5111/2020 [ASME Section Vili Swing Bolt Closure Pin Design
You se hrs Home Bly ASME Seaton Vil Swing Bat Closure Pin Design
This article from our quest expert, Todd Sprental, discusses the design for swing bolt closure
pins, ts basis in ASME Soction Vil, and the assembly of tho typical swing bolt
[ASME Section Vill Division 1, Appendix Il- Swing bolt closure pin design
philosophy: Shear only or with bending?
‘Many fabricators around the globe employ swing bolt closures an their vessels, whether they are
‘shop fabricated or purchased from another vendor. The closures are simple and effective and
allow for fairly rapid access toa vester's internals ata reasonable cast when compared to ASME
{ull section quick opening closures. Designs vary depending upon the application and the
fabrcator and appendix | rules ae also used in certain designs.
‘The one commen element to al designs is the lugfoinvbokt system. ASIVE Section Vill Dwision 4
dotalls the size ofthe number of the Bolts but design of the pins & lugs are lft o the designer
andor local jrislctional guidelines.
‘Once again, the ASME has input and in Section IID, Table 1A general note (c), guidance is given
a to an allowable stress multiplier for a member in restricted shear such as a dowel bal (or one
‘could reasonably assume, a swing bot pin). This appears to be the consensus taken by North
‘American governing bodies and pins are sized by shear calculations alone, using standard
formulas provided in pressure vessel handbooks and design manuals such as those by Megesy
and Moss?. Bot lugs are also designed using formulas provided by these manuals but are not
the topic of discussion here.
Now comes the fun part (if we weren't going to have some fun, I would have stopped ater the
last paragraphi). Since these boli ar allowed to swing —hence the name swing bolt there
‘must be some space between the lug and the bolt That means tha the pin cannot be
‘considered to be purely in restricted shear, can it?
“The consensus is that t cannot, and that means that bearing stress on the lugs (once again, not
‘exacily the topic here) and bending stress on the pins must be considered
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15111/2020 [ASME Section Vil Swing Bolt Closure Pin Design
“The point from which to calculate the bending moment, subsequent stress, and the allowable
_material stress to be used are the next issues to be addressed,
‘To aderess the frst, a point through the thickness of the lug, at which a minimum bearing area
‘exists to support the local load, given the allowable stress ofthe lug material, andthe pin
siameter can easily be calculated
“The distance between this point and the face ofthe bolt can be used in conjunction wit the local
fad to caleulate the bending moment using MFA. Once the bending moment is knawn, the
bending stress is easily (once again) calculated using o=Myl, where "y"is the distance from
‘extreme fiber to pin centroid and "isthe second moment of inertia ofthe pin
“The second question is not so easily answered as there is no clearcut guidance given for
‘material in bending by ASME Section VIllDvisian 1 ar Section IID. The abvious choice would be
{0.use the allowable stress (S,) and cal t ood. But is that being overly conservative in tis
“The author has seen a 0.66F, (yield stress) factor used a wel, but then should you obtain Fy
{rom ASME Section IID, rom the material test repor, somewhere else? The simple fact is that
there is no clear cut guidance provided.
“The end results thatthe bending case should be evaluate by the astute designer even though
local jurisdictional authorties may not requie it. Ukimataly itis the responsibility ofthe designer
‘and the professional engineer verifying the design to ensure the pins are safely designed.
+ Pressure Vessel Handbook 14 Ed, Eugene V. Magyesy PV Pubtshing Ine, 2008
2. Posture Vee! Dasgn Maru Ed, Dann R. Moss, Ebel, 2013,
Todd Sprentallis the sales manager and provides front ena engineering &
(FEED) and project estimating at ESS Corp. in Mississauga Ontario,
Canada, He can be reached via e-mall at isoranlall@eescoro.ca oF
by phone at 905-696-9292 x207
‘Connect with Todd Sorental on Linkedin,
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