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Gotland Picture Stones

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Gotland Picture Stones


Per Widerström and Johan Norderäng
he ‘Picture Stones’ from the

T Baltic island of Gotland are in

many ways unique; some
would suggest that they are
the most thrilling heritage surviving
Fig 1. Map show-
ing the location
of Gotland in
the middle of
from Viking Scandinavia. Yet they are the Baltic Sea.
not as well known as they deserve, and Courtesy of
the tales carved into the Gotlandic Dan Carlsson.
limestone remain largely uninter-
The history of these stones dates to Fig 2 (below left).
The first kind
the 5th century AD, and perhaps even of Picture Stone
slightly earlier, when a new form of to appear on
artistic expression emerged. The carv- Gotland. Over 3m
ings set into large stones on Gotland high. Photo:
Per Widerström.
represented sun figures, fighting stal-
lions, and ships - all symbols of power.
The earliest stones are large, some more
than 3m high, and are shaped like an Fig 3 (below mid-
dle). An example of
axe (Fig 2). Another striking fact is that the successor to the
the oldest stones seem to be of the stone form in Fig 2.
greater artistic quality. This class is signifi-
The tradition continued during the cantly smaller. 6th stones once again increased in magni- narrative begins with an attack on a
century AD. Photo:
6th century, before a new style tude, also changing in shape to become farm. Above is a picture frame possibly
Johan Norderäng.
emerged with smaller and simplified more like what most people today showing Gunnar in the snake pit, while
decoration. The pictures still show interpret as phallus-shaped (Figs 4-5). his sister watches beside him, maybe a
some stallions, but are mainly of ships These stones were popular research symbol of a treacherous act. This sub-
Fig 4 (below right).
and ducks (or duck-like birds). These subjects during the first half of the 20th ject is from a well-known tale of the
The Hunninge
axe-shaped stones are smaller versions Stone from Klinte century, when romantic ideology about Völsungasaga, a saga whose subject mat-
of those dating a century earlier (Fig 3). Parish. A Viking the Swedish nation was strong. In this ter is found on rune stones, on a cart
During the early Viking Age (begin- age stone with sym- phase of development the stones show from the Norwegian Oseberg ship, and
ning AD 793), or some time before, the bols from the sagas, tales in pictures, many of them recog- on a cross slab from the Isle of Man.
showing life in
Valhalla; AD 793
nisable from the Icelandic sagas. Above this, a ship transfers the dead
to 1066. Photo: person to Valhalla, the home of the
Johan Norderäng. The Hunninge Stone gods and the highest position one
from Klinte Parish could achieve after death: a true war-
A fine example of this type of stone is
one from Klinte Parish (Fig 4), which
seems to read from bottom to top. The

Gotland Picture Stones

rior’s paradise. In the top field the On the Swedish mainland we know tlements are easier to detect because
fallen hero is welcomed by a woman of many rune stones (Fig 6), which of their stone foundations.
bringing him mead. Meanwhile, the have been the subject of many years of
boar Särimner is being slaughtered for research. The knowledge from this Historical Value
the evening feast. Every morning he work has in large been imposed onto Thanks to the study of the Gotland pic-
reappears, just to be slaughtered again the Gotland material, even though the ture stone tradition we have gained
for the feast the following night. And mainland rune stones are younger and substantial knowledge about the Viking
so life in Valhalla continued. The ring largely a Christian phenomenon. The period. Boats and sails are probably
is probably the symbol of good faith. picture stone tradition on Gotland had
already been ongoing for hundreds of
Christian Stones years when rune stones first appeared,
The following and final phase of the and was already 500 years old by the
Picture Stones evolution can be time they became common.
equated with the introduction of Chris- The earliest stones seem to be grave
tianity. These feature runic inscrip- markers, while the latest just seem to
tions, but no pictures apart from be grave memory stones. Archaeologi-
crosses and trails for the runic inscrip- cal fieldwork conducted in relation to
tions. By definition they should not be the picture stones is limited. The main
called picture stones, but early problem is the reuse of picture stones
researchers established this name for in later buildings such as churches or
this category as well, largely due to bridges, maybe in ritual contexts.
their characteristic shape. This shape is Stones are rarely found in original con-
typical of Gotland and is not found texts. In fact, the original context is
elsewhere amongst the Swedish rune known for only 16 examples. Some of
stone material. Inscriptions contain these are not even complete stones, but
typical Viking-period stanzas detailing just the base, and all of them are of the
who made the stone and for whom. Viking age variety. Most serious
There is also sometimes information research has concentrated on the
about where a person lived and died. motifs.
From the words and a cross on one However, an apparent pattern in the
stone from the parish of Sjonhem (Fig geographical positions of the stones in
5) it is clear that the stone is Christian, the landscape is that they are placed
but the message is marked by pagan along roads or by bridges: locations
belief. One stone out of a monument where they were certain to be seen. The
of three reads, ‘Rodvisl and Rodälv had most recent find, for example, had
these stones raised in memory of their been used in a stone bridge (perhaps a
three sons. This stone in memory of successor of a Viking Age wooden
Fig 5. A Gotlandic Rune stone with the typical shape of the older
Rodfos. He was betrayed by the Wal- bridge) with at least one picture stone. examples, although the cross demonstrates a Christian context.
lachians on an expedition. God help If this is the case, could the people The text mentions the desire for revenge, which sits uncomfortably
Rodfos’ soul. May God betray those passing it read the stone? Did everyone with the stone’s Christian background. Photo: Johan Norderäng.
who betrayed him’. The message is understand the stories depicted? In
clear - revenge, not a typical Christian comparison to rune stones, the earlier Fig 6. Rune stones from the Swedish mainland are in shape
more amorphous than their Gotlandic counterparts. The inscription
thought. This might be a good example picture stones of Gotland contain no refers to a man from Täby outside Stockholm: ‘Jarlabanke had
of the reality of how Christianity was information about who made them this stone raised for himself while he was living, and he made this
fused with an enduring local tradi- and why. This leads us to believe that bridge for his soul, and he himself owned the whole Täby.
tional religion. they were placed to be seen with a farm God help his soul’. Photo: Johan Norderäng.
These Christian ‘picture stones’ are in sight, so passers-by would know who
thought to have been painted with had a stone made.
bright colours. On rare occasions traces Stones are also known from larger
of colour survives, usually red from monuments, where it is conceivable
iron oxide and black from charcoal. A that they were used in groups at sacred
rune stone from Boge on east Gotland sites. Here people may have met to read
even reads, ‘Brightly coloured was this stories from the stones; other scholars
stone raised…’. propose that the stones are monu-
ments of people who had passed on to
Evolutionary Function the next world. The placing of the
One interpretation for the emergence stones could be within farms’ domains
of the picture stone tradition on Got- as a kind of territorial marker. They
land is that it denotes the introduction have also been interpreted as symbolic
of a new religion. A religious change keyholes. In that hypothesis they make
has been discussed for large parts of a transition point between life and
Scandinavia during the 4th or 5th cen- afterlife.
turies AD. If that is the case, perhaps we Archaeology shows that the
can distinguish between three different Viking-period picture stones of Got-
such changes on Gotland. First, the land are found in the outskirts of
early stones seem to reflect a belief in abandoned settlements that are 200
elements with the sun-wheel. Next fea- or 300 years older than the stones
tured is the pagan Viking faith with the themselves, suggesting the existence
worship of the Aesir. In the final phase of an ancestor cult. A major problem
of the tradition we can observe the is that buildings contemporary with
introduction of Christianity with runic the stones are hard to find because
inscriptions and carved crosses. the Vikings built in wood. Later set-

Gotland Picture Stones

the most discussed subjects based on informing motorists of places of spe- this initial step, several key ques-
Per Widerström
the stones, but they inform us about cial interest, seen all over Sweden, tions will be addressed about the ori-
and Johan
houses, how the inhabitants dressed, have borrowed an image from a pic- gin of the picture stones and the
and about the use of carts and ture stone. Almost every book cover- people who made them; whether the
are directors of the
sleighs. Other themes revealed ing the Viking Age uses pictures stones travelled or were once distrib-
Gotland Picture
include gender and, of course, reli- Stone Project. from these Gotlandic stones. In a uted all over the island? If so, is it
gion. way the tradition lives on because possible to distinguish a distribution
Many symbols are today borrowed new gravestones also still carry the pattern? Other important questions
from these stones. The local County distinct shape of the picture stones concern dating, placement in the
Museum of Gotland uses an image of of Gotland. landscape, and who was intended to
the Klinte Stone as their logo. The A recently initiated project now see these mortuary sentinels. To fuel
Museum of National Antiquities has aims to synthesise knowledge about the discussion, we would like to
picked their logo from yet another. this class of material culture. The compare symbols and research
Local companies also try to integrate first phase is to create a database of results with other standing stone tra-
the past with the present by using images and information, part of ditions, for example those of the
ancient symbols. which will be published as a cata- Picts and Romans. Hopefully, some
Similarly, national road signs logue. Following the completion of answers are well within reach.


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