Fourier Transform and Spectra: Signals and Systems Dr. Amneh Al-Mbaideen
Fourier Transform and Spectra: Signals and Systems Dr. Amneh Al-Mbaideen
Fourier Transform and Spectra: Signals and Systems Dr. Amneh Al-Mbaideen
The Fourier transform X(ω) exists when the signal x(t) is completely
integrable in the sense that
If a > 0
Exploring Effect of decay rate bon
the Fourier Transform’s Shape
Note: As b increases…
1.Decay rate in time signal increases
2.High frequencies in Fourier transform are more prominent.
Linearity Of The Fourier Transform
Effect of Pulse Width on the FT
Find the Fourier transform of the sign function sgn(t) [pronounced signum (t)],
The pulse x(t) is the gate pulse rect (t/τ ) delayed by 3τ/4 seconds
Hence, according to time domain shifting property , its Fourier transform is the
Fourier transform of rect (t/τ ) multiplied by
Find the Fourier transform of
By the duality property, the Fourier transform of
(Time-domain convolution property of the Fourier transform). With the aid
of the Fourier transform Table , find the Fourier transform X(w) of the
signal x(t) = x1(t) ∗x2(t) where
Table of Fourier transform of basic
Use the time-differentiation property to find the Fourier transform of the
triangle pulse shown below
The Fourier transform can be found directly using the definition of the Fourier
transform , but it is much easier to find it using the derivative property. We can express
the function as
(Frequency-domain differentiation property). Find the Fourier transform X(ω) of the
signal x(t) =t cosω0t where ω0 is a nonzero real constant.
Use the time-domain integration property of the Fourier transform in order to find
the Fourier transform X(ω) of the signal x(t) = u(t).
Fourier Transform of any periodic signal
Using the convolution property of the Fourier transform, we can find the frequency
spectrum of the output signal of a LTI system
take the Fourier transform of both sides of the differential equation
The Inverse Fourier transform
1. To find the constants A and B equate the right-hand sides of
Using Table of basic Fourier transform pairs, we find that
The Inverse Fourier transform
(a) To avoid complex algebra, we can replace jω with s for the moment. Using
partial fraction expansion,
Using Fourier Transform Table of basic functions
The frequency response of the causal second-order LTI differential system,
Take the Fourier transform of the differential equation (the Fourier transform
of the first and second derivative)
Now, suppose we want to obtain the system’s response when the input signal
is a unit step function
The Fourier transform of the step function has the form
Using Table of basic Fourier transform pairs, we find that
Consider the causal LTI differential system initially at rest described by
Take the Fourier transform of the differential equation (the Fourier transform
of the first and second derivative)
Partial fraction expansion :order of numerator should be less than the order of
Using Table of basic Fourier transform pairs, we find that
Consider a stable causal second-order LTI differential system whose characteristic
polynomial has complex zeros: