FIG. 1
U.S. Patent Jan. 8, 2013 Sheet 2 of 5 US 8,347,610 B2
FIG. 2
FIG. 3
U.S. Patent Jan. 8, 2013 Sheet 4 of 5 US 8,347,610 B2
F.G. 6
US 8,347,610 B2
1. 2
EXHAUSTEMISSION CONTROL DEVICE reduction catalyst 6 in the casing 8 is ammonia reducing
catalyst 15 for oxidization treatment of Surplus ammonia.
TECHNICAL FIELD With the exhaust emission control device thus constructed,
the particulates in the exhaust gas 3 are captured by the
The present invention relates to an exhaust emission con particulate filter 5. Midway of the mixing pipe 9B down
trol device. stream of the filter, the urea water is added to the exhaust gas
3 by the injector 11 and is thermally decomposed into ammo
BACKGROUND ART nia and carbon dioxide gas. On the selective reduction cata
lyst 6, NO, in the exhaust gas3 is satisfactorily reduced by the
It has been recently proposed that a particulate filter to 10 ammonia. As a result, both the particulates and NO, in the
capture particulates in exhaust gas is incorporated in an exhaust gas 3 are reduced.
exhaust pipe, selective reduction catalyst capable of selec In this case, the exhaust gas 3 from the rear end of the
tively reacting NO, with ammonia even in the presence of particulate filter 5 is introduced into the front end of the
oxygen being arranged downstream of the particulate filter, adjacent selective reduction catalyst 6 through the forward
urea water as reducing agent being added between the selec 15 fold-back or directed communication passage 9, which
tive reduction catalyst and the particulate filter, thereby ensures a long distance between an added position of the urea
attaining reduction of both the particulates and NO. water midway of the communication passage 9 and the selec
In this case, the addition of the urea water to the selective tive reduction catalyst 6 and facilitates mixing of the urea
reduction catalyst is conducted between the particulate filter water with the exhaust gas 3 due to fold-back of and thus
and the selective reduction catalyst. Thus, in order to ensure turbulence of the exhaust gas flow, resulting in ensuring Suf
sufficient reaction time for thermal decomposition of the urea ficient reaction time for production of ammonia from the urea
water added to the exhaust gas into ammonia and carbon Water
dioxide gas, it is necessary to prolong a distance between an Moreover, the particulate filter 5 and the selective reduc
added position of the urea water and the selective reduction tion catalyst 6 are arranged in parallel with each other and the
catalyst. However, Such arrangement of the particulate filter 25 communication passage 9 is arranged along and between the
and the selective reduction catalyst Substantially spaced apart filter 5 and the catalyst 6, so that the whole structure becomes
from each other will extremely impair the mountability on a compact in size to Substantially improve the mountability on
vehicle. a vehicle.
In order to overcome this, the inventor invented a compact, As a prior art literature pertinent to the invention, there is,
exhaust emission control device as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 30 for example, the following Patent Literature 1.
and already filed a Japanese patent application directed to the Patent Literature 1 JP 2005-155404A
device for which Japanese patent application No. 2007-29923
was allotted. In an exhaust emission control device of the SUMMARY OF INVENTIONS
prior application, incorporated in an exhaust pipe 4 through
which exhaust gas 3 flows from a diesel engine 1 via an 35 Technical Problems
exhaust manifold 2 is a particulate filter 5 housed in a casing However, where the addition of the urea water to the selec
7 to capture particulates in the exhaust gas 3; arranged down tive reduction catalyst 6 is conducted between the particulate
stream of and in parallel with the particulate filter and housed filter 5 and the catalyst 6 as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2 and
in a casing 8 is selective reduction catalyst having a property mentioned in the above, the mixing pipe 9B is provided
capable of selectively reactingNO, with ammonia even in the 40 midway with a boss 10 branching slantingly to upstream side.
presence of oxygen. A rear end of the particulate filter 5 is Fitted from outside of the mixing pipe 9B into the boss 10 is
connected to an front end of the selective reduction catalyst 6 a urea water addition injector 11. With the injector 11 pro
through an S-shaped communication passage 9 such that the tected so as not to be directly exposed to the flow of the hot
exhaust gas 3 discharged through the rear end of the particu exhaust gas 3, urea water is added so that, where the exhaust
late filter 5 is passed through forward turnabout into the front 45 gas 3 has increased flow rate as shown in FIG. 3, the urea
end of the neighboring selective reduction catalyst 6. water added by the injector 11 is forced by the vigorous flow
As shown in FIG. 2 which shows important parts in of the exhaust gas 3 to be biased along an inner wall of the
enlarged scale, the communication passage 9 is the S-shaped mixing pipe 9B, disadvantageously failing in Sufficient dis
structure comprising a gas gathering chamber 9A which persion of the urea water.
encircles the rear end of the particulate filter 5 to gather the 50 The invention was made in view of the above and has its
exhaust gas 3 through Substantially perpendicular turnabout object to make it possible to sufficiently disperse urea water
of the gas just discharged from the rear end of the particulate with enhanced mixing with the exhaust gas in a compact,
filter by collision of the gas against a wall Surface of the exhaust emission control device comprising a particulate fil
gathering chamber, a mixing pipe 9B which extracts forward ter and selective reduction catalyst arranged side by side.
the exhaust gas 3 gathered by the chamber 9A and which is 55 Solution to Problems
provided with a urea water addition injector 11 (urea water The invention is directed to an exhaust emission control
addition means) midway of the mixing pipe and a gas dis device comprising a particulate filter incorporated in an
persing chamber 9C which encircles the front end of the exhaust pipe for capturing particulates in exhaust gas, selec
selective reduction catalyst 6 Such that, through Substantially tive reduction catalyst arranged in parallel with and down
perpendicular turnabout and dispersion of the gas 3 guided 60 stream of said particulate filter for selectively reacting NO,
forward by the mixing pipe 9B by collision of the gas against with ammonia even in the presence of oxygen, an S-shaped
a wall Surface of the dispersing chamber, the dispersed communication passage for introduction of the exhaust gas
exhaust gas 3 is introduced into the front end of the selective from a rear end of the particulate filter to a front end of the
reduction catalyst 6. adjacent selective reduction catalyst in a forward fold-back
Arranged in front of the particulate filter 5 in the casing 7 is 65 manner and urea water addition means arranged midway of
oxidation catalyst 14 for oxidization treatment of unburned said communication passage for addition of urea water, char
fuel in the exhaust gas 3, and arranged behind the selective acterized in that an upstream portion of said communication
US 8,347,610 B2
3 4
passage comprises a gas gathering chamber for encompass manner via the openings arranged in circumferentially
ing the rear end of the particulate filter to gather the exhaust spaced positions on the rear end of the mixing pipe, so that
gas discharged from the rear end of the particulate filter the exhaust gas in the mixing pipe becomes turbulent to
through Substantially perpendicular turnabout of the exhaust satisfactorily disperse the urea water. As a result, even if the
gas and a mixing pipe for extracting forward the exhaust gas exhaust gas has increased flow rate, the urea water can be
gathered by the gathering chamber, openings formed in cir satisfactorily dispersed to enhance the mixing thereof with
cumferentially spaced positions on a rear end of said mixing the exhaust gas.
pipe for introduction of the exhaust gas, a downstream end of (II) According to the invention, the exhaust gas can be guided
said gathering chamber being connected to the rear end of into one-way Swirling around the rear end of the mixing
said mixing pipe Such that said respective openings are 10 pipe, so that Swirling of the exhaust gas introduced via the
encased and the rear end of said mixing pipe is closed. respective openings into the mixing pipe can be facilitated,
thereby further effectively enhancing the mixing of the
Thus, in this manner, the exhaust gas from the rear end of urea water with the exhaust gas in the mixing pipe.
the particulate filter is gathered by the gas gathering chamber (III) According to the invention, guide Vanes may be provided
through Substantially perpendicular turnabout and introduced to further add the Swirling force to the exhaust gas flowing
into the mixing pipe via the openings on the rear end of the 15
in one-way Swirling around the rear end of the mixing pipe
mixing pipe in the dispersed manner, so that the exhaust gas to be guided into the mixing pipe. As a result, Swirling of
in said mixing pipe becomes turbulent, resulting in Sufficient the exhaust gas guided via the respective openings into the
dispersion of the urea water. mixing pipe is further facilitated to further enhance the
In this respect, the more the flow rate of the exhaust gas is mixing of the urea water with the exhaust gas in the mixing
increased, the more the turbulence of the exhaust gas in the pipe.
mixing pipe is facilitated; thus, even if the flow rate of the (IV) According to the invention, biased introduction of the
exhaust gas is increased, the urea water is kept in highly exhaust gas into the mixing pipe through upstream open
mixed State with the exhaust gas. ings with relatively high pressure and with higher flow rate
The addition of the urea water may be conducted either can be redressed to average the introduction of the exhaust
upstream or downstream of a position where the exhaust gas 25
gas into each of the whole circumferential openings as
becomes turbulent. In either of the cases, turbulence of the much as possible.
exhaust gas flow facilitates the dispersion of the urea water.
In the invention, partitions may be arranged between the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
rear end of the mixing pipe and the downstream end of the gas
gathering chamber encircling said rear end of the mixing pipe 30
FIG. 1 is a schematic view showing a conventional device;
So as to guide the exhaust gas into one-way Swirling around FIG. 2 is a perspective view showing important parts of
the rear end of the mixing pipe; alternatively, scroll may be FIG. 1 in enlarged scale;
shaped between the rear end of the mixing pipe and the FIG. 3 is a sectional view for explanation of a problem in
downstream end of the gas gathering chamber encircling said conventional urea water addition;
rear end of the mixing pipe so as to guide the exhaust gas into 35 FIG. 4 is a partly cutout perspective view showing an
one-way Swirling around the rear end of the mixing pipe. embodiment of the invention;
Thus, the exhaust gas is guided into one-way Swirling FIG. 5 is a sectional view showing important parts of FIG.
around the rear end of the mixing pipe, so that formation of 4 in enlarged scale;
the Swirling flow of the exhaust gas guided via the respective FIG. 6 is a sectional view showing a further embodiment of
openings into the mixing pipe is facilitated, thereby enhanc 40
the invention;
ing the mixing of the urea water with the exhaust gas in the FIG. 7 is a sectional view showing a variation of the guide
mixing pipe. Vanes;
Moreover, in the invention, a guide vane may be provided FIG. 8 is a sectional view showing an example of how to
for each of the openings So as to guide the exhaust gas into the make guide vanes; and
mixing pipe with further Swirling force being added to the 45 FIG. 9 is a sectional view showing a still further embodi
exhaust gas Swirling in one direction around the rear end of ment of the invention
the mixing pipe. Then, swirling is further facilitated by the
exhaust gas guided via the respective openings into the mix REFERENCE SIGNS LIST
ing pipe, thereby further enhancing the mixing of the urea
water with the exhaust gas in the mixing pipe. 50 3 exhaust gas
Furthermore, it is preferable in the invention to adjust the 4 exhaust pipe
respective openings on the rear end of the mixing pipe so as to 5 particulate filter
have areas gradually increased from upstream side to down 6 selective reduction catalyst
stream side of the exhaust gas flowing around the rear end of 9 communication passage
the mixing pipe. Thus, biased inflow of the exhaust gas via 55 9A gas gathering chamber
upstream openings with relatively high pressure and with 9a downstream end
higher flow rate is redressed so that introduction of the 9B mixing pipe
exhaust gas via each of the whole circumferential openings is 11 urea water addition injector (urea water addition means)
averaged as much as possible. 12 slit (opening)
Advantageous Effects of Invention 60 16 partition
An exhaust emission control device of the invention men 17 guide vane
tioned above can have a variety of excellent effects and 18 space
advantages mentioned below.
(I) According to the invention, the exhaust gas from the rear DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS
end of the particulate filter is gathered by the gas gathering 65
chamber through Substantially perpendicular turnabout, Embodiments of the invention will be described in con
and is introduced into the mixing pipe in the dispersed junction with the drawings.
US 8,347,610 B2
5 6
FIGS. 4 and 5 show an embodiment of the invention which mixing pipe 9B the exhaust gas 3 Swirling in one-way around
is directed to an exhaust emission control device constructed the rear end of the mixing pipe 9B with further swirling force
substantially similar to that shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 men being added thereto.
tioned in the above, a gas gathering chamber 9A and a mixing In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 6, the guide vanes 17
pipe 9B constituting an upstream portion of the communica are shown being provided at each of downstream ends of the
tion passage 9 being changed as mentioned below. slits 12 in the swirling direction guided by the partitions 16 to
Specifically, in the embodiment illustrated, slits 12 (open project outward of the mixing pipe 9B with riding gradient
ings) are formed in circumferentially spaced positions on a upstream; alternatively, as shown in FIG. 7, the guide vanes
rear end of a mixing pipe 9B So as to introduce exhaust gas 3. 17 may be provided at each of the downstream ends of the slits
a downstream end 9a of a gas gathering chamber 9A being 10 12 in the swirling direction guided by the partitions 16 to
connected to the rear end of the mixing pipe 9B such that the project inward of the mixing pipe 9B with falling gradient
respective slits 12 are encased and the rear end of the mixing As shown in FIG. 8, this kind of guide vanes 17 may be
pipe 9B is closed. provided integrally and coincidentally with formation of the
The respective slits 12 on the rear end of the mixing pipe 9B 15 slits 12 by cutting in the rear end of the mixing pipe 9B and
are adjusted to have openings with areas gradually increased pushing down the cut-in parts (FIG. 8 shows a example of
from upstream side to downstream side of the exhaust gas 3 pushing down the cut-in part inward); alternatively, though
flowing around the rear end of mixing pipe, so that biased not shown, the guide vanes 17 may be fabricated as separate
introduction of the exhaust gas 3 into the mixing pipe 9B parts to be attached to the respective slits 12 through for
through upstream slits 12 with relatively high pressure and example welding.
with higher flow is redressed. Thus, in this manner, the flow of the exhaust gas3 is guided
Urea water addition injector 11 as urea water addition by the partitions 16 into one-way swirling around the rear end
means is coaxially fitted to the rear end of the mixing pipe 9B of the mixing pipe 9B and further swirling force is added to
closed by the downstream end 9a of the gas gathering cham the guided flow of the exhaust gas 3 by the respective guide
ber 9A, so that the urea water is added by the injector 11 25 vanes 17, so that swirling of the exhaust gas 3 guided by the
centrally into the rear end of the mixing pipe 9B. respective slits 12 into the mixing pipe 9B is remarkably
The gas gathering chamber 9A encases an outlet of a casing facilitated to further effectively enhance the mixing of the
7, which carries particulate filter 5, in a required spaced apart urea water with the exhaust gas 3 in the mixing pipe 9B.
relationship to an open end 7a and an outer periphery 7b of the FIG.9 shows a still further embodiment of the invention in
outlet of the casing 7, and is divided into segments at a 30 which in lieu of the partitions 16 in the above FIG. 6 embodi
position upstream of the open end 7a of the outlet of the ment, a scroll is formed in space 18 between the rear end of
casing 7, the segments being detachably connected together the mixing pipe 9B and the downstream end 9a of the gas
through flanges 13. gathering chamber 9A encircling the rear end of the mixing
Thus, in Such construction, the exhaust gas 3 from the rear pipe so as to guide the exhaust gas 3 into one-way Swirling
end of the particulate filter 5 is gathered by gas gathering 35 around the rear end of the mixing pipe 9B.
chamber 9A through substantially perpendicular turnabout, Also in this case, the flow of the exhaust gas3 is guided into
and is introduced into the mixing pipe 9B through slits 12 one-way swirling around the rear end of the mixing pipe 9B
formed in circumferentially spaced positions on the rear end by the Scroll shape, so that effects and advantages can be
of the mixing pipe 9B in the dispersed manner, so that the obtained which are similar to those in the above FIG. 6
exhaust gas 3 in the mixing pipe 9B becomes turbulent. Urea 40 embodiment.
water is added by the injector 11 to a central position of the In either of the embodiments of FIGS. 6 and 9, it is pref
rear end of the mixing pipe 9B where the turbulence is most erable that the respective slits 12 are adjusted to have the
violent, so that the added urea water is satisfactorily dispersed openings with areas gradually increased from upstream side
in the exhaust gas 3. to downstream side of the exhaust gas 3 Swirling in one way
The turbulence of the exhaust gas 3 in the mixing pipe 9B 45 therearound. Then, biased inflow of the exhaust gas 3 into the
is facilitated as the flow rate of the exhaust gas 3 is increased, mixing pipe 9B through upstream slits 12 with relatively high
so that highly mixed state of the urea water with the exhaust pressure and with higher flow rate can be redressed to average
gas 3 can be kept even if the flow rate of the exhaust gas 3 is the introduction of the exhaust gas 3 into each of the whole
increased. circumferential slits 12 as much as possible.
Thus, according to the above embodiment, the exhaust gas 50 It is to be understood that an exhaust emission control
3 from the rear end of the particulate filter 5 is gathered by the device of the invention is not limited to the above embodi
gas gathering chamber 9A through substantially perpendicu ments and that various changes and modifications may be
lar turnabout and is introduced into the mixing pipe 9B made without departing from the scope of the invention. For
through the slits 12 in circumferentially spaced positions on example, the added position of the urea water is not limited to
the rear end of the mixing pipe 9B in the dispersed manner, so 55 that shown and openings such as round ones other than the
that the exhaust gas 3 in the mixing pipe 9B becomes turbu slits may be applicable.
lent to satisfactorily disperse the urea water. As a result, even The invention claimed is:
if the flow rate of the exhaust gas 3 is increased, the urea water 1. An exhaust emission control device comprising
can be satisfactorily dispersed to enhance the mixing with the a particulate filter incorporated in an exhaust pipe for cap
exhaust gas 3. 60 turing particulates in exhaust gas,
FIG. 6 shows a further embodiment of the invention in selective reduction catalyst arranged in parallel with and
which partitions 16 are arranged between the rear end of the downstream of said particulate filter for selectively
mixing pipe 9B and the downstream end 9a of the gas gath reacting NO, with ammonia even in the presence of
ering chamber 9A encircling the rear end of the mixing pipe OXygen,
So as to guide the exhaust gas 3 in one-way Swirling around 65 an S-shaped communication passage arranged between
the rear end of the mixing pipe 9B. Moreover, a guide vane 17 and along the particulate filter and selective reduction
is arranged for each of the slits 12 so as to guide into the catalyst for connecting a rear end of the particulate filter
US 8,347,610 B2
7 8
to a front end of the selective reduction catalyst, so as to selective reduction catalyst arranged in parallel with and
introduce the exhaust gas from the rear end of the par downstream of said particulate filter for selectively
ticulate filter to a front end of the adjacent selective reacting NO, with ammonia even in the presence of
reduction catalyst in a forward fold-back manner and OXygen,
urea water addition means arranged midway of said com an S-shaped communication passage arranged between
munication passage for addition of urea water, and along the particulate filter and selective reduction
wherein an upstream portion of said communication pas catalyst for connecting a rear end of the particulate filter
Sage comprises a gas gathering chamber for encompass to a front end of the selective reduction catalyst, so as to
ing the rear end of the particulate filter to gather the introduce the exhaust gas from the rear end of the par
exhaust gas discharged from the rear end of the particu 10 ticulate filter to a front end of the adjacent selective
late filter through substantially perpendicular turnabout reduction catalyst in a forward fold-back manner and
of the exhaust gas and a mixing pipe for extracting urea water addition means arranged midway of said com
forward the exhaust gas gathered by the gathering cham munication passage for addition of urea water,
ber, openings formed in circumferentially spaced posi wherein an upstream portion of said communication pas
tions on arear end of said mixing pipe for introduction of
15 Sage comprises a gas gathering chamber for encompass
the exhaust gas, a downstream end of said gathering ing the rear end of the particulate filter to gather the
chamber being connected to the rear end of said mixing exhaust gas discharged from the rear end of the particu
pipe such that said respective openings are encased and late filter through substantially perpendicular turnabout
the rear end of said mixing pipe is closed, of the exhaust gas and a mixing pipe for extracting
wherein partitions are arranged between the rear end of the forward the exhaust gas gathered by the gathering cham
mixing pipe and the downstream end of the gas gather ber, openings formed in circumferentially spaced posi
ing chamber encircling said rear end of the mixing pipe tions on arear end of said mixing pipe for introduction of
So as to guide the exhaust gas into a one-way Swirling the exhaust gas, a downstream end of said gathering
flow around the rear end of the mixing pipe, and chamber being connected to the rear end of said mixing
wherein the urea water is added to where the swirling flow
25 pipe such that said respective openings are encased and
is formed. the rear end of said mixing pipe is closed,
2. An exhaust emission control device as claimed in claim wherein a scroll is formed in space between the rear end of
1, wherein a guide vane is arranged for each of the openings the mixing pipe and the downstream end of the gas
So as to introduce into the mixing pipe the exhaust gas Swirl gathering chamber encircling said rear end of the mixing
ing in one way around the rear end of the mixing pipe with
30 pipe so as to guide the exhaust gas into a one-way Swirl
further swirling force added thereto. ing flow around the rear end of the mixing pipe, and
3. An exhaust emission control device as claimed in claim wherein the urea water is added to where the swirling flow
is formed.
2, characterized in that the respective openings on the rear end 7. An exhaust emission control device as claimed in claim
of the mixing pipe are adjusted to have areas gradually 35 6, wherein a guide vane is arranged for each of the openings
increased from upstream side to downstream side of the So as to introduce into the mixing pipe the exhaust gas Swirl
exhaust gas flowing therearound. ing in one way around the rear end of the mixing pipe with
4. An exhaust emission control device as claimed in claim
1, characterized in that the respective openings on the rear end further swirling force added thereto.
8. An exhaust emission control device as claimed in claim
of the mixing pipe are adjusted to have areas gradually 40 7, characterized in that the respective openings on the rear end
increased from upstream side to downstream side of the of the mixing pipe are adjusted to have areas gradually
exhaust gas flowing therearound. increased from upstream side to downstream side of the
5. An exhaust emission control device as claimed in claim
1, characterized in that the respective openings on the rear end exhaust gas flowing therearound.
9. An exhaust emission control device as claimed in claim
of the mixing pipe are adjusted to have areas gradually 45 6, characterized in that the respective openings on the rear end
increased from upstream side to downstream side of the of the mixing pipe are adjusted to have areas gradually
exhaust gas flowing therearound. increased from upstream side to downstream side of the
6. An exhaust emission control device comprising exhaust gas flowing therearound.
a particulate filter incorporated in an exhaust pipe for cap
turing particulates in exhaust gas, k k k k k