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Technical Arts 101

Prof. Anupam Saxena

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Lecture 16

First question, I have just wondering if you have gotten the handle on prospective views
if you have gotten the prospective on prospective views.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:37)

The best way to get handle on prospective is to practice, so if you practice you will get
better two things that I would want to tell you one is homework number eight. If you
guys have the manuals in front of view, just check it out homework eight is slightly
different. So, it is a competition, so this was the thing is that you are going to bedrawing
or think a two point prospective of your hostel room and that is the fun part away, this is
that right?
(Refer Slide Time: 01:31)

So, there are two aspect of it with one is voluntary means you can take a break and the
second aspect is competition. So, those who are interested they can draw a two point
prospective of their hostel room, just imagine that you are standing you know just about
at the door of your room. Whatever you see, make a mental picture of that and draw
prospectivethe due date is again one week after your lab, it and what I will do is I will
request the tutors tochoose the best drawings from each section. Then, will sit down and
we choose the best may be one two or three and of course, so there will be a little prize
that is that is one thing and second thing is a little request that from now on.

I mean of course, prospective is would probably have been a little difficult for you, but
from now on things that going to get a little even more difficult. So, we are going to get
in to space geometry lines planes intersections development of course, you guys are free
to miss classes, but if you miss classes, you know you will be at a loss. So, my request to
you, so consider that as an advice as well as request my advice and a request to you
would be to come to the class listen to the lecture. If things are not clear to memake me
explain it as many times as you want, so that you can understand it and I will be happy in
do that because if you miss a class then you know you lose something you do not feel
like to come to next class.

Then, you know things happen, so this something that I just wanted you to question
about. So, things are going to get a little difficult and challenging and to be able to
understand things better come to the class yeah is that a single point two point, it is a two
point, well think about that think about that may be you in a think about that.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:52)

So, a little more into prospective views.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:56)

This is an example that you are going to be solving in your lab, so I just want to go
through the solution. Once we are going to be a lot of lines in here, so bear with me, I
will try to do my best to explain thing, so what is given to you is the plan view of the
object and the profile view of the object and a bunch of lines. So, you have the picture
plane which is passing through one of the edges of the object p p 20 millimeters below
that you have the horizon line about 90 millimeters below this vertex of the object. You
have the ground line over which you have the profile view, this where you are standing
and this where your eye level is and 5 millimeters below the ground line.

You have the station point, so these scenes are given to you once these scenes are given
to you may be think about starting to draw prospective views now about this angle and
this angle of course, this angle is 90 degrees. So, you get a nice prospective if you keep
this combination as 60 30, so length may be around 30 degrees if this is more otherwise
60 degrees and the other angle as 60 degrees or 30 degrees depending. So, it is a nice
idea because you get a very nice prospective of that, so you have seen this, so this is the
isometric view of the same object that you have drawn in one of your previous labs. I am
going to be keeping this picture, this is slight modification rather simplification at I am
going to be working with I have replaced this part by rectangle or rectangular region.

So, we can understand the drawing of prospective in a little better way otherwise this
thing would remain the same. So, this thing is the block this thing is the rectangular
block but, this thing remains the same over here and what I want you to do is try to
understand the difference between the isometric drawing and the prospective drawing.
As we you know continue with a drawing, so this is where the station point is I am
getting both the numbers and maybe I will be with you, I will stay here. So, I can also
look at these lights the lines am I blocking a view can you the back, let go with numbers
first step is to figure out the left finishing point and the right finishing point this is for the
left, this is for the right.

If an object far away along this direction on the horizon this is for left finishing point in
the left l v pthe right finishing point on the right. Let me go back starting from the station
point look along this direction at an object at infinity get the image of that on picture
plane, which is going to be a point project that on the horizon line. This would be the left
finishing point, likewise if you do the same thing on the right look along this direction at
an object at infinity, get the image of that object as a point project in onward on the
horizon line, you will be getting the right finishing point. First step with me, now what
the free rules lines which are parallel to the prospective parallel to the picture plane
remain parallel wonderful lines, which are not parallel to the picture plane.
They vanish lines which are on the picture planethey stay in true length identify the first
step is identify the edge on the object which is on the picture plane look at this vertices
here look at this point. So, the edge going in to the screen will be the edge which will be
in true length, once you have identified that from the station point view that edge that
edge would correspond to this here makes that edge. Now, will that edge made these
edges is going to be vanishing towards the left vanishing point. These edges they going
to be vanishing the right vanishing point left vanishing point, the right vanishing point.

Let us focus on this edge from the station point in the top view get these right
informationthe image of this vertices will be formed over here projected downward. You
will be getting the edge in between these two rays that vanish towards the right vanishing
point here with me. So, once you have this edge looking at this block made pretty easily,
now of course, you would not see this edge because not there, but how about this? You
would see this, see that on these two rays, what you do?

Station point, this vertices get image of these vertices on the picture plane project that
image down, so you will get this edge here right over here in between these two rays.
The same thing for this vertices here get image on the picture plane projected down and
you see this with me straight forward straight forward. So, you have this part now about
this feature of the object here all lines acts 60 degrees from this part of the picture plain
they will be vanishing towards the left vanishing point. So, if you are looking at this edge
over here, and this edge over here, they will be vanishing both towards the left vanishing
point with me.

So, both from the top as well as from the bottom, now this is the important part, this sky
here in the profile view where is it where is that in the plan view over here. Now, would
any part of this be on the picture plane, no will you be able to get the true height of that
will you be able to get the true height of that probably not, but there is a little trick that
you can use to get the true height of that. So, you can just imagine, you can just imagine
this comes to stand over here so that one of the sky is on the picture plane.
Correspondingly, get the height of this thing on this line because it is this line where you
are going to be getting all the heights in true lengths.

So, imagine that this sky has come down over here imagine that this sky has come down
over here so that this vertices is with this vertices working. I will try to speak without the
mike for a while can you hear me. So, are you with me regards to this, now look at this
edge vanish there, what do I need to do? Now, I use the side dimension, I look at the
back vertices of the object in top view get the image of that on the picture plane
projected down, what this edge is that is this edge in prospective, how about the height,
are you with me on this? So, get this height, so let me go back, so what I have done is
little trick that if I stay on this vertical line, if I stay on this vertical line, I am going to be
getting true lengths.

Can I have some kurkure, you know it is bad you should share, so what I will do is, I will
do a little tricks, I know that anything on this line I will get in to length I will move this
feature over here so that these vertices with these vertices. So, that means that if I take if
I will use the profile view and get the height over here, what I can do is I can knowing
that it is going to be vanishing at the left vanishing point, I draw this ray. Then, I use this
right information look at the back vertices get the image projected downwards, this
would be the edge in prospective corresponding to this edge.

This would be the height in prospective corresponding to this height, so first for good
and I will look at the second vertices get the image projected down. Then, looking at
these edges, I know that they will vanish towards the right vanishing pointboth of them
and if I look at these two vertices, essentially I am going to be using this right
information. If I look at these two vertices, I go up get the image of that vertices and the
picture plane projected down, likewise this one projected down.

I will get this block which corresponds to this sky over here, so far it is good same trick
to get this part of the objective use the profile view, project the height on the true length
line draw rays that vanish towards the left vanishing point and right vanishing point. So,
this is the height that I am going to be getting here, this is the part of this surface that I
get, I get this height, I get this. So far maybe I can go back and I can explain, stay with
me here you know it is not your fault, because even I am getting confused stay with me
do I have this point in my prospective figure, do I have this point in my prospective
figure? Do where is that disguise over here, I do not have it, how do I get it?

I know that this point corresponds to this point, I use the true height informationtake this
ray towards the left vanishing point this intersection point is that this one over here
would correspond to this and this. So, once I have this intersection point ready, I look at
this edge over here this edge would vanish towards the right vanishing point have you
done that? I can draw this edge this vertical edge and the vertical edge on the right here
and then I can join this and this point to get this. How do I give this points? Stay with
me, I have gotten this edge, I have gotten this edge, so this is the trick that I can use,
what I can do is I can project these two edges.

So, once again I can project these two edges and to this edge I get these two points over
here I will look at one of those points over here t s p in the top view get the image. I will
look at this point over here, so this point, so this point over here comes on over here
right. Likewise, I will look at this point, I will look at this point from station point this
image of that point on the picture plane that I projected down over here. Then, I join
these two points and then I get these two red lines corresponding tothese lines over here
and over here. Which horizontal line there are many horizontal lines there are so many
lines that yeah come.

You know why absolutely, so this portion cannot be here because this portion is behind
the picture plane. So, this horizontal line here is just to take the true dimension of this
and this true length line, so stay with me this is confusing there will be lot many lines.
Now, I am looking at this point and looking at this point here and I am going to be taking
the projection of the image of this point from here which is this here. I know that this
edge vanishes towards the right vanishing point I got this edge and the intersection of
this ray with these two edges will give me this edge right can I repeat? So far, so what I
have done what I have done is I located these two edges in prospective fine, I have to
locate this point and this point, how do I do that?

I go to my station point which is where I am I will look at this point get the image on the
picture plane project it down where on this edge. I will get this point over here, but I do
not need to worry about that, I already know that this edge is vanishing towards the right
vanishing point. So, all I needs to draw a ray from this intersection r v p, which is what I
do here, of course you can there are multiple ways doing that of course you can this is
one of the solutions. So, this part this part of the object is in prospective, now I needs a
clap come onnow is it possible is it possible for you to draw the right hand side of the
object in prospective.
Now, see things missed up, yes which one, why, so one of you appears says that this
object is not complete because there would be a vertical line and there would be another
line. There would be another line three lines missing, do not worry about that, this is just
for check this is your vertical line. So, in your slides you can go back and refer to the
blue lines this is just for verification do not worry about that vertical line that if you draw
a ray joining this point and the right vanishing point the edge below this edge. That line
on that ray extends that and then we will be getting third line. So, here comes the messy
part of the object what am I doing here?

From this vertices from this vertices, I am drawing this edge in prospective right here
you go and then the edge on top of that it is getting mess here not visible, you know it is
going to be interesting when you are going to be working on this. It is going to be
interesting, now it is going to be a little too many lines, now I want you guys to be
attentive and just see just see what is happening on the right hand side of the object from
the station point from the station.

So, the idea is that if I am able to get a prospective sketch of this portion of the object I
think what I will do is I will first of all simplify this thing to be like a block. Once i get
this like a block, I can then try to get this semi circle and the circle later. So, the first
thing is for me to get this part of the object as if it were a block let us do that I will look
at these vertices from the station point project it downwards. These vertices going to be
line on this edge is edge in prospective is this edge like that I get this part, now look at
the point at the back this point over here. This is the intersection points which needs to
be projecteddownwardsthis intersection point is what in and as I said I am looking at this
part as it were a block.

So, I draw three blue lines look at one vertices take it down extended look at the other
take that projection down extend that I get the block I get the block right. So, once I get
the block, then getting the circular feature is not going to be difficult messy, it is not
going to be difficult this is your central line. Now, what I am doing here is this I am
going to be drawing the bunch of lines parallel to this. What I am going to be doing is I
am going to be drawing bunch of lines parallel to this in this region, these lines are going
to be intersecting this arch. I am going to be doing the same treatment to those points
section as I have done for all the vertices of the object.
This is about the generic idea is wait and watch line the middle got that line getting the
points of intersections. I guess got that line got the central linegot the archgot this part of
the arch onesolid line should not be there should not be there should not be there, which
one, is it this one? Ignore it, it should not be there does more it is pertaining to the circle
from where to where. So, let me have these guise over here and then maybe I will
explain it now, this block was fine, what I wanted to do was to get the arch in
prospective. Now, how would I do that or how would I be able to do that? I draw bunch
of lines which are parallel to these lines get the intersection thank you get the intersection
between this arch and these lines.

I will get a bunch of points set of points or group of points and I am going to be dealing
with those points the same way as I have dealt with all the other points. That is what the
basic idea is, wait and watch the mess pertaining to that circle over there again the same
thing I am going to be closing this circle within a box get the box in prospective get the
intersection points. Eventually, get the circle, wait, wait, wait just watch I am run little
fast working alright bottom nine bottom nine hold on, come on stay with me.

Once again the idea is to close this circle within a box get the box in red over here in
prospective make that circle insect with bunch of parallel lines get the points of
intersection prospective. Draw the corresponding and of course, there would be an arch
over here, if you think there would benow this is what iswhat you should see at the end
of your lab 8.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:09)

I want you to cover three point prospective, but we do not have much time and I have to
wind things up in another four and half minutes just an animation of the two point
prospective of a stay kits art easy. So, these probably answer your question, it answers
your question, so depending on the height of the object you have it is below the horizon
line. You are going to be seeing the roof of the object of its above the horizon line, you
are going to be seeing you will not be seeing the roof of the object. So, essentially all
these guise are, so this the horizon line these entire guise are below the horizon line and
that is the reason why you are seeing these flat surfaces above the horizon line those flat
surfaces are gone.

So, it has been eight months since you have cleared 8 months yeah almost move on that
10 months alright almost 10 months. Since you have cleared fine, this is where you start
in your careers in your respective careers this is where you start. This is where you are,
but ten years down the line, when you come and meet me, I would want to see you way
up there in your lives.

Thank you.

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