Improve value communication and
customer and internal collateral and collateral and target customer winning customers winning customers consolidate vendor outsource customer outsource end-user Define the value of of capital investments Defer / change timing as seller and buyer Tighten credit terms to lengthen payment frameworks, realization of targeted people / talent delivered to
creating product/ churn / defection communities services to improve development and on new product dealer network customer segments customer price advertising channels / programs for dealers development vendor-warehoused organizational generation technology real-time data and talent operations strategies and forward-looking ing of intangible facilities of capital investments second-hand obsolete inventory new technology strategies with planning and disaster implement durable, knowledge transfer
feedback education material education material segments / back back portfolio service operations support customer cycles regulatory compliance business benefits development mutually beneficial customers across organizational
pricing strategies drivers targeting production partners offerings sensitivity media efforts inventory boundaries management expenditures information assets (patents, trade equipment market business strategies recovery
geographies names, IP, etc.) relationships and and policies partnerships boundaries
Improve Improve Improve contracts
Improve product / Improve total Obtain exclusive Improve Improve accessibility Improve identification Improve network Improve product Improve Improve customer Align internal audit Improve identification Secure contingency Improve Improve assessment
Improve identification Improve knowledge of Improve staff Improve staff Leverage existing Broaden and optimize understanding of understanding of understanding of Improve terms with Improve customer Improve delinquent Provide staff with Improve design, Improve Improve design and Improve Divest low-utilization Defer / change timing Improve Improve management Improve ability to Improve value Improve agility and
Improve brand Evaluate profitability service R&D customer experience agreements with understanding of and visibility of and discontinuation of performance procurement cash / treasury Consider strategy for Improve incentives for practices with and prediction of plans for scenarios determination of key and benchmarking of
of churn / defection customer needs, incentives for driving incentives for driving brand, marketing and footprint of retail customer, product customer, product customer, product vendors (delivery, service and support accounts collections better information and development and recruitment and development strategic planning real estate of capital investments Rationalize wireless demand forecasting / of debt portfolio integrate merged delivered to flexibility of partner
strength of varied bundles and deployment (purchasing, fulfillment, partners product / service customer specific unsuccessful monitoring (capacity, processes management multivendor/ single demand forecasting accelerated / on-time business and risk industry and market developed by performance metrics business process
candidates activity, history, etc. increased usage increased usage sales efforts stores and channel and channel and channel warehousing, etc.) processes process tools testing processes orientation processes processes processes Improve focus of tax Analyze and spectrum licenses capacity planning and acquired shareholders organizations and
usage, support, service,
(licenses, etc.) value to customers information efforts coverage, outage) (equipment, supplies, etc.) practices vendor payment objectives trends business planning and targets performance
etc.) profitability profitability profitability function / department communicate organizations networks
on proactive tax company synergies
Improve workforce Increase emphasis Improve alignment of Improve
Provide dealers Adapt current Improve Provide staff with Provide staff with Improve Improve selection, Improve service Improve real estate planning Implement / enhance Improve alignment of Increase integration of Improve
Improve adherence to Improve Restructure channels Enhance retail store Improve tailoring of Improve customer Improve and expand Improve product planning, dispatch Provide staff with Improve capacity Improve Improve operational Improve debt and Increase use of on preventative Improve Improve Differentiate credit A/P systems and Improve identification measurement and Improve value
Tighten contractual incentives for cross- products and services Improve customer communication and better competitive better competitive merchandise Improve invoicing / acquisition and procurement selection, acquisition Rationalize cell sites anonymous employee projects with program business processes understanding of
contracts, policies and responsiveness to Facilitate roaming Facilitate roaming to support new locations and display offerings to customer handoff processes marketing analytics conception / initiation and assignment better information and planning processes, training and learning risk management equity management leased infrastructure equipment Increase use of collaboration with collaboration with treatment of processes with days- of opportunities and reporting of delivered to Improve product
terms sell / up-sell for new segments / value for money coordination with market and customer market and customer ordering and receipt billing processes contracting processes and contracting and towers reducing reporting and feed- and business across organizational partner strengths,
agreements escalations offerings collateral needs and systems process processes processes tools skills and tools processes processes processes Improve accuracy and Rethink (contact centers)
maintenance leased sites vendors / partners vendors / partners customers / segments outstanding strategy threats operational and employees innovation processes
customers channels distribution centers information information processes processes (repair, contract labor, etc.) processes where possible back mechanisms objectives boundaries weaknesses and
and tools timeliness of tax communication of financial performance
future plans interests
provision and cash
Improve sales Improve Consolidate or Improve demand Improve contract Improve Improve real estate outflow forecasts Increase Improve strategy Improve identification
Improve Improve consistency Implement customer Rethink Improve effectiveness Enhance access Improve customer Improve focus on Improve demand Improve policies Improve capital Improve financial risk Rationalize dark fiber Increase emphasis Increase utilization Improve and Improve under- Improve integration of Improve value Improve breadth,
Encourage plan Improve quality of Improve product and Improve structuring, forecasting and Improve utilization of Better utilize customer design and outsource design, forecasting Improve deployment management salary and benefits improvement and use of flexible and Improve logistics / Improve assessment development Improve analysis of and mitigation of
competitiveness of of offering and promotions that drive Provide innovative communication of marketing, convenience Improve demand credit analysis higher-value vendor planning processes, processes around budgeting management and other circuit Improve leased terms on preventative of standardized standardize credit standing of regulatory Secure delivery of business processes delivered to partners depth, quality and
changes / contract new and refurbished service lifecycle timing and pricing of campaign execution sales staff information development development and processes, skills and processes processes administration deployment expandable distribution efficiency and benchmarking of capabilities at managerial operational risk
product and service policies across usage (lottery, cash- data applications channels (i.e. social advertising and sales (800 number, web interface, forecasting processes relationships skills and tools returns processes processes assests on sites equipment components assessment requirements strategic programs across partner (vendors, channel partners, timeliness of business
renewals devices management promotions processes and tools processes deployment services tools (negotiation, execution and
processes processes Improve ability to infrastructure A/P performance corporate and information (people, process, tech-
offerings channels back, etc.) media, ATL, BTL) processes etc.) compliance) maintenance processes networks etc.) planning information
utilize offshore cash / business-unit levels nology, data, etc.)
Improve marketing Refine segmentation assets and move
Improve front office Implement customer Improve web Provide staff with Consolidate or Improve processes for Improve operational Improve Improve audit and between geographies Increase Improve coordination Improve Improve business Improve value
Improve product Tailor cross-sell / up- Evolve product and Increase quality of Optimize sales Improve use of Improve execution of and advertising Improve staff based on value, Improve Provide staff with Centralize site Improve demand Improve Improve terms Improve management Improve terms on Improve monitoring Improve development Improve quality Improve flexibility
tools and data access Proactively refine Proactively refine promotions that drive functionality to better competitive Improve coordination Improve utilization of outsource operations managing system processes program compliance use of leased Improve terms on Increase use of just- and communication communication continuity planning delivered to other
availability for sell campaigns to service features, product and service process to increase supply-driven market- and supply- performance incentives around potential value, prototyping, piloting better customer and planning, acquisition, planning processes payroll on infrastructure Divest low-utilization Increase utilization of of delinquent interconnection and management of and analysis of and speed of and versatility of IT
to enable retention competitive plans competitive plans usage (lottery, cash- competitive and market and customer with vendors roadmap customer service staff and maintenance operations, mainte- (administration, security, management management equipment merchandise in-time procurement across programs and around improvement and disaster recovery stakeholders
upgrades customer needs functionality and value launches time spent selling promotions driven promotions management sales efficiency needs, behavior, and testing processes order information and engineering and tools processes sites existing equipment accounts payables regulatory compliance business cases communication with systems and
effectiveness back, etc.) innovative levels information services nance and changes energy, and maintenance) processes processes Utilize international projects priorities capabilities (public, alumni, analysts,
methods and tools demographics, etc. partners platforms
financing opportuni- etc.)
Provide staff with ties to minimize after- Improve identification,
Improve opportunity Improve sales Charge lower margin Improve forecasting, Improve end-user Improve employee Improve PP&E Improve Improve cash / tax borrowing costs Increase use of Improve Improve conversion of
Improve retention Improve Improve customer Provide staff with Improve product and Provide staff with better customer Improve design, Improve terms Provide staff with Divest low-utilization Increase utilization of assessment and Improve alignment of Improve ability Improve manage-
Improve network identification through Improve product and Tailor marketing and Improve price / performance customers fee for planning and support and retention and talent capacity / demand accounting and treasury investment Increase Increase use of just- vendor-managed / Improve collections accountability / Improve strong relationships
performance Consider low- hassle Provide innovative Proactively refine Improve ease-of-use communication and education on better product and service introduction / better information and information development and on equipment better product and infrastructure existing equipment Divest low-utilization management of risk budgets and capital to deliver ment of regulatory Improve versatility of
coverage and campaigns, data and service innovation sales approaches to margin knowledge of management customer service prioritization skills and administration management planning processes measurement management use of leased in-time procurement vendor-warehoused processes authority of program management of into sources of
management services voice applications competitive plans of web interface coordination with products / services service information launch processes tools (profiles, transaction testing processes purchases service information equipment (strategic, operational, programs with improvement efforts compliance managers and staff
reliability tools and competitive skills of staff customer segments staff methods and tools access tools processes programs and tools processes processes equipment inventory investment, financial, com- and project resources partner relationships competitive
methods and tools sales channels histories, etc.)
strategic priorities
intelligence Improve management pliance, data / privacy, etc.) advantage
Improve tailoring of Improve of transfer pricing Improve quality of
Improve demand Provide staff with Improve selection, Improve dispatch, Improve assignment Improve business Improve
Improve customer Improve incentives for Improve access to Improve service levels Improve coordination marketing and relationship / account Simplify customer Improve utilization of Improve terms with Provide staff with Improve business Utilize more efficient Divest low-utilization Improve use of Improve inventory Improve risk planning, understanding of Improve program / Improve assignment Improve sharing of information provided Improve product,
Consider billing Improve brand Offer better voice Offer better data Shorten time-to- Consolidate / realign forecasting better product, service Improve order due- acquisition and diagnostic, resolution of procurement Increase utilization of case development Improve management Improve physical
service quality and product development information and and responsiveness with suppliers and advertising development care service for product development vendors (utilities, property better HR information performance reporting IT systems equipment Increase utilization of Monitor network economic order level data visibility mitigation and control internal value and project management of accountability and knowledge across to stakeholders service and process
transparency strength and good will service quality service quality market sales territories processes, skills and and contract date reliability contracting and replacement transactions to real estate and analysis of credit portfolio security of people
reliability and innovation analytical tools of toll free numbers sales channels approaches to processes (corporate roaming customers sources maintenance, etc.) and tools processes Optimize accounting existing equipment performance (capacity, quantities approaches market value of methods and tools authority organizational (accuracy, timeliness, innovation skills of
tools information processes processes appropriate staff processes transparency and
customer segments customers) methods and selec-
coverage, outage)
business units boundaries staff
Increase utilization of tion of accounting
Utilize native Increase emphasis Expand brand Improve sales Improve incentives Improve tax manage- periods Utilize more Increase use of Improve breadth, Improve tracking and Improve sharing of Improve mechanisms
Respond rapidly to Improve quality and Improve clarity of Improve product and Improve collaboration Rationalize order Differentiate treatment Improve terms with IT back-office Increase focus on Improve resource / Improve terms with flexible / expandable Monitor network Improve asset Improve assessment Improve Improve quality and
language call service Rethink device Rethink device on design for management Tighten partnerships Consolidate / realign forecasting and Utilize offshore staff around order Improve deployment Improve / standardize ment processes vendor-managed / and benchmarking of depth, quality and communication of consistency of knowledge across Improve integration of for soliciting and Improve sharing of
customer needs with reliability of products pricing policies and service launch with partners and quantities and timing / of customers / leased equipment resources higher-value vendor demand planning vendors IT systems (e.g. performance (capacity, Divest low-utilization Increase management communication of
for roaming strategy and portfolio strategy and portfolio configurability / approach to new with national retailers sales territories campaign execution for low-cost service management processes M&A processes (direct and indirect tax Optimize valuation vendor-warehoused credit / receivables timeliness of manag- program / project performance organizational IT systems across addressing knowledge across
innovative products and services ensure compliance processes customers Consolidate orders segments vendors (servers, routers, network partnerships processes and tools (security, energy, etc.)
coverage, outage)
equipment use of leased circuits processes strategic directions
customers customization segments processes and tools efficiency capacity, etc.)
and costing methods inventory performance erial information progress assessment methods boundaries partner networks stakeholder feedback organizational
and priorities
for inventories boundaries
Increase emphasis on Implement / improve (LIFO, FIFO, uniform Consider participating Ensure tax planning
Shorten order-to- Improve methods and Improve product and Improve use of Route low-value Improve terms with Improve processes for Improve terms on capitalization, shrinkage, as seller and buyer at Improve identification, Improve breadth, Improve performance
Determine new voice, Improve affinity Improve in-store targeted use of Cross train retailers in Increase tenure of License or acquire Improve collaboration Consolidate device company-wide Improve compliance Improve asset Improve terms on Consider sharing with Improve terms on activities and tax Improve assignment depth, quality and
delivery cycle time / tools for managing service withdrawal Improve focus on national purchasing transactions to lower- vendors managing system Improve collaboration purchased and leased obsolescence, etc.) Consider participating second-hand spare assessment and and reliability of IT
data and non-network programs and other displays and product innovative pricing company owned valued customer products and with vendors / management processes and tools management management production equipment other carriers Improve inventory interconnection filings comply with of resources to timeliness of Improve mechanisms
Improve product and demand and supply and retirement higher-value dealers power (i.e. volume cost customer service (delivery services, operations, mainte- with vendors real estate, furniture as seller and buyer Increase utilization of parts/equipment execution of systems / platforms
impacts on offerings good will placements models (non-cash stores relationships intellectual property partners information and tools for assessing staff processes processes level data visibility recievables regulatory environ- projects performance for collecting and
service availability performance processes commitments) channels outsourced functions, etc.) nance and changes and fixtures Optimize depreciation second-hand existing circuits market M&A / divestiture (applications, equipment,
rewards, rebates, etc) performance ment information networks, etc.) implementing
methods / lives for equipment opportunities
property, plant and employee ideas
Improve campaign Improve management Improve incentives Increase use of Improve routing of Improve tracking and Improve dispatch, Track and classify Clarify governance Improve monitoring
Improve methods and Shorten order-to- Improve commissions Consolidate and / or Improve terms on Improve terms on Provide staff with Improve budgeting equipment Improve breadth,
Improve cross- Build product design and of trade / indirect Consider customer around product vendor-managed / service requests to recovery of indirect diagnostic, resolution problems to provide Improve skills of HR Improve terms on IT Increase emphasis on roles and responsi- Improve ability to Improve involvement and management of
tools for measuring / delivery cycle time / Enhance targeted Generate and capture and contracts for re-architect data equipment and improvements better managerial and forecasting Improve tower / depth, quality and
selling / up-selling margins / profitability management taxes self-service tools development vendor-warehoused appropriate service taxes (sales / use, VAT, and replacement feedback to product staff systems Divest low-utilization high-turnover bilities (delegation of develop and spin-off of operational staff in risk and compliance
managing product Improve product and phone subsidies market needs dealers stores supplies (cabling, etc.) information and tools capabilities Ensure full utilization antenna sharing with timeliness of business Rethink organizational
skills of staff into sales incentives processes and tools (sales / use, VAT, GST, etc.) efficiency inventory channels GST, etc.) processes development circuits products authority, segregation of new businesses project delivery (strategic, operational and
lifecycle service availability of tax carryforwards other carriers duties, etc.) financial risks; regulatory information structure and consider
Increase utilization of (credits, net operating and tax compliance) end of management
Improve call/ Improve Improve terms with losses, capital losses,
Improve channel Improve dealer Improve incentives Improve staff Improve order Network/System Increase use of Ensure proper Improve incentives Improve access,
Improve sales Consider retail Improve product and messaging routing to establishment of and service providers Improve financial etc.) Consider participating Strengthen training / Improve focus of Increase account-
Improve sales and Align product and management incentives around around merchandising incentives around management resources distance / on-line valuation of property around business Improve identification consistency and
performance Educate direct and franchising service specifications minimize access / adherence to service- (equipment maintenance, reporting efficiency Consider strategy for as seller and buyer education of board company resources ability of business Increase emphasis on
marketing skills of service prices with processes and tools sales efficiency efficiency service efficiency methods and tools (servers, routers, network learning for tax purposes planning efficiency Consider sharing with and management of distribution of
management indirect sales groups capacity, people etc.) termination charges level targets delivery, warehousing, etc.)
Consider tax implica- multivendor/ single second-hand handset and audit committees on high-priority unit leaders for tax cross-business-unit
staff value to customers other carriers program / project risks impact of decisions business information
methods and tools Improve breadth, tions in the location / vendor market initiatives and cross-company
Improve profitability of Improve terms with
Improve terms on Improve circuit Improve technical and Increase use of Consider tax depth and quality of selection of facilities collaboration
Improve staff R&D efforts through service providers Consolidate device Improve terms with
handset and device provisioning / project management vendor-managed / Optimize salary and incentives in location financial information (distribution centers, service Align compensation Improve anticipation Cancel or redirect Improve access to
Improve alignment of Cross train retailers in incentives around utilization of tax and (outsourced services, management vendors (information centers, branches, etc.) Improve security of
Utilize price increases merchandise decommissioning skills of staff vendor-warehoused benefits costs and selection of (asset, budget, price / cost, and incentive systems and understanding of ineffective / obsolete and distribution of
staff incentives with company owned marketing efficiency economic develop- network services, information and tools services, consultants, etc.) applications, systems
where necessary purchases information services, etc.) process inventory facilities treasury, debtor / creditor, Build tax opportunities with strategies, values current and potential programs and performance
strategic objectives stores ment incentives performance, tax, risk, etc.) and data
into real estate and ethics regulations / projects information
Improve terms with Improve product transactions legislation
Improve management Document and follow Improve cell site Improve terms with Improve real estate Improve assessment Improve cost
service providers development Consolidate and / or Improve incentives Improve contracting (income deferral, location
of trade and indirect escalation process provisioning / business process performance of migration to next accounting and
(researchers, information performance re-architect data around IT back-office and negotiation skills credits and incentives,
Make strategic Improve methods and taxes (sales / use , VAT, and strive for one call decommissioning vendors (payroll, benefits, management generation allocation of shared / leasing terms, etc.) Improve effectiveness Improve management Improve
services, advertising management stores efficiency of procurement staff process innovation
device portfolio
tools for managing
pricing performance
channels, etc.) methods and tools
GST, etc.) resolution process training, etc) methods and tools technologies overhead costs
Improve consideration
of legislative /
lobbying efforts
of vendors / service
career options and
paths skills of staff
Improve of tax implications in
Increase emphasis on Improve customer Improve Improve terms with Improve incentives
merchandising Improve incentives the acquisition and
Business Strategy and Management modular, extensible, service performance establishment of and vendors (contractors, Improve value of around financial
performance around procurement disposition of assets Improve incorporation Continuously track Align management
(Business and Financial Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions, Tax scalable designs for management adherence to service- network services, employee benefits management Improve depth
Create partnership management efficiency of risk analysis in and manage the and staff incentives
new products methods and tools level targets consultants, etc.) efficiency and breadth of staff
Management, Risk Management, Compliance Management, Program programs methods and tools business planning realization of project with company and
Optimize tax benefits technical skills
Management and Performance Management) Improve terms on associated with self- (internal and external risk) benefits unit performance
Track and classify Improve procurement Improve HR
Consider white label Consider white label problems to provide purchased and leased performance performance Improve terms with constructed assets
Customer Strategy, Relationships and Interactions Rethink business devices devices feedback to product assets (PCs, servers, management management financial vendors
(plant, facilities, internally-
used software, etc.) Integrate tax oppor- Improve management Improve monetary
model with sales network equipment, leased Improve recruiting
(Marketing, Sales, Delivery / Provisioning, Billing and Service) development lines, etc.) methods and tools methods and tools tunities and issues of organizational and non-monetary
partners (i.e. revenue into business planning change in support of recognition of staff effectiveness
Product Strategy, Development and Production share with PC Improve / consolidate Optimize expense vs. processes initiatives contributions
retailers) Improve technical and IT performance Improve intercon- capitalization of costs
(Innovation and Design, Supply Chain Management, Production Consider second- project management management nection and mediation (M&A costs, R&D costs,
Operations and Logistics) hand handset market skills of staff methods and tools billing processes and etc.) Improve mechanisms
systems Improve leadership Improve program / Improve talent
(utilization, performance, for collecting and
and management project management management models
Human Resource Strategy and Management capacity planning, etc.) Improve tax benefits
skills of staff and programs
of compensation and skills of executives employee ideas
(Recruitment, Development, Administration and Improve incentives benefit programs
Performance Management) around Network/ (deferred and equity-based
Systems comp; retirement and Improve executive Build innovation and
Network and IT Strategy and Management efficiency healthcare benefits, etc.) Improve vendor
development, improvement into
(Design, Development, Deployment, Operations and management skills of
recruiting and rewards and
Performance Management) Improve identification succession planning incentives
Improve terms with and application of
Other Shared / Corporate Services vendors (contractors, R&D tax incentives
network services,
(Real Estate, Procurement and Other) consultants, etc.)
Ensure adequate
All Process Groupings documentation of
(Action may apply to all processes) significant tax
Improve visibility of positions
real-time data (earnings and profits,
Note: Many actions could logically be associated with transfer pricing, tax
opinions, etc.)
other or multiple process groupings. In particular,
many customer and product actions are likely to have Improve terms on
heavy IT and HR components. purchased and leased
assets (servers, network
equipment, leased lines,
*Draft version. Based on Deloitte Enterprise Shareholder Value Map. Developed by BUGS Strategic & Tactical Marketing. Improve / consolidate
For more information contact Patricia Morais, Claudio La Torre, Stanimir Dimitrov. IT performance
methods and tools
(utilization, performance,
capacity planning, etc.)

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