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This course seeks to facilitate learning about:
i) Principles and significance of Social Studies instruction.
ii) Curriculum development in Social Studies
iii) Learning theories in Social Studies.
iv) Integration of lifelong values and social skills in the teaching of Social Studies instruction.

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, the learner should be able to:
i) Discuss the principles and significance of Social Studies instruction.
ii) Assess the curriculum development process in Social Studies.
iii) Critique learning theories in Social Studies.
v) Integrate lifelong values and social skills in the teaching of Social Studies instruction.

Course Content
Objectives/Expected outcomes in teaching Social Studies; Benefits of Social Studies;
Learning theories in the teaching of Social Studies: Behaviourist theories, cognitive
development theories, constructivist theories, multiple intelligence theory, humanistic
theories; Curriculum development in Social Studies; The place Social Studies in secondary
education curriculum; the secondary school syllabus for Social Studies; Teaching across the
Social Studies syllabus; Integrated approach in the teaching of Social studies; ICT integration
in the teaching of Social Studies; Integrating 21 st Century competencies in the teaching of
Social Studies: creativity, imagination and critical thinking, value based education, digital
literacy, collaboration, community service learning and problem solving skills; Social Studies
and citizenship education; Social Studies and achievement of SDGs/national goals of
education; Social Studies and community development; Social Studies clubs and societies in
secondary schools; Emerging trends and challenges in the teaching Social Studies

Teaching and Learning Methods

Interactive lectures, group discussions, e-learning and case method
Instructional Materials and/or Equipment
Writing boards, Journals, textbooks, curriculum designs, LCD, internet

Course Assessment
Assessment Type
Weighting (%)Formative Assessments (Continuous Assessment
Tasks & Tests) : 40%
Summative Assessment (Written Examination) : 60%
Total : 100%

Core Texts
Grant, S. G., Lee, J. & Swan, K. (2017). Teaching Social Studies: A methods book for
methodsteachers. North Carolina: IAP publishers
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) (2019). Basic Education Curriculum
Framework. Nairobi: KICD
Zevin, J. (2018). Social Studies for the Twenty-First Century: Methods and materials for
teaching in middle and secondary schools (3 rd ed.). NY: Routledge
Other Recommended Texts
Aggarwal, J. C. (2001). Teaching of Social Studies: A practical approach.
New Delhi: Vikas. Drake, S. M. & Burns, R, C. (2004). Meeting standards through
integrated curriculum (1st ed). Pennsylvania: ASCD
Griffin, P., Mc Graw, B. B. & Cae, E. (2012). Assessment and teaching of 21 st century
skills. London: Springer.
Kaldis, B. (2013). Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences. Sage publications.
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) (2012). Secondary Education
syllabus.Nairobi: KICD.
Ogle, D., Klemp, R. & McBride, B. (2007). Building literacy in Social Studies.
Okoth, A. & Agumba, N. (2008). Social Studies for primary teacher education. Nairobi:
i) Journal of Social Studies Research. Available: http://www.elsevier.com
ii) Social Studies Research and Practice Journal. Available: www.emerald.com
iii) The Social Studies Journal. Available: www.tandfonline.com
iv) Social Sciences and Humanities open Journal. Available:
v) Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Available: www.ajol.info


1: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Social Studies

2. Philosophical Background of Social Studies
3. Relevance of Teaching Social Studies

1. Meaning of Social Studies
Social Studies as a discipline of offering in Kenya’s educational system has
over the years been subjected to a variety of definitions which in most cases
have been quite restrictive in focus and content. For instance, majority of the
earliest practitioners of the subject have defined it as an amalgamation
of the arts, and social sciences in terms of history, geography,
political science and sociology.
Lawal (1999) supports this view by observing that Social Studies is not
a discipline in which academic selfishness is exhibited. That is, a
discipline in which a teacher seizes opportunity to emphasize his/her own
area of specialisation at the expense of the real content of the subject
(no compartmentalisation of knowledge).
Lawal & Oyeleye (2003) also remarks that other scholars have also
had course to define Social Studies as the study of man and his
This is closely related to Adaralegbe’s definition (1980) in which
Social Studies is described as a “study of man’s mutual interaction
with his physical, social, political, religious, economic, psychological
and cultural environments. The implication of this definition underlines
the fact that within the human society, various skills are required to
ensure living, interaction, growth, development and survival.

The r e c o g n i t i o n o f the various misconceptions by contemporary

practitioners of Social Studies have engendered opportunities for more
rigorous researches and concerns capable of getting scholars to perceive the
subject as one that offers education that is relevant to life. For instance, at
two different fora, NERC (1973 & 1977), looked at Social Studies
and concluded that it should be defined as the “study of the outcomes of
interactions between humans and their environment which equip the
youth with tools necessary for solving personal and community-related
problems. Thus defined, Social Studies will therefore not mainly aim at giving
out knowledge; rather, according to Quartey (1984), it will in addition put
emphasis on inculcating a certain distillate knowledge which will assist man
in acquiring tools necessary for life. Such tools, include knowledge, values,
attitudes and skills needed to help the youth in solving both personal and
community related problems.

This position has influenced the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) in the
United State of America to adopt an official definition of the subject which reads,

The integrated study of the Social Studies and humanities

to promote civic competence and help young
people develop the ability to make informed and
reasoned decisions as citizens
of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an
inter-dependentworld. (NCSS, 1992)

In a nutshell, Social Studies can therefore be described as a discipline which

attempts to modify or change the learners’ behaviours in the directions of
acceptable values andattitudes through a process of studying human
beings ‘relationships with their environment and with the desire to
provide solutions to the various complementing problems in order to ensure
their survival, having been equipped with the necessary tools such as values,
attitudes, skills and knowledge (VASK), Lawal & Oyeleye (2003).

2. The Nature of Social Studies

The nature of Social Studies is concerned with the basic characteristics
of the subject in terms of focus and content. The variations in the
definitions of the subject as pointed out have however gone a long way in
determining its nature as well as the scope.

Nevertheless, Adeyoyin (1991) in one of her studies on the dynamics of

Social Studies identified eight different but competing conceptions that one
could use to explain the nature of the subject. These include:

A) Social Studies a citizenship education
This conception harbours a nature of Social Studies characterised by an
attempt to use the subject to inculcate the right beliefs into learners. Here,
Social Studies programmes are designed around the learning of democratic
platitudes (Walker, 1970). The individual is expected to be trained to
become good citizen who votes during elections, obeys rules and regulations,
performs his or her own duties and is active in the society.

This is presented in Figure Exercises

3.1 below: rational
respectable home Develops
life abilities to the
Offers useful
Obeys school rules advice when
An Individual as a called upon
Performs his GoodCitizen
civicduties Attends
Works community
willingly with meetings
his hands Active member
ofthe society
Respects the rights
Puts himself up
and Social Studies as Citizenship Education for
properties elections
of others when

Votes during
Figure 3.1: Social Studies as Citizenship Education elections

This nature of Social Studies requires the teacher to transmit essential components
of a particular society’s cultural patterns which such society wants the learners to actually
learn about and acquire. This nature of the subject however restricts intellectual
development and enlightenment while emphasizing too much of patriotism. This
view is fully supported by Ogundare (2000) where he observes that indoctrination as
a result of citizenship education does not recognize the worth and initiative of the
individual child. He stresses further that it holds values as static for all ages
and it does not allow free flow of culture contact through knowledge

B) Social studies as skill development
The nature of the subject prescribed by this conception emphasizes a variety
of opportunities that would encourage the learners to acquire a variety of
skills. Such skills would normally include those of:
□ Locating information; □ Interpreting information and materials;
□ Critical /reflective □ Performing in a group; and
thinking; □ Evaluating.
□ Analysing;
□ Synthesizi comparing, and
ng and
It is not impossible to think that the acquisition of these skills is capable of
considerably reducing learners’ problems of survival. But on a cautionary
note, the essential roles which knowledge processing and acquisition as
well as attitudinal development play in learning cannot be over emphasized
at any given time in the learning cycle of any child.

C) Social studies as ecological studies

The nature of Social studies in this case emphasises human beings as the
central focus around which all other relevant knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills
revolve. Social Studies nature here provides learners with the opportunity to interact
with the sole aim of understanding better the complementary operations within and
outside such interactions. This is in terms of knowledge to be learnt, the values and
attitudes being developed and the skills being acquired in the course of these various
This is diagrammatically represented in Figure 3.2 as provided by Adeyoyin (1994)

The World Community

National Community

State Community

Town Community

OAU Family
The Child

Figure 3.2: The Expanding Communities of Man
3.2.4: Social Studies as dynamic education
Social studies as dynamic education
This conception reflects the open-ended nature of Social Studies as it
emphasises the accommodation of social issues considered relevant to life.
This level of dynamism is reflected in the way through which an expanded
horizon is promoted in Social Studies. For instance, the focus of the subject in
recent times is known to include Environmental Education, Population/Family
Life/HIV/AIDS Education, Drug Abuse Education etc. Social Studies students are
now involved in the study of these areas in an integrated manner both at the formal
and non-formal levels of the nation’s educational system.

Lawal and Oyeleye (2003) however remark that the major problem with
this nature of the subject is the relatively low level of preparedness of its
teachers who are expected to handle these dynamic characteristics of the
subject. It is only in recent times that one could find some pre-
service teacher education programmes incorporating new educational
initiatives into their curriculum and instruction programmes as a
way of accommodating contemporary educational initiatives.

D) Social Studies as social science

The nature of the subject here is characterized by an overlap of other disciplines (see
Figure3.3). The emphasis here is that the contents of the social sciences are used
to build the structure of Social Studies. This is done with almost a total disregard for the
personal social values of Social Studies and its democratizing and humanising roles.




Figure 3.3: Social Studies as Social Science-an Overlap of other Disciplines

Walker (1970) remarked that this nature of Social Studies attempts to

freeze subject matterlines and causes knowledge to be explored
within the confines of a structure of
separateness which he said further increases the fragmentation of

From the foregoing, it could be deduced that the nature of Social Studies
essentially presents the subject as one which puts both the teacher and the learners in
positions where they have to learn how to use effective decision making processes for
tackling the various problems confronting human beings in the society so that
appropriate solutions can be proffered in order to ensure their survival.

3. The Scope of Social Studies

The fact that Social Studies is a discipline that studies the totality of
human existence makes its scope or what you can simply call level of coverage quite wide.
The variations in the definitions of the subject as discussed in Section 3.1 of this Unit
have however been discovered to influence what practitioners accept as the scope of the
subject. Likewise, the nature of the subject equally influences the scope of the subject.
Hence, in a situation where you and I both agree that a good definition of the subject
must necessarily emphasise problem solving and detailed understanding of the
outcomes of human interactions with the environment, its scope must reflect integration
of relevant disciplines and concepts for learning purposes.

Specifically, Social Studies content areas should:

i. Be problem solving oriented.

ii.Not be limited to one or even just a few academic areas (that is, it must
be multi-disciplinary).

iii. Be concerned with how to examine and acquire positive democratic values.

iv. Be concerned with how to examine and develop attitudes.

v. Be eclectic, that is, concerned with multi-faceted problems of huma beings

which come indifferent forms and from time to time.

vi. Recognise the importance of immediate and wider environment in term of

culture and value

vii. Involve learners in the analysis of real life problematic situations so that
they could help contribute their best to the advancement of their immediate and
wider environment.

viii. Be holistic, that is, provide opportunity for humans to be studied in an

integrated manner-studying human behavior in its entirety.



In the previous lesson you learnt about the meaning, scope and nature of Social
Studies. Thisis very essential for a better understanding of the philosophical
background of the subject which happens to be the focus of this unit. You
will therefore have an opportunity to learn about Kenya’s national
philosophy of education and its relevance to the choice of Social Studies as
a core subject of offering at the basic level of the nation’s educational
system.This is based on the principle that the relevance of a school
subject is determined by the educational philosophy of a country.


By the end of your interaction with this Unit, you should be able to:
I. Describe Kenya’s national philosophy of education.
II. Describe the philosophical background of Social Studies as a school subject.
III. Highlight the relationship between the philosophical background of Social
and Kenya’s National Policy on Education.


Kenya’s Philosophy of Education

The philosophy of K e n y a ’ s education which is vividly stated in Kenya's national

policy of education is based on the country's constitution, which guarantees free and
compulsory basic education for all children. The policy also aims to provide quality
education to marginalized groups and to promote private investment in education.

Here are some highlights of Kenya's national policy of education:

Free and compulsory basic education: The constitution guarantees free and compulsory
basic education for all children.
Quality education: The government is committed to providing quality education to all
Lifelong learning: The policy focuses on lifelong learning, empowering individuals, and
adult and continuing education.
Private investment: The government plans to promote private investment in education
while maintaining quality standards.
Partnerships: The government is working with private sector partners and NGOs to address
access, equity, and quality.
International pacts: The country's education provisions are guided by international pacts
such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 2015.
The National Policy on Education is a tool for achieving the country’s national

Philosophical Background of Social Studies

The fact that numerous subjects exist in the school curriculum for learners to pick
from for offering implies that so many of them are capable of facilitating the
realization of the nation’s philosophy of education. But what is more important is
how capable is a nation’s educational system in organizing and reorganizing its
school curricula to achieve desirable goals and aspirations. This is particularly so
when it is recalled that the type of education legacy K e n y a n s enjoyed at
immediate post independence was not one that could assurethem smooth
transition devoid of social ills. Hence, school subjects with peculiar features that
could help train the young ones in a way that avail them opportunities to use
the content of what they were being taught to generate interest, and
acquire experiences needed for coping with the noticed problems
characterizing the transition from colonial rule to independence.
Educationists at this time realized the importance of the school as an agency of the
community and the society at large which can be used to develop effective
living in the society. Social Studies was therefore perceived as one of those
subjects that could be charged with this responsibility. The subject was seen as one
with a primary function of humanizing the learners based on the philosophy of the
society they belong to.

A critical look at the curriculum of the subject called Social Studies at this time
did not however reflect a subject would easily facilitate greater chances of coping
with these societal problems. Hence, they explored these inadequacies and
worked towards addressing them.
This attempt formed the nucleus of the philosophy of Social Studies as
it presently exists in the country, although the dynamic
nature of the subject have gone a long way to influence such
Consequently, the philosophical background of the subject
became more influenced by the concept of integration
which emphasizes the comprehensive body of
knowledge,and inter-relationship of knowledge. This has
over time encouraged the construction of syllabuses and
curricula which introduce learners to the interrelated
aspects of the basic forms of knowledge and each of the
several disciplines but in an integrated manner.

This background allows the subject to be perceived as the study

of human beings, their interactions with their physical and
social environments in the past, present andemerging future.
Human relationships are studied as learners explore ways of
developing their personalities and art of living at home, on
communities and in other lands. Emphasis is thus given to
relationships among people, relationships between people
and institutions, relationships between people and goods
and services, and relationships between people and the earth.

One could conclude using Ogundare’s position (2000) that

the need to educate the child firmly in the rudiments of his or
her culture thereby re-establishing the role ofeducation as a socio-
political agent through its emphasis on citizenship led to the
introduction of Social Studies in schools.

Relationship between the Philosophical Background of Social

Studies and Kenya’s National Policy on Education

As earlier highlighted the philosophy of Kenya’s education is

premised on specific objectives. In order to effectively realize these
objectives the National Policy on Education emphasizes that the
quality of instruction at all levels of our educational system
should be oriented towards the inculcating of some values which
include: 31

 Respect, tolerance, equality, and peace: These core values are

integrated into the curriculum at all levels of education, including
early learning and teacher training.
 Moral and religious values: Education in Kenya promotes sound
moral and religious values.
 Social equality and responsibility: Education in Kenya promotes
social equality and responsibility.
 Respect for culture: Education in Kenya promotes respect for and
development of Kenya's rich and varied cultures.
 International consciousness: Education in Kenya promotes
international consciousness and fosters positive attitudes towards
other nations.
 Positive attitudes towards health and environment: Education in
Kenya promotes positive attitudes towards good health and
environmental protection.
The goal of values and life skills education in Kenya is to nurture values
in learners to become empowered, engaged, and ethical citizens.
The recognition of these values in the National Policy on Education as
being essential in the realization of our national goals implies
that a subject like Social Studies which incidentally is a value-
oriented or affective-based subject is capable of playing a key role in the
inculcation of these values.
This is not saying that Social Studies can single-handedly achieve this
task. Other subjects are capable of equally assisting. By their
differences in nature, content and methodology, each subject has its
own basic functions as well as peripheral responsibilities. If we critically
look at the national objectives of education in Kenya and those values
they should promote, it could be noted that words and phrases such as
“national consciousness”, “national unity”, “attitudes”, “skills” and
“competencies” etc. are quite prominent.

The focus of Social Studies and its philosophical background which

emphasizes human interaction among themselves, societal
values and problems as well as their environment, can make the subject
have a comparative advantage of being very suitable for the
accomplishment of such objectives relating to national consciousness,
national unity, and inculcation of right type of societal values over other
existing bodies of knowledge. Social Studies can therefore be taken as 31
one discipline which effective teaching is capable of
promoting those values that the quality of instruction should emphasize as
stated in the National Policy on Education.

For example, teaching to achieve a Social Studies objective like

developing a capacity to learn and to acquire certain basic skills can
equally facilitate opportunity to train a group of youths that can
contribute to the building of a united, strong and self reliant
nation, which incidentally is part of nation’s philosophy of education.

Again in an attempt to teach to promote national identity and integration

varied historical origins and inter-related cultures, a just and egalitarian
society can be built which is one of the country’ national
objectives emphasized by the National Policy on Education. This is
quite possible because the Social Studies teacher handling this topic will
normally be expected to emphasize and inculcate the values of
respect for the worth and dignity of the individuals in their learners.
The desire to relate the philosophical background of Social Studies to the
National Policy on Education could therefore be described as one that is
based on the recognition of the importance of establishing a link between
the education system of a given country and the fulfillment of the needs
of the society.


In the last lesson you learnt about the philosophical
background of Social Studies and its relevance to the
realization of Kenya’s National Policy on Education.
This unit further presents you an opportunity to understand
the general goals of learning Social Studies as a subject. This is
informed by the recognition of the subject as a tool for partial
solution to human social problems as well as for national 31
By the end of your interaction with this unit, you should be able
1. Identify the goals of teaching and learning Social Studies as
a school subject.
2. Categorise these goals under the four general motifs of
teaching the subject.
3. Highlight the values of learning Social Studies.


The Goals of Social Studies Programme

Generally, Lawton and Dufour (1976) observed that the

goal of Social Studies should be the development in
children a critical and balanced awareness. This is
needed for the development of positive socio-civic
attitudes and values in the learners, thereby reducing
the chances of indoctrination in them through the
teaching-learning process. Ogundare (1988) supported this
position by remarking that the modern Social Studies
programme emphasizes the promotion of how to think over
what to think.This is why Lawal & Oyeleye (2003)
observed that the main goal of a Social Studies
Programme should be to help students develop the
ability to make decisions so that they can resolve
personal problems and contribute to policy making
processes. They went on further to argue that Social
Studies is expected to help students to find ways of
acquiring skills and values needed for dealing with and
shaping the future, through the process of developing a
positive perspective that will allow construction, planning,
creativity and innovation.

Specifically, the goals would normally include:

i. Developing well informed and responsible citizen;
ii. Developing children who would possess the
ability to deal with questions of what ought
to be? And what can I do about it?
iii.Building attitudes and values that are consistent with
society’s desires;
iv.Developing in learners skills such as those 31
involved in reporting, acquiring and
classifying data (reflective thinking/inquiring
v. Developing the appreciation and
understanding of learners cultural heritage and
itsrole in contemporary society;
vi.Acquisition of academic knowledge and skills related to the
study of the human
actions, and their consequences as they live
individually as well as in groups andsocieties, in a
variety of places and timelines;
vii. Using the Social Sciences,
humanities and sciences to describe

Kissock (1981) had explained that the need for

establishing Social Studies programmes arises when a
society determines that it requires formal instruction to
develop a common set of understanding, skills,
attitudes, and actions concerning human relationship
among members of the society. So the introduction of
the discipline at any level in any nation is basically
aimed at producing citizens with skills, competencies,
moral values and reasoned judgement required to
effectively live, interact, interrelate and contribute
positively to the economic, social, political and
cultural development of the Kenyan society in
particular and the world in general.
Social Studies is also a discipline aimed at providing
humanistic education. By this, it facilitates in learners,
an opportunity to better comprehend the around them.
The subjectshould help the learners to understand their
experiences and find meaning in life.

The discipline equally prepares the learners for social

responsibility in order that they may perpetuate and
enhance their society through the knowledge of the
heritage of the society to which they belong, its
dominant social values and political economic life.
Through social Studies, the learners are assisted to
participate effectively in the dynamic life of their
Social Studies as a subject of offering in schools avail
learners that opportunity to acquire knowledge of the
potentials and limitations of their environment and thus
become able to appreciate the contributions they can
make towards improving their society. It is aimed at
providing learners with an awareness of possible
futures and the roles they might play in developing
these futures.

A good Social Studies programme is aimed at helping

learners to acquire analytical ideas andproblem solving
skills. Through the subject, learners should be able
acquire basic skills not only those of listening,
speaking, reading and writing as well as calculation,
but also those associated with the ability to observe,
analyse critically and make reasoned judgement. The
subject is expected to develop students’ abilities to
deal with questions of “what ought to be
?” and “what can I do about it?” (Wright, 1980).

It is therefore not out of place to conclude here that

Social Studies is a discipline established with sole aim
of helping the learners to acquire social, intellectual,
and psychomotor skills forthe purpose of making them
independent learners and functional human citizens of
their country.

Categorising the Goals under Four General Motifs of

Teaching the Subject Ogundare (2000) quoting the NCSS
(1981), highlighted four general motifs under which the
goals of Social Studies can be categorized. These are:
I. Concern with Self-Esteem;
II. Concern for Right and Wrong;
III. Concern for others; and
IV. Concern for the World.

Concern with self-esteem: This is related with the

development of self-esteem and a strong sense of identity.
Some of the goals of Social Studies programme that can be
classifiedunder this concern are:
a. Acquisition of appropriate skills and attitudes to be a
lifelong learner;
b. Ability to communicate effectively;
c. Competence in conducting activities
necessary for research, critical thinking and
problem solving;
d. Ability to recognize and capitalize upon
relationship between school subjects as well as
integrate experiences with academic knowledge;
e. Awareness and use of primary sources.
Concern for right and wrong: This is related to the
development of ethics and the goals that can be put under
this include:
a. Commitment to democratic values and ethical standards;
b. Ability critically and to analyse one’s thought and actions.
Concern for others: This is related to the development of group and
other-centredness. The goals categorized under this include:
a. ability to function effectively as a member
of variety of political, economic and social
groups such as the family, market place and
the community;
b. A sense of efficacy in analyzing and participating in
contemporary affairs, public
matters, and global issues; and
c. Understanding of the significance of one’s
own past life in relation to current socialissues.
Concern for the world: This emphasizes the development
of a global perspective of issues. The goals of Social
Studies that can be categorized under this concern include:
a. Respect for cultural diversity, knowledge of diverse cultures,31
and their inter-cultural
b. Understanding of and appreciation of the world and its
characteristic features;
c. Knowledge of temporal and spatial
relationships and of the world as a
Social Studies programme as a subject in African schools is
one discipline that should make every school-going child to
acquire relevant knowledge, develop the skills, attitudes and
values that can facilitate his/her ability to identify his/her
personality as an African with a rich heritage, worth of

The Values of Social Studies

The values of learning Social Studies are quite related
to the goals and objectives of teaching the subject at
different levels of a nation’s education system. The
nature of Social Studies as aproblem solving discipline
makes it very essential for the development of any
nation, especially if one accepts that no society is static.
Hence, exposing learners to the subject using
appropriate value-oriented strategies and techniques is
therefore capable of promoting in them the ethics of
good and responsible citizenship. In this case, learners
are more likely to commit themselves to active
citizenshipparticularly if they are effectively taught
some concepts that are related and fall within the
context of human problems of survival.

Cognition of knowledge which is part of Social

Studies is also capable of assisting the learners
assess the implications of conditions within their
immediate social environments-face- to-face
relationships such as friendship, family, school and
religious for making and implementing decisions to
achieve their personal goals. 31
Effective teaching of Social Studies also assists
learners greatly in the appreciation of the
contributions of individuals and groups to ever
changing cultural heritage. This could eventually
make them develop the desire to foster attitudes that
can facilitate the reduction oftension and friction
among groups and encourage cooperation among
individuals as well as among groups and nations.
Learning Social Studies is a source of inspiration in
children to love their country and appreciate their
natural heritage. For instance, the emphasis in the
subject for the teacher to expose the learners to
national symbols and heroes/heroines can effectively
facilitate thedesire in them to show more appreciation
for their country.




As teachers in training, it is mandatory that you are conversant with the
structure, contents, the dynamics and instructional delivery demands of
your subject curriculum which in this case is Social Studies. This lesson
therefore provides a chance for you to understand the recent
developments and transformation which the Social Studies curriculum at
the Basic Education level has undergone and the what is expected of you
either as pre-service or in-service teachers.


By the end of your interaction with this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Describe what is new Basic Education Social Studies Curriculum.
2. Identify difficult concepts in the new Basic Education Social Studies
3. Describe how best such difficult concepts can be handled by Social
Studies teachers.

1. Describe what is Basic Education Social Studies Curriculum.

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has been

undertaking intensive activities towards education reforms in the country
since 2015. The reforms in the education sector have been informed by,
among other factors, the summative evaluation of the curriculum
conducted in 2009 and the needs assessment study of 2016. These
reforms have also given due regard to the policy environment as dictated
by documents such as the Kenya Constitution 2010, the Kenya Vision
2030, the East African Protocol, Taskforce Report on Realignment of
Education Sector, 2012, and Sessional Paper No. 2 of 2015 on
‘Reforming Education and Training in Kenya’.

Curriculum is the vehicle through which a country empowers its citizens

with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that enable
them to be socially and economically engaged and empowered, for
personal and national development. A key milestone in the curriculum
reform activities was the development of the Basic Education
Curriculum Framework (BECF) which was to be a reference point for
all subsequent curriculum development activities. This was followed by a
competency-based curriculum for early years education which was
developed in 2016 and subsequently the curriculum designs for Grade 4
and now Grade 5 and 6 as part of the curriculum reforms materials. The
designs have addressed the Competency based curriculum components
such as Pertinent and contemporary issues, Learner support programmes,
linkages between learning areas, selected values, community service

It is hoped that the curriculum designs will guide the teacher to provide a
practical approach to competency based learning that aims to yield the
desired learning outcomes. It is my expectation that the teacher will use
the designs to make learning interesting, exciting and enjoyable.
The Government of Kenya embarked on a national implementation of the
Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in January 2019 in Pre-Primary 1
and 2, and Lower Primary Grade 1, 2 and 3. Based on the reorganization
of the Basic Education structure, Grade 4, 5 and 6 are part of Middle
This level is marked by providing the learner with a broad curriculum that
allows them to explore their abilities and interests before selecting a
Pathway and Track in Senior Secondary School.

These curriculum designs are aimed at providing the Middle School

General Learning Outcomes; Learning areas and Subject General and
Specific Learning Outcomes; Strands and Sub Strands. The Designs also
outline suggested learning experiences, key inquiry questions, assessment
Rubrics, pertinent and contemporary issues, values and Community
Service Learning Activities.

2. The New Content Areas of Social Studies in the Basic Education


The primary purpose of Social Studies is to help young people develop

the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good
as citizens of a democratic society. The course aims at preparing the
learner for national and global citizenship, lifelong learning and active
participation in governance processes as well as environmental
stewardship. Social Studies seeks to inculcate in the learner a deeper
understanding of the value system that defines our society. It nurtures 31

dispositions to demonstrate concern for self and others through collective

responsibility as good citizens.

Social Studies is an integrated study of the Social Sciences and

Humanities. The content is mainly derived from the Social Sciences such
as History, Geography, Citizenship Education and Sociology. Selected
concepts from other disciplines such as Agriculture, Science and
Psychology are also incorporated. The Social Studies Pedagogy is
essentially inquiry based. The pedagogy encourages the learner to ask
critical questions, carry out investigations and make conclusions on
different topics. Consequently, the teacher should use authentic age
appropriate learning activities and varied learning resources to promote
interactive learning. This will make Social Studies meaningful,
purposeful, stimulating and enjoyable to the learner.
The new content areas of the primary section of the Social Studies
component of Basic Education Curriculum are presented as follows:

 Citizenship
 Community
 Leadership
 Government main services
 National Honorary Award
 Nationalism and Patriotism
Social Issues and Problems
- Trafficking in dangerous drugs and the
Health Issues
- Drug Issues
- Drug Abuse
Agriculture Technology
Mechanized Agriculture
People and Environment
- Pollution
Agencies that Promote social well being of Youths 31
The new content areas of the Social Studies Curriculum for Junior
secondary school, as informed by some emerging issues are presented as
Introduction to Social Studies
o Meaning, Scope and objectives of Social Studies
People and their Environment
o Social Groups
o Group Behaviour
Social Issues and Problems
o Drug Trafficking
o Poverty
o Corruption
o Cultism
o Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Health Issues
o Drug Abuse
o Water Supply
Social Values
o Harmful Traditional Practices
o Population
o Family Life
Peace and Conflicts
o Peace
o Conflicts
o National security
National Economy
o Sectors
o Nature of Kenyan Economy
o Economy reform Measures
World Issues
o Global and International Cooperation.

In the new curricula, the use of variety of concrete objects, community,

human as well as material resources are recommended. In these curricula,
the prescribed evaluation guide component is closely related to the
recommended performance objectives. This is another new and very
unique component that is capable of reminding the teacher of the need to 31

be fully prepared before teaching his or her pupils. These evaluation

guides are also structured to assess and promote learning at all three
domains of learning; cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
The content enrichment in the new Primary Social Studies Curriculum
now makes it possible for teachers to interact with their pupils more
effectively. Content areas that hitherto existed in the old curriculum have
been effectively expanded to make learning more meaningful. For
instance, while learning about “Culture” pupils at this level can now learn
about issues such as “pre-marital sexual relationship and its dangers”.

However, the recognition of the prevailing problem of lack of patriotism,

loyalty, commitment and love for one nation, despite the existence of
these subjects that should help address these problems, among the
Kenyan citizenry influenced government’s desire to introduce this
curriculum. The new curriculum reflects depth, appropriateness and
interrelatedness in contents. The curriculum also contains emerging
issues that cover value orientation, peace and dialogue, human rights
education, family life and HIV/AIDS education. The introduction of the
curricula is going to serve a very unique purpose in Kenya where it is
effectively taught. This is because it will facilitate in the learners, the
development of skills needed for making decisions about public issues
and participating in public affairs.

3. Strategies for Handling Difficult Concepts in the New Basic
Education Curricula

The Ministry of Education observes that past and current interactions

with practising and pre-service teachers at the primary school level
reveals that there are content areas which quite a large number of them
find difficult to teach while in the classroom. On inquiry it was
discovered that this problem is based either on the level of professional
preparation or their non-readiness for the introduction of unfamiliar new
content areas by the teachers who are sometimes less resourceful.

Some of the concepts which primary school Social Studies teachers

have been finding difficult to teach over time include:
 International Conflicts
 Agricultural Technology
 Gender Discrimination
 Agencies that Promote Social well being of Youths,Group Conflicts
 People and Environment
 Values
 Drug Abuse

Each of these concepts can be better handled where the primary school
Social Studies teacher decides to increase his/her level of resourcefulness
and readiness to search for new and relevant knowledge, experiences and
examples that will make the pupils learn more meaningfully.

Let us see how some of these concepts can be handled in the Social
Studies class at the primary school level:

(a) Drug abuse: - The relative newness of this theme in the curriculum is
a reflection of the dynamism of the subject. The misconception usually
haboured by a large number of teachers on the concepts of drug and drug
abuse has to a great extent affected the way the concepts are handled.

These teachers are not too clear of when a drug becomes abused and/or
what exactly are drugs. For example, some of them find it difficult to
believe that self-medication is drug abuse. The teacher needs a lot of 31
value clarification exercises to convince their pupils on the dangers of
drug abuse. The effect of this approach is that, they can get back
home and also convince their parents who usually the ones are leading
them into this abuse of drugs.

(b) People and environment:- Practising teachers’ perception of the

theme needs to be extended beyond environmental sanitation. The Social
Studies teacher will need to understand that the concepts within the theme
go beyond sanitation. They need to emphasise other human activities that
affect the quality of our environment. This is in terms of industrial
processes, careless use of natural resources, and the effects of these on the
environment. They should also be ready to source for information on
ways of promoting wise use of our natural resources and strategies for
developing relevant positive attitudes and skills in the pupils as
they interact with their environment.

Suggestions on the strategies for handling other difficult concepts that are
more specific are contained in the next few paragraphs.
(a) Gender discrimination: - The relative newness of the theme “Gender
discrimination“ and the non-availability of abundant locally relevant
textbooks has made this theme and its corresponding concepts difficult to
handle by teachers. However, Primary Social Studies teachers can better
handle this theme, where they take gender issues as those relating to how
people are perceived and expected to think and act as men, women, boys
or girls because of the way society is organised, not because of their sex
or biological differences. Teachers should be ready through their teaching
to d-emphasize discrimination based on a person’s sex and emphasize
fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits and responsibilities
between men and women.
(b) HIV/AIDS: The myths surrounding the concept and phenomenon of
HIV/AIDS particularly the causes and treatment of the disease seem to
make it difficult to handle by the teacher and easily learnt by the pupils.
This is particularly so, when it is remembered that majority of the
teachers do not have any prior training or orientation on how to teach the
concept. Teachers can however, handle this more effectively if they are
ready to source for relevant published materials, books, magazines,
pamphlets, flyers, films, poster and charts that will provide rich
information which they can process and use for teaching-learning
purposes. It is equally important to emphasise here, the use of
invited guest speakers from health-related institutions and non-
governmental or community-based organizations working to promote
healthy living.
(c) Defending democracy/social justice (Pressure groups): These 31
concepts are very important ones that should be skillfully taught by the
teacher. This will be easier done, where the teacher creates avenue for the
pupils to develop interest in politics and learn to analyse public policy
decisions. This will make them develop in the learners positive attitudes
needed for showing concern and commitment to government activities
and programmes that might not be too beneficial to the populace. The
Social Studies teacher would also be expected to create and maintain a
classroom climate that is conclusive to free and open exchange of
opinions about public issues and other controversial topics. This is a
foundation that will later make these pupils become reliable members of
pressure groups in the society.
(d) Values: This is a concept most Social Studies teachers generally find
difficult to teach and evaluate. This is probably based on the traditional
practice which reflects the fact that teachers are usually more confident
teaching for knowledge acquisition rather than for all round cognitive,
affective and psychomotor learning. Teachers of Primary Social Studies
can however handle this concept better if they equip themselves with
instructional techniques that promote value acquisition. Some of the
techniques include values clarification, use of value sheets, raising of
value-laden questions and keeping of anecdotal records on the pupils. In
addition, the teacher handling the concept of values must be ready to
serve as good role model for the learners.

At the Junior Secondary level, Social Studies teachers are equally likely
to find it difficult to handle some concepts like:
 Meaning, Scope and Nature of Social Studies
 Objectives and Importance of Social Studies
 National Unity and Integration
 Group Behaviour
 Trafficking in Children and Women
 Poverty
 Economic Reforms – Privatization, Commercialization and
 Global Cooperation
 Core Messages of Family Life Education

The Social Studies teacher at this level should be able to handle these
difficult concepts better where he or she is conversant with the goals and
objectives of the subject. This is to reduce the chances of delivering the
concepts purely for knowledge acquisition sake. Examples of how some
of these concepts can be handled by the teacher of Social Studies include:
(a) The Meaning, Scope, Nature, and Objectives of Social Studies: 31
These are concepts which most practising teachers of the subject have
found very difficult to teach. They usually allow their professional biases
in terms of their disciplines as Geographers, Historians and Economists
etc to influence what they conceive as Social Studies. The subject can be
better explained to the students as one which allows them to study the
relationship between humans and their environment with the purpose of
getting them to acquire the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills
necessary for solving the various problems confronting human survival.
This perception of the subject should influence the teachers’ organization
of his/her and the delivery of such content using appropriate instructional
strategies and resource materials.
(b) Economic Reforms: This is a new concept in the Junior Secondary
curriculum that could be difficult to handle for the teachers particularly
those without a Social Science education background. Information on
related concepts such as privatization, commercialization, deregulation
and national economy must be sourced by the teacher from relevant
economic institutions and media outfits in the community. This will
include the state and federal ministries of finance, the legislative houses
(state and federal), banks and other national agencies such as the National
Economic Intelligence Group.

The teacher should equally be ready to relate these concepts to the day to
day activities of the students and the community/society to which they
belong. This will make them more real as well as make their learning
more permanent. Social Studies teachers should not also hesitate to
consult colleagues who are more knowledgeable in those areas, while not
forgetting the use of relevant invited guests to give talks on the concepts.
Effective teaching and learning of Social Studies, at both the primary and
junior secondary school levels requires that some basic skills must be
developed in the learners. This should be in addition to some essential
values and attitudes needed by the learners for effective interaction with
various shades of human beings.
Some of these skills include:
Interference Drawing
Critical Thinking
Social Skills
Decision Making
Team Building 31
Information Processing
The affective nature of the Social Studies demands that teachers must
strive to use their content and instructional delivery strategies to promote
learning environment where learners can gain knowledge, process
information, develop these identified skills, examine and clarify values
and participate in decisions and actions about their quality of life and
survival. Some of the values that could be developed here will include
those of tolerance, commitment, loyalty, patriotism, respect.


Meaning of Methods
The term method or method of teaching is often used as a general term to
cover everything a teacher does. This they believe cannot be taken as a
one best way of describing the concept. Hence, they define method as
“the way a teacher decides on what the students will learn”. They
perceive method as a general choice between what learners will mainly
be told and what they will largely find out by themselves.

Simple definition of method as “an orderly arrangement of activities and

systematic procedure of doing things. It sets guidelines for the patterns of
behaviour the teacher expects from the learners in class. Method is
therefore a teacher’s approach to instruction on facts, concepts and
generalisations, that is , a systematic way in which teachers approach
their teaching.

The method of teaching also describes how the teacher intends to proceed
with the lesson. For instance, one teacher may intend to proceed by
presenting information, while another, teaching the same lesson intends
to proceed by providing situations which demand that the students must
work on a problem.

Methods of teaching is either direct or indirect.

When it is direct, it involves the organisation of the content in advance

and the teacher is expected to have information about his or her students
as prerequisites for the lesson. Here, students are told reasons why
content is important.

The indirect type of method of teaching involves situations that give the
teacher the opportunity to decide what skills or knowledge are to be
learned, with the students given some time to prepare how to work on
their or in groups.

Meaning of Techniques
Teaching techniques on the other hand, are the specific activities and
actions required in class to implement the selected method, either
transmission or problem-solving. It is simply the activity which the
teacher gets the learners to perform in/out of the classroom. Teaching
techniques are also specific actions and processes through which the goal
of a particular method of teaching is realised. Some of these actions and
processes are presented and utilised in a teaching-learning environment in
form of lecture, recitation, debates, discussion, dramatisation, role play,
brainstorming etc.

Let us examine the kind of techniques to be expected in situations where

the teacher is using transmission method and those to be expected when
he/she is using problem-solving method. Some of the teaching techniques
that can be drawn from, by that teacher using transmission method would
include, recitation, lecturing, and workbook exercises. The one
employing problem-solving method would require choosing from
techniques such as inquiry, field trips, case studies and values

Teaching techniques can therefore be described as activities performed to

achieve the method.

Meaning of Teaching Strategy

Strategy generally is a term that has been popularised over time by the
military as it suggests the plan for success on a battle ground. When it is
applied to teaching and learning, our battle ground becomes the
classroom. It could therefore be seen as a plan made in order to win a
battle and in this case, successful teaching.

It is simply the sequencing or organisation of a given selection of

techniques for the purpose of achieving a particular method.

Relationship among Method, Technique and Strategy in Teaching

and Learning
It is not going to be a wrong thought to assume at this juncture that you
can now differentiate these three concepts from one another. While you
will want to agree with this writer that the three concepts are not the same,
as they each refer to different but related activities, it is expected that a
highly professional teacher should be ready to be mindful of a variety of
them when preparing for any teaching-learning situation. Methods, 31
techniques and strategies are related to good teaching but we have seen in
the preceding paragraphs that they are different from each other.
This implies that they mean differently although they are all part of
planning to teach. Hence, we can say that while they could be different
from one another, they need each for effective teaching and learning to
take place. So if a method is accepted as a teacher’s approach to
instruction, techniques would mean the specific activities performed
while using the method and the strategy will be the sequence adopted for
using the techniques during the lesson.

For instance if as a Social Studies teacher you decide to use problem-

solving method to teach a topic of your choice to a group of learners, you
will need to also select a combination of techniques (activities) such as
role play, case studies and small group discussion, depending on the topic.
Your strategy will now require determining which of these techniques
will come first and which one will follow. That is, you can decide to say I
will first use case studies by presenting a relevant case on the topic for the
students to react to, then, followed by a role play and finally a small
group discussion on their observations on the case presented and roles

Thus, the use of techniques and strategies in a teacher’s method of

instruction is a reflection of a greater possibility in his/her chances of
realising the goals of education as well as making learning more practical.
Identifying the method, techniques and strategy for delivering a lesson is
are a reflection of a teacher’s level of readiness for a planned lesson.

Methods, techniques and strategies describe how a lesson is going to be

taught, starting from the general method to the specific techniques and
strategy for using such techniques with the learners. In short, the three
concepts describe what the teacher will do and how it is going to done.


1. Inquiry Technique and its Application in Social Studies Teaching

Inquiry technique is a systematic investigation into a problem. It as a way
of conducting, quests and searches into problems. It is a technique in
which students are asked to find out about things, which puzzle them on
their own with the teacher playing the role of a guide. The technique also
involves investigating into a problem with a view to arriving at
alternative means of solving that particular problem

Inquiry technique is a process of asking and answering key Social Studies

questions. The technique as one that provides opportunity for students to
develop questions; collect and organise data related to the questions,
analyse the data and draw inferences or conclusions about the data to
answer raised questions.

It is a scientific method because it involves a systematic procedure. It

involves seeking of answers to the big question, the attack on which is
made by formulating numerous smaller questions, which guide one
through the investigation. The technique is aimed at developing reflecting
thinking skills in the learners.

Four characteristics of inquiry-centred Social Studies classroom to

1. The learners are active and content is problem-centred
2. It utilizes the intellectual tool of inquiry
3. It emphasises the systematic study of problem issues and values.
4. It becomes progressively/less teacher-centred.

Any inquiry techniques should basically take the learners through some
major steps which include:

Step I: Identifying and clarifying questions, issues, problems. This can be

student-generated (within limitations) or teacher-created.
Step II: Propose a hypothesis. That is, suggested possible solutions or
explanations to the problem or question earlier identified or raised. This
facilitates students’ ability to get involved in a research.
Step III: Gathering and organising evidence. It involves locating and
collecting data. To do this effectively, the students are expected to
develop and use some skills such as selecting relevant data and dropping 31
irrelevant ones, evaluating the value of primary versus secondary data,
organising and interpreting information, classifying and categorising,
presenting the interpreted information etc.
Step IV: Evaluating, analysing and interpreting the data. This step allows
students conducting the research or inquiry to examine the feasibility or
otherwise of the possible solutions or explanations using the available
collected data.
Step V: Conducting, inferring and making generalisations. That is, the
students want to conclude but based on whether the hypothesis is proven
or disproved. It is at this stage that inferences are drawn and what
additional questions are raised by the analysis are revealed.

Advantages of Inquiry as a student activity-oriented techniques

 It encourages students generate their own knowledge
 It encourages students to discover answers on their own and these
become more
 Divergent and creative thinking is encouraged
 It emphasizes high order thinking skills which include analysis,
synthesis and evaluation
 Promotes the integration of skills with knowledge as students
organize and analyze data in a variety of ways e.g. through maps,
graphs, charts etc.

2. Values Clarification Technique and its Application in Social

Studies Teaching
Values are essential components of any good Social Studies programme.
They are concerned with those things which people consider desirable.
Social Studies teachers through their choice of instructional techniques
and strategies are expected to teach for value acquisition among others,
particularly because of the affective nature of the subject. Values serve as
a basis for judging the behaviour of individuals.

They supply individuals with a sense of purpose and direction. They play
greatly in assisting individuals to fix the sense of right and wrong, fair
and foul, desirable and undesirable, moral and immoral.

Value clarification technique calls for opportunity for the learners to

remove shaft from grain, separate good from bad and useful from useless,
in order to have a clear grip of such things that are beneficial to one. It is 31
an instructional technique that can be used to help students develop both
rational thinking and emotional awareness in order to examine their
personal and social values. The skills acquired through this process
become useful in solving value conflicts and to act in accordance with
their value position choices.

The goal of a well utilized value clarification technique is to involve

students in practical experiences, making them aware of their own
feelings, ideas and beliefs in order that decisions they make are conscious,
deliberate and based on their own value system.

In order to effectively utilize the technique in the class, teachers are

advised to allow themselves to be guided by the following guidelines

(i) Before the value clarification process is embarked students need to

understand the meaning of values.
(ii) Teacher needs to be non-judgmental about students' own values by
treating their values with respect.
(iii) Students participation in the classroom discussion values should be
on a voluntary basis
(iv) Teachers are free to share their values with the students if it will help
them clarify their values, but teacher's values must not be imposed on the

Some of the strategies recommended for carrying out this process are:
a. Use of the Value Bag i.e. students are allowed to choose what they
wish to reveal about themselves. Students are asked to bring to class a
paper bag or envelope containing three to five possessions, replicas or
picture of items the value in turns, students select and talk why those
items are important to them. The exercise helps students to think about
some things that are important and to recognize that a variety of things
are symbolic and of deeper meaning in their lives.

b. Use of Incomplete Sentences, i.e. completion of open-ended

statements to help a student become more aware of some of his/her
beliefs, likes and dislikes. e.g. If I have one million dollars, I'd ...........
The completed sentences are read out and students are asked to confirm
whether any of these ambitions or interests can become personal values
for those who gave them and others include value listing and value rank
3. Role Play Technique and its Application in Social Studies Teaching
Students love playing roles. They enjoy taking on the identity of others.
In the process they learn reliable Social Studies skills such as developing
empathy and seeing situation from multiple perspectives. Role playing
technique as a spontaneous organized activity in which players pretend to
be someone else, by acting out the role of people to show specific
situations for study or discussion. Usually, in this technique there is no
rehearsal or prepared script which students have to memorize.

Role play should essentially take place in five stages which are:
Stage 1: Initiation and Direction
At this stage the teacher identifies a topic, which requires students to look
at many sides of a difficult issue, requires the development of an opinion,
or includes key players with interesting personalities.
Stage 2: Describing the Context
The teacher sets the context and makes sure students do not full into the
trap of “presentism”
-role playing with hindsight. The situation must be set up and all
perspectives explained clearly.
Stage 3: Roles
In a successful role playing activity, everyone must have a role. There
may not be five or six key roles but the entire class should be engaged in
the role playing in some way, albeit as jurors, or interested citizens, or
newspaper reporters. Everyone has an assignment, something they do in
the role play. Once everyone is assigned a role, time is needed for
students to understand their role, to practice, to "try on" their new identity.
Stage 4: Enactment
Make sure students stay in role, and proceed.
Stage 5: Debriefing
Depending upon the structure of the role playing activity, students
complete the action with a written reflection followed by an oral
debriefing. The debriefing is the most important part of a role play; it is
the teacher's chance to ask students to discuss, to reason, to draw
conclusions, and to pull everything together.


By the end of your interaction with this Unit, you should be able to:
1. Explain in simple term the concept of instructional media or
instructional material resource.
2. Identify the principles guiding the selection and effective utilisation of
instructional resource
materials in the Social Studies classroom.
3. Identify those factors that can promote effective use of instructional
material resources in the Social Studies classroom
Meaning of Instructional Resource Materials
Instructional resource materials are software and hardware that are used
to make lessons more meaningful and clearer to learners. They are
devises that appeal to multi model senses which help the learners
conceive, perceive, internalize, interpret and transfer the experiences
gained to similar or different learning situations.

These materials and equipment, could be those that appeal to the sense of
hearing-known as audio material/ equipment those of seeing called visual
materials/equipment and those that combine the two senses called audio-
visual materials.

Instructional resource materials as “information carrying technologies

that are used for instructional purposes with the hope of delivering
educational information very quickly and widely”. Instructional materials
or media is the modern term used for teaching materials. The media are
the channels for communication used by both the teacher and the learners
in and out of the classroom for effective teaching and learning.

With instructional media in use in a class, the teacher talks less while
passing an intended message(s) in the class in a more effective and
meaningful manner. The Social Studies teachers are therefore expected to
consider and use these materials and equipment if effective learning must
evolve on a regular basis in the classroom.

Principles Guiding the Selection and Effective Utilisation of
Instructional Resource

Materials in the Social Studies Classroom

Effective utilization of these instructional media demands that the Social
Studies teacher must consider six basic principles, which are:
1. Objective specification: That is, what do you hope to achieve by using
the media/medium. Such objective create proper learning environment
by giving the learners clear and definite direction as well as providing
scientific basis for valid evaluation instruments.
2. Optimum fit: No one instructional material is best for all purposes,
and at all times to all learners. So choose instructional materials that are
appropriate to instructional tasks and that can benefit as many learners as
3. Multi-media presentation: Wise and creative use of a variety of
media at different levels of lesson development can be effective in
achieving various instructional objectives. This allows for a variety of
learners to be reached easily. However, too many instructional media that
are not well coordinated and methodologically presented can create
confusion in the classroom.
4. Environmental conditions/constraints: These could be physical,
social or cultural. They are conditions in which the instructional materials
are utilized for learning and they have significant impact on the
effectiveness of such materials.
5. Preparation & preview: It is important for the teacher to prepare
himself/herself well in advance, if the instructional media must be
effectively utilized. The materials must of necessity be previewed,
sequentially arranged in order of presentation.
6. Evaluation: Instructional media needed to be evaluated in terms of
suitability to the objectives, appeal to the learners, cost-effectiveness and
learner-achievement level.

Factors that Promote Effective use of Instructional Media in Social

Effective utilization of any or a combination of these instructional
resource materials depends on a lot of factors, some of which identifies as
1. Appropriateness: That is, are they okay to the learners’ age, socio-
cultural background, level of academic competence, and technological 31
skill, so that it will be easier for the learners to acquire the behaviour the
teacher intends them to exhibit?
2. Levels of sophistication: This has to do with the class, the vocabulary,
the rate at which content is presented, the type of visualization and the
approach of the subject matter, in an effort to make sure that the material
is suitable for the class and its sophistication does not obscure its
3. Availability: As a Social Studies teacher, one may know a number of
good and even appropriate materials that can be used but these may not
be available. So it is important to consider the possibility of the material
going round the students or its being available before considering and
selecting such for use in the class.
4. Technical quality: That is, carrying the message it is supposed to
carry. If pictures are to be used, they must be clear and visible. The use of
electrically operated teaching materials such as slides, radio, video and
television should ensure technical quality, hence, the intention could be
counterproductive. Having considered these factors, it is also important
for the teachers to raise and answer the following questions before a final
selection of the materials is made. These include:
a. Do I have a clear knowledge of the instructional media/ medium I want
to use?
b. Is the classroom environment suitable for the use of the media/medium?
c. Are the instructional media capable of ensuring the achievement of the
d. Will the instructional media make the lesson clearer and more
e. Are the instructional media in line with the methods or strategies

It must however be noted that not every instructional media will be

available at the disposal of the Social Studies teachers. Hence, he or she
must acquire some skills in the improvisation of instructional materials.

Audio Resource Materials and their Use in Social Studies Classrooms

Audio instructional resource materials are aids that promote effective and
meaningful listening as part of learning experiences in and out of the
They are teaching and learning resources that appeal to learners’ sense of
hearing. The possibilities of making dramatic, vivid presentation of
Social Studies content through sound give significance to available audio
transcriptions, either on magnetic or audio cassette tapes or discs. 31
The audio resource materials therefore come in form of recordings from
speeches, accounts of important historical events, and musical selections.
Tape recorders, record players and radio allow children to exercise to the
fullest their listening comprehension.

Teachers are will not be expected to neglect the use of these resources as
learning media. For instance, getting children to listen to cultural
programmes such as concerts, dramatic productions, broadcast of
historical events and news items from radio stations would go a long way
in complementing classroom teaching as well as build in the learners an
interest and awareness in current events. Tape recorders can be used
effectively for slow learners and for improving the communication skills
of the learners. The teacher must however prepare his/her learners
adequately for the use of audio materials by particularly ensuring that
there is no distraction.

Visual Resource Materials and their Use in Social Studies

These are instructional resource materials associated with the learners’
sense of seeing (sight). The use of visual materials is based on the wise
saying that “ a picture is worth thousands of words”. They could be
symbols, images, sketches and drawings which the learners can see and
get the necessary message(s) being passed by the teacher. They provide
direct first hand experience for the learners.
Examples of these include; the chalkboard, magic/marker board,
flannel graph, wall charts, graphs, maps, diagrams, pictures,
newspaper cuttings, flash cards, bulletin board, posters, collage,
globes, sand table and salt maps.

The Social Studies teacher attempting to use any of these visual materials
must make sure that they are placed in strategic positions in the classroom
so that every learner can have access to it. They must be made colourful,
attractive, interesting and less clumsy. For them to be effectively used in
the class, the teacher must be resourceful. That is, he/she must be
ready to search for the relevant ones either personally or through his/her
students. He/she must necessarily assist the learners in their
understanding of the natural setting of the visual resource particularly
when it is an object. It does not hurt if the teacher decides to get the
learners to construct some of these visual resource materials for class use. 31
For instance, children can be made to learn how to construct and interpret
graphs based on data they are studying or collected.
Audio-Visual Resource Materials and their Use in Social Studies
Learning and remembering can be better promoted where the teacher uses
audio-visual instructional resource materials. These are aids which
encourage the use of more sensory organs such as sight, hearing, touching
and even feeling. The fact that Social Studies teaching appeals to the
three domains of learning-cognitive, affective and psychomotor, there is
that dire need for concrete illustrations which only audio-visual resource
materials can provide.

The resource materials in this case are both audible and visible. Typical
examples include the television, video cassettes, digital video discs
(DVDs), video compact discs (VCDs), and film strip projectors.

Effective use of any of these calls for a systematic planning. When

thinking about what will be appropriate for your class it is important to
consider the following:
i. The number of students to use the resource(s).
ii. The age of the students.
iii. How abstract the content to be learned.
iv. How complex is it to create or use the instructional resource material.
v. What instructional materials are available at home, in the school or
community from
which the teacher can equally draw from with less stress.

So as Social Studies teachers you will expected to use the instructional

resource materials skillfully with the learners by ensuring that enough
time is given for discussion before and or after the presentation or
involvement of the learners. You would also need to encourage your
students to note the important messages being passed across so that they
could summarise the main points at the end of their interactions with the
resource materials. It is important to also note that computer and
internet sources have now become very useful instructional resource
materials which cannot be directly categorized as done in the
preceding paragraphs. These are resources that provide active individual
instruction at student’s pace and they give instant feedback.


Schools and centres exist within particular communities, and each
community has much to offer as a resource to teachers planning
curriculum for young children. Teachers need to assess and access what
the community can provide. In this Unit, you will acquire more
knowledge and skills for addressing any inadequacy that might be
experienced while sourcing for instructional materials for Social Studies
teaching. This is in terms of improvising resource materials where it is
difficult to get the actual resource materials that may be required for
meaningful teaching and learning in Social Studies.

By the end of your interaction with this lesson you should be able to:
1. Describe the categories of community resources that can be used for
Social Studies
2. Highlight the importance of community resources for Social Studies

Categories of Community Resources for Social Studies Teaching

Community resources are categorized into three main groups which are;
natural resources, people resources, and materials resources.

A) Natural Resources
Within reach from a school, teachers may find business, shopping areas,
transportation systems and depots, construction sites, police and fire
stations, parts and recreation areas, churches, zoos, museums, and
residential streets. Each one of these offers countless learning experiences.
It is a useful exercise for the Social Studies teacher to walk the areas
within ten minutes walking distance of his/her school, to discover all the
places that might be intriguing from a young child’s point of view.

There might be, for example, a traditional institution or palace where

children could visit and interview the rulers or keepers on topics relevant
to what they are going to be or have been taught. They could also visit
historical sites, national parks, zoos, game reserve and other places where
they would be opportune to have direct and first-hand experiences that 31
are of direct relevance to the contents of their curriculum in Social
Alert teachers are therefore expected to use these natural community
resources to design curriculum outside and inside the classroom.
B) People Resources
Every neighbourhood has its own socioeconomic and cultural
composition. Teachers who familiarize themselves with the customs and
life-styles of the people in the community surrounding their school, may
find richness and diversity to share with the children. Parents themselves
may be the link to assist teachers in learning the community’s people
resources, as they disclose aspects of their home lives. For example,
teachers may find neighbours experienced in ethnic cooking or traditional
music who could share their interest with the children. Many community
service agencies have representatives prepared to explain the agency to
young children e.g. a fire-fighter, complete with boots, hat, and heavy
coat; a medical doctor in his/her full professional outfit kitted to enter a
theatre etc.

Teachers who notice the people in neighbourhoods surrounding their

school, may discover others who would have interest in spending time
with young children e.g. a retired chief matron would enjoy talking to
children on how to avoid incidence of teenage motherhood and pregnancy.
People resources of all types can enrich the school

C) Material Resources
Teachers who make “community connections” can find their
classrooms recipients of many objects children can use. Manufacturing
companies located that are contiguous to the school community can be
contacted to donate materials needed for practical teaching of some topics
in the Social Studies class.

Sawmill industries may be contacted to provide scraps usable in

constructing models that can be used as instructional materials in the
class. The GSM network companies such as GLO, MTN or ZAIN may
offer old telephone sets, more inviting for their realism. Large packing
cases from the local appliance or furniture store can be transformed into
storage or play spaces. The decorating shop’s wall paper, and sample
books can be used in dozens of ways by creative Social Studies teachers.
Teachers should make lists of all community businesses and then
brainstorm all possible material resources. Most businesses like to feel
they can make a contribution. Parents are often helpful connections in
identifying and obtaining material resources.
All of these “community connections” can enrich curriculum offerings, as
well as convey evidence of community interest and support for teachers
and families.

Importance of Community Resources for Social Studies Teaching

 Instructional media such as events, things, features, settings, festivals
and other community resources that are directly apprehended by the
learners at their natural or semi-natural setting constitute part of what
can be described as phenomenals.
 Usually, community resources help to bring the learners in direct
contact with learning experiences.
 They help provide the learners with first-hand experience of the
realities of their social and physical environments. Community
resources such as resource persons, museums, aquarium, zoos, farms,
beaches, caves, warm springs, and historical sites facilitate learning
experiences that can leave more lasting impressions in the learners’
 Community resources equally assist the teacher to easily overcome
the limitations of the classroom, by making the inaccessible
 For a very resourceful Social Studies teacher, his/her ability to
explore the use of community resources reduces the financial costs of
going to procure instructional resource materials which sometimes
might even be difficult to access. The use also makes it possible for
the learners to operate in familiar terrain manipulating familiar
situations and relating with situations that will not necessarily be too
complex for them to handle.
 Community resources also stimulate aesthetic talents, they promote
tactile stimulus and enhance identification and attachment not to only
nature but also with the particular learning situation they facilitate
socialisation process. This class of media deals mostly with the
affective but does not preclude the psychomotor and the cognitive
domains. The effects of direct contact on the learners can hardly be
under estimated.


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