Nursing Info Module
Nursing Info Module
Nursing Info Module
lessen personalization of
Personal Health Records
• Even if healthcare records are made
electronic thru a network of
a social and economic order that
hospital information system, many
encourages the purchase of goods and
consumers are still cautious on
services in ever-greater amounts.
relying on this systems.
Clients have a more developed sense
• Software for medical records
and knowledge of the healthcare
management can be purchased and
delivery system.
be utilized by consumers.
Rise in healthcare cost, availability of
• Web-based applications were also
information and medical errors have
made available.
driven this transformation.
More emphasis is given in client
Decision Support
education because of economic
• Portrays experiences of people who
hardships when it comes to spending
had undergone a certain procedure.
for healthcare services.
• Can be multimedia or statistical
Common usage of computers among patients
• Focus is on information on
and consumers
conditions, diagnosis, treatment
Information Seeking and prognosis.
• The common usage of • Downloadable applications can give
computers for healthcare consumers. more information directly to the
(Harris Interactive, 2002) information seeker.
• 2/3 of netizens have used the • Risk assessment tools are also
computer as a source of health- available at the Internet.
related information.
• The most commonly searched Disease Management
topic is about diseases, treatments • Patients are enrolled in an online
and diet or nutritional information. disease management program and
• Looking for commonality in the participate in filling out data in an
contents of health information. online form.
Example:, • Reports of reduced hospitalization
and reduced incidence of
Communications and Support complications of chronic disease
• Internet is used by consumers to pass by employing these technologies.
healthcare information to their
families and friends. Issues in consumer computing
• They may engage in online support for health
groups whose focus is on a particular
disease or condition or, Variability in Quality of Information
• They may communicate directly with Available to Consumers
their healthcare providers about their • Quality controls in information
own or family member’s condition. found in the internet are not
• Less costly than a personal visit.
present, thereby reducing deficits, and increased need for
reliability of the data. processing time impose specific
• To reduce inaccuracy, standards requirements on the design of
were developed to control the applications.
developer of health-related • Most elderly patients are
materials and the health inexperienced in using computers
information seeker. • Common web words like “URK”,
• The eight principles authority, visit {a site}, and link are not
complementarity, confidentiality, understood by Web-naïve elderly
attribution, justifiability, persons.
transparency of authorship,
sponsorship and honesty. Impact on Relationship with
Healthcare Providers
Uneven Accessibility Across Age, Ethnic • Patients are now less dependent
and Socioeconomic Groups on clinician’s advice.
• Majority of Internet users are • The information that our patient
better educated, wealthier, gathers empowers him and
younger, urban and largely wished to participate in his
Westerners. healthcare.
• Access of electronic health • Online support groups can make
services are limited only to those patients as co-practitioners of
who are literate and have the health.
computer resources. • Support groups offer more
• Social and public health knowledge to validate the disease
consequences are more process, treatment and
emphasized to clients who does outcomes.
not have access to technology or • Establishes three-way
Internet. partnership: patient, provider and
Educational and Cultural Barriers
• Even among those who have Nursing in patient computerization
access to the Internet, literacy, Deep expertise in patient education
language preference and cultural Cultural diversity in the workforce and a
background can be barriers for strong ethic of cultural sensitivity.
using Internet for health. Strong background in both patient- and
• Solutions for such barriers include community-focused research.
better writing techniques and Strong heritage of patient advocacy and
greater use of interactivity. patient empowerment.