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Prof. Girish Kumar

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Module – 12
Lecture – 57
Reflector Antennas-II

Hello and welcome back to today’s lecture on Reflector Antenna. In the previous lecture we
had started talking about reflector antenna. So, in the last lecture we had started talking about
reflector antenna and we looked into simple concept of the planar reflector, then we talked
about corner reflector, very briefly we talked about curved reflector.

And then for the planar reflector we actually started with the horizontal dipole antenna over
infinite ground plane, then we talked about vertical dipole antenna over a infinite ground
plane, and then we talked about the horizontal dipole over a infinite ground plane. And then
we just looked at the concept of the corner reflector and we also saw that a 90 degree corner
is a very nice reflector, specially because it reflects the signal exactly in the same direction.
So, let us continue from here.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:15)

So, we had actually started the discussion on corner reflector antenna, so this is a corner
reflector antenna of length l and height h, and in the beginning we will assume l is infinity
and even the height of the reflector is infinite. This was the concept which we had looked at
when we have a angle =90, any incoming wave reflects back in the same direction.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:43)

So now let just look at the corner reflector; so this is the perspective view or you can say that
the 3D view. So, here is a reflecting plate: so one plate is here another plate is here, then
length of the reflecting plate is l and the height of the reflector is h. And here you can see that
this is a dipole antenna, and one can see that this dipole antenna has to be supported
somewhere it cannot stand on its own and in the free. So, some supporting is structure is
provided over here and through this supporting structure which can be for example of plastic
pipe or an dielectric pipe and through the dielectric pipe a feed can go here plus and minus
feed over here.

And over here a few important things: so this is the angle . And the most important thing in
this particular case is also that this spacing; spacing from the corner of the reflector to this
particular dipole. As we will see later on this spacing is extremely important and it governs
the gain of the pattern as well as the radiation pattern of the reflector antenna.

So, with this simple concept sometimes we actually use this here which is known as a wire
grid arrangement. The reason for that is if we use these large metallic plates, think about the
wind loading. Let us say if it is installed on a roof top then there will be a lot of wind loading
will happen and if the dipole is of a vertical thing which has a vertical polarization then this
entire plates can be replaced by vertical wires. Now there are certain conditions are there: the
spacing between these wire can be between 0.1 to 0.25.

In no case in this spacing should be /2 or greater than /2, because if suppose this spacing is
equal to /2 then /2 this is a short there will be a maxima and it will be minima here; so 0
maxima is 0. So, boundary condition will get satisfield and all the radiation will go through
this particular gap to the back side. And in fact what we want is; no radiation in the back side
of the reflector.

So, generally speaking the condition is this spacing should be between 0.1  to about 0.25 .
And there is really not much of it needs to take distance less than 0.1 . Of course, these
vertical things will not stand on its own, so you need to provide some connecting
configuration over here or a structure. So, that it can stand on its own. So, rest of that you can
see here there is a supporting structure and there is a supporting structure for the dipole
antenna also.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:49)

Now let just see what really happens. Again we will start with the 90 degree, but this time it
is a reflector antenna. Why antenna? Now we have put a feed over here. So, here again this is
the top view. So, if you see from the top view you will only see the tip of the dipole antenna.
So, that is what is shown over here. In fact this is actually shown as a arrow. So, if you have
an arrow what to do we normally represent arrow as? The tip of the arrow is represented by a
point, and the back of the arrow is generally represented by a cross like this here. So, let us
see what we are representing over here?

So, assume that this is not the reflector and we also assume that this is a infinite dimension
over here. So, if you have a plain reflector like this, then if this is in this particular going up
here then this image will going in the back side. It like just like for this particular case where
it is like acting like a horizontal dipole to this particular plate. So, for horizontal dipole we
had seen image will be in the opposite direction, just like I had explained that if you stand in
front of the mirror a right hand looks like left hand and left hand looks like right hand.

This is the way it has been represented. So, if you look at the dot here that dot will become
cross. So, from here image is formed and this distance will be exactly same as so this distance
is equal to this distance here. Then the same thing will happen for this side also. So, from
here image will be formed and if this is dot this will be cross. So, these two images easy to
understand; why these two images are coming.

What about this particular image here? To understand this one I actually think that you
imagine now these reflector are extended to infinity. So, this one goes over here and this one
goes over here. In fact, the parallel of this to explain and understand recall if you go to let us
say a barber shop and many of times you will see in the barber shop there is a one mirror in
the front side and there is a one mirror in the back side, and if you see through the mirror you
will actually see almost multiple images theoretically number of images will be infinite.

Why that happens, because let us say a mirror is in front of you so there will be a image, but
then there is a mirror at the backside of you so that will be a image. Now for that image this
mirror sees there is another image over there, it creates a image behind that. And for this
image behind at the back mirror sees another image, so it shows over there. So, theoretically
you can see a infinite images. But of course, here for 90 degree angle you do not see infinite
images, but you can imagine that these reflectors are extended towards infinity as far as the
image is concerned. And if you use this concept you will be able to fill up images for any
other angle also. So, let us see one more time.

So, you can see that for this dot there is a cross and for this dot there is a cross, now you
imagine this is extended like this and this one is extended like this. If it is extended like this
here then what will happen this cross will see an image and the cross image will be now dot.
And in fact, if you extend this whole thing like this here then this dot will see an image of
cross over here. And that is how you can see that there will be total three images will be there
for 90 degree corner reflector.

Let us see what happens for 60 degree corner reflector. Now, for 60 degree again let us start
with the concept here this is the dot at the equal and opposite distance from this side there
will be a cross, and then for this image 0 there will be cross. Now you extend this whole thing
like this and you extend this whole thing like this over here. And if you extend over like this
here this cross will have an image which will be dot. And if you extend like this here this
cross will have an image of dot here.

So, one can complete that; now comes the last part. If we extend this over here then dot will
have a image of cross here and if we extend like this, this dot will have a image over here
which is cross. So, for 60 degree will have total 5 number of images.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:45)

Let us see now what happens if we reduce the angle further. Here is the case of 45 degree, so
one can again do the same thing this dot will be a cross here, dot will be cross here, now you
need to extend this and you need to extend this over here. And if you do that for this cross
you can see there will be image like this which will be dot, you extend this here for this dot,
you can see that you know keep on repeating it you will see that the images have been filled
So, there will be total 7 images for 45 degree. The same concept you can extend, so if this is
30 degree now number of images will be large. In general number of images you can
calculate by using a very simple formula of 360/(-1). So, we can just put it over here, so  is
30. So, 360 by 30 will be 12; 12 minus 1. If  is 45 degree 360 by 45 will be 8 minus 1. So,
there will be seven images here.

Now, what really happens, so why do we keep on reducing the angle? So, you actually you
conceptually you can think about that if the angle is let us say large angle, so what will
happen when the radiation takes place let us say we have a dipole in between which is going
to radiate. And now if the angle is this much here radiation will take place in that particular
beam, but if I now keep on reducing this angle. So, if the angle is reduced so radiation can
only be confined in this particular narrow region. And if the beamwidth is reduced; that
means gain can be increase.

So, theoretically you can reduce the angle to even 1 degree also, the practically nobody does
that. But generally speaking 30 degree, 45 degree, 60 degree and so on are commonly used to
realize a larger gain antenna. Of course, we took only example of dipole antenna, but one can
use different antennas. So what will happen? Pattern multiplication will take place. So, if we
have a gain of the antenna itself larger than the overall gain will be larger which will include
the effect of element pattern as well as the reflection because of the different angle of the

Now, let see the derivation of this how these can calculate the radiation pattern.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:19)

So, we will start with an example of 90 degree corner reflector. So, we have a plate 1, we
have a plate 2, and here is a feed, you can see here there is a 90 degree angle here. Now, for
this case we have seen that there are three images, so even though there are three images we
are numbered them as number 2 3 4. The only reason is that feed has been given as a number
1, so there will 1 2 3 4 element. Now, we want to find out the overall radiation pattern. So,
the total field will be nothing but the some of the contribution from the main feed as well as
the images.

So, we can say that the overall field will be nothing but summation of these fields and these
will be the vector some of these particular field over here. Now we need to apply the array
theory. So, if you recall when we discuss about the array. So, here what we will do? We will
just assume that this is isotropic element just for our derivation. So, for a isotropic element
we can find out the array factor and then subsequently one can multiply that with the element
pattern. Now, when we want to find out the array factor you can actually think about that
there is one element here there is another element. So, and the distance between the two
element will be now S plus S which is 2 S.

So, for this particular case here we have seen that the array factor theory what is that; for n

sin n φ/2
number of elements we know that the array factor will be . Here n is equal to 2,
nsinφ /2
sin2 φ /2
so that will be now and that gets cancelled and it becomes cos φ /2 . So, for
2 sin φ /2
these two things the pattern will be cos φ /2 . Now for these two again the distance is same
S and S, but only thing is this is let say if it is in the x axis this is along y axis. So, the
radiation pattern should account for x axis as well as y axis.

But again here you can see that these two are in the same phase. These two phases are
different if this is a plus 1, this will be now minus 1 minus 1, but otherwise these two are in
the same phase hence they will also give rise to the cosine pattern. So, let just look at the

(Refer Slide Time: 14:58)

So, the array factor of the 90 degree corner reflector antenna will be 2 times, this is now cos.
This term corresponds to sin θ cos ∅ , I will just explain we will go back to the previous
line. But just you can see here, so this is equivalent to cos φ and this is again equivalent to
cos φ , this is cos φ x and this is cos φ y . You have to think about planar microstrip
antenna array; when we talked about the planar microstrip antenna we are introduce the
concept of the sin θ cos ∅ .

So, what you have to think about here is? Let us say we have an element here we have
looking at this particular point. So, if the array point is along the x axis. So, what happen? So,
we take the projection, projection will be along the theta. So, always every time theta is
measured from the elevation. So, whatever is this point here that will be θ projection of
that in the horizontal will be equal to sin θ . So, you can see that sin θ term is represent
for both the elements which are in the x or y. However, along the x axis what we need to do
for any faraway point it will be multiplied by cos ∅ and for anything along the y axis it will
be multiplied by sin ∅ .

So, you can actually see that these are the terms shown over here. So, for the elements along
the x axis sin θ is common to both because it in the x y plane, and since this is the term
along the x axis the term cos ∅ comes and this is the term along y axis with sin ∅ .
terms. So, the array factor of the 90 degree corner reflector antenna then can be written as 2
times cos φ x −cos φ y . So, φ x term will have cos ∅ and along the y axis the term will
be sin ∅ ..

So, in the Azimuthal plane where theta is π/2 or you can say 90 degree, so if you substitute
the value of theta equal to π/2, sin π/2 will be equal to 1 hence theta goes out. So, this is the
radiation pattern or you can say array factor for isotropic element of two elements; that this is
the array factor for a 90 degree corner reflector antenna for isotropic element, and this has to
be multiplied by the radiation pattern of the antenna.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:39)

Now let just see the plot of this particular thing for different values of S. As I mentioned S
place a very very important role, what is S? S is the distance of the dipole antenna from the
corner of the reflector antenna. And again repeatedly I am saying dipole antenna, but in a
reality it can be any other antenna.
So here, in fact let us just look into here. And in fact, in general the plot which I am showing
you that is actually for isotropic element in general. So, let us say now if S is equal to 0.1 ;
that means it is very close to the corner. So, for that particular case let us see this is the solid
line. So, this is the plot over here.

You can see that there is a no back radiation over here, the reason for that is in this entire
derivation it has been assumed that this particular length is extended towards infinity; we
know that practically that will not happen. So, now, let us see what happens. So, 0.1  is
increased to let us say 0.7  you can see dash dash dash. So, this is the plot for that.

You can actually see that this is still in the broad side direction, and you can also notice that
the half power beam width of this is relatively less than the than the half power beam width
of this. That means, for this case we get a higher gain. Now we increase it further then what
we can see that now for this particular case you can see that there is a beam split has taken
place. And if you go down to this case here S equal to one  in that particular case you can
see that actually there is a null in the broad side direction. in general one should consecrate
only in this particular region. So, I have actually summarise this for S greater than 0.7 ,
main beam splits and generally that is not very desirable, for S equal to  there is a null in the
broad side direction which is this particular point and that is also not generally desirable. So,
in general one can think about you can choose the value between 0.1 to 0 0.7.

However, my recommendation is that please do not take S equal to 0.7  also, in general try
to restrict the value of S to about half of this here. So, why do I say that? The reason why I
am saying is that all of these things assume that there is a infinite ground plane. But in reality
there will never ever be infinite ground plane, we are always going to take a finite ground
plane. So, let us just look at the back slide of the 3D view over here.

So, in the derivation it has been assumed that l should be infinity and this h should be infinity,
practically we cannot do that. So, let me give you some practical cases here. So, we know
that a dipole antenna will have the length of /2. Now this dipole will radiate nothing in this
particular direction and it will radiate maximum in this direction.

So, you can see that the radiation pattern of this will be 0 here; it will make a figure of eight
like this. So, you can see that this part is maximally radiated in this direction it will reflect
back, but this one angle here you can see it is radiating little. In general I can tell you that if
you take h equal to approximately equal to  it is fairly good enough, you need not take 2 
or 3  or 4 , because the gain is not going to be significant; so h equal to 1  decent enough.

Now, comes that next part what should be this l. So, I can give you one simple thumb rule
that this l should always be greater than or equal to 2 times S value. Suppose if you take S
equal to 0.7  then this should be 1.4  that this is the minimum value. But if you take let us
say S equal to 0.5 then this can be approximately. So, that is why I said in general don t try
to take 0.7, because that unnecessarily increases the size of the antenna, and there is a not
significant gain. I will just look back to this particular plot here again.

In general just to tell you here, so the plot which you see here this is for 0.1 and this is for 0.7,
in fact for 0.5 if you look at even though it is not there you can imagine that it is actually very
very close to 0.7. So, the increase in the gain is hardly has significant value if you take it 0
0.5 or 0.7, but this 0.5 or 0.7 will make the reflector size instead of let us say for 0.7 it will be
1.4, if I take this 0.5 then the reflector length will be equal to . So, one can save the size
without really speaking any significant decrease in the gain, so we do not recommend
anything more than 0.5  for this particular case.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:33)

Similarly we can find out the radiation pattern of the various other corner reflector antenna
for different values of . I will actually start with  equal to 30 degree it is like a bottoms up
approach. Here if you see  equal to 30 degree just recall the total number of elements
including images were equal to 12. So, there should be total 12 terms because the field is
going to sum of all the term. So, let us say we have a 2; that means within the bracket total
number of terms should be equivalent to 6. So, cos x will give rise to 1, then this term here 2
multiplied by with will give rise to maximum value of 2.

And over here again there is a one term, so that is another one and this one here is another 2.
So, one can say 1 2 3 plus 1 4; 4 plus 2 6; 6 multiplied by 2; so that will be the total number
of elements which is coming into picture. And x here is as before it is equivalent to
sin θ cos ∅ , and y will be sin θ sin ∅ ,, because it is in the y plane. So, theta remains same
because it is x y theta will be constant and for elements along x axis we take cos ∅ and
elements along y axis we take sin ∅ . Now for this is for  30 degree.

Now, let us go to  45 degree: total numbers of images including the feed are eight. That
means, the total number of terms also should be eight. So, there is a two here, so inside the
bracket should be 4. So, you can see 1 plus 1 2 and this is equivalent to 2; so 2 plus 2 4; so 4
into 2 8.

Now if you look at over here it looks little confusing, because 4 is outside and then there is a
one term here and another term here, so its look like 1 and 2 terms multiplied by 4 it looks
like 8, but that is not really the case; and I will tell you what it is. So, in this case if you open
up this whole thing this term will be then 4 sin x/ 2 cos x /2 - 4 sin this term multiplied by

Now 4sinx/2 cosx/2 is actually equal to 2 sinx cosy, so that particular term really leads to a
number two and this term here leads to four that is our total number is actually to 6 which is
corresponding to 60 degree here.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:19)

So now let us see; what are the S limits for different angle. So we saw that the limit for the S
is up to the value where single lobe is there in the radiation pattern. That means, if we
increase the value of S beyond this then there will be split in the main beam which is
generally not desirable. So, what we really want is let us say for example, 0.7 is the limit for
 90 degree. So, if  is reduced to 60, 45, 30 you can see that this limit is 0.7 can become
0.95, 1.2 or 2.5.

However, again I do not recommend at all, please do not have any design which has a larger
S value. In general just to tell you why we take a larger S value; generally speaking one takes
larger value of S, so that gain will be large. But however, if you take a larger value of S then
the reflector size has to be much larger. As I said general rule of thumb is l > 2S, if l has to be
greater than two S you take a larger S; that means the total aperture size increases

So, what we recommend is that you take the values of maximum S whatever is given by here
I do not recommend you take more than half of this here. But let us see here why larger S
gives rise to the larger gain. Think about this; if this value is large that means all these
elements will be now will occupy a larger aperture, but if S is small then suppose if this is
over here my total aperture will be reduce over here. So, you can see that my aperture size
has increase hence gain will increase. But for larger value of S you really then need a very
large reflector.
And what we have seen that if you reduce from S here to here; that means reflector length can
decrease significantly, but decrease in the gain is relatively marginal.

So, hence you please look into these things, and also I want to tell you one another interesting
thing over here; for all these cases very little a literature is available for the finite ground
plane. So, it is a very good research topic, most of these derivations are done when the corner
reflectors are takes as infinite plane, whereas what I would strongly encourage any one of you
since we have lot of good softwares which are available these days which would not available
several decades back. So, what you can do systematically, you can study what is the effect of
the finite length and then you come out with the simple solution what should be the limit on
the value of S, and how much gain sacrifice will happen if you reduce the value of the S. As I
mentioned gain scarifies is will not be significant, but the reflector length can be reduced at
least by 50 percent.

So, with that I will stop at this particular point. Just to summarise that we have talked about
the corner reflector antenna, we talked about 90 degree, 60 degree, 45 degree, 30 degree; we
looked into the number of images and saw that how images can be formed. And then we
found out what is the array factor. And once we know the array factor you can always
multiply with the element pattern to get the overall radiation pattern. Then we also saw what
are the limits on the practical sizes of the reflector, and what is the practical limit on the value
of the S which is spacing from the apex or the corner of the reflector to the let us say dipole

And this spacing even though I gave you the values which are given in the book you can take
say 0.7  even greater than 2, but I do not recommend that large spacing because that requires
larger reflector length, but yet I strongly recommend anyone of you take this particular case
do the simulation, do some experimental work and you can also write some papers in the
journal also.

In the next lecture we will talk about parabolic reflector antenna which can give us very high
gain. So thank you very much, with that enjoy yourself study hard, work hard. But when you
come for the next lecture please study these things, because we will use the concept of these
reflectors to the parabolic reflector antenna. And if you the time permits please look at the
basic theory of the parabolic; what is the definition of the parabola, and you look into it that
when the rays come from the infinity they focus at the focal point. So, look into those things
if possible, otherwise we will look into those things in more detail.

So, with that thank you very much.

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