CHEM 18.1 Schematic Diagram Reviewer
CHEM 18.1 Schematic Diagram Reviewer
CHEM 18.1 Schematic Diagram Reviewer
BaCl2 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear White Clear Clear White White Clear Clear Clear
BaCl2 Light
Clear Clear Clear Clear White Clear Clear White White Clear Clear Clear
HNO3 yellow
Intense Intense Yellow Intense Intense Intense Blood Intense Yellow
FeSO4 Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow
yellow yellow orange yellow yellow yellow red yellow brown
FeSO4 Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow
Red Yellow
H2SO4 (insol.) (insol.) (insol.) (insol.) (insol.) (insol.) (insol.) (insol.) (insol.) (insol.) (insol.)
Start with flame test and NH4+ test (Group E) then take note of the observations
Then, start from the top and work way downward (Group A)
DO NOT DISCARD SUPERNATANT, it will be used for succeeding tests
If no precipitate forms after testing all groups, go back to results of flame test and NH 4+ test (Group E)
Group B (Exer 13) – do not perform CB2 for Cr3+
Group C (Exer 14) – remove last step of PC1; disregard PC2 (no Co 2+); remove last three steps of CC3; disregard PC5 (no Sr 2+)