Money For Life
Money For Life
Money For Life
I will show you bellow my exact strategies that i used to get that number of referrals so you
First i would ask you to sign up with this Bitcoin P2P exchange because we are going to use
its affiliate program to make $$$.
Method 2
This is a little expensive but this can get you hundreds of referrals in mater of days!
You will advertise your referral link on
We are not advertising on because they have a min deposit of 5k if you
want to advertise!
I’ve used this site 2 times and the results were different,my first campaign I got +- 180
referrals and the second time only 120!!!
The best part about the traffic from this site is that your referrals will by active ones.
Method 3
This place can bring you a lot of referrals and your ad will stay up for 9-10 days.
The bid starts at 0.01 btc!
Read everything on the thred and you will by ok!
Method 4
I have used bouth of this sites,but the problem is that I don’t know how many of the referrals
are active because I was also using other traffic sources at that time!!!
Method 5
This method can get you 3-20 referrals every 2 days!
You will advertise your referral link via adfly.
I have made 7 campaigns with adfly and got 90 referrals(60% of the people who signed up
are active).
Here is an example of one of my campaigns!
Click here
As you can see above I have bought 50000 views with 20$!
The campaigns work best on weekends and always select desktop traffic not mobile!
Method 6
Method 7
The best traffic that I found for referrals is buying solo ads!
With 40$ spent you can get 15-40 referrals in 24 hours and here is how I do it and how you
can do it to:
Go here: if you don’t like the site find another one this is the one I use!
Scroll down and you will see that they have an average of 0,35$ per click with a 47%
avarage conversions!
That means if you buy 100 clicks you would probably get 30-40 referrals per campaign!
Just contact the seller that you pick,tell him that you whant to promote your referral link from
paxful and you whant to see how is the traffic converting into signups!!!
This is the best traffic that I have tried untill now!!!
I have made 7 solo ads campaigns and its working great for my!!!
Method 8
Now I will show you how to bring 10-30 referrals per day on autopilot just by spending 1
hour per day!
You can use your pc or smartphone to do this methods!
So we need to find people that don’t know how to buy bitcoin or its hard for them to buy
bitcoin from their country (tier 3 countries)!!!
The first thing you need to do is go to youtube and search for ex: buy bitcoin
Now filter your search selecting /this month or /this week
You click on a video and you go to the comment section and look for people that comment
on: don’t know where or how to buy bitcoin!
This is the perfect example here:
Click here
So this guy wants to buy bitcoin using his card but he doesent know where to find a legit
site to do it!
And here is where I step in and live him a comment with my referral link and a short
decription of the site(our site).
So he and many others that are in the same situation as him will click and sign up with my
There are many questions like this one on the same video,you only have to look on every
video and find comments like this and answer them with your referral link!
Its very simple!
You will need like 10 youtube accounts and don’t comment more then 8 times per day using
one account!
If you guys have any questions dont hasitate to pm my or post it here,if you guys signed up
with my link send my a pm i will send you my best traffic source (methods) that will bring
you a lot of active referrals!