Sewage Odour Control - The Singapore Experience
Sewage Odour Control - The Singapore Experience
Sewage Odour Control - The Singapore Experience
Lawrence C C Koe
Director, Environmental Engineering Research Centre
50 Nanyang Avenue, Nanyang Technological University
Singapore 639798
Odour nuisance has become a major environmental issue worldwide with increasing
public demand for better control of odorous emissions from municipal wastewater
treatment facilities, chicken farms, chemical plants and other industrial works. Odour
annoyance affects the population directly and there is a trend that more and more people
are becoming less tolerable with obnoxious odour emissions. Bad smell is often regarded
as an indicator for possible health risks. In Singapore, much investment has been placed
on the prevention of nuisance odour emissions from all the public-owned wastewater
treatment plants and continuing research has been put into the development of better and
more cost-effective odour control procedures. The local authorities have invested
significantly in covering up their existing waste treatment process units and treating all
captured sewage air by a variety of technologies such as chemical scrubbers and
activated carbon towers. Recently, a new biotrickling filter technology was developed and
trial tested at a local wastewater plant and results from the past 3 years of operation
indicate an extremely cost-effective biological way of treating sewage odour. Singapore’s
odour control experience from the use of the traditional chemical and activated carbon
systems to this latest biotrickling filter technology is discussed and presented here.
The nuisance impact of air pollutant emissions from water reclamation plants (WRPs) is a
major issue of concern to the Singapore environment authority. Currently, all WRPs in
Singapore have been covered to prevent odour emissions to ambient air. The covered
odorous emissions are collected and treated by a variety of chemical scrubbers followed
by activated carbon towers. Although chemical scrubbers provide high odour removal
efficiencies, they are also costly in terms of recurrent chemical cost and dangerous in view
of the need to handle vast quantities of chemical solutions. Due to inherent operation and
maintenance issues related to fluctuating airflows, deterioration of chemical pumping and
dosing systems etc, chemical scrubbers typically provide pollutant removal efficiencies in
the range of 95 to 99%. In terms of odour, chemical scrubbers can reduce the overall
odour by about 80 to 90% although significant chemical odour at the exhaust can often be
detected if there is excessive dosing of chemicals.
Over the last decade, research (1-3) has shown that a special blend of bio-culture of the
genus Thiobacillus is effective in adsorbing odorous hydrogen sulphide, a principal
component of sewage air. By immobilising the bacteria onto the surface of packing
material in a biological reactor, it is possible to develop an efficient biotrickling filter for
treatment of sewage air. When sewage air passes through the biotrickling filter, the biofilm
of pollutant degrading microorganisms will aerobically degrade the absorbed pollutants.
The technology has been experimented under lab conditions, field tested and is now
commercially implemented under the brand name of AroBIOSTM by a spin-off university
company, Aromatrix Pte Ltd. The technology has since been licensed and implemented in
USA and Australia.
The existing chemical wet scrubber uses two commonly available alkali solutions, namely
sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite as the scrubbing solutions. The main parts of
the filter include an acrylic tower column, a 300×300×300 mm recirculation sump, a spray
nozzle with an orifice diameter of 0.045 mm, a vortex blower of 900 L/min maximum
capacity, and a water recirculation pump of 1.2 L/min maximum capacity. The diameter
(D) and length (L) of the packing column are 0.08 metre and 2 metres respectively. The
packing material used in the packed tower was 75 mm Intalox Snowflake packing. A
schematic diagram of the pilot-scale chemical scrubber is presented in Figure 1.
Before the commencement of the conversion process, several factors such as the bacteria
for H2S treatment, the packing material in the filter column and the type of recirculation
solution to be used were considered. As the pilot scrubber was initially designed for
chemical scrubbing, some parts of the scrubber, such as the orifice of the spray nozzle
and other fittings were modified to suit the use and purpose of a biotrickling filter.
The most important factor to be considered was perhaps the type of bacteria to be used.
The bacteria used in the study belong to the Thiobacillus sp., - a natural sulphur-oxidising
bacterium that is present in sanitary sewer systems and treatment plants. It is not
recorded as a pathogenic bacterium according to the Cambridge World History of Human
Disease (4). Biodegradation of H2S gas produces sulphuric acid, which will eventually
depress the pH of the recirculating liquid. Since the pH environment is likely to be acidic, it
is vital to select a type of species that is most acid tolerant. The bacteria seed selected
was isolated from activated sludge using selective culture medium at a local WRP(5). A
SEM photo of the bacterium is shown in Figure 2.
Packing Liquid
medium Packing flow
column meter
sampling Foul gas Outlet
Flow port inlet sampling
valve Water
Sewage air pump
Another important factor to be considered was the packing material to be used in the filter
column. The selection of an appropriate packing media was primarily based on the
specific surface area of the media. A larger specific surface area of the packing media
would allow for more biofilm growth over the media surface in a given volume, thereby
leading to higher H2S removal. The plastic packing medium “Snowflake” from Intalox that
was used in the chemical reactor has a specific area of 92 m2/m3. From previous works
conducted by Koe and Yang (5), plastic “Pall Ring” from Jaeger Products, INC. (nominal
size of 5/8”) having a specific surface area of 354 m2/m3 was found to be suitable for
biotrickling filtration applications. Laboratory scale experiments conducted by Koe and
Yang using “Pall Ring” as the packing media could achieve high H2S removals.
Manufacturer’s data also showed that pressure loses due to “Pall Ring” are not likely to be
excessive and would probably approximate to “Snowflakes” as both have been used
extensively in industrial chemical scrubbers. As such, the original “Snowflake” packing
was replaced with “Pall Ring” as the packing medium for the converted BTF.
Unlike chemical scrubbers, the recirculation solution in a BTF is not only used as a
medium for gas transfer, but also a source of necessary nutrients and moisture for the
inoculated microorganisms. Effluent from the secondary sedimentation tanks of a WRP
was used as the recirculation solution for the converted biotrickling filter to provide the
required nutrients at a low cost. The recirculation solution is also used to buffer sudden pH
changes. The characteristics of the secondary effluent from the WRP are listed in Table 2.
The sprays used in the original chemical scrubber were of a mist type having an orifice
size of approximately 0.045 mm, located at the top of the scrubber tower. There was,
however, a concern that during the operation of the BTF, shreds of biomass produced by
the microorganisms might plug up the nozzle, thus preventing inflow of the recirculation
solution. To avoid this, the mist nozzle was replaced with a non-clogging full cone nozzle.
As the recirculation solution in the BTF is likely to be acidic, several copper fittings in the
original caustic scrubber were replaced with either stainless steel or plastic make. The
original packing column and sump were made of acrylic and is not expected to corrode in
the anticipated low pH environment.
The conversion process began with the thorough flushing of the chemical scrubber using
acid solution and secondary effluent from the WRP. This flushing ensured the thorough
cleansing of former traces of alkali scales from previous chemical applications, which may
affect the growth of acidophilus bacterium Thiobacillus.
After flushing, the BTF was set into an “acclimatisation and immobilisation” phase by
recirculating enriched Thiobacillus sp secondary effluent while passing 10 – 50 ppm H2S
gas through the BTF column. The acclimatisation and immobilisation stage was conducted
at a laboratory to ensure that there was sufficient bacteria growth in the BTF prior to
conducting the field experiments at the local WRP. After running for 80 days, the
acclimatisation and immobilisation stage was considered completed as the BTF could
achieve H2S removal efficiency of greater than 90% at a 3 s empty-bed gas residence
time (GRT).
The BTF was then deployed at the Odour Treatment Facility at a local WRP. The inlet
sewage air stream was drawn from the primary sedimentation process. Filtered secondary
effluent was topped up batch-wise into the sump to set initial pH conditions and provide
the necessary nutrients for bacterial growth. The GRT was decreased from 30 s to 3 s
stepwise in the following manner: 30 s, 15 s, 7.5 s, 5 s, 4 s, to 3 s. The operating
conditions are summarised in Table 3. Several experiences and observations during the
field test were described as follows.
The H2S removal efficiencies during the field experiments are shown in Figure 3. At GRTs
more than 4 seconds, the average outlet H2S concentrations were less than 0.5 ppm. The
corresponding inlet H2S concentration ranged from 0.2 to 20 ppm. It should be noted that
numerically lower H2S efficiency levels instances at GRTs more than 4 seconds were
largely due to very low inlet H2S concentrations. At GRT of 3 to 4 seconds, the system
began to exhibit some instability at higher inlet H2S concentrations. The results suggested
that the performance of the system was sensitive to the inlet H2S concentration when
operating at very low GRTs, which may indicate that the system could be reaching its
loading capacity. The presence of other sewage gases (VOCs) could also have affected
the performance of the converted pilot-scale BTF.
Since the proposed converted BTF was to potentially replace the chemical scrubbers for
odour control, it was important to investigate the odour removal ability of the converted
BTF. Figure 4 shows the inlet and outlet odour concentrations as well as the odour
removal efficiencies of the BTF. Majority of the odour removal efficiencies of the BTF
ranged from 50% to 87%. Typical outlet odour concentrations of the treated sewage gas
ranged from 512 sou/m3 to 5,800 sou/m3 when inlet odour concentrations varied from
5,800 to 46,000 sou/m3. From Figure 4 it was noted that the low efficiencies were related
to low inlet odour concentrations rather than high outlet odour concentrations. The
average odour removal efficiency for inlet odour concentrations of more than 20,000
sou/m3 was about 75%. The residual odour may be due to the presence of VOCs that
were not degraded efficiently in the biological process.
ppm to 75 ppm, the H2S removal efficiency recovered after one and half hours. When inlet
H2S concentration was adjusted back to 20 ppm, the system recovered to 88% H2S
removal. This result suggested that the converted BTF was able to react and respond
fairly quickly to variations in H2S loading in a typical diurnal loading cycle.
20 100%
18 90%
H2S concentration (ppm)
Figure 3 H2S removal efficiency with step-wise reduction in gas residence time
100,000 100%
90,000 90%
Odour concentrations (ou/m3)
80,000 80%
Odour removal efficiency
70,000 70%
60,000 60%
50,000 50%
40,000 40%
30,000 30%
20,000 20%
10,000 10%
0 0%
15 23 31 39 45 53 59 65 72 78 87
Running Days
GRT=30s 15s 7.5s 5s 4s 3s
Inlet concentration Removal efficiency
100 100%
90 90%
H2S inlet concentration
50 decreased
40 40%
30 30%
20 20%
10 10%
0 0%
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
GRT = 5 s Sampling time (mins)
Some experiences gained in the use of the AroBIOS technology in the lab and pilot scale
experiments described above were applied to the conversion of an existing multi stage
chemical scrubber with airflow of 200 m3/min. A number of operational challenges that
were encountered during the conversion project are briefly discussed here. Currently, the
chemical scrubber has been fully converted to a biotrickling filter operating at full flow
capacity. It is able to achieve a consistent high performance of exceeding 97% H2S
removal at a short gas residence time of 7 seconds. The influent sewage off-gas contains
high levels of H2S ranging from 50 to 60 ppm.
During the conversion process, it was discovered that scrubber packing material had
significant influence on the performance of the biotrickling filter. The original packing
material used in the chemical scrubber was found unsuitable for bioscrubbing applications
because of its low specific surface area. It was then replaced with a new composite
packing material with much higher specific surface area. After replacement, the composite
packing outperformed the original packing with an H2S removal efficiency of more than
90% compared to the previous efficiency of 44% at 9 seconds GRT.
During a normal field performance operation, the biotrickling filter encountered system
shocks. It was due to rapid build-up of undesirable metabolic products and an increase of
acidity in the recirculation liquid. By flushing the packing in the horizontal biotrickling filter
with filtered effluent water and reducing the H2S loading (higher GRT) for a period of one
day, the biotrickling filter could recover from the shock in less than 48 hours.
Further investigations showed that regular discharge and replacement of recirculation
liquid were essential in maintaining stable and high performance of the biotrickling filter.
This helped in reducing build-up of metabolic products that would affect stability of the
biotrickling filter.
The converted biotrickling filter has been subjected to various testing scenarios such as
shock H2S loading, system overhaul, interruption of feeds, and interruption of liquid
recirculation. The study has also shown that the converted biotrickling filter was robust,
with only 2 – 3 days of recovery period from system upsets and downtimes.
Biotrickling filtration is a cost effective and environmentally friendly technology that treats
H2S without the use of any chemical reactants. This cheap and intrinsically safe
technology has been effectively deployed for sewage air treatment at municipal
wastewater treatment plants in Singapore. Significant savings particularly from the non-
use of chemicals and easier operation and maintenance requirements can be obtained.
Singapore has gone through a series of experiences from lab-scale testing to on-site field
testing of the biotrickling filter technology. To-date, results have indicated very promising
application of the technology for treating odorous sewage air. It is envisage that soon, this
technology will replace all chemical scrubbers worldwide.
(1) Wu, L. (2000) Using Biotrickling Filter to Treat Odorous Sewage Off-Gas, Thesis for Master of
Engineering, National University of Singapore. pp 80.
(2) Ong, L.C. (2001) Conversion of Chemical Scrubber to Fixed-film Bioscrubber, Thesis for Bachelor of
Engineering, National University of Singapore. pp 76.
(3) Zhou, D.Z. (2001), Biological Treatment of Sewage Air Using a Horizontal Biotrickling Filter, Thesis
for Master of Engineering, National University of Singapore.
(4) Kenneth F. K. (1993) The Cambridge World History of Human Disease, Cambridge University Press,
pp 1171.
(5) Koe, L.C.C. and Yang, F.H. (1999) Development of a Fixed-film Bioscrubber for Hydrogen Sulphide
Removal, Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 72nd Annual Conference and Exposition,
New Orleans, LA. October.