United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,064,708: Sakamaki (45) Date of Patent: May 16, 2000
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,064,708: Sakamaki (45) Date of Patent: May 16, 2000
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,064,708: Sakamaki (45) Date of Patent: May 16, 2000
U.S. Patent May 16, 2000 Sheet 2 of 8 6,064,708
U.S. Patent May 16, 2000 Sheet 3 of 8 6,064,708
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U.S. Patent May 16, 2000 Sheet 7 of 8 6,064,708
U.S. Patent May 16, 2000 Sheet 8 of 8 6,064,708
1 2
UNDERWATER INSPECTION/REPAIR An inside of the reactor pressure vessel 62 is filled with
APPARATUS a core water (light water) W such that the core 64 is
sufficiently covered with the water W. The core water W can
function as moderator and coolant of the reactor 60.
1. Field of the Invention As shown in FIG. 8, a fuel exchanger 84 which performs
The present invention relates to an underwater inspection/ mainly exchange and replacement of the fuel assemblies 63
repair apparatus and, more particularly, an underwater is provided over the reactor pressure vessel 62. When the
inspection/repair apparatus capable of conducting fuel assemblies 63 are exchanged by using the fuel
inspection/repair of an interior of a reactor vessel without exchanger 84, the top removable cover 61 of the reactor
discharging a water from the reactor vessel. preSSure vessel 62 is removed.
2. Description of the Related Art In the boiling water reactor having the above
Aboiling water reactor as one type of a light water reactor configuration, heat can be generated by fission reaction of
has a configuration shown in FIG. 6, for example. In FIG. 6, uranium in the fuel rods constituting the fuel assemblies 63
a reference 60 denotes a reactor. The reactor 60 comprises a 15
and then a core water W can be boiled by such heat. The
reactor preSSure vessel 62 having a top removable cover 61. boiled core water W can be separated into Steam and water
A core 64 consisting of a plurality of fuel assemblies 63, by virtue of the steam separator 65. Then, the separated
63, . . . , 63 is provided in the reactor pressure vessel 62. steam can be dried by virtue of the steam dryer 66 and then
Each of the fuel assemblies 63 includes a plurality of Supplied to a steam turbine (not shown) via the main Steam
elongate fuel rods (not shown). Each of fuel rods is con outlet nozzle 79 and the main steam pipe 81. The steam,
Structed by covering a uranium dioxide pellet with a clad when Supplied to the Steam turbine, can drive the Steam
ding tube. A steam separator 65 is provided over the core 64 turbine. The Steam can then be condensed by the condenser
and then a steam dryer 66 is provided over the steam (not shown), and then can be circulated back into an inside
separator 65. of the reactor pressure vessel 62 via a water feed pipe (not
A plurality of control rods 67, 67,..., 67 are inserted into 25
shown) and a water feed nozzle (not shown).
clearances between the fuel assemblies 63, 63,..., 63 to be Meanwhile, the core water W, when supplied to the
movable along their longitudinal direction. These control nozzles 73a of the jet pumps 73 by the reactor recirculation
rods 67, 67,..., 67 can be driven vertically by a control rod pump 77, is pressurized downward by the jet pumps 73 to
drive mechanism (CRD) 68. The control rod drive mecha enter into the bottom portion of the core 64, and then the
nism 68 has rods 69,69,..., 69 connected to the control rods flow of the core water W is changed upward to flow into the
inside of the core 64. The core water W can be circulated
67, 67,..., 67 respectively. These rods 69, 69, ... , 69 are effectively by using the jet pumps 73 in this manner. The
inserted respectively into cylindrical housings (through
pressure-vessel housings) 70.70, ..., 70 which extend into control rod drive mechanism 68 can insert and pull out the
the inside of the reactor pressure vessel 62 via a bottom control rods 67, 67, . . . , 67 by moving the rods 69,
portion of the reactor preSSure vessel 62. Flanges 71, 35
69, . . . , 69 vertically by means of hydraulic pressure drive,
71, . . . , 71 whose diameters are Set larger than outer for example, So that it can control the output of the reactor
diameters of the housings 70 are provided to lower end 60 by absorbing neutrons emitted by nuclear fission.
portions of these housings 70, 70, ..., 70 to fit a main body However, for example, if austenitic stainless Steels (e.g.,
of the control rod drive mechanism. SUS 304, etc.) are employed as material for the through
A substantially cylindrical core shroud 72 is provided 40 pressure-vessel nozzle 78, there has been such a possibility
around the core 64. A plurality of jet pumps 73,73,..., 73 that, under certain conditions, StreSS corrosion crackings
are provided in clearances between the core Shroud 72 and (SCCs) occur in the welded portion between the through
an inner wall of the reactor preSSure vessel 62. A recircula pressure-vessel nozzle 78 and the reactor pressure vessel 62
tion water inlet nozzle 74 and a recirculation water outlet or in the through pressure-vessel nozzle 78 in vicinity of the
nozzle 75 are provided on a side peripheral wall of the 45 welded portion.
reactor pressure vessel 62 to pass through the vessel wall. Such StreSS corrosion crackings may be caused when three
The recirculation water inlet nozzle 74 and the recirculation factors, i.e., Sensitization of material (i.e., a phenomenon
water outlet nozzle 75 are connected via a recirculation loop that a chromium depletion layer is generated in the neigh
76 provided on the outside of the reactor pressure vessel 62. borhood of grain boundary because of heat affection of the
One end of the recirculation loop 76 is positioned so as to 50 welding to thus degrade corrosion resistance), welding
oppose to a nozzle 73a of the jet pump 73 via the recircu residual StreSS caused in the welded portion, and high
lation water inlet nozzle 74. A reactor recirculation pump 77 temperature core water environment including a very Small
is interposed in the middle of the recirculation loop 76. amount of dissolved oxygen are Superposed.
A main steam outlet nozzle 79 is provided on a side Accordingly, the StreSS corrosion crackings can be pre
peripheral wall of the reactor preSSure vessel 62 to pass 55 vented by reducing the degrees of the above three factors or
through the vessel wall. A main Steam pipe 81 is connected eliminating more than one of above three factors, and
to the reactor pressure vessel 62. A through pressure-vessel therefore various countermeasures have already been taken.
nozzle 78 for measuring a water level is also provided on the There have been possibilities that rust, crackings, etc. are
Side peripheral wall of the reactor pressure vessel 62 to pass generated in the inner Surface of the through preSSure-Vessel
through the vessel wall. FIG. 7 shows details around the 60 nozzle 78, etc. due to any causes in addition to the above
through pressure-vessel nozzle 78. As can be seen from FIG. StreSS corrosion crackings.
7, a cladding portion 82 made of stainless steel is formed by In the related art, if crackings are generated in the through
welding on an inner wall Surface of the reactor preSSure preSSure-vessel nozzle 78, etc. because of the above StreSS
vessel 62. A welded portion 83 made of inconel alloy which corrosion crackings and other causes, the core water W filled
is excellent in both heat resistance and corrosion resistance 65 in the reactor preSSure vessel 62 has had to be discharged
is formed on the end portion of the through preSSure-vessel from the reactor pressure vessel 62 to carry out the repair
nozzle 78 on the core 64 side. operation. Then, after the core water W has been discharged,
3 4
the operators have performed disconnection of the pipes, etc. Preferably, the top end portion of the Sealing device is
from the outside of the reactor pressure vessel 62. formed to be curved in answer to a curved shape of the inner
In this manner, Since the related art repair operation has wall Surface of the water vessel as the inspection object, a
had to be conducted after the core water W filled in the plurality of ring-shape Sealing members are provided in a
reactor pressure vessel 62 has been discharged therefrom, concentric manner to the top end portion, and a pneumatic
not only longer hours have been required for a working time, preSSure Sealing is formed by Supplying a compressed air
but also a dose rate has been increased in the working into a Space between the Sealing members.
environment because of loSS of the radiation Shielding effect Preferably, the pushing mechanism is made up of a fluid
obtained by the core water W. As a result, it has been preSSure cylinder, and the pushing member comprises an
extremely difficult to perform the repair operation quickly output rod of the fluid pressure cylinder.
with regard to the permissible exposure doze for the opera Preferably, the pushing mechanism further comprises a
tor. mechanical jack, which has a pushing rod which can be
driven mechanically back and forth relative to the Support
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ing Structure, as back-up means used when a pushing
operation generated by the output rod of the fluid preSSure
Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to 15
cylinder is lost.
provide an underwater inspection/repair apparatus capable Preferably, the water vessel as the inspection object is a
of conducting an inspection/repair operation without dis reactor vessel and has further a radiation Shield body
charging a water from a water vessel as an inspection object. arranged in a clearance between an Outer peripheral Surface
According to the present invention, there is provided an of a core Shroud and an inner wall Surface of the reactor
underwater inspection/repair apparatus comprising a water vessel, and the pushing member of the pushing mechanism
tight vessel formed by a hollow member; an opening portion is pushed against a Surface of the radiation shield body
formed on the watertight vessel; a Sealing device provided arranged at a predetermined position in the reactor vessel.
around the opening portion; a pushing mechanism provided Preferably, an underwater inspection/repair apparatus fur
to the watertight vessel; a water discharge pump for dis ther comprises a ring-shape member arranged in the water
charging water in an inside of the watertight vessel; and a 25 vessel as the inspection object, and a receiving plate fixed to
compressed air Supplying means for Supplying a compressed the ring-shape member, and the pushing member of the
air into the inside of the watertight vessel; wherein the pushing mechanism is pushed against a Surface of the
pushing mechanism has a pushing member which can be receiving plate of the ring-shape member which is arranged
pushed against a Supporting Structure positioned behind a at a predetermined position in the water vessel as the
back Surface of the Sealing device, and a top end portion of inspection object.
the Sealing device is pushed against an inner wall Surface of Preferably, a discharge port for discharging an air and the
a water vessel as an inspection object by a reaction force water in the watertight vessel is formed on the watertight
generated when the pushing member is pushed against the
Supporting structure, whereby the inside and an outside of 35
the watertight vessel can be isolated in a watertight manner. FIG. 1 is a perspective view showing three underwater
Preferably, the water discharge pump is made up of a inspection/repair apparatus according to an embodiment of
pneumatic water discharge pump provided to the watertight the present invention which are installed in a reactor pres
vessel. Sure vessel of a boiling water reactor;
Preferably, the pneumatic water discharge pump includes 40 FIG. 2 is a front view showing a middle underwater
a pneumatic pressure cylinder driven by a pneumatic inspection/repair apparatus of three underwater inspection/
preSSure, and a water discharge cylinder cooperated with the repair apparatus shown in FIG. 1;
pneumatic pressure cylinder, and a water which is Sucked FIG. 3A is a vertical Sectional view showing uppermost or
into the water discharge cylinder from the inside of the lowermost underwater inspection/repair apparatus of three
watertight vessel is discharged to the outside of the water 45 underwater inspection/repair apparatus shown in FIG. 1;
tight vessel by reciprocating the pneumatic pressure cylinder FIG. 3B is an enlarged vertical sectional view showing a
as well as the water discharge cylinder. Sealing portion of a Sealing device of the underwater
Preferably, the pneumatic water discharge pump has a inspection/repair apparatus shown in FIG. 3A,
piston rod which is commonly used as the pneumatic FIG. 4 is a vertical Sectional view showing an inner
preSSure cylinder and the water discharge cylinder, and an 50 configuration of a pneumatic water discharge pump in the
air connecting flow path for connecting a pushing side underwater inspection/repair apparatus according to the
internal Space of the pneumatic pressure cylinder and a embodiment of the present invention;
pushing Side internal Space of the water discharge cylinder FIG. 5 is a Schematic System diagram showing a piping
is formed in the piston rod to enhance a pump operating System of the underwater inspection/repair apparatus
efficiency of the pneumatic water discharge pump. 55 according to the embodiment of the present invention;
Preferably, the water discharge cylinder has a Suction side FIG. 6 is a vertical Sectional view showing a Schematic
check valve and a discharge Side check valve for regulating configuration of a boiling water reactor;
a water flow in an opposite direction respectively, and the FIG. 7 is an enlarged Sectional view showing a through
water in the inside of the watertight vessel can be Sucked preSSure-vessel nozzle portion of the boiling water reactor;
into an inside of the water discharge cylinder via the Suction 60 and
Side check valve and then discharged to the outside of the FIG. 8 is a view showing incore handling operations to be
watertight vessel via the discharge Side check valve. carried out when the reactor is shut down.
Preferably, a compressed air for driving the pneumatic
preSSure cylinder is Supplied via a Switching valve which is DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
Switched by a Switching operation generated by a timer. 65 PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
Preferably, the sealing device is detachably attached to the An underwater inspection/repair apparatus according to
watertight vessel. an embodiment of the present invention will be explained in
S 6
detail with reference to FIGS. 1 to 5 hereinafter. A water watertight contact with curved shapes of the inner wall
vessel Serving as an inspection object which is inspected by Surface 62a of the reactor pressure vessel 62 via these
the underwater inspection/repair apparatus according to an ring-like Sealing members 5a, 5b.
embodiment of the present invention is a reactor pressure A pedestal plate 6 is provided to the watertight vessel 2 to
vessel of a boiling water reactor. protrude to the Sideward. A plurality of fluid preSSure
FIG. 1 is a perspective view showing the case where the cylinders 7 acting as pushing mechanisms respectively are
underwater inspection/repair apparatus according to the fixed to the pedestal plate 6 by bolts 8. In the uppermost and
embodiment of the present invention are installed into the lowermost underwater inspection/repair apparatus 1A and
inside of the reactor pressure vessel (water vessel as the 1C, four fluid pressure cylinders 7 are provided in total at
inspection object) 62 of the boiling water reactor. As shown four comers of the Square pedestal plate 6 respectively. In
in FIG. 1, three underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1A, contrast, in the middle underwater inspection/repair appa
ratus 1B, eight fluid pressure cylinders 7 are provided in
1B, 1C are placed on different positions in the vertical total bilaterally and Vertically Symmetrically to the Substan
direction in the inside of the reactor pressure vessel 62 tially circular pedestal plate 6.
respectively. FIG. 2 is a front view showing the middle Each of the fluid pressure cylinders 7 has an output rod 9
underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1B of three under 15
Serving as a pushing member, and a rotatable Spherical
water inspection/repair apparatus shown in FIG. 1. member (not shown) is provided to a top end of the output
The uppermost underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1A rod 9. The rotatable spherical member, when driven forth by
is positioned at a position corresponding to a first through the output rod 9 to be brought into contact with a surface of
pressure-vessel nozzle 78a which is positioned higher than a reactor internal Structure, can rotate on the Surface of the
a core water level in normal operation. The middle under reactor internal Structure, So that a Stable contact Surface
water inspection/repair apparatuS 1B is positioned at a with respect to the curved Surface can be maintained. The
position corresponding to a Second through pressure-vessel output rods can be driven respectively by Supplying the
nozzle 78b which is positioned lower than the core water water or the air from supply ports 10 of the fluid pressure
level in normal operation. The first through pressure-vessel 25
cylinders 7.
nozzle 78a and the Second through pressure-vessel nozzle AS shown in FIG. 2, the pneumatic water discharge pump
78b are water level measuring nozzles to measure the core 11 is provided in the inside of the watertight vessel 2 in the
water level in normal operation. The lowermost underwater middle underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1B. The
inspection/repair apparatus 1C is positioned at a position pneumatic water discharge pump is driven by compressed
corresponding to a third through pressure-vessel nozzle 78c air which is Supplied through a pair of working air Supply
which is positioned equally to a height of the top portion of lines 17a, 17b. This pneumatic water discharge pump 11 is
the core 64. used to discharge the core water in the watertight vessel 2 or
As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, the underwater inspection/ discharge the compressed air being Supplied to the inside of
repair apparatuS 1A, 1B, 1C include a watertight vessel 2 the watertight vessel 2.
made of a hollow member respectively. An opening portion 35 A core water Suction portion 12 is provided to an inner
3 is formed on each of the watertight vessels 2. A short bottom portion of the watertight vessel 2. The core water
cylinder type sealing device 4 is formed 3 0 around the Suction portion 12 is connected to a Suction port of the
opening portion 3 So as to project therefrom. A top end pneumatic water discharge pump 11 via a Suction line 13.
portion 4a of the sealing device 4 is formed to be curved The core water, when being Sucked from the core water
Such that it can correspond to a curved shape of an inner wall 40 Suction portion 12 and the Suction line 13 into the pneumatic
Surface 62a of the reactor pressure vessel 62. water discharge pump 11, can be discharged to the outside
The uppermost underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1A of the watertight vessel 2 via the outlet port of the pneumatic
and the lowermost underwater inspection/repair apparatus water discharge pump 11 and the water discharge line 16
1C have the same configuration, but these underwater connected to the outlet port, and then transferred to an
inspection/repair apparatus 1A, 1C have partially different in 45 operation floor region (not shown).
configuration from the middle underwater inspection/repair FIG. 3A is a vertical sectional view showing the upper
apparatuS 1B. For instance, the watertight vessel 2 and the most or lowermost underwater inspection/repair apparatus
opening 3 thereof in the middle underwater inspection/repair 1A, 1C of three underwater inspection/repair apparatus
apparatuS 1B are set larger in dimension than those of the shown in FIG. 1. As can be seen from FIG. 3A, in the
underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1A, 1C. The reason 50 uppermost and lowermost underwater inspection/repair
why dimensions of the watertight vessel 2 and the opening apparatuS 1A and 1C, the pneumatic water discharge pumps
3 thereof in the middle underwater inspection/repair appa 11 are fitted to the pedestal plate 6 on the outside of the
ratuS 1B are Set larger is that Sealing must be performed So watertight vessel 2. This is because it is difficult to arrange
as to avoid positions of the clad patches, which are projected the pneumatic water discharge pump 11 in the inside of the
from the inner wall Surface 62a of the reactor preSSure vessel 55 watertight vessel 2 since inner Spaces of the watertight
62 near the second through pressure-vessel nozzle 78 to vessels 2 in the uppermost and lowermost underwater
identify inspected locations in the in-Service inspection inspection/repair apparatuS 1A and 1C are relatively Small.
(ISI). However, differences between the uppermost and AS Shown in FIG. 3A, the pneumatic water discharge
lowermost underwater inspection/repair apparatus 1A, 1C pumps 11 have the suction port 14 and the discharge port 15
and the middle underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1B 60 respectively. The Suction line 13 is connected to the Suction
are not essential but their basic configurations and functions port 14 and the water discharge line 16 is connected to the
are identical to each other. discharge port 15. A pair of working air Supply lines 17a,
AS shown in FIG. 2, a pair of ring-like Sealing members 17b for Supplying the pump driving compressed air to the
5a, 5b are provided in a concentric manner on the top end pneumatic water discharge pump 11 are connected to the
portions 4a of the Sealing devices 4 of the underwater 65 pneumatic water discharge pump 11.
inspection/repair apparatuS 1A, 1B, 1C. Thus, the top end As shown in FIG. 3A, a compressed air supply port 18 is
portions 4a of the Sealing devices 4 can be brought in formed on the top portion of the watertight vessel 2 to Supply
7 8
the compressed air to the inside of the watertight vessel 2. installed on the outside or the inside of the watertight vessel
A compressed air Supply line 19 is connected to the com 2 in the underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1A, 1B, 1C.
pressed air supply port 18. While, a discharge port 20 is AS shown in FIG. 4, the pneumatic water discharge pump 11
formed on a bottom portion of the watertight vessel 2 to comprises a pneumatic cylinder 32 which is driven by
discharge the core water and the compressed air contained in pneumatics, and a water discharge cylinder 33 which is
the watertight vessel 2. A core water discharge line 21 is cooperated with the pneumatic cylinder 32. These cylinders
connected to the discharge port 20. A check valve 22 is 32.33 are connected via an intermediate body 34.
provided in the middle of the core water discharge line 21. Further, the pneumatic water discharge pump 11 has a
The core water discharged from the discharge port 20 is piston rod 35 which is commonly used as a pneumatic
passed through the check Valve 22 and then transferred to the cylinder 32 and a water discharge cylinder 33. This piston
operation floor region via the core water discharge line 21. rod 35 is fitted slidably and airtightly into a through hole 34a
As shown in FIG. 3A, a fitting flange 23 is provided to the formed in the intermediate body 34.
watertight vessel 2. As shown in FIG. 3B, the sealing device A piston ring 36 is provided Slidably in the pneumatic
4 can be put into the fitting flange 23 watertightly and cylinder 32. This piston ring 36 is fixed to one end of the
attachably/detachably via a pair of O-rings 24. Since the 15
piston rod 35 by a fixing nut 37. A piston ring 38 is provided
Sealing device 4 can be detachably attached to the watertight vertically slidably in the water discharge cylinder 33. This
vessel 2, the Sealing device 4 having a most Suitable top end piston ring 38 is fixed to the other end of the piston rod 35
shape to mate with an inner diameter of the reactor pressure by a fixing nut 39.
vessel 62 can be Selected appropriately and then fitted to the An opening end of the pneumatic water discharge pump
watertight vessel 2. 11 on the pneumatic cylinder 32 side is tightly sealed by a
As shown in FIG. 3B, their contact Surfaces of an inner top head 40, while an opening end of the pneumatic water
ring-shape Sealing member 5a and an outer ring-shape discharge pump 11 on the water discharge cylinder 33 Side
sealing member 5b are different and also both sealing is tightly sealed by a bottom head 41. A suction port 14 and
members 5a and 5b are different in material. More a discharge port 15 are formed on the bottom head 41. A
particularly, the inner ring-shape Sealing member 5a is made Suction Side check valve 42 is attached to the Suction port 14
of Silicon material, but the Outer ring-shape Sealing member 25 and a discharge Side check valve 43 is attached to the
5b is made of nitrile rubber. In addition, in the inner discharge port 15.
ring-shape Sealing member 5a, the contact portion is formed The Suction Side check valve 42 and the discharge Side
of material which is soft rather than other portions. check valve 43 can regulate the water flow respectively in
If the inner ring-shape Sealing member 5a and the outer the opposite direction. The core water in the watertight
ring-shape Sealing member 5b are different in material and vessel 2 can be Sucked into the water discharge cylinder 33
via the Suction Side check valve 42 and then the Sucked core
shapes, Such situation can be prevented that Sealing func water can be discharged to the outside of the watertight
tions of both the inner ring-shape Sealing member 5a and the vessel 2 via the discharge side check valve 43.
outer ring-shape Sealing member 5b are lost simultaneously A first Working air Supply port 44 is formed on the top
because of the common cause. head 40. A working air supply line 17a is connected to the
An air flow path 25 is formed between the inner ring first working air Supply port 44. Then, a Second Working air
shape Sealing member 5a and the outer ring-shape Sealing supply port 45 is formed on the intermediate body 34. A
member 5b in the Sealing device 4, So that the compressed working air Supply line 17b is connected to the Second
air can be Supplied into a Space between the inner ring-shape working air Supply port 45. The working air Supply lines
Sealing member 5a and the outer ring-shape Sealing member 40 17a, 17b are connected to a switching valve 46. The com
5b via the air flow path 25. Therefore, an air seal can be pressed air can be Supplied alternatively to the first working
formed by Supplying the compressed air to the Space air Supply port 44 and the Second Working air Supply port 45
between the inner ring-shape Sealing member 5a and the by Switching this Switching valve 46 by means of a timer 47.
outer ring-shape Sealing member 5b, whereby a Sealing An internal Space of the pneumatic cylinder 32 can be
effect can be enhanced by the Sealing device 4. 45
partitioned into a pushing Side internal Space 48 and a
In addition, an air flow path 26 is formed in the Sealing pulling side internal space 49 by the piston ring 36. The
device 4 to Supply the compressed air to the back Side of the pushing Side internal Space 48 is a Space into which the
outer ring-shape Sealing member 5b, So that a Sealing effect compressed air is Supplied when the piston rod 35 is pushed
of the outer ring-shape Sealing member 5b can be enhanced out, and the pulling Side internal Space 49 is a Space into
because of a back purge pressure caused by the compressed which the compressed air is supplied when the piston rod 35
50 is pulled in. Also, an internal Space of the water discharge
air by Supplying the compressed air to the back Side of the cylinder 33 can be partitioned into a pushing Side internal
outer ring-shape Sealing member 5b via the air flow path 26. space 50 and a core water side internal space 51 by the piston
As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, mechanical jacks 27 are fitted ring 38. The pushing side internal space 50 is a space which
to right and left end portions of the pedestal plate 6. These is reduced when the core water is Sucked into the water
mechanical jacks 27 comprise a pushing rod 27a which can 55 discharge cylinder 33, and the core water Side internal Space
be driven back and forth mechanically, a gear 27b for 51 is a Space into which the core water is Sucked.
driving back and forth the pushing rod 27a, and an actuating In order to enhance a pump operating efficiency of the
rod 27c respectively. These mechanical jacks 27 are pneumatic water discharge pump 11, an air connecting flow
employed as a back-up means respectively when pushing path 52 is formed in the piston rod 35 so as to connect the
operations generated by the output rods 9 of the fluid 60 pushing Side internal Space 48 of the pneumatic cylinder 32
preSSure cylinders 7 are lost by any reason. and the pushing Side internal Space 50 of the water discharge
As shown in FIG. 2, an underwater TV camera 29 is cylinder 33. The function of this air connecting flow path 52
incorporated into the watertight vessel 2 to be slid by a will be discussed in the following.
camera moving cylinder 30. Also, a lighting System 31 is AS mentioned above, reciprocating motions of the piston
provided in vicinity of the underwater TV camera 29. 65 rod 35, the piston ring 36, and the piston ring 38 can be
FIG. 4 is a vertical Sectional view showing an inner enabled by Switching the Switching valve 46 by using the
configuration of the pneumatic water discharge pump 11 timer 47.
9 10
The compressed air is Supplied into the pushing Side reactor pressure vessel 62 and an auxiliary means used in
internal space 48 of the pneumatic cylinder 32 when the Such installation will be explained.
piston rod 35 is pushed out from the state shown in FIG. 4. To begin with, in the state that the interior of the reactor
At this time, the compressed air being Supplied into the pressure vessel 62 is filled with the core water (i.e., the
pushing Side internal Space 48 is also fed into the pushing reactor well filled state), the radiation shield device 100
side internal space 50 of the water discharge cylinder 33 via shown in FIG. 1 is hung down in the reactor preSSure vessel
the air connecting flow path 52. 62 by using an auxiliary hoist of the fuel exchanger 84 (see
Then, pressure of the compressed air is applied to both the FIG. 8) and then shifted between the core shroud 72 and the
piston ring 36 and the piston ring 38 and then a pushing force reactor pressure vessel 62. The radiation shield device 100
for pushing out the piston ring 38 can be increased about has a radiation shield body 101 formed of lead, etc. A hook
twice. Hence, the piston ring 38 can be driven quickly, So member 103 is fitted to the top end of the radiation shield
that the core water in the core water Side internal Space 51 body 101 by means of a connection rod 102.
of the water discharge cylinder 33 can be discharged quickly The radiation shield device 100 can be positioned at a
via the discharge port 15 and the discharge Side check valve predetermined position by virtue of a bracket 72a of the core
43. 15
shroud 72, and then the radiation shield device 100 can be
On the contrary, the compressed air is Supplied into the fixed to the predetermined position by hooking the hook
pulling Side internal Space 49 of the pneumatic cylinder 32 member 103 onto a top end of the core shroud 72. Therefore,
when the piston rod 35 is pulled in to push up the piston rod the radiation shield device 100 can be temporarily provided
35, the piston ring 36 and the piston ring 38. as the reactor internal Structure.
At that time, the air in the pushing Side internal Space 50 After the radiation shield device 100 has been installed in
of the water discharge cylinder 33 can be compressed. the core in this way, the lowermost underwater inspection/
However, because the pushing Side internal Space 50 is repair apparatus 1C is hung down in the reactor preSSure
connected to the pushing Side internal Space 48 of the vessel 62 by using the auxiliary hoist of the fuel eXchanger
pneumatic cylinder 32, the air compressed in the pushing 25
84 and then shifted to the clearance between the reactor
Side internal Space 50 can be moved into the pushing side pressure vessel 62 and the radiation shield body 101. Then,
internal space 48 of the pneumatic cylinder 32 and then the position of the lowermost underwater inspection/repair
discharged to the outside via the first working air Supply port apparatus 1C can be adjusted by operating the auxiliary hoist
44 and the working air supply line 17a. while monitoring the image on the underwater TV camera
AS described above, according to the pneumatic water 29. Thus, the lowermost underwater inspection/repair appa
discharge pump 11, the twice air preSSure can be applied ratus 1C can be positioned at the position facing to the third
when the core water is pushed out from the core water Side through pressure-vessel nozzle 78c.
internal space 51 of the water discharge cylinder 33 whereas After the lowermost underwater inspection/repair appa
the air contained in the pushing Side internal Space 50 of the ratus 1C has been positioned at the predetermined position,
water discharge cylinder 33 can be discharged when the core 35 the output rods 9 can then be protruded toward the outer
water is pulled into the core water Side internal Space 51. peripheral Surface of the radiation shield body 101 serving
Therefore, the pump operating efficiency of the pneumatic as a Supporting structure by Supplying the hydraulic pressure
water discharge pump 11 can be significantly improved So from the hydraulic pressure control panel 54 to the Supply
that a discharge operation of the core water in the watertight ports 10 of the fluid pressure cylinders 7 via the hydraulic
vessel 2 can be quickly carried out. 40 pressure supply line 53. At the time when the top ends of the
FIG. 5 is a Schematic System diagram showing a piping output rods 9 are pushed against the outer peripheral Surface
System of the underwater inspection/repair apparatus of the radiation shield body 101, reaction forces against the
according to the embodiment of the present invention. AS fluid pressure cylinders 7 are generated. Then, the lower
shown in FIG. 5, a supply port 10 of the fluid pressure most underwater inspection/repair apparatus 1C is pushed
cylinder 7 is connected to a hydraulic pressure control panel 45 toward the inner wall Surface 62a of the reactor preSSure
54 via a hydraulic pressure supply line 53. The camera vessel 62 as a whole by virtue of the reaction forces.
moving cylinder 30 is also connected to the hydraulic At that moment, a pair of ring-like Sealing members 5a,
preSSure control panel 54 via a hydraulic pressure Supply Sb provided on the top end portion 4a of the Sealing device
line 55. A haskel pump 56 is also connected to the hydraulic 4 are pushed against the inner wall Surface 62a of the reactor
preSSure control panel 54. 50 preSSure vessel 62, So that the inside of the watertight vessel
The pneumatic water discharge pump 11 is connected to 2 can be sealed and watertightly isolated from the outside.
a pneumatic preSSure control panel 57 via the working air In addition, in order to increase the Sealing effect of the
supply lines 17a, 17b. The compressed air supply port 18 on Sealing device 4, the compressed air is Supplied to the
the top of the watertight vessel 2 is also connected to the clearance between the sealing members 5a, 5b and the back
pneumatic pressure control panel 57 via the compressed air 55 Side of the Sealing member 5b via the compressed air Supply
supply line 19. In addition, the air flow paths 25, 26 for the lines 58, 59 and the air flow paths 25, 26.
ring-like Sealing members 5a, 5b are also connected to the Moreover, as a back-up used when the pushing operation
pneumatic pressure control panel (compressed air Supplying by the output rods 9 of the fluid pressure cylinders 7 is lost
means) 57 via compressed air supply lines 58, 59. due to any cause, the actuating rod 27c of the mechanical
A water detector 90 is provided in the watertight vessel 2 60 jack 27 is rotated and operated by an actuating tool (wrench)
to detect whether or not the water exists in the watertight from the upper Side of the reactor, and then the top end of
vessel 2. This water detector 90 is connected to a water the pushing rod 27a is pushed against the Outer peripheral
detection device 92 via a signal line 91. The underwater TV surface of the radiation shield body 101 by moving forward
camera 29 is connected to a controller 94 and a monitor 95 the pushing rod 27a.
via a signal line 93. 65 After the inside of the watertight vessel 2 has been sealed
Subsequently, procedures taken when the underwater in this manner, the compressed air is Supplied from the
inspection/repair apparatuS 1A, 1B, 1C are installed in the pneumatic pressure control panel (compressed air Supplying
11 12
means) 57 to the inside of the watertight vessel 2 via the underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1B is hung down in
compressed air Supply port 19 and the compressed air Supply the inside of the reactor pressure vessel 62 by using the
port 18 and Simultaneously the compressed air is Supplied to auxiliary hoist of the fuel exchanger 84 and then moved to
the pneumatic water discharge pump 11 via the working air the clearance between the reactor pressure vessel 62 and the
supply lines 17a, 17b and the working air supply ports 44, receiving plate 107. Then, the position of the middle under
45, So that the pneumatic water discharge pump 11 can be water inspection/repair apparatuS 1B can be adjusted by
driven. operating the auxiliary hoist while monitoring the image on
At that time, the core water in the watertight vessel 2 can the underwater TV camera 29. Thus, the middle underwater
be discharged to the outside by means of the pressure of the inspection/repair apparatuS 1B can be positioned at the
compressed air via the discharge port 20 formed at the position facing to the Second through pressure-vessel nozzle
bottom of the watertight vessel 2 and the core water dis 785.
charge line 21, and Sucked into the pneumatic water dis Then, the top ends of the output rods 9 are pushed against
charge pump 11 via the core water Suction portion 12 and the the outer peripheral Surface of the receiving plate 107 by
Suction line 13 and then discharged to the outside via the driving the fluid pressure cylinders 7 of the middle under
water discharge line 16. In this manner, the inside of the 15 water inspection/repair apparatuS 1B. Like the case in the
watertight vessel 2 can be filled with the compressed air to lowermost underwater inspection/repair apparatus 1C, the
thus form the air space. air space can be formed in the watertight vessel 2. The
As a modification, the output rods 9 of the fluid pressure uppermost underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1A can
cylinders 7 may be directly pushed against the core Shroud also be installed in the reactor pressure vessel 62 in the same
72 as the Supporting Structure in place of the radiation shield way as the middle underwater inspection/repair apparatus
body 101 of the radiation shield device 100. 1B.
Next, the case will be explained hereinbelow where the AS described above, after the underwater inspection/
uppermost underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1A and repair apparatus 1A, 1B, 1C have been Set and the air spaces
the middle underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1B are 25
have been formed in the insides of them, for example,
installed at upper positions of the reactor pressure vessel 62 inspection/repair operations Such as welding, working,
in order to inspect/repair the through pressure-vessel nozzles inspection, etc. can be applied to the through preSSure-Vessel
78a, 78b which are positioned higher than the position of the nozzles 78a, 78b, 78c and their peripheral portions from the
core shroud 72. In this case, first the temporary reactor outside of the reactor pressure vessel 62.
internal structure 104 shown in FIG. 1 is hung down in the AS Stated earlier, according to the underwater inspection/
inside of the reactor pressure vessel 62 and then installed repair apparatus according to the present embodiment, Since
therein. the air Spaces can be formed locally near the through
As shown in FIG. 1, the temporary reactor internal pressure-vessel nozzles 78a, 78b, 78c and their peripheral
structure 104 has upper and lower ring-shape members 105. portions under the condition that the interior of the reactor
Such ring-shape members 105 are connected to each other at 35 preSSure vessel 62 is filled with the core water, not only can
a predetermined distance in the vertical direction. A plurality the inspection/repair operations of the through pressure
of receiving plates 107 and a plurality of fixing jacks 108 are vessel nozzles 78a, 78b, 78c and their peripheral portions be
provided to these ring-shape members 105. Installing posi carried out in a short time without fail, but also an amount
tions of the receiving plates 107 for the ring-shape members of radiation exposure of the operator can be significantly
105 are set such that the receiving plates 107 face to the 40
positions of the through pressure-vessel nozzles 78a, 78b According to the underwater inspection/repair apparatus
when the temporary reactor internal structure 104 is installed according to the present embodiment, Since the pneumatic
in the reactor pressure vessel 62. water discharge pump 11 having an extremely high water
In addition, a plurality of hooking arms 109 are provided discharge efficiency has been provided in the watertight
to the upper ring-shape member 105. Each of the hooking 45 vessel 2, the core water in the watertight vessel 2 can be
arms 109 has a fitting portion 110 which is fitted into the firmly discharged in a short time and in turn a working
bracket 85 projected from the inner wall surface 62a of the efficiency can be widely improved.
reactor pressure vessel 62. A position adjusting bolt 111 is Furthermore, according to the underwater inspection/
screwed into the top portion of the fitting portion 110. repair apparatus according to the present embodiment, Since
In FIG. 1, a reference 86 denotes a guide rod which is 50 the temporary reactor internal structure 104 is installed in
fixed to the inner wall Surface 62a of the reactor preSSure the reactor pressure vessel 62 and also the uppermost
vessel 62. The guide rod 86 acts as a guide used when the underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1A and the middle
temporary reactor internal Structure 104 is hung down in the underwater inspection/repair apparatuS 1B are installed in
inside of the reactor pressure vessel 62. Then, after the fitting the reactor pressure vessel 62 by using the temporary reactor
portion 110 is fitted into the bracket 85, height and leveling 55 internal Structure 104, the uppermost underwater inspection/
of the temporary reactor internal structure 104 can be repair apparatus 1A and the middle underwater inspection/
adjusted by operating the position adjusting bolt 111. repair apparatus 1B can be provided with no trouble to the
Then, the actuating portions 108a of the fixing jacks 108 through pressure-vessel nozzles 78a, 78b, which are posi
are rotated by using the wrench via the fuel eXchanger 84, tioned higher than the core shroud 72.
and then the top ends of the fixing jacks 108 are pushed 60 AS described above, according to the underwater
against the inner wall Surface 62a of the reactor pressure inspection/repair apparatus according to the present
vessel 62 by moving forward the pushing rods 108b of the invention, after the inside of the watertight vessel is isolated
fixing jacks 108, whereby the temporary reactor internal in a watertight manner by pushing the top end of the Sealing
structure 104 can be fixed in the inside of the reactor device against the inner wall Surface of the water vessel as
preSSure vessel 62. 65 the inspection object, the water in the inside of the watertight
After the temporary reactor internal structure 104 has vessel can be discharged by the water discharge pump and
been installed in the reactor pressure vessel 62, the middle the compressed air Supply means to thus form the air space
13 14
locally. Therefore, the inspection/repair operations can be the water in the inside of the watertight vessel can be
carried out under the condition that the inside of the water Sucked into an inside of the water discharge cylinder
vessel is filled with the water. As a result, not only can the via the Suction side check Valve and then discharged to
inspection/repair operations be carried out in a short time the outside of the watertight vessel via the discharge
without fail, but also an amount of radiation exposure of the Side check valve.
operator can be significantly reduced under the radiation 6. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according
environment. to claim 3, wherein a compressed air for driving the pneu
What is claimed is: matic pressure cylinder is Supplied via a Switching valve
1. An underwater inspection/repair apparatus comprising: which is Switched by a Switching operation generated by a
a watertight vessel formed by a hollow member; timer.
an opening portion formed on the watertight vessel; 7. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according
a Sealing device provided around the opening portion; to claim 1, wherein the Sealing device is detachably attached
a pushing mechanism provided to the watertight vessel; to the watertight vessel.
a water discharge pump for discharging water in an inside 15 8. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according
of the watertight vessel; and to claim 1, wherein the top end portion of the Sealing device
a compressed air Supplying means for Supplying a com is formed to be curved in answer to a curved shape of the
pressed air into the inside of the watertight vessel; inner wall Surface of the water vessel as the inspection
object, a plurality of ring-shape Sealing members are pro
wherein the pushing mechanism has a pushing member Vided in a concentric manner to the top end portion, and a
which can be pushed against a Supporting Structure pneumatic preSSure Sealing is formed by Supplying a com
positioned behind a back Surface of the Sealing device, pressed air into a Space between the Sealing members.
and a top end portion of the Sealing device is pushed
against an inner wall Surface of a water vessel as an 9. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according
inspection object by a reaction force generated when to claim 1, wherein the pushing mechanism is made up of a
the pushing member is pushed against the Supporting 25 fluid pressure cylinder, and
Structure, whereby the inside and an outside of the the pushing member comprises an output rod of the fluid
watertight vessel can be isolated in a watertight manner preSSure cylinder.
So that an inside condition of the watertight vessel can 10. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according
be changed and maintained in a dry condition. to claim 9, wherein the pushing mechanism further com
2. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according prises a mechanical jack, which has a pushing rod which can
to claim 1, wherein the water discharge pump is made up of be driven mechanically back and forth relative to the Sup
a pneumatic water discharge pump provided to the water porting Structure, as back-up means used when a pushing
tight vessel. operation generated by the output rod of the fluid preSSure
3. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according 35 cylinder is lost.
to claim 2, wherein the pneumatic water discharge pump 11. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according
includes a pneumatic pressure cylinder driven by a pneu to claim 1, wherein the water vessel as the inspection object
matic pressure, and a water discharge cylinder cooperated
with the pneumatic preSSure cylinder, and is a reactor vessel and has further a radiation shield body
a water which is Sucked into the water discharge cylinder arranged in a clearance between an Outer peripheral Surface
40 of a core Shroud and an inner wall Surface of the reactor
from the inside of the watertight vessel is discharged to vessel, and
the outside of the watertight vessel by reciprocating the
pneumatic preSSure cylinder as well as the water dis the pushing member of the pushing mechanism is pushed
charge cylinder. against a Surface of the radiation Shield body arranged
4. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according 45
at a predetermined position in the reactor vessel.
to claim3, wherein the pneumatic water discharge pump has 12. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according
a piston rod which is commonly used as the pneumatic to claim 1, further comprising a ring-shape member arranged
preSSure cylinder and the water discharge cylinder, and in the water vessel as the inspection object, and a receiving
an air connecting flow path for connecting a pushing Side plate fixed to the ring-shape member, and the pushing
internal Space of the pneumatic pressure cylinder and a 50 member of the pushing mechanism is pushed against a
pushing Side internal Space of the water discharge Surface of the receiving plate of the ring-shape member
cylinder is formed in the piston rod to enhance a pump which is arranged at a predetermined position in the water
operating efficiency of the pneumatic water discharge vessel as the inspection object.
pump. 13. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according
5. The underwater inspection/repair apparatus according 55 to claim 1, wherein a discharge port for discharging an air
to claim 3, wherein the water discharge cylinder has a and the water in the watertight vessel is formed on the
Suction Side check valve and a discharge Side check valve for watertight vessel.
regulating a water flow in an opposite direction respectively,