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Engineering and Calculations

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Drilling ceme 3000 BF 0.

OD and size weight length Kg/m Total weight Buoyant load
4 3/4" DC 150 70 10,500 9,450
3 1/2" 15.5 2850 23.0637188 65,732 59,158.44
76,232 68,608.44
MOP 30000
Maximum load 106 99

RIH 3 1/2" Tubing

size nominal weiglength Kg/m total load

3.5 9.3 2500 13.84 34,596
MOP 30,000
Maximium expected load 65 Ton

cut and retrieve Casing @ 1500m BF 0.85

Size weight length kg/m Total load weight
9 5/8 43.5 1500 64.7 97,091 82,527.19

MOP 35,000
Total 117,527 Ton

OD 85% Yield BHA1 MOP Weight kg/m Length, air BF Length in mud

5" 165 30 40 34 2,794 0.85 3,443

3 1/2 132 15 40 26.5 2,906 0.85 3,518
100% Yield 85% yield
5" DP 25.6# G105 NC50 42.08 kg/m 258.0 219.3
5" DP 25.6 # VM-105 SS NC50 41.66 kg/m 258.4 219.7
5" DP 19.5# VM-105 DP SS NC50 VamEIS 32.63 kg/m 193.9 164.9

5" DP 19.5# DPM SS105 DPM-DS50 35.86 kg/m 194.0 164.9

5" DP 25.6# G105 NC50 42.60 kg/m 258.2 219.5
5" DP 19.5# G105 NC50 34.45 kg/m 194.0 164.9
5" DP 19.5# HL105SS NC50 33.93 kg/m 194.0 164.9
5" DP 19.5# G105 NC50 32.92 kg/m 193.8 164.7
4" DP 14.0 # TSS105 XT39 24.37 kg/m 139.6 118.7
4" DP 14.0 # TSS105 XT39 24.37 kg/m 139.6 118.7
3 ½" DP 15.5# G105 NC38 27.41 kg/m 155.9 132.5
3 ½" DP 13.3# G105 NC38 21.89 kg/m 132.0 112.2
2 7/8 10.40# S135 HTPAC DP 15.94 kg/m 118.5 100.7
2 7/8 10.40# G105 HTPAC DP 16.50 kg/m 103.6 88.1
2 7/8 10.40# G105 PAC DP 15.56 kg/m 103.7 88.1
2 7/8 10.40# S135 PAC DP 16.38 kg/m 105.2 89.5

Length in mud
HP = GPM * PSI/1714
Calculate Max GPM
Flow, M3/min 4 2.7 1.7 1.4
flow GPM 1057 713 449 370
pressure, PSI 1000 2000 3000 3500
HP 616 832 786 755

Calculate GPM
Flow, M3/min 4.0 3.5 4.0 0.8
flow GPM 1057 924 1057 211
pressure, PSI 1000 2500 3000 3500
HP 616 1348 1849 431
1. calculate HP

Max load 100 MT

Speed 0.4 m/sec

HP 534

2. Calculate Max Load

HP 600 HP
Speed 0.4 m/sec

Max Draw
Work Capacity 112 MT
Rig Sizing Calculations for rig selection
Item Criteria
- By Selecting the heaviest HKLD which is usually the 9 5/8" CSG + Drill
string racked on derrick (Dry Weight) + Over Pull margin
Derrick Static load ☆ Ex. 500 KLB (9 5/8" CSG) + 300 KLB (Drill String Dry Weight) + 100 KLB
(Over pull Margin) = 900 KLB
☆ Check the Max. load the derrick can bear, also over pull margin varies
from a company to another.

- Using Equation (GPM X SPP)/ 1,714) with Efficiency = 0.803

Mud pump calculation ☆ Ex. Drilling with 700 GPM @ 2,500 Psi Stand pipe pressure ➜
(700*2,500/1,714)/0.803 = 1,271 HP

" Drill string hook load X tripping speed/33,0000 with using efficeincy of
- Using 80 ft/Min tripping speed for drill string
- Using 20 ft/Min While back ream
- Using equation (Casing string Hook Load x Tripping speed)/ 33,000)
with Efficiency 0.649
Using 50 Ft/min R.I.H speed for Casing
Drawwork ☆ DW power for tripping : = 200,000 Lb (Drill string bouyant weight) *
80 FPM / 33,000 / 0.649 = 747 HP

☆ DW power for Backream : = 200,000 Lb (Drill string bouyant weight) *

20 FPS / 33,000 / 0.649 = 187 HP ➋

☆ DW power for running Casing : = 400,000 Lb (Casing bouyant weight*

50 FPM / 33,000 / 0.649 = 934 HP

- Use Equation (TQ X RPM/5,252) with Efficiency 0.96

RPM depends on the BHA type
- Expected torque from simulations
Top drive ☆ Ex. (17,000 ft.lb torque x 120 RPM ) 5,252 / 0.96 = 405 HP ➌

★★★ Multiply all the result HP for each Equipment by 1.1 : 1.25 Safety
- By Estimating the maximum Expected power for each section and
Select the Higher one:

- Usually backreaming is the worst case using (Rotating, Circulating &

applying overpull, so add ➊ + ➋ + ➌ = 1,862 HP, so have to check that
the rig engines can supply this combined power, all at the same time
and for extended periods of operating time.
- Check the maximum power for each tool ( TDS, DW, Mud pumps,...) if
it exceeds its dedicated power limitations.
Check the maximum casing string weight to be run if exceeds the
maximum derrick load.
- Also check that mud pumps can handle liner sizes that will
Total power Required deliver the indicated GPM.
1 2

Run casing 9 5/8 Tripping stands

String weight,
casing length, m 1 LBS 220,500
Tripping speed,
weight, PPF 40 FPM 80.00
hook load, LBS 114 BF 0.87
tripping speed,
50 FPM 50 HP 717
BF 0.87
HP 0

Run casing and

wash down,
1+4 349

Back reaming,

3+4+5 672
3 4 5

Rotation (Top
Reaming stands Circulation (Pump) Drive)
String weight,
LBS 154,350 Pump pressure 3000 |Torque, Ft.Lbs
Tripping speed,
FPM 20.00 GPM 160 RPM
BF 0.87 HP 349 HP

HP 125

Hydraulics / BHA Worksheet
Client Name: EPMI Well Name: Lr A-18 Csg Shoe:
Field/Block: Larut Hole Section: 12 1/4" Calc Depth:
13 3/8" Casing ID: 12 2/3 Liner ID:
Mud weight : 1.12 (sg) Jet 1 20 (/32") NOTES
PV : 37 (cp) Jet 2 20 (/32") BHA 4
YP : 20 (lb/100ft) Jet 3 20 (/32") 12 1/4" Tangent Section BHA
Initial gel : 20 (lb/100ft) Jet 4 20 (/32")
Flowrate : 300 (gpm) Jet 5 18 (/32") Actual hyraulics results:
Bit size : 12 1/4 (ins) Jet 6 18 (/32") flow rate : pump pressure : error
TFA(or use jets) 1.973 (in^2) Jet 7 18 (/32")
Pump vol : 2.436 (gps) Jet 8 0 (/32")
Max Inclination 1 (deg) TFA fr jets 1.97 (sq. in.)


============================ ================= ============================
Jet area 1.973 (in^2) MWD : 1 (psi) bbl stks
Jet Velocity 49 (fps) Motor : 1 (psi) String 59.9 1033
Bit Pressure Loss 20 (psi) PDM Diff : 1 (psi) Annulus 809.9 13965
Bit Power 3 (hhp) Surface : 17 (psi) Total 869.9 14998
Bit Power/Area 0.03 (hsi) Pipe : 1495 (psi) 0
Bit Impact Force 8 (lbs) Bit : 20 (psi)
Impact Force/Area 0.07 (psi) Annulus : 10 (psi)
Model Error Correction 0.00 (psi) TOTAL : 1545 (psi) Theoretical model result
TOTAL : 1545 (psi) Realistically expected

BHA Weights
========================================= Bouyancy Factor

INTERNAL OD ID Length Capacity Pressure Wt / ft Weight

DATA (ins) (ins) (feet) (bbls) Loss (psi) in air in hole
--- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- ----------------- ----------
SURFACE 3 109.91 0.96 17
DRILL PIPE 3.50 3.00 6200 54.23 957 8.7 47086
DRILL PIPE2 5.88 4.78 0 0.00 0 31.3 0
HWDP 4.00 2.50 348 2.11 129 26.1 7924
JAR 6.50 2.75 0 0.00 0 93 0
DC 4.75 2.00 379 1.47 409 50 16440
MWD/LWD 8.00 4.00 43 0.67 1 128 4858
MOTOR 9.63 4.00 30.2 0.47 1 205 5406
----------------------- --- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- -- ----------- -------------
Total String Lengt 7000 1497
ANNULAR Hole ID Pipe OD Length Volume Ann Vel. Crit Vel L/T Pressure
DATA (ins) (ins) (feet) (bbls) (fpm) (fpm) (psi)
--- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- ------------ ----------------- ----------
DRILL PIPE in Csg 12.615 5.88 3000 363.3 59.0 153.6 L 3.7
DRILL PIPE in OH 12.250 5.88 3545 398.0 63.6 162.3 L 5.3
DRILL PIPE2 in OH 12.250 5.88 0 0.0 63.6 162.3 L 0.0
HWDP 12.250 5.88 348 39.1 63.6 162.3 L 0.5
JAR 12.250 6.50 0 0.0 68.2 180.0 L 0.0
DC 12.250 4.75 34 4.2 57.7 138.0 L 0.0
MWD/LWD 12.250 8.00 43 3.6 85.4 243.5 L 0.2
MOTOR 12.250 9.63 30.2 1.7 128.1 394.3 L 0.5
--- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- -- ----------- ------------- ------------ ----------------- ----------
Total String Lengt 7000 Total Annular Losses 10.3


0.3068 1.0000 0.1194

angent Section BHA 0.3068
yraulics results: 0.2485
: pump pressure : error 0.2485

8.4 1.33253

BHA Weights

817 0.533333 -9.556682 -13.91876 238.2
81714 817 0.533333 -9.556682 -13.91876 238.2
34627 322 0.334868 -10.4875 -14.47865 149.6
34627 1176 0.639999 -9.192039 -13.69943 285.9
26703 972 0.581818 -9.382659 -13.81409 259.9
26703 1838 0.799999 -8.745752 -13.43099 357.3
10264 460 0.4 -10.13205 -14.26484 178.7
5406 460 0.4 -10.13205 -14.26484 178.7

0.0406 0.1570 0.356083 -10.77012 -15.01379 3.720417 1.661208

0.0406 0.1570 0.37647 -10.65877 -14.94937 5.299685 2.406477
0.0406 0.1570 0.37647 -10.65877 -14.94937 0 0
0.0406 0.1570 0.37647 -10.65877 -14.94937 0.519979 0.236112
0.0406 0.1570 0.417391 -10.4524 -14.82999 0 0
0.0406 0.1570 0.32 -10.98381 -15.13741 0.03328 0.015952
0.0406 0.1570 0.564705 -9.847836 -14.48025 0.195603 0.080895
0.0406 0.1570 0.914285 -8.884158 -13.92276 0.535609 0.207553

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