Us 6012901
Us 6012901
Us 6012901
FIG. 1
15 13 31 18
35 14 33 11 34 26 28
U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 2000 Sheet 2 of 3 6,012,901
Ll gj CA]
37' 39 16 28
35 11 34
FIG. 3
1 2
COMPRESSOR IMPELLER FASTENING FOR compressor impeller, are arranged on the compressor Side of
HIGH SPEEDTURBOENGINES the rear wall of the compressor impeller and consequently at
the mass center of gravity of the compressor impeller. When
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the turbocharger is in operation, this region of maximum
1. Field of the Invention StreSS concentration necessarily experiences the greatest
The invention relates to a compressor impeller fastening expansion, So that the Safety of the connection falls with a
for high Speed turboengines according to the preamble of rising circumferential Speed of the compressor impeller.
claim 1. High Speed turbo engines, Such as, for example,
2. Discussion of Background turbochargers, reach circumferential Speeds of 500 m/s and
Compressor impellers of turboengines are connected to above. Circumferential Speeds of this kind place Substan
tially higher requirements on the torque transmission and on
their driveshaft either nonpositively or positively. In the case the Safety of the Shaft/hub connection. These requirements
of rising pressure ratioS and consequently in the case of cannot be Satisfied by the conventional State of the art.
increasing operating torques and high circumferential
Speeds, positive torque transmission, that is to Say a positive 15 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
shaft/hub connection of the compressor impeller, is advan The invention attempts to avoid all these disadvantages.
EP 0,522,630 B1 discloses a positive compressor impeller Accordingly one object of the invention is to provide a novel
Safe and reproducible compressor impeller fastening for
fastening which is produced by means of a multispline Shaft. high Speed turboengines, Said fastening moreover having
In this solution, the life of the shaft/hub connection is improved torque transmission.
restricted due to the notches made by the female Splines. This is achieved, according to the invention, in that both
Moreover, additional centering elements are necessary, the hub cone arranged in the through bore of the compressor
which increase the costs of the compressor impeller. Owing impeller and the Shaft cone corresponding thereto each have
to the production-related inaccuracies of multispline shafts,
Such a shaft/hub connection must always be balanced as a 25
a mean diameter and these mean diameters are arranged at
unit, the parts having to be marked accordingly for the an axial distance from the mass center of gravity of the
purpose of identical reassembly. It is therefore not possible compressor impeller, Said distance corresponding at least to
to use the compressor impeller with another shaft which is half the mean diameters. In this case, the through bore of the
not balanced together with it. This, however, is a decisive hub is designed, on the shaft Side of the hub cone, at least
disadvantage in the event of Servicing. partially as a cylindrical bore.
Positive compressor impeller fastenings by means of a In this arrangement, the hub cone and shaft cone, that is
thread are known both from U.S. Pat. No. 3,961,867 and to Say the actual fastening elements, are located outside the
from WO 93/022778. Production-related inaccuracies of the mass center of gravity of the compressor impeller. Substan
thread are likewise a disadvantage in these cases. Moreover, tially lower stresses caused by centrifugal forces or thermal
the high operating torqueS occurring in compressor impel 35
expansions are therefore evident in the fastening region of
lers necessitate high heightening and releasing torques. the compressor impeller, So that the widening of the hub
Particularly where larger compressor impellers are cone can be markedly reduced. A compressor impeller
concerned, the releasing torques required for demounting fastening which is Safe even at high rotational Speeds can
are up to double the operating torque. Such forces can be therefore be produced. The cylindrical bore arranged on the
exerted only by means of Special tools or by means of a 40
shaft Side Serves as a centering Seat for the compressor
Step-up gear. However, this markedly increases the Outlay impeller.
necessary for demounting compressor impellers. Another Particularly advantageously, the through bore of the hub
disadvantage of fastening the compressor impeller by means is designed, on both sides of the hub cone, at least partially
of a thread is that, when the compressor impeller is being as a cylindrical bore, the Second cylindrical bore, that is to
mounted, the regions of the hub thread which first come into 45 Say the one on the compressor Side, constituting a mounting
contact with the Shaft thread have to cover a relatively long aid.
distance on the shaft thread until they reach their end In a first embodiment, the compressor impeller has a
position. Since the threads involved have Scarcely any play, fastening bush for the Shaft journal, Said bush adjoining the
there is relatively high pressure between the individual rear wall of Said impeller on the shaft Side. In this case, the
thread parts, that is to Say in a region without any lubrica 50 hub cone is arranged in the fastening bush and the cylindri
tion. So-called Scoring or deformation of the threads there cal bores are arranged on both sides, that is to Say the Shaft
fore occurs, So that different results are obtained during each Side and compressor Side of the hub cone. By means of this
new mounting operation. Such a connection consequently Solution which is particularly Suitable for internally mounted
cannot be reproduced Sufficiently. Moreover, these Solutions turbochargers, the distance between the fastening elements
relate to compressor impellers with a blind bore, which, as 55 and the mass center of gravity of the compressor impeller
regards their shaft/hub connection, cannot be compared to can be increased further. This leads to an improved com
compressor impellers which have a through bore. preSSor impeller fastening which allows even higher rota
According to “Informationen liber die Anwendung von tional Speeds at no risk.
Polygon-Verbindungen” Information on the use of polygo Advantageously, a plane face is designed on the fastening
nal connections, of Fortuna-Werke Maschinenfabrik AG, 60 bush on the Shaft side of the hub and a corresponding plane
Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, a spur pinion shaft and a compres Stop is designed on the shaft. This ensures both unequivocal
Sor impeller for the blower of a cooling System are known. axial positioning and highly accurate concentricity of the
For the rotationally fixed connection of the compressor compressor impeller.
impeller on the Shaft, the two components have a conical The Shaft journal is designed at least in two parts and
profile with a polygonal base area, the shaft cone being 65 consists of the shaft cone and of a shaft collar matching the
arranged on the shaft end. The shaft cone and hub cone, that centering Seat, that is to Say the cylindrical bore on the Shaft
is to say the actual connection point of the Shaft and Side. Alternatively to the two-part design, the shaft journal is
3 4
designed at least in three parts. For this purpose, it addi Only the elements essential for understanding the inven
tionally has a cylindrical shaft end which Serves for precen tion are shown. The parts of the plant which are not
tering the compressor impeller when the latter is being illustrated are, for example, the turbine Side of the exhaust
positioned on the Shaft journal. As a result of this gas turbocharger and the internal combustion engine con
precentering, no radial displacement of the shaft cone and nected to the latter.
hub cone relative to one another occurs when the compres DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
Sor impeller is being mounted, So that it is possible to avoid EMBODIMENTS
damaging the actual fastening elements. This ultimately
leads to an improved shaft/hub connection and therefore to Referring now to the drawings, wherein like reference
an increased Service life of the compressor impeller. numerals designate identical or corresponding parts
At least one receiving device for a mounting/demounting throughout the Several views, the exhaust gas turbocharger
tool is arranged in each case in the through bore of the consists mainly of a compressor 1 designed as a radial
compressor impeller and in the Shaft journal. The compres compressor and of an exhaust gas turbine, not illustrated,
Sor impeller can thereby be mounted and demounted rela which are arranged on a common shaft 2. The radial com
tively easily from the compressor side. Particularly 15
preSSor 1 possesses a compressor housing 3, in which a
advantageously, the receiving device of the Shaft journal is compressor impeller 4 is rotatably mounted on the Shaft 2.
arranged in the Shaft end, but, in the case of a two-part shaft The compressor impeller 4 has a hub 6 equipped with a
journal, in the shaft cone. The receiving devices are designed multiplicity of moving blades 5. A central through bore 8
as internal threads, the internal thread of the shaft end or of receiving a shaft journal 7 of the shaft 2 is made in the hub
the shaft cone being smaller than the internal thread of the 6 (FIG. 1). The through bore 8 is designed partially as a hub
hub. The mounting/demounting tool is designed as a differ cone 9 having a polygonal base area 10 (FIG. 2). The shaft
ential screw with two external threads of different pitch. In journal 7 receives a shaft cone 11 which corresponds to the
this case, the external thread designed with the lower pitch hub cone 9 and which itself likewise has a polygonal base
matches the internal thread of the hub and the external thread area 12.
designed with the higher pitch matches the internal thread of 25 The hub 6 of the compressor impeller 4 is equipped on the
the shaft end or of the shaft cone. shaft side with a rear wall 13. The compressor impeller 4 has
The differential Screw or its differential threads serves a mass center of gravity 14 on the compressor Side of the rear
both as a mounting/demounting tool and for Securing the wall 13. The through bore 8 is designed, on both sides of the
compressor impeller axially on the Shaft. There is therefore hub cone 9, as a cylindrical bore 15, 16. The two bores 15,
no need for any additional mounting/demounting tools. 16 are coaxial to an axis 17 of the through bore 8.
In a Second embodiment of the invention, the hub cone is The Solution according to the invention may, of course,
arranged on the compressor Side of the mass center of also be used (not illustrated) in the case of an exhaust gas
gravity of the compressor impeller. The compressor impeller turbocharger having a compressor 1 designed as an axial
is thereby Subjected to much less StreSS by centrifugal forces compressor.
or thermal expansions than if the hub cone were arranged at 35 In a first exemplary embodiment, the exhaust gas turbo
the mass center of gravity. In this Solution, which is par charger possesses an internal mounting, that is to Say a
ticularly Suitable for the external mounting of turbochargers, bearing housing 18 with an axial/radial bearing 19, in which
the widening of the hub cone can be reduced to an even the Shaft 2 is rotatably mounted, is arranged between the
greater extent and, consequently, the fastening of the com turbine, or between its housing likewise not illustrated, and
preSSor impeller improved even further. Moreover, a shorter 40 the compressor housing 3. A fastening bush 20 for the shaft
overall axial length is achieved. journal 7 adjoins the rear wall 13 of the hub 6 on the shaft
In this Solution, a plane face is designed on the hub on the side. Whilst the fastening bush 20 terminates in a plane face
compressor Side of the mass center of gravity and the shaft 21, the Shaft 2 has a corresponding plane Stop 22. Both the
has a corresponding plane Stop. The lowest temperatures hub cone 9 and the shaft cone 11 are arranged in the
occur in this region of the compressor impeller, as compared 45 fastening bush 20. They each have a mean diameter 23, 24
with other regions, So that high Surface pressures due to axial and are arranged at an axial distance 25 from the mass center
thermal expansions are not to be expected. The life of the of gravity 14 of the compressor impeller 4, Said distance
shaft/hub connection can therefore be increased. corresponding at least to half their mean diameter 23.24.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS One of the cylindrical bores 15, 16 is designed in each case
50 on each side of the hub cone 9.
A more complete appreciation of the invention and many The axial/radial bearing 19 consists of a bearing body 27,
of the attendant advantages thereof will be readily obtained fixed to the bearing housing 18 by means of screws 26 and
as the Same becomes better understood by reference to the therefore Stationary, and of a bearing comb 28 connected
following detailed description, when considered in connec fixedly in terms of rotation to the shaft 2. The axial/radial
tion with the accompanying drawings, wherein: 55 bearing 19 is closed off relative to the compressor impeller
FIG. 1 shows a part longitudinal Section through an 4 by an intermediate element 29 which is designed as an
internally mounted exhaust gas turbocharger, in the region of auxiliary bearing disk and which has, on the compressor
the compressor impeller; side, a further stop 30 for the fastening bush 20. An
FIG. 2 shows a section II-II through the compressor intermediate wall 31 is arranged between the bearing hous
impeller according to FIG. 1, in the region of the shaft cone 60 ing 18 and the compressor housing 3 and is fixed to the
(illustrated enlarged); bearing housing 18 by means of fastening ScrewS 32. The
FIG. 3 Shows a part longitudinal Section through an intermediate wall 31 receives the fastening bush 20 of the
internally mounted exhaust gas turbocharger, according to a hub 6 of the compressor impeller 4 and is sealed off relative
Second exemplary embodiment; to said bush, for example, by means of a labyrinth Seal (not
FIG. 4 shows a part longitudinal Section through an 65 illustrated).
externally mounted exhaust gas turbocharger, in the region The shaft journal 7 is in three parts and consists of a
of the compressor impeller. cylindrical shaft end 33, of the shaft cone 11 and of a
S 6
cylindrical shaft collar 34 adjoining the shaft 2. The shaft upstream of the compressor impeller 4 and of which only a
cone 11 has its Smallest diameter on the side of the shaft end bearing housing 18" together with a Seal 41 are illustrated.
33 (FIG. 1). Both the hub cone 9 and the shaft cone 11 are designed at the
Both the shaft end 33 of the shaft journal 7 and the hub end of the compressor impeller 4 on the compressor Side.
6 are provided., at their end on the compressor Side, in each The two cylindrical bores 15, 16 of the hub 6 are arranged
case with a receiving device 35, 36, designed as an internal on the shaft side of the hub cone 9. They have the same
thread, for a tool 37 for mounting/demounting the compres diameter and merge into one another at the mass center of
Sor impeller 4, Said tool being designed as a differential gravity 14 of the compressor impeller 4. The shaft journal 7
Screw. Furthermore, the internal thread 35 of the shaft end 33
is in three parts and consists of a cylindrical shaft end 33' for
is made Smaller than the internal thread 36 of the hub 6. The
receiving a mounting/securing element 37" designed as a
threaded bush, of the shaft cone 11 and of a cylindrical shaft
differential screw 37 possesses two external threads 38, 39 collar 34' adjoining the shaft 2. In contrast to the first
of different size and different pitch. The larger external exemplary embodiment, therefore, the shaft collar 34
thread 38 has a lower pitch and matches the internal thread matches the two cylindrical bores 15, 16 of the hub 6. On the
36 of the hub 6, whilst the smaller external thread 39 having shaft side of the hub cone 9, the hub 6 has a plane face 21
the higher pitch cooperates with the internal thread 35 of the 15 which cooperates with a correspondingly designed plane
shaft end 33. Moreover, the differential Screw 37 has a stop 22 of the shaft collar 34 (FIG. 4).
receptacle 40 for an actuating element, not illustrated, said For mounting, the compressor impeller 4 is first pushed
receptacle being designed as a hexagon Socket. onto the shaft journal 7 and is Subsequently drawn onto the
It is possible, of course, for the larger external thread 38 shaft cone 11 by means of the threaded bush 37". When the
to have the higher pitch and the smaller external thread 39 plane face 21' comes into contact with the plane Stop 22, the
the lower pitch, thus making it necessary, during mounting, necessary Shaft/hub connection is made.
to rotate the mounting/demounting tool 37 in the opposite Obviously, numerous modifications and variations of the
direction to the Solution illustrated in FIG. 1. Another present invention are possible in light of the above teach
mounting/demounting tool 37 for the compressor impeller 4, ings. It is therefore to be understood that, within the Scope
for example a hydraulic appliance, may, of course, also be 25 of the appended claims, the invention may be practiced
used. otherwise than as Specifically described herein.
What is claimed as new and desired to be secured by
When the compressor impeller 4 is being mounted, first Letters Patent of the United States is:
the differential screw 37 is screwed approximately one third 1. A compressor impeller fastening for high Speed
into the compressor impeller 4. The compressor impeller 4 turboengines, with a compressor impeller which is fastened
is subsequently pushed over the cylindrical shaft end 33, on a Shaft and which comprises a hub equipped with a
until the differential Screw 37 comes to bear with its Smaller plurality of moving blades and designed with a rear wall and
external thread 39 on the internal thread 35 of the shaft end has a mass center of gravity on the compressor side of the
33. The differential Screw 37 is thereafter rotated with the aid rear wall, the hub being provided with a central through bore
of the actuating element, until the compressor impeller 4 35 for receiving a shaft journal of the shaft, and the through
rests with its plane face 21 on the stop 30. At this moment, bore being designed at least partially as a hub cone with a
the auxiliary bearing disk 29 Serving as a bearing Surface of polygonal base area, the shaft journal having a shaft cone
the axial/radial bearing 19 during reverse thrust, is clamped cooperating with the hub cone, and Said shaft cone possess
between the plane Stop 22 of the Shaft 2 and the plane face ing a polygonal base area corresponding to the base area of
21 of the compressor impeller 4. While the compressor 40 the hub cone, wherein
impeller 4 is being drawn on via the different pitch of the a) both the hub cone and the shaft cone each have a mean
external threads 38, 39, the different diameters of the exter diameter, and these mean diameters are arranged at an
nal threads 38, 39 rules out from the outset incorrect axial distance from the mass center of gravity of the
mounting of the differential screw 37 and consequently compressor impeller, Said distance corresponding at
damage to the threads. Even when the exhaust gas turbo 45 least to half the mean diameters,
charger is in operation, the differential Screw 37 remains in b) the through bore of the hub is designed, on the shaft
the through bore 8 and additionally Secures compressor Side of the hub cone, at least partially as a cylindrical
impeller 4 axially. For this purpose, after the compressor bore.
impeller 4 has been mounted, the actuating element is 2. The compressor impeller fastening as claimed in claim
removed from the hexagon socket 40 of the differential 50 1, wherein the through bore of the hub is designed, on both
screw 37. The compressor impeller 4 is demounted in Sides of the hub cone at least partially as a cylindrical bore.
reverse order.
3. The compressor impeller fastening as claimed in claim
According to a Second exemplary embodiment, the 2, wherein the hub of the compressor impeller has a fasten
exhaust gas turbocharger likewise possesses an internal ing bush for the Shaft journal, Said bush adjoining the rear
mounting. In contrast to the first exemplary embodiment, 55 wall on the shaft Side, the hub cone being arranged in the
however, the Shaft journal 7 is designed only in two parts fastening bush and the cylindrical bores being arranged on
and consists of the shaft cone 11 and of the shaft collar 34 both sides of the hub cone .
corresponding to the cylindrical bore 16 on the shaft side 4. The compressor impeller fastening as claimed in claim
(FIG.3). In this case, the receiving device 35 designed as an 3, wherein a plane face is designed on the fastening bush on
internal thread is arranged inside the shaft cone 11, for which 60 the shaft Side of the hub and the Shaft has a corresponding
reason a correspondingly adapted mounting/demounting plane Stop.
tool 37", that is to say a lengthened differential screw, is used. 5. The compressor impeller fastening as claimed in claim
An alternative variant for fastening the compressor impeller 4, wherein the Shaft journal is designed at least in two parts
4 thus becomes available, mounting/demounting taking and consists of the Shaft cone and of a shaft collar matching
place in a similar way to the first exemplary embodiment. 65 the cylindrical bore on the shaft side.
In a third exemplary embodiment, the exhaust gas turbo 6. The compressor impeller fastening as claimed in claim
charger possesses an external mounting which is arranged 4, wherein the Shaft journal is designed at least in three parts
7 8
and consists of the shaft cone, of a shaft collar matching the 9. The compressor impeller fastening as claimed in claim
cylindrical bore on the shaft side and of a cylindrical shaft 7, wherein the two receiving devices are designed as internal
end. threads, and the receiving device of the Shaft journal is
7. The compressor impeller fastening as claimed in claim arranged in the Shaft cone and is designed to be Smaller than
5, wherein at least one receiving device for a tool for the receiving device arranged in the through bore of the hub.
mounting/demounting the compressor impeller, Said tool 10. The compressor impeller fastening as claimed in claim
being designed preferably as a differential Screw with two 1, wherein the hub cone is arranged upstream of the mass
external threads of different pitch, is arranged in each case center of gravity of the compressor impeller.
in the shaft journal and in the through bore. 11. The compressor impeller fastening as claimed in claim
8. The compressor impeller fastening as claimed in claim 10, wherein a plane face is designed on the hub on the
7, wherein the two receiving devices are designed as internal compressor Side of the mass center of gravity and the Shaft
threads, and the receiving device of the Shaft journal is has a corresponding plane Stop.
arranged in the Shaft end and is designed to be Smaller than
the receiving device arranged in the through bore of the hub. k k k k k