Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0174372 A1
Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0174372 A1
Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0174372 A1
8096 FLOW River 5NW
Greenhouse 1 Quarters
Patent Application Publication Jun. 26, 2014 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2014/0174372 A1
80% FLOW River 5Y
9 W
Greenhouse 1 8Airs P 4.
/ 2096 FLOW N 1
42 -1
1-12 ||
10 F
F F Floating P
80% FLOW
3 FIG 1
Patent Application Publication Jun. 26, 2014 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2014/0174372 A1
FG 2
Patent Application Publication Jun. 26, 2014 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2014/0174372 A1
Shad L argemout h
Talapia Fingerlings
Striped Bas Bluegill
Patent Application Publication Jun. 26, 2014 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2014/0174372 A1
Wind Turbine
WATER SOURCE Microgenerator
River 5
9 A A.
Cannabis 4
11.Microgenerator 1
Solar -
Collector 1.
Mare 3 FIG 4
US 2014/0174372 A1 Jun. 26, 2014
SUSTAINABLE AOUAPONIC SYSTEMAND like algae and domestic plants such as tomato, basil, lettuce,
METHOD FOR GROWING PLANTS LIKE eggplant, watercress and others, U-tubes and regenerative
0001. This is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 0010 Many prior art systems artificially clean their water.
It would be advantageous to have an aquaponic system that
13/279,541 filed Oct. 24, 2011. Application Ser. No. 13/279, uses water from a natural Source Such as a pond or lake so that
541 is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. fish become inoculated to all the naturally occurring bacteria,
BACKGROUND parasites and algae found in the natural system.
0011 Prior art aquaponics systems typically use fish waste
0002 1. Field of the Invention to provide nutrients for plants. However, the plants were
0003. The present invention relates generally to aquaponic usually limited to those plants that can only live in the water.
systems and more particularly to a system and method of It would advantageous to have an aquaponic system that
aquaponics using alternative aquaculture feed, fingerling pro could also produce other plants that do not normally live in
duction and green energy sources to yield organic produce as water, especially edible plants and plants that produce edible
well as edible fish. fruits and vegetables.
0004 2. Description of the Prior Art 0012. It is now legal in the United States, under a proper
0005 Worldwide fish stocks are dwindling. Slightly more license, to grow the plant known as cannabis. While illegal for
than half the worlds fisheries are known to be fully exploited many years, the states have realized and approved the use of
meaning that their current catch is at or near the maximum leaves from this plant as a prescription drug for certain
Sustainable production. Nevertheless, fish consumption has patients. Licensees need a way of growing medical cannabis
increased to 17.1 kg per person (reported in 2008). Fish are efficiently and in large quantities. An aquaponics farm is an
being farmed with some success and a lot of failure. A better ideal local to grow cannabis and other drug plants.
technique than straight fish farming is known as aquaponics.
0006 Aquaponics is a farming practice that integrates SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
aquaculture with plant production. The fish in the system 0013 The present invention relates to a system and
produce waste which provides the necessary nutrients for method of Sustainable aquaponics that vertically integrates
plant production, while, at the same time, the plants help rid unique aquaponic system designs with alternative aquacul
the water of fish waste, specifically ammonia, nitrites, nitrates ture fish feed sources, fingerling production methods, alter
and carbon dioxide while adding back oxygen. native aquaculture/farmed fish grow out models, and green
0007 Prior art aquaponics systems as well as straight fish energy sources that yield organic produce in the form of fruits
farms have many times been failures since they are typically and vegetables as well as drug plants like legal cannabis.
underpressure to produce as many saleable fish as possible in 0014. The present invention can incorporate a raceway
the shortest possible time. In many cases, ponds are too small system serves as the hub for grow-out throughout the warm
for the number of fish; fish are force-fed or fed artificial food and cold months. During the Summer months, fish are
to speed up growth that causes disease and death; seasonal spawned and fed for steady growth, while during the winter
changes in water temperature stress or kill fish; fish waste months, the fish continue to grow at slower quite acceptable
accumulates and is not properly removed; bacteria enter the growth rates. The present invention purposely derives its
water that are foreign to the fish population killing fish; or the water from an open, natural, established pond or lake ecosys
owner runs out of money before the fish are ready to harvest. tem to ensure that the raceways are adequately seeded with all
Also, many prior art systems are not Sustainable in that they of nature's good and bad bacteria, algae, and the like. Addi
cannot continuously operate (some fish farms seed finger tionally, the lake or pond also inoculates, or in essence vac
lings, force feed them, and try to harvest as soon as possible). cinates, the raceways and its aquatic occupants with the broad
It would be extremely advantageous to have a system and spectrum of bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. found in nature.
method of Sustainable aquaponics that could continuously The fish and plants grow faster, stronger and are more resis
operate year round (with various factors adjusted during the tant to disease when exposed to a naturally balance ecosystem
year based on climate and weather). found in the pond water or lake water than artificially cleaned
0008 Most fish farms or aquaponic systems need pumps water found in the overwhelming majority of aquaculture
and other energy-consuming devices. The energy costs for recirculation systems.
these devices can be significant. It would be advantageous to 0015. By adjacent or side by side raceway installation, the
have an aquaponic system that derived or recovered a large present inventions water can fall over the long side of the
part of its energy demands from natural sources such as raceway through pea gravel or hadite (expanded shale) to the
moving water, wind energy, methane digestion, wind, Solar, long side of an adjacent fish raceway. This process provides
burning wood waste and compost. oxygenation as well as metabolic removal of ammonia and
0009. One of the most important factors in an aquaponic repeats the cycle raceway after raceway until the water emp
system is oxygen content in the water (as well as removing ties into the largest grow bed of the system.
carbon dioxide). This is typically accomplished by aeration of 0016. The present invention can have a river that typically
the water. In prior art systems, many times aeration is accom spans an entire side of the system falling from a large pond
plished only by pumping water to a higher elevation and then down to the another side of the reservoir pond. This water
letting it tumble over rocks or gravel. This is a good method, flows down at a rapid pace over large granite Stones as well as
and If enough water is aerated in this manner, results can be pea gravel. The Surface area provided by the rocks and gravel
satisfactory; however, there is a large electrical cost for the improves water oxygenation and blows off carbon dioxide.
pumping process. It would very advantageous to have an 0017. As a backup to greenhouses and the non-insulated
aquaponic system that used additional alternative aeration open pond system, the present invention can include winter
methods such as the use of various plants in and near the water quarters for the fish that is well insulated and heated to ensure
US 2014/0174372 A1 Jun. 26, 2014
that the fish are comfortable and will continue growing and others may not. As will be explained, algae is a very desirable
spawning throughout the winter months. The size of the win component of the system of the invention.
ter quarters is dependent upon on the number of and type of 0028 Leading universities teaching aquaculture strongly
fish that need to be held over the colder months. Suggest that the water used in a recirculation system should
0018. The present invention selectively improves the never be mixed with outside or foreign water sources. The
genetics of the fish, insects, worms and plants grown within system of the present invention however purposely derives its
the system for disease resistance, high reproduction rates, water from an open, natural, established pond or lake ecosys
high growth rates, and high yields. tem to ensure that the raceways are adequately seeded with all
of nature's good and bad bacteria, algae, parasites and other
DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES life. The lake or pond also inoculates, or in essence vacci
nates, the raceways and its aquatic occupants with the broad
0019. Several drawings are now presented to illustrate fea spectrum of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and the like found in
tures of the present invention. nature. According to the present invention, fish and plants
0020 FIG. 1 shows a layout plan for a sustainable aqua grow faster, stronger and are more resistant to disease when
ponic system according to the present invention. exposed to a naturally balance ecosystem found in the pond
0021 FIG. 2 shows a circle diagram of various fish food water or lake water than artificially cleaned water in the
grown entirely within the system. overwhelming majority of aquaculture recirculation systems.
0022 FIG. 3 shows a circle diagram of using tilapia as a An inlet 9 takes water from a natural ecosystem.
food source. 0029. The pump or pumps 3 driving the entire aquaponic
0023 FIG. 4 shows a layout plan using energy recovery system pulls its water from the reservoir pond 2. This reser
techniques. voir pond can help raise or lower the actual temperature of the
0024 Several drawings and illustrations have been pre water in the raceways depending upon the depth of the
sented to aid in understanding the present invention. The pumps inlet pipe from the pond. The reservoir pond 2
Scope of the present invention is not limited to what is shown improves oxygenation within the entire aquaponics because it
in the figures. dilutes the oxygen and metabolic demand on the aquaponic
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED 0030. Fourteen to eighteen mill black or white PVC tarp
EMBODIMENT can be used to line the raceways with dimensions ranging
from 10-15" wide by 4'-6" deep by 50'-130' long. The color of
0025. The present invention relates to a system and the tarp used is dependent desired temperatures within the
method of Sustainable aquaponics that vertically integrates system as well as annual average ambient temperatures. In
unique aquaponic system designs with alternative aquacul many circumstances, the tarp replaces the need for concrete;
ture fish feed sources, fingerling production methods, alter thereby, greatly reducing the input costs of the entire aqua
native aquaculture/farmed fish grow out models, and green ponic system.
energy Sources. 0031. The total gallons of each individual raceway can
0026 FIG. 1 shows a layout plan for an embodiment of an range from around 10,000 gallons to around over 50,000
aquaponic system according to the present invention. The gallons. The raceway size can vary based upon the natural
installation of a system of this type is significantly less costly terrain of the installation site as well as the installers desired
than that of traditional aquaculture and aquaponic systems result of harvestable fish and pounds. There can be one or
currently in production around the world. A raceway system many raceways within a complete aquaponic system. Instal
1 serves as the hub for grow-out throughout the warm and lation of raceways is usually in a linear (stair-step or terrace
cold months. During the Summer months, the fish are levels) fashion. As previously stated, each adjoining raceway
spawned and fed for steady growth, while during the winter can be designed to be 2'-3' vertically higher than the next
the fish continue to grow at a slower pace. Depending upon raceway. This helps ensure adequate oxygenation to the fish.
size of the raceway system a small to medium reservoir pond As the water falls from the vertically higher raceway to the
2 is used within the system. An Island 7 can optionally be next raceway terrace, the water falls over rocks and other
placed in the pond 2. The pond allows control of raceway Surface area adding significant levels of oxygen to the system.
density among other factors. Based upon fish species, race This sequence is designed to occur at every raceway as the
way fish can be held above 1 pound per gallon because the water spills over to the next raceway.
ponds water volume literally dilutes the metabolic factors of 0032. Adjacent or side by side raceway installation
the entire aquaponic system. For example, if the total aqua ensures that the aquaponic systems water will fall over the
ponic system is 900,000 gallons, and those gallons are long side of the raceway through pea gravel or hadite (ex
divided equally between a "/3 acre pond and 7 raceways, then panded shale) to the long side of the adjacent raceway. This
a fish like tilapia placed at one pound to the gallon in 450,000 process provides oxygenation as well as metabolic removal of
gallons of raceways are only at /2 pound per metabolic gallon the ammonia and repeats the cycle, raceway after raceway,
because of the 450,000 gallons in the /3 acre pond. until the water empties into the largest grow bed which can be
0027 Raceways can be around 50' long and 10' wide in a around 50'x110' (the size or presence of the largest grow bed
preferred embodiment. However, raceways of any size are is optional and can vary. Another typical size is 35'x65').
within the scope of the present invention. Vertically, a 2-3' fall Grow beds 6 can be interspersed between the raceways 1
between raceways is typical. Any fall height is within the throughout the system. While FIG. 1 shows some of the water
scope of the present invention. Plant areas bordering the being routed around the grow beds 6, a large quantity of water
raceways can typically be around 4' wide. Any width of plant can pass directly through the grow beds. In some embodi
areas is within the scope of the present invention. In some ments of the invention, all the water passes through the grow
embodiments, a particular raceway may include algae, while beds from raceway to raceway.
US 2014/0174372 A1 Jun. 26, 2014
0033. The system according to the present invention typi outlay by reducing commercial feed cost by using more natu
cally includes a river 5. This river spans an entire side of the ral and alternative feed sources, and cutting energy costs
system falling from the largest grow bed 4 downto the side of through alternative energy designs in the system, and reduc
the reservoir pond 2. This water flows down the river 5 at a ing fingerling costs through prolific tilapia spawning.
rapid pace over large granite Stones as well as pea gravel. The 0046. The present invention purposely blends many of the
Surface area provided by the rocks and gravel improves water available methods of farming fish Such as recirculation sys
oxygenation and blows off carbon dioxide. tems, cage aquaculture, pond aquaculture and the like based
0034 Recirculation aquaculture systems and aquaponic upon existing man-made and natural resources (lakes or
systems require that the water in the system be pumped, or ponds) in order to reduce system build out costs, daily opera
recirculated, within the system on a continuous basis. The rate tional costs, while improving overall efficiencies, increasing
of water flow varies by System and is dependent upon items sustainability and net profitability.
Such as the total amount of water in the system, the number of 0047. An important feature of the present invention is the
fish or the amount of metabolic waste in the system, the method offeeding the fish both by individual species as well
pounds of fish, or density, in the system, the type or species of as within poly-culture settings. For example, tilapia are omni
fish in the system, the oxygen demand on the system, the vores that prefer a plant based diet, while hybrid striped bass
system’s ability to produce oxygen through water movement are omnivores that strongly prefera carnivorous diet. Because
over Surface area, the density of plants within the system, and tilapia are quasi filter feeders and will eat a very broad source
those plants individual ability to metabolize fish waste. of food, tilapia according to the present invention are typi
Uniquely, the system of the present invention requires only a cally fed the following foods as shown in FIG. 2 based upon
single pump 6 to flow the entire system greatly reducing nutritional content as well as input costs:
energy demand and overhead costs (a backup pump can be 0.048 Blue-green algae: This is a naturally occurring,
installed in case of failure of the primary pump). essential food source. Blue-Green algae deliver
0035. Optionally, a greenhouse 12 can be stacked on top of omega-3 essential fatty acids to their aquatic consumers.
or near the grow-out raceways. This feature is especially The algae are regularly managed from a waste to meta
useful and sometimes necessary in arid climates where water bolic removal interval to ensure the highest nutritive
Supply and evaporation is a concern. value for our fish as well as the most efficient metabolic
0036. As a backup to greenhouses and the non-insulated waste removal from the water system. Blue-green algae
open pond system, the present invention can include a winter delivers up to 61% protein to the fish, and since tilapia
quarters area 8 for the fish that is well insulated and heated to are partial filter feeders, they are eating the blue-green
ensure that the fish are comfortable and will continue to grow algae every time they breathe. The protein cost is S0.00.
and spawn throughout the winter months. The size of the 0049 Harvested edible grasses, weeds and plant roots
winter quarters is dependent upon on the number of that need that can be an important source of good nutrition to
to be held over the colder months.
0037. An important optional feature of the present inven tilapia. The protein cost is typically less than S0.01-S0.
02 per pound.
tion is improved genetics of the fish, insects, worms and 0050 Water Lettuce. This tropical plant is a favorite
plants grown within the aquaponic systems for disease resis food of tilapia and offers a protein content around the
tance, high reproduction rates, high growth rates, and high 24% mark. The protein cost is typically less than $0.01
yields. The selective use of the improved genetics can be very S0.02 per pound.
important to Success of an aquaponic system.
0038. One of the most serious mistakes made by fish farm 0051 Water Hyacinth: This tropical plant delivers a
ers is time. Many failed fish farms try to force-feed and grow lower protein content to the tilapia, but the tilapia utilize
fish too quickly possible. Often times the fish farmer is under the nutrients from water hyacinth more efficiently mak
capitalized and simply runs out of money before his fish are ing it another valuable feed source. The protein cost is
fully grown or sold. Even worse, many times a large portion around S0.01 to S0.02 per pound.
or all of the farmed fish will die because of some unintended 0.052 Watercress: This native plant is a favorite of the
consequences resulting from overly aggressive timetables. tilapia. Watercress grows quickly and offers about 30%
These consequences include: protein content. Watercress can be sold in the Asian
0039. Unnecessarily stressed fish, markets for up to $2.00 per pound; thus, on a cost-basis
0040 Unnecessarily high feed costs, feeding it to the tilapia should be done sparingly.
0041. Excessively high stocking density ratios, 0.053 Duckweed: This native plant is a tremendous
0042 High and even total death losses, and asset to an aquaponic system. Duckweed’s protein con
0043 Poor or no profit margins. tent can exceed 35%, and with the appropriate nutrient
0044) The present invention reduces the time factor by base, this plant can double its size every day. The protein
decreasing the build out or construction costs by as much as cost is typically less than S0.01 per pound.
90% compared to other aquaponic system designs; taking 0.054 Filamentous Algae: When properly managed,
advantage of existing land or building ownership. For this native plant can also be very useful. The tilapia eat it
example, using assets already available such as lakes, ponds, aggressively, and the protein content can range into the
cages, raceways, old hog buildings, and the like, and feeding 25-35% area. The protein cost is typically less than
the fish through naturally occurring feeds and poly-culture S0.01 per pound.
(mixed species within one system; i.e., tilapia mixed with 0.055 Fava Beans and Cucumbers: Tilapia like to eat
crappie, where the tilapia eat duckweed and algae, while the these plants resulting in improved grow-out rates when
crappie eat the tilapia fingerlings. Supplementing these plants. These plants can be sold to
0045 Taking a slower, steadier pace actually reduces the humans for a fair margin, so these plants are generally
aquaponics farmer's demand for capital and constant cash used as a Supplemental food sparingly. Nevertheless,
US 2014/0174372 A1 Jun. 26, 2014
they steadily to improve the growth rates of the tilapia. under FDA labeling guidelines without any special FDA per
The protein cost is typically up to S0.50 per pound. mits or reviews because it is a naturally occurring Substance.
0056 Bread: Outdated bread is an important source of 0062. As previously stated, the aquaponics farm of the
food for tilapia according to the present invention, espe present invention is ideal to grow plant drugs such as legal
cially during the winter months. Bread offers critical (licensed) cannabis. The fish provide the nutrients to the
amino acids, and is an important source of carbohy plants. The growth rate of the plants is exceptionally high. For
drates. The cost is around $5.00 perton. example, the traditional ways to grow cannabis (grow lights
0057 Vermiculture: Red worms are prolific breeders in a basement) yields about/2 pound of buds perplant, while
and can serve as an important nutritional Supplement or hydroponics yields one to two pounds of buds per plant, the
vitamin pill to farmed tilapia and gamefish (hybrid aquaponics of the present invention yields up to five pounds
striped bass, largemouth bass, bluegill, etc.). The cost is or more of buds perplant (with a typical yield of between four
around S0.01-S0.02 per pound. and five pounds per plant). This has also been show with
tomato plants. An average tomato plant grows to three-four
0.058 Insect production: Black Soldier Fly larvae and feet tall, while the aquaponic plants according to the present
Dubia Cockroaches also can serve as important nutri invention have been measured at over 16 feet tall. In growing
tional supplements or vitamin pills to the fish. The cost is legal cannabis is that the states limit the number of plants per
around S0.03-S0.04 per pound. patient per license, so a very important element in cannabis
0059 Forage Fish: These fish naturally serve as a food production is the volume of flower buds per plant. Five
Source for natural and farmed gamefish. An example of pounds or more per plant means far more income for the
a forage fish includes fathead minnows or emerald shin grower than one-two pounds per plant. In addition, the grow
ers. Commercially caught threadfin and/or gizzard shad out operation with aquaponics does not use any chemicals or
are also excellent naturally occurring forage fish. Shad add anything it is all natural. Traditional grows and hydro
can be commercially harvested and Substituted as a food ponics require constant addition of fertilizers, herbicides,
source for farmed gamefish. The cost of either tilapia or pesticides and fungicides.
shad is typically less than S0.10 per dehydrated pound, 0063 Energy costs are high in any aquaculture operation.
which is approximately $0.60 per pound cheaper than Thus, the use of incremental alternative energy sources by the
commercial 41% fish feed. The shad also offers a com present invention is important. FIG. 4 shows the use of some
plete food to the top predator fish such as the largemouth of these sources. Usually, the energy created within the sys
bass and hybrid striped bass; thereby, making the shad tem can be stored in deep-cell batteries in 12V and 24V
better feed for farmed fish than a commercially prepared systems tied to 120V power inverters. A typical installation
diet. Additionally, the present invention can include fro may use as little as 22 Amperes with all pumps and lights on.
Zen shad feeders. The types of energy sources utilized are as follows:
0060. It is important to note that tilapia can purposely 0.064 Micro hydrogenerators 11- The present inven
become a forage fish when poly-cultured with more expen tion has a significant amount of constant water flow, and
sive farmed gamefish like crappie, largemouth bass and simply placing Pelton wheel electric generators in key
hybrid striped bass. Due to the prolific spawning rates of locations within the water flow generates incremental
tilapia, the present invention can enjoy surpluses of tilapia Sources of electricity.
fingerlings. These fingerlings can be raised in the same ponds 0065 Ram Hydraulic Pumps placement of ram
and lakes with the expensive gamefish. The tilapia out-pro pumps within the flowing water creates two opportuni
duce the predation from the gamefish; thereby, yielding a ties:
surplus of tilapia in the ponds after they have successfully fed 0.066 Pelton wheel micro hydrogenerators.
the predatory fish for a growth season. Some of the premium 0067 Aeration through the constant fill and bell
fish species that can eat tilapia fingerlings are shown in FIG. siphon emptying of a tank placed at the beginning of
3 and include grass carp, hybrid striped bass, threadfin shad, each raceway.
largemouth bass, bluegill and crappie. 0068 Methane digesters 16—combining natural car
0061 The omega-3 content of harvested fish is essential to bon and nitrogen Sources in a 3:1 ration yields a signifi
our products long term marketing, distribution and sales cant amount of methane gas for energy production in the
price strategy. The present invention generally yields a fish form of heat or electric generators. In addition to meth
that is naturally higher in omega-3 content than omega-6 ane gas production, a methane digester yields excellent
content. The majority of commercially prepared fish feeds, Sources of organic fertilizer and cellulose bedding.
especially the cheaper fish feeds are very high in omega-6 0069 Wind 17 Vertical Turbine Electric Generators
fatty acids because these feeds are made primarily from corn can be cheaply built out of plastic 55 gallon drums.
and soybeans. This yields fish higher in omega-6 fatty acids Based upon natural wind flow, the turbines provide
than omega-3s. The feed model of the present invention uses steady incremental sources of usable energy.
a blend of naturally occurring blue-green algae which is very 0070 Wood 14. The Midwestern United States offers
high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, as well as the fish forage a significant source of wood waste and debris for burn
fish that feed upon those omega-3 algae Such as the threadfin ing. Several methods of utilizing wood waste with the
shad. The shad contains the highest level of omega-3 essential system are as follows:
fatty acid of any fish in North America. Thus, fish according 0071 Rocket Stove: A rocket stove forces air through
to the present invention are better products than any farmed a burn chamber yielding a much more efficient use of
fish fed/raised on corn or soybean based feed. A consumer the wood providing higher heat output to be delivered
product that offers a natural Source of omega-3 essential fatty to a greenhouse or the like. A rocket stove burns
acids is highly marketable to the premium consumers, and its efficiently enough to leave the stove's exhaust pipe
front-label placement on consumer packages is permitted within the greenhouse. This yields better heat conver
US 2014/0174372 A1 Jun. 26, 2014
sion within the greenhouse and Small, safe amounts of up oxygen and liberates or alters elements like carbon
carbon dioxide gas within the greenhouse for dioxide, iron to iron oxide and hydrogen sulfide. With
improved organic plant production. out Supplementation, a system according to the present
0072. As supplemental energy is needed, a Sterling invention can be supersaturated with over 8.3 ppm of
Steam Engine can be placed on top of a rocket stove oxygen allow the fish to live in a very healthy environ
where the highest heat production is delivered. The ment.
Sterling Steam Engine can turn an electric generator 0078 Plant production: The blue-green algae of the
for more power creation. present invention consumes carbon dioxide and exhales
0073. A 1" copper tube (or similar) can be wrapped oxygen. Controlled algae blooms are highly desirable as
several times (10-20 times) around the body of a both an oxygen generator and essential food source for
rocket stove to yield temperatures well over 600 our herbivorous fish. Organic produce (tomato, basil,
degrees F. During the winter months, a low ampere, lettuce, eggplant, watercress, and more) grown through
low gallon perminute (3-6 gpm) circulation pump can out the gravel beds constantly improve the systems
pump cooler water out of the raceways and into the water's ability to improve oxygen levels by metaboliz
600 degree copper tube of the rocket stove returning ing nitrate levels, hosting the bacteria that convert
heated waterback to the raceways. The copper tubing ammonia from fish waste to nitrite and nitrate, as well as
thus serves as a heat exchanger between the rocket consuming carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen into the
stove and the raceway helping to maintain the tem system.
perature of the raceway during winter months. 0079. The U-Tube: When necessary, a U-Tube can be
0074 Compost 15: A compost pile can offer many valu added for additional oxygenation or Super-saturation of
able services to the organic farmer. Regarding energy, the system water. These inexpensive devices can be
the present invention can use one or more compost piles important when increasing the fish densities above the
to elevate the raceways water temperatures. The pre normal limits of 0.5 to 1.0 pounds of fish per gallon of
ferred method is the recirculation of raceway water Water.
through PEX pipe from the raceway and back to the 0080 Regenerative Blowers: The present invention
compost pile and then back into the raceway. Grass installs oxygen diffusers and soaker hoses wherever fish
clippings or horse manure are the preferred sources of are placed in the system, especially the raceways. The
compost since they will generate enough energy to heat regenerative blower is a Supportive back up aerator to
the pile to approximately 180 degrees F. A low amper standard water flow when fish are stressed or during
age, low gallons per minute (gpm) pump can slowly pump failure. Properly placed regenerative blowers add
circulate raceway water through the compost pile for approximately 2-3 ppm of oxygen to the total system
heat will exchange and return the water to the raceway. Water
Steady maintenance of the compost pile yields free 0081. Organic Plant Production: Plant production
Sources of heat throughout the colder months. within the system is very important for the removal of
0075 Mass Energy Storage: Water and stone serve as waste and the introduction of additional oxygen. The
excellent energy (heat) storage batteries. During winter present invention provides:
months, solar heat can be stored in 55 gallon barrels full I0082 constant water flow through either pea gravel
of water or stones lying on the ground. These barrels are or hadite grow-beds without siphons;
most effective if placed on the south facing wall of a I0083 the installation of floating raft 10 systems
greenhouse or the like. Additionally, any heat found either through the use of organically approved flota
within the ceiling can be blown with a solar fan down tion devices/rafts or through the use offloating native
into a mass energy storage bank below the ground. For plants as the actual raft. The floating plants serves as
example, a typical installation enjoys a storage bank in a raft for the plants and a source of food for the
the form of 250,000 pounds of bowling ball sized rocks herbivorous fish.
buried from 4 underground to within 1 foot of ground I0084 Organic plant production in an of itself is an impor
level. These rocks absorb heat blown in from the green tant part of the cash flow model of the present invention. The
house, hold the heat throughout the day, and release this plants not only generate significant revenues in themselves,
stored energy up through the ground and into the green but also produce bio-filtration substrates via the gravel bed
house throughout the night as the ambient temperature and root systems that permit fish placement to at least 1 pound
drops. of fish per 1 gallon of water throughout the entire system. Not
(0076 Solar 13: The effectiveness of solar energy is only do the plants generate significant cash flow, but they also
dependent upon longitude and latitude. A farm based in ensure the maximum amounts of fish production within a
the United States in Indiana for example may not antici recirculating system.
pate large amounts of Solar energy. However, a farm I0085. Several descriptions and illustrations have been pre
located in Amman, Jordan would enjoy tremendous sented to aid in understanding the present invention. One with
amounts of storable Solar energy. skill in the art will realize that numerous changes and varia
System aeration or oxygen content can be a critical element tions can be made without departing from the spirit of the
when rearing fish. The aquaponics system of the present invention. Each of these changes and variations is within the
invention is designed to add oxygen to the system whenever Scope of the present invention.
possible: I claim:
(0077. Flowing water: The water flows throughout the 1. A Sustainable aquaponics system comprising:
system through and over gravel beds, narrowed race a pond connected by a pump to a plurality of raceways,
ways, large rock formations and over waterfalls. Every each raceway containing a variety of plant species that
time the water moves across an uneven Surface it picks remove waste materials from raceway water and provide
US 2014/0174372 A1 Jun. 26, 2014
food for fish, wherein each raceway spills water through a poly-culture fish population wherein predator fish eat
gravel into an adjacent raceway at a lower vertical level; other fish in the system in a food chain, wherein lower
a source of water from a natural ecosystem feeding into members in said food chain spawn faster than they are
said pond; consumed by predator fish higher in said food chain;
at least one insulated and heated winter quarters for fish in a plurality of plant growing areas adjacent to or on said
colder temperatures; raceways, said plant growing areas producing legal can
a poly-culture fish population wherein predator fish eat nabis with a yield of four to five pounds of buds per
other fish in the system in a food chain, wherein lower plant.
members in said food chain spawn faster than they are 12. The aquaponic system of claim 11 further comprising
consumed by predator fish higher in said food chain; at least one insulated and heated winter quarters for fish in
a plurality of plant growing areas adjacent to or on said colder temperatures.
raceways, at least Some of said plant growing areas pro 13. The aquaponic system of claim 11 further comprising a
ducing legal cannabis for medical use. pond area connecting said raceways.
2. The Sustainable aquaponic system of claim 1 further 14. The aquaponic system of claim 11 further comprising
comprising improved genetics of fish, insects, worms and improved genetics of fish, insects, worms and plants grown
plants grown within the system having improved disease within the system having improved disease resistance, high
resistance, high reproduction rates and high growth rates. reproduction rates and high growth rates.
3. The Sustainable aquaponic system of claim 1 wherein 15. The aquaponic system of claim 11 wherein no chemi
said cannabis is produced with a yield of four to five pounds cals or added fertilizer is used to produce said cannabis.
of buds per plant. 16. The aquaponic system of claim 11 further comprising
4. The Sustainable aquaponic system of claim 1 including at least one floating raft either using organically approved
an energy recapture method, wherein the energy re-capture flotation devices or floating native plants.
method includes a plurality of micro-electric generators situ 17. An method of aquaponics comprising:
ated in said raceways producing electricity from moving providing a plurality of raceways, each raceway containing
water, said electricity used to partially power said pump. a variety of plant species that remove waste materials
5. The sustainable aquaponic system of claim 4 wherein the from raceway water and provide food for fish, wherein
energy re-capture method includes one of wind energy, Solar each raceway spills water through a gravel-like material
energy, wood burning energy or compost generated energy. into an adjacent raceway at a lower vertical level;
6. The Sustainable aquaponic system of claim 1 wherein introducing a source of water from a natural ecosystem
said plant species include blue algae. feeding into said raceways;
7. The Sustainable aquaponic system of claim 1 wherein introducing a poly-culture fish population wherein preda
said water contains at least 8.3 ppm of dissolved oxygen. tor fish eat other fish in the system in a food chain,
8. The sustainable aquaponic system of claim 1 further wherein lower members in said food chain spawn faster
comprising at least one floating raft either using organically than they are consumed by predator fish higher in said
approved flotation devices or floating native plants. food chain;
9. The sustainable aquaponic system of claim 1 wherein providing a plurality of plant growing areas adjacent to or
shad is used as food for predator fish. on said raceways, at least Some of said plant growing
10. The sustainable aquaponic system of claim 1 wherein areas producing legal cannabis with a yield of from four
all of said plant growing areas are used to produce legal to five pounds of buds per plant.
11. An aquaponic system comprising: 18. The method of claim 17 further comprising providing a
a plurality of raceways, each raceway containing a variety pond area connecting said raceways.
of plant species that remove waste materials from race 19. The method of claim 17 further comprising providing
way water and provide food for fish, wherein each race at least one insulated and heated winter quarters for fish in
way spills water through a gravel-like material into an colder temperatures.
20. The method of claim 17 wherein no chemicals or added
adjacent raceway at a lower vertical level;
a source of water from a natural ecosystem feeding into fertilizers are used to produce said cannabis.
said raceways; k k k k k