Please Also Read The Notes Below of This Plan!!!: BB Bench Press
Please Also Read The Notes Below of This Plan!!!: BB Bench Press
Please Also Read The Notes Below of This Plan!!!: BB Bench Press
DAY #1:
BB Bench Press
Pendlay Row
Barbell Curl
DB Shrug
DAY #2:
Leg Press
Sumo Deadlift
Standing Calf Raise
Abs Movement 1
Abs Movement 2
DAY #4:
Pull UP
Rowing with DB
Triceps Kickbacks
DAY #5:
Leg Press
Sumo Deadlift
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Standing Calf Raise
Abs Movement 1
Abs Movement 2
DAY #6 = Rest
DAY #7 = Rest or optional LISS Cardio 20 Minutes ( you can do this at home too)
all sets are WORKING SETS, if you need to do LIGHT warm up sets, then just do warm
the rest-time between sets with higher rep range 8-12 are 1-2minutes
rest time of heavy sets of 5 reps you can rest as long as you want to until you feel confident enough to get back to your wo
the reps represent an individual weight for you. So you have to choose a correct w
again: you always want to use the heaviest weight possible to only be able to do the required reps for your wo
remember: you always want to hit the reps with new heavier weights then before
if you need instructions how to perform those exercises, i suggest you to watch youtube of "Sc
sets reps
5 5 BB= BarBell
3 6-8
3 6-8
5 5
5 6
3 6-8
4 15-20
3 8-12
3 12
3 8-12
3 8-12
3 6-8
3 8-12
3 8-12
f you need to do LIGHT warm up sets, then just do warm up sets, but they dont count as wor
ep range 8-12 are 1-2minutes
rest as long as you want to until you feel confident enough to get back to your working set
dual weight for you. So you have to choose a correct weight to hit the reps and be focusing
aviest weight possible to only be able to do the required reps for your working set!!! Maybe you will get weaker from se
ps with new heavier weights then before
perform those exercises, i suggest you to watch youtube of "Scott Herman". He explains everything pre
the neutral grip is same effective, but helps you to prevent shoulder injuries