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A Study of Methods To Solve Complex Spur Gear Problems IJERTV2IS70699

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

A Study Of Methods To Solve Complex Spur Gear Problems

Dr. M. S. Murthy
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Indore Institute of Science and technology, Indore, India

Ishan Patel
PG Scholar, Mechanical Engineering, Indore Institute of Science and technology, Indore, India

Abstract the number is more than seventeen then, trochoidal root

fillet is suggested. A detailed review of the various
Gear is an important part of power transmission methods used in tooth root fillet profile optimisation is
machineries. Gear tooth normally fails at its root, due carried out on spur gears and is presented in the
to excessive bending stress concentration at the fillet following paragraphs. The objective of the study is to
area of root. Many researchers worked in this area, understand the methods so used and identify the
and suggested number of methods to improve the possible improvements that could be applied to
bending strength of tooth of gear. A detailed study of improve the existing methods.
various methods employed to calculate and optimise
the critical stress of the system gear tooth root fillet 2. Methods employed by researchers
profile. Several suggestions like circular root fillet
instead of trochoidal root fillet, asymmetric involute Sankar and Nataraj [1] in their work, Profile

type as an alternative to non involute teeth etc have modification a design approach for increase in the tooth
been suggested by various authors. After going through strength in spur gear have suggested a novel method to
the entire literature it is conclude that finite element prevent the tooth failure in the spur gear by introducing
analysis using ANSYS is more popularly used by a circular root filet instead of standard trochoidal root
researchers in this area. After present study, it is filet in the gear. They carried out the analysis using
proposed that mat lab simulink may be employed in this ANSYS software version 11.0 for the existing standard
field. design gear teeth as well as the proposed design gear
teeth to evaluate the performance. In order to facilitate
1. Introduction the analysis, they considered the gear tooth as a
The gear tooth fillet is an area of maximum bending cantilever beam. They also considered the tooth force
stress concentration. However, its profile and accuracy being applied normal to the profile at the highest point
are marginally defined on the gear drawing by typically of single tooth contact.
very generous root diameter tolerance and, in some From their investigations they inferred that the gear
cases, by the minimum fillet radius, which is difficult tooth deflection in the circular root fillet is less when
to inspect. In fact, tooth bending strength improvement compared to the trochoidal root filet. They also
is usually provided by gear technology, case hardening identified that there would be considerable reduction in
and shot peening to create compressive residual stress bending stress and contact shear stress for circular root
layer, rather than gear geometry. Hence the gear tooth filet design in comparison to that of trochoidal root filet
fillet is an area that needs in depth study and analysis. design. They concluded circular root filet design is
An attempt has been made in this paper to study the more apt for less number of teeth whatever may be the
various geometries of root fillet profile like trochoidal pinion speed. The results obtained by them through the
fillet profile and circular fillet profile. Several research ANSYS analysis show that gears made of circular root
works have been published in this area and many have fillet yield better
concluded that if the gear teeth number is less than Strength thereby improves the fatigue life of the
seventeen then, circular root fillet is preferable and if gear material.
Senthil Kumar, Muni, and Muthuveerappan [2]
carried out work on optimization of asymmetric spur
gear drives to improve the bending load capacity. It is

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

known that symmetric involute gear designed through They concluded that the procedure developed by
conventional approach, the load carrying capacity is them is less laborious as there is only one set of cutters
restricted at the higher pressure angle due to tipping of standard pressure angle and module used for the
formation. The use of the asymmetric toothed gear to entire process of optimization of a given drive
improve the fillet capacity in bending is investigated in compared to the direct gear design method which
their work. They developed non-standard asymmetric involves more computational work.
rack cutters with required pressure angles and module Yong Wang [3] in his work optimized tooth profile
to generate the desired pinion and gear of a drive with based on identified gear dynamic model has suggested
asymmetric involute surfaces and trochoidal fillet a method to determine the dynamic model of a practical
profiles. They optimized the respective profiles thus gear system. This new method for the dynamic gear
generated for balanced fillet stresses that were equal system was proposed by the identification of the
and possibly the lowest also. relation between the rotational movement of gears and
For this optimization they designed a number of the acoustical noise signal measured on the gear tester.
non-standard asymmetric rack cutters to include In his experiment the input signal was taken as the
different combinations in the values of pressure angle, rotational movement is the line of action of gears and is
top land thickness ratio, profile shift, speed ratio and the acoustical noise signal as the output.
the asymmetric factors. For estimation of the parameter of the model he
For the purpose of optimization, they considered has used least square method. He has taken an example
only two non-standard asymmetric rack cutters under that the gear pair works under a certain design load and
the conditions of any drive with a given center distance rotational speed, the identified model is verified and the
and a speed ratio. One for the pinion and the other for optimized gear tooth profile modification is derived
the gear used to generate a required number of pinion based on the identified model.
and gear with different cutter shift values. The For a certain design load and rotational speed of
influence of these parameters was investigated on the the gear model, the optimized gear profile modification
maximum fillet stress to suggest the optimum values of from the identified model was derived and tested. From
these parameters that improve the fillet capacity in the obtained results he concluded that the identified
bending. dynamic model can reflect the relationship between the
They carried out the optimization of the rotational movement and the acoustical noise. The

asymmetric spur gear drive using an iterative procedure profile modification determined from his identified
on the calculated maximum fillet stresses through FEM model can apparently reduce gear noise in comparison
for different rack cutter shifts and finally suggested the to those without modification.
optimum values of rack cutter shifts for the given Costopoulos and Spitas [4] in their research studied
center distance and the speed ratio of an asymmetric the reduction of gear fillet stresses by using one-sided
gear drive. They compared their results with the results involute asymmetric teeth. This was done for
of the AGMA and the ISO codes for symmetric gears increasing load carrying capacity and to combine the
to justify the results of the finite element method good meshing properties of the driving involute and the
pertaining to their study. increased strength of non involute curves. Since there
From the obtained results they identified that the are a number of tooth designs alternative to the
peaking that occurs in the gear tooth designed through standard involute proposed for increasing the load
conventional method at higher pressure angles is carrying capacity of geared power transmissions, by
overcome by the use of an asymmetric gear drive with their studies they suggested asymmetric involute type
suitable top land thickness ratio and coast side pressure teeth as an alternative of non-involute teeth because the
angle and this they have achieved by the present non- use of non-involute teeth has a number of
standard cutter developed. They also identified that the disadvantages. The novel teeth they have to suggest
asymmetric gear drive improves the fillet load capacity were intended for constant direction of rotation
of the pinion and the gear at higher pressure angles although they can be used in a limited way for reverse
αo.d compared to the conventional symmetric gear. rotation.
In their simplified procedure only two non-standard They also have investigated the design of hob by
rack cutters that are enough to carry out the which both the flanks were completely generated.
optimization were used. It produced an equally By their research they have suggested two main
acceptable solution with marginal difference in innovative features, use of circular root fillet instead of
optimum fillet stresses compared to that were standard trochoidal fillet for the reduction of the stress
developed in the gears synthesized by direct gear concentration at the driving side and the use of a fully
design. rack or hob-generated, addendum geometry for the

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

coast side. They used finite element analysis for study with restriction for gears with transverse contact ratio
of asymmetric half-involute gear teeth and the theory of between 1 and 2, with non-undercut teeth.
gearing was used for the geometry of the proposed
gears. They obtained reduction of the maximum pinion Li[6] in his work effect of addendum on contact
fillet up to 28% in comparison to standard designs, strength, bending strength and basic performance
which means load carrying capacity of the tooth is parameters of a pair of spur gears obtained basic
increased. These results were obtained over a wide performance parameters, effect of addendum on tooth
range of number of teeth on finite element analysis. contact strength and bending strength of the spur gear.
Their proposed asymmetric design also increased the They have also made analysis of tooth load, load-
strength and pitting resistance. sharing rate, contact stress, root bending stress,
Fig 1 [4] also shows a comparison of reduction in transmission error and mesh stiffness of the spur gears.
bending stress of standard teeth with asymmetric teeth. To carry out
They have found 10-28 % reduction in tensile bending their analysis they used face-contact model of teeth,
stress. mathematical programming method and three-
dimensional finite element method simultaneously to
conduct loaded tooth contact analyses, deformation and
stress calculations of spur gears with different
addendums and contact ratio.
From the obtained results they inferred that there
was a slight change in tooth load-sharing rate if
addendum was changed and this change did not
increase number of contact teeth, and also tooth load-
sharing rate can be changed greatly, if the number of
contact teeth is increased through increasing addendum.
They also explained that, if the addendum was longer
and number of contact teeth were not changed, then
tooth contact stress and contact width were changed
slightly, but if number of contact teeth was increased

through increasing the addendum, it reduced greatly.

They have also concluded, if addendum becomes
longer and number of contact teeth is not changed then
Fig 1 shows non-dimensional bending stress (tension Mesh stiffness is reduced, but it can also be increased
side) variation for several numbers of teeth. Significant by increasing the number of contact teeth.
reduction in stress at small number of teeth (pinions) is Spitas and Costopoulos [7] carried out work on fast
noted [4]. modelling of conjugate gear tooth profiles using
Sanchez et al. [5] in their research critical stress and discrete presentation by involute segment have
load condition for bending calculation of involute spur suggested a method for the determination of conjugate
and helical gear for evaluation of the fatigue tooth root gear tooth profiles by the discreatization of the gear
stress, have used a non-uniform model of load tooth flank in involute segments. According to him the
distribution along the line of contact of spur and helical actual tooth flank is considered to be composed of
gears, obtained from the minimum elastic potential infinitesimal local involutes instead of following a
criterion. They have carried out the complete analysis point-to-point analytical approach to the problem of
of the tooth bending strength by analysing the critical determining the path of contact and the geometry of the
value of the stress and the critical load conditions. generating rack and the mating wheel, so that a closed
In their research, they have used a very simple solution can be achieved.
analytical equation for describing the load per unit The method proposed by him is simpler and faster
length at any point of the line of contact and any almost six times than standard theory of gearing.
position of the meshing cycle. The overall studies have From their investigations they inferred that the
been carried out by them on the location and the value method can be applied on both involute and non-
of the tooth-root bending stress. involute gears and can be easily programmed on a
From their studies they identified that the critical computer. The advantage of their suggested method is
fatigue tooth-root stress for spur gears will arise with that it is the replica of standard discretization of the
the tooth loaded with the total load at the outer point of tooth flank in linear segments suggested by the theory
single pair tooth contact. Their results were applicable of gearing to the discretization into infinitesimal local

IJERTV2IS70699 www.ijert.org 2175

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

involutes. Their proposed method works on simple kinematic approaches such as those applied in
analytical formula instead of calculating complex conventional formulations.
equations. Their suggested method can also be used Loutrids [10] in his research gear failure prediction
with cams and chain drive; it is easily integrate with using multi scale local statics suggested multi scale
cad software. local statistics as a tool for gear failure prediction. He
Math, Chand [8] in their work an Approach to the analyzed the Experimental data from gears with
Determination of spur gear tooth root fillet suggest a localized defects in the form of bending fatigue cracks.
method for the determination of geometry of spur gear His work was shown that second order central moments
tooth root fillet. For a spur gear without undercutting increased with defect magnitude.
developed an Equation to determine the point of His estimated procedure was carried out in the range
tangency of involute profile and root fillet on the base of scale where the defect is more prominent. He also
circle and the point of intersection of root fillet and suggested empirical law that relates variance at various
involute profile above the base circle for an undercut scales to crack magnitude.
gear. From his results he concluded that the multi scale
They also discussed generation using a hob or rack local statics only requires data from the damaged pair,
type cutter with protuberance. as to methods that are based on comparison between
From their research they developed a general signals from healthy and damaged conditions. He also
procedure to determine the Cartesian coordinates of the inferred that other than the existence of a local
trochoidal root fillet. Method proposed by them is also probability distribution around a point. Multi scale
easily programmable on computer and manual statistics make no a-priori assumptions about the nature
computation is also possible because their method has of vibration time series. He has also concluded that his
not used any iterative numerical procedure. proposed method is computationally efficient because
Rincon et al. [9] in their study “a model for the his method uses a noncritical weighing function and is
study of meshing stiffness in spur gear transmissions” based on the concept of convolution. He also inferred
showed an advanced model for the analysis of contact that his proposed method is alternative to more
forces and deformations in spur gear transmissions. complicated methods, such as those based on time–
They have formulated the deformation at each gear frequency analysis.
contact point formulated as a combination of a global Worden et.al [11] in their study natural computing

and a local term. They have used Hertzian contact for mechanical systems research: A tutorial overview
theory to derive an analytical approach for the latter, inferred that development of computational algorithms
and by the means of finite element model they obtained over the past half-century has been motivated by
the former. biological system or processes like artificial neural
They have imposed complementary and networks. These algorithms are commonly grouped
compatibility conditions, leading to a nonlinear system together under the terms soft or natural computing.
of equations subjected to inequality restrictions so that According to them the common property of all the
would be solved once the position of each gear centre is algorithms is that they allow exploration of, or learning
known. Where they have discussed the quasi-static from, data and also the property of these algorithms has
behaviour of a single stage spur gear transmission, also proven extremely valuable in the solution of many
presents a numerical example, which also shows the diverse problems in science and engineering. A tutorial
capabilities of the methodology to obtain the Loaded overview of the basic theory of some of the most
Transmission Error under several load levels as well as common methods of natural computing as applied in
some other related measures such as load ratio or the context of mechanical systems research, has been
meshing stiffness. highlighted in their work.
From their investigation they have inferred a They presented the case studies to show the
procedure to find out transmission, meshing stiffness application of some of the main algorithms.
and load ratio as well as load transmission error for From their conclusion they enlightened how natural
spur gear. The procedure that they showed also allows computing algorithms have already taken a prominent
a better representation of how the load is transferred place in the mechanical systems literature. They
between teeth pairs. They have specially enlightened provided a number of applications of many algorithms
coupling between deformations due to contact between with detailed case studies. They have also inferred as
adjacent teeth, which has consequences on the load many of the algorithms which have proved valuable
sharing between teeth pairs as well as on the actual have emerged over time from the machine learning
contact ratio. And that coupling is considered the committee.
deformation is greater than the one estimated by purely

IJERTV2IS70699 www.ijert.org 2176

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

Ristic [12] in his work numerical model for the found by the use of asymmetric gears. He has achieved
critical stress determination in spur gears has the bending stress reduction by two contributions, a
enlightened gear carrying capacity and stress state thicker tooth root and a root shape change where we
depends to a large extent on main gear profile have the stress concentration. The factor that has the
configuration parameters. For this he has investigated a largest influence is the enlargement of the root
tooth root form and the fillet radius by analyzed gear thickness. He has proposed the use of a standard rack or
kinematics, carrying capacity, strength, production and two standard racks. He also enlighten that reduction in
some other characteristics. He has primarily focussed the bending stress is lower than that reported for
on gear tooth root strength. And also he has given specific optimizations, but the difference is not
special attention to the analysis of the impact of the significant, especially for gears with a higher number of
gear tooth fillet radius at the critical cross section on teeth
stress value and distribution. He analysed that stress Saravanan et al. [14] have worked on fault diagnosis
intensity factor and the gear working life depend of spur bevel gear box using artificial neural network.
directly on the tooth root stress. According to him tooth They have shown that the condition of operating
root stress concentration depends on many parameters machine can be predicted by the vibration signals
and real gears are statically undetermined systems. He extracted from rotating parts of machine. This carries a
has inferred that main problems of gears design were to lot many information within them. They have also
obtain an optimal gear form relative to stress inferred processing of these raw vibration signatures
concentration. So that he has focussed on to found the measured at a convenient location of the machine
optimal fillet tooth root radius to minimize the root unravels the condition of the component or assembly
stress intensity. under study. Their work dealt with the effectiveness of
He applied numerical methods for obtaining results. wavelet-based features for fault diagnosis of a gear box
He used finite element method and real working using artificial neural network and proximal support
conditions simulation. He has analysed the results in vector machines.
order to form an effective numerical model for tooth They classified the statistical feature vectors from
root geometrical discontinuity phenomena at static Morlet wavelet coefficient using J48 algorithm. The
loading. predominant features were fed as input for training and
From his obtained results he concluded as the tooth testing using artificial neural network and proximal

fillet radius was increased the stresses were reduced. support vector machines. The relative efficiency in
And he also inferred the reduction of stresses affect classifying the faults in the gear box was compared
directly to the service life which increases because it using the above method
deflects danger of initial cracks appearance and Wang et al. [15] carried out accurate bending
increases the safety factor on that. His research showed strength analysis of the asymmetric gear using the
that an appropriate fillet radius selection can increase novel ES-PIM with triangular mesh. They have
tooth root stresses in its critical section even by 30%. introduced a method viz. the edge-based smoothed
Pedersen [13] in his work improving bending stress point interpolation method to the bending strength
in spur gears using asymmetric gears and shape analysis of asymmetric gear with complex outlines.
optimization enlighten that the bending stress plays a They have used a special designed rack cutter for
significant role in gear design and the magnitude of generation of five sets of asymmetric gears with the
bending stress is controlled by nominal bending stress pressure angles of 20°/20°, 25°/20°, 30°/20°,
and the stress concentration due to the geometrical 35°/20°,40°/20°respectively. They have kept four key
shape. He has also inferred that the bending stress is factors for those five models were accuracy,
indirectly related to shape changes made to the cutting convergence; convergence rate and computational
tool. According to him the use of asymmetric gear teeth efficiency of the present ES-PIM are checked in great
and by shape optimizing the gear through changes detail.
made to the tool geometry can reduce the bending They have also used the finite element method for
stress significantly. calculating the above factors for comparing the results
He has also inferred that to obtain the largest with ES-PIM. They have showed that the ES-PIM
possible stress reduction a custom tool must be method using the background mesh of triangular cells
designed depending on the number of teeth, but also is used to conduct the asymmetric gear bending stress
but the stress reductions found are not very sensitive to analysis.
small design changes. From the obtained result they inferred that ES-PIM
From the obtained results he suggested that the could provide more efficient and accurate solutions in
improvement in the bending stress for gears can be stress field than the finite element method, and also

IJERTV2IS70699 www.ijert.org 2177

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

they suggested ES-PIM is more suitable for stress and rotate; the engagement of operating surfaces at
analysis of the complicated asymmetric gears. They successive points enables the simulation of conjugate
have also inferred their proposed method can better action. They have evaluated the stress intensity factor
solve the stress concentration problem, and also the ES- by displacement formulas and in the presence of
PIM method convenient for bending strength analysis cracks; the behaviour of stress singularities is
of complicated asymmetric gear problem which approximated by quarter point elements.
involves complex outlines, stress concentration at the From the obtained results they have inferred that the
fillet and concentration load at the HPSTC. model which they developed enables the design
Park and Yoo [16] in their research on deformation engineers with a powerful computational tool, which
overlap in the design of spur and helical gear pair they eliminates any modelling requirements on load sharing.
have investigated the deformation overlap by analysis And also their approach may be further extended to
of the elastic deflection of gear teeth. They have made describe three-dimensional problems arising in other
displacement analysis of the deformation overlap, types of gearing and defects.
which was the quantity calculated numerically, and that Fig 2 (a) and (b) [17] it is clear that the stress
was the piled region of a contact tooth pair due to the intensity factor is completely dependent on the location
elastic deformation. of the contacts. Stress intensity factor of the mode I
For computing the contact force and teeth deflection becomes minimum, when the contact lies in the region
they have used finite element method. They have of pitch point and the stress intensity factor of mode II
calculated the contact forces between teeth from the rises and finally becomes maximum. Stress intensity
transmitted torque, and the contact problem was factors of mode I and mode II increase with increase in
defined as a QP problem. They have used the contact ratio α/m. Where m is module and α is edge crack of
forces as boundary conditions for calculating the the depth.
deformation overlap. They have used the deformation
overlap of a spur gear pair for the basis of the tooth tip
relief, for a profile shifted gear pair made analysis of
deformation characteristics, and also considered teeth
deflection of profile shift.
From the obtained results they have inferred that for

the design of a profile shifted gear pair and the tooth tip
relief calculation deformation overlap were applicable.
They have proposed the standard amount of removable
material for the tip relief and also they have obtained
deformation characteristics and optimal shift for long
and short addendum system by using deformation
overlap. They have also inferred that for helical gear
pair and three dimensional problems the deformation Fig 2 variation of stress intensity factors with
overlap is applicable, and also it showed good impact respect to the relative contact position for an edge crack
on three dimensional problems. They have suggested on gear tooth face (a) mode I and (b) mode II. [17]
that the deformation overlap may be used for other Songa and Imb [18] in their study the applicability
types of problem arises in gear pair. of process design system for forward extrusion of spur
Sfakiotakis, and Anifantis[17] in their research on gears showed through experiment the applicability of
Finite element modelling of spur gearing fractures the automated process design system developed for
introduced a numerical procedure of solution for the cold forward extrusion of solid or hollow spur gears
study of stress singularities in gear teeth fractures was confirmed. They have used the developed system
incorporating kinematic rotations and varying contact for designing the extrusion die set.
conditions. They have used the global design variables They considered an elastic analysis of dies for
for parametric description of both the geometry and the shrink fit and carried out to determine level of hoop and
operation, and also they have used the finite element effective stresses depending on its ratios. In their
method for approximation of elastic deformations investigation they were extruded hollow and solid gears
which enables the development of a computational that depend on types of lubrication and types of
design procedure which simulates the operation of spur materials.
gear drives. From their results which they obtained from
They have considered the members of the drive as experiments they have inferred that filling status of the
individual sub domains which could elastically deform hollow gear was improved in comparison with that of

IJERTV2IS70699 www.ijert.org 2178

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

the solid gear irrespective of forming conditions and iterations during the design process. Matlab simulink
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design system matched well with the experimental load the effort and time in the design and simulation process
requirements. They have also highlighted that solid and using finite element method.
hollow spur gear was easily extruded without any
forming defects through the die design set-up
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