Course Syllabus Southeast Missouri State University Department of Social Work
Course Syllabus Southeast Missouri State University Department of Social Work
Course Syllabus Southeast Missouri State University Department of Social Work
This course provides theoretical investigation of and the opportunity for community service
through volunteerism. Includes a 1 hour integrated lab*. (3)
This course will integrate knowledge and concepts from Social Systems and Behavioral Systems.
Specifically, the course is designed to integrate the idea of interrelated and interdependent
relationships that exist between individuals and their environments. The primary focus is to
enable students to integrate the ways in which the community shapes individuals and, in turn,
how individuals shape the community and its institutions. For example, one of the primary ideas
connected to this approach is that the provision of community resources such as schools,
recreation, medical facilities, employment, social opportunities, and agencies for assistance and
support etc., foster growth and well being among citizens. This activity involves a series of
interdependent exchanges that influence the development of individuals and families and
community resources. In return for providing resources the strength, capability, and creativity of
individuals and families, strengthens communities through citizen contributions of financial and
human resources and citizenship. To explore this idea, the activities of the course will
demonstrate how the interaction between individuals and their environments affect the
development of individuals, families and groups, affect citizen involvement, impact
communities, and relate to individual and community social problems. A variety of activities
will promote the integration and demonstration of these concepts including accessing
information and writing assignments, discussion groups, guest lectures, volunteering in the
community, and opportunities for reflection.
Sociological and Psychological Theories will guide exploration and integration of these ideas.
Social Systems Theory is a theory of organization and develops the idea that the individuals and
groups in human social systems perform important roles and work dynamically together to insure
the stability and efficient operation of vital social systems. Ecological Theory is also useful here.
This theory explores the nature of the interrelationships among living things and the “goodness
of fit” between all elements in the ecological system. Psychological theories of human
motivation and development such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Erickson’s Eight Stages
of Man will also be referenced. Students will demonstrate, through class activities and
assignments, an integrated and analytical ability to conceptualize individual and community
social problems and the ways in which volunteerism aids the community response to the needs of
its citizens. The goal is to create a dynamic interaction between the student, a competent
knowledge base, and experiential activities that will promote the mastery and integration of the
essential tools for effective service learning.
III. Prerequisites:
Completion of the University Studies requirements in the categories of Behavioral Systems and
Social Systems and at least 45 hours of university credit.
2. To enable the student to conceptualize, analyze, articulate, and propose solutions to social
issues expressed by the needs of individuals, families and groups, the community, and the
environment using a multidisciplinary view. (University Studies Objectives 2, 3, 4)
3. To help the student conceptualize the characteristics and meaning of “community” and
demonstrate their integration of the dynamic nature of the reciprocal and interdependent
relationships carried out between individuals, community groups, and the community’s
social, political, and economic institutions. (University Studies Objectives 2, 3, 5)
4. To enable the student to integrate and articulately demonstrate their grasp of the diversity
that exists in the cultural, ethnic, lifestyle, and value orientations of a pluralistic society and
how this diversity affects individual and collective needs and solutions. (University Studies
Objectives 2, 5, 6, 7)
5. To enable the student to conceptualize, analyze, and integrate the nature of individual and
community problems and needs that exist in the Southeast Missouri region. (University
Studies Objectives 2, 9)
6. To help the student integrate and demonstrate the values of community service as a vital
expression of interdependence, connectedness, and reciprocity. (University Studies
Objectives 2, 7, 9)
7. To provide opportunities for the student to integrate and demonstrate their ability to locate
and gather information using computer technology and to communicate effectively using e-
mail and electronic conferencing. (University Studies Objectives 1, 3)
A. Students are expected to clearly demonstrate all competencies consistent with the objectives
of this service learning course in their journal, written assignments, discussion group, and
their volunteer efforts.
B. Students are expected to demonstrate, through their journals, discussion groups, and
community service activities, their active identification with the values, skills, knowledge,
and attitudes compatible with the philosophy of volunteerism and community service.
C. Students will demonstrate, in a scholarly paper, their ability to research, integrate and analyze
their individual volunteer project, relate it to relevant theory, and conceptualize a course of
action to alleviate the condition or problem.
D. Students are expected to attend all seminars, complete all assignments, participate in all
seminar activities, and strongly contribute to the seminar by discussion and written work.
E. Students are expected to assume active responsibility for their own learning by independent
reading, literature search, research, media awareness, etc.
V. Course Outline
To accomplish identified goals and objectives the course is developed around four interrelated
1. An exploration of the nature and role of volunteerism from the philosophical, personal,
social, political, and community perspectives.
2. Training for community service--begins with a written and shared statement of expected
outcomes anticipated by the students, the value base for working with people, skills that
relate to working with individuals and organizations, dealing with expectations, keeping the
perspective of volunteerism, etc.
3. Participation in community service activities (such as, but not limited to):
• Participation in the "Read From the Start" Program
• Tutoring in elementary, secondary schools, or Vo Tech, or library
• Participation in "America Reads"
• A community service opportunity of interest to the student
4. Reflecting on the community service experience through a variety of in and out of class
activities. These activities will include written assignments, conferencing board posts,
sharing in discussion groups, and the final paper.
Week 1
Topics: Introduction to the course, student input into nature of the course, proposed course content,
assignments, expectations, evaluation measures, grading, possible community service
activities, the meaningful journal, recording volunteer time, sharing in class, the electronic
conference, use of the Internet, etc. (University Studies Objectives 2, 3)
• Students will be notified by letter prior to the beginning of the semester requesting they bring
to the first class period some of their ideas for possible service projects for the semester.
Weeks 2 and 3
Topics: Orientation to Grade A, course use of e-mail, the electronic conference, accessing library
resources, locating community service links on the Internet, locating service learning
centers in higher education. (University Studies Objectives 1)
Format: Demonstrate the use of technology used in course, computer lab instruction and training,
Internet instruction and demonstration, library data base instruction and demonstration.
Activities: Visit Kent library for library data base review, visit computer lab for Internet search,
locating service learning listserves, and service learning centers.
• Locate, from the library on-line database, six (6) separate references from a variety
of sources: journals, books, newspapers, etc. that relate to community service,
service learning, and volunteerism. Read one article or chapter and report it on
the electronic conference. Keep a record of these resources and how you accessed
• Locate at least one listserve that is directly connected to service learning,
volunteerism, or community service, subscribe to the listserve, and send a
question, discussion topic, etc., as appropriate.
• Using an Internet search engine, locate at least 2 service learning centers, log on to
their website and learn about their mission, goals, or objectives. Bookmark the
website addresses on your computer or write in your notes.
Weeks 4, 5
Topics: Introduction to the history and nature of volunteerism, and the role of volunteerism in
American value, social, and political systems, thinking about volunteerism, values and
value dilemmas, humanism, altruism, building a working relationship, empowering people.
(University Studies Objectives 1, 2, 3, 7, 9)
Format: Lecture, (including 2 guest lectures addressing historical, political, and economic
perspectives on the role and contribution of volunteerism), class discussions, class
Topics: Learning from the community service experiences of others. (University Studies
Objectives 6, 8)
Format: Presentations: agency volunteer coordinators and guest presenters from the community will
share their philosophy of community service and some of their experiences.
Read Colby, Chapters 3, 5, and 6 (on reserve in Kent Library)
Integrative writing assignment: “Where I Have Come From and Where I Am.”
Class Activities:
• Class discussion, small discussion groups
Class activities: Discuss The Hundredth Monkey handout, Values Clarification exercise,
Share statement of service project expectations with class (or discussion group)
Weeks 6, 8, 9, 10
Topics: Usefulness of the multidisciplinary approach. How theories guide our thinking and
understanding. Relating theory to real life situations. Theories: ecological theory, systems
theory, symbolic interaction, and discipline specific contributions, compatibility with the
perspective. (University Studies Objectives 1, 2, 6)
Topics: Learning from community service: connecting learning and service, journals, reflection,
role of critical thinking, analysis, integration, and application, sharing in small groups.
(University Studies Objectives 2, 3, 7, 9)
Topics: Preparing on the Inside: values, personal reflections on community service, personal
histories and cultural determinism, meeting our own needs, altruism, demonstrating
positive regard for others, genuineness, authenticity, caring, worth and dignity of human
beings, self determination, role modeling, effective communication, relationship building,
problem solving, decision making, relating to racial and ethnic diversity in volunteering.
(University Studies Objectives 2, 3, 5, 7)
Format: Instructor lecture/presentations, experiential class activities: dyads role play various
volunteer situations, coping with value dilemmas, dealing with resistance, class processing,
small group activities: integrative discussions in small groups.
• Read handouts, “The Ecological Perspective,” “The Social Systems Perspective”
• Activity: Locating and gathering information on the multidisciplinary perspective (post to
electronic conference)
• Read Albert “Experience and Thinking” pg. 140; “Chapter 3,” pg. 149.
• “Journals: Diaries for Growth” Handout. (post reaction to electronic conference).
• “Think About It: Taking Time Out for Reflection” Handout. (post reaction to electronic
• Writing Assignment: Reflectively journal a previous experience (Share in discussion group)
• Finalize community service project.
• Finalize class community project.
• Begin Individual Community Service (week 8)
Class activities:
• Video: “Lives in Hazard” (short written assignment—due date negotiated)
• Experiential Activity: Communication and Problem Solving, “A Man Bought A Horse”
• “Read From the First” training
• Sharing community service experience: discussion, reflection, and integration.
Week 11 Test
Week 12
Topics: Effectiveness of task groups in community service, purposes of groups, organizing groups
in volunteerism, developing group goals, group decision making, maintaining a group,
identification with the group, termination. (University Studies Objectives 2, 3, 9)
• Read Coles, Chapters 2, 3, 4 (on reserve in Kent Library)
• Meet at designated service site
Class Activities: team building exercises, discussion groups, group community service project
Week 13, 14
Topics: Individualism and Community: What Does It Mean To Me? (University Studies
Objectives 2, 3, 6, 7, 9)
Format: Class discussion: process individual volunteer experience, process group community
project, discuss values and theoretical perspectives.
• Bellah, Chapter 6
• Coles, “Interlude” pp. 233-253
• Share part of journal in small discussion group—commentary, reflection, and
Week 15, 16
Topics: Celebrating the service learning experience, integrating service learning and the
multidisciplinary perspective, synthesizing experience and learning. (University Studies
Objectives 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
• Presentation of integrative research paper, commentary, reflection, and feedback
VII. Textbooks:
Coles, R. (1993). The call of service. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Albert, G (Ed.). (1994). Service-learning reader: Reflections and perspectives on service. North
Carolina: The National Society for Experiential Education.
Students will be evaluated through the following activities: a weekly journal, small discussion
group participation, volunteer activities, Internet activity, conference board participation, in-class
activities (including writing assignments), and the research paper.
A. Assignments:
1. The Journal. The journal is a vehicle for personal reflection and integration. It is
reflective in that students can reflect and write on the variety of class activities. These
reflections will include the impact of their volunteer activities, their personal
connection to humanity, their significance in the community and the world, and their
growing understanding of the need for commitment and contributions to their
community, etc. The integrative component will contain the integration of the learning
about themselves, their community, others, our social and political system, the use of
the theoretical perspective to understand individual and community problems, and how
they have, or intend to, integrate this learning into their lives. Parts of the journal will
be shared in small discussion group. The entire journal will be shared with the
instructor for comment and evaluation every four weeks. (University Studies
Objectives 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9)
2. The Discussion Group. Each student is assigned to a small group of class members.
The group exists to allow students to reflect orally and experience a sense of
community. This is accomplished through sharing their reflections, discussion of their
volunteer activities, aspirations, frustrations, anticipated contributions, perceptions of
community problems, their sense of community, and their individual learning. The
group members based on the individual student’s attendance and participation in the
group process will evaluate this activity. (University Studies Objectives 2, 3, 6, 7, 9)
4. Volunteer service plan. Following the initial contact with a potential community
service agency or organization, students will develop a volunteer service plan The
service plan will include the following: Name of agency, contact person, telephone
number and mailing address, their proposed volunteer activity, planned hours, brief
analysis of the need to be met by the service activity, and three or more personal
learning goals. (University Studies Objectives 1, 2, 3)
5. Internet Activity. Students will be required to identify a number of web sites that
promote service learning and communicate with others who are participants in
volunteerism. The course will have a web page that will contain links for students to
use in accessing these resources. They will be expected to conduct an Internet search to
find other volunteers, or participate in the Service Learning discussion list hosted by
the University of Boulder, Colorado. This activity is designed to have students learn to
access information electronically, identify with and become a part of service learning
movement in the country, share their experiences, and learn through interchange with
volunteers in other locations. Internet activity will provide topics for discussion in
class or on the electronic conference. This activity will be evaluated by the instructor
based on the activity of the student in posting or responding to threads that are active
on the listserve. (University Studies Objectives 1, 3, 6, 8)
6. Group Presentations. Assigned student groups will research and present information
on the historical and present-day contributions of community service to society. This
research will be multidisciplinary in nature and focus on all system levels from major
social and political institutions to social groups, families, and individual citizens.
(University Studies Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
7. Electronic Conferencing. Discussing and sharing with the class and instructor
through an electronic conferencing board will allow students an alternative opportunity
for expression. Either the instructor or the students may post questions for discussion.
The instructor will evaluate student participation activity, as well as the quality of their
questions and answers. (University Studies Objectives 2, 3, 6, 9)
Emphasis: Significant
Teaching Strategies: Teaching strategies will combine lecture, multi-media and Internet
presentations, demonstrations and assignments focused on accessing library and Internet
resources, class and small group discussions, student mini-presentations, focused
discussions on the electronic conference, and gathering information from the community
agency by surveys, interviews, and antidotal stories. These strategies will promote a variety
of information-gathering skills and resources as well as appropriate means for expression
and integration. In addition, the instructor will guide students individually as they conduct
research for their integrative paper.
Student Assignments: Each student will complete a scholarly research paper that
requires them to address their community service activity from the multidisciplinary
perspective of behavioral and social systems as well as discipline specific perspectives.
This will require that they locate and gather information from the behavioral and social
sciences and integrate this with theory from their own discipline. Resources beyond the
required readings are necessary. There is also extensive material on the subject of
community service and service learning that can be accessed. The assigned readings
require not only locating and gathering information but integration the information as well
and demonstrate this integration in discussion and written assignments.
Student Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their ability to locate, gather and
integrate information from diverse sources in their journals, class discussions, the web
board, and their research paper.
B. Objective Two: Demonstrate capabilities for critical thinking, reasoning, and analyzing.
Emphasis: Significant
Content: Using the interdisciplinary perspective of the course, students will analyze
a variety of social concerns or problems connected to individual, group, or community
need. Using that same perspective, they will develop hypotheses regarding the nature,
underlying causes, and effects of the problem. Acting as volunteers, they will participate in
developing creative interventions to help alleviate these conditions. Students’ ability to
synthesize a more global perspective on the experience of the human condition and social
institutions is essential.
Teaching Strategies: Instructor and guest presentations, videos, selected readings, and
classroom discussions and activities will help promote and develop critical thinking skills.
Relevant reading materials (as noted in the syllabus), videos and documentaries such as
Buffalo Creek Revisited, Milagro Beanfield War, Silkwood, etc., will be used as vehicles to
demonstrate and stimulate discussion of relevant issues in the course.
Student Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their ability to think critically based
on the evidence presented in their class discussions, writing assignments, class
presentation, and scholarly paper.
Emphasis: Significant
Emphasis: Significant
Student Assignments: The theories relating to the dynamics of human relationships and
social systems guide the student toward a concept of human and social system development
consistent with this objective. Theoretical assumptions and concepts may be observable in
the student’s volunteer experience. They will be required to use theoretical knowledge to
develop hypotheses regarding the nature and underlying causes related to their community
service project. Written and oral responses to selected readings, films, and video
presentations, as well as their experience in the volunteer project are required.
Emphasis: Considerable
F. Objective Six: Demonstrate the ability to integrate the breadth and diversity of
knowledge and experience.
Emphasis: Significant
Student Assignments: Since this segment of the course is where academic knowledge
and service come together to create learning. Several assignments are designed to utilize
the service learning philosophy of preparation, doing, and reflection. “Where Am I
Coming From and Where I Am” is an assignment that explores the student’s values, view
of the world, cultural influences, attitudes toward helping others, and goals for the future.
The Service Learning Contract requires the student focus on the upcoming volunteer
experience and the anticipated value to the recipient, agency, community, and the student.
The Journal records the student’s reflections on the nature and meaning of the service
learning activity and its relationship to the course perspective. Students will share with
their discussion group, by electronic conference, a brief position paper related to their
community service project. This is a pilot of their research paper and an opportunity for
feedback from one another and the instructor. The Research Paper and Presentation is the
vehicle where students demonstrate the breath and depth of knowledge they bring to the
exploration of the various facets of their community service work and present their
arguments in written and oral form.
Emphasis: Significant
Content: To make informed value decisions students must understand the origins,
nature, and the role of values in personal and group decision making, behavior, and the
individual's view of themselves and the world. Intelligent and informed problem solving in
a pluralistic society must consider all of the value systems involved in a given condition or
situation. Consequently, considerable challenge to individual value systems is an inherent
dimension of the course. Content will focus on clarification of personal values,
understanding of values of others, and the manner in which values impact decision making.
Emphasis: Some
Teaching Strategies: Instructor and guest presentations will illustrate the expression of
values, life style, social practices, and philosophy of life demonstrated in art, music,
literature, and movies. These expressions can be viewed from the perspectives of
Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, and Political Science. Students will be
encouraged to bring to class those items that have personal esthetic value. They will be
encouraged to lead a class discussion relative to the item that centers around its personal
meaning, the origins and perpetuation of the meanings, and how the meanings attached to it
was influenced, and may continue to influence personal and group value decisions and the
world around them.
Student Assignments: Assigned readings and class presentations by guests and the
instructor will guide assist in developing relevant hypotheses regarding the values and the
expression of values that are connected to their community service project. The inclusion
of this theme is expected in their research paper and presentation, and in class and small
group discussion.
Student Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on their ability to demonstrate through
assignments, their awareness and understanding of the diversity of values and their role in
decision making.
Emphasis: Considerable
Content: Rich opportunities for community service and academic learning are
available to students to assist them to develop their ability to function responsibly and
productively as a citizen of a community and the world. This objective is the anticipated
behavioral outcome of this course. The desired outcome is that the student will integrate the
knowledge and experience from this course and actively apply it to their own lives and the
world around them. The course provides a significant opportunity for synthesis of values,
attitudes, insights, different ways of knowing, expanded comprehension of individuals,
groups, communities, and society. It is likely that this integration will be demonstrated by
increased and ongoing community activity. Insights gained from the course work and the
volunteer experience are designed to enhance a student’s ability to understand the
complexity of the human experience as acted out in an elaborate value laden and diverse
social, economic, and political system.
Teaching Strategies: It is intended that the multiple activities and resources of the
course will guide the student toward integration and generalization. However, class
discussion, small group activity, and modeling by the instructor will be the primary strategy
to further assist the student in reflecting and integrating the abundant and rich activities of
the course.
X. Background:
The core instructor should have teaching experience in a discipline that views the world from an
interrelated and interconnected perspective. Teaching experience in a multidisciplinary perspective
related to Social and Behavioral Systems is also vital. The instructor should also have a strong
commitment to volunteerism and community service. It would be helpful if the instructor was
somewhat knowledgeable about community programs and social agencies. Guest lecturers should
have expertise in their field and a grasp of how their information relates generally to community
service and specifically to identified social issues.
This course is designed as a 3 credit hour course. Course credit is earned through a 2 credit hour
seminar and a 1 credit hour lab each week. The CAD outlines content, activities, and study that satisfies
the 2 hour seminar requirement as well as assignments connected to lab participation (community
service). According to University policy, one hour of lab credit requires two student contact hours in lab
related activity. Students earn 1 hour credit by completing 32 hours of identified community service
work during the semester.