Pixel Art For Beginners
Pixel Art For Beginners
Pixel Art For Beginners
This is the regular line in pixel art. As you can see it has a certain angle. Basically you just have to draw
two pixels to the left and one down. That way you will achieve a wanted line.
The famous cube tutorial
The reason why the cube tutorial is so famous is that its easy to explain pixel art basics with it. And as we
start from the beginning then it is important for us as well.
First step is to draw the regular pixel art line. So if you are using MS Paint, then open your
document, it doesn't matter how big it is. Take the and zoom in as much as you can. If its done then
draw your first line.
It wasn't too hard. Now to make things harder we draw a second line.
Second line is done as well. I have that green line because I wanted to show you that the second black
line should be the reflection of the first one. Ok, we need some more lines to get the cube done.
And the cube is done. As you can see I used 5 different colors. The darkest one is for the outside border
and the lightest color is for the inner border. Now if you zoom the picture out as it should be then you
should see something like this.
The title of this tutorial is quite long but the explanation between these two types of pixel art styles isn't.
But since people ask this question constantly then I decided to do my best to explain you what it really
In short we can say that the main difference between these two types is that isometric pixel art follows
the rules of isometric projection, or at least follows the idea of it, because some things are slightly
modified. But if you don't know much about isometric projection, then it is also hard for you to
understand what it really means.
When we google isomteric projection then Wikipedia gives us the definition that is:
"Isometric projection is a method for visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimensions in
technical and engineering drawings. It is an axonometric projection in which the three coordinate axes
appear equally foreshortened and the angles between any two of them are 120 degrees."
So what we can learn from this and put to pixel art is that isometric pixel art is always three-dimensional
and it follows certain rules and angles.
As mentioned above then in theory the angles between any of the axes should be 120 degrees. As seen on
the picture below.
But actually it isn't quite like so. The difference between real isometric object and isometric pixel art
object comes from the angle of the line. When the angle of isometric object line should be 30 degrees
then pixel art uses the angle of 26,56 degrees. And the reason behind this is actually quite simple: it is
easier like this.
As you can see then the 30 degree line is quite hard to follow while the 26,56 line has a easy pattern that
you can always make without any real problems. 2 pixels left/right and 1 pixel up/down, and that's pretty
much it.
Therefor the angle between any of the two axes isn't actually 120 degrees either, but rather 116.565°,
116.565°, 126.87°. Meaning that not even all the angles between any of the two axes are equal.
So what we have learned is that isometric pixel art:
1. is three-dimensional
2. Has a line angle of 26,56 degrees
With these two basic things we can create a isometric pixel art object.
Now you might think about these two points and get confused, saying that isometric pixel art can only
produce cubes then. That's not true.
Isometric pixel art can be anything that follows these rules. In video games art and pixel art this three-
dimensional view has also been described as 3/4 perspective. It means that as long as you make your
pixel art in 3/4 perspective, you are still creating isometric pixel art.
Again, as you can see from the picture above then all of the lines aren't 26,56 degrees at all or even close
to it, but it does follow the rules of 3/4 perspective, meaning that it is still considered as isometric pixel
art. Same applies to round objects.
So in short isometric pixel art is three-dimensional with a default line angle of 26,56 degrees and it
follows the rules of 3/4 perspective.
Non-isometric pixel art is basically everything else that often times can also look three-dimensional but
isn't isometric.
I know that I could talk a bit more about non-isometric pixel art but the idea behind these two types is
actually quite simple and once you understand what isometric pixel art is then you will also automatically
understand non-isometric pixel art.
I hope this tutorial/article explained some of the basic things about this topic to you.
How to make round objects in pixel art
After taking some requests I decided that this time we will learn how to make round objects in pixel art.
Round objects in my opinion can be one of the hardest things to do in pixel art and even more if you want
to do it in isometric style. Main reason behind this is that you got to have a right angle for it to look like
isometric. And making a round object is different every time, depending on how big you want it to have.
Often times there's no certain formula for this, you just have to try and test it out and change it as long as
you are happy with the end result. However if you do follow some simple steps then it will make things so
much easier. So let's start.
I started my circle with some guide lines to make my life easier. Both lines are 29 pixels long and they
meet exactly at the middle. If you do this then don't pick a even number of pixels because then you won't
have a middle spot.
After that its a good idea to have some more guide lines to see where you have to go with your lines later
on. Having these lines will make your life so much easer. Both lines are 11 pixels long and again both
meet at the middle. You never know if it is correct or not but you can change it later if it isn't.
Now if you look at these lines then you can already imagine a circle and how it will look like, so only thing
to do now is make the circle itself so that circle lines would touch the guide lines.
Remove your guide lines and you will have a awesome circle.
But we didn't want to make just a circle but a round object. However in my opinion having this circle will
make things so much easier. To make a isometric round object we have to change the angle of this circle
so it would look like an actual isometric object. Let's try to make a table out of this.
So the easiest way to make it isometric is to think of it as an empty car tyre. We will keep the width of this
but change the height. Once we are done with the bottom part we will copy the same style above.
And we are done with it, it is now isometric. But as we said before we want to make it a table. So let's add
some more bits and pieces.
I wanted to make it a simple dining table but at the middle of making it I decided to make it a bit different
and a bit more formal.
It isn't the best looking table but that's not the point right now. My goal today was to teach you how to
make round objects and I hope that this tutorial will make it a bit easier for you.
How to make shadows and light sources in pixel art
Light is what lets us see the world and affects the way we see color. Color is the way objects emit light. In
terms of pixel art I'm referring to the management of color and clusters in order to simulate shadow,
highlight, and mid-tones.
A light source should be established at the very start of any illustration. This will dictate the flow of
shadows, tell you where highlights should be placed, and otherwise guide you with selecting color. Don't
overthink it, context should always help you determine a light source. Often light comes from multiple
sources at different intensities, but the most common and natural light source is from somewhere above.
This always feels natural because the sun is usually above us, and most artificial light comes from
overhead as well. Personally, I most often have primary light from the top right or left hand side of the
composition. I feel this creates dynamic highlights and shadows while remaining balanced and natural.
But this is just one simple approach. Light can come from any combination of sources, directions and
How to add textures to pixel art
In this tutorial I will explain how to make a simple brick texture. If you have read part 1 “How to start
with pixel art”, then the start shouldn't be hard for you. So, the first thing what we should do is to draw a
simple box.
In part 1 we had a similar box and we just painted it. This time I would want to add some textures to it to
make it more realistic or just interesting to watch. As I'm making the brick wall then the first thing would
be to add a line where the first row of bricks should end.
After drawing the first brick row you should know how to continue. Just add more lines until you reach to
the top.
Here you go, all horizontal lines have been added to both sides.
As we finished all horizontal lines then we should now add vertical lines. This is a bit harder because you
have to add more lines and you have to know that your gap between lines are the same. My gap is 6 pixels
but you may choose another gap.
Here is the finished black and white texture. Next thing would be the painting.
I didn't want to waste much time explaining how to paint. When you read the first part of my tutorial
series then you know the basics. So only thing what I would want to do here is to give you the colors I
used because maybe you want to use same colors than me. Basic dark line is #8e721c, and the other line
is #e6cc7d. Left side is #cl9b26, right side is #d9b!3c and the top is #debc54.
And now the hardest part, adding textures. As you can see I already finished the final step but I will show
you how to do this.
Here is the left side and as you can see I used 4 colors. The darkest one is still #8e721c and the basic
color for left side is still #cl9b26. But I also added 2 colors to each brick. The lighter one is #d9bl3c and
darker is #a58421. These colors give that small 3D look to it.
And same thing with the right side. Darkest color is still #8e721c and the basic right side color is still
#d9bl3c. But I also added another dark and light line. First one is #8e721c and second is #debc54.
Here you can see the top part. As you can see I changed the line between left side and right side to make
it smoother.
Here is a minimized picture of my pixel art project and as you can see then I first made this base and
calculated all these different parts of the house, pixel by pixel. And I do feel that it is best to make the
whole base first even if you don't know how you want to build it later because it just makes it easier for
you to scale it down. I ended up deleting some of it later.
Now when you have your base set up then you can start building it up. Again count your pixels and do it
carefully. Look how much you minimized your base and then calculate your height from there.
For example let's say that the width of your middle part seem as long as the height of your building. In
this case look how many pixels are there and then use the same amount of pixels for your height.
If it is a bit less or more then change your pixel value according to this. Once you have found your height
then build it up.
You now have your box. Having it makes everything so much easier because you know the scale of the
building. Now you can add as many details as you want and make changes to your original base,
depending on how you would like your house to look like later.
As you can see then below we have a somewhat finished house now with all the details. I luckily didn't
make any mistakes with my base and therefor didn't have to make changes to my base. Now the next part
I want to talk about are the details.
As I said before then when you scale down your house then you should also think about the details you
want to add later on. If you make your house too small then many details will be lost building it. And I
chose this reference images mainly because of its awesome details, so if I had made a mistake in scaling
process, I would have lost the details.
Now when you do make your details then you should think about how detailed you want to make them
because often times it isn't a really good idea to make them too detailed at the beginning.
Here you can see a small part of the house and because of being isometric in pixel art it looks really
messy. Zoomed out to normal size it looks all good but when zooming in then it is hard to understand
what is going on.
I understand it because I made this and I know that I will be able to make it good later when we are
coloring it but often times it isn't good to add so much detail to something like this because later on you
might not understand it.
So always add only as many details as needed, make only general outlines if it is better for you. And make
it more detailed when coloring. If I had made this house smaller at the beginning then these details would
have been lost.
As you can see here then I decided not to add details like this before coloring for that same reason.
Because by using only green I might not understand this detail later on.
That being said, sometimes with bigger projects it isn't a bad idea to use more than one color, just to
make it easier for you to understand what is going on.
I did that when I was making my Victorian house just because I had too many details that otherwise
would have been lost. Also it makes it easier to replace colors later on. As you can see then this time I
used green for the main parts and orange/red for roofs. It is good to have some color code for different
parts. For example I almost always use green for main parts and orange for smaller details/roofs when
working on my projects.
So to conclude this tutorial:
1. Using reference images is a good way to get ideas or practice making things.
2. Always count your pixels and do it twice or more if needed.
3. You don't have to use the entire reference image, take things that you love and give credit when you
copy it.
4. Find a object that helps you to scale down things. I used the entire base of the house to do this but
it can be a person, tree or what ever you thing would fit best for it.
5. Think about the reference image details you want to use before scaling down.
6. Don't make details to detailed.
I know that this tutorial was a bit more than just talking about reference images because I talked about
the overall building as well, but it is hard to make a difference because using your reference image is
often merged with all the other stuff.
Lets just say that you need different colors for it and you don't want to do it pixel by pixel. Instead you
would like to do it as fast as possible. For that you need your eraser tool. Once you have your eraser
picked we can continue.
Now you should change your foreground and background colors. In my case foreground color would be
the color I want to replace and background color is the one I want to replace it with.
Take your eraser and erase over the color you would want to replace. But instead of left mouse button
hold down right mouse button.
As you can see it is now replaced and instead of greenish color you now have it orange. Replace as many
colors as you want.
Now you might think that it would be easier to do it with paint bucket but it is not. If you don't have one
solid color all over the picture then it is just easier to replace colors like this. Because it will replace all
colors with same color code. For example if you have black in many different places and you would want
to replace it all with white then this is the method how you can do it. It is even easier to replace the color
of borders.
How to save pixel art
I have talked how to start with pixel art but I haven't talked how to save pixel art, so in this tutorial I
would like to teach you how to save and why to save like that.
As some say pixel art is pixel by pixel work and its true, but if you have worked with one picture over 10
hours then you wouldn't want to see a messy result at the end. Well, saving might mess up your work. I
will show you 3 different ways to save.
My example is this:
Lets save it to JPG or JPEG
Lets save it to BMP
So as you can see .png is the best way to save pixel art. I admit that I cheated a little because my example
picture was already saved to .png and .bmp colors changed too much. But I can tell you that .jpeg will
always too that. Even if you start from the beginning with .bmp you might get the same result as with
.png but your file size will be huge.
How to Make a Pixel House
In this part we will learn how to create a easy pixel house. During this part we will try how to create a
house, how to paint it and how to add textures. So basically many things we have tried before but this
time we will just put all these things together. As this house was made for a game then it will be a bit
different. Instead of having two pixels per row (for a line), we will have three. This means that our house
will be with diferent shape. If you would like to do it in a normal way, then do it. So lets get started. First
step would be to add a shape of the house, just the way you imagine it to be.
After that we will add some more parts, for example pillars. Just remember to add them to the right place.
So that they will look nice, even after you have added more parts to your house.
Good, pillars are done. Lets add some more parts. I use diferent colors for different parts, then its easier
to see where one ends and another starts.
As you can see, we have quite a lot of parts and colors by now and house is starting to look like a house.
Its time to add some textures and at the same time some more parts. It would be a good idea to change
all colors to black now.
Looking good, huh. Oh wait, no it doesn't. I decided to change my house and make it a bit smaller. Why
you ask me? Because I often change my pictures like that, how it seems best atm. So if you are learning
from my tutorials then be sure the check all the pictures before you start to follow these. Sometimes I just
might change something at the middle of the tutorial. Sorry for that.
But vanmall, where is the roof? Don't worry my friend, we will add it now. Just be sure to find the center
part of the roof and everything should be fine.
And our house is now ready. If you didn't notice then I added a window aswell. But what is a house
without colors. So its now painting time!
It should be quite easy as we don't use many colors and textures aren't the hardest aswell. Ok, lets get
started. Walls will be first. I also provided you with color codes, just in case you want to use them and a
zoomed in image, so you can see how I used textures.
As you might have noticed from my previous tutorials, I don't like to do things in a right order, so I stop
with walls and start with foundation. However, it doesn't mean that you should do it. Its your own picture,
do it as you want to do it. Again I will provide you with closer look to textures and colors. I used a lot of
colors there. Usually theres a «rule» that if you use less colors then its better, but as we are just learning
then it doesn't matter.
Now lets continue with these colors and paint as much as we can.
Most of this house is now done. Only roof, door and window to go. I decided to paint this roof red.
However its looks a bit empty atm, so we should add some textures and with that, more colors.
And now the hardest part is finally done. As rest is easy then I will just add a final picture.
How to make a pixel bed
In previous parts we learned how to make a cube and how to add textures. In this part I would like to
show you how to combine those two and add something new to it. So, we will learn how to make a pixel
First thing what we will have to do is to draw a box. It doesn't matter how big it is, just think that it has to
look like a bed at the end of this tutorial.
After the box is done we will continue with the top part of the bed. As you can see I use a green color for
that because it is easier to understand that way.
We are almost done with it, just some more lines. And again I will take another color.
Top part is done now and I have drawn another green line to show you where we should start. Its much
easier that way.
Its actually quite easy to draw that. Basically you just have to draw another box.
Now you can delete all those lines you don't need and use only black lines for those you need. Now you
have a basic shape done.
Green line is for the sheet and red is for the blanket.
I didn't want to use only regular lines so I decided to make the bottom part of the blanket a little
different. If I zoom in the picture then you can see how I did that.
So you can see that I have used another line for that, not the usual 2x1. This one is 3x1. That way you can
create a wave looking line.
After we are done with it we have to add some vertical lines to it. It will help you see where the next
blanket fold starts.
Now we can add one more thing and thats the pillow. And we are done. Lets take ot our colors.
As we have some round objects then we want to make the surface as smooth as possible. To do that we
need some colors. You could use a dithering here but I prefer using straight lines.
If I zoom in a bit more then you can see how I did it. The darkest line is #676bld and the main color for
this side is #727621. From there we start moving up and colors go lighter and lighter. Those colors are
#7c8123 ; #848925; #8a8f27; #919629; #959a29; #9ba22b and #a3a92e.
We will continue with a same style and paint the top part.
Now its time to paint the blanket and for that e start with the folds.
I zoomed in again so you could see how its done. There are still some guidelines what we will recolor.
Anyway, the darkest line is #ba710e. Darkest vertical line is #d68210 and after that comes #e38all ;
#ef9925 and #fla743.
So one fold is done now, lets continue until all folds are done.
Lets continue with a sheet. For that I used light blue. The darkest line is #89a39b, sid color is #99b0a9,
top color is #d2ddda and middle color is #becdc9.
And finally pillow. Darkest line is #dc3al2, lightest line is #fl7758. And we paint it almost at the same way
as bed itself. Colors are #f17758 ; #f06d4d and #f17758. All done.
How to make a pixel chair
In this part we will learn how to make a pixel chair. This is easier tutorial than the last one so it shouldn't
take much time to complete it.
After we have finished a main box we can add a back part to it. Again I take a green color because its
easier to see a new part that way. Back part should be in a same size as the box itself.
Lets add some legs now. As its a isometric pixel art then you can see only 3 legs. I took a orange color to
show you where the legs should be.
After you have finished with the legs you can erase all lines you don't need and color all lines you need.
Here you can see my result.
I would want to change the back part a bit. So I draw 3 lines to see where I should edit my chair.
And this is my end result after my last edit. As you can see the middle part is a bit lower now.
Again I add some green lines to mark where the soft part of the chair will be. Its good when you start to
paint because you know where to stop.
Lets start with the main part of the chair. I decided to make a brown chair. Darkest line is #55371a, left
side main color is #895929, right side main color is #93602d and the top part/light borders are #ad7134.
So this is the soft part. Border line is #919632 and the main color is #a4a938. Dark shadow color is
#8b8f30 and the lightest color is #b8be3f.
If you zoom out to normal size now then you can see the real end result. And your done.
How to make a pixel table
Those who have read previous parts already know how to start, those who don't, first thing what we will
do is make a box.
After the box is done we will add a top part of the table. Its basically just another box, it just has to reach
over the lower box.
And finally we will add table legs. If you checked my tutorial, how to make pixel chair, then you already
know how to do it.
After we are finished with legs we can erase all lines we don't need and make all lines we need black.
I decided to make a easy texture as well to give this table more of a real look. For that I used green lines,
so I won't mess it up when I will start to paint.
Lets start with the bottom part of the table. I'm not gonna give you all the color codes because these
colors are also used in my chair tutorial. If you want to use those colors then check it out.
And here is the top part. As you can see I added two different lines to each green line. And your done.
If you zoom out to normal size now then you can see the real result.
And if you add my table tutorial and chair tutorial then you can make this.
How to make a pixel tile
So, this time we will make a pixel tile.
First of all we start with a square.
When its done then we will add some colors. The darkest line is #c3c3c3 and the others are #d4d4d4 ;
#e3e3e3 and #efefef. And your done.
If you add several dies together then you will get a good looking floor or what ever surface you would like
to see.
After you have zoomed out to a normal size it looks like this.
If we put together my tile, chair and table tutorial then we will get a result like this.
How to Make a Pixel Cupboard
In this part we will learn how to make a pixel cupboard/close/cabinet - how ever you want to call it. First
of all, I personally think that this tutorial is really easy, but if you have any questions then be sure to
contact me and we will figure something out. Now, lets get started!
As always, we start with a simple box and add a 3d effect to it.
Ok, we have done a great job so far and things are looking good. We have a basic outline done! Next thing
would be to add some shelves and for that you need to think a bit more. You have to divide your cupboard
into even parts and figure out how many shelves you want to add. I was too lazy to divide the whole thing
into even parts so I improvized.
We have done well, we have finished our cupboard. Only thing to now is to paint this thing! As always, I
also provide you with cupboard color codes.
And we are done!
How to make a pixel countertop
Recently I have been working on some pixel art rooms and thanks to that I am making new pixel furniture
constantly. So today we have a really simple tutorial on how to make a pixel kitchen countertop. As
countertops are one of the main parts in building a kitchen, then I do feel that it can be useful for many
people who want to do it.
So as always with my tutorials, first step to make something is to make a cube. It gives you a good
overview of how big your countertop will be and how to build it.
Once this is done you may want to make a top part a bit different to give it a better look. As you know
then traditional kitchen countertops have the top part made out of marble or metal, and it is usually
slightly wider than rest of the countertop.
As said at the beginning then countertops are really easy to make, so only thing to add now are the
shelves and you are done with your basic outlines.
Once this is done you can start painting your countertop. I decided to go for a wooden one and make a top
part out of metal or something similar to this to make my life a bit easier. If you are interested in making
something similar then I have also added color codes.
If you want then you can also add some decorations to make it a bit more interesting.
And once you are done with this then you have your pixel kitchen countertop.
How to make a pixel nightstand
This time we will learn how to make a pixel nightstand.
Next step would be to mark the top of the nightstand so we would know where to finish with the bottom
Take another color and draw the basic line for one of the corners.
Continue with the same line and change all the corners.
If you have finished with that then you can erase all lines you don't need.
If you zoom out normal size now then you can see the end result. There are 2 results. First one is with the
border, second one isn't.
How to Make Pixel Curtains
In this Pixel Art tutorial we will learn how to make some pixel curtains.
First, as always, you should make a little box.
After this is done, you should change the bottom part. Instead of doing it 2x1 -2x1, you should now make
it 3x1 - lxl -3x1 -lxl. Im sure that we need to zoom in here.
Now make a line go up from every lxl pixel thingy.
Ok, now the hardest part is done as we have all the lines we need. Only thing to do now is to color it and
add some things that we didn't add before. I also moved my top orange part about 2 pixels to left. And
then we are done! You can always add more things and even textures to make it better but here it is!
After we have finished that we can continue with a lower part. As you can see the box helped us a lot
because it showed where the borders should be.
And if you erase the box then you will have a finished flowerpot.
Lets add some colors. The darker border is #812fl6 and the other border is #ea9880. The main color for
this pot is #b8411f.
But we should add a little gradient look to it, so it would be smoother. Lets add 3 new colors: #cf4923 ;
#de5e38 and #e27454.
But we should connect those colors somehow. Thats why we use dithering. That will make the pot
If you want then you can add some more things to it to make it interesting.
And if you zoom out to normal size now then you can see the final result.
How to make a pixel lamp
In this part we will learn how to make a pixel lamp.
As always we will start with a pixel cube. Don't make it too big because it will be a small object at the
After you have finished with the cube we will continue with the main parts of the pixel lamp.
Here you can see how to make a top part. Basically we use normal pixel lines, only difference is that we
use vertical pixel lines rather than horizontal.
Lets paint the lamp now. We will start from the bottom. The darkest border is #675f5f and the other one
is #dbd7d7. Main color for left side is #a79e9e and main color for right side is #928989.
If the bottom part is done then we can continue with a top part. Border color is #548e31. And the other
colors are #61a538 ; #69b43d ; #70bf40; #82c758 and #adda92.
Only thing to do now is to zoom it out to normal size and we are finished.
How to make a pixel eminem
This time we learn how to make a pixel eminem.
As we will make only the head then we should start with basic lines. Imagine how the head should be and
try to draw it.
As nose is the center part of the face then it would be a good idea to start with that because then it will
be easier to draw other parts of the face.
Now when we have finished with nose we can add eyes. And as you can see it is now much easier if we
know where the nose and the center part of the face is.
If the face and eyes are done then we can continue with mouth. Remember that the lower lip should be
larger than the top one.
Lets move on with ears. As you have to give ears a lot of depth then it would be hard to draw the exact
image right away. Thats why I only added few lines so it would be easier to draw it later.
And finally we will add a line for hair, so we know where to stop with the face.
Now its time to take out colors and start to paint. I decided to start with ear. But as I wasn't sure about
the face color then I did those ears with random color, so I could just repaint them later. So don't take this
color too seriously.
Then I decided to add a face color, but again its totally random. I just wanted to have some helping lines.
You don't have to take those colors so seriously at the beginning because for example I always change my
beginning colors.
After that I decided to try my luck with nose.
That was actually a lot of work because you have to get those right colors. I'm not gonna give you color
codes this time because I used 63 colors to make eminem and it would take too much time. But lets
continue with eyes now.
Here we go, we have a end result now. As the face was so big then I didn't want to zoom it in all the time
because thr tutorial is long enough anyway. But as I think its hard to understand like this then I will zoom
it in one time and I will explain what I did.
So here is the end result zoomed in. As you can see I used a lot of dithering style with skin so that it
would make the skin much more smoother while using less colors. But its also a bit harder because if
youuse less colors then you have to be able to make it smooth enough. There is no certain technique how
to lay all those pixels so I can't give you the exact tutorial but as you can see I tried to make circles with
all those colors so it would give more depth. But in some areas like nose and top of the lips I didn't use
dithering so much, thats because I needed more vertical lines there.
If we continue with hair then you can see that I used 4 colors. One is the base color and with other I tried
to make almost vertical lines.
I guess you have to look pictures more than my text and I give you one tip. If you see some good pictures
then you can copy it, paste it into the paint and zoom in. Then you can see the exact technique how
something is done and its great for learning. After you are done you can just delete the picture from your
How to Make Pixel Text
In this part I will show you how to make 3D text in pixel art. But before we can start, we should first make
some guidelines for our future text. So I made 2 orange lines. These lines will show how high should my
text be.
Now we are ready to go. I decided to write PIXEL ART, so I have to start with letter P. It is important that
your letters are with same size. So you should measure your avarage letter width before you start. I made
a little box for that and wrote the first letter.
Finally I have my P shape. Only thing to do now is to add some guidelines and make it more like an actual
P. It is always easier to start with square as then you get the basic idea and after that you can add more
And the non-isometric P is ready. Next step would be to get that 3D effect. To do that we just have to
make it isometric. Most of my previous tutorials have been about isometric pixel art. So If you have seen
my previous tutorials then it shouldn't be too hard for you to make the 3D effect. We just need to add
some depth.
Now we kinda have our first letter. We can do other letters using the same tehnique. We just have to
remember some imortant things like width and 3D effect. So, lets move on, now without comments.
Ok, we are done with first 3 letters. As you can see it shouldn't be too hard to follow. If you don't know
where to start your image or end then you can always make some guidelines like I have done here.
Knowing where the center piece of the letter is helped me a lot. Maybe you also noticed that I changed
letter P a bit as it seemed to be too big. Lets continue.
And the first word is done. I skipped some steps with E and L as these were easy. Second word shouldn't
be hard aswell as A reminds me X, R is like a P and T is like I or L. So I will skip some steps again as there
is a height limit for files here.
Here is the finished result. I would say it looks quite ok for a 3D pixel text. But theres stil something
missing, for example colors and texture. So now we will add both of them, I decided to go with brick
texture. Ill take letter P and show you how I did my brick texture, for that I will zoom it in.
Only thing to do now is to paint other letters using same tehnique and you are done. :)