Course Content
Objectives/Expected outcomes in teaching Social Studies; Benefits of Social Studies;
Learning theories in the teaching of Social Studies: Behaviourist theories, cognitive
development theories, constructivist theories, multiple intelligence theory, humanistic
theories; Curriculum development in Social Studies; The place Social Studies in secondary
education curriculum; the secondary school syllabus for Social Studies; Teaching across the
Social Studies syllabus; Integrated approach in the teaching of Social studies; ICT integration
in the teaching of Social Studies; Integrating 21 st Century competencies in the teaching of
Social Studies: creativity, imagination and critical thinking, value based education, digital
literacy, collaboration, community service learning and problem solving skills; Social Studies
and citizenship education; Social Studies and achievement of SDGs/national goals of
education; Social Studies and community development; Social Studies clubs and societies in
secondary schools; Emerging trends and challenges in the teaching Social Studies
Course Assessment
Assessment Type
Weighting (%)Formative Assessments (Continuous Assessment
Tasks & Tests) : 40%
Summative Assessment (Written Examination) : 60%
Total : 100%
Core Texts
Grant, S. G., Lee, J. & Swan, K. (2017). Teaching Social Studies: A methods book for
methodsteachers. North Carolina: IAP publishers
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) (2019). Basic Education Curriculum
Framework. Nairobi: KICD
Zevin, J. (2018). Social Studies for the Twenty-First Century: Methods and materials for
teaching in middle and secondary schools (3 rd ed.). NY: Routledge
Other Recommended Texts
Aggarwal, J. C. (2001). Teaching of Social Studies: A practical approach.
New Delhi: Vikas. Drake, S. M. & Burns, R, C. (2004). Meeting standards through
integrated curriculum (1st ed). Pennsylvania: ASCD
Griffin, P., Mc Graw, B. B. & Cae, E. (2012). Assessment and teaching of 21 st century
skills. London: Springer.
Kaldis, B. (2013). Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences. Sage publications.
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) (2012). Secondary Education
syllabus.Nairobi: KICD.
Ogle, D., Klemp, R. & McBride, B. (2007). Building literacy in Social Studies.
Okoth, A. & Agumba, N. (2008). Social Studies for primary teacher education. Nairobi:
i) Journal of Social Studies Research. Available:
ii) Social Studies Research and Practice Journal. Available:
iii) The Social Studies Journal. Available:
iv) Social Sciences and Humanities open Journal. Available:
v) Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Available:
1. Meaning of Social Studies
Social Studies as a discipline of offering in Kenya’s educational system has
over the years been subjected to a variety of definitions which in most cases
have been quite restrictive in focus and content. For instance, majority of the
earliest practitioners of the subject have defined it as an amalgamation
of the arts, and social sciences in terms of history, geography,
political science and sociology.
Lawal (1999) supports this view by observing that Social Studies is not
a discipline in which academic selfishness is exhibited. That is, a
discipline in which a teacher seizes opportunity to emphasize his/her own
area of specialisation at the expense of the real content of the subject
(no compartmentalisation of knowledge).
Lawal & Oyeleye (2003) also remarks that other scholars have also
had course to define Social Studies as the study of man and his
This is closely related to Adaralegbe’s definition (1980) in which
Social Studies is described as a “study of man’s mutual interaction
with his physical, social, political, religious, economic, psychological
and cultural environments. The implication of this definition underlines
the fact that within the human society, various skills are required to
ensure living, interaction, growth, development and survival.
This position has influenced the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) in the
United State of America to adopt an official definition of the subject which reads,
A) Social Studies a citizenship education
This conception harbours a nature of Social Studies characterised by an
attempt to use the subject to inculcate the right beliefs into learners. Here,
Social Studies programmes are designed around the learning of democratic
platitudes (Walker, 1970). The individual is expected to be trained to
become good citizen who votes during elections, obeys rules and regulations,
performs his or her own duties and is active in the society.
Votes during
Figure 3.1: Social Studies as Citizenship Education elections
This nature of Social Studies requires the teacher to transmit essential components
of a particular society’s cultural patterns which such society wants the learners to actually
learn about and acquire. This nature of the subject however restricts intellectual
development and enlightenment while emphasizing too much of patriotism. This
view is fully supported by Ogundare (2000) where he observes that indoctrination as
a result of citizenship education does not recognize the worth and initiative of the
individual child. He stresses further that it holds values as static for all ages
and it does not allow free flow of culture contact through knowledge
B) Social studies as skill development
The nature of the subject prescribed by this conception emphasizes a variety
of opportunities that would encourage the learners to acquire a variety of
skills. Such skills would normally include those of:
□ Locating information; □ Interpreting information and materials;
□ Critical /reflective □ Performing in a group; and
thinking; □ Evaluating.
□ Analysing;
□ Synthesizi comparing, and
ng and
It is not impossible to think that the acquisition of these skills is capable of
considerably reducing learners’ problems of survival. But on a cautionary
note, the essential roles which knowledge processing and acquisition as
well as attitudinal development play in learning cannot be over emphasized
at any given time in the learning cycle of any child.
National Community
State Community
Town Community
OAU Family
The Child
Figure 3.2: The Expanding Communities of Man
3.2.4: Social Studies as dynamic education
Social studies as dynamic education
This conception reflects the open-ended nature of Social Studies as it
emphasises the accommodation of social issues considered relevant to life.
This level of dynamism is reflected in the way through which an expanded
horizon is promoted in Social Studies. For instance, the focus of the subject in
recent times is known to include Environmental Education, Population/Family
Life/HIV/AIDS Education, Drug Abuse Education etc. Social Studies students are
now involved in the study of these areas in an integrated manner both at the formal
and non-formal levels of the nation’s educational system.
Lawal and Oyeleye (2003) however remark that the major problem with
this nature of the subject is the relatively low level of preparedness of its
teachers who are expected to handle these dynamic characteristics of the
subject. It is only in recent times that one could find some pre-
service teacher education programmes incorporating new educational
initiatives into their curriculum and instruction programmes as a
way of accommodating contemporary educational initiatives.
The nature of the subject here is characterized by an overlap of other disciplines (see
Figure3.3). The emphasis here is that the contents of the social sciences are used
to build the structure of Social Studies. This is done with almost a total disregard for the
personal social values of Social Studies and its democratizing and humanising roles.
From the foregoing, it could be deduced that the nature of Social Studies
essentially presents the subject as one which puts both the teacher and the learners in
positions where they have to learn how to use effective decision making processes for
tackling the various problems confronting human beings in the society so that
appropriate solutions can be proffered in order to ensure their survival.
3. The Scope of Social Studies
The fact that Social Studies is a discipline that studies the totality of
human existence makes its scope or what you can simply call level of coverage quite wide.
The variations in the definitions of the subject as discussed in Section 3.1 of this Unit
have however been discovered to influence what practitioners accept as the scope of the
subject. Likewise, the nature of the subject equally influences the scope of the subject.
Hence, in a situation where you and I both agree that a good definition of the subject
must necessarily emphasise problem solving and detailed understanding of the
outcomes of human interactions with the environment, its scope must reflect integration
of relevant disciplines and concepts for learning purposes.
ii.Not be limited to one or even just a few academic areas (that is, it must
be multi-disciplinary).
iii. Be concerned with how to examine and acquire positive democratic values.
vii. Involve learners in the analysis of real life problematic situations so that
they could help contribute their best to the advancement of their immediate and
wider environment.
In the previous lesson you learnt about the meaning, scope and nature of Social
Studies. Thisis very essential for a better understanding of the philosophical
background of the subject which happens to be the focus of this unit. You
will therefore have an opportunity to learn about Kenya’s national
philosophy of education and its relevance to the choice of Social Studies as
a core subject of offering at the basic level of the nation’s educational
system.This is based on the principle that the relevance of a school
subject is determined by the educational philosophy of a country.
By the end of your interaction with this Unit, you should be able to:
I. Describe Kenya’s national philosophy of education.
II. Describe the philosophical background of Social Studies as a school subject.
III. Highlight the relationship between the philosophical background of Social
and Kenya’s National Policy on Education.
The fact that numerous subjects exist in the school curriculum for learners to pick
from for offering implies that so many of them are capable of facilitating the
realization of the nation’s philosophy of education. But what is more important is
how capable is a nation’s educational system in organizing and reorganizing its
school curricula to achieve desirable goals and aspirations. This is particularly so
when it is recalled that the type of education legacy K e n y a n s enjoyed at
immediate post independence was not one that could assurethem smooth
transition devoid of social ills. Hence, school subjects with peculiar features that
could help train the young ones in a way that avail them opportunities to use
the content of what they were being taught to generate interest, and
acquire experiences needed for coping with the noticed problems
characterizing the transition from colonial rule to independence.
Educationists at this time realized the importance of the school as an agency of the
community and the society at large which can be used to develop effective
living in the society. Social Studies was therefore perceived as one of those
subjects that could be charged with this responsibility. The subject was seen as one
with a primary function of humanizing the learners based on the philosophy of the
society they belong to.
A critical look at the curriculum of the subject called Social Studies at this time
did not however reflect a subject would easily facilitate greater chances of coping
with these societal problems. Hence, they explored these inadequacies and
worked towards addressing them.
This attempt formed the nucleus of the philosophy of Social Studies as
it presently exists in the country, although the dynamic
nature of the subject have gone a long way to influence such
Consequently, the philosophical background of the subject
became more influenced by the concept of integration
which emphasizes the comprehensive body of
knowledge,and inter-relationship of knowledge. This has
over time encouraged the construction of syllabuses and
curricula which introduce learners to the interrelated
aspects of the basic forms of knowledge and each of the
several disciplines but in an integrated manner.
In the last lesson you learnt about the philosophical
background of Social Studies and its relevance to the
realization of Kenya’s National Policy on Education.
This unit further presents you an opportunity to understand
the general goals of learning Social Studies as a subject. This is
informed by the recognition of the subject as a tool for partial
solution to human social problems as well as for national 31
By the end of your interaction with this unit, you should be able
1. Identify the goals of teaching and learning Social Studies as
a school subject.
2. Categorise these goals under the four general motifs of
teaching the subject.
3. Highlight the values of learning Social Studies.
As teachers in training, it is mandatory that you are conversant with the
structure, contents, the dynamics and instructional delivery demands of
your subject curriculum which in this case is Social Studies. This lesson
therefore provides a chance for you to understand the recent
developments and transformation which the Social Studies curriculum at
the Basic Education level has undergone and the what is expected of you
either as pre-service or in-service teachers.
By the end of your interaction with this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Describe what is new Basic Education Social Studies Curriculum.
2. Identify difficult concepts in the new Basic Education Social Studies
3. Describe how best such difficult concepts can be handled by Social
Studies teachers.
1. Describe what is Basic Education Social Studies Curriculum.
It is hoped that the curriculum designs will guide the teacher to provide a
practical approach to competency based learning that aims to yield the
desired learning outcomes. It is my expectation that the teacher will use
the designs to make learning interesting, exciting and enjoyable.
The Government of Kenya embarked on a national implementation of the
Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in January 2019 in Pre-Primary 1
and 2, and Lower Primary Grade 1, 2 and 3. Based on the reorganization
of the Basic Education structure, Grade 4, 5 and 6 are part of Middle
This level is marked by providing the learner with a broad curriculum that
allows them to explore their abilities and interests before selecting a
Pathway and Track in Senior Secondary School.
Government main services
National Honorary Award
Nationalism and Patriotism
Social Issues and Problems
- Trafficking in dangerous drugs and the
Health Issues
- Drug Issues
- Drug Abuse
Agriculture Technology
Mechanized Agriculture
People and Environment
- Pollution
Agencies that Promote social well being of Youths 31
The new content areas of the Social Studies Curriculum for Junior
secondary school, as informed by some emerging issues are presented as
Introduction to Social Studies
o Meaning, Scope and objectives of Social Studies
People and their Environment
o Social Groups
o Group Behaviour
Social Issues and Problems
o Drug Trafficking
o Poverty
o Corruption
o Cultism
o Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Health Issues
o Drug Abuse
o Water Supply
Social Values
o Harmful Traditional Practices
o Population
o Family Life
Peace and Conflicts
o Peace
o Conflicts
o National security
National Economy
o Sectors
o Nature of Kenyan Economy
o Economy reform Measures
World Issues
o Global and International Cooperation.
3. Strategies for Handling Difficult Concepts in the New Basic
Education Curricula
Each of these concepts can be better handled where the primary school
Social Studies teacher decides to increase his/her level of resourcefulness
and readiness to search for new and relevant knowledge, experiences and
examples that will make the pupils learn more meaningfully.
Let us see how some of these concepts can be handled in the Social
Studies class at the primary school level:
(a) Drug abuse: - The relative newness of this theme in the curriculum is
a reflection of the dynamism of the subject. The misconception usually
haboured by a large number of teachers on the concepts of drug and drug
abuse has to a great extent affected the way the concepts are handled.
These teachers are not too clear of when a drug becomes abused and/or
what exactly are drugs. For example, some of them find it difficult to
believe that self-medication is drug abuse. The teacher needs a lot of 31
value clarification exercises to convince their pupils on the dangers of
drug abuse. The effect of this approach is that, they can get back
home and also convince their parents who usually the ones are leading
them into this abuse of drugs.
Suggestions on the strategies for handling other difficult concepts that are
more specific are contained in the next few paragraphs.
(a) Gender discrimination: - The relative newness of the theme “Gender
discrimination“ and the non-availability of abundant locally relevant
textbooks has made this theme and its corresponding concepts difficult to
handle by teachers. However, Primary Social Studies teachers can better
handle this theme, where they take gender issues as those relating to how
people are perceived and expected to think and act as men, women, boys
or girls because of the way society is organised, not because of their sex
or biological differences. Teachers should be ready through their teaching
to d-emphasize discrimination based on a person’s sex and emphasize
fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits and responsibilities
between men and women.
(b) HIV/AIDS: The myths surrounding the concept and phenomenon of
HIV/AIDS particularly the causes and treatment of the disease seem to
make it difficult to handle by the teacher and easily learnt by the pupils.
This is particularly so, when it is remembered that majority of the
teachers do not have any prior training or orientation on how to teach the
concept. Teachers can however, handle this more effectively if they are
ready to source for relevant published materials, books, magazines,
pamphlets, flyers, films, poster and charts that will provide rich
information which they can process and use for teaching-learning
purposes. It is equally important to emphasise here, the use of
invited guest speakers from health-related institutions and non-
governmental or community-based organizations working to promote
healthy living.
(c) Defending democracy/social justice (Pressure groups): These 31
concepts are very important ones that should be skillfully taught by the
teacher. This will be easier done, where the teacher creates avenue for the
pupils to develop interest in politics and learn to analyse public policy
decisions. This will make them develop in the learners positive attitudes
needed for showing concern and commitment to government activities
and programmes that might not be too beneficial to the populace. The
Social Studies teacher would also be expected to create and maintain a
classroom climate that is conclusive to free and open exchange of
opinions about public issues and other controversial topics. This is a
foundation that will later make these pupils become reliable members of
pressure groups in the society.
(d) Values: This is a concept most Social Studies teachers generally find
difficult to teach and evaluate. This is probably based on the traditional
practice which reflects the fact that teachers are usually more confident
teaching for knowledge acquisition rather than for all round cognitive,
affective and psychomotor learning. Teachers of Primary Social Studies
can however handle this concept better if they equip themselves with
instructional techniques that promote value acquisition. Some of the
techniques include values clarification, use of value sheets, raising of
value-laden questions and keeping of anecdotal records on the pupils. In
addition, the teacher handling the concept of values must be ready to
serve as good role model for the learners.
At the Junior Secondary level, Social Studies teachers are equally likely
to find it difficult to handle some concepts like:
Meaning, Scope and Nature of Social Studies
Objectives and Importance of Social Studies
National Unity and Integration
Group Behaviour
Trafficking in Children and Women
Economic Reforms – Privatization, Commercialization and
Global Cooperation
Core Messages of Family Life Education
The Social Studies teacher at this level should be able to handle these
difficult concepts better where he or she is conversant with the goals and
objectives of the subject. This is to reduce the chances of delivering the
concepts purely for knowledge acquisition sake. Examples of how some
of these concepts can be handled by the teacher of Social Studies include:
(a) The Meaning, Scope, Nature, and Objectives of Social Studies: 31
These are concepts which most practising teachers of the subject have
found very difficult to teach. They usually allow their professional biases
in terms of their disciplines as Geographers, Historians and Economists
etc to influence what they conceive as Social Studies. The subject can be
better explained to the students as one which allows them to study the
relationship between humans and their environment with the purpose of
getting them to acquire the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills
necessary for solving the various problems confronting human survival.
This perception of the subject should influence the teachers’ organization
of his/her and the delivery of such content using appropriate instructional
strategies and resource materials.
(b) Economic Reforms: This is a new concept in the Junior Secondary
curriculum that could be difficult to handle for the teachers particularly
those without a Social Science education background. Information on
related concepts such as privatization, commercialization, deregulation
and national economy must be sourced by the teacher from relevant
economic institutions and media outfits in the community. This will
include the state and federal ministries of finance, the legislative houses
(state and federal), banks and other national agencies such as the National
Economic Intelligence Group.
The teacher should equally be ready to relate these concepts to the day to
day activities of the students and the community/society to which they
belong. This will make them more real as well as make their learning
more permanent. Social Studies teachers should not also hesitate to
consult colleagues who are more knowledgeable in those areas, while not
forgetting the use of relevant invited guests to give talks on the concepts.
Effective teaching and learning of Social Studies, at both the primary and
junior secondary school levels requires that some basic skills must be
developed in the learners. This should be in addition to some essential
values and attitudes needed by the learners for effective interaction with
various shades of human beings.
Some of these skills include:
Interference Drawing
Critical Thinking
Social Skills
Decision Making
Team Building 31
Information Processing
The affective nature of the Social Studies demands that teachers must
strive to use their content and instructional delivery strategies to promote
learning environment where learners can gain knowledge, process
information, develop these identified skills, examine and clarify values
and participate in decisions and actions about their quality of life and
survival. Some of the values that could be developed here will include
those of tolerance, commitment, loyalty, patriotism, respect.
Meaning of Methods
The term method or method of teaching is often used as a general term to
cover everything a teacher does. This they believe cannot be taken as a
one best way of describing the concept. Hence, they define method as
“the way a teacher decides on what the students will learn”. They
perceive method as a general choice between what learners will mainly
be told and what they will largely find out by themselves.
The method of teaching also describes how the teacher intends to proceed
with the lesson. For instance, one teacher may intend to proceed by
presenting information, while another, teaching the same lesson intends
to proceed by providing situations which demand that the students must
work on a problem.
The indirect type of method of teaching involves situations that give the
teacher the opportunity to decide what skills or knowledge are to be
learned, with the students given some time to prepare how to work on
their or in groups.
Meaning of Techniques
Teaching techniques on the other hand, are the specific activities and
actions required in class to implement the selected method, either
transmission or problem-solving. It is simply the activity which the
teacher gets the learners to perform in/out of the classroom. Teaching
techniques are also specific actions and processes through which the goal
of a particular method of teaching is realised. Some of these actions and
processes are presented and utilised in a teaching-learning environment in
form of lecture, recitation, debates, discussion, dramatisation, role play,
brainstorming etc.
Any inquiry techniques should basically take the learners through some
major steps which include:
They supply individuals with a sense of purpose and direction. They play
greatly in assisting individuals to fix the sense of right and wrong, fair
and foul, desirable and undesirable, moral and immoral.
Some of the strategies recommended for carrying out this process are:
a. Use of the Value Bag i.e. students are allowed to choose what they
wish to reveal about themselves. Students are asked to bring to class a
paper bag or envelope containing three to five possessions, replicas or
picture of items the value in turns, students select and talk why those
items are important to them. The exercise helps students to think about
some things that are important and to recognize that a variety of things
are symbolic and of deeper meaning in their lives.
Role play should essentially take place in five stages which are:
Stage 1: Initiation and Direction
At this stage the teacher identifies a topic, which requires students to look
at many sides of a difficult issue, requires the development of an opinion,
or includes key players with interesting personalities.
Stage 2: Describing the Context
The teacher sets the context and makes sure students do not full into the
trap of “presentism”
-role playing with hindsight. The situation must be set up and all
perspectives explained clearly.
Stage 3: Roles
In a successful role playing activity, everyone must have a role. There
may not be five or six key roles but the entire class should be engaged in
the role playing in some way, albeit as jurors, or interested citizens, or
newspaper reporters. Everyone has an assignment, something they do in
the role play. Once everyone is assigned a role, time is needed for
students to understand their role, to practice, to "try on" their new identity.
Stage 4: Enactment
Make sure students stay in role, and proceed.
Stage 5: Debriefing
Depending upon the structure of the role playing activity, students
complete the action with a written reflection followed by an oral
debriefing. The debriefing is the most important part of a role play; it is
the teacher's chance to ask students to discuss, to reason, to draw
conclusions, and to pull everything together.
By the end of your interaction with this Unit, you should be able to:
1. Explain in simple term the concept of instructional media or
instructional material resource.
2. Identify the principles guiding the selection and effective utilisation of
instructional resource
materials in the Social Studies classroom.
3. Identify those factors that can promote effective use of instructional
material resources in the Social Studies classroom
Meaning of Instructional Resource Materials
Instructional resource materials are software and hardware that are used
to make lessons more meaningful and clearer to learners. They are
devises that appeal to multi model senses which help the learners
conceive, perceive, internalize, interpret and transfer the experiences
gained to similar or different learning situations.
These materials and equipment, could be those that appeal to the sense of
hearing-known as audio material/ equipment those of seeing called visual
materials/equipment and those that combine the two senses called audio-
visual materials.
With instructional media in use in a class, the teacher talks less while
passing an intended message(s) in the class in a more effective and
meaningful manner. The Social Studies teachers are therefore expected to
consider and use these materials and equipment if effective learning must
evolve on a regular basis in the classroom.
Principles Guiding the Selection and Effective Utilisation of
Instructional Resource
Teachers are will not be expected to neglect the use of these resources as
learning media. For instance, getting children to listen to cultural
programmes such as concerts, dramatic productions, broadcast of
historical events and news items from radio stations would go a long way
in complementing classroom teaching as well as build in the learners an
interest and awareness in current events. Tape recorders can be used
effectively for slow learners and for improving the communication skills
of the learners. The teacher must however prepare his/her learners
adequately for the use of audio materials by particularly ensuring that
there is no distraction.
The Social Studies teacher attempting to use any of these visual materials
must make sure that they are placed in strategic positions in the classroom
so that every learner can have access to it. They must be made colourful,
attractive, interesting and less clumsy. For them to be effectively used in
the class, the teacher must be resourceful. That is, he/she must be
ready to search for the relevant ones either personally or through his/her
students. He/she must necessarily assist the learners in their
understanding of the natural setting of the visual resource particularly
when it is an object. It does not hurt if the teacher decides to get the
learners to construct some of these visual resource materials for class use. 31
For instance, children can be made to learn how to construct and interpret
graphs based on data they are studying or collected.
Audio-Visual Resource Materials and their Use in Social Studies
Learning and remembering can be better promoted where the teacher uses
audio-visual instructional resource materials. These are aids which
encourage the use of more sensory organs such as sight, hearing, touching
and even feeling. The fact that Social Studies teaching appeals to the
three domains of learning-cognitive, affective and psychomotor, there is
that dire need for concrete illustrations which only audio-visual resource
materials can provide.
The resource materials in this case are both audible and visible. Typical
examples include the television, video cassettes, digital video discs
(DVDs), video compact discs (VCDs), and film strip projectors.
Schools and centres exist within particular communities, and each
community has much to offer as a resource to teachers planning
curriculum for young children. Teachers need to assess and access what
the community can provide. In this Unit, you will acquire more
knowledge and skills for addressing any inadequacy that might be
experienced while sourcing for instructional materials for Social Studies
teaching. This is in terms of improvising resource materials where it is
difficult to get the actual resource materials that may be required for
meaningful teaching and learning in Social Studies.
By the end of your interaction with this lesson you should be able to:
1. Describe the categories of community resources that can be used for
Social Studies
2. Highlight the importance of community resources for Social Studies
A) Natural Resources
Within reach from a school, teachers may find business, shopping areas,
transportation systems and depots, construction sites, police and fire
stations, parts and recreation areas, churches, zoos, museums, and
residential streets. Each one of these offers countless learning experiences.
It is a useful exercise for the Social Studies teacher to walk the areas
within ten minutes walking distance of his/her school, to discover all the
places that might be intriguing from a young child’s point of view.
C) Material Resources
Teachers who make “community connections” can find their
classrooms recipients of many objects children can use. Manufacturing
companies located that are contiguous to the school community can be
contacted to donate materials needed for practical teaching of some topics
in the Social Studies class.