Unleash The Power Within - Upw 2018 - Alice Notes - Complete Version
Unleash The Power Within - Upw 2018 - Alice Notes - Complete Version
Unleash The Power Within - Upw 2018 - Alice Notes - Complete Version
Day 1:
“There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make
any Vision, Dream, or Desire a Reality. My Life’s quest has been awaken this force and help
each of us to remember and use the unlimited power that resides within us all.”
~ Tony Robbins
- Mindset is the one that can change our energy, not food or Sleep
- Competition in Latin is Inspires together
- Control your destiny is your Decision, the decision is those which change your life not
- What you get will not make you Happy, but what you become will make you very Happy
or Sad.
- Motivation without Strategy is just like Chicken running around with it’s head being cut-
- At the highest energy mode, you’ll retained more and you’ll used more, Train yourself to
build the Habit to keep the high energy from time to time
- Resources is never a problem, our Lack of resourcefulness (emotion, Creativity, Passion,
Caring, determination, Love & etc) is the Real Problem!!!. Anything you want for our life,
if you are resourcefulness enough, you can always find a way to get it and make you
- People Live their life between what they Desire Most and what they Fear Most
The Molders of Meaning: The Triad (The Tipping Point)
To really take on your own life, you need to know your own pattern
The Source of all emotion is a constellation of 3 Forces:
(1) A Pattern of Physiology How you use your physical body, your posture, movement &
even breathing (Actions says more than words), emotion are creates by motion, the way
you move will change how you feel.
(2) A pattern of Focus Whatever you Focus on, you’ll Feel
-Once you believe your thought, it’ll control you
(3) A Pattern of Language/Meaning The words we use will changes the meaning we
The Most important decision is to live in a beautiful State, as life is too short to suffer 😊
Focus State Physiology Action Behavior
- A nice Person can be Mean if He/She is in a Mean/Bad State
- Energy + Strategy will helps you to Change
- How you use certainty by your body & Focus in your mind?
- By changing your Body Movement (physiology) + What you Focus (State) You can
control the certainty
- How to Change your Focus? By asking the Right/Good/Quality Question 😊
Processing Fears:
(1) What is your Greatest Fear?
(2) What benefit has this Fear Given you in the past?
(3) Why be FREE of this Fear Now?
FEAR: Fuck Everything And Run / False Evidence Appearing Real
- In order for Human Being to Survive, we need a lot of LOVE
- You need 90 second rules to change our state when you are in a bad state, by changing
ur body movement, & focus (By thinking what makes you feel Love, grateful &
- Progress = Happiness
- Everything in this universe is either GROWTH or Dying.
- 3 things that Causes Suffering, the FEAR of
(1) Loss
(2) Less
(3) Never
Day 2:
“There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make
any Vision, Dream, or Desire a Reality. My Life’s quest has been awaken this force and help
each of us to remember and use the unlimited power that resides within us all.”
~ Tony Robbins
- Coaches might not be better in what they are coaching but they can see & lead you to
the right direction.
4 words that will activate your memory of this entire event:
(1) Perception
(2) Physiology
(3) Rapport (Connecting with other people, easily communicate with them and move them
to the direction you want them to)
(4) Strategy (consistently producing the results)
The Power of BELIEFS:
A Belief is a feeling of Certainty about what something means.
Everything in our life is shape by belief our belief of certainty
3 Beliefs for lasting Success:
(1) It Must Change Now
(2) I Must Change it Now
(3) I Can Change it Now
Remember: The Past doesn’t equal to the Future unless you live there.
- You only fail when you quit, as you will always learn something even if you fail.
- Training never stop when you want an extraordinary life.
- What have stop you from getting Progress? All progress come from breaking the pattern
- Only 2 things change you, Pleasure & Pain, people do more to avoid Pain.
- Whatever you believe you are, you will become who you believe you are!
The 5 to Thrive:
X Factor:
X Factor is a unique thing about you, is your success factor of your business.
3 Things that can hold you back are:
(1) Failure to Anticipate the road ahead
(2) Lack of Follow through
(3) Your own Psychology/Mindset
The Power of mastering your business:
The 4 core forces that all Business need:
(1) The power of Top Line Acceleration
(2) The power of Bottom line Growth
(3) The power of Strategic innovation
(4) The power of breakthrough Marketing
7 Keys to Business Mastering:
(1) Know where you really are and create an effective business map
(2) Constant strategic innovation: Product, services & delivery
(3) CANI of world-class Marketing & Product Promises: USP (Unique Selling Proposition),
Value Added Marketing & Core Story
(4) CANI of Sales mastering system
(5) Constant anticipation: The power of Financial & Legal analysis
(6) Constant optimization & Maximization: People/Culture & Processes/Execution
(7) Constantly create Raving Fans & Culture
- Be a team player
- Power moves to those who deserve it
- You feel care because you have the connection with them
- You can meet your basic needs by helping others
- Human will do more for others more than they do for themselves (E.g. A Parent loves to
their child)
- Wealth come from 2 things: Caring & Creativity, it doesn’t come from Money!!!
4 Level of LOVE:
Level 1: You demand Love
Level2: You give love in order to get something
Level 3 You love because that’s who you are, so that you feel rich
Lovel 4: You love unconditionally even if you experience pain.
- Life is not about Battle, Life is all about LOVE!
- People life is direct reflection of your peer group
- Love your family but choose your peer group
- “Proximity is POWER!”
- Fina a team that will challenge you not the one who only support you even they know
you are going in the wrong direction.
The Magic of Rapport:
- Rapport means Total responsiveness of people, is a relationship of responsiveness
- Most people only get rapport to people who looks like themselves
- Rapport Is created by feeling of commonality
- Matching & Mirroring (Words, Tone, Speed, Motion, Eyes contact, way of breathing &
- People likes people who are like themselves or who they would like to be
- Style is more important than substance initially
- Touch & Proximity are Huge
Day 3:
“There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make
any Vision, Dream, or Desire a Reality. My Life’s quest has been awaken this force and help
each of us to remember and use the unlimited power that resides within us all.”
~ Tony Robbins
There is a hierarchy that creates peak performance and fulfillment. If you don’t master your
body-your capacity to maximize your health, energy and vitality-all the money, career success,
or contribution in the world will be worthless. You can’t experience an extraordinary quality of
life without the vehicle that’s going to help you create it.
- Work is work.
- Career provides more rewards.
- Mission fuels you with constant energy and keeps giving more.
Wheel of Life:
No matter how accomplished or happy we are, we all have areas of our life that could use some
improvement – and in most cases, different amounts of improvement. The Wheel of Life is a
way to take a good, hard look at each facet of your life, and rate its relative quality level, so you
can uncover which areas need more attention than others.
(1) Physical Body
(2) Emotions & Meaning
(3) Relationships
(4) Time
(5) Work/Career/Mission
(6) Finances
(7) Celebrate & Contribute
- Learning is a creation of a relationship between the known and the unknown.
- Strategy is a specific way of organizing your resources in order to consistently produce a
specific Result.
Ingredients for Human Emotional Recipes: Five Senses/Modalities
1. Visual
2. Auditory
3. Kinestetic
4. Olfactory
5. Gustatory
The training never ends, if you stop training, you stop growing.
(2) Get a coach to hold you accountable & give you strategic ongoing feedback
(3) Daily Prime Time & Net Time (10min Twice a day), Read & Listen to inspiring
transformational contents If you don’t feed your mind, your mind will feel weak., Out
decision Control/Change our life, Our State Control our Decision, therefore we got to
stay in beautiful state. Our Decision can be Prime, Plan, Schedule beforehand.
- Important of Priming: Priming Is preparing your brain in getting what you really want.
When there are some predictable person/Situation makes you feel bad/sad/angry, you
prime yourselves to feel happy/Funny/Feel Good, you train your brain to change your
state to a beautiful state.
- If you do a good job in today’s society, you’re fired.
- Certainty = No Inner Conflict
- Comfort (the path of least resistance) will never make you proud. Comfort does not =
- Raise Your Standards - Change Your Life!
- Peak State = More Powerful Decisions
- “There is nothing a person does that is not an attempt to meet their needs.”
- The only things to change your life is by raising your standard (Your Identity), you got to
raise your standard to be completely “Outstanding”
- The only thing works for higher standard is our “Heart”, the heart will makes us go
through all the limitation and makes our standards works!
Values & Beliefs:
2 things control our life more than anything:
(1) Our Belief
(2) Our Value
Values are the emotional states that we believe are Most important to either Experience or
2 Targets:
(1) Towards Value
Those Emotion value that you want so much on that, that you move towards them
E.g. Comfort, Love, Security, Freedom, success, connection, adventure, passion,
(2) Away Value
Emotion value that you feel so painful that you want to move away from it
E.g. Rejection, failure, anger, loneliness, loss, depress, hopeless, fear, doubt, hate
There is nothing a person does that is not an attempt to meet their needs
2 Types of Beliefs
(1) Global – (is, am, are) affects your view of everything in life
(2) Rules – (If… Then) Life is…. People are…. I am….
- Your beliefs will determine whether you reach/get your value or not
- Seek & he shall find
- Man is what he Believes
- We find what we belief for, that’s how powerful on our Belief System
- All belief carry with them consequences:
o Positive Belief brings Positive consequences
o Negative Belief brings Negative consequences
The Dickens Process:
(1) Identify limiting beliefs that have been producing unwanted or negative consequences.
What negative consequences have you already experienced as a result of this belief?
(2) Cross out limiting belief and then write your new empowering belief.
- Blood is the river of life, transports oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues and
eliminates waste.
- The lymph system works closely with the circulatory system as it cleans and returns
tissue fluid to the blood and destroys toxins that enter the body.
- Lymph = elimination of toxins, primary immune defense, waste eliminator system.
- True source of disease is the accumulation of toxins in your bloodstream.
“Disease is due to a deficiency of force.” - Dr. Isaac Jennings
4 Avenues for Eliminating Toxins:
(1) Skin
(2) Bowels
(3) Urinary Tract
(4) Lungs/Respiratory Tract
3 Causes for Buildup of Toxins in Bloodstream:
(1) Taking in more than you can eliminate
(2) Biochemical Additives
(3) Overly Acidic Diet
Disease occurs when more tearing down than building up is occurring in your system.
The Cause of my Pain is rarely the Source
5 Source of Disease:
(1) Autointoxicate
(2) Chemical Poisoning
(3) Nerve impingement
(4) Physical Ruptute
(5) Destructive Mindset & Negative thoughts.
8 Gifts
(1) Vital Breathing & Lymphasizing
(2) Living Water & Live Foods 70% water rich foods
(3) Essential Oils Udos Oil
(4) Alkalinity Greens, super greens or Lemon + water
(5) Aerobic Energy & Power Do at least 6 times/10 days (Warm up 5~7min,
Workout 30min, cool down 5~7min)
(6) Maximum Nourishment
(7) Structural Alignment & Maximum Strength Yoga, Alignment, Stretching
(8) Directed Mind & Power of the Heart Meditation (1.5hr/day)
4 Poisons
(1) Processed Fats
(2) Animal Flesh
(3) Dairy Products
(4) Acid Addictions
The most important component to human health and vitality is oxygen. Oxygen produces ATP
and without ATP our bodies would immediately shut down.
Rebounding = 5 minutes every morning on trampoline = massaging cells
- Cleansing cells
- Builds physical cellular strength, protects against degenerative disease
- Improved posture, vascularity, muscle tone, timing, vision, coordination, balance,
rhythm, energy
- Resist the earth’s pull and gravity becomes a force for good on your entire body
- Improve tone and quality of muscles itself
- Free-flowing lymphatic drainage system
- Flooding your cells with oxygen
Every time you reach for food, ask yourself “Will this cleanse me..or clog me?”
70% of your diet should consist of water-rich foods, which allows you to cleanse itself.
Essential Oils
Essential fatty acids are healthy or healing fats.
Omega 3 & Omega 6 must be consumed to survive.
Aerobic Energy
Fitness - physical ability to perform athletic activity
Health - state in which all of the body is working optimally
Aerobic means with oxygen, moderate exercise sustained over a period of time, builds health.
Anaerobic means without oxygen, short bursts of power, builds muscle.
Proper digestion is corrupted by the use of condiments, vinegar, alcohol, tobacco, soft drinks,
tea, coffee and iced drinks.
Emotional flooding: flood ourselves with positive memories. Close your eyes, embody with
emotional intensity the feelings of love, joy, fun and passion. Flood yourself with images,
emotions, sounds, feelings, textures. Stack one great memory on top of another.
Poison of Acid Addictions: allows the growth of virus, bacteria, yeast and fungus
Solution? Like alkaline foods: dark green and yellow vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, grains
Avoid Caffeine, Sugar, Nicotine, Alcohol, Whites, Vinegar, Drugs.
Caffeine stimulates adrenal glands, affects cardiovascular system, links to cancer, restlessness.
Sugar must be avoided, very acidic, is like glue in your body.
Nicotine creates risk of diseases and cancer.
Alcohol kills thousands of brain cells with every drink.
Whites spike blood sugar.
Vinegar puts a strain on functioning of arteries and heart.
Meditation is to Prolong awareness of What you want, a simple experience of nothing you
experience Stillness.