Tickler Final PDF
Tickler Final PDF
Tickler Final PDF
a. Eyelids open, tracking, blinking to command 4
b. Eyelids open but not tracking 3
c. Eyelids close but open to loud voice 2
d. Eyelids close but no pain 1
e. Eyelids close with pain 0
a. Thumbs up, fist or peace sign 4
b. Localizing to pain 3
c. Flexion response to pain 2
d. Extension response to pain 1
e. No response to pain or generalized 0
a. Pupil and Corneal reflex 4
b. One pupil wide and fixed 3
c. Pupil or corneal reflex absent 2
d. Pupil and corneal reflex absent 1
e. Absent pupil, corneal and cough reflex 0
a. Not intubated, regular breathing pattern 4
b. Not intubated, Cheyne-stoke breath pattern 3
c. Not intubated, irregular breathing 2
d. Breath above ventilation rate 1
e. Breath at ventilation rate, apnea 0
Single strength = BW x desired dose / 13.3 Class 0 Class 1
Double strength = BW x desired dose / 16.6 NO PTB EXPOSURE HISTORY OF EXPOSURE
Not infected Neg. Skin test to tuberculin
Single strength = BW x desired dose / 16.6
Class 2
Double strength = BW x desired dose / 33.2
Cardiac Dose = 5 No disease
Renal Dose = 5-10 Positive reaction to tuberculin test
No clinical, bacteriologic or radiographic evidence of TB
Given: 58 mm ~ 5.8 TB CLINICALLY ACTIVE
23.3 mm ~ 2.3 Clinical, bacteriologic, or radiographic evidence of current disease
Class 4
5.8 x 2.3 = 13.34 x 5 (constant) = 66.5 x 5.2 (constant)
= 34.684 - (estimated bleeding volume)
History of episode of TB
Abnormal but stable radiographic findings
DIAGNOSTIC THORACENTESIS DUE TO HEART FAILURE No clinical or radiographic evidence of current disease
a. If the effusion are not bilateral and comparable size
b. If the patient is febrile Class 5
c. If the chest has a pleuritic chest pain TB SUSPECT
d. If effusion persist despite the diuretics therapy Diagnosis pending
TB disease should be ruled out within 3 months
Anterior = V2-V4 (L) coronary, LAD Fever
Night sweats
Anterolateral = I, qV1, V3 – V6, LAD, circumflexes
Weight loss
Anteroseptal = V1-V4, LAD Anorexia
Inferior = II, III, aVF, (R) coronary artery General Malaise
Lateral = I, aVL, V5, V6, circumflex branch of (L) coronary artery RECOMMENDED DOSAGE FOR INITIAL TREATMENT OF TB
1. Isoniazid = 5 mg/kg, max 300 mg
Posterior = V8 – V9 (R) coronary artery, circumflex artery 2. Rifampicin = 10 mg/kg, max 600 mg
3. Pyrazinamide = 20-25 mg/kg, max 2 g
(R) Ventricular = V4R, V5R, V6R, (R) coronary artery 4. Ethambutol = 15-20 mg/kg
1. Pleural fluid protein / serum protein > 0.5
2. Pleural fluid LDH / serum LDH > 0.6
3. Pleural fluid LDH > 2/3 the upper limit of normal serum LDH
Bacteremia Factor Units 1 2 3
Presence of bacteria in blood as evidenced by positive blood culture s. Bilirubin umol / L <34 34-51 >51
Septicemia mg / dL <2 2-3 >3
Presence of microbes and their toxins in the blood s. Albumin g/L >35 30-35 <30
g / dL >3.5 3.0-3.5 <3
SIRS Protime sec 0-4 4-6 >6
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome INR <1.7 1.7-2.3 >2.3
Two or more of the following conditions: Easily Poorly
Ascites None
o Fever (oral temp >38˚C) or hypothermia (<36˚C) controlled controlled
o Tachycardia (>90 bpm) Hepatic
o Tachypnea (>24 bpm) None Minimal Advanced
o Leukocytosis (>12,000/uL) or Leukopenia (<4,000/uL) or > 10% bands Calculated by adding the score of the 5 factor and can range from 5 – 15
may have a non-infectious etiology
Sepsis CHILD-PVGH Class is either:
SIRS that has proven or suspected microbial etiology a. Score of 5 – 6
b. Score of 7 – 9
Severe Sepsis c. Score of 10 or Above
Similar to sepsis “sepsis syndrome”
Sepsis with one or more signs of organ dysfunction Decomposition
Examples indicate cirrhosis
1. Cardiovascular: Arterial systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg or Mean Arterial N/A
Pressure ≤ 70 mmHg that responds to administration of IV CHILD PVGH Score of 7 or more
2. Renal: Urine output <0.5 ml/kg/hr for 1 hour despite adequate fluid
resuscitation Class 8
3. Respiratory: PaO2/FIO2 <250 or if the lung is the only dysfunctional organ ≤ 200 Listing for liver transformation (accepted criteria)
4. Hematologic: Platelet count <80,000/uL or 50% in platelet from highest value
recorded over the previous 3 days Hepatic Fibrogenesis
5. Unexplained metabolic acidosis: a pH ≤7.30 or a base deficit ≥ 5.0 meq/L and a Stellate cell activation
plasma lactate level >1.5 times upper limit of normal for reporting Collagen production
6. Adequate fluid resuscitation: Pulmonary artery wedge pressure ≥ 12 mmHg or
Central Venous pressure ≥8 mmHg
Septic Shock
Sepsis with hypotension (arterial blood pressure of ≥ 90 mmHg or
MAP > 70 mmHg
Euphoria, depression, mild confusion, slurred speech, Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea
Stage I
disturbance in sleep Neck vein distention
Stage II Lethargy, moderate confusion Rales
Stage III Marked confusion, incoherent speech, sleeping but arousable Cardiomegaly
Stage IV Coma, initially responsive to noxious stimuli, ____ response Acute pulmonary edema
1. Infection Increased venous pressure (>16 cmH20)
2. Perforation Positive hepatojugular reflux
3. Pneumothorax
Extremity edema
O – No muscular contraction Dyspnea on exertion
1 – Trace contraction Hepatomegaly
2 – Active movement with gravity eliminated Pleural effusion
3 – Active movement against gravity Vital capacity reduced by one-third from normal
4 – Active movement against gravity & slight resistance Tachycardia (>120 bpm)
5 – Against full resistance
N ≥ 80%
PEFR = Peak flow reading / Ideal peak flow x 100 = _____ %
N ≤ 20%
PEFR variability: Highest reading – Lower x 100 = ______%
Highest Reading
(+) HPN, (+) Proteinuria after 20th week 1 dose 28-32 wks
3 doses q 2 wks
ECLAMPSIA OGTT at 24-28wks
(+) convulsions, (+) Preeclampsia
140/90mmHg Loading dose:
4gms slow IV
SUPERIMPOSED PREECLAMPSIA 5gms each buttocks deep IM
Inc diastole and systole
Proteinuria Maintenance dose:5gmsIM/IV q 6hrs
S/Sx of end organ damage Monitor BP, U/O, DTRs-hyporeflexia
Monitor RR
Triad for Sever Preeclampsia
Hemolysis MgSO4 drip:
Elevated Liver Enzyme 1-2gms/hr
Low Platelet Count 1L = 10gm given 100cc/hr
10meq/L (about 12mg/dL)
Hypertension Etiology (Williams) >respiratory depression
Exposed chorionic villi 12meq/L
Twin pregnancy (Multiple gestation) >respiratory paralysis and arrest
Vascular disease
Family history Antidote: Calcium gluconate 1g IV
Augmentation of Labor
Oxy drip however in labor
What fetal pole occupies the fundus Peripheral
Shiny portion
L2 (Umbilcal grip)
L3 (Pawlick’s grip) Dirty part
(+) engagement of head or (-) engagement
L4 (Pelvic grip) Placenta increta invades
Side of cephalic prominence Placenta percreta penetrates
Placenta accrete attaches
12wks – 1st felt; above the symphysis pubis Normal Rotation of Umbilical Cord:
16wks – between symphysis and umbilicus Counter clockwise or Left-handed maneuver
20wks – umbilicus
36wks – below ensiform cartilage PLACENTA PREVIA
FHB Monitoring
o Totalis placenta covers cervical os completely
Every 30mins= low risk
o Partialis internal os partially covered by placenta
Every 15mins= high risk
o Marginal edge of the placenta is at margin of internal os
Etiology: (P2ALM2)
0 1 2 3
o Previous CS
Dilatation 0 1-2cm 3-4cm 5-6cm o Puerperal Endometritis
Effacement 0-30% 31-50% 51-70% >70% o Advancing age
Station -5/-3 -2 -1 +1/+2 o Multiparity
Cervical o Multiple induced abortions
Posterior Midline Anterior -----
Position Diagnosis:
Cervical o Painless third trimester bleeding
firm medium soft -----
Consistency o UTZ for placental localization
*Scoring: 3-8 difficult induction o Placental Migration (placenta close to the internal os during 2nd trimester
9-favorable induction migrate to fundus as pregnancy advances
1. Induction of spinal anesthesia. Allow a trial of labor under double set-up for all previous cesarean of one low
2. Patient in supine position. segment incision after excluding an inadequate pelvis and unless a new
3. Insertion of foley catheter. indication arises
4. Asepsis/Antisepsis Selection Criteria:
5. Drapings done, exposing operative site. o 1 or 2 prior low-transverse cesarean section delivery
6. Curvilinear incision done from 2 FB above the symphysis pubis up to 3 FB below o Clinically adequate pelvic
the umbilicus. Incision deepened to subcutaneous tissues and transversalis o No other uterine scars or previous rupture
fascia, rectus muscle split, peritoneum cut longitudinally. o Physicians immediately available throughout active labor capable of
7. Bleeders clamped and ligated as encountered monitoring labor and performing an emergency cesarean section
8. Retractors applied exposing pelvic structures delivery
9. Vesico-uterine folds identified, lifted out and cut 1 cm above the bladder. o Availability of anesthesiologist and personnel for emergency cesarean
10. Bladder pushed downward and a curvilinear incision is done on the lower section delivery
uterine segment using bandage scissors
11. Rupture of membranes. EVACUATION CURETTAGE
12. Amniotic fluid suctioned &fetal head exposed
1. Induction of spinal anesthesia.
13. Delivery of live full term baby boy in left occiput transverse position.
2. Patient in dorsal lithotomy position.
14. Umbilical cord doubly clamped and cut.
3. Asepsis/Antisepsis.
15. Manual extraction of placenta.
4. Drapings done leaving the operative site exposed.
16. Closure of incision site done layer by layer
5. Straight Catheterization done.
a. First (endometrial) layer closed by continuous interlocking stitches using
6. Right angle retractor applied to expose cervix.
Chromic 1.
7. Anterior cervical lip grasped with tenaculum forceps at 12 0’clock position.
b. Second (myometrial) layer closed by continuous interlocking stitches using
8. Hysterometer inserted.
Chromic 1.
9. Pre-curettage uterine depth measured 9 cm
c. Third (Vesico-uterine folds) closed by simple continuous stitches using
10. Sharp and dull curettage done in a clockwise manner, evacuated ½ cup of
chromic 2-0
products of conception and placental tissues.
17. Suction of blood and amniotic fluid and sponge done.
11. Post curettage uterine depth was not measured.
18. Inspection of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and ligaments
12. Perineal washing done.
19. Parietal peritoneum closed with continuous suture using chromic 2-0
13. Specimen for histopathology.
20. Transversalis fascia sutured with continuous interlocking stitches using Vicryl 1-0
21. Subcutaneous tissue sutured simple interrupted stitches using Plain 2-0
22. Skin closed by subcuticular stitches using Vicryl 4-0.
23. Incision site painted with betadine
24. Top dressing applied.
25. End of procedure.
1. Induction of anesthesia. 1. Induction of anesthesia.
2. Patient is placed in dorsal lithotomy 2. Patient in dorsal lithotomy position.
3. Asepsis/Antisepsis 3. Asepsis/Antisepsis.
4. Drapings done leaving the operative site 4. Drapings done leaving operative site exposed.
5. Evacuation of urine using straight catheter 5. Straight catheterization done.
6. Vaginal mucosa is incised with a scalpel around the entire cervix. 6. Weight-bearing retractor applied at posterior vaginal wall. Cervix smooth with no
7. Downward traction is applied using tenacula, Metzenbaum used to dissect the erosions.
bladder off the anterior lower uterine segment 7. Application of tenaculum forceps at 12 o’clock position of cervical lip.
8. A sponge covered finger dissects the bladder all the way up to the vesicouterine 8. Endocervical curettage done, evacuated minimal endocervical scrapings.
fold, facilitates entry to anterior cul de sac. 9. Hysterometer inserted. Pre-curettage uterine depth measured 9cm.
9. Right angle retractor is placed under the vaginal mucosa and bladder, elevating 10. Endometrial curettage done. Evacuated ½ teaspoon of endometrial
the bladder. Strong downward traction is applied to the tenacula on the cervix, scrapings/tissues and placental tissues.
and the peritoneal vesicouterine fold is grasped with Allis clamps and incised with 11. Post curettage uterine depth measured, approximately 8 cm.
sharp curved mayo scissors. 12. Tenaculum and retractors removed.
10. Elevating the peritoneal vesicouterine fold with Allis clamps, definite hole can 13. Perineal wash done
be seen. Finger is inserted in the hole. 14. Specimen sent for histopath.
11. Tenacula are brought acutely up toward the pubic symphysis, exposing the cul- 15. End of procedure.
de-sac, second right angle at posterior cul-de-sac
12. The posterior vaginal retractor is removed. The broad ligament is exposed from COMPLETION CURETTAGE
the uterosacral ligaments to the tuboovarian ligament. A finger is placed in the
1. Induction of anesthesia.
posterior cul-de-sac and moved laterally revealing the uterosacral ligament as it 2. Patient in dorsal lithotomy position
attaches to the lower uterine cervix.
3. Asepsis/Antisepsis
13. With the cervix on upward and lateral retraction using the tenacula, a clamp is 4. Drapings done leaving operative site exposed
placed in the posterior cul-de-sac with one blade underneath the uterosacral 5. Insertion of straight catheter.
ligament, and the opposite blade over the uterosacral ligament. This is done to
6. Speculum applied at posterior vaginal wall
prevent possible ureteral damage from clamping the ligaments in lateral 7. Application of tenaculum forceps at 12 o’clock position of cervical lip.
position. 8. Sharp/blunt curette done. Evacuated 1 tablespoon cup of products of
14. Uterosacral ligament is cut using the mayo scissors.
15. Chromic 1-0 suture is used to suture ligate the uterosacral ligament. 9. Betadine wash done.
16. When tied, the suture is held with a Kelly clamp for traction.
10. End of procedure.
17. With uterus on upward and lateral retraction using the tenacula on the cervix, 11. Specimen sent for histopathology.
cardinal ligaments is clamped adjacent to the lower uterine segment and
18. Cardinal ligaments is sutured ligated with Chromic 1-0 suture. Suture is held
with a Kelly clamp for traction
19. The remaining portion of the broad ligament attached to lower uterine cervix CRITERIA FOR TIMING OF ELECTIVE REPEAT CS DELIVERY (At least 1):
segment containing the uterine artery is clamped and ligated.
Fetal heart sounds documented for 20 weeks by non-electronic fetoscope or
20. With all the ligaments on both sides, clamped and ligated, cervix is retracted
for 30 weeks by Doppler
upward in midline with the tenacula. Posterior uterine wall is grasped, the
It has been 36 weeks since a (+) serum/urine hCG pregnancy test was
fundus is delivered posteriorly.
performed by a reliable laboratory
21. Two cochers clamps are applied to the tubo ovarian round ligaments, incised
An UTZ measurement of the CRL obtained at 6-11 weeks supports a
close to the fundus.
gestational age at least 39 weeks
22. Infundibulo-pelvic ligament is tied twice using Vicryl 1.0. Second suture ligation
is tied in a fixation stitch, placing the suture in the mid portion of its pedicle. UTZ obtained at 12-20 weeks confirms the gestational age of at least 39 weeks
23. The anterior and posterior clamps right angle retractors are removed, and the determined by clinical history and PE
weighted posterior retractor is placed in the vagina. Any bleeding from any
pedicle is clamped. ADMITTING NOTES (Ectopic Pregnancy)
24. Cardinal ligaments, uterosacral ligaments and utero ovarian ligaments anchored Cc:
at the posterior vaginal mucosa. Imp:
25. Reperitonealization of the pelvis, carried out with purse string sutures. Please admit pc to ROC under the service of Dr. ___
26. Perineal wash done. TPR q 4 hours and record
27. End of procedure. NPO temporarily
1. Induction of anesthesia. o CT, BT, PT
2. Patient in dorsal lithotomy position o BT w/ Rh
3. Asepsis/Antisepsis o U/A
4. Drapings done leaving operative site exposed o S. Pregnancy test
5. Straight catheter was inserted. IVF: D5LR 1L X 8 Hrs
6. Cervix dilated with Goodell’s dilator Meds: None temporarily
7. Retractor applied at posterior & anterior vaginal wall SO:
8. Application of tenaculum forceps at 12 o’clock position of cervical lip. o Monitor VS, abdominal status hourly
9. Insertion of hysterometer to measure pre-curettage uterine depth of 3 inches. o Refer once lab result is in
10. Blunt curette done in a clockwise manner. Evacuated scanty endometrial o Dr. ___ seen patient at ER
scrapings. o Watch out for any untoward s/sx
11. Perineal wash done o Refer prn
12. Specimen sent for histopath
Cefuroxime (Zegen) 1.5 gms IV Wasting Stunting
Omeprazole 20mg IV Normal ≥90% Normal ≥95%
Metoclopramide (Plasil) 10mg IV Mild 80-90% Mild 90-95%
Moderate 70-80% Moderate 80-90%
Anesthetic Agent: Bupivacaine 15mg + MgSO4 16mg Severe ≤70% Severe ≤80%
Formula for Wasting
Detailed Technique: RA-SAB
X-LLDP, SAS 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑡
× 100
LA w/ 2% Lidocain 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ𝑡
LP at L3 L4
CSF clear and free flowing Formula for Stunting
Intrathecal administration of anesthetic
𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑟 ℎ𝑡
× 100
SIGNS OF MALIGNANCY ON ULTRASOUND 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑟 ℎ𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑔𝑒
Internal echoes AGE HR BP RR
Ascites Premature 120-170 55-75/35-45 40-70
Multiple daughter cysts 0-3 months 100-150 65-85/45-55 35-55
3-6 months 90-120 70-90/50-65 30-45
<5 cm cyst in postmenopausal women expectant management
6-12 months 80-120 80-100/55-65 25-40
1-3 yr 70-110 90-105/55-70 20-30
3-6 yr 65-110 95-110/60-75 20-25
6-12 yr 60-95 100-120/60-75 14-22
12 yr 55-85 110-135/65-85 12-18
Conversion: to mg/dL
Creatinine divide by 88.4
BUN divide by 0.357
divide by 17.1
(total, direct, indirect)
SURGERY Hypernatremia
Water deficit = plasma Na conc. – 140 X total body water
Foley catheter f.16 #1 Total body water = wt. x 0.4 (women)
Urobag #1 Wt. x 0.5 (men)
Sterile Gloves s.7 #1 Total divide by 8 divide by 2 = PNSS 1L x rate x 8 hrs
50 cc Sterile Water #1 D5W 1L x rate X 8 hrs
Plaster #1
10cc syringe #2 Interval
Vaccine Age Dose No Route Site between
TT 0.5 ml/amp #1 Birth; ant time after
BCG 1 0.05 ml 1 ID R deltoid
HTIG 250 cc/vial #1 or 6 weeks
3 cc syringe #1 Upper outer
DTaP / DTwP 6 weeks 0.5 ml 3 IM aspect of 4 weeks
OPV 6 weeks 0.5 ml 3 PO Mouth 4 weeks
Objective signs of severity of acute pancreatitis
On Admission: Hepa B 6 weeks 0.5 ml 3 IM 4 weeks
aspect of
Age > 55 y.o
Glucose > 200mg/dl
WBC > 16,000/cumm
Measles 9 months 0.5 ml 1 SC aspect of
LDH > 350 IU/L
upper arm
AST > 250 U/L
BCG 2 School entry 0.1 ml 1 ID L deltoid
1 month
After Initial 48 hrs
Childbearing then
Serum Ca++ < 8mg/dl TT 0.5 ml 3 IM R Deltoid
women 6-12
Arterial PO2 < 60mmHg
Base Deficit > 4meq/L
BUN Increase > 5mg/dl
Hematocrit fall > 10%
Fluid Sequestration > 6,000ml
2 YEARS OLD 18 YEARS OLD 15.5 75.35 42.5 92.18 13.25 145.4
16 75.8 43 92.45 13.5 146.42
(CM) (Kg) P50 (CM) (Kg) P50
45-46 2.51 71-72 8.82 16.5 76.24 43.5 92.71 13.75 147.29
47-48 2.90 73-74 9.15 17 76.69 44 92.98 14 148.03
49-50 3.33 75-76 9.49 17.5 77.63 44.5 93.25 14.25 148.64
51-52 3.78 77-78 9.84 18 77.37 45 93.51 14.5 149.14
53-54 4.27 79-80 10.21 18.5 77.71 45.5 93.78 14.75 149.54
55-56 4.77 81-82 10.59 19 78.04 46 94.04 15 149.85
57-58 5.27 83-84 10.99
19.5 78.38 46.5 94.30 15.25 150.09
59-60 5.84 85-86 11.40
61-62 6.32 87-88 11.82
20 78.71 47 94.55 15.5 150.28
63-64 6.81 89-90 12.26 20.5 79.04 94.82 15.75 150.41
65-66 7.26 91-92 12.72 21 79.37 95.08 16 150.52
67-68 7.68 93-94 13.20 21.5 79.70 AGE 16.25 150.66
69-70 8.16 95-96 13.69 22 80.03 IN 16.5 150.76
71-72 8.58 97-98 14.20 22.5 80.35 Y E A R S 16.75 150.88
73-74 8.95 99-100 14.73 23 80.67 17 151.30
75-76 9.34 101-102 15.28
23.5 80.90 ( G I R L S ) 17.25 151.00
77-78 9.75 103-104 15.85
79-80 10.18 105-106 16.45 24 81.32 4 95.08 17.5 151.05
81-82 10.61 107-108 17.06 24.5 81.60 4.25 96.00 17.75 151.10
83-84 11.06 109-110 17.70 25 81.95 4.5 98.11 18 151.15
85-86 11.47 111-112 18.36 25.5 82.23 4.75 99.12 18.25 151.18
87-88 11.96 113-114 19.05 26 82.88 5 101.03 18.5 151.20
115-116 19.76 26.5 82.99 5.25 102.48 18.75 151.22
117-118 20.50
119-120 21.26
121-122 22.06 IDEAL BODY WEIGHT
123-124 22.88 At birth 3kg
125-126 23.73 3-12mo Age (mo)+ 9 /2
127-128 24.62 1-6 yrs Age (yrs)x 2 + 8
129-130 25.54 7-12 yrs [Age (yrs)x 7 – 5 ]/2
131-132 26.49
133-134 27.48
135-136 28.51
137-138 29.58
139-140 30.68
Antacids Antihelminthics
Ranitidine (Q8h-12h) Famotidine (Q12h/IV-Q8h) Mebendazole
RD: 0.75mkose PO 500mg/tab single dose
RD: 0.2mkdose
0.8-1mkdose IV 100mg/tab or 5ml BIDx3 consecutive days
Amp: 25mg/2ml
Amp: 25mg/ml, 50mg/5ml 20mg/ml susp: 5ml BIDx3 consecutive days
Tab: 20mg/40
Tab: 150mg/300mg 50mg/ml susp: 10ml SD
Cimetidine (Q4-6h) Omeprazole Enterobiasis (100mg or 5mg SDrpt 2 or 4 weeks)
RD: 10-15mkday Susp: 20mg/ml, 50mg/ml
<1y.o: 20mkday Tab: 100mg; 500mg
1-12y.o: 20-25mkday *deworm @2-4 yrs old
Liquid: 100mg/5ml Pyrantel Pamoate
Amp: 150mg/ml, 100mg/ml RD: 10-20 mkdose
Tab: 200mg, 400mg Susp: 125mg/5ml
AlMg (Maalox) (Q6h) Ursofalk Tab: 125mg; 850mg
2-4 tabs max: 16tabs Albendazole
*take 30 minutes 1 hr after RD: 75mkday
meal at bedtime Susp: 200mg/5ml
Susp: 180ml; 355ml Tab: 400mg
Tab: chewable
Fw/flatulence- Quinolones
Almg+dimeticone (Maalox plus) Ciprofloxacin - BID
Vial: 100mg/50ml, 200mg/100ml, 400mg/200ml
Paroromycin (Humagel) Erceflora – Bacillus clausii Amebicide
>1mos: 1-2 vials/day Metronidazole Q6h Furazolidone
RD: 20-30mkday 3-4 dived dose
2-11y.o: 1-2 vials/day RD: 30-50 mkday PO
150mg/cap, 150 mg/5ml
Adult: 2-3 vials/day 7.5 mkdose IV
Racecadotril (Hidrasec) Nifuroxamide (Ercefuryl) 15mkdose – loading dose RD: 4-7 mkday
1 mos onwards Vial: 5mg/ml Liquid: 16.7 mg/5ml
RD: 1.5mg/kg/day Q8h IV: 500mg/100 Susp: 50mg/ml
Susp: 125mg/5ml
BW Hidrasec Sachet 200mg/5ml
<6mos: 1tsp BID
<9kg 10mg 1 sachet Paramomycin Etofamide (Kitnos)
>mos: 1tsp TID
9-13kg 10mg 1 sachet RD: 15-20mkayX3 days Q12H
13-27kg 30mg 1 sachet RD: 20-30 mkday
Susp: 100mg/5ml
>27kg 30mg 2 sachet Susp: 150mg/15ml
Tab: 200mg; 500mg
Adult dose: 100mg/cap Q8h
Antihistamine Cephalosporins
Hydroxyzine Hcl (Iterax) Desloratadine (Aerius) 1st Generation 2nd Generation
6-11 mos: 2ml Cefaclor Q8h
Q12h x 5 days
1-5 y.o: 2.5 ml RD: 20-40mkday
RD: 1mg/kg/day or wt/4
6-11y.o: 5ml Drops: 50mg/ml
Syrup: 2mg/ml
>/=12y.o: 10ml Susp: 125mg/5ml
Tab: 10mg; 25mg
Syr: 2.5ml/5ml 250mg/5ml
Amp: 5mg/ml
Tab: 5mg Tab: 315mg; 750mg
Chlorphenamine Maleate Diphenhydramine Hcl Cap: 500mg
RD: 0.2mkdose Cefuroxime Q6-8h
RD: 3-5 mkdose PO RD: 20-40mkday PO; 50-
Amp: 10mg/ml
1mkdose IV Cefalexin Q6h 100mkday IV
Vial: 10mg/ml
Syr: 12.5mg/5ml RD: 30-50 mkday PO
Syrup: 2mg/5ml
Cap: 25mg, 50 mg 50-100mkday IV Cefamandol
Tab: 4mg
IV/IM: 50mg/ml Drops: 100mg/ml RD: 50-100mkday
*20kg-1/2 amp IM
>20kg-1amp IM Susp: 125mg/ml
Cetirizine diHCL-OD-BID Levocetirizine 250mg/ml Cefprozil
RD: 0.25-0.27 mkdose Cap: 250mg; 500mg RD: 20-4-mkday
Drops: 10mg/ml Powder: 125mg/5ml; 250mg/5ml
2.5mg/ml Cefazolin Tab: 250mg; 500mg
0.125mkdose RD: 50-100mkday IV x 3dose
Soln: 1mg/ml
Sry: 5mg/5ml Vial: 250mg Cefotiam
Tab: 10mg Inj: 500mg; 1g RD: 50-100mkday
Tab: 200mg
Vial: 0.5g; 1 gm
RD: 9-8mkday
Cap: 100mg
Prep: 10mg/ml amp (2m) Note: maintenance infusion rate must be induced to 0.2 – 0.3 mg /kg/H for elderly
Dose: infant and child: 0.05 mg/kg/H (titrate to clinical effect) patient, pregnant patient and those in CHF. Liver disease or cor pulmonale watch out
Adult: 0.1 mg/kg/H (max: 0.4 mg/kg/H) for hypoglycemia and tachycardia.
Weight (kg)x dose x 24 = mg in 24 ml of NS to make: 1ml/H = 0.1mg/kg/H
Weight (kg) x dose x 24 x 5= mg in 120ml NS to make 5ml/H=0.1mg/kg/H
In an infant, fat has higher saturated-to-unsaturated fatty acid ration compared to
adult fat and thus a higher melting point. Prematurity, hypothermia, shock and
metabolic abnormalities have been postulated to further increase this ratio, possibly
as a result of enzymatic alteration allowing precipitation of fatty acid crystals within
the lipocytes. This condition has been suggested to result in the dramatic clinical
findings in affected skin. X-ray diffraction techniques have confirmed that infants
with sclerema neonatorum have an increase in saturated fats and that the crystals
within the fat cells are composed of triglycerides.
30 mg/kg per dose IV infusion by syringe pump over 30 minutes or IM.
- Deficiency of pulmonary surfactant, a phospholipid protein mixture that decreases To reduce pain at IM injection site, Ceftazidime may be mixed with 1%
surface tension & prevent alveolar collapse. Lidocaine without epinephrine.
- Type II alveolar cells from 32 weeks AOG Dosing Interval Chart
- Risk of RDS is decreased in babies born >24hrs and <7days after maternal steroid PMA (Weeks) PostNatal (day) Interval (hours)
administration 0 to 28 12
> 28 8
APNEA – respiratory pause >20sec or a shorter pause assoc. w/ cyanosis, pallor, 0 to 14 12
hypotonia or bradycardia 30 to 36
> 14 8
Causes: Thermal instability, prematurity, infection (NEC, meningitis, neo sepsis), 0 to 7 12
metabolic disorders, CNS problems (Seizures, malformations), drugs (maternal/fetal), 37 to 44
>7 8
decreased O2 delivery (anemia, hypoxemia, L to R shunt)
≥45 All 6
Disturbance PH Compensatory Response FLUCONAZOLE
Invasive Candidiasis: 12 to 25 mg/kg loading dose, then 6 to 12 mg/kg per dose
Acute resp. ↑ HCO3 by 1 meq/l for each
↑PaCO2↓ ↓pH IV infusion by syringe pump over 30 minutes or orally.
Acidosis 10mmhg rise in PaCO2
Consider the higher doses for treating severe infections or Candida strains with
Acute Resp. ↑ ↓ HCO3 by 1-3meq/L for each higher MICs (4 to 8 mcg/ml). Extended dosing intervals should be considered
↓ PaCO2
Alkalosis pH 10mmhg fall in PaCO2 for neonates with renal insufficiency (serum Creatinine greater than 1.3 mg/dl)
Chronic Resp. ↓ ↑ HCO3 by 4meq/L for each NOTE: the higher doses are based on recent pharmacokinetics data but have
Acidosis pH 10mmhg rise in PaCO2 not been prospectively tested for efficiency or safety
Chronic Resp. ↑ ↓ HCO3 by 2-5meq/L for each Prophylaxis: 3 mg/kg per dose via IV infusion twice weekly or orally. A dose of 6
↓ PaCO2
Alkalosis pH 10mmhg fall in PaCO2 mg/kg twice weekly may be considered if Candida strains with higher MICs (4 to
Metabolic ↓ 8mcg/ml). Consider prophylaxis only in VLBW infants at high risk for invasive
↓ HCO3 ↓ PaCO2 by 1 – 1.5 x fall in HCO3
Acidosis pH fungal disease.
Metabolic ↑ Thrush: 6mg/kg on day 1 then 3mg/kg per dose every 24 hrs orally.
↑ HCO3 ↑ PaCO2 by 0.25 – 1 x rise in HCO3
Alkalosis pH
Gestational age
PIP – 8 – 10 (Pacterm 12) Post Natal (Days) Interval (hours)
PEEP – 4 0 to 4 48
100-FIO2 ÷ 79 x PEEP = level of compressed air ≤29
>14 24
PEEP – compressed air – level of pure air
0 to 7 48
30 and Older
>7 24
Usual Dosage: ____mg/kg per dose IV over at least 10 minutes Diphtheria – update DPT immunization status for all age
Meningitis: 50 mg/kg per dose groups and Erythromycin 4-050mkd in 4 days divided doses X 10 days
(max 2g/day).
DOSING INTERVAL CHART Alternative: Benzathine Pen G IM single dose
PMA (Weeks) PostNatal (day) Interval (hours) <30kg – 600,000 units
0 to 28 12 >30kg – 1.2 Million units
> 28 8
0 to 14 12 NOTE: Close contact should be observed for 7 days for evidence of the disease.
30 to 36
> 14 8
0 to 7 12 Endocarditis – prophylaxis given 30-60 mins after procedure
37 to 44
>7 8 Oral: Amoxicillin 50mg/kg
≥45 All 6 Unable to tolerate PO
Ampicillin 50mkdose IM/IV or
RANITIDINE Cefazolin/Ceftriaxone 50mg/kg
Oral: 2mg/kg per dose every 8 hrs. Allergic to Penicillin
IV: Term: 1.5 mg/kg per dose every 8 hours slow push Cephalexin 50mg/kg or
Preterm: 0.5 mg/kg per dose every 12 hours slow push CLindamycin 20mg/kg or
Continuous IV infusion: 0.0625 mg/kg per hour; dose range. 0.04 to 0.1 mg/kg per Azithromycin/Clarithromycin 15mg/kg
hour Allergic & unable to tolerate PO:
Cefazolin/ceftriaxone 50mg/kg IM or IV or
MEROPENEM Clindamycin 20mg/kg IM or IV
Sepsis: 20mg/kg per dose IV
NOTE: No prophylaxis for procedures ________ Respiratory, GIT or GUT
Less than 32 weeks GA: less than or equal to 14 days PNA, every 12 hrs, greater
than 14 days PNA, every 8 hrs
Hepatitis B
32 weeks and older GA: less than or equal to 7 days PNA, every 12 hours;
Newborn with HBsAg (+) mother
greater than 7 days PNA, every 8 hours
- HBIG 0.5mL and Hep B vaccine 0.5ml IM at birth or w/in 12 hrs followed
Meningitis and infections caused by Pseudomonas species, all ages: 40mg/kg
by Hep B vaccine at 6 weeks after and after 6 months.
per dose every 8 hours.
Premature & HbsAg (-) mother
Give an IV infusion over 30 minutes, longer infusion times (up to 4 hrs) may
be associated with improved therapeutic efficacy. - Hep B vaccine delayed until child ≥ 2000 gm
Sexual contact with HBsAg (+) partner, exposure to blood/ body fluids
- Hep B vaccine + HBIG 0.06ml/kg IM (not later than 14 days from
exposure from sexual contact and with in 7 days for percutaneous
Household/Sexual Contact with Chronic Causes
- Hap B vaccine only
Loading dose: 15mg/kg orally or IV infusion by syringe punp over 60 minutes
Mefloquine (250mg/tab) to start 1 week before travel then weekly until 4
Maintainance dose: 7.5 mg/kg per dose orally or IV infusion over 60 minutes.
weeks after leaving endemic area as ff:
Begin one dosing interval after dose.
< 45kg = 5mg/kg (max: 250mg)
>45kg = 1 tab once a week
Doxycycline daily to start 2-3 days before travel then daily until 4 weeks after
PMA (Weeks) PostNatal (day) Interval (hours)
leaving endemic area
0 to 28 12 8 years old = 2mg/kg up to adult dose of 100mg/day
> 28 8
0 to 14 12 NOTE: Contraindicated for < 8years and pregnant women
30 to 36
> 14 8
0 to 7 12 Meningococcemia
37 to 44
>7 8 Rifampicin in 2 divided doses X 2days
≥45 All 6 ≤ 1 month – 5mkdose every 12 hrs
≥ 1 month – 10mkdose every 12 hrs (max 600mg)
Alternative: Ceftriaxone single IM dose
< 15 years old – 125mg
≥ 15 years old – 250mg or
Rheumatic Fever
Benzathine Penicillin 1.2 Million U IM every 4 weeks
- <27kg (60lbs)- 600,000 U IM or
- Penicillin V 250mg PO twice daily for patients allergic to Penicillin:
Erythromycin 250mg PO BID
RF, (-) carditis: 5 years since last episode ao ARF or until 21 years old
whichever is longer
RF, (+) carditis w/o residual heart disease (no valvular disease): 10 years
or until 21 years old whichever is longer
RF, (+) carditis, (+) residual heart disease:
10 years since last episode or at least until 40 years old whichever is longer
NOTE: Consider lifelong prophylaxis for people with severe valvular disease
Absolute Contraindications Preterm
Severe anaphylactic/allergic reaction to previous vaccine Please admit
Moderate – severe illness ± fever TPR q15 minutes until stable
Encephalopathy within 7 days of vaccine (pertussis) NPO
Immunodeficiency (Congenital – all live vaccines ) or households contact (OPV) D10W 250ccx7cc/hr
Pregnancy (MMR, OPV/IPV ) Labs:
Relative Contraindications Blood & RH typing
Immunosuppressive therapy (all live vaccines) Na, K, Ca
Egg allergy (MMR) BUN, Creatinine 24HDL
Seizure w/in 3 days of last dose (Pertussis)
ABG, Blood C/S, CBG q6H
Shock w/in 48 hrs of last dose (Pertussis)
Fever >40.5°C w/in 48hrs of last dose (Pertussis)
Vit. K 1mg IM now
Hep B 0.5 ml Im now
Not Contraindications
Terramycin/Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment
Mild illness ± low grade fever
Ampicillin – q12h
Current antibiotic therapy
Positive PPD
Attach to pulse oximeter
HBsAg Reactive Mother
- Give HBIg 0.5ml deep IM w/in 12HOL
- CRP at 24HOL
- Blood C/S anytime after birth
Normal CBG: 60-140
Bilirubin: B1B2: ÷ 17.1 (start phototherapy if ≥15)
WBC: ≥20,000 start meds
IT Ratio- stabs/juvenile/total neutrophils = ≥0.2 (+) infection
Reticulocyte – actual Hct/0.40 (desired Hct)X Reticulocyte = N 1-1.5
≥ 1.0 = hemolysis
≤ 1 = bone marrow failure (CRT ÷ 2)
DRUG RD Preparation
Tab: 30mg
Ambroxol Syr. 15mg/ml
Infant drops:6mg/ml
10mkdose (LD)
Amikacin (Amikin, 50mg/mlx2ml
15mkdose (MD)
Amikacide, Onikin) 125mg/mlx2ml
15mg/kg/day (BID)
Cap:250mg; 500mg
Amoxicillin Ped.drops:
30-50 mkday (TID)
(Pediamox) 125mg/1.25ml
50-100 mkday(IV)
30-50 mkday(oral)
Amphotericin B Vial:50mg/10ml
(alternate day)
50-100 mkday (IV)
Ampicillin 30-50mkday (oral)
Forte Syr:250mg/5ml
(Ampicin, Pensyn) 1mg/kg/BW
Ped drops: 125mg/1.25ml
(alternate day)
Tab: 4mg
0.2-0.3 mkdose Amp: 5mg/ml
(TID) Vial:5mg/ml x 10ml
Syr: 2mg/5ml
20-40 mkday (BID-
Co-amoxiclav 312.5mg/5ml
IV Vial:300mg;600mg
Tab: 1g
DRUG RD Preparation DRUG RD Preparation
Tab:250mg;500mg Ethambutol 15 mkday Tab: 400mg;200mg
ASA 75-100 mkday(TID) Enema: 4g Cap:250mg
1mkday (MDR)
Supp:250mg Ferrous sulfate Syr:220mg/5ml
4-6mkday (txc)
Aztreonam 30-50 mkday Drops: 75mg/0.6ml
3-5 mkdose (oral Cap:25mg;50mg Tab:100mg
Furazolidone 4-7mkday
Benadryl TID-QID) Syr:12.5mg/5ml Amp:50mg/5ml
1 mkdose (IV,OD) Inj:50mg/ml Tab:20mg; 40mg
Furosemide 0.5-1 mkdose
0.01 mkdose Q6h Tab:10mg Amp: 10mg/ml
Buscopan Vial: 40mg/ml
0.02-1.5 mkday Amp:20mg Gentamycin 5-8 mkday
10-20 mkday Cap:500mg 80mg/2ml
Carbocisteine (infant)(TID-QID) Syr:100mg/5ml 0.15 mkdose (IV) Tab: 25mg
30-50 mkday (child) Susp:250mg/5ml 0.75 mkdose (oral) Amp: 20mg/2ml
Tab: 10mg/tab OD HS Hydro Vial:259mg
Ceterizine 0.25 mkday 5 mkdose
Syr: 5mg/5ml cortisone Amp:100mg;250mg;500mg
Cap:250mg;500mg 0.01 mkdose Tab: 100mg
Cefaclor 20-40 mkday (TID) Susp:125mg/5ml 0.02-0.15 mkday Amp: 20mg
250mg/5ml Tab: 200mg; 400mg; 600mg
Ibuprofen 5-10 mkdose
Cap:500mg Syr: 100mg/5ml
Cefadroxil 25-50 mkday (TID) 5-10 mkday Tab: 300
Syr:125mg/5ml INH
Cefetamet 20 mkday (BID) (premeals) Syr:100mg/5ml
50-100mkday(BID- Tab: 500mg
Cefotaxime Vial: 1g Isoprinosine 50mkday
TID) Syr: 250mg/5ml
Cefepime 50 mkday q8hrs Vial: 500mg; 2g Meclizine 12.5-50 mkday
Ceftazidime 50-100mkday Vial: 500mg; 1g Cap:250mg;500mg
Mefenamic acid 6.5 mkdose (q6hrs)
Cefazolin 50-100mkday Vial: 500mg; 1g Susp:50mg/5ml
50-100 mkday (TID- Vial:250mg; 500mg; 1mg plus 6 mkday
Ceftriaxone Meperidine
QID) 10ml diluents 0.5 mkdose
Tab: 500mg/500mg Syr:5mg/5ml
0.25 mkdose (IV,IM)
50-100 mkday (IV) Susp:125mg/5ml; Metoclopromide Amp:5mg/ml;
Cefuroxime 1 mkday (0ral)
20-40mkday (oral) 250mg/5ml 10mg/2ml
Vial: 250mg; 750mg; 1.5g Tab:250mg; 500mg
Cap:250mg;500mg Susp: 125mg/5ml
30-50 mkday (oral) Metronidazole 30-50 mkday (TID) Inj:500mg
Cefalexin Susp:125mg/5ml; 250mg/5ml
50-100 mkday(IV) Infusion:500mg/100ml