Business Research Methods
Business Research Methods
Business Research Methods
1. Literature review
Kamal and Hanif (2009) studied the various factors of job satisfaction
among different commercial bankers in Pakistan. They used to statistical
techniques like regression and correlation to gauge level significance for
the factor. The findings of the study were pay has been considered as the
major factor for job satisfaction, and other factors like promotion,
recognition, job involvement and commitment are also taken into
consideration. Job satisfaction is an attitude of an employee over a period
of his job, so the factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction changes over the
period. It is used as a key factor to gauge the performance of particular
employee and organisation. Satisfied employees are more likely to be
friendly and responsive which attracts customers. Dissatisfied employees
can lead to customer dissatisfaction.
1. Singh, M and Pestonjee, D M (1990), “Job Involvement, Sense of
Participation and Job Satisfaction: A Study in Banking Industry”; Indian
Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 159-165.
2. Balgir, A S (1991) “Factors for Continued Long Service of Indian
Managers”, IndianManagement, Vol. 30, No.6, pp. 8-11.
3. Chileshe, Nicholas and Haupt, Thodore C (2009), The effect of age on
the job satisfaction of construction workers, Journal of Engineering,
Design and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 107-118.
4. Ahsan, Nilufar, (2009) A Study of Job Stress on Job Satisfaction
among University staff in Malaysia: Empirical Study, European Journal
of Social Science, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.121-131.
Accessed on 8/3/2012.
5. Kamal, Yasir and Hanif, Fawad, (2009), Pay and Satisfaction: A
Comparative Analysis of Different Pakistani Commercial Banks; Social
Science Research Network.
6. Khalid, Salman, (2010), Job Satisfaction Among Bank Employees in
Punjab, Pakistan: a comparative Study, Journal of Social Science, Vol.
17, No.4, pp. 570- 577.
7. Rane, D B (2011), Employee Job Satisfaction: An Essence of
Organisation, HRM Review, Vol. XI, no. 7, pp. 11-16.
8. Raghunath Reddy, P and Krishna Sudheer, A, (2011), A Study on
Employee Involvement & Job Satisfaction in Indian Corporate Sector;
IJEMR, Vol.1, Issue: 6.
9. Natarajan, Kumar Cdr (2012) Relationship of personal and
organisational Values with Job satisfaction; Journal of Management
Research, Vol. 12, Issue: 2, pp. 75-82.