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Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0076971 A1

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US 20120076971 A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0076971 A1
Debnath et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 29, 2012
(54) AIR RICHYARN AND FABRIC AND ITS Publication Classification
DO3D IS/00 (2006.01)
(75) Inventors: Pradip Debnath, Barnala (IN); D6M II/00 (2006.01)
Swadesh Verma, (US) DO2G 3/02 (2006.01)
DO6P 7/00 (2006.01)
D04B I/2 (2006.01)
(73) Assignee: TRIDENT LIMITED, Ludhiana DO3D 27/08 (2006.01)
(IN) (52) U.S. Cl. ........... 428/85; 428/221: 442/181: 442/304;
57/252: 8/494; 28/165
(21) Appl. No.: 13/242,409 (57) ABSTRACT
The present invention relates to air rich yarn and fabric with
(22) Filed: Sep. 23, 2011 pores throughout the cross-section. Air rich yarn and fabric
have high wettability, easy dryability, quick absorbency and
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data increased thickness. When air rich yarn is used to make terry
fabric it makes thicker fabric with increased capacity to
Sep. 24, 2010 (IN) ........................... 1867/DELA2010 absorb water and also release moisture faster while drying.

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Patent Application Publication Mar. 29, 2012 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2012/0076971 A1


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Patent Application Publication Mar. 29, 2012 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2012/0076971 A1

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Patent Application Publication Mar. 29, 2012 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2012/0076971 A1

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US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

ARRCHYARN AND FABRIC AND ITS tion. In contrast, the twist factor in the pile yarn generally
METHOD OF MANUFACTURING ranges from about 3.2 to about 3.9. Similarly in the case offlat
fabrics the twist factor for warp and weft range from about 3.8
0010. The yarns normally used in terry fabrics are coarse
0001. This application claims the benefit of priority to and range from Ne (Number English) 8s to 30s in single as
Indian Patent Application No. 1867/DEL/2010, filed on Sep. well as doubled configuration for pile, weft and ground yarns.
24, 2010, the disclosure of which is hereby expressly incor 0011 Similarly the warp and weft yarn count, in the case
porated by reference in its entirety. of flat fabrics range from Ne. 12s to Ne. 100s in single as well
as doubled configuration depending on the construction of
FIELD OF THE INVENTION fiber, their blends and the structure of the yarn made thereof.
0002 The present invention describes novel “air rich fab 0012 Decorative designs and embellishments are formed
ric' and “air rich yarns” with pores throughout the cross using polyester filament, polyester spun yarn, viscose fila
section. The present invention also describes the process for ment yarn, Viscose spun yarn, mercerized cotton yarn, cotton
manufacturing air rich fabrics and yarns. In particular, the linen fiber blended yarns, Ramie cotton fiber blended yarn,
invention is directed at producing air rich fabrics and yarns modal fiberyarns, chenille yarn, modified viscose fiberyarn,
which have high wettability, easy dryability, quick absor and combinations thereof. Other flat fabrics such as sheeting
bency and increased thickness. The air rich fabrics having or apparel are made from 100% cotton fiberyarn; fiber blends
increased thickness have added advantage of keeping the of polyester and cotton; blends of polyester and viscose:
body warm as they do not allow the body's heat to transmit blends of cotton and modal, blends of cotton and silk and
easily through the fabric. modal; blends of cotton and bamboo, blends of cotton and sea
weed fibers; blends of cotton and sliver fibers; blends of
BACKGROUND cotton and charcoal fibers; and any combinations thereof.
0003 Fabric is a flexible material consisting of a network 0013 The greater the amount of free air space available
of natural or artificial fibers often referred to as thread or yarn. within the yarn, the quicker and higher absorption of the
Yarn is produced by spinning raw fibers such as wool, linen, water. Hence, to increase the amount of free spaces, (as the air
cotton, or other natural or manmade material on a spinning space increases, the drying of the towel after absorption also
wheel to produce long strands. Fabrics are formed by weav increases) structural changes in the yarn have to be made.
ing, knitting or by non-woven techniques. (0014 Polyvinyl alcohol (“PVA), a man made fiber, has
0004. The fabrics woven and terry woven are made from, the unique property of dissolving in hot water. Earlier inven
for example, 100% cotton fiber yarns, fiber blends in yarns tion(s) exploits the dissolving property of PVA by introducing
like: cotton and viscose, blends of cotton and modal, blends of PVA into blendedyarns and, for example, in core of the cotton
silk and modal; bamboo fiberyarns; and blends of cotton and yarn.
bamboo yarns. 0015 There are various methods of introducing PVA into
0005 Flat fabrics, such as sheeting or apparel, may be cotton yarn via cotton spinning system. These methods have
made from 100% cotton; blends of polyester and cotton; been exploited earlier. These methods are:
blends of polyester and viscose: blends of cotton and modal; 0016 a) Inserting PVA fibers into the core during ring
blends of cotton, silk and modal; and any combinations spinning, by inserting PVA spunyarn into the stream of cotton
thereof. fibers in the drafting Zone during ring spinning on Ring
0006 Further, most fibers have absorbent properties but Frame.
the extent of absorption depends on the type offiber, nature of 0017 b) Blending the PVA roving with the cotton roving
yarn used and the design of the fabric etc. during feeding in the drafting system of ring frame in SIRO
0007. However, by suitable modifications in the yarn spinning System.
structure, it is possible to increase the wicking property of the (0018 c) Inserting PVA fiber slivers into the middle of
yarn, ineffect increasing the hydrophilic nature, thereby mak cotton slivers at the feeding end of the drafting Zone of the
ing the yarns quick absorbing and bulky. speed frame, twisting on the speed frame, and Subsequently
0008 Terry Towels are generally thick materials. The spinning the yarn at ring spinning.
thicker the towel, the greater the Surface area, and thus a (0019 d) Blending PVA fiberalong with cotton fiber in the
greater amount of water can be absorbed. When a towel fabric initial process of fiber mixing in cotton spinning system.
encounters a water droplet, the pile loops first remove the
droplet by sucking the droplet between the space available 0020 e) Doubling PVA yarn with cotton yarn with twist in
among the pile loops and then absorbing the water inside the reverse direction of cotton yarn leaving the final finished
yarn in the space between the fibers in the yarn. The latter part fabric with cotton yarn having only few turns of twist.
applies to flat fabrics as well. The absorbed water then enters 0021. By using methods (a), (b) and (c) the blend homo
the secondary wall and in lumen of the cotton fiber. geneity, across the radial direction in the final yarn structure,
0009. The amount of twist in the yarn affects the properties can not be ascertained. Also, by using these methods well
of the towel products. The pile yarn is generally a low-twist interlinked through pores through out the cross section of
yarn. Pile loops provide maximum surface area for the the yarn and on the Surface of the yarn cannot be achieved.
absorption of water, and the low twist aids in the absorption The pores formed are mainly of closed and blind type. The
by imparting wicking properties to the yarn. Ground warp and yarn made by these methods may be hollow in core but the
weft are generally hard-twisted compared to the pile yarn. surface is covered. Covered surface does not allow water to go
The ground and weft yarn twist factors generally range from inside the core in hollow space so easily. These methods are
about 3.8 to about 4.2, depending upon the towel construc thus, not effective to attain the porous yarn structure in the
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

final fabric. The structural difference in these yarn structure DEFINITIONS

and invented can be well understood from schematic diagram 0034 English count (Ne) Number of hanks of 840 yards
in FIG. 1. per pound.
0022. By using process (d) porous yarn structure in the 0035 Absorbency. The propensity of a material to take
final fabric can be attained. This process has operational in and retain liquid, usually water.
challenges in blended process due to entirely different pro 0036 Blend—A textile containing two or more different
cessing behavior of PVA fibers. fibers, variants of the same fiber or different colors and grades
of the same fiber.
0023 Process (e) involves separate spinning process for 0037 Blending The mixing of quantities of the same
PVA yarn and Cotton Yarn. Therefore an additional cost of fiber taken from many lots or of different types of fiber to
doubling process with PVA yarn is added making the process produce a uniform result.
cost ineffective. Also structure of the yarn is open fiber struc 0038 Carding A process in manufacturing spun yarn in
ture which causes negligible binding of the fibers. which the fibers are separated, distributed, equalized and
0024. Thus, there is a need for an economic and cost formed into a web. The web can be very thin or thick. The
process of carding removes some impurities, and a certain
effective process of manufacturing air rich fabric/yarns with amount of short or broken fibers.
pores throughout the cross section. 0039 Core Spinning. A yarn spinning process using
which a filament (usually elastic under tension) is covered
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION with a sheath of staple fibers to produce stretchable yarn. The
resultant yarn and fabric have the characteristics of the sheath
0025. An object of the present subject matter is to provide fiber along with the advantage of stretch and recovery.
0040 Core Yarn: A yarn made by winding one yarn/fiber
a method for manufacturing fabrics, which are highly wet around another to give the appearance of a yarn made solely
table, easily dryable, quick absorbing, thicker (voluminous). of the outer yarn.
The fabrics have an added advantage of keeping the body 0041. Denier: Refers to the thickness of a fiber. It is the
warm and not allowing the body heats to transmit easily from measurement of the diameter of the fiber and refers to weight
the fabric (herein referred to as “Air rich fabrics”). in grams for 9000 meters.
0026. Another object of the present subject matter is to 0042. Hank: A definite length oftextile material that varies
provide a method for manufacturing Terry fabrics that can according to the material. Ahank of wool is 560 yards, cotton
and silk is 840 yards, and linen is 300 yards.
absorb about 75% to 100% of the water contacting them and 0043 Pile: A surface effect on a fabric formed by tufts or
dry with a drying rate 10 to 30% faster than normal fabric. loops of yarn that stand up from the body of the fabric such as
0027. Yet another object of the present subject matter is to terry towel fabric.
provide Air rich fabrics/yarns with pores throughout the cross 0044 Spinning: The final step in the production of yarn.
section and on the Surface as well. The twisting of fibers in the form of the sliver or roving.
0028. To achieve the said objectives, this invention pro 0045 Warp: In woven fabric, the yarns that run lengthwise
vides a process of manufacturing Air rich fabrics. The process and are interwoven with the fill (weft) yarns.
0046 Weft: In woven fabric, the filling yarns that runs
involves blending water soluble fibers (e.g. PVA fibers) with perpendicular to the warp yarns.
the base fibers (e.g. cotton fibers). Modified method of blend 0047 Yarn: A continuous strand of textile fibers created
ing water soluble fiber slivers along with base material fiber when a cluster of individual fibers are twisted around one
slivers on the draw frame of a spinning system. Further, another.
giving one more draw frame passage for achieving the blend 0048 Base material—cotton, cotton blends, silk, modal
ing homogeneity in radial direction. This method helps in fibers, acrylic, blends of cotton and bamboo, blends of cotton
achieving pores through out the Surface of the final yarn and and sea weeds, blends of cotton and silver, blends of cotton
making the porous yarn structure in the final fabric stage. and charcoal, blends of polyester and cotton, blends of poly
ester and Viscose, blends of cotton and modal and combina
0029. The process used in the present invention simplifies tions thereof.
the processing of water soluble material fiber blended with 0049. Water soluble material material having unique
base material fiber and eliminates the cost of manufacturing property of dissolving in hot water, e.g. polyvinyl alcohol
water soluble material roving or yarn. (“PVA'), a man made fiber.
0050 PVA—Asynthetic polymer available in the form of
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS filaments and cut fibers. PVA fibers are easily dissolved in
warm or hot water at about 40 degree Celsius to 110 degree
0030 These and other features, aspects, and advantages of Celsius without the aid of any chemical agents.
the present invention will become better understood when the 0051 Sliver. It is a continuous strand of loosely
following detailed description is read with reference to the assembled fibers without twist. The production of the sliver is
accompanying drawings, wherein: the first step in the textile operation that brings the staple fiber
0031 FIG. 1 illustrates difference between core based
into a form that can be drawn and eventually twisted into a
Spun yarn.
PVA Yarn and Air Rich Yarn Structure
0.052 Porosity: Porosity is the ratio of the volume of open
0032 FIG. 2 illustrates a process Sequence for manufac ings (voids) to the total volume of material. Porous surface of
turing Air Rich Yarn the yarn having more big size air gaps in the yarn structure for
0033 FIG. 3 illustrates an Air Rich-Toweling Fabric quick absorbing and early shedding of water that is being
manufacturing process steps. Diversions show alternative absorbed.
path in spinning section for Ring Spinning and Open End 0053. Through Pores: Open to outside and permit fluid
spinning. Shaded Blocks are optional processes. flows
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

0054 Thermal Insulation. It is a measure of amount of heat 0069. Air rich pile yarn is woven with base material weft
a fabric can resist from its surface to dissipate in to the and warp yarns to produce terry fabrics, such as towels. The
atmosphere fabric is then washed in warm water to dissolve water soluble
0055 Wettability: Wettability or wetting is the actual pro fibers. The amount of water soluble material present can vary
cess when a liquid spreads on a solid Substrate or material. It from about 8% to about 25% of the weight of the yarn. For
can be estimated by determining the contact angle or calcu example, the PVA may be present as 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%,
lating area of spreading or time taken to spread. 15%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%, or 24% of the weight of the yarn.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION By dissolving the water soluble fibers, additional air spaces
are produced on the structure of pile yarn, corresponding to an
0056. The present invention relates to novel air rich fabric/ increase in the airspace in the pile yarn. By increasing the
yarns with pores throughout the cross-section. The process of through pores in the pile yarn, the resulting towels are softer
making air rich fabric is also described. The process basically and bulkier than standard cotton towels having good wetta
comprises the following steps: bility and drying properties.
0057 a) Blending water soluble material slivers with the 0070. In the case of flat fabrics the air rich warp and/or
base material slivers in the draw frame to obtain blended weft yarn similarly contain warm-water soluble fibers, such
slivers; as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers, in the structure of the
0058 b) Drawing the blended slivers obtained in step (a) cotton yarn and/or other fibers as base material.
till homogeneously blended Strands are obtained; 0071. The cotton that may form the major component of
0059 c) Pre spinning the homogeneously blended strand Surface of the pile yarn orwarp-weftyarn can be of any origin;
obtained in step (b) to obtain well blended roving; for example, Indian, Egyptian, Australian, United States of
0060 d) Spinning the well blended roving obtained in step America (USA), Syria, or Russia.
(c) to obtain yarns;
0061 e) Weaving or knitting fabric using yarns obtained in (0072. The water soluble fiber used can be PVA. The prop
step (d) as at least one of the component; erties of fibers available for manufacture of spun PVA yarn
0062 f) Treating the fabric obtained in step (e) with water are given below in table 1.
to dissolve out water soluble component to obtain fabric with TABLE 1
006.3 g) Optionally Dying the fabric obtained in step (f) to Properties of cut staple fibers available for manufacture of spun PVA yarn.
obtain dyed fabric; and
0064 h) Optionally Post treating dyed fabric obtained in Nominal
step (g). Temp in Cut
0065. The fabric is washed in warm water to dissolve the Water (Lowest length (mm)
water soluble fibers. The amount of fibers dissolved, depends S. Temp) (degree Fineness B = variable Tenacity Elongation
upon the count of the yarn or yarns used. The amount of water No. Celsius) (dtex) cut length (cNidtex) (%)
soluble fibers present can vary from about 8% to about 25% of 1 40 1.2 38 7.1 15.4
the weight of the yarn. For example, water soluble fiber may 1.7 38
be present as 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 15%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 2 50
38, 51,
32,38 7.1 15.1
22%, or 24% of the weight of the yarn. By dissolving the 2.2 32,38, 51,
water soluble fibers, additional air spaces are produced on the 3 70 1.7 38 7.2 12.1
structure of yarn, corresponding to an increase in the airspace 2.2 51
in the yarn. By increasing the through pores in the yarn, the 4 8O, 90 1.4 32,38 7.6 11.1
resulting fabric (e.g. towel) is softer and bulkier than standard 1.7 32,38
cotton fabric (e.g. cotton towel) having good water perme 2.2 51,
2.2 7.6 15.1
ability and drying properties. 5 95 1.7 38 7.5 10.1
0066. The terry fabrics and yarns of the present invention 2.2 51,
can absorb, for example, between about 75% and 100% of the
water contacting the yarn or fabric (Amount of water as per 0073. In specific embodiments: The process of manufac
Test Method ASTM D4772). In a preferred embodiment, the turing air rich fabric comprises the following steps and can be
air rich yarns and towel fabrics of the present invention can understood with reference to FIG. 2 and FIG. 3:
absorb between about 75% and 100% of the water contacting
the yarn or towel fabric. In another embodiment the air rich Producing Water Soluble Material Slivers from Water
fabrics can absorb more than 75% of the water contacting the Soluble Fibers
yarn or fabric and dried at a rate 10 to 30% faster than the (0074 The water soluble material fibers (e.g. PVA fibers)
normal yarn or fabric. In yet another embodiment the porous are first processed through a blow room in the cotton spinning
yarns and fabrics are 30 to 40% more voluminous than the system. In spinning process the fibers are made into slivers
normal and have 20 to 30% higher thermal insulation prop through the process of carding and use of a draw frame (one
erties. or two passages as required in order to ensure uniformity of
0067. The air richyarn herein described typically contains fibers in the stream). The range of water soluble material
base material fibers and a fiber, which dissolves in warm sliver hank is from 0.05 to 0.40s Ne.
water i.e. water soluble fibers, such as PVA (Polyvinyl Alco 0075. A water soluble material fiber sliver is made on the
hol). draw frame with a finer hank greater than or equal to 0.05
0068. The air rich yarn is used in the pile of the towel or hank. The denier of the water soluble material fibers is typi
toweling fabric. Whereas in the case of a flat fabric, such as cally from about 0.9 to about 2.2 denier. It can have a cut
sheeting, warp and/or weft yarn can be air rich yarn. length that is equal to or more than 32 mm and equal to or
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

shorter than 51 mm (44 mm and 51 mm fiber can be used with from about Ne 7s to about 32s for terry fabrics and about
modifications in the machine parameters in spinning). Ne. 10s to about 100s for flat fabrics. Where doubledyarn is to
Producing Base Material Slivers from Base Material Fibers be made, two single yarns are doubled on two-for-one twist
0076. The base material sliver may be made from, for ers with a TPI(twists per inch) from about 5.5 to about 16.5
example, different cotton blends, silk fibers, modal fibers, TPI in “S” direction. The twist direction can be Z over S or Z
acrylic fibers; blends of cotton and bamboo; blends of cotton over Z. The resultant counts would be about 2/7s to about
and sea weed fibers; blends of cotton and sliver fibers; and 2/32s, for terry fabrics. Similarly the doubled yarns for flat
blends of cotton & charcoal fibers. The warp-weft yarn inflat fabrics may be from about 10/2s to about 100/2s with about
fabrics may have blends of, for example, polyester and cot 50% to about 85% of single yarn TPI as doubled yarn TPI in
ton; blends of polyester & viscose: blends of cotton and either Zover S or Zover Z configuration. The cut length of the
modal; blends of cotton and silk and modal; blends of cotton water soluble material (PVA) fibers is about 32 mm, 38 mm
and bamboo; blends of cotton and sea weed fibers; blends of and 44 mm (with longer middle cradle in the drafting Zone)
cotton and silver fibers; blends of cotton and charcoal fibers, which can be used for spinning in the cotton system. The
and any combinations thereof. In case of blended sliver, each machinery settings depend on the fiber length and the settings
component is separately processed through carding/combing will be as per the recommendation of the machine manufac
and the individual carded slivers are subsequently blended turer for these lengths. For the coarser count the same water
together on draw frames. soluble material (PVA) blended sliver can be used on OE
0077. The cotton sliver is prepared by processing through spinning system to make the porous yarn for towel, rugs and
the blow room, carding, draw frame, combers, and final draw carpet fabric. OE stands for Open End (OE) spinning, a dif
frames, producing a 0.05 hank sliver and above. ferent spinning technique of making yarn other than the ring
0078. After carding, the cotton sliver is subjected to comb spun yarn, where in the yarn is made directly from sliver by
ing to remove short fibers. The amount of noil, or fibers that using rotor-spinning technology.
are less than 12 mm, removed, ranges from 7% to 24% of the I0084. The processing parameters depend on the water
weight of the feed material. For example, the weight removed soluble material fiber and base material used and/or other
can be 8%, 10%, 12%, 15%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%, and 24% fibers used in the blend. The ring spun yarn is wound into
of the weight of the feed material. large packages on the Autoconer using Suitable settings and
Blending Water Soluble Material Slivers with the Base Mate process parameters
rial Slivers
0079. It involves blending water soluble material slivers Weaving or Knitting the Yarns to Obtain Fabric
with base material slivers in the draw frame of a cotton spin A) Terry Fabric
ning system. Further, giving one or more draw frame passages
for achieving the blending homogeneity in radial direction is I0085 Woven Terry fabrics (e.g. terry towels) are formed
the ideal method of achieving through pores on the Surface of from three types of yarns: 1) Ground Warp 2) Weft 3) Pile
the final yarn and making the porous yarn structure in final Warp. The first type of yarn is the ground warp. The ground
fabric because water soluble fibres are uniformly distributed warp is the longitudinal set of yarn forming the base for
in the structure of the yarn. This is quite different from the fabric. The second type of yarn is weft yarn. Weft yarn is
normal “PVA based absorbent yarn where PVA fibres are perpendicular to ground yarn and interlace with ground yarn
their in the core of the yarn and goes off only from the core in to make a base fabric. Ground and Weft yarn form a base
final finishing stage making core hollow with so called closed fabric in which third type of yarn pile is hold in the form of
or blind pores not the whole structure porous with through loops. These loops are protruding outward and contributing to
pores. thickness and bulk of fabric. These yarn are meant for absorb
ing water from Surface e.g. when used during bath.
Pre Spinning the Homogeneously Blended Strand I0086. The Ground yarn has a single or double count.
0080. It involves drawing the homogeneously blended Double count range from about Ne 2/12s to about Ne 2/30s
Strand to roving form and making a twisted roving on speed and single count from about Ne10s to about Ne 16s combed or
frame. In conventional terminology this process step is carded. Yarn can be made using any spinning technique e.g
termed as pre spinning which prepares the material for the ring spinning, open end spinning etc. In the preferred embodi
final yarn spinning. ment, the ground yarn is about 2/20s carded ring spun.
I0081. The twisting of the roving with the PVA fibers in the I0087. The weft yarn, has a count ranging from about Ne7s
structure is done in the normal fashion, i.e. with clockwise to about Ne30s generally both carded/combed made with any
rotation of the flyer to give Z twist. Alternatively, the roving spinning technique e.g. Ring Spinning, Open End Spinning
can have S' twist, by reversing the direction of the rotation of etc. In the prescribed embodiment the weft is about Ne16s
the flyer to a counter-clockwise direction. carded ring spun yarn.
0082. The roving produced by these methods has a twist I0088. The Pile yarn has a single or double count. Double
multiplier to optimize the working conditions. The roving count range from about Ne 2/16s to about Ne2/30s and single
count from about Ne 7s to about Ne 32s combed or carded.
hank ranges from about 0.5 to about 3.0 hanks. Yarn can be made using any spinning technique e.g. ring
Spinning the Well Blended Roving spinning, open end spinning etc. In the preferred embodi
ment, the pile yarn is about 13s Combed ring-spun made with
0083. The Air richyarn is spun on the ringframes using the Air Rich Technique and comprises water soluble material
preferred blend settings, for example, all of the setting param fibers.
eters on ringframe are determined based on the type of water I0089. The Twist Multiplier for weft yarn and ground yarn
soluble material and other base materials used to make the is from about 3.4 to about 5.4 Z twist generally depending
yarn. The yarn spun on the Ring Spinning has a count ranging upon fiber and spinning technique.
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

0090 The ground, weft, and pile yarns are woven together. becomes Air Rich and improved properties i.e better wetta
The terry fabric is generally made on 56s, 60s and 70s reeds: bility, higher thickness, faster drying, better absorbency are
however, reed is not a limiting factor. achieved.
0091. The terry weave can be 3 pick terry, 4 pick terry, 5 0100. After washing, the liquor is drained and freshwater
pick terry, 6 pick terry. The pile height can range from about is injected for rinsing to eliminate all the dissolved PVA. The
2.5 mm to 10 mm. Most common is 4 mm to 6.5 mm. water is at a temperature ranging from about 55 degree Cel
sius to about 100 degree Celsius. Preferably, the water is at a
B) Flat Fabric high temperature, such as 100 degree Celsius. The PVA
coagulates during the dissolving step and promptly dissolves
0092 Flat fabrics are woven with air rich warp and/or air in hot water if the high temperature is not maintained. There
rich weftyarn. The fabric construction depends on the end use fore, the fabric is rinsed in hot water after draining to wash
and type of fabric to be made. away any PVA residue. This rinsing step also ensures that any
Treating the Fabric with Water loose fibers drain out along with the drain water.
0093 Water soluble Fibers (PVA fibers) are dissolved out 0101. After dyeing or washing fabric has to be dried. There
during dyeing or before dyeing at temperature depending are several ways for drying the fabric. In present embodiment,
upon the type of water soluble material used. However, the drying is done through hydro extractor, rope opener, loop
temperature for dissolving PVA fibers ranges from 40 Deg C. dryer and stenter. Gradual drying leads to better hand feel.
to 110 Deg C. depending on type of PVA fiber, dyeing 0102 The method of processing can also be continuous
machine, liquor ratio and cycle time. bleaching and continuous dyeing range followed by hot air
0094. The liquor ratio is a ratio of the material weight drying and stentering. Care is to be exercised to ensure that
(Fabric) to water (Volume). The liquor ratio should be suffi the PVA dissolves completely, during the process.
cient to facilitate prompt dissolution of the PVA, while allow EXAMPLES
ing free movement of the fabric. The liquor ratio ranges from
about 1:4 to about 1:30. For example, the liquor ratio may be 0103) The following example illustrates typical pile yarn
1:7, 1:12, 1:15, 1:20, 1:25, 1:22, or 1:28. This depends on manufacturing parameters, towel manufacturing parameters,
dyeing machines technology/setup available. In the preferred and processing details.
embodiment the liquor ratio is 1:4.5 which is considered as
lowest in exhaust batch dyeing process in Soft flow machines. Example 1
In general liquor ratio used 1:7 in soft flow exhaust batch
dyeing machines. In case dyeing is carried out in winch or Pile Yarn Manufacturing, Towel Manufacturing, and
Jigger machines material to liquor ratio is as high as 1:20 Processing
0095. In order to make air rich product, water soluble fiber 0104. The PVA fiber used in this example is 1.4 denier 38
has to be removed completely. The product Quality is inde mm fiber and S6 cotton of Indian origin with 2.5% span
pendent of liquor ratio. length of 28 to 32 mm, micronaire of 3.9 to 4.9, fibre strength
0096. In another embodiment, after washing, the liquor is of 28 Gtex to 30 Gtex, and short fibre index 3.5 to 6.5%. The
drained and freshwater is injected for rinsing to eliminate all cotton and PVA fibers were blended to produce a pile yarn
the dissolved PVA. The water is at a temperature ranging from containing 85% J 34 Combed Sliver (18% Noil) and 15%
about 55 degree Celsius to about 100 degree Celsius. Prefer PVA (1.4 denier).
ably, the water is at a higher temperature, such as 100 degree 0105 The spinning process parameters and yarn proper
Celsius. Therefore, the fabric is rinsed in hot water after ties for PVA/Cotton Pile Yarn are described below.
draining to wash away any PVA residue. This rinsing step also
ensures that any loose fibers drain out along with the drain Cotton Sliver Preparation
0106 The cotton used for the preferred embodiment of Ne
Dying & Post Treatment 13's is S 6 having the following parameters:
0097. After dissolving the water soluble material the fab TABLE 2
ric is dyed with normal dyeing process which is scoured,
Parameters of cotton used
bleached and dyed in the normal fashion in a fabric dying
machine. While Scouring, bleaching and dyeing, the operat 2.5% span length 28 to 32 mm
ing temperature ranges from about 60 degree Celsius to about Micronaire (ig/inch) 3.9 to 4.9
110 degree Celsius. However, temperature for dissolving Fibre Strength (gmitex) 27 to 31 gmitex
Short fibre index 3.5 to 6.5%
PVA ranges from 50 Deg C. to 100 Deg C. depending on type
of PVA fiber.
0098. The liquor ratio is a ratio of the material weight 0107 The cotton is processed through blowroom having
(Fabric) to water (Volume). The liquor ratio should be suffi bale plucker, vario clean, unimix, and ERM beater.
cient to facilitate prompt dissolution of the PVA, while allow 0108. The cotton is processed from blowroom through to
ing free movement of the fabric. The liquor ratio ranges from carding where the fibers are individualized. The hank of the
about 1:4 to about 1:30. For example, the liquor ratio may be card sliver is maintained at 0.1 delivered from machine at
1:7, 1:12, 1:15, 1:20, 1:25, 1:22, or 1:28. In the preferred speed of 145 meter/minute.
embodiment the liquor ratio is 1:4.5 0109 The cotton sliver from carding is then processed
0099 Air rich product quality is not dependent on dyeing through a beaker drawing where at the feed end the number of
process. If PVA or other water soluble fiber is removed prop doublings are 6 and a hank delivered kept at 0.12. The deliv
erly during or before dyeing the yarn and thus the product ery speed is 450 mtrs per minute.
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

0110 Since combing is necessary to remove short fibers, I0121 The following table enumerates the properties of the
the draw frame slivers are processed through unilap machine preferred embodiment Ne 13s Air rich yarn with PVA/cotton
with 24 doublings and formed into a lap of 75 gms/meter at a in the structure.
delivery speed of 120 metres/min.
0111. The lap is processed on combing machine with 8 TABLE 3
heads and one delivery resulting in a hank of 0.10. The comb
ers worked at 350 nips/min with a backward feed of 5.2 mm Properties of Air rich yarn
per nip. The extracted noil is 18%.
Average Count 13. OSNE
PVA Sliver Preparation Average lea strength lbs 208
0112. The PVA fiber used is 38 mm 1.4 denier. The PVA CSP (count strength product) 26SO
fibers are first passed through blowroom having a feeder and Count CV% 1.2
a MBO beater only. This is because the PVA fiber is the Strength CV% 6.5
manmade fiber and is clean without any impurities. Average TPI 12.9
0113. The PVA fibers from Blow Room goes to the card Average U% (percent mean deviation) 8.
ing machine where the cards are run at 100 meters/minute Thin Places/km (-50%) O.1
delivery speed and a hank of 0.12. On the card the flat speeds Thick places/km (+5.0%) 8.9
are kept low at 90 to 110 mm perminute to minimize wastage. Neps/km (+20.0%) 9.0
0114. The card sliver (PVA) is then processed through Total Imperfection per km 17.9
leveling drawframe, with 6 ends up and a delivery hank of Hairiness Index 9.32
0.11. The machine runs at 300 meter/minute.
Average Breaking force (gms) 634
Blending on Draw Frame Average Rkm (cNTex) 15.77
RKM CV90 96.O
0115. A blending passage drawing with 5 ends up of Elongation at Break% 5.81
combed cotton sliver and one leveled sliver was doubled at
Elongation CV% 9.31
200 metres/min speed a delivery hank of 0.11 is given for
mixing and making the fibers more parallel with one another.
0116. During the feeding of slivers in blending draw frame
the PVA sliver remains in the centre of the cotton slivers Spinning
0117 8 blended sliver is again doubled and drafted on the
finisher draw frame for making the resultant sliver which is 0.122 The well blended roving so produced on the speed
having uniform transverse and longitudinal blend of cotton frame is then spun into yarn on the cotton ring spinning frame.
and PVA fibre. The hank of delivered sliver was 0.11s Neand
delivered through autolevelled (for insuring the mixing of two In the preferred embodiment Ne 13s the roving of 0.50 hank
components in the final sliver) draw frame at a speed of 250 is drafted 26 times on the drafting system of ring frame and
metre/min) spun into yarn with 13.9 TPI. The machine is generally run at
0118. The fibres in the delivered sliver are parallel, 7000 to 18000 rpm. In the preferred embodiment the speed is
straightened and well mixed across the radial and longitudi 11000 rpm. The yarn from ring frame bobbins is cleared and
nal direction wound into large packages at autoconer.
0119 The Finisher Draw Frame
0120 PVA and cotton blended sliver cans are kept at the Fabric Manufacturing
feed end of the speed frame and a roving of 0.5 hank is
delivered after drafting and twisting of feed sliver. The hank I0123. The specifications kept for manufacturing the Air
of roving delivered was 0.5s Ne. rich fabric is given in the table below:
Specification for manufacturing air rich fabric.
Finished Towel Grey Towel
Towel Specification Width (cm) Length (cm) Width (cm) Length (cm)
Dimension W x LCM 76.2 137.16 87.66 147.43
G.S.M SO6.33 l
Wt. Loss % Grey To Finish 17 l
Wt. Loss % Dyeing 17 l
Wit. Of Towel Gms 529.1955 637.5849
Shrinkage in Width % R.S. to 13.29 l
Shrinkage in Length 3 l
% Grey to Finish
Plain Portion in 1.6 5.5
Width (cm)
Terry Portion in 74.6 8216
Width (cm)
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

TABLE 4-continued
Specification for manufacturing air rich fabric.
Finished Towel Grey Towel
Towel Specification Width (cm) Length (cm) Width (cm) Length (cm)
Plain Portion in O 2.4
Length (cm)
Crammed Hem 3 7
Portion in Length (cm)
Border Portion in S.O8 S.O8
Length (cm)
Terry Portion in 129.08 (0.000 + 0.000) 132.95
Length (cm)
Pile Density/DM 3560.07
of Finished Towel
On Loom Specification
RS For Terry Cm 86.O3 RS For Towel Cm 91.79
Reed (Ends Cm) 11.81 Picks. Cm 15.5
Pile Ratio in Terry 6.53 Pile Height MM 6.32
Avg. Picks/Cm Fin. 17.85 Type of Terry 3pick
Warp Specification Pile Warp Ground Warp
Warp Count 12 10
No. OF Ends. Towel 1,016.00 1,152.00
Size 96 0.75 O
False Selvedge Ends O 32
No. OF Ends. Beam 3,048 3,488
Warp Length Towel CM 883.9436 158.4873
Weft Specification
Material Picks TM (1 ply)/TPI
YG10OW1COO 144 5.4
YG16KF1COO 1942 4.3
YG2OCW2SM399999999 362 1O.S

0.124. The towels with air rich yarn in the pile and cotton
yarn in weft and ground is processed in the dyeing house in TABLE 5-continued
the rope form. The dyeing process comprises of dissolving
PVA followed by normal cotton dyeing process (if base mate Description of processes used in manufacture of air rich yarns
rial is cotton). PVA dissolving is done at 100 deg C. for 10 min Name of
in soft flow machines. The water is drained and pretreatment Process Description of Process Objective of Process
is started. Pretreatment comprises of bleaching and scouring. gradual decrement in size cleaning
It is done in one step using caustic lye and hydrogen peroxide. and increment in Nos
Dyeing is as the standard cotton dyeing process for reactive Carding M/c with very fine wire (ndividualization of fibers,
dyeing. After dyeing, softeners are added in acetic medium in points on cylinders Fine Cleaning and Removal
order to regain softness of the cotton fiber. Softeners used in of fiber entanglements
terry toweling are silicon based, hydrophilic so that absor (Neps).
bency due to softener does not reduce. Levelling Michave Three Pair of Making Sliver of Uniform
Breaker Rolls to Draw Sliver hickness and Parallelizing
Examples 2 to 7 provide the process parameters of Unilap Slivers from Breaker laid To make Suitable package
processes used for manufacturing air rich yarns beside one another and orm(Lap) for Combing
using various base materials and water Soluble wound in form of
materials. Table 5 below provides brief descriptions Sheet(Lap)
of the said processes. Comber Stationary and Revolving Removal of Short fibers and
comb to comb cotton Neps from Cotton and
0125 Fleece converting Lap into Sliver
Finisher Michave Three Pair of Uniform sliver Wt Unit
Blender Rolls to Draw Sliver and ength with increased
TABLE 5 Autolevelling of Delivered Parallelization
Description of processes used in manufacture of air rich Yarns Simplex Set of Rolls for drawing To form Suitable package
Name of sliver to form Roving and size to feed material in Ring
Process Description of Process Objective of Process Winding on Bobbins Farme
Ring Frame Set of Rolls to Draw Final Yarn Conversion
Blow Room Set of Mic with cylinders Opening of fiber into Small Roving and Twisting
with spikes, wire points in tufts and simultaneous mechanism to give strength.
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

TABLE 5-continued TABLE 6-continued

Description of processes used in manufacture of air rich yarns The following table shows Process Parameters for manufacturing of
Air Rich Yarn using PVA and J34 Cotton fiber.
Name of
Process Description of Process Objective of Process Count
Sir 12 Cw Air rich
Winding Electronic Clearer to Yarn is wound on cones as No. Fibre Parameters (PVA/J34 Cotton)
remove faults and Splicer to package wt required by
join Yarn ends customer and ensured all Doubling 6 cotton/1 PVA (PVA in Center)
objectionable faults are Output Hank O.11
Removed Simplex
Row Hank 0.55
Speed 850
Spacer 9mm
Example 2 TM

Air Rich Yarn Made Using J34 Cotton Speed 11600

TM 3.5
0126 Process parameters for manufacturing air rich yarn Spacer 4.5
Break Draft 1.2
using PVA as water soluble material and J34 cotton as base Yarn Count (English 12S Ne
material are provided in table 6 below. Parameters include all System)
machine settings, Speed & Waste level of Blowroom, Card Winding
ing, Draw Frame, Unilap, Comber, Simplex, Ring frame, Winding Speed 1300 m/min
Winding for spinning of PVA and J34 Cotton fiber Cone Weight 2.52 kg

Example 3
The following table shows Process Parameters for manufacturing of
Air Rich Yarn using PVA and J34 Cotton fiber.
Air RichYarn Made Using J34 Cotton
No. Fibre Parameters
12 Cw Air rich O127 Process parameters for manufacturing air rich yarn
(PVA/J34 Cotton) using PVA as water soluble material and PIMA cotton as base
Fibre denier 1.2 Denier material are provided in table 7 below. Parameters include all
Fibre Length 38 mm machine settings, Speed & Waste level of Blowroom, Card
Fibre Upper half 28.85 ing, Draw Frame, Unilap, Comber, Simplex, Ring frame,
mean length Winding for spinning of PVA and PIMA Cotton fiber.
Micronaire 4.59
Fibre strength (gmitex) 31.23
Blowroom PVA Cotton TABLE 7
Mixing 100% PVA 100% S 6
MBO Beater 1 Speed 450 rpm 450 rpm The following table shows Process Parameters for manufacturing of Air
MBO Beater 2 Speed 650 rpm 650 rpm Rich Yarn using PVA and PIMA Cotton fiber.
Vario Clean 650 rpm
500 rpm Count
550 rpm Sir 12 Cw Air rich (PVA
No. Fibre Parameters PIMA Cotton)
100 m/min 150 m/min
Cylinder Speed 450 500 Fibre denier 1.2 Denier
Licker In Speed 6SO 950 Fibre Length 38 mm PIMA
Flat Speed 7.5 inch/min Fibre Upper half 34.25
Flat Gauge 12, 12, 16, 16, 16 12, 12, 10, mean length
10, 10 Micronaire 4.22
Output Hank O.1 O.12 Fibre strength (gmitex) 38.87
Levelling/Breaker RSB (levelling). DOf6 Blowroom PVA
Break Draft 1.16 1.7 Mixing 100% PVA 100% PIMA
Roll Gauge 46 SO 40.44 MBO Beater 1 Speed 450 rpm
Spee 400 350 MBO Beater 2 Speed 650 rpm
Doubling 6 8 Vario Clean 650 rpm
nput Hank O.1 O.12 500 rpm
Output Hank O.103 O.12 550 rpm
Unilap (only for Cotton) Not Applicable For PVA LH 10
Spee 110 100 m/min 150 m/min
Break Draft 1.02 Cylinder Speed 450 500
Doubling 22 Licker In Speed 6SO 950
Lap Hank 76 gm/mtr Flat Speed 7.5 inch/min
Comber (only for Cotton) Not Applicable For PVA Flat Gauge 12, 12, 16, 16, 16 12, 12, 10,
Nips/Min 350 10, 10
Feed/Nip 4.7 mm Output Hank O.1 O.12
Noil 16.50% Levelling/Breaker RSB (levelling). DOf6
Output Hank O.11 Break Draft 1.16 1.7
Finisher Blender RSB (Blending) Roll Gauge 46, SO 38.42
Break Draft 1.16 Speed 400 350
Speed 450 m/min Doubling 6 8
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

TABLE 7-continued TABLE 8-continued

The following table shows Process Parameters for manufacturing of Air The following table shows Process Parameters for manufacturing of Air
Rich Yarn using PVA and PIMA Cotton fiber. Rich Yarn using PVA and Sarona/Cotton fiber.
Count Count
Sir 12 Cw Air rich (PVA Cw Air rich
No. Fibre Parameters PIMA Cotton) Sir PWAS 6 Cotton Sorona

nput Hank O.1 O.12 No. Fibre Parameters Sorona

Output Hank O.103 O.12
4 Unilap (only for Cotton) Not Applicable For PVA E30 1 Bowroom PVA
Speed 120 Mixing 100% PVA 85% combed
Break Draft 1.02 S6 Sliver +
Doubling 2O 15% Sorona
Lap Hank 74 gm/mtr MBO Beater 1 Speed 450 rpm
5 Comber (only for Cotton) Not Applicable For PVA MBO Beater 2 Speed 650 rpm
Nips/Min 350 Vario Clean 650 rpm
Feed/Nip 5.2 mm Unimix 500 rpm
Noil 15.50% ERM 550 rpm
Output Hank O.12 2 Carding
6 Finisher Blender RSB (Blending) Speed 100 m/min 120 m/min
Break Draft 1.16 Cylinder Speed 450 500
Speed 450 m/min Licker In Speed 6SO 950
Doubling 6 cotton/1 PVA (PVA in Center) Flat Speed 7.5 inch/min
Output Hank 5.36 Flat Gauge 12, 12, 16, 16, 16 12, 12, 10,
7 Simplex 10, 10
Row Hank 0.55 Output Hank O.1 O.12
Speed 850 3 Levelling/Breaker RSB (levelling). DOf6
Spacer 9mm Break Draft 1.16 1.7
TM 1.25 Roll Gauge 46, SO 38.42
8 Ringframe Spee 400 350
Speed 11600 Doubling 6 8
TM 3.4 nput Hank O.1 O.12
Spacer 4.5 Output Hank O. 103 O.12
Break Draft 1.2 4 Unilap (only for Cotton) Not Applicable For E30
Yarn Count (English 13s Ne Spee PVA 120
System) Break Draft 1.02
9 Winding Doubling 2O
Winding Speed 1300 m/min Lap Hank 74 gm/mtr
Cone Weight 2.52 kg 5 Comber (only for Cotton) Not Applicable For
Nips/Min PVA 350
Feed/Nip 5.2 mm
Noil 15.50%
Example 4 Output Hank O.12
6 Finisher Blender RSB (Blending)
Break Draft 1.16
Air RichYarn Made Using S6 Cotton Blend with Speed 450 m/min
Sorona Fiber from Dupont Doubling 6 cotton/1 PVA (PVA in Center)
Output Hank 5.36
0128 Process parameters for manufacturing air rich yarn 7 Simplex
Row Hank 0.55
using PVA as water soluble material and blend of S 6 Cotton/ Speed 850
Sarona as base material are provided in table 8 below. Param Spacer 9mm
eters include all machine settings, Speed & Waste level of TM 1.25
Blowroom, Carding, Draw Frame, Unilap, Comber, Simplex, 8 Ringframe
Ring frame, Winding for spinning of PVA and Sarona/Cotton Speed 11600
TM 3.9
fiber. Spacer 4.5
Break Draft 1.2
TABLE 8 Yarn Count (English 12S Ne
The following table shows Process Parameters for manufacturing of Air 9 Winding
Rich Yarn using PVA and Sarona Cotton fiber. Winding Speed 1300 m/min
Cone Weight 2.52 kg
Cw Air rich
Sir PWAS 6 Cotton Sorona
Example 5
No. Fibre Parameters Sorona
Fibre denier 1.2 Denier 1.45 Denier
Air Rich Yarn Made Using S6 Cotton
Fibre Length 38 mm 38 MM 0129 Process parameters for manufacturing air rich yarn
Fibre Upper half 28.85
using PVA as water soluble material and S 6 Cotton as base
mean length material are provided in table 9 below. Parameters include all
Micronaire 4.59 machine settings, Speed & Waste level of Blowroom, Card
Fibre strength (gmitex) 31.23 ing, Draw Frame, Unilap, Comber, Simplex, Ring frame,
Winding for spinning of PVA and S6 Cotton fiber.
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

base material are provided in table 10 below. Parameters

TABLE 9 include all machine settings, Speed & Waste level of Blow
The following table shows Process Parameters for manufacturing of Air
room, Carding, Draw Frame, Unilap, Comber, Simplex, Ring
Rich Yarn using PVA and S6 Cotton fiber. frame, Winding for spinning of PVA and MCU5 Cotton fiber.
Count TABLE 10
12 Cw Air rich
Sir No. Fibre Parameters (PVA/S 6 Cotton) The following table shows Process Parameters for manufacturing of Air
Fibre denier 1.2 Denier Rich Yarn using PVA and MCUS Cotton fiber.
Fibre Length 38 mm
Fibre Upper half 30.28 12 c.N. rich
mean length
Micronaire 4.25 Sir No. Fibre Parameters (PVA/MCU 5 Cotton)
Fibre strength 32.18 Fibre denier 1.2 Denier
(gmitex) Fibre Length 38 mm MCU 5
1 BlowrOOl PVA Fibre Upper half 32.2
Mixing 100% PVA 100% S6 mean length
MBO Beater 1 Speed 450 rpm Micronaire 4.03
MBO Beater 2 Speed 650 rpm Fibre strength 33.51
Vario Clean 650 rpm (gmitex)
Unmix 500 rpm 1 Blowroom PVA
ERM 550 rpm Mixing 100% PVA 100% MCUS
2 Carding MBO Beater 1 Speed 450 rpm
Speed 100 m/min 150 m/min MBO Beater 2 Speed 650 rpm
Cylinder Speed 450 500 Vario Clean 650 rpm
Licker In Speed 6SO 950 Unimix 500 rpm
Flat Speed 7.5 inchmin ERM 550 rpm
Flat Gauge 12, 12, 16, 16, 16 12, 12, 10, 10, 10 2 Carding
Output Hank O.1 O.12 Speed 100 m/min 150 m/min
3 Levelling/Breaker RSB (levelling). DOf6 Cylinder Speed 450 500
Break Draft 1.16 1.7 Licker In Speed 6SO 950
Roll Gauge 46, SO 38.42 Flat Speed 7.5 inchmin
Speed 400 350 Flat Gauge 12, 12, 16, 16, 16 12, 12, 10, 10, 10
Doubling 6 8 Output Hank 0.1 O.12
nput Hank O.1 O.12 3 Levelling/Breaker RSB DOf6
Output Hank O.103 O.12 (levelling)
4 Unilap (only for Not Applicable E30 Break Draft 1.16 1.7
Cotton) For PVA Roll Gauge 46, SO 38.42
Spee 120 Spee 400 350
Break Draft 1.02 Doubling 6 8
Doubling 2O nput Hank O.1 O.12
Lap s ly f licabl 74 gm/mtr Output Hank O.103 O.12
5 Comber (only for Not Applicable 4 Unilap (only for Not Applicable E30
Cotton) For PVA Cotton) For PVA
Nips/Min 350 Spee 120
Feed/Nip 5.2 mm Break Draft 1.02
Noil 15.50% Doubling 2O
Output Hank O.12 Lap Hank 74 gm/mtr
6 FinisherifBlender RSB (Blending) 5 Comber (only for Not Applicable
Break Draft 1.16 Cotton) For PVA
Speed 450 m/min Nips, Min 350
Doubling 6 cotton/1 PVA (PVA in Center) d/Nip 5.2 mm
7 orians 5.36 Noil 15.50%
Row Hank 0.55 Output Hank O.12
Speed 8SO 6 Finisher Blender RSB (Blending)
Spacer 9mm Break Draft 1.16
TM 1.25 Speed 450 m/min
8 Ringframe Doubling 6 cotton/1 PVA (PVA in Center)
Speed 11600 Output Hank 5.36
TM 3.5 7 Simplex
Spacer 4.5 Row Hank 0.55
Break Draft 1.2 Speed 8SO
Yarn Count (English 12S Ne Spacer 9mm
System) TM 1.25
9 WE Speed
Inding Spee 1300 m/mi
ill 8 Ringframe
Speed 11600
Cone Weight 2.52 kg R 3.4
Spacer 4.5
Break Draft 1.2
Yarn Count (English 12S Ne
Example 6 System)
r 9 Winding
Air RichYarn Made Using MCU5 Cotton Winding Speed 1300 m/min
Cone Weight 2.52 kg
0130 Process parameters for manufacturing air rich yarn
using PVA as water soluble material and MCU 5 cotton as
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

Example 7
TABLE 11-continued
Air RichYarn Made Using PVA and Cotton Fiber The following table shows Process Parameters for manufacturing of Air
Rich Yarn using PVA and J34 Cotton.
0131 Process parameters for manufacturing air rich yarn
using PVA as water soluble material and of J34 Cotton as base Count
material are provided in table 11 below. Parameters include Sir No. 12 Cw Air rich (PVA/J34)
all machine settings, Speed & Waste level of Blowroom, 4 Unilap (only for Cotton) Not Applicable For E30
Carding, Draw Frame, Unilap, Comber, Simplex, Ring Speed
Break Draft
PVA 120
frame, Winding for spinning of PVA and J34 Cotton fiber. Doubling 2O
Lap Hank 74 gm/mtr
TABLE 11 5 Comber (only for Cotton) Not Applicable For
Nips/Min PVA 350
The following table shows Process Parameters for manufacturing of Air Feed/Nip 5.2 mm
Rich Yarn using PVA and J34 Cotton. Noil 15.50%
Output Hank O.12
Count 6 Finisher Blender RSB (Blending)
Sir No. 12 Cw Air rich (PVA/J34) Break Draft 1.16
Speed 450 m/min
1 Blowroom PVA Cotton Doubling 6 cotton/1 PVA (PVA in Center)
Mixing PVA (66% PVA + 34%. 100% J 34 Output Hank 5.36
Cotton) 7 Simplex
MBO Beater 1 Speed 450 rpm Row Hank 0.55
MBO Beater 2 Speed 650 rpm Speed 8SO
2 Carding Spacer 9mm
Speed 120 m/min 150 m/min TM 1.25
Cylinder Speed 450 500 8 Ringframe
Licker In Speed 6SO 950 Speed 11600
Flat Speed 7.5 inch/min TM 3.5
Flat Gauge 12, 12, 16, 16, 16 12, 12, 10, Spacer 4.5
10, 10 Break Draft 1.2
Output Hank O.1 O.12 9 Winding
3 Levelling/Breaker RSB (levelling). DOf6 Winding Speed 1300 m/min
Break Draft 1.16 1.7 Cone Weight 2.52 kg
Roll Gauge 46, SO 38.42
Speed 400 350
Doubling 6 8 I0132 Table 12 below comprises various examples of fab
Input Hank O.1 O.12 rics made using Air RichYarn. In this table column 4 has the
Output Hank O.13 O.12 description of the yarn used in pile of terry fabric and column
number 9 has percentage of PVA used in it.
Different Terry Towel Products made using Air Rich Yarn.
2 4 5 6
1 SIZE INCM 3 Pile GR WEFT 7 8 9

SDP2O2400 76.2 42.2 593 1,10 AIR 2.20 KW f12 OE 8 S.6 3%
SDP2O2223 76.2 42.2 698 1.11 CBS- 2,2OKW f16 KW 9 7.7 59%
RICH 15%
SDP2O1127 76.2 42.2 627 1.11 CB 1,10 OE f12 OE 7 6.6 59%
YARN 15%
SDP2O2434 76.2 42.2 698 1.11 MCUS 2,2OKW f16 KW 8 8.1 6%
SDP2O1868 76.2 42.2 628 1.11 PIMA 2.20 KW f16 KW 7 7.2 79%
SDP2O2298 76.2 42.2 593 1.11 MCU-5 2.20 KW 12 OW 7 6.6 6%
SDP2O2.299 76.2 42.2 SS8 1 11 MCU-5 2.20 KW f12 KW 6.8 6.5 6%
SDP2O3S16 76.2 42.24 627 112 AIR 2.20 KW 12 OW 8 7.1 O9%
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

TABLE 12-continued
Different Terry Towel Products made using Air Rich Yarn.
2 4 5 6
1 SIZE INCM 3 Pile GR WEFT 7 8 9

SDP2O0914 76.2 147.3 725 1.12 CB J- 2.20 KW f13 OE 2O 8.1 6%
34 AIR
YARN 16%
SDP2O2855 76.2 137.16 SO7 1.12 CBS- 2.20 KW 12 OW 8.5 4.7 59%
SDP2O1886 76.2 137.16 651 1.12 EGYP 2.20 KW f16KW 9 7.3 6%

SDP2O2752 76.2 142.24 628 112 2.20 KW f16KW 8.5 7.4 59%

SDP2O3576 40.6 76.2 SSO 1.12 MCU 2,2OKW f16KW 6 6.4 190
SAIR 1.1%
SDP2O2525 76.2 42.24 628 112 MCU- 224 KW f16KW 8.5 7.5 59%
S 85% -

SDP2O2639 76.2 42.24 627 1.12 MCU- 2.24 SKW 1.16 8.5 7.5 59%
S 85% - SKW
SDP2O3572 76.2 37.1 500 2 OW 2.20 KW f16KW 5.5 6.2 79%
SDP2O1742 76.2 42.2 663 1.13 M US 2.20 KW f16KW 9.5 8.3 59%
A. H
SDP2O2323 76.2 42.2 663 f13 PIMA 2.20 KW f12 OE 9 8.8 3%
A. C
SDP2O3338 76.2 47.32 673 1:24 CB 2.20 KW f16KW 6 6.2 190

SDP2O2939 76.2 37.16 SO7 1.9S AIR 2.20 KW f16KW 5 5.4 79%

SDP2O2969 76.2 37.16 SO7 1.9S AIR 2.20 KW f16KW 5 5.4 79%

SDP2O1655 76.2 42.2 776 2.14 AIR 2.20 KW f12 6.5 6.2 4%

SDP2O3597 76.2 47.3 674 2.20 CB 2.20 KW 12 OW 6 6.4 3%

SDP2O3598 76.2 47.3 741 2.20 CB 2.20 KW 12 OW 2O 6.5 3%

SDP 202705 76.2 42.2 593 2.26 S-6 2.20 KW f16KW 18.5 5.4 59%

SDP202637 76.2 47.32 640 2.30 S-6 2,2OS f 6 2O 8.5 59%

SDP2O2709 76.2 47.32 640 2.30 S-6 2.20 KW 12 OW 18.5 8.9 59%

SDP2O1860 76.2 42.2 800 3.20 AIR 2.20 KW f12 16 6.8 79%

SDP2O3572 137.16 76.2 SOO 1.12 OPEN 2.20 KW f16KW 15.5 6.2 2%

0.133 Although the invention has been described with ref- to be construed in a limiting sense. Various modifications of
erence to specific embodiments, this description is not meant the disclosed embodiments, as well as alternate embodiments
US 2012/0076971 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

of the invention, will become apparent to persons skilled in (c) pre-spinning the homogeneously blended strand
the art upon reference to the description of the invention. It is obtained in step (b) so as to obtain a well blended roving;
therefore contemplated that Such modifications can be made (d) spinning the well blended roving obtained in step (c) so
without departing from the spirit or scope of the present as to obtain yarns;
invention as defined. It is also to be understood that the (e) weaving or knitting a fabric using the yarn obtained in
terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing step (d) as at least one of the component;
particular embodiments only, and is not intended to limit the (f) treating the fabric obtained in step (e) with water so as to
Scope of present invention. obtain a fabric with homogenous pores;
What is claimed is: (g) optionally, dying the fabric with homogenous pores
1. A fabric or yarn with homogenous porous structure; obtained in step (f) so as to obtain a dyed fabric; and
manufactured using at least 2 types of fibers: (h) optionally, post-treating the dyed fabric obtained in step
a) a water soluble material fiber, and (g).
b) a base material fiber, 12. The process of manufacturing the fabric with homog
wherein the water soluble material fiber is removed to form enous pores as claimed in claim 11, wherein the treatment
pores during manufacture and, wherein the pores in the with water is at a temperature ranging 40°C. to 110° C.
fabric or yarn are homogeneously distributed through 13. The process of manufacturing the fabric with homog
out the cross section of the fabric or yarn. enous pores as claimed in claim 11, wherein the slivers of the
2. The fabric or yarn as claimed in claim 1, wherein the base material fiber and the slivers of the water soluble mate
water soluble material fiber comprises polyvinyl alcohol. rial fiber are pre-spun from base material fibers and water
3. The fabric or yarn as claimed in claim 1, wherein the soluble material fibers respectively.
fabric is woven or knitted. 14. The process of manufacturing the fabric with homog
4. The fabric or yarn as claimed in claim 1, wherein the enous pores as claimed in claim 11, wherein the spinning is
fabric is a flat fabric. ring spinning or open end spinning.
5. The fabric or yarn as claimed in claim 1, wherein the 15. The process of manufacturing the fabric with homog
fabric is a terry fabric. enous pores as claimed in claim 11, wherein the water soluble
6. The fabric or yarn as claimed in claim 1, wherein the yarn material fibers comprise polyvinyl alcohol.
is a warp yarn, a weft yarn, a pile yarn or any combination 16. The process of manufacturing the fabric with homog
thereof. enous pores as claimed in claim 11, wherein the yarn is a warp
7. The fabric or yarn as claimed in claim 1, wherein the base yarn, a weft yarn, or a pile yarn or any combination thereof.
material fiber is a natural or manmade textile fiber or a blend 17. The process of manufacturing the fabric with homog
of two or more fibers; selected from the group consisting of enous pores as claimed in claim 11, wherein the base material
cotton, silk, modal, acrylic, a blend of cotton and bamboo, a fiber is selected from the group consisting of a cotton, a silk,
blend of cotton and sea weed, a blend of cotton and sliver, a a modal, an acrylic, a blend of cotton and bamboo, a blend of
blend of cotton and charcoal, a blend of polyester and cotton, cotton and sea weed, a blend of cotton and sliver, a blend of
a blend of polyester and viscose, a blend of Sorona and cotton, cotton and charcoal, a blend of polyester and cotton, a blend
a blend of Lyocell and cotton, and a blend of cotton and modal of polyester and Viscose, a blend of Sorona and cotton, a
or any combination thereof. blends of Lyocell and cotton, and a blend of cotton and modal
8. The fabric or yarn as claimed in claim 1, wherein the or any combination thereof.
fabric or yarn is treated with water before dyeing or during 18. The process of manufacturing the fabric with homog
dyeing. enous pores as claimed in claim 11, wherein step (f) of treat
9. The fabric or yarn as claimed in claim 8, wherein the ing the fabric with water and step (g) of dying are combined.
treatment with water is at a temperature ranging 40° C. to 19. The process of manufacturing the fabric with homog
1100 C. enous pores as claimed in claim 11, wherein the yarn obtained
10. The fabric or yarn as claimed in claim 1, wherein the in step (d) is a pile yarn, and said pile yarn is woven with
fabric or yarn has high wettability, easy dryability, quick cotton or another textile fiber warp yarn and cotton or another
absorbancy, or increased thickness. textile fiber weft yarn so as to obtain a terry fabric.
11. A process of manufacturing a fabric with homogenous 20. The process of manufacturing the fabric with homog
pores comprising: enous pores as claimed in claim 11, wherein the yarn obtained
(a) blending slivers of a water soluble material fiber with in step (d) is a weftyarn and/or a warp yarn, wherein said warp
slivers of a base material fiber in a draw frame so as to and/or weft yarns are woven with cotton or another fiberyarn
obtain blended slivers; so as to obtain a flat fabric.
(b) drawing the blended slivers obtained in step (a) until
homogeneously blended strands are obtained; c c c c c

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